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Yıl 2017, , 116 - 127, 18.06.2017


Bu çalışmada jüvenil gökkuşağı alabalığı (Oncorhynchus mykiss) yemlerine ilave
edilen sarı kantaron (
) yağının büyüme performansı, bazı çevresel stres parametreleri
ve antioksidan aktivitesi üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Çalışma 0 mL/kg (kontrol
  ve 1 mL/kg, 2 mL/kg, 3 ml/kg
oranlarında kantaron yağı içeren yem grupları ile 3 tekerrürlü olarak
oluşturularak 500 litrelik dikdörtgen fiberglas tanklarda 20g ortalama
başlangıç ağırlığına sahip jüvenil alabalık bireyleriyle 90 gün boyunca
sürdürülmüştür. Deneme sonucunda elde edilen parametrelerden, toplam ortalama
canlı ağırlık artışı 88,86-90,97 (g), spesifik büyüme oranı 1.85-1.86 (
% gün-1), yem dönüşüm oranı 1.02-1.07, yaşama oranı %97-100,
yem dönüşüm etkinliği 98.89-100.05, kondisyon faktörü 1.23-1.24, total
antioksidan düzeyi 1.96-2.07 (µmol Trolox equivalents/L), total oksidan düzeyi
1,10-1,70 (µmol H
2O2 equivalent/L), oksidatif stres
indeksi 56.15-81.44 (TOS/TAS*100), glikoz düzeyi 73.00-76.66 (mg/dL), kortizol
düzeyi 0.78-1.13 (µ/dL), lizozim enziminin oluşturduğu zon çapı 0.90-1.08 (cm)
aralıklarında belirlenmiştir. Yem gruplarının total oksidan düzeyi ve oksidatif
stres indeksi parametreleri istatistiksel açıdan farklılık göstermiştir
(p<0.05). Sonuç olarak büyüme performansı ve stres parametreleri yönünden önemli
bir etki görülmese de (p>0.05) oksidan düzeyi ve oksidatif stres indeksi
düzeylerinde olumlu etkiler gözlenmiştir.


  • Abdel-Tawwab, M., Ahmad, M.H., Seden, M.E.A. & Sakr, S.F.M. (2010). Use o f Green Tea, Camellia sinensis L., in Prac-tical Dietfor Growth and Protection of Nile Tilapia, Oreochromisniloticus (L.), against Aeromonas hydrophila Infec-tion. Journal of The World Aquaculture Society, 41, 203-213. Adel, M., Safari, R., Pourgholam, R., Zorrieh-zahra, J. & Esteban, M.A. (2015). Die-tary peppermint (Mentha piperita) extracts promote growth performance and increase the main humoral immune parameters (both at mucosal and syste-mic level) of Caspian Brown trout (Sal-mo trutta caspius Kessler, 1877). Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 47, 623-629. Alexander, J.B.& Ingram, G.A. (1992). Non-cellular and non-specific defense mec-hanisms of fish. Annual Review of Fish Disease, 2, 249–280. Baba, E., Ulusoy, G. & Mammadov, R. (2014). Effects of Muscari comosum extract on nonspecific immune parame-ters in gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata (L. 1758). Journal of The World Aqua-culture Society, 45(2), 173-182. Baytop, T. (Ed.), (1999). Türkiye’de Bitkiler ile Tedavi (Geçmişte ve Bugün). İstan-bul Üniversitesi Yayınları,İstanbul, 372s. Bilia, A.R., Gallori, S. & Vincieri, F.F. (2002). St. John’s Wort and Depression: Effi-ciacy, safety and tolerability- an update. Life Sciences, 70(26), 3077-3096. Bohlouli, S., Ghaedi, G., Heydari, M., Rahma-ni, A. & Sadeghi, E. (2016). Effect of dietary Persian oak (Quercus brantii var. persica) fruit extract on survival, growth performance, haematological and im-munological parameters in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, fingerlings. Aquaculture Nutrition, 22(4), 745-751. Bulfon, C., Bongiorno, T., Messina, M., Vol-patti D., Tibaldi, E. & Tulli, F. (2016). Effects of Panax ginseng extract in prac-tical diets for rainbow trout (On-corhynchus mykiss) on growth perfor-mance, immune response and resistance to Yersinia ruckeri. Aquaculture Rese-arch, 48(5), 2369-2379. Cheng, A.C., Chen, Y.Y. & Chen, J.C. (2008). Dietary administration of sodium algina-te and k-carrageenan enhances the inna-te immune response of brown-marbled grouper Epinephelus fuscoguttatus and its resistance against Vibrio alginolyti-cus. Veterinary Immunology Immuno-pathology, 21, 206-215. Citarasu, T. (2010). Herbal Biomedicines: A New Opportunity For Aquaculture In-dustry. Aquaculture International, 18(3), 403-414. Curtis, J.D. & Levsten, N.R. (1990). Internal Secretary Structure in Hypericu, Hyperi-cum perforatum L. and Hypericum ba-learicum L. New Phytology, 114, 571-580. Çetin, T.& Yıldız, G. (2004). Esansiyel yağla-rın alternatif yem katkı maddesi olarak kullanımı. Yem Magazin Dergisi, 12(38), 41-47. Davis, P.H. (1967). Flora of Turkey. Volume II. University of Edinburg, Edin-burg,581p. Davis, P.H. (1988). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Island. Edinburg University Press, Edinburg, 590p. Düğenci, S.K., Arda, N. & Candan, A. (2003). Some medicinal plants as immunostimu-lant for fish. Journal of Ethnopharma-col, 88, 99-106. Ellis, A.E., (1996). Lysozyme Assay. Stolen, J.S., Fletcher, T.C., Anderson, D.P., Ro-berson, B.S. & Mulwinsk W.B. (Eds.) In Techniques in Fish Immunology (101-110). SOS Publications, New Jer-sey, 215p. Erteken, A. & Haşimoğlu, A. (2007). Ülke-mizde Balık Yemi Teknolojisinin Geli-şimi. Yunus Araştırma Bülteni, 2, 8-9. Ferreira, P.M.F., Nascimento, L.S., Dias, D.C., Moreira, D.M.V., Salaro, A.L. & Freitas, M.B.D. (2014). Essential Oregano oil as a growth promoter for the yellowtail tet-ra, Astyanax altiparanae. Journal of The World Aquaculture Society, 45(1), 28-34. Güner, A., Özhatay, N., Ekim, T. & Başer, K.H.C. (Ed.) (2000). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Island (Supplement 2). Edinburg University Press, Edinburg, 680p. Güven, A.(2010). Gökkuşağı alabalığı rasyon-larına maya otolizatı ilavesinin perfor-mans, bazı kan parametreleri ve lizozim aktivitesi üzerine etkisi. Doktora Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara. Hammer, K.D., Hillwig, M.L., Solco, A.K., Dixon, P.M., Delate, K., Murphy, P.A., Wurtele, E.S. & Birt, D.F. (2007). Inhi-bition of prostaglandin E(2) production by anti-inflammatory Hypericum perfo-ratum extracts and constituents in RAW264.7 Mouse Macrophage Cells. Journal of Agricultural and Food Che-mistry, 55(18), 7323-31. Harikrishnan, R., Balasundaram, C. & Heo, M.S. (2010). Herbal supplementation di-ets on hematology and innate immunity in goldfish against Aeromonas hydrophi-la. Fish Shellfish Immunology, 28, 354–361. Harikrishnan, R., Kim, D.H., Hong, S.H., Ma-riappan, P., Balasundaram, C. & Heo, M.S. (2012). Non-specific immune res-ponse and disease resistance induced by Siegesbeckia glabrescens against Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Epinephelus bru-neus. Fish Shellfish Immunology, 33, 359–364. Hölzl, J. & E, Ostrowski (1987). Johnannisk-raut (Hypericum perforatum L.) HPLC Analyse der wichtigen Inhalsstoffe und deren Varibialitat in einer Population. Deutsch Apoth Zeitung, 23, 1227-1230. Hwang, J.H., Lee, W.S., Rha, S.J., Yoon, H.S., Park, E.S., Han, K.H. & Kim, S.J.(2013). Dietary green tea extract improves growth performance, body composition and stress recovery in the juvenile black rockfish, Sebastes schle-geli. Aquaculture International, 21(3), 525-538. Immanuel, G., Vincy Bai, V.C., Palavesam, A. & Peter Marian, M.(2004). Effect of bu-tanolic extracts from terrestrial herbs and seaweeds on the survival, growth and pathogen (Vibrio parahaemolyticus) load on shrimp Penaeus indicus juveni-les. Aquaculture, 236, 53-65. Jang, S.I., Marsden, M.J., Kim, Y.G., Choi, M.S. & Secombes, C.J.(1995). The ef-fect of glycyrrhizin on rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), leu-cocyte responses. Journal of Fish Dise-ases, 18(4), 307-315. Ji, S.J., Jeong, G.S., Im, G.S., Lee, S.W., Yoo, J.H. & Takii, K.(2007). Dietary medici-nal herbs improve growth performance, fatty acid utilization and stress recovery of Japanese flounder. Fisheries Science, 73, 70-76. Landy, N., Ghalamkari, G.H. & Moatar, F.(2010). Efficiency of Hypericum Per-foratum (St. John’s Wort) on Total Anti-oxidant Activity of Serum and Humoral Immune Responses of Broiler Chicks. Journal of Veterinary Pathobiology, 6(3) 510-515. Linde, K., Ramirez, G., Mulrow, C.D., Pauls, A., Weiden Hammer, W. & Melchart, D. (1996). St. John’s Wort for Depression-an Overview and Meta-Analysis of Randomised Clinical Trials. British Me-dicinal Journal, 313, 253-258. Magnadottir, B., (2006). Innate immunity of fish (Overview). Fish Shellfish Immuno-logy, 20, 137–151. Mohebbi, A., Nematollahi, A., Dorcheh, E.E. & Asad, F.G. (2012). Influence of die-tary garlic (Allium sativum) on the anti-oxidative status of rainbow trout (On-corhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture Rese-arch, 43, 1184–1193. Müllet, W.E. (Ed.) (2005). St. John’s Wort and Its Active Principles in Depression and Anxiety.Birkhauser Verlag, Basel,189p. Nahrstedt, A. & Butterweck V. (1997). Biolo-gicially Active and Other Chemical Constituents of the Herb from Hyperi-cum perforatum L. Pharmacopsychiatry, 30, 129-134. Ngugi, C.C., Oyoo-Okoth, E. & Muchiri, M. (2016). Effects of dietary levels of es-sential oil (EO) extract from bitter lemon (Citrus limon) fruit peels on growth, bi-ochemical, haemato-immunological pa-rameters and disease resistance in juve-nile Labeo victorianus fingerlings chal-lenged with Aeromonas hydrophi-la. Aquaculture Research, 48(5), 2253-2265. Özdamar, K. (2002). Paket Programlar ile İs-tatistiksel Veri Analizi - Çok Değişkenli Analizler. Kaan Kitabevi, Eskişehir, 522s. Özturk, N., Korkmaz, S. & Öztürk, Y. (2007). Wound-healing activity of St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum L.) on chicken embryonic fibroblasts. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 111, 33-39. Patocka, J. (2003). The Chemistry, Pharmaco-logy and Toxicology of The Biologically Active Constituents of The Herb Hype-ricum perforatum L. Journal of Applied Biomedicine, 1, 61-70. Rao, S.G., Laxminarayana, A.U., Sarawathi, I.U., Padma, G.M., Ganesh, R. & Kul-karni, D.R. (1991). Calendula and Hy-pericum: Two Homeopathic Drugs pro-moting wound healing in rats. Fitotera-pia, 6, 508-510. Saccol, E.M.H., Toni, C., Pês, T.S., Ourique, G.M., Gressler, L.T., Silva, L.V.F., Mourão, R.H.V., Oliveira, R.B., Baldis-serotto, B. & Pavanato, M.A. (2016). Anaesthetic and antioxidant effects of Myrcia sylvatica (G. Mey.) DC. and Curcuma longa L. essential oils on tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum). Aquaculture Research, In press. Savikin, K., Dobric, S., Tadic, V. & Zdunic, G. (2007). Antiinflamatory activity of ethanol extracts of Hypericum perfora-tum L., H. Barbatum Jacq., H. Hirsutum L., H. richeri Vill. And H. andro-saemum L. in rats. Phytotherapy Rese-arch, 21(2), 176-180. Sivaram, V., Babu, M.M., Citarasu, T., Imma-nuel, G., Murugadass, S.& Marian, M.P. (2004). Growth and immune response of juvenile greasy groupers (Epinephe-lus tauvina) fed with herbal antibacterial active principle supplemented diets aga-inst Vibrio harveyi infections. Aquacul-ture, 237, 9–20. Uzbay, T.I. (2008). Hypericum perfora-tum and substance dependence: A re-view. Phytotherapy Research, 22(5), 578-582. Witchl, M. (1986). Hypericum perforatum L. das Johanniskraut. Zeitschrift fur Phytotherapie, 3, 87-90. Zeppenfeld, C.C., Hernandez, D.R., Santiton, J.J., Heinzmann, B.M., Da Cunha, M.A., Schmidt, D. &Baldisserotto, B. (2016). Essential oil of Aloysia triphylla as feed additive promotes growth of silver cat-fish (Rhamdia quelen). Aquaculture Nutrition, 22(4), 933-940.


Yıl 2017, , 116 - 127, 18.06.2017


This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of
dietary centaury oil (
) on growth performance, some environmental stress parameters and
antioxidant activity in juvenile rainbow trout (
Oncorhynchus mykiss). The Experiment, conducted in 500 litre
rectangle fiberglass tanks for 90 days, was performed in replicate groups and
all tanks were stocked with 35 juveniles (initial mean weight 20g).
Experimental feeds were formed as K0 (control group without centaury oil
inclusion), KT1 (1 mL/kg), KT2 (2 mL/kg) and KT3 (3 mL/kg) centaury oil
supplements. At the end of the trial parameters were obtained as; weight gain
88,86-90,97 (gr), specific growth rate 1,85-1,86 (
% day-1), feed conversion rate 1,02-1,07, survival rate
97-100%, feed conversion efficiency 98,89-100,05, contidion factor 1,23-1,24,
total antioxidant status 1,96-2,07(µmol Trolox equivalents/L), total oxidant
status 1,10-1,70(µmol H
2O2 equivalent/L), oxidative stress
index 56,15-81,44, glucose status 73,00-76,66, cortisol status 0,78-1,13,
lysozyme zone diameter 0,90-1,08 (cm). Feed groups showed statistical
difference in terms of total oxidant status and oxydative stress index
parameters (p<0.05). As result no differences were obtained for growth
performance and stress parameters (p>0.05) but possitive effects upon
oxydant status and oxydative stress index were observed.


  • Abdel-Tawwab, M., Ahmad, M.H., Seden, M.E.A. & Sakr, S.F.M. (2010). Use o f Green Tea, Camellia sinensis L., in Prac-tical Dietfor Growth and Protection of Nile Tilapia, Oreochromisniloticus (L.), against Aeromonas hydrophila Infec-tion. Journal of The World Aquaculture Society, 41, 203-213. Adel, M., Safari, R., Pourgholam, R., Zorrieh-zahra, J. & Esteban, M.A. (2015). Die-tary peppermint (Mentha piperita) extracts promote growth performance and increase the main humoral immune parameters (both at mucosal and syste-mic level) of Caspian Brown trout (Sal-mo trutta caspius Kessler, 1877). Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 47, 623-629. Alexander, J.B.& Ingram, G.A. (1992). Non-cellular and non-specific defense mec-hanisms of fish. Annual Review of Fish Disease, 2, 249–280. Baba, E., Ulusoy, G. & Mammadov, R. (2014). Effects of Muscari comosum extract on nonspecific immune parame-ters in gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata (L. 1758). Journal of The World Aqua-culture Society, 45(2), 173-182. Baytop, T. (Ed.), (1999). Türkiye’de Bitkiler ile Tedavi (Geçmişte ve Bugün). İstan-bul Üniversitesi Yayınları,İstanbul, 372s. Bilia, A.R., Gallori, S. & Vincieri, F.F. (2002). St. John’s Wort and Depression: Effi-ciacy, safety and tolerability- an update. Life Sciences, 70(26), 3077-3096. Bohlouli, S., Ghaedi, G., Heydari, M., Rahma-ni, A. & Sadeghi, E. (2016). Effect of dietary Persian oak (Quercus brantii var. persica) fruit extract on survival, growth performance, haematological and im-munological parameters in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, fingerlings. Aquaculture Nutrition, 22(4), 745-751. Bulfon, C., Bongiorno, T., Messina, M., Vol-patti D., Tibaldi, E. & Tulli, F. (2016). Effects of Panax ginseng extract in prac-tical diets for rainbow trout (On-corhynchus mykiss) on growth perfor-mance, immune response and resistance to Yersinia ruckeri. Aquaculture Rese-arch, 48(5), 2369-2379. Cheng, A.C., Chen, Y.Y. & Chen, J.C. (2008). Dietary administration of sodium algina-te and k-carrageenan enhances the inna-te immune response of brown-marbled grouper Epinephelus fuscoguttatus and its resistance against Vibrio alginolyti-cus. Veterinary Immunology Immuno-pathology, 21, 206-215. Citarasu, T. (2010). Herbal Biomedicines: A New Opportunity For Aquaculture In-dustry. Aquaculture International, 18(3), 403-414. Curtis, J.D. & Levsten, N.R. (1990). Internal Secretary Structure in Hypericu, Hyperi-cum perforatum L. and Hypericum ba-learicum L. New Phytology, 114, 571-580. Çetin, T.& Yıldız, G. (2004). Esansiyel yağla-rın alternatif yem katkı maddesi olarak kullanımı. Yem Magazin Dergisi, 12(38), 41-47. Davis, P.H. (1967). Flora of Turkey. Volume II. University of Edinburg, Edin-burg,581p. Davis, P.H. (1988). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Island. Edinburg University Press, Edinburg, 590p. Düğenci, S.K., Arda, N. & Candan, A. (2003). Some medicinal plants as immunostimu-lant for fish. Journal of Ethnopharma-col, 88, 99-106. Ellis, A.E., (1996). Lysozyme Assay. Stolen, J.S., Fletcher, T.C., Anderson, D.P., Ro-berson, B.S. & Mulwinsk W.B. (Eds.) In Techniques in Fish Immunology (101-110). SOS Publications, New Jer-sey, 215p. Erteken, A. & Haşimoğlu, A. (2007). Ülke-mizde Balık Yemi Teknolojisinin Geli-şimi. Yunus Araştırma Bülteni, 2, 8-9. Ferreira, P.M.F., Nascimento, L.S., Dias, D.C., Moreira, D.M.V., Salaro, A.L. & Freitas, M.B.D. (2014). Essential Oregano oil as a growth promoter for the yellowtail tet-ra, Astyanax altiparanae. Journal of The World Aquaculture Society, 45(1), 28-34. Güner, A., Özhatay, N., Ekim, T. & Başer, K.H.C. (Ed.) (2000). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Island (Supplement 2). Edinburg University Press, Edinburg, 680p. Güven, A.(2010). Gökkuşağı alabalığı rasyon-larına maya otolizatı ilavesinin perfor-mans, bazı kan parametreleri ve lizozim aktivitesi üzerine etkisi. Doktora Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara. Hammer, K.D., Hillwig, M.L., Solco, A.K., Dixon, P.M., Delate, K., Murphy, P.A., Wurtele, E.S. & Birt, D.F. (2007). Inhi-bition of prostaglandin E(2) production by anti-inflammatory Hypericum perfo-ratum extracts and constituents in RAW264.7 Mouse Macrophage Cells. Journal of Agricultural and Food Che-mistry, 55(18), 7323-31. Harikrishnan, R., Balasundaram, C. & Heo, M.S. (2010). Herbal supplementation di-ets on hematology and innate immunity in goldfish against Aeromonas hydrophi-la. Fish Shellfish Immunology, 28, 354–361. Harikrishnan, R., Kim, D.H., Hong, S.H., Ma-riappan, P., Balasundaram, C. & Heo, M.S. (2012). Non-specific immune res-ponse and disease resistance induced by Siegesbeckia glabrescens against Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Epinephelus bru-neus. Fish Shellfish Immunology, 33, 359–364. Hölzl, J. & E, Ostrowski (1987). Johnannisk-raut (Hypericum perforatum L.) HPLC Analyse der wichtigen Inhalsstoffe und deren Varibialitat in einer Population. Deutsch Apoth Zeitung, 23, 1227-1230. Hwang, J.H., Lee, W.S., Rha, S.J., Yoon, H.S., Park, E.S., Han, K.H. & Kim, S.J.(2013). Dietary green tea extract improves growth performance, body composition and stress recovery in the juvenile black rockfish, Sebastes schle-geli. Aquaculture International, 21(3), 525-538. Immanuel, G., Vincy Bai, V.C., Palavesam, A. & Peter Marian, M.(2004). Effect of bu-tanolic extracts from terrestrial herbs and seaweeds on the survival, growth and pathogen (Vibrio parahaemolyticus) load on shrimp Penaeus indicus juveni-les. Aquaculture, 236, 53-65. Jang, S.I., Marsden, M.J., Kim, Y.G., Choi, M.S. & Secombes, C.J.(1995). The ef-fect of glycyrrhizin on rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), leu-cocyte responses. Journal of Fish Dise-ases, 18(4), 307-315. Ji, S.J., Jeong, G.S., Im, G.S., Lee, S.W., Yoo, J.H. & Takii, K.(2007). Dietary medici-nal herbs improve growth performance, fatty acid utilization and stress recovery of Japanese flounder. Fisheries Science, 73, 70-76. Landy, N., Ghalamkari, G.H. & Moatar, F.(2010). Efficiency of Hypericum Per-foratum (St. John’s Wort) on Total Anti-oxidant Activity of Serum and Humoral Immune Responses of Broiler Chicks. Journal of Veterinary Pathobiology, 6(3) 510-515. Linde, K., Ramirez, G., Mulrow, C.D., Pauls, A., Weiden Hammer, W. & Melchart, D. (1996). St. John’s Wort for Depression-an Overview and Meta-Analysis of Randomised Clinical Trials. British Me-dicinal Journal, 313, 253-258. Magnadottir, B., (2006). Innate immunity of fish (Overview). Fish Shellfish Immuno-logy, 20, 137–151. Mohebbi, A., Nematollahi, A., Dorcheh, E.E. & Asad, F.G. (2012). Influence of die-tary garlic (Allium sativum) on the anti-oxidative status of rainbow trout (On-corhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture Rese-arch, 43, 1184–1193. Müllet, W.E. (Ed.) (2005). St. John’s Wort and Its Active Principles in Depression and Anxiety.Birkhauser Verlag, Basel,189p. Nahrstedt, A. & Butterweck V. (1997). Biolo-gicially Active and Other Chemical Constituents of the Herb from Hyperi-cum perforatum L. Pharmacopsychiatry, 30, 129-134. Ngugi, C.C., Oyoo-Okoth, E. & Muchiri, M. (2016). Effects of dietary levels of es-sential oil (EO) extract from bitter lemon (Citrus limon) fruit peels on growth, bi-ochemical, haemato-immunological pa-rameters and disease resistance in juve-nile Labeo victorianus fingerlings chal-lenged with Aeromonas hydrophi-la. Aquaculture Research, 48(5), 2253-2265. Özdamar, K. (2002). Paket Programlar ile İs-tatistiksel Veri Analizi - Çok Değişkenli Analizler. Kaan Kitabevi, Eskişehir, 522s. Özturk, N., Korkmaz, S. & Öztürk, Y. (2007). Wound-healing activity of St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum L.) on chicken embryonic fibroblasts. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 111, 33-39. Patocka, J. (2003). The Chemistry, Pharmaco-logy and Toxicology of The Biologically Active Constituents of The Herb Hype-ricum perforatum L. Journal of Applied Biomedicine, 1, 61-70. Rao, S.G., Laxminarayana, A.U., Sarawathi, I.U., Padma, G.M., Ganesh, R. & Kul-karni, D.R. (1991). Calendula and Hy-pericum: Two Homeopathic Drugs pro-moting wound healing in rats. Fitotera-pia, 6, 508-510. Saccol, E.M.H., Toni, C., Pês, T.S., Ourique, G.M., Gressler, L.T., Silva, L.V.F., Mourão, R.H.V., Oliveira, R.B., Baldis-serotto, B. & Pavanato, M.A. (2016). Anaesthetic and antioxidant effects of Myrcia sylvatica (G. Mey.) DC. and Curcuma longa L. essential oils on tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum). Aquaculture Research, In press. Savikin, K., Dobric, S., Tadic, V. & Zdunic, G. (2007). Antiinflamatory activity of ethanol extracts of Hypericum perfora-tum L., H. Barbatum Jacq., H. Hirsutum L., H. richeri Vill. And H. andro-saemum L. in rats. Phytotherapy Rese-arch, 21(2), 176-180. Sivaram, V., Babu, M.M., Citarasu, T., Imma-nuel, G., Murugadass, S.& Marian, M.P. (2004). Growth and immune response of juvenile greasy groupers (Epinephe-lus tauvina) fed with herbal antibacterial active principle supplemented diets aga-inst Vibrio harveyi infections. Aquacul-ture, 237, 9–20. Uzbay, T.I. (2008). Hypericum perfora-tum and substance dependence: A re-view. Phytotherapy Research, 22(5), 578-582. Witchl, M. (1986). Hypericum perforatum L. das Johanniskraut. Zeitschrift fur Phytotherapie, 3, 87-90. Zeppenfeld, C.C., Hernandez, D.R., Santiton, J.J., Heinzmann, B.M., Da Cunha, M.A., Schmidt, D. &Baldisserotto, B. (2016). Essential oil of Aloysia triphylla as feed additive promotes growth of silver cat-fish (Rhamdia quelen). Aquaculture Nutrition, 22(4), 933-940.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Çağın Çilingir Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-6996-2249

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İlter İlhan Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-3739-9580

Fatih Gültekin 0000-0003-2888-3215

Yayımlanma Tarihi 18 Haziran 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017

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APA Çilingir, Ç., Diler, İ., İlhan, İ., Gültekin, F. (2017). EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT LEVELS OF DIETARY CENTAURY OIL (Hypericum Perforatum) ON GROWTH PERFORMANCE, SOME ENVIRONMENTAL STRESS PARAMETERS AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY IN RAINBOW TROUT (Oncorhyncus Mykiss). Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research, 3(3), 116-127.
AMA Çilingir Ç, Diler İ, İlhan İ, Gültekin F. EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT LEVELS OF DIETARY CENTAURY OIL (Hypericum Perforatum) ON GROWTH PERFORMANCE, SOME ENVIRONMENTAL STRESS PARAMETERS AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY IN RAINBOW TROUT (Oncorhyncus Mykiss). J Aquacult Eng Fish Res. Temmuz 2017;3(3):116-127. doi:10.3153/JAEFR17015
Chicago Çilingir, Çağın, İbrahim Diler, İlter İlhan, ve Fatih Gültekin. “EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT LEVELS OF DIETARY CENTAURY OIL (Hypericum Perforatum) ON GROWTH PERFORMANCE, SOME ENVIRONMENTAL STRESS PARAMETERS AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY IN RAINBOW TROUT (Oncorhyncus Mykiss)”. Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research 3, sy. 3 (Temmuz 2017): 116-27.
EndNote Çilingir Ç, Diler İ, İlhan İ, Gültekin F (01 Temmuz 2017) EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT LEVELS OF DIETARY CENTAURY OIL (Hypericum Perforatum) ON GROWTH PERFORMANCE, SOME ENVIRONMENTAL STRESS PARAMETERS AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY IN RAINBOW TROUT (Oncorhyncus Mykiss). Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research 3 3 116–127.
IEEE Ç. Çilingir, İ. Diler, İ. İlhan, ve F. Gültekin, “EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT LEVELS OF DIETARY CENTAURY OIL (Hypericum Perforatum) ON GROWTH PERFORMANCE, SOME ENVIRONMENTAL STRESS PARAMETERS AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY IN RAINBOW TROUT (Oncorhyncus Mykiss)”, J Aquacult Eng Fish Res, c. 3, sy. 3, ss. 116–127, 2017, doi: 10.3153/JAEFR17015.
ISNAD Çilingir, Çağın vd. “EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT LEVELS OF DIETARY CENTAURY OIL (Hypericum Perforatum) ON GROWTH PERFORMANCE, SOME ENVIRONMENTAL STRESS PARAMETERS AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY IN RAINBOW TROUT (Oncorhyncus Mykiss)”. Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research 3/3 (Temmuz 2017), 116-127.
MLA Çilingir, Çağın vd. “EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT LEVELS OF DIETARY CENTAURY OIL (Hypericum Perforatum) ON GROWTH PERFORMANCE, SOME ENVIRONMENTAL STRESS PARAMETERS AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY IN RAINBOW TROUT (Oncorhyncus Mykiss)”. Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research, c. 3, sy. 3, 2017, ss. 116-27, doi:10.3153/JAEFR17015.