The aim of this study was to analyze the environmental factors impacting preweaning growth traits in Morkaraman herds and to categorize weaning weight using the Gaussian mixture regression model. The mean live weights of lambs at birth, 60th, and 90th day (weaning) were determined to be 3.97 kg, 17.94 kg, and 24.92 kg, respectively. The effect of lambing years on live weights at all ages was found to be quite significant (p<0.001). The effect of dam age on birth (p<0.01), 60th day (p<0.001), and weaning weight (p<0.001) was also highly significant. Male lambs were superior to females in terms of birth weight (p<0.001), 60th day (p<0.01), and weaning weight (p<0.001). Birth type was only found to have a significant effect on birth weight (p<0.001). Additionally, it was determined that the weaning weights could be categorized according to districts using the Gaussian mixture regression model. As a result, knowing the effects of environmental factors on the growth traits of lambs, which are effective in the emergence of genetic potential, can provide important contributions to the strategies of breeding and management.
The data used in this study were obtained within the scope of Morkaraman breed sheep breeding sub-project. I would like to thank the Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies for their support in the project.
Abbas, S.F., Abd Allah, M., Allam, F.M. & Aboul-Ella,
A.A. (2010). Growth performance of Rahmani
and Chios lambs weaned at different ages.
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences,
4(7), 1583-1589.
Akhtar, M., Javed, K., Abdullah, M., Ahmad, N. &
Elzo, M.A. (2012). Environmental factors
affecting preweaning growth traits of Buchi sheep
in Pakistan. The Journal of Animal & Plant
Sciences, 22(3), 529-536.
Alarslan, E. & Aygün, T. (2019). Determination of
growth and some morphological traits of Kıvırcık
lambs in Yalova. Journal of Animal Production,
60(1), 39-50. DOI: 10.29185/hayuretim.556669
Ali, A., Javed, K., Zahoor, I. & Anjum, K.M. (2020).
Analysis of non-genetic and genetic influences
underlying the growth of Kajli lambs. South
African Journal of Animal Science, 50(4), 613-
625. DOI: 10.4314/sajas.v50i4.13
Arzik, Y., Kizilaslan, M., White, S.N., Piel, L.M.W. &
Cinar, M.U. (2022). Estimates of genomic
heritability and genome‑wide association studies
for blood parameters in Akkaraman sheep.
Scientific Reports, 12, 18477. DOI:
Assan, N. (2020). Effect of genetic and non-genetic factors
on growth traits in goats and sheep production.
Scientific Journal of Zoology, 9(1), 106-122. DOI:
Balasundaram, B., Thiruvenkadan, A.K., Murali, N.,
Muralidharan, J., Cauveri, D. & Peters, S.O.
(2023). Genetic parameters of growth traits and
quantitative genetic metrics for selection and
conservation of Mecheri sheep of Tamil Nadu.
Animals, 13, 454. DOI: 10.3390/ani13030454
Baneh, H. & Hafezian, S.H. (2009). Effects of
environmental factors on growth traits in Ghezel
sheep. African Journal of Biotechnology, 8(12),
Behrem, S. (2021). Effects of environmental factors
growth traits of Akkaraman sheep in Çankırı
province. Livestock Studies, 61(1), 22-27.
Bozgüllü, Ö. & Macit, M. (2022). Morkaraman ırkı
kuzuların mer’ada performans özelliklerinin
belirlenmesi. Palandöken Journal of Animal
Science, Technology and Economics, 1(1), 24-32.
Cemal, İ., Karaca, O. & Altın, T. (2005). Live weights of
Kıvırcık ewes and lambs in some periods under
extensive management conditions. Turkish
Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, 29,
Ehsaninia, J. (2021). Estimates of (co)variance
components and genetic parameters for preweaning body weight traits and Kleiber ratio in
Sangsari sheep breed. Italian Journal of Animal
Science, 20(1), 918-927. DOI:
Garcia-Baccino, C.A., Marie-Etancelin, C., Tortereau,
F., Marcon, D., Weisbecker, J.L. & Legarra, A.
(2021). Detection of unrecorded environmental
challenges in high-frequency recorded traits, and
genetic determinism of resilience to challenge,
with an application on feed intake in lambs.
Genetics Selection Evolution, 53(4), 1-14. DOI:
Hagan, B.A., Salifu, S., Asumah, C., Yeboah, E.D. &
Boa-Amponsem, K. (2022). Effects of genetic
and non-genetic factors on body weight, preweaning growth, birth type and pre-weaning
survivability of lambsin a sheep nucleus station.
Livestock Research for Rural Development, 34(4),
Hızlı, H. & Yazgan, E. (2021). Comparison of the growth
curve models on live weights in terms of different
environmental factors in Awassi lambs. Iranian
Journal of Applied Animal Science, 11(3), 577-
Kader Esen, V. & Elmacı, C. (2021). The estimation of
live weight from body measurements in different
meat-type lambs. Journal of Agricultural
Sciences, 27(4), 469-475.
Kebede, K. & Gebretsadik, G. (2010). Statistical
modelling of growth performance data on sheep
using mixed linear models. Livestock Research
for Rural Development, 22(4).
Kuchtik, K., Tilahun, M., Abebe, G. & Goetsch, A.
(2019). Analysis of growth performance data in
sheep using linear mixed model. World Journal of
Agriculture and Soil Science, 2(4),1-5. DOI:
Kecici, P.D., Öztürk, N., Coskun, R. & Ekiz, B. (2021).
Effects of certain environmental factors on growth
performances of Kivircik lambs. Journal of
Research in Veterinary Medicine, 40(2), 106-115.
DOI: 10.30782/jrvm.980628
Kelman, K.R., Alston-Knox, C., Pethick, D.W. &
Gardner, G.E. (2022). Sire breed, litter size, and
environment ınfluence genetic potential for lamb
growth when using sire breeding values. Animals,
12, 501. DOI: 10.3390/ani12040501
Kopuzlu, S., Sezgin, E., Yuksel, S., Ozluturk, A.,
Biberoglu, Ö., Esenbuga, N., Bilgin, Ö.C.,
Bayram, M. & Keskin, M. (2014). Phenotypic
and genetic parameters for growth characteristics
of Morkaraman sheep. Journal of Applied Animal
Research, 42(1), 97-102. DOI:
Kuchtik, J. & Dobes, I. (2006). Effect of some factors on
growth of lambs from crossing between the
Improved Wallachian and East Friesian. Czech
Journal of Animal Science, 51(2), 54-60.
Lalit Malik, Z.S., Dalal, D.S., Dahiya, S.P., Patil, C.S. &
Dahiya, R. (2016). Genetic analysis of growth
traits in Harnali sheep. Veterinary World, 9(2),
128-132. DOI: 10.14202/vetworld.2016.128-132
Málková, A., Ptáček, M., Stádník, L. & Ducháček, J.
(2020). Factors determining survivability traits of
Charollais, Kent lambs, and their crossbreds
during rearing. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Et
Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 68(3), 539-
549. DOI: 10.11118/actaun202068030539
Maraveni, M., Vatankhah, M. & Eydivandi, S. (2018).
Phenotypic and genetic analysis of lori‐bakhtiari
lamb's weight at different ages for autosomal and
sex‐linked genetic effects. Iranian Journal of
Applied Animal Science, 8(1), 67-75.
McGovern, F.M., McHugh, N., Fitzmaurice, S., Pabiou,
T., McDermott, K., Wall, E. & Fetherstone, N.
(2020). Phenotypic factors associated with lamb
live weight and carcass composition
measurements in an Irish multi-breed sheep population. Translational Animal Science, 4, 1-9.
DOI: 10.1093/tas/txaa206
Mellado, J., Marín, V., Reyes-Carrillo, J.L., Mellado,
M., Gaytán, L. & De Santiago, M.D.L.A.
(2016). Effects of non-genetic factors on preweaning growth traits in Dorper sheep managed
intensively in Central Mexico. Ecosistemas y
Recursos Agropecuarios, 3(8), 229-235.
Noyan, M. & Ceyhan, A. (2021). Yarı entansif koşullarda
yetiştirilen Akkaraman ırkı kuzuların büyüme
performansı. Journal of Agriculture, Food,
Environment and Animal Sciences, 2(2), 147-162.
Núñez-Torres, O.P. & Almeida-Secaira, R.I. (2022).
Genética cuantitativa: principios de la crianza enla
producción pecuaria. Journal of the Selva Andina
Animal Science, 9(1), 23-36.
Olfaz, M., Tırınk, C. & Önder, H. (2019). Use of CART
and CHAID algorithms in Karayaka sheep
breeding. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi
Dergisi, 25(1), 105-110. Doi:
Özbeyaz, C., Bilgiç, Ö.F., Kocakaya, A. & Ünal, N.
(2018). Eskişehir’de yetiştirici koşullarındaki
İvesi koyunlarında bazı özelliklerin incelenmesi.
Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma. Enstitüsü
Dergisi, 58(1), 1-6.
Pollak, E. (2001). Quantitative trait, In: Brenner, S. &
Miller, J.H. (Ed), Encyclopedia of Genetics, 1597-
1598p, Academic Press, Elsevier Science Inc.,
Rahimi, S.M., Rafat, S.A. & Jafari, S. (2014). Effects of
environmental factors on growth traits in Makuie
sheep. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry,
30(2), 185-192.
Sarı, M., Önk, K., Aksoy, A.R., Tilki, M. & Adıgüzel
Işık, S. (2014). Hemşin kuzularında büyüme ve
bazı vücut ölçülerinin belirlenmesi. Lalahan
Hayvancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 54, 15-
Selvi, T.N. & Üstüner, H. (2021). Some fertility traits and
growth characteristics of Kivircik sheep breed in
the extensive farm conditions. Journal of
Research in Veterinary Meicine, 40(2), 116-119.
DOI: 10.30782/jrvm.995392
Sharif, N., Ali, A., Dawood, M., Khan, M.I.-u.-R. & Do,
D.N. (2022). Environmental effects and genetic
parameters for growth traits of Lohi sheep.
Animals, 12, 3590. DOI: 10.3390/ani12243590
Shibab, O.H., Abdullah, D.S. & Abdulrahman, E.G.
(2022). Factors affecting in some productive traits
for local and Turkish Awassi sheep. Tikrit Journal
for Agricultural Sciences, 22(3), 70-77. DOI:
Shirinkam, S., Alaeddini, A. & Gross, E. (2020).
Identifying the number of components in gaussian
mixture models using numerical algebraic
geometry. Journal of Algebra and Its
Applications, 19(11). DOI:
Şireli, H.D., Vural, M.E., Karataş, A., Akça, N.,
Koncagül, S. & Tekel, N. (2015). Birth and
weaning weights of Awassi lambs raised in the
GAP International Agricultural Research and
Training Center. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner
Fakültesi Dergisi, 62, 139-145.
Şahin, M.S. & Kopuzlu, S. (2022). Determination of some
growth traits in Morkaraman lambs. Journal of
Animal Science and Products (JASP), 5(1), 24-39.
DOI: 10.51970/jasp.1090998
Şahin, Ö. (2022). Evaluation of some factors on birth and
weaning weights in Awassi sheep by using GLM
and CART analysis. Tropical Animal Health and
Production, 54, 400.
Tesema, Z., Deribe, B., Lakew, M., Getachew, T.,
Tilahun, M., Belayneh, N., Kefale, A., Shibesh,
M., Zegeye, A., Yizengaw, L., Alebachew,
G.W., Tiruneh, S., Kiros, S., Asfaw, M. &
Bishaw, M. (2022). Genetic and non-genetic
parameter estimates for growth traits and Kleiber
ratios in Dorper × indigenous sheep, Animal, 16,
100533. DOI: 10.1016/j.animal.2022.100533
Toghiani, S. (2012). Quantitative genetic application in
the selection process for livestock production, In:
Javed, K. (Ed), Livestock production, 2nd ed., 1-
32p, IntechOpen.
Yağcı, S., Baş, S. & Tatlıyer, A. (2018). Şavak
Akkaraman kuzuların yetiştirici koşullarında
büyüme ve yaşama gücü özellikleri. Lalahan
Hayvancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 58(2),
Yesilova, A., Okut, H. & Kaki, B. (2008). Kategorik
veriler için karışımlı poisson ve karışımlı lojistik
regresyon yöntemlerin teorik özelliklerinin
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Yesilova, A., Yilmaz, A., Ser, G. & Kaki, B. (2016).
Modeling with Gaussian mixture regression for
lactation milk yield in Anatolian buffaloes. Indian
Journal of Animal Research, 50(6), 989-994.
DOI: 10.18805/ijar.v0iOF.4545.
Morkaraman Kuzularının Sütten Kesim Öncesi Büyüme Özellikleri Üzerine Çevresel Faktörlerin Etkisi
Bu çalışmanın amacı, Morkaraman sürülerinde sütten kesim öncesi büyüme özelliklerini etkileyen çevresel faktörleri incelemek ve Gauss karışım regresyon modelini kullanarak sütten kesim ağırlığını kategorize etmektir. Kuzuların doğum, 60. ve 90. gün (sütten kesim) ortalama canlı ağırlıkları sırasıyla 3.97 kg, 17.94 kg ve 24.92 kg olarak belirlendi. Kuzulama yılının tüm yaşlardaki canlı ağırlıklar üzerindeki etkisi oldukça önemli bulundu (p<0.001). Ana yaşının doğum (p<0.01), 60. gün (p<0.001) ve sütten kesim ağırlığı (p<0.001) üzerindeki etkisi de oldukça önemliydi. Erkek kuzular doğum ağırlığı (p<0.001), 60. gün (p<0.01) ve sütten kesim ağırlığı (p<0.001) bakımından dişilerden daha üstündü. Doğum tipinin yalnızca doğum ağırlığı üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisi bulundu (p<0.001). Ayrıca, Gauss karışım regresyon modeli kullanılarak sütten kesim ağırlıklarının ilçelere göre kategorize edilebileceği belirlendi. Sonuç olarak, genetik potansiyelin ortaya çıkmasında etkili olan çevresel faktörlerin kuzuların büyüme özellikleri üzerindeki etkilerinin bilinmesi, ıslah ve yönetim stratejilerine önemli katkılar sağlayabilir.
Abbas, S.F., Abd Allah, M., Allam, F.M. & Aboul-Ella,
A.A. (2010). Growth performance of Rahmani
and Chios lambs weaned at different ages.
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences,
4(7), 1583-1589.
Akhtar, M., Javed, K., Abdullah, M., Ahmad, N. &
Elzo, M.A. (2012). Environmental factors
affecting preweaning growth traits of Buchi sheep
in Pakistan. The Journal of Animal & Plant
Sciences, 22(3), 529-536.
Alarslan, E. & Aygün, T. (2019). Determination of
growth and some morphological traits of Kıvırcık
lambs in Yalova. Journal of Animal Production,
60(1), 39-50. DOI: 10.29185/hayuretim.556669
Ali, A., Javed, K., Zahoor, I. & Anjum, K.M. (2020).
Analysis of non-genetic and genetic influences
underlying the growth of Kajli lambs. South
African Journal of Animal Science, 50(4), 613-
625. DOI: 10.4314/sajas.v50i4.13
Arzik, Y., Kizilaslan, M., White, S.N., Piel, L.M.W. &
Cinar, M.U. (2022). Estimates of genomic
heritability and genome‑wide association studies
for blood parameters in Akkaraman sheep.
Scientific Reports, 12, 18477. DOI:
Assan, N. (2020). Effect of genetic and non-genetic factors
on growth traits in goats and sheep production.
Scientific Journal of Zoology, 9(1), 106-122. DOI:
Balasundaram, B., Thiruvenkadan, A.K., Murali, N.,
Muralidharan, J., Cauveri, D. & Peters, S.O.
(2023). Genetic parameters of growth traits and
quantitative genetic metrics for selection and
conservation of Mecheri sheep of Tamil Nadu.
Animals, 13, 454. DOI: 10.3390/ani13030454
Baneh, H. & Hafezian, S.H. (2009). Effects of
environmental factors on growth traits in Ghezel
sheep. African Journal of Biotechnology, 8(12),
Behrem, S. (2021). Effects of environmental factors
growth traits of Akkaraman sheep in Çankırı
province. Livestock Studies, 61(1), 22-27.
Bozgüllü, Ö. & Macit, M. (2022). Morkaraman ırkı
kuzuların mer’ada performans özelliklerinin
belirlenmesi. Palandöken Journal of Animal
Science, Technology and Economics, 1(1), 24-32.
Cemal, İ., Karaca, O. & Altın, T. (2005). Live weights of
Kıvırcık ewes and lambs in some periods under
extensive management conditions. Turkish
Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, 29,
Ehsaninia, J. (2021). Estimates of (co)variance
components and genetic parameters for preweaning body weight traits and Kleiber ratio in
Sangsari sheep breed. Italian Journal of Animal
Science, 20(1), 918-927. DOI:
Garcia-Baccino, C.A., Marie-Etancelin, C., Tortereau,
F., Marcon, D., Weisbecker, J.L. & Legarra, A.
(2021). Detection of unrecorded environmental
challenges in high-frequency recorded traits, and
genetic determinism of resilience to challenge,
with an application on feed intake in lambs.
Genetics Selection Evolution, 53(4), 1-14. DOI:
Hagan, B.A., Salifu, S., Asumah, C., Yeboah, E.D. &
Boa-Amponsem, K. (2022). Effects of genetic
and non-genetic factors on body weight, preweaning growth, birth type and pre-weaning
survivability of lambsin a sheep nucleus station.
Livestock Research for Rural Development, 34(4),
Hızlı, H. & Yazgan, E. (2021). Comparison of the growth
curve models on live weights in terms of different
environmental factors in Awassi lambs. Iranian
Journal of Applied Animal Science, 11(3), 577-
Kader Esen, V. & Elmacı, C. (2021). The estimation of
live weight from body measurements in different
meat-type lambs. Journal of Agricultural
Sciences, 27(4), 469-475.
Kebede, K. & Gebretsadik, G. (2010). Statistical
modelling of growth performance data on sheep
using mixed linear models. Livestock Research
for Rural Development, 22(4).
Kuchtik, K., Tilahun, M., Abebe, G. & Goetsch, A.
(2019). Analysis of growth performance data in
sheep using linear mixed model. World Journal of
Agriculture and Soil Science, 2(4),1-5. DOI:
Kecici, P.D., Öztürk, N., Coskun, R. & Ekiz, B. (2021).
Effects of certain environmental factors on growth
performances of Kivircik lambs. Journal of
Research in Veterinary Medicine, 40(2), 106-115.
DOI: 10.30782/jrvm.980628
Kelman, K.R., Alston-Knox, C., Pethick, D.W. &
Gardner, G.E. (2022). Sire breed, litter size, and
environment ınfluence genetic potential for lamb
growth when using sire breeding values. Animals,
12, 501. DOI: 10.3390/ani12040501
Kopuzlu, S., Sezgin, E., Yuksel, S., Ozluturk, A.,
Biberoglu, Ö., Esenbuga, N., Bilgin, Ö.C.,
Bayram, M. & Keskin, M. (2014). Phenotypic
and genetic parameters for growth characteristics
of Morkaraman sheep. Journal of Applied Animal
Research, 42(1), 97-102. DOI:
Kuchtik, J. & Dobes, I. (2006). Effect of some factors on
growth of lambs from crossing between the
Improved Wallachian and East Friesian. Czech
Journal of Animal Science, 51(2), 54-60.
Lalit Malik, Z.S., Dalal, D.S., Dahiya, S.P., Patil, C.S. &
Dahiya, R. (2016). Genetic analysis of growth
traits in Harnali sheep. Veterinary World, 9(2),
128-132. DOI: 10.14202/vetworld.2016.128-132
Málková, A., Ptáček, M., Stádník, L. & Ducháček, J.
(2020). Factors determining survivability traits of
Charollais, Kent lambs, and their crossbreds
during rearing. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Et
Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 68(3), 539-
549. DOI: 10.11118/actaun202068030539
Maraveni, M., Vatankhah, M. & Eydivandi, S. (2018).
Phenotypic and genetic analysis of lori‐bakhtiari
lamb's weight at different ages for autosomal and
sex‐linked genetic effects. Iranian Journal of
Applied Animal Science, 8(1), 67-75.
McGovern, F.M., McHugh, N., Fitzmaurice, S., Pabiou,
T., McDermott, K., Wall, E. & Fetherstone, N.
(2020). Phenotypic factors associated with lamb
live weight and carcass composition
measurements in an Irish multi-breed sheep population. Translational Animal Science, 4, 1-9.
DOI: 10.1093/tas/txaa206
Mellado, J., Marín, V., Reyes-Carrillo, J.L., Mellado,
M., Gaytán, L. & De Santiago, M.D.L.A.
(2016). Effects of non-genetic factors on preweaning growth traits in Dorper sheep managed
intensively in Central Mexico. Ecosistemas y
Recursos Agropecuarios, 3(8), 229-235.
Noyan, M. & Ceyhan, A. (2021). Yarı entansif koşullarda
yetiştirilen Akkaraman ırkı kuzuların büyüme
performansı. Journal of Agriculture, Food,
Environment and Animal Sciences, 2(2), 147-162.
Núñez-Torres, O.P. & Almeida-Secaira, R.I. (2022).
Genética cuantitativa: principios de la crianza enla
producción pecuaria. Journal of the Selva Andina
Animal Science, 9(1), 23-36.
Olfaz, M., Tırınk, C. & Önder, H. (2019). Use of CART
and CHAID algorithms in Karayaka sheep
breeding. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi
Dergisi, 25(1), 105-110. Doi:
Özbeyaz, C., Bilgiç, Ö.F., Kocakaya, A. & Ünal, N.
(2018). Eskişehir’de yetiştirici koşullarındaki
İvesi koyunlarında bazı özelliklerin incelenmesi.
Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma. Enstitüsü
Dergisi, 58(1), 1-6.
Pollak, E. (2001). Quantitative trait, In: Brenner, S. &
Miller, J.H. (Ed), Encyclopedia of Genetics, 1597-
1598p, Academic Press, Elsevier Science Inc.,
Rahimi, S.M., Rafat, S.A. & Jafari, S. (2014). Effects of
environmental factors on growth traits in Makuie
sheep. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry,
30(2), 185-192.
Sarı, M., Önk, K., Aksoy, A.R., Tilki, M. & Adıgüzel
Işık, S. (2014). Hemşin kuzularında büyüme ve
bazı vücut ölçülerinin belirlenmesi. Lalahan
Hayvancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 54, 15-
Selvi, T.N. & Üstüner, H. (2021). Some fertility traits and
growth characteristics of Kivircik sheep breed in
the extensive farm conditions. Journal of
Research in Veterinary Meicine, 40(2), 116-119.
DOI: 10.30782/jrvm.995392
Sharif, N., Ali, A., Dawood, M., Khan, M.I.-u.-R. & Do,
D.N. (2022). Environmental effects and genetic
parameters for growth traits of Lohi sheep.
Animals, 12, 3590. DOI: 10.3390/ani12243590
Shibab, O.H., Abdullah, D.S. & Abdulrahman, E.G.
(2022). Factors affecting in some productive traits
for local and Turkish Awassi sheep. Tikrit Journal
for Agricultural Sciences, 22(3), 70-77. DOI:
Shirinkam, S., Alaeddini, A. & Gross, E. (2020).
Identifying the number of components in gaussian
mixture models using numerical algebraic
geometry. Journal of Algebra and Its
Applications, 19(11). DOI:
Şireli, H.D., Vural, M.E., Karataş, A., Akça, N.,
Koncagül, S. & Tekel, N. (2015). Birth and
weaning weights of Awassi lambs raised in the
GAP International Agricultural Research and
Training Center. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner
Fakültesi Dergisi, 62, 139-145.
Şahin, M.S. & Kopuzlu, S. (2022). Determination of some
growth traits in Morkaraman lambs. Journal of
Animal Science and Products (JASP), 5(1), 24-39.
DOI: 10.51970/jasp.1090998
Şahin, Ö. (2022). Evaluation of some factors on birth and
weaning weights in Awassi sheep by using GLM
and CART analysis. Tropical Animal Health and
Production, 54, 400.
Tesema, Z., Deribe, B., Lakew, M., Getachew, T.,
Tilahun, M., Belayneh, N., Kefale, A., Shibesh,
M., Zegeye, A., Yizengaw, L., Alebachew,
G.W., Tiruneh, S., Kiros, S., Asfaw, M. &
Bishaw, M. (2022). Genetic and non-genetic
parameter estimates for growth traits and Kleiber
ratios in Dorper × indigenous sheep, Animal, 16,
100533. DOI: 10.1016/j.animal.2022.100533
Toghiani, S. (2012). Quantitative genetic application in
the selection process for livestock production, In:
Javed, K. (Ed), Livestock production, 2nd ed., 1-
32p, IntechOpen.
Yağcı, S., Baş, S. & Tatlıyer, A. (2018). Şavak
Akkaraman kuzuların yetiştirici koşullarında
büyüme ve yaşama gücü özellikleri. Lalahan
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JAES/AAS-Journal of Anatolian Environmental and Animal Sciences/Anatolian Academic Sciences&Anadolu Çevre ve Hayvancılık Dergisi/Anadolu Akademik Bilimler-AÇEH/AAS