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Levant Amerikan Ticaret Odası Tarihi (1911-1914)

Yıl 2024, Sayı: 46, 43 - 71, 30.12.2024


Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ile Osmanlı İmparatorluğu arasındaki ilişki, 7 Mayıs 1830’da iki devlet arasında imzalanan ticaret anlaşmasıyla başlamıştır. Bu anlaşmayı yıllar içinde başka anlaşmalar da takip etmiş ve iki devlet arasındaki dostluk ilişkisi Amerikalı tüccarları Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'na gelmeye teşvik etmiştir. Ancak iki ülke arasındaki anlaşmaya rağmen ticaret beklenen düzeyde olmamıştır. Bunun Osmanlı’nın uzak bir kıta olması, direkt buharlı vapur hattının bulunmaması, bankacılık yetersizliği gibi pek çok nedeni vardı. Ancak bu durgunlukta ABD’nin ana politikalarının da etkisi mevcuttu. ABD'nin 1899'da benimsediği yeni tutumu ”Açık Kapı Politikası” ile Amerikan tarihi farklı bir yöne doğru yol almış, bu tarihten sonra Amerika Levant dâhil birçok kıta ve ülkede faaliyet göstermeye başlamıştır. Bu politikanın gereği olarak, ilk önce -1906 yılında- İstanbul'daki misyonunu büyükelçiliğe dönüştürmüş ardından -1911 yılında- Levant’ta ticareti geliştirmek amacıyla ”Levant Amerikan Ticaret Odası”nı kurmuştur. Makalede, Amerikan ticaretinin dünyaya yayılmasında önemli bir kurum olan odanın Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’ndaki kuruluş öyküsü ve iki ülke arasındaki ticareti geliştirme çabaları ele alınmıştır.

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Proje Numarası

Tübitak 122C046


Bu makale, TÜBİTAK tarafından desteklenen 122C046 numaralı projeden üretilmiştir.


  • Official publications google scholar
  • Presidency of State Archives, Ottoman Archive google scholar
  • BOA.BEO. 3898/292287, BOA.BEO.3901/ 292528, google scholar
  • BOA.DH. SYS. 46/6, google scholar
  • BOA.HR.SYS. 2909/82, BOA.HR.SYS. 2909/92. google scholar
  • BOA.MV. 164/57, BOA.MV.165/35. google scholar
  • Department of Commerce and Labor, The Bureau of Manufacturers, Daily Consular and Trade Reports google scholar
  • “American Chamber of Commerce for Turkey”, Daily Consular and Trade Reports, No.40, Washington, 16 Feb. 1912, p.713. google scholar
  • “Shipments by Consular Districts”, Daily Consular and Trade Reports, No.55, Washington, 6 March 1912, p.956. google scholar
  • “Increased Turkish Shipments to United States”, Daily Consular and Trade Reports, No.55, Washington, 6 March 1912, p.956. google scholar
  • “Aid from Government-Banking Facilities”, Daily Consular and Trade Reports, No.55, Washington, 6 March 1912, p.1077. google scholar
  • “Turkey”, Daily Consular and Trade Reports, No.63, Washington, 15 March 1912, p.1076 google scholar
  • “Direct Steamship Service”, Daily Consular and Trade Reports, No.157, Washington, 7 July1914, p.108 google scholar
  • “Exports to the United States”, Daily Consular and Trade Reports, No.157, Washington, 7 July 1914, p.110. google scholar
  • “Exports to the United States”, Daily Consular and Trade Reports, No.169, Washington, 21 July 1914, p.392. google scholar
  • “Egyptian Commercial Methods”, Daily Consular and Trade Reports, No.169, Washington, 21 July 1914, pp.393-4. google scholar
  • “Silk Industry”, Daily Consular and Trade Reports, No.175, Washington, 29 July 1913, p.553. google scholar
  • “Imports from the United States”, Daily Consular and Trade Reports, No.185, Washington, 9 Aug. 1913, pp.794-5. google scholar
  • “Trade Review of Syria”, Beirut. Daily Consular and Trade Reports, No.187, Washington, 12 Aug. 1913, p.833. google scholar
  • “Freight and Passenger Traffic-Shipping”, Daily Consular and Trade Reports, No.169, Washington, 21 July 1914, pp.394-5. google scholar
  • Periodicals google scholar
  • ‘Sisam’dan Alinan Haberler’, Ahenk, No.4930, 30 Sept. 1912, p.2. google scholar
  • ‘American Chamber of Commerce for Turkey’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.1, No.1, June 1911, p.1. google scholar
  • ‘The Presidency of The Chamber’, Levant Trade Review, (Vol.1/ No.1, June 1911, p.3. google scholar
  • ‘The Initial Number of Levant Trade Review’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.1, No.1, June 1911, p.104. google scholar
  • ‘Smyrna Branch American Chamber of Commerce for Turkey’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.1, No.1, June 1911, pp.95-100. google scholar
  • ‘Summary of Minutes of 3rd Session of the American Chamber of Commerce for Turkey’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.1, No.1, June 1911, p.38. google scholar
  • ‘Salonica Branch American Chamber of Commerce for Turkey.” Levant Trade Review, Vol.1, No.1, June 1911, pp.105-10. google scholar
  • ‘Reception To Ambassador Rockhill by The Chamber of Commerce’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.1, No.2, Nov. 1911, pp.210-5. google scholar
  • ‘Levant Trade Review Correspondents’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.1, No.2, Nov. 1911, p.233. google scholar
  • ‘Exports from Beirut, Syria to the United States of America’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.1, No.4, March 1912, p.375. google scholar
  • ‘The Chamber’s 2nd Annual Meeting’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.1, No.4, March 1912, pp.388-96. google scholar
  • ‘American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.1, No.4, March 1912, pp.388-400. google scholar
  • ‘Cairo Branch American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.1, No.4, March 1912, p.462. google scholar
  • ‘Smyrna Branch American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.1, No.4, March 1912, pp.448-54. google scholar
  • ‘Cairo Branch American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.2, No.1, June 1912, p.18. google scholar
  • ‘Smyrna Branch American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.2, No.1, June 1912, p.50. google scholar
  • ‘Hon W. Stanley Hollis’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.2, No.1, June 1912, p.97. google scholar
  • ‘Beirut Branch American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.2, No.1, June 1912, p.97. google scholar
  • ‘Salonica Branch American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.2, No.1, June 1912, pp.98-9. google scholar
  • ‘Salonica Branch American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.2, No.2, Sept. 1912, p.152. google scholar
  • ‘International Congress of Chambers of Commerce’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.2, No.2, Sept. 1912, p.204. google scholar
  • ‘American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant Beirut Branch’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.2, No.3, Dec. 1912, p.213. google scholar
  • ‘Notice Regarding Membership’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.2, No.3, Dec. 1912. google scholar
  • ‘American Trade Relations with the Near East’, Levant Trade Review, (undated volume, after 1912), pp.4-11 google scholar
  • ‘Suleiman Effendi Bustani’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.3, No.1, June 1913, p.76. google scholar
  • ‘Beirut Branch American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.3, No.1, June 1913, p.77. google scholar
  • ‘American Commercial Organizations in Foreign Countries’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.3, No.3, Dec. 1913, p.206. google scholar
  • ‘Invitation to Levant’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.3, No.3, Dec. 1913, p.225. google scholar
  • ‘Letter from Beirut, Syria’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.3, No.3, Dec. 1913, p.280. google scholar
  • ‘The Chamber’s Banquet’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.3, No.4, March 1914, pp.303-14. google scholar
  • “Hapag’s New Levant Line”, Levant Trade Review, Vol.3, No.4, March 1914, p.394. google scholar
  • ‘Salonica Branch American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.3, No.4, March 1914, pp.350-4. google scholar
  • ‘American Commercial Excursion into the Mediterranean’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.4, No.1, June 1914, pp.50-6. google scholar
  • ‘Trade of Turkey’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.4, No.2, Sept. 1914, p.134. google scholar
  • ‘Salonica Branch American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.4, No.3, Dec.1914, p.282. google scholar
  • ‘Our 5th Annual Meeting’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.4, No.4, March 1915, pp.315-9. google scholar
  • ‘Smyrna Branch American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.4, No.4, March 1915, p.346. google scholar
  • ‘Empire News’, The Orient, (Vol. I/No.47), 8 March 1911, p.6. google scholar
  • ‘American Chamber of Commerce for Turkey’, The Orient, (Vol. I/No.50), 29 March 1911, p.5. google scholar
  • Copyrighted Works google scholar
  • Babacan, H. and Avşar, S.: Cavid Bey Meşrutiyet Ruznamesi, Türk Tarih Kurumu, Ankara, 2014. google scholar
  • Binbaşı Mustafa Rasim: Memalik-i Mahrusa-i Şahane Coğrafyası, Tophane-i Amire Matbaası, 1305. google scholar
  • Bryson, T.A.: “Admiral Mark L. Bristol, an Open Door Diplomat in Turkey”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 5, No. 4, Sep. 1974, pp. 450-467. google scholar
  • Gordon, L.J.: American Relations With Turkey, London, 1932. google scholar
  • Görgün, H.: ‘Mısır’, TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi, C.29, 2004, pp. 569-75. google scholar
  • Güneş, İ.: Meşrutiyet’ten Cumhuriyet’e Türkiye’de Hükümetler , Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, İstanbul, 2012. google scholar
  • Küçük, H.: ‘Levant Trade Review and Turkish-American Commercial Relations 19111931’, unpub. M.Sc.Thesis, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, 2019. google scholar
  • Rankin, R.: The Inner History of the Balkan War, Constable and Company, London, 1914. google scholar
  • Ravndal, G.B.: Turkish Markets for American Hardware, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, 1917. google scholar
  • Rixford, G.P.: Smyrna Fig Culture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, 1918. google scholar
  • Selanik Vilayet Salnamesi, Selanik, 1325. google scholar
  • Selam, S.A.: Beyrut Şehremininin Anıları, 1908-1918, Klasik Yayınları, İstanbul, 2005. google scholar
  • Toprak, Z.: Türkiye’de Milli İktisat, Dogan Kitap, İstanbul, 2012. google scholar
  • Turan, Ş.: ‘Levant’, TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi, Cilt.27, 2003, pp.145-7. google scholar
  • Umar, Ö. O.: ‘Trablusgarp Savaşı Sırasında İtalya’nın Beyrut’u Bombardımanı’, Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi Dergisi, Vol.51, 2001, pp.727-864. google scholar

History of American Chamber of Commerce for The Levant (1911-1914)

Yıl 2024, Sayı: 46, 43 - 71, 30.12.2024


The relationship between the United States and the Ottoman Empire began on May 7, 1830, with the signing of a commercial agreement between the two states. This agreement was followed by subsequent treaties over the years, and the amicable relationship between the two nations encouraged American merchants to engage with the Ottoman Empire. However, despite these agreements, trade did not reach the anticipated levels. Several factors contributed to this stagnation, including the geographic distance of the Ottoman Empire, the absence of a direct steam ferry line, and deficiencies in the banking system. Additionally, U.S. policies played a significant role in this limited trade activity. The adoption of the ‘Open Door Policy’ in 1899 marked a turning point, as it prompted the U.S. to become more active in many regions, including the Levant. As part of this new approach, the U.S. upgraded its mission in Istanbul to an embassy in 1906. Subsequently, in 1911, it established the ‘American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant’ to promote trade in the region. This article examines the establishment of the chamber- an institution that played a pivotal role in the global expansion of American commerce-in the Ottoman Empire and its efforts to foster trade between the two nations.

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası

Tübitak 122C046


This article was produced from Project Number 122C046 supported by TUBITAK.


  • Official publications google scholar
  • Presidency of State Archives, Ottoman Archive google scholar
  • BOA.BEO. 3898/292287, BOA.BEO.3901/ 292528, google scholar
  • BOA.DH. SYS. 46/6, google scholar
  • BOA.HR.SYS. 2909/82, BOA.HR.SYS. 2909/92. google scholar
  • BOA.MV. 164/57, BOA.MV.165/35. google scholar
  • Department of Commerce and Labor, The Bureau of Manufacturers, Daily Consular and Trade Reports google scholar
  • “American Chamber of Commerce for Turkey”, Daily Consular and Trade Reports, No.40, Washington, 16 Feb. 1912, p.713. google scholar
  • “Shipments by Consular Districts”, Daily Consular and Trade Reports, No.55, Washington, 6 March 1912, p.956. google scholar
  • “Increased Turkish Shipments to United States”, Daily Consular and Trade Reports, No.55, Washington, 6 March 1912, p.956. google scholar
  • “Aid from Government-Banking Facilities”, Daily Consular and Trade Reports, No.55, Washington, 6 March 1912, p.1077. google scholar
  • “Turkey”, Daily Consular and Trade Reports, No.63, Washington, 15 March 1912, p.1076 google scholar
  • “Direct Steamship Service”, Daily Consular and Trade Reports, No.157, Washington, 7 July1914, p.108 google scholar
  • “Exports to the United States”, Daily Consular and Trade Reports, No.157, Washington, 7 July 1914, p.110. google scholar
  • “Exports to the United States”, Daily Consular and Trade Reports, No.169, Washington, 21 July 1914, p.392. google scholar
  • “Egyptian Commercial Methods”, Daily Consular and Trade Reports, No.169, Washington, 21 July 1914, pp.393-4. google scholar
  • “Silk Industry”, Daily Consular and Trade Reports, No.175, Washington, 29 July 1913, p.553. google scholar
  • “Imports from the United States”, Daily Consular and Trade Reports, No.185, Washington, 9 Aug. 1913, pp.794-5. google scholar
  • “Trade Review of Syria”, Beirut. Daily Consular and Trade Reports, No.187, Washington, 12 Aug. 1913, p.833. google scholar
  • “Freight and Passenger Traffic-Shipping”, Daily Consular and Trade Reports, No.169, Washington, 21 July 1914, pp.394-5. google scholar
  • Periodicals google scholar
  • ‘Sisam’dan Alinan Haberler’, Ahenk, No.4930, 30 Sept. 1912, p.2. google scholar
  • ‘American Chamber of Commerce for Turkey’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.1, No.1, June 1911, p.1. google scholar
  • ‘The Presidency of The Chamber’, Levant Trade Review, (Vol.1/ No.1, June 1911, p.3. google scholar
  • ‘The Initial Number of Levant Trade Review’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.1, No.1, June 1911, p.104. google scholar
  • ‘Smyrna Branch American Chamber of Commerce for Turkey’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.1, No.1, June 1911, pp.95-100. google scholar
  • ‘Summary of Minutes of 3rd Session of the American Chamber of Commerce for Turkey’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.1, No.1, June 1911, p.38. google scholar
  • ‘Salonica Branch American Chamber of Commerce for Turkey.” Levant Trade Review, Vol.1, No.1, June 1911, pp.105-10. google scholar
  • ‘Reception To Ambassador Rockhill by The Chamber of Commerce’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.1, No.2, Nov. 1911, pp.210-5. google scholar
  • ‘Levant Trade Review Correspondents’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.1, No.2, Nov. 1911, p.233. google scholar
  • ‘Exports from Beirut, Syria to the United States of America’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.1, No.4, March 1912, p.375. google scholar
  • ‘The Chamber’s 2nd Annual Meeting’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.1, No.4, March 1912, pp.388-96. google scholar
  • ‘American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.1, No.4, March 1912, pp.388-400. google scholar
  • ‘Cairo Branch American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.1, No.4, March 1912, p.462. google scholar
  • ‘Smyrna Branch American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.1, No.4, March 1912, pp.448-54. google scholar
  • ‘Cairo Branch American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.2, No.1, June 1912, p.18. google scholar
  • ‘Smyrna Branch American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.2, No.1, June 1912, p.50. google scholar
  • ‘Hon W. Stanley Hollis’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.2, No.1, June 1912, p.97. google scholar
  • ‘Beirut Branch American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.2, No.1, June 1912, p.97. google scholar
  • ‘Salonica Branch American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.2, No.1, June 1912, pp.98-9. google scholar
  • ‘Salonica Branch American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.2, No.2, Sept. 1912, p.152. google scholar
  • ‘International Congress of Chambers of Commerce’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.2, No.2, Sept. 1912, p.204. google scholar
  • ‘American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant Beirut Branch’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.2, No.3, Dec. 1912, p.213. google scholar
  • ‘Notice Regarding Membership’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.2, No.3, Dec. 1912. google scholar
  • ‘American Trade Relations with the Near East’, Levant Trade Review, (undated volume, after 1912), pp.4-11 google scholar
  • ‘Suleiman Effendi Bustani’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.3, No.1, June 1913, p.76. google scholar
  • ‘Beirut Branch American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.3, No.1, June 1913, p.77. google scholar
  • ‘American Commercial Organizations in Foreign Countries’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.3, No.3, Dec. 1913, p.206. google scholar
  • ‘Invitation to Levant’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.3, No.3, Dec. 1913, p.225. google scholar
  • ‘Letter from Beirut, Syria’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.3, No.3, Dec. 1913, p.280. google scholar
  • ‘The Chamber’s Banquet’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.3, No.4, March 1914, pp.303-14. google scholar
  • “Hapag’s New Levant Line”, Levant Trade Review, Vol.3, No.4, March 1914, p.394. google scholar
  • ‘Salonica Branch American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.3, No.4, March 1914, pp.350-4. google scholar
  • ‘American Commercial Excursion into the Mediterranean’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.4, No.1, June 1914, pp.50-6. google scholar
  • ‘Trade of Turkey’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.4, No.2, Sept. 1914, p.134. google scholar
  • ‘Salonica Branch American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.4, No.3, Dec.1914, p.282. google scholar
  • ‘Our 5th Annual Meeting’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.4, No.4, March 1915, pp.315-9. google scholar
  • ‘Smyrna Branch American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant’, Levant Trade Review, Vol.4, No.4, March 1915, p.346. google scholar
  • ‘Empire News’, The Orient, (Vol. I/No.47), 8 March 1911, p.6. google scholar
  • ‘American Chamber of Commerce for Turkey’, The Orient, (Vol. I/No.50), 29 March 1911, p.5. google scholar
  • Copyrighted Works google scholar
  • Babacan, H. and Avşar, S.: Cavid Bey Meşrutiyet Ruznamesi, Türk Tarih Kurumu, Ankara, 2014. google scholar
  • Binbaşı Mustafa Rasim: Memalik-i Mahrusa-i Şahane Coğrafyası, Tophane-i Amire Matbaası, 1305. google scholar
  • Bryson, T.A.: “Admiral Mark L. Bristol, an Open Door Diplomat in Turkey”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 5, No. 4, Sep. 1974, pp. 450-467. google scholar
  • Gordon, L.J.: American Relations With Turkey, London, 1932. google scholar
  • Görgün, H.: ‘Mısır’, TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi, C.29, 2004, pp. 569-75. google scholar
  • Güneş, İ.: Meşrutiyet’ten Cumhuriyet’e Türkiye’de Hükümetler , Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, İstanbul, 2012. google scholar
  • Küçük, H.: ‘Levant Trade Review and Turkish-American Commercial Relations 19111931’, unpub. M.Sc.Thesis, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, 2019. google scholar
  • Rankin, R.: The Inner History of the Balkan War, Constable and Company, London, 1914. google scholar
  • Ravndal, G.B.: Turkish Markets for American Hardware, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, 1917. google scholar
  • Rixford, G.P.: Smyrna Fig Culture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, 1918. google scholar
  • Selanik Vilayet Salnamesi, Selanik, 1325. google scholar
  • Selam, S.A.: Beyrut Şehremininin Anıları, 1908-1918, Klasik Yayınları, İstanbul, 2005. google scholar
  • Toprak, Z.: Türkiye’de Milli İktisat, Dogan Kitap, İstanbul, 2012. google scholar
  • Turan, Ş.: ‘Levant’, TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi, Cilt.27, 2003, pp.145-7. google scholar
  • Umar, Ö. O.: ‘Trablusgarp Savaşı Sırasında İtalya’nın Beyrut’u Bombardımanı’, Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi Dergisi, Vol.51, 2001, pp.727-864. google scholar
Toplam 76 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Genel Türk Tarihi (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Nesrin Kanberoğlu 0000-0001-5614-9224

Ramazan Erhan Güllü 0000-0002-6819-4003

Proje Numarası Tübitak 122C046
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Ağustos 2024
Kabul Tarihi 20 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Sayı: 46

Kaynak Göster

APA Kanberoğlu, N., & Güllü, R. E. (2024). History of American Chamber of Commerce for The Levant (1911-1914). Recent Period Turkish Studies(46), 43-71.
AMA Kanberoğlu N, Güllü RE. History of American Chamber of Commerce for The Levant (1911-1914). Recent Period Turkish Studies. Aralık 2024;(46):43-71. doi:10.26650/YTA2024-1531099
Chicago Kanberoğlu, Nesrin, ve Ramazan Erhan Güllü. “History of American Chamber of Commerce for The Levant (1911-1914)”. Recent Period Turkish Studies, sy. 46 (Aralık 2024): 43-71.
EndNote Kanberoğlu N, Güllü RE (01 Aralık 2024) History of American Chamber of Commerce for The Levant (1911-1914). Recent Period Turkish Studies 46 43–71.
IEEE N. Kanberoğlu ve R. E. Güllü, “History of American Chamber of Commerce for The Levant (1911-1914)”, Recent Period Turkish Studies, sy. 46, ss. 43–71, Aralık 2024, doi: 10.26650/YTA2024-1531099.
ISNAD Kanberoğlu, Nesrin - Güllü, Ramazan Erhan. “History of American Chamber of Commerce for The Levant (1911-1914)”. Recent Period Turkish Studies 46 (Aralık 2024), 43-71.
JAMA Kanberoğlu N, Güllü RE. History of American Chamber of Commerce for The Levant (1911-1914). Recent Period Turkish Studies. 2024;:43–71.
MLA Kanberoğlu, Nesrin ve Ramazan Erhan Güllü. “History of American Chamber of Commerce for The Levant (1911-1914)”. Recent Period Turkish Studies, sy. 46, 2024, ss. 43-71, doi:10.26650/YTA2024-1531099.
Vancouver Kanberoğlu N, Güllü RE. History of American Chamber of Commerce for The Levant (1911-1914). Recent Period Turkish Studies. 2024(46):43-71.