In this study, the environmental effects of river-type hydroelectric power plants were investigated by examining the water quality changes on the river. For this purpose, Çambaşı HEPP and Regülatörü were selected as the study area and physicochemical water quality changes of the non-water intermediate zone and tailwater regions were monitored monthly. Physicochemical water quality parameters examined; water temperature, diss. oxygen and diss. oxygen saturation, el. conductivity, pH, TDS, ORP, SS, NO2 and NO2-N, NO3 and NO3-N, PO4 and PO4-P, SO4, BOI5, and COD can be listed as. In addition, dissolved heavy metal concentrations in water were also analyzed. When the results were evaluated, the average water temperature was 12,76±0,68 ℃, dissolved oxygen 10,13±0,23 mg/L, electrical conductivity 85,21±29,51μS/cm, total dissolved solids 56,8±9,15 mg/L, pH 7,43±0,18, ORP -38,97±13,96, SS 16,44±7,41, NO2 0,004±0,001 mg/L, NO2-N 0,001 mg/L, NO3 2,27±0,27 mg/L, NO3-N 0,54±0,056, PO4 0,58±0,19 mg/L, PO4-P 0,19±0,07 mg/L, SO4 17,89±8,11 mg/L, BOI5 2±0,29 mg/L and COD were determined as 10,49±5,09 mg/L. In the study, it was understood that water and post-dam regions were significant. As a matter of fact, changes in water quality were increased, %144 for sulfate, %137 for KOI, %107 for SS, conductivity %102, %84 for phosphate, %67 for nitrite, TDS %39, dissolved oxygen %6,5 and water temperature ıt was found to be %11. Therefore, the effects of river-type hydroelectric power plants on water quality can be said to be important.