The impact of abscisic acid application on grape quality attributes at harvest and post-harvest period
Year 2025,
Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 50 - 56
Gülhan Gülbasar Kandilli
Arzu Şen
Hilmi Buğra Gülümser
Yılmaz Boz
Table grape varieties do not reach commercially acceptable colour levels in some growing seasons in viticultural areas. This situation has led to the consideration of applications that can enhance grape coloration. The study examined the effects of abscisic acid on 'Spil Karası' grape clusters and berries at harvest time and after harvest. A single application of 400 mg L⁻¹ ABA was made during the veraison period to evaluate its effects on berry coloration and post-harvest quality. Cluster weight losses were measured on days 7 and 15, while titratable acidity (TA), Brix, and fruit and rachis colour analyses were conducted on days 15 and 30 after harvest. The research results indicated that the application of ABA (abscisic acid) was not effective in terms of the parameters examined during harvest time analyses. The weight loss due to ABA application on the 15th day was 1.1% higher compared to the control. The ABA treatment group exhibited higher Lightness (L) values compared to the control group 30 days after harvest. The control group recorded the lowest Hue values at the same time point. However, this group displayed a high Chroma value. Conversely, the ABA treatment group showed a low Chroma (C) value during the same analysis period. Also the lowest L values were determined in ABA treatment and control groups 30 days after harvest in rachis.
Supporting Institution
Atatürk Bahçe Kültürleri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü
We would like to thank grape grower Metin Cömert for the collaboration. Also many thanks to Yusuf Demir, Development & Regulatory Manager at Sumitomo Chemical Türkiye, for supplying absisic acid.
- Balic, I., Moreno, A., Sanhueza, D., Huerta, C., Orellana, A., Defilippi, B. G., & Campos-Vargas, R. (2012). Molecular and physiological study of postharvest rachis browning of table grape cv Red Globe. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 72, 47-56.
- Ban, T., Ishimaru, M., Kobayashi, S., Goto-Yamamoto, N., & Horiuchi, S. (2003). Abscisic acid and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid affect the expression of anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway genes in “Kyoho” grape berries. The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 78(4), 586–589.
- Cantín, C. M., Fidelibus, M. W., & Crisosto, C. H. (2007). Application of abscisic acid (ABA) at veraison advanced red color development and maintained postharvest quality of ‘Crimson Seedless’ grapes. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 46(3), 237-241.
- Chong, Z., Hao, C. & Lianjun, W., (2020). Effect of ABA treatment on the expression of ADH gene family and C6 volatile production in table grape (V.vinifera cv. Muscat Hamburg) during postharvest storage. Acta physiologiae plantarum, 42, pp.1-8.
- Coombe BG, Hale CR (1973) The hormone content of ripening grape berries and the effects of growth substance treatments. Plant Physiol 51:629–634
- Crisosto CH, Smilanick JL & Dokoozlian N (2001) Table grapes suffer water loss, stem browning during cooling delays. Calif Agric (Berkeley) 55:39–42.
- Davies, C., Boss, P. & Robinson, S. (1997) Treatment of grape berries, a nonclimacteric fruit with a synthetic auxin, retards ripening and alters the expression of developmentally regulated genes. Plant Physiology 115, 1155–1161.
- Delgado, R., Gallegos, J.I., Martin, P. & Gonzalez, M.R. (2004) Influence of ABA and ethephon treatments on fruit composition of ‘Tempranillo’ grapevines. Proceedings 26th IHC, viticulture – living with limitations. Eds. A.G. Reynolds and P. Bowen. Acta Horticulturae 640, 321–326.
- Düring H, Alleweldt G & Koch R (1978) Studies on hormonal control of ripening in berries of grape vines. Acta Hortic 80:397–405
- Ferrara, G., Mazzeo, A., Matarrese, A. M. S., Pacucci, C., Punzi, R., Faccia, M., Trani, A. & Gambacorta, G. (2015). Application of abscisic acid (S‐ABA) and sucrose to improve colour, anthocyanin content and antioxidant activity of cv. Crimson Seedless grape berries. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research, 21(1), 18-29.
- Giribaldi, M., Geny, L., Delrot, S. & Schubert, A., (2010). Proteomic analysis of the effects of ABA treatments on ripening Vitis vinifera berries. Journal of Experimental Botany, 61(9), pp.2447-2458.
- Gu, S., Jacobs, S., & Du, G. (2011). Efficacy, rate and timing of applications of abscisic acid to enhance fruit anthocyanin contents in ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’grapes. The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 86(5), 505-510.
- Hamie, N., Zoffoli, J. P., Tarricone, L., Verrastro, V., Pérez-Donoso, A. G., & Gambacorta, G. (2022). Rachis browning and water loss description during postharvest storage of ‘Krissy’and ‘Thompson Seedless’ table grapes. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 184, 111758.
- Hiratsuka, S., Onodera, H., Kawai, Y., Kubo, T., Itoh, H. & Wada, R., (2001). ABA and sugar effects on anthocyanin formation in grape berry cultured in vitro. Sci. Hortic. 90, 121–130.
- Jeong, S.T., Goto-Yamamoto, N., Kobayashi, S. & Esaka, M.J.P.S., (2004). Effects of plant hormones and shading on the accumulation of anthocyanins and the expression of anthocyanin biosynthetic genes in grape berry skins. Plant science, 167(2), pp.247-252.
- Kataoka, I., Sugiura, A., Utsunomiya, N. & Tomana, T. (1982). Effect of abscisic acid and defoliation on anthocyanin accumulation in Kyoho grapes (Vitis vinifera L..3.V. labruscana Baily. Vitis, 21, 325±32.
- Katayama-Ikegami, A., Sakamoto, T., Shibuya, K., Katayama, T., & Gao-Takai, M. (2016). Effects of abscisic acid treatment on berry coloration and expression of flavonoid biosynthesis genes in grape. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 7(09), 1325.
- Kok, D. (2022). Alterations in chromatic color characteristics and phenolic compounds of ‘Early Cardinal’grape (V. vinifera L.) as affected by various concentrations of foliar abscisic acid and melatonin treatments. Erwerbs-Obstbau, 64(Suppl 1), 1-10.
- Koyama, K., Sadamatsu, K., & Goto-Yamamoto, N. (2009). Abscisic acid stimulated ripening and gene expression in berry skins of the Cabernet Sauvignon grape. Functional & Integrative Genomics, 10(3), 367–381. doi:10.1007/s10142-009-0145-8
- Li, Y. M., Zhang, H. X., Tang, X. S., Wang, Y., Cai, Z. H., Li, B., & Xie, Z. S. (2024). Abscisic Acid Induces DNA MethFylation Alteration in Genes Related to Berry Ripening and Stress Response in Grape (Vitis vinifera L). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
- Lichter, A. (2016). Rachis browning in tablegrapes. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research, 22(2), 161-168.
- Neto, D., Junior, A. P., Callili, D., Cunha, S. R., Putti, F. F., Lima, G. P. P., Koyama, R., Roberto, S.R. & Tecchio, M. A. (2017). Post-harvest conservation of Rubi grapes treated with abscisic acid. African Journal of Biotechnology, 16(34), 1758-1763.
- Owen, S. J., Lafond, M. D., Bowen, P., Bogdanoff, C., Usher, K., & Abrams, S. R. (2009). Profiles of abscisic acid and its catabolites in developing Merlot grape (Vitis vinifera) berries. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 60(3), 277-284.
- Peppi, M.C., Fidelibus, M.W & Dokoozlian, N. (2006). Abscisic acid application timing and concentration affect firmness, pigmentation, and color of ‘Flame Seedless’ grapes. Hortic. Sci. 41, 1440–1445.
- Peppi, M.C., Fidelibus, M.W. & Dokoozlian, N. (2007). Application timing and concentration of abscisic acid affect the quality of ‘Redglobe’ grapes. J. Hortic. Sci. Biotechnol. 82, 304–310.
- Qin, L., Xie, H., Xiang, N., Wang, M., Han, S., Pan, M., Guo, X. & Zhang, W. (2022). Dynamic changes in anthocyanin accumulation and cellular antioxidant activities in two varieties of grape berries during fruit maturation under different climates. Molecules, 27(2), 384.
- Roberto, S.R., Assis, A.M., Yamamoto, L.Y., Miotto, L.C.V., Sato, A.J., Koyama, R. & Genta, W. (2012). Application timing and concentration of abscisic acid improve color of ‘Benitaka’ table grape. Sci. Hort. 142, 44–48. 2012.04.028.
- Romero, I., Vazquez-Hernandez, M., Maestro-Gaitan, I., Escribano, M. I., Merodio, C., & Sanchez-Ballesta, M. T. (2020). Table grapes during postharvest storage: A review of the mechanisms implicated in the beneficial effects of treatments applied for quality retention. International journal of molecular sciences, 21(23), 9320.
- SAS. (2003). Statistical Analysis System. SAS Release 9.1 for windows, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA.
- Shahab, M., Roberto, S. R., Ahmed, S., Colombo, R. C., Silvestre, J. P., Koyama, R., & de Souza, R. T. (2020). Relationship between anthocyanins and skin color of table grapes treated with abscisic acid at different stages of berry ripening. Scientia Horticulturae, 259, 108859.
- Sun, Y., Liu, Q., Xi, B., & Dai, H. (2019). Study on the regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis by exogenous abscisic acid in grapevine. Scientia Horticulturae, 250, 294-301.
- Szyjewicz, E., Rosner, N. & Kliewer, W.M. (1984) Ethephon ((2-chloroethyl)phosphonic acid, Ethrel, CEPA) in viticulture – A review. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 35, 117–123.
- Tecchio, M.A., Neto, F.J.D., Junior, A.P., Da Silva, M.J.R., Roberto, S.R., Smarsi, R.C. (2017). Improvement of color and increase in anthocyanin content of ‘Niagara Rosada’ grapes with application of abscisic acid. Afr. J. Biotechnol. 16 (25), 1400–1403.
- Tira-Umphon, A., Roustan, J.P. & Chervin, C. (2007) The stimulation by ethylene of the UDP glucose-flavonoid 3-O-glucosyltransferase (UFGT) in grape tissues is independent from the MybA transcription factors. Vitis 46, 210–211.
- Wheeler, S., Loveys, B., Ford, C., & Davies, C. (2009). The relationship between the expression of abscisic acid biosynthesis genes, accumulation of abscisic acid and the promotion of Vitis vinifera L. berry ripening by abscisic acid. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research, 15(3), 195-204.
- Yamamoto, L. Y., Koyama, R., Assis, A. M. D., Borges, W. F. S., Oliveira, I. R. D., & Roberto, S. R. (2015). Color of berry and juice of'Isabel'grape treated with abscisic acid in different ripening stages. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 50, 1160-1167.
- Yamane, T. Jeong, S.T., Goto-yamamoto, N., Koshita, Y. & Kobayashi, S. (2006). Effects of Temperature on Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in Grape Berry Skins. Am J Enol Vitic. 2006 57:54-59 ; DOI: 10.5344/ajev.2006.57.1.54
Year 2025,
Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 50 - 56
Gülhan Gülbasar Kandilli
Arzu Şen
Hilmi Buğra Gülümser
Yılmaz Boz
- Balic, I., Moreno, A., Sanhueza, D., Huerta, C., Orellana, A., Defilippi, B. G., & Campos-Vargas, R. (2012). Molecular and physiological study of postharvest rachis browning of table grape cv Red Globe. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 72, 47-56.
- Ban, T., Ishimaru, M., Kobayashi, S., Goto-Yamamoto, N., & Horiuchi, S. (2003). Abscisic acid and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid affect the expression of anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway genes in “Kyoho” grape berries. The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 78(4), 586–589.
- Cantín, C. M., Fidelibus, M. W., & Crisosto, C. H. (2007). Application of abscisic acid (ABA) at veraison advanced red color development and maintained postharvest quality of ‘Crimson Seedless’ grapes. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 46(3), 237-241.
- Chong, Z., Hao, C. & Lianjun, W., (2020). Effect of ABA treatment on the expression of ADH gene family and C6 volatile production in table grape (V.vinifera cv. Muscat Hamburg) during postharvest storage. Acta physiologiae plantarum, 42, pp.1-8.
- Coombe BG, Hale CR (1973) The hormone content of ripening grape berries and the effects of growth substance treatments. Plant Physiol 51:629–634
- Crisosto CH, Smilanick JL & Dokoozlian N (2001) Table grapes suffer water loss, stem browning during cooling delays. Calif Agric (Berkeley) 55:39–42.
- Davies, C., Boss, P. & Robinson, S. (1997) Treatment of grape berries, a nonclimacteric fruit with a synthetic auxin, retards ripening and alters the expression of developmentally regulated genes. Plant Physiology 115, 1155–1161.
- Delgado, R., Gallegos, J.I., Martin, P. & Gonzalez, M.R. (2004) Influence of ABA and ethephon treatments on fruit composition of ‘Tempranillo’ grapevines. Proceedings 26th IHC, viticulture – living with limitations. Eds. A.G. Reynolds and P. Bowen. Acta Horticulturae 640, 321–326.
- Düring H, Alleweldt G & Koch R (1978) Studies on hormonal control of ripening in berries of grape vines. Acta Hortic 80:397–405
- Ferrara, G., Mazzeo, A., Matarrese, A. M. S., Pacucci, C., Punzi, R., Faccia, M., Trani, A. & Gambacorta, G. (2015). Application of abscisic acid (S‐ABA) and sucrose to improve colour, anthocyanin content and antioxidant activity of cv. Crimson Seedless grape berries. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research, 21(1), 18-29.
- Giribaldi, M., Geny, L., Delrot, S. & Schubert, A., (2010). Proteomic analysis of the effects of ABA treatments on ripening Vitis vinifera berries. Journal of Experimental Botany, 61(9), pp.2447-2458.
- Gu, S., Jacobs, S., & Du, G. (2011). Efficacy, rate and timing of applications of abscisic acid to enhance fruit anthocyanin contents in ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’grapes. The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 86(5), 505-510.
- Hamie, N., Zoffoli, J. P., Tarricone, L., Verrastro, V., Pérez-Donoso, A. G., & Gambacorta, G. (2022). Rachis browning and water loss description during postharvest storage of ‘Krissy’and ‘Thompson Seedless’ table grapes. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 184, 111758.
- Hiratsuka, S., Onodera, H., Kawai, Y., Kubo, T., Itoh, H. & Wada, R., (2001). ABA and sugar effects on anthocyanin formation in grape berry cultured in vitro. Sci. Hortic. 90, 121–130.
- Jeong, S.T., Goto-Yamamoto, N., Kobayashi, S. & Esaka, M.J.P.S., (2004). Effects of plant hormones and shading on the accumulation of anthocyanins and the expression of anthocyanin biosynthetic genes in grape berry skins. Plant science, 167(2), pp.247-252.
- Kataoka, I., Sugiura, A., Utsunomiya, N. & Tomana, T. (1982). Effect of abscisic acid and defoliation on anthocyanin accumulation in Kyoho grapes (Vitis vinifera L..3.V. labruscana Baily. Vitis, 21, 325±32.
- Katayama-Ikegami, A., Sakamoto, T., Shibuya, K., Katayama, T., & Gao-Takai, M. (2016). Effects of abscisic acid treatment on berry coloration and expression of flavonoid biosynthesis genes in grape. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 7(09), 1325.
- Kok, D. (2022). Alterations in chromatic color characteristics and phenolic compounds of ‘Early Cardinal’grape (V. vinifera L.) as affected by various concentrations of foliar abscisic acid and melatonin treatments. Erwerbs-Obstbau, 64(Suppl 1), 1-10.
- Koyama, K., Sadamatsu, K., & Goto-Yamamoto, N. (2009). Abscisic acid stimulated ripening and gene expression in berry skins of the Cabernet Sauvignon grape. Functional & Integrative Genomics, 10(3), 367–381. doi:10.1007/s10142-009-0145-8
- Li, Y. M., Zhang, H. X., Tang, X. S., Wang, Y., Cai, Z. H., Li, B., & Xie, Z. S. (2024). Abscisic Acid Induces DNA MethFylation Alteration in Genes Related to Berry Ripening and Stress Response in Grape (Vitis vinifera L). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
- Lichter, A. (2016). Rachis browning in tablegrapes. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research, 22(2), 161-168.
- Neto, D., Junior, A. P., Callili, D., Cunha, S. R., Putti, F. F., Lima, G. P. P., Koyama, R., Roberto, S.R. & Tecchio, M. A. (2017). Post-harvest conservation of Rubi grapes treated with abscisic acid. African Journal of Biotechnology, 16(34), 1758-1763.
- Owen, S. J., Lafond, M. D., Bowen, P., Bogdanoff, C., Usher, K., & Abrams, S. R. (2009). Profiles of abscisic acid and its catabolites in developing Merlot grape (Vitis vinifera) berries. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 60(3), 277-284.
- Peppi, M.C., Fidelibus, M.W & Dokoozlian, N. (2006). Abscisic acid application timing and concentration affect firmness, pigmentation, and color of ‘Flame Seedless’ grapes. Hortic. Sci. 41, 1440–1445.
- Peppi, M.C., Fidelibus, M.W. & Dokoozlian, N. (2007). Application timing and concentration of abscisic acid affect the quality of ‘Redglobe’ grapes. J. Hortic. Sci. Biotechnol. 82, 304–310.
- Qin, L., Xie, H., Xiang, N., Wang, M., Han, S., Pan, M., Guo, X. & Zhang, W. (2022). Dynamic changes in anthocyanin accumulation and cellular antioxidant activities in two varieties of grape berries during fruit maturation under different climates. Molecules, 27(2), 384.
- Roberto, S.R., Assis, A.M., Yamamoto, L.Y., Miotto, L.C.V., Sato, A.J., Koyama, R. & Genta, W. (2012). Application timing and concentration of abscisic acid improve color of ‘Benitaka’ table grape. Sci. Hort. 142, 44–48. 2012.04.028.
- Romero, I., Vazquez-Hernandez, M., Maestro-Gaitan, I., Escribano, M. I., Merodio, C., & Sanchez-Ballesta, M. T. (2020). Table grapes during postharvest storage: A review of the mechanisms implicated in the beneficial effects of treatments applied for quality retention. International journal of molecular sciences, 21(23), 9320.
- SAS. (2003). Statistical Analysis System. SAS Release 9.1 for windows, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA.
- Shahab, M., Roberto, S. R., Ahmed, S., Colombo, R. C., Silvestre, J. P., Koyama, R., & de Souza, R. T. (2020). Relationship between anthocyanins and skin color of table grapes treated with abscisic acid at different stages of berry ripening. Scientia Horticulturae, 259, 108859.
- Sun, Y., Liu, Q., Xi, B., & Dai, H. (2019). Study on the regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis by exogenous abscisic acid in grapevine. Scientia Horticulturae, 250, 294-301.
- Szyjewicz, E., Rosner, N. & Kliewer, W.M. (1984) Ethephon ((2-chloroethyl)phosphonic acid, Ethrel, CEPA) in viticulture – A review. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 35, 117–123.
- Tecchio, M.A., Neto, F.J.D., Junior, A.P., Da Silva, M.J.R., Roberto, S.R., Smarsi, R.C. (2017). Improvement of color and increase in anthocyanin content of ‘Niagara Rosada’ grapes with application of abscisic acid. Afr. J. Biotechnol. 16 (25), 1400–1403.
- Tira-Umphon, A., Roustan, J.P. & Chervin, C. (2007) The stimulation by ethylene of the UDP glucose-flavonoid 3-O-glucosyltransferase (UFGT) in grape tissues is independent from the MybA transcription factors. Vitis 46, 210–211.
- Wheeler, S., Loveys, B., Ford, C., & Davies, C. (2009). The relationship between the expression of abscisic acid biosynthesis genes, accumulation of abscisic acid and the promotion of Vitis vinifera L. berry ripening by abscisic acid. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research, 15(3), 195-204.
- Yamamoto, L. Y., Koyama, R., Assis, A. M. D., Borges, W. F. S., Oliveira, I. R. D., & Roberto, S. R. (2015). Color of berry and juice of'Isabel'grape treated with abscisic acid in different ripening stages. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 50, 1160-1167.
- Yamane, T. Jeong, S.T., Goto-yamamoto, N., Koshita, Y. & Kobayashi, S. (2006). Effects of Temperature on Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in Grape Berry Skins. Am J Enol Vitic. 2006 57:54-59 ; DOI: 10.5344/ajev.2006.57.1.54