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Bashkir in the Travel Books of the 19th Centur

Yıl 2012, Sayı: 55, 135 - 153, 28.11.2013


Ural Mountains and Volga River are located in a huge geographical area that has been home to many communities in history. In addition to being sites of different civilizations and people, this region was the westward migration routes of the Turks, especially in previous centuries BC. This has increased scientists' interest in geography twice as much, especially the Turks. In 19th century important changes occurred in the history of the region. The wars affecting the whole world and struggles between civilizations increased and the world witnessed the fights of the powerful states to grab a share of this great pie. In this period Westerners flocked to these regions under the name of different professions or as a pilgrim to get information. In this study, we will seek to demonstrate the information given about Bashkir on the basis of pilgrims' works. Particularly their place of residence, social lives, homes, livehoods, clothing and the relations with Russia will be examined in the light of the data in travel books.


Ural dağları ve Volga nehrinin bulunduğu coğrafya tarihte pek çok topluluğa ev sahipliği yapmış büyük bir bölgedir. Farklı medeniyetler ve kavimlerin yurt edindikleri sahalar olmasının yanında, özellikle milattan sonraki yüzyıllarda Türklerin batıya doğru yaptıkları göçlerin bu güzergahta olması ilim adamlarının, bilhassa Türklerin, bu coğrafyaya olan ilgisini bir kat daha artırmıştır. 19. yüzyılda bölgenin tarihinde önemli değişiklikler meydana gelmiştir. Dünyayı etkileyen savaşlar ve medeniyetler arasındaki mücadeleler hız kazanmış, dünya güçlü devletlerin pasta kapma yarışına sahne olmuştur. İşte bu dönemde batılı seyyahlar farklı meslekler adı altında veya seyyah olarak bölge hakkında bilgi edinmek üzere bu coğrafyalara akın etmişlerdir. Biz çalışmamızda bu seyyahların eserlerine dayanarak Başkurtlar hakkında verdikleri bilgileri ortaya koymaya çalışacağız. Özellikle Başkurtların yaşadıkları coğrafya, sosyal hayatları, evleri, geçim kaynakları, kıyafetleri ve Ruslarla olan münasebetleri seyahatnamelerdeki veriler ışığında incelenecektir.


  • “Bashkir”, The Edinburgh Encyclopedia, ed. David Brewster, Vol. III, Printed For William Blackwood, Edinburgh 1830, p. 508.
  • A Narrative of The Russian Military Expedition to Khiva, Under General Perofski in 1839, Calcutta 1867.
  • Artamonov, M. İ., Hazar Tarihi, çev. A. Batur, Selenge Yayınları, İstanbul 2004.
  • Atkinson, Thomas Witlam,
  • Oriental And Western Siberia,
  • Harper&Brothers, New-York 1858.
  • Cochrane, John Dundas, Narrative of A Pedestrian Journey Trough Russia and Siberian Tartary, Vol. I, Printed for Charles Knight, London 18242.
  • De Humbolt, A., Asie Centrale, Recherches Sur Les Chaines Des Montagnes, Tome II, Paris 1843.
  • Demir, Bekir, “Başkurdistan Cumhuriyetinde Milli Dil ve Devlet Dili Problemi”, Bilig Dergisi, 30 (Yaz/2004), Ankara 2006, s. 39-49.
  • Ergun, M. - G. İbrahimov, Başkurt Halk Destanı Ural Batır, Türksoy Yayınları, Ankara 1996.
  • Erman, Adoph, Travel in Siberia, Vol. I, Trans. from german W.D. Cooley, Philadelphia: Lea&Blanchard 1850.
  • Goodrich, S.G., A History of all Nations, Vol. II, The Auburn Pub., New- York 1859.
  • Gouzevitch, D. - I. Gouzevitch, “The Difficult Challenges of a Man’s Land or the Russian Road to the Professionalization of Women’s engineering (1850-1920)”, Barcelona/Espanya: 2000, p. 133-183. df, 15.02.2012.
  • Quaderns D’Hıstoria De L’Enginyeria, Vol. IV,
  • Guillemard, Robert, Mémoires de Robert Guillemard, Sergent En Retraite Suivis de Documents Historiques, La Plupart İnédits de 1805 a 1823, Tome I, De la forets, Paris 1826.
  • Hakluyt, Richard, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Notion, Vol. II, 2006.
  • Histoire Des Decouvertes, Faites Par Divers Savans Voyageurs, Tome V, Chez François Seizer et Comp, Berne 1787.
  • Hommaire de Hell, Xavier, Les Steppes De La Mer Caspienne, Le Caucase, La Crimée et La Russie Méridionale, Tome I, P. Bertrand, Paris 1843.
  • Ibn Fazlan Seyahatnamesi, çev. R. Şeşen, Bedir Yayınları, İstanbul 1995.
  • Le Torrivelec, Xavier, “Adieu au Bachkortostan?”, Strates [en ligne], 12/2006, mis en ligne le 19 juillet 2007, URL:
  • Le Torrivelec, Xavier, “Entre Steppes et Stéles Territoires et İdentités au Bashkortostan”, Cahier Du Monde Russe, 41/2-3, Avril-Septembre 2000, pp. 369-400.
  • M. Baron de Strahlenberg, Description Historique de L’Empire Russien, Tome I, Desaint-Saillant, Amsterdam 1757.
  • Marshall, T.W.M., Christian Missions; Their Agents, And Their Results, Vol. II, New York 1864.
  • Once A Week An Illustrated Miscellany of Litarature, Art, Science & Popular Information, Vol. V, Bradbury&Evans, London 1861.
  • Pinkerton, John, Modern Geography, A Description of The Empires, Kingdoms, States, And Colonies, Vol. II, John Conrad, Philadelphia 1804.
  • Potocki, C. Jean, Voyages Dans Les Steppes D’Astrakhan Et du Caucase, Tome 1, Merlin Libraire, Paris 1829.
  • Saint Julien, Charles De - M. R. Bourdier, Voyage Pittoresque En Russie. Suivi d’un Voyage En Sibérie, Belin-Leprieur et Morizot, Paris 1854.
  • Saray, Mehmet, Rus İşgali Devrinde Osmanlı Devleti ile Türkistan Hanlıkları Arasındaki Siyasi Münasebetler (1775-1875), İ. Ü. Basımevi, İstanbul 1990.
  • Schamiloglu, Ulı, “The Formation of A Tatar Historical Consciousness: Sıhabäddin Märcani and the Image of The Golden Horde”, Central Asian Survey, Vol. IX, No.2, Great Britain 1990, pp. 39-49.
  • Taylor, Isaac, Scenes In Asia: For The Amusement And Instruction of Little Tarry-At-Home Travellers, Printed for Harris and Son, St. Paul’s Church London 18223.
  • The British Cyclopædia of the Arts, Sciences, History, Geography, Partington, ed. F. Charles, Vol. III, Amer Corner, London 1838.
  • The Penny Cyclopædia of The Society for The Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, Vol. III, Charles Knight, London 1835.
  • The Popular Encyclopedia, Vol. I, Part II, Glasgow 1836.
  • Ujfalvy-Bourdon, Marie De, “D’Orenburg A Samarkand Le Ferganah, Kouldja et La Sibérie Occidentale”, Le Tour Du Monde, Deuxiémes Semestre, Libraire-Hachette, Paris-Londre 1879, p. 81-96.
  • Venables, R. Lister, Domestic Scenes in Russia in a Series of Letters, John Murray, London 1839.
  • von Rubruk, Wilhelm, Moğolların Büyük Hanına Seyahat 1253-1255, çev. E. Ayan, Ayışığı Kitapları, İstanbul 2001. PHOTOGRAPS photo 1 Bashkir Gentlemen
  • G. Fisher, Orenburg 1892 Photo 2 Bashkirs Michael Bukar, 1872
Yıl 2012, Sayı: 55, 135 - 153, 28.11.2013



  • “Bashkir”, The Edinburgh Encyclopedia, ed. David Brewster, Vol. III, Printed For William Blackwood, Edinburgh 1830, p. 508.
  • A Narrative of The Russian Military Expedition to Khiva, Under General Perofski in 1839, Calcutta 1867.
  • Artamonov, M. İ., Hazar Tarihi, çev. A. Batur, Selenge Yayınları, İstanbul 2004.
  • Atkinson, Thomas Witlam,
  • Oriental And Western Siberia,
  • Harper&Brothers, New-York 1858.
  • Cochrane, John Dundas, Narrative of A Pedestrian Journey Trough Russia and Siberian Tartary, Vol. I, Printed for Charles Knight, London 18242.
  • De Humbolt, A., Asie Centrale, Recherches Sur Les Chaines Des Montagnes, Tome II, Paris 1843.
  • Demir, Bekir, “Başkurdistan Cumhuriyetinde Milli Dil ve Devlet Dili Problemi”, Bilig Dergisi, 30 (Yaz/2004), Ankara 2006, s. 39-49.
  • Ergun, M. - G. İbrahimov, Başkurt Halk Destanı Ural Batır, Türksoy Yayınları, Ankara 1996.
  • Erman, Adoph, Travel in Siberia, Vol. I, Trans. from german W.D. Cooley, Philadelphia: Lea&Blanchard 1850.
  • Goodrich, S.G., A History of all Nations, Vol. II, The Auburn Pub., New- York 1859.
  • Gouzevitch, D. - I. Gouzevitch, “The Difficult Challenges of a Man’s Land or the Russian Road to the Professionalization of Women’s engineering (1850-1920)”, Barcelona/Espanya: 2000, p. 133-183. df, 15.02.2012.
  • Quaderns D’Hıstoria De L’Enginyeria, Vol. IV,
  • Guillemard, Robert, Mémoires de Robert Guillemard, Sergent En Retraite Suivis de Documents Historiques, La Plupart İnédits de 1805 a 1823, Tome I, De la forets, Paris 1826.
  • Hakluyt, Richard, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Notion, Vol. II, 2006.
  • Histoire Des Decouvertes, Faites Par Divers Savans Voyageurs, Tome V, Chez François Seizer et Comp, Berne 1787.
  • Hommaire de Hell, Xavier, Les Steppes De La Mer Caspienne, Le Caucase, La Crimée et La Russie Méridionale, Tome I, P. Bertrand, Paris 1843.
  • Ibn Fazlan Seyahatnamesi, çev. R. Şeşen, Bedir Yayınları, İstanbul 1995.
  • Le Torrivelec, Xavier, “Adieu au Bachkortostan?”, Strates [en ligne], 12/2006, mis en ligne le 19 juillet 2007, URL:
  • Le Torrivelec, Xavier, “Entre Steppes et Stéles Territoires et İdentités au Bashkortostan”, Cahier Du Monde Russe, 41/2-3, Avril-Septembre 2000, pp. 369-400.
  • M. Baron de Strahlenberg, Description Historique de L’Empire Russien, Tome I, Desaint-Saillant, Amsterdam 1757.
  • Marshall, T.W.M., Christian Missions; Their Agents, And Their Results, Vol. II, New York 1864.
  • Once A Week An Illustrated Miscellany of Litarature, Art, Science & Popular Information, Vol. V, Bradbury&Evans, London 1861.
  • Pinkerton, John, Modern Geography, A Description of The Empires, Kingdoms, States, And Colonies, Vol. II, John Conrad, Philadelphia 1804.
  • Potocki, C. Jean, Voyages Dans Les Steppes D’Astrakhan Et du Caucase, Tome 1, Merlin Libraire, Paris 1829.
  • Saint Julien, Charles De - M. R. Bourdier, Voyage Pittoresque En Russie. Suivi d’un Voyage En Sibérie, Belin-Leprieur et Morizot, Paris 1854.
  • Saray, Mehmet, Rus İşgali Devrinde Osmanlı Devleti ile Türkistan Hanlıkları Arasındaki Siyasi Münasebetler (1775-1875), İ. Ü. Basımevi, İstanbul 1990.
  • Schamiloglu, Ulı, “The Formation of A Tatar Historical Consciousness: Sıhabäddin Märcani and the Image of The Golden Horde”, Central Asian Survey, Vol. IX, No.2, Great Britain 1990, pp. 39-49.
  • Taylor, Isaac, Scenes In Asia: For The Amusement And Instruction of Little Tarry-At-Home Travellers, Printed for Harris and Son, St. Paul’s Church London 18223.
  • The British Cyclopædia of the Arts, Sciences, History, Geography, Partington, ed. F. Charles, Vol. III, Amer Corner, London 1838.
  • The Penny Cyclopædia of The Society for The Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, Vol. III, Charles Knight, London 1835.
  • The Popular Encyclopedia, Vol. I, Part II, Glasgow 1836.
  • Ujfalvy-Bourdon, Marie De, “D’Orenburg A Samarkand Le Ferganah, Kouldja et La Sibérie Occidentale”, Le Tour Du Monde, Deuxiémes Semestre, Libraire-Hachette, Paris-Londre 1879, p. 81-96.
  • Venables, R. Lister, Domestic Scenes in Russia in a Series of Letters, John Murray, London 1839.
  • von Rubruk, Wilhelm, Moğolların Büyük Hanına Seyahat 1253-1255, çev. E. Ayan, Ayışığı Kitapları, İstanbul 2001. PHOTOGRAPS photo 1 Bashkir Gentlemen
  • G. Fisher, Orenburg 1892 Photo 2 Bashkirs Michael Bukar, 1872
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Makaleler

İsmail Mangaltepe

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Kasım 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Sayı: 55

Kaynak Göster

APA Mangaltepe, İ. (2013). Bashkir in the Travel Books of the 19th Centur. Tarih Dergisi(55), 135-153.
AMA Mangaltepe İ. Bashkir in the Travel Books of the 19th Centur. Tarih Dergisi. Kasım 2013;(55):135-153.
Chicago Mangaltepe, İsmail. “Bashkir in the Travel Books of the 19th Centur”. Tarih Dergisi, sy. 55 (Kasım 2013): 135-53.
EndNote Mangaltepe İ (01 Kasım 2013) Bashkir in the Travel Books of the 19th Centur. Tarih Dergisi 55 135–153.
IEEE İ. Mangaltepe, “Bashkir in the Travel Books of the 19th Centur”, Tarih Dergisi, sy. 55, ss. 135–153, Kasım 2013.
ISNAD Mangaltepe, İsmail. “Bashkir in the Travel Books of the 19th Centur”. Tarih Dergisi 55 (Kasım 2013), 135-153.
JAMA Mangaltepe İ. Bashkir in the Travel Books of the 19th Centur. Tarih Dergisi. 2013;:135–153.
MLA Mangaltepe, İsmail. “Bashkir in the Travel Books of the 19th Centur”. Tarih Dergisi, sy. 55, 2013, ss. 135-53.
Vancouver Mangaltepe İ. Bashkir in the Travel Books of the 19th Centur. Tarih Dergisi. 2013(55):135-53.