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İngilizlere Başkaldırı: Sipahi İsyanında Bengal Ordusunu İsyana Götüren Sebepler

Yıl 2021, , 26 - 38, 30.06.2021


Bu çalışma İngiliz Doğu Hindistan Şirketi tarafından kurulan Bengal ordusu askerlerini ele almaktadır. Hintli askerlerden oluşan bu ordunun 1857 yılında isyan etmesinin altında yatan sebeplerin tespit edilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Çalışma ile Bengal ordusunda görev almış Hindu ve Müslüman askerlerinin yetiştikleri toplum, kast sistemi içindeki sınıfları, dini inanış ve yaşamlarının isyana etkileri tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. İsyanın en büyük sebebinin, yerel askerler ile İngiliz komutanlar arasında olması gereken güvene dayalı iyi ilişkilerin ortadan kalktığı ve orduda İngilizlere karşı nefret dalgasının önü alınamaz şekilde artmış olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bengal ordusu askerlerinin aldıkları maaşlardan, ordu içindeki terfilerine kadar İngilizler tarafından haksızlığa uğratıldıklarına inandıkları ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Askerlerin İngilizlerin kendilerini dini inançlarından yavaş yavaş kopararak onları Hıristiyanlaştırmak istedikleri fikrine kapıldıklarına dikkat çekilmiştir.


  • Alavi, Seema. (1995). The Sepoys and the Company: Tradition and Transition in Northern India 1770-1830, Delhi.
  • Allen Charles. (1988). (ed.). A Soldier of the Company. Life of an Indian Ensign 1833-43 (Capt. Albert Hervey), London.
  • Articles of War. (1845). Act No. XX of 6 September 1845, OIOC, V/8/32.
  • Barat, Amiya. (1962). The Bengal Native Infantry: Its Organisation and Discipline, 1796-1852, Calcutta.
  • Bengal Army Regulations. (1855). OIOC, LAIEU17/2/442.
  • Bourne, J. M. (1977). The Civil and Military Patronage of the East India Company, 1784-1858, Ph.D. thesis, Univ. of Leicester. Leicester
  • Cadell, Sir Patrick. (1955). The Outbreak of the Indian Mutiny. JSAHR, 33, 118-122.
  • Dalhousie to Sir George Couper. (1910). 4 Aug 1848, J. G. A. Baird (ed.), Private Letters of the Marquess of Dalhousie, London.
  • David, Julian S. M. (2001). The Bengal Army and the outbreak of the Indian Mutiny, Ph.D. Thesis, Dep. of History, Uni. of Glasgow. UK.
  • Delhi Gazette, 24 April 1852, Delhi Gazette.
  • Establishment and Allowances of a Regiment of the Honourable Company's European Infantry. (1849). Pay and Audit Regulations, OIOC, L/MIL/17/2/459, s. 147.
  • Forrest, G. W. (1893-1912). (ed.), Selections from the Letters, Despatches and other State Papers preserved in the Military Department of the Government of India, 1857-58, 4 vols. Calcutta, vol. 1.
  • General Order of the Governor-General. (1847). 15 August 1845, Abstract of General Orders from 1840 to 1847, OIOC, L/MIL/17/2/436.
  • Günarslan, Hüseyin. (2019). 1857 Hint İsyanı: Kanpur Katliamı ve Lucknow Mücadelesi. Medeniyet ve Toplum Dergisi, 3(1), 91-110.
  • Joshi, Priti. (2008). 1857 or Can the Indian ‘Mutiny’ Be Fixed? BRANCH: Britain, Representation and Nineteenth-Century History. ed. Dino Franco Felluga. Extension of Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net, Essays from Economic and Political Weekly, Hyderabad, Orient Longman.
  • Habib, Irfan. (1998). The Coming of 1857. Social Scientist, 26.1/4, 6-15.
  • Hall Papers. (1857). National Army Museum, Department of Documents, ‘1857’, (54)/11919.
  • Harding, D. F. (1997). Smallarms of the East India Company 1600-1856, 4 vols., London, vol. 1.
  • Heathcote, T. A. (1974). The Indian Army: The Garrison of British Imperial India, 1822-1922, London.
  • Howe, Stephen. (2010). Colonising and Exterminating? Memories of Imperial Violence in Britain and France. Histoire@Politique. Politique, culture, société, No: 11, mai-août,
  • Kolff, Dirk H. A. (1990). Naukar, Rajput and Sepoy: The ethnology of the military labour market in Hindustan, 1450-1850, Cambridge.
  • Lawrence, Sir Henry. (1859). Essays, Military and Political, Written in India, London.
  • Lawrence to Canning. (1918). May 1857, quoted in Anderson, G. and Subedar, M. (eds.), The Last
  • Days of the Company: A Source Book of Indian History 1818-1858, 2 vols. London.
  • Lunt, James. (1970). (ed.), From Sepoy to Subedar: Being the Life and Adventures of Subedar Sita Ram, a Native Officer of the Bengal Army, written and related by himself, London.
  • Marchioness of Bute. (1858). (ed.), The Private Journals of the Marquess of Hastings: Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief in India, vol. 2.
  • Malleson (1888). (ed.), Kaye and Malleson's History of the Indian Mutiny of 1857-1858, 6 vols, London, vol. 1.
  • Misra, Amaresh. (2008). War of Civilisations: India AD 1857. New Delhi, Rupa, 2 Vols.
  • Mollo, Boris. (1981). The Indian Army. Poole.
  • Napier, Sir Charles (1853). Defects, Civil and Military of the Indian Govemment. London.
  • Palmer, J. A. B. (1966). The Mutiny Outbreak at Meerut in 1857, Cambridge.
  • Parliamentary Papers. (1852-1853). House of Commons, 1852-1853, XXVII, p. 8
  • Parliamentary Papers. (1859). House of Commons, 1859, V, pp. 79, 81.
  • Pati, Biswamoy. (2007). Introduction: The Nature of 1857. The 1857 Rebellion, Ed. Biswamoy Pati, New Delhi, Oxford UP.
  • Pelly, Captain Lewis. (1911). (ed.). 1858 The Views and Opinions of Brigadier-General John Jacob C. B., London, Punjab, Mutiny Records, Lahore, 1911.
  • Robb, Peter. (2008). On the Rebellion of 1857: A Brief History of an Idea. 1857: Essays from Economic and Political Weekly, Hyderabad, Orient Longman, 59-79.
  • Roy, Tirthankar. (2016). The mutiny and the merchants. Historical Journal, 59 (02), 393-416.
  • Roy, Tapti. (1994). The Politics of a Popular Uprising: Bundelkhand in 1857, Delhi.
  • Sen, S. N. (1957). Eighteen Fifty-Seven, Delhi.
  • Service Records. (1857). SS of the officers of the East India Company Army, Hodson Index, National Army Musuem.
  • Sleeman, Maj.-Gen. Sir William. (1915). Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official, revised edition, London.
  • Sonar, Aysel Çelik. (2020). Ceride-i Havadis Penceresinden Hint İsyanı (1857-1859). Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 11(2), 23-29.
  • The United Service Gazette, 13 June 1857.
  • Tylden, Major G. (1967). The Principal Small Arms carried by British Regular Infantry. JSAHR, Vol. 45.
  • Vural, Suat. (2006). Hindistan’da Ingiliz Yönetimi, (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi). İnönü Üniversitesi, Malatya.
  • Walcot Papers. (1857). Letters from Lieutenant William Walcot, 47th Bengal N. I., to his wife, 28 May 1857, OIOC, MSS Eur/B227.
  • Winant, Lewis. (1959). Early Percussion Firearms: A History of the Early Percussion Firearms Ignition, New York.

Rebellion to the British: Reasons That Led the Bengal Army to the Sipahi Rebellion

Yıl 2021, , 26 - 38, 30.06.2021


This work deals with the Bengal army troops established by the British East India Company. It is aimed to determine the reasons of the rebellion of the army of Indian soldiers in 1857. With this study, the society in which the Hindu and Muslim soldiers were trained in the Bengali army, the classes in the caste system, their religious beliefs and their effects on the rebellion were determined. The biggest reason for the uprising was that the relations between the local soldiers and the British commanders were bad, and the wave of hatred against the British in the army was inevitably increased. It has been discovered that Bengali soldiers believe that they have been wronged by the British, from their salary to their promotion in the army. It was pointed out that the soldiers had the idea that the British wanted to Christianize them by slowly breaking away from their religious beliefs.


  • Alavi, Seema. (1995). The Sepoys and the Company: Tradition and Transition in Northern India 1770-1830, Delhi.
  • Allen Charles. (1988). (ed.). A Soldier of the Company. Life of an Indian Ensign 1833-43 (Capt. Albert Hervey), London.
  • Articles of War. (1845). Act No. XX of 6 September 1845, OIOC, V/8/32.
  • Barat, Amiya. (1962). The Bengal Native Infantry: Its Organisation and Discipline, 1796-1852, Calcutta.
  • Bengal Army Regulations. (1855). OIOC, LAIEU17/2/442.
  • Bourne, J. M. (1977). The Civil and Military Patronage of the East India Company, 1784-1858, Ph.D. thesis, Univ. of Leicester. Leicester
  • Cadell, Sir Patrick. (1955). The Outbreak of the Indian Mutiny. JSAHR, 33, 118-122.
  • Dalhousie to Sir George Couper. (1910). 4 Aug 1848, J. G. A. Baird (ed.), Private Letters of the Marquess of Dalhousie, London.
  • David, Julian S. M. (2001). The Bengal Army and the outbreak of the Indian Mutiny, Ph.D. Thesis, Dep. of History, Uni. of Glasgow. UK.
  • Delhi Gazette, 24 April 1852, Delhi Gazette.
  • Establishment and Allowances of a Regiment of the Honourable Company's European Infantry. (1849). Pay and Audit Regulations, OIOC, L/MIL/17/2/459, s. 147.
  • Forrest, G. W. (1893-1912). (ed.), Selections from the Letters, Despatches and other State Papers preserved in the Military Department of the Government of India, 1857-58, 4 vols. Calcutta, vol. 1.
  • General Order of the Governor-General. (1847). 15 August 1845, Abstract of General Orders from 1840 to 1847, OIOC, L/MIL/17/2/436.
  • Günarslan, Hüseyin. (2019). 1857 Hint İsyanı: Kanpur Katliamı ve Lucknow Mücadelesi. Medeniyet ve Toplum Dergisi, 3(1), 91-110.
  • Joshi, Priti. (2008). 1857 or Can the Indian ‘Mutiny’ Be Fixed? BRANCH: Britain, Representation and Nineteenth-Century History. ed. Dino Franco Felluga. Extension of Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net, Essays from Economic and Political Weekly, Hyderabad, Orient Longman.
  • Habib, Irfan. (1998). The Coming of 1857. Social Scientist, 26.1/4, 6-15.
  • Hall Papers. (1857). National Army Museum, Department of Documents, ‘1857’, (54)/11919.
  • Harding, D. F. (1997). Smallarms of the East India Company 1600-1856, 4 vols., London, vol. 1.
  • Heathcote, T. A. (1974). The Indian Army: The Garrison of British Imperial India, 1822-1922, London.
  • Howe, Stephen. (2010). Colonising and Exterminating? Memories of Imperial Violence in Britain and France. Histoire@Politique. Politique, culture, société, No: 11, mai-août,
  • Kolff, Dirk H. A. (1990). Naukar, Rajput and Sepoy: The ethnology of the military labour market in Hindustan, 1450-1850, Cambridge.
  • Lawrence, Sir Henry. (1859). Essays, Military and Political, Written in India, London.
  • Lawrence to Canning. (1918). May 1857, quoted in Anderson, G. and Subedar, M. (eds.), The Last
  • Days of the Company: A Source Book of Indian History 1818-1858, 2 vols. London.
  • Lunt, James. (1970). (ed.), From Sepoy to Subedar: Being the Life and Adventures of Subedar Sita Ram, a Native Officer of the Bengal Army, written and related by himself, London.
  • Marchioness of Bute. (1858). (ed.), The Private Journals of the Marquess of Hastings: Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief in India, vol. 2.
  • Malleson (1888). (ed.), Kaye and Malleson's History of the Indian Mutiny of 1857-1858, 6 vols, London, vol. 1.
  • Misra, Amaresh. (2008). War of Civilisations: India AD 1857. New Delhi, Rupa, 2 Vols.
  • Mollo, Boris. (1981). The Indian Army. Poole.
  • Napier, Sir Charles (1853). Defects, Civil and Military of the Indian Govemment. London.
  • Palmer, J. A. B. (1966). The Mutiny Outbreak at Meerut in 1857, Cambridge.
  • Parliamentary Papers. (1852-1853). House of Commons, 1852-1853, XXVII, p. 8
  • Parliamentary Papers. (1859). House of Commons, 1859, V, pp. 79, 81.
  • Pati, Biswamoy. (2007). Introduction: The Nature of 1857. The 1857 Rebellion, Ed. Biswamoy Pati, New Delhi, Oxford UP.
  • Pelly, Captain Lewis. (1911). (ed.). 1858 The Views and Opinions of Brigadier-General John Jacob C. B., London, Punjab, Mutiny Records, Lahore, 1911.
  • Robb, Peter. (2008). On the Rebellion of 1857: A Brief History of an Idea. 1857: Essays from Economic and Political Weekly, Hyderabad, Orient Longman, 59-79.
  • Roy, Tirthankar. (2016). The mutiny and the merchants. Historical Journal, 59 (02), 393-416.
  • Roy, Tapti. (1994). The Politics of a Popular Uprising: Bundelkhand in 1857, Delhi.
  • Sen, S. N. (1957). Eighteen Fifty-Seven, Delhi.
  • Service Records. (1857). SS of the officers of the East India Company Army, Hodson Index, National Army Musuem.
  • Sleeman, Maj.-Gen. Sir William. (1915). Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official, revised edition, London.
  • Sonar, Aysel Çelik. (2020). Ceride-i Havadis Penceresinden Hint İsyanı (1857-1859). Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 11(2), 23-29.
  • The United Service Gazette, 13 June 1857.
  • Tylden, Major G. (1967). The Principal Small Arms carried by British Regular Infantry. JSAHR, Vol. 45.
  • Vural, Suat. (2006). Hindistan’da Ingiliz Yönetimi, (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi). İnönü Üniversitesi, Malatya.
  • Walcot Papers. (1857). Letters from Lieutenant William Walcot, 47th Bengal N. I., to his wife, 28 May 1857, OIOC, MSS Eur/B227.
  • Winant, Lewis. (1959). Early Percussion Firearms: A History of the Early Percussion Firearms Ignition, New York.
Toplam 47 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Hüseyin Günarslan 0000-0002-7276-7476

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Günarslan, H. (2021). İngilizlere Başkaldırı: Sipahi İsyanında Bengal Ordusunu İsyana Götüren Sebepler. İzmir Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 3(1), 26-38.
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