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Mullus barbatus (Linnaeus, 1758)'un Üreme biyolojisi, Cinsel Olgunluk boyu ve fekonditesi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3, 348 - 358, 30.09.2024


Bu çalışmada, Ekim 2017-Eylül 2018 döneminde Karadeniz'de aylık olarak örneklenen
barbunya balığının (M. barbatus) üreme biyolojisi ve %50 olgunluk boyunun belirlenmesi
amaçlanmıştır. Örneklerin eşeyleri arasındaki farkın (dişi: 936, erkek: 454) anlamlı olduğu
belirlenmiştir. Üreme periyodunun belirlenmesinde kullanılan yöntemlerin ( GSI, gonadların
makroskopik analizi, gonadların mikroskopik analizi) birbirleri ile eşleştiği anlaşılmıştır. Güney
Karadeniz'de barbunyanın üreme dönemi Nisan-Ağustos ayları arasında olup, histolojik yönteme
göre yumurtlama Mayıs-Ağustos ayları arasında gerçekleşmiştir. Barbunyanın yumurtlama
dönemindeki ortalama FB ve ortalama FR sayısı ve standart sapmaları sırasıyla 4813,0±5324.0 ve
124,6±124.1 g-1 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Dişilerin ve erkeklerin olgunluk boyları sırasıyla 12,40
cm ve 11,29 cm'dir. Sonuç olarak, Karadeniz'deki barbunya stoklarının sürdürülebilirliği için
yumurtlama dönemleri, üreme stratejisi ve olgunluk boyları dikkate alınarak yeni bir yönetim
planının oluşturulması gerekmektedir.

Proje Numarası



  • Aksu, H., Erdem, Y., Özdemir, S. & Erdem, E. (2011). Estimation of some population parameters of red mullet (Mullus barbatus ponticus, Essipov, 1927) caught in the Black Sea. Journal of, 5(4), 345-353.
  • Akyol, O., Tosunoglu, Z. & Tokaç, T. (2000). Investigations of the growth and reproduction of red mullet (Mullus barbatus Linnaeus, 1758) population in the Bay of İzmir (Aegean Sea), Anadolu University Journal Of Science & Technology, 1, 121-127.
  • Arslan, M. & İşmen, A. (2014). Age, growth, reproduction and feeding of Mullus barbatus in Saros Bay (North Aegean Sea). Journal of Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 20(3), 184˗199.
  • Aydın, M. & Karadurmuş, U. (2013). An investigation on age, growth and biological characteristics of red mullet (Mullus barbatus ponticus, Essipov, 1927) in the Eastern Black Sea. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 12(2), 277-288.
  • Balcı, B.A. & Aktop, Y. (2019). Histological assessment of seasonal gonad maturation of red mullet (Mullus barbatus L., 1758) in Antalya Bay of Mediterranean in Turkey. Journal of Applied Animal Research, 47(1), 63-71.
  • Birkeland, C. & Dayton, P.K. (2005). The importance in fishery management of leaving the big ones. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 20 (7), 556-558.
  • Bolger, T. & Connolly, P.L. (1989). The selection of suitable indices for the measurement and analysis of fish condition. Journal of Fish Biology, 34(2), 171-182.
  • Brown-Peterson, N.J., Wyanski, D.M., Saborido-Rey, F., Macewicz, B.J. & Lowerre-Barbieri, S.K. (2011). A standardized terminology for describing reproductive development in fishes, Marine & Coastal Fisheries, 3 (1), 52-70.
  • Carbonara, P., Intini, S., Modugno, E., Maradonna, F., Spedicato, M.T., Lembo, G., Zupa, W. & Carnevali, O. (2015). Reproductive biology characteristics of red mullet (Mullus barbatus L., 1758) in Southern Adriatic Sea and management implications. Aquatic Living Resources. 28, 21– 31.
  • Craig, S.R., MacKenzie, D.S., Jones, G. & Gatlin, D.M. (2000). Seasonal changes in the reproductive condition and body composition of free-ranging red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus. Aquaculture, 190, 89-102.
  • Çelik, Ö. &Torcu, H. (2000). Investigations on the biology of red mullet (Mullus barbatus Linnaeus, 1758) in Edremit Bay,Aegean Sea, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, 24, 287-295.
  • Çiloğlu, E. & Akgümüş, Ş. (2019). Age, Growth and gonado-somatic ındex of the red mullet (Mullus barbatus ponticus Essipov, 1927) in the Eastern Black Sea coast of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agriculture Food Science & Technology, 7(2), 186-191.
  • Vlaming, V., Grossman, G. & Chapman, F. (1982). On the use of the gonosomatic index. Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology, 73, 31-39.
  • Dinçer, A.C. & Bahar, M. (2008). Multifilament gillnet selectivity for the red mullet (Mullus barbatus) in the Eastern Black Sea Coast of Turkey, Trabzon. Turkish Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences, 8, 355-359.
  • Erdem, Y. (2018). Estimation of size at first maturity of Black Sea red mullet (Mullus barbatus ponticus). Journal of Advances in VetBio Science & Techniques, 3(2), 30-37.
  • Ferreri, R., Basilone, G., D’Elia, M., Traina, A., Saborido-Rey, F. & Mazzola, S. (2009). Validation of macroscopic maturity stages according to microscopic histological examination for European anchovy. Marine Ecology, 30, 181-187.
  • Ferrer-Maza, D., Munoz, M., Lloret, J., Faliex, E., Vila, S. & Sasal, P. (2015). Health and reproduction of red mullet, Mullus barbatus, in the western Mediterranean Sea. Hydrobiologia 753, 189–204.
  • Flores, A., Wiff, R. & Diaz, E. (2015). Using the gonadosomatic index to estimate the maturity ogive: application to chilean hake (Merluccius gayi gayi). ICES Journal of Marine Science, 72, 508-514.
  • Follesa, M.C., Carbonara, P. (2019). Atlas of the maturity stages of Mediterranean fishery resources, Studies & Reviews 99, FAO, Rome, 268 p.
  • Genç, Y. (2000). Türkiye’nin Doğu Karadeniz kıyılarındaki barbunya (Mullus barbatus ponticus, Ess. 1927) Balığının Biyo-Ekolojik Özellikleri ve Populasyon Parametreleri, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 181 s.
  • Hunter, J.R. & Macewicz, B.J. (1980). Sexual maturity, batch fecundity, spawning frequency and temporal pattern of spawning for the Northern anchovy Engraulis mordax, during the 1979 spawning season. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations reports 13.
  • Hunter, J.R. (1985). An Egg Production Method for Estimating Spawning Biomass of Pelagic Fish: Application to the Northern Anchovy, Engraulis mordax Preservation of northern anchovy in formaldehyde solution, NOAA Technical Report NMFS 36, 63-64.
  • Hunter, J.R., Lo, N.C.H., Leong, R. & Macewicz, B. (1985). Batch fecundity in multiple spawning fishes. An egg production method for estimating spawning biomass of pelagic fish: Application to the northern anchovy Engraulis mordax, NOAA Technical Report NMFS 36, 12 p.
  • Hunter, J.R., Macewicz, B.J., Lo, N.C.H. & Kimbrell, C.A. (1992). Fecundity, spawning, and maturity of female Dover sole, Microstomus pacificus, with an evaluation of assumptions and precision. Fishery Bulletin, 90, 101-128.
  • Huntingford, F.A., Chellappa, S., Taylor, A.C. & Strang, R.H.C. (2001). Energy reserves and reproductive investment in male three-spined sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 10, 111-117.
  • Kalaycı, F., Samsun, N., Bilgin, S. & Samsun, O. (2007). Length-weight relationship of 10 fish species caught by bottom trawl and midwater trawl from the Middle Black Sea, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences,7, 33-36.
  • Kalaycı, F. & Yeşilçiçek, T. (2012). Investigation of the selectivity of trammel nets used in red mullet (Mullus barbatus) fishery in the Eastern Black Sea, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences, 12, 937-945.
  • King, M., (1995). Fisheries biology assessment and management. Oxford: Blackwell Science Ltd., Oxfort, UK, 341p.
  • Kjesbu, O.S., Thorsen, T. & Fonn, M. (2011). Quantification of primary and secondary oocyte production in Atlantic cod by simple oocyte packing density theory. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management & Ecosystem Science, 3, 92-105.
  • Kokokiris, L., Stamoulis, A., Monokrousos N. & Doulgeraki, S. (2014). Oocytes development, maturity classification, maturity size and spawning season of the red mullet (Mullus barbatus barbatus Linnaeus, 1758). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 30, 20-27.
  • Kutsyn, D.N. (2022). Age, growth, maturation, and mortality of red mullet Mullus barbatus (Mullidae) of Crimea, the Black Sea. Journal of Ichthyology, 62,(2), 188-197.
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  • Lowerre-Barbieri S.K., Chittenden, M.E. Jr. & Barbieri, L.R. (1996). The multiple spawning pattern of weakfish in the Chesapeake Bay and Middle Atlantic Bight. Journal of Fish Biology, 48, 1139-1163.
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  • Melnikova, E.B. & Kuzminova, N.S. (2020). Influence of climatic factors on the ınterannual changes of gonadosomatic ındex of the red mullet Mullus barbatus ponticus in the Coastal Crimean Waters. Ecologica Montenegrina, 31, 10-19. DOI: 10.37828/em.2020.31.3
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  • Onay, H., Dalgıç, G. & Ceylan, Y. (2023a). Spatio- temporal Distribution and Population Dynamics of the Red Mullet Mullus barbatus Linnaeus, 1758 from the South-east Black Sea. Journal of Anatolian Environmental and Animal Sciences, 8(4), 720-727. DOI: 10.35229/jaes.1378446
  • Onay, H., Karsli, B., Minaz, M. & Dalgiç, G., (2023b). Seasonal monitoring of microplastic pollution in the Southeast Black Sea: An example of red mullet (Mullus barbatus) gastrointestinal tracts. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 191, (114886), 1-6.
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Reproductive Cycle, Sexual Maturity and Fecundity of Mullus barbatus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3, 348 - 358, 30.09.2024


The study aims to determine the reproductive biology and 50% maturity length of red
mullet (M. barbatus) by taking monthly samples in the Black Sea between October 2017 and
September 2018. The difference in the sex ratio of the samples (female: 936, male: 454) was
found to be significant. It was understood that the results of the methods used to determine the
reproductive period (GSI, macroscopic analysis of gonads, microscopic analysis of gonads) were
compatible with each other. The reproduction period of red mullet was between April and August
in the Black Sea, but spawning occurred between May and August according to the histological
method. Considering the oocyte structures and oocyte diameter distributions in the histological
sections, it was observed that the red mullet in the Black Sea was a multiple spawner and had an
indeterminate fecundity. Mean and standard deviation of batch fecundity (FB) and mean relative
fecundity (FR) of red mullet during the spawning period were calculated as 4813.0±5324.0 and
124.6±124.1 g-1, respectively. The maturity sizes of females and males were 12.40 cm and 11.29
cm, respectively. To ensure the sustainability of red mullet stocks in the Black Sea, a new
management plan should be established that takes into account spawning periods, reproductive
strategies, and sizes at maturity.

Etik Beyan

etik kurul onayı gerekmemektedir.

Destekleyen Kurum

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi, BAP Koordinatörlüğü

Proje Numarası



This research was supported by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University, BAP (project number: FYL-2018-868).


  • Aksu, H., Erdem, Y., Özdemir, S. & Erdem, E. (2011). Estimation of some population parameters of red mullet (Mullus barbatus ponticus, Essipov, 1927) caught in the Black Sea. Journal of, 5(4), 345-353.
  • Akyol, O., Tosunoglu, Z. & Tokaç, T. (2000). Investigations of the growth and reproduction of red mullet (Mullus barbatus Linnaeus, 1758) population in the Bay of İzmir (Aegean Sea), Anadolu University Journal Of Science & Technology, 1, 121-127.
  • Arslan, M. & İşmen, A. (2014). Age, growth, reproduction and feeding of Mullus barbatus in Saros Bay (North Aegean Sea). Journal of Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 20(3), 184˗199.
  • Aydın, M. & Karadurmuş, U. (2013). An investigation on age, growth and biological characteristics of red mullet (Mullus barbatus ponticus, Essipov, 1927) in the Eastern Black Sea. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 12(2), 277-288.
  • Balcı, B.A. & Aktop, Y. (2019). Histological assessment of seasonal gonad maturation of red mullet (Mullus barbatus L., 1758) in Antalya Bay of Mediterranean in Turkey. Journal of Applied Animal Research, 47(1), 63-71.
  • Birkeland, C. & Dayton, P.K. (2005). The importance in fishery management of leaving the big ones. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 20 (7), 556-558.
  • Bolger, T. & Connolly, P.L. (1989). The selection of suitable indices for the measurement and analysis of fish condition. Journal of Fish Biology, 34(2), 171-182.
  • Brown-Peterson, N.J., Wyanski, D.M., Saborido-Rey, F., Macewicz, B.J. & Lowerre-Barbieri, S.K. (2011). A standardized terminology for describing reproductive development in fishes, Marine & Coastal Fisheries, 3 (1), 52-70.
  • Carbonara, P., Intini, S., Modugno, E., Maradonna, F., Spedicato, M.T., Lembo, G., Zupa, W. & Carnevali, O. (2015). Reproductive biology characteristics of red mullet (Mullus barbatus L., 1758) in Southern Adriatic Sea and management implications. Aquatic Living Resources. 28, 21– 31.
  • Craig, S.R., MacKenzie, D.S., Jones, G. & Gatlin, D.M. (2000). Seasonal changes in the reproductive condition and body composition of free-ranging red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus. Aquaculture, 190, 89-102.
  • Çelik, Ö. &Torcu, H. (2000). Investigations on the biology of red mullet (Mullus barbatus Linnaeus, 1758) in Edremit Bay,Aegean Sea, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, 24, 287-295.
  • Çiloğlu, E. & Akgümüş, Ş. (2019). Age, Growth and gonado-somatic ındex of the red mullet (Mullus barbatus ponticus Essipov, 1927) in the Eastern Black Sea coast of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agriculture Food Science & Technology, 7(2), 186-191.
  • Vlaming, V., Grossman, G. & Chapman, F. (1982). On the use of the gonosomatic index. Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology, 73, 31-39.
  • Dinçer, A.C. & Bahar, M. (2008). Multifilament gillnet selectivity for the red mullet (Mullus barbatus) in the Eastern Black Sea Coast of Turkey, Trabzon. Turkish Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences, 8, 355-359.
  • Erdem, Y. (2018). Estimation of size at first maturity of Black Sea red mullet (Mullus barbatus ponticus). Journal of Advances in VetBio Science & Techniques, 3(2), 30-37.
  • Ferreri, R., Basilone, G., D’Elia, M., Traina, A., Saborido-Rey, F. & Mazzola, S. (2009). Validation of macroscopic maturity stages according to microscopic histological examination for European anchovy. Marine Ecology, 30, 181-187.
  • Ferrer-Maza, D., Munoz, M., Lloret, J., Faliex, E., Vila, S. & Sasal, P. (2015). Health and reproduction of red mullet, Mullus barbatus, in the western Mediterranean Sea. Hydrobiologia 753, 189–204.
  • Flores, A., Wiff, R. & Diaz, E. (2015). Using the gonadosomatic index to estimate the maturity ogive: application to chilean hake (Merluccius gayi gayi). ICES Journal of Marine Science, 72, 508-514.
  • Follesa, M.C., Carbonara, P. (2019). Atlas of the maturity stages of Mediterranean fishery resources, Studies & Reviews 99, FAO, Rome, 268 p.
  • Genç, Y. (2000). Türkiye’nin Doğu Karadeniz kıyılarındaki barbunya (Mullus barbatus ponticus, Ess. 1927) Balığının Biyo-Ekolojik Özellikleri ve Populasyon Parametreleri, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 181 s.
  • Hunter, J.R. & Macewicz, B.J. (1980). Sexual maturity, batch fecundity, spawning frequency and temporal pattern of spawning for the Northern anchovy Engraulis mordax, during the 1979 spawning season. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations reports 13.
  • Hunter, J.R. (1985). An Egg Production Method for Estimating Spawning Biomass of Pelagic Fish: Application to the Northern Anchovy, Engraulis mordax Preservation of northern anchovy in formaldehyde solution, NOAA Technical Report NMFS 36, 63-64.
  • Hunter, J.R., Lo, N.C.H., Leong, R. & Macewicz, B. (1985). Batch fecundity in multiple spawning fishes. An egg production method for estimating spawning biomass of pelagic fish: Application to the northern anchovy Engraulis mordax, NOAA Technical Report NMFS 36, 12 p.
  • Hunter, J.R., Macewicz, B.J., Lo, N.C.H. & Kimbrell, C.A. (1992). Fecundity, spawning, and maturity of female Dover sole, Microstomus pacificus, with an evaluation of assumptions and precision. Fishery Bulletin, 90, 101-128.
  • Huntingford, F.A., Chellappa, S., Taylor, A.C. & Strang, R.H.C. (2001). Energy reserves and reproductive investment in male three-spined sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 10, 111-117.
  • Kalaycı, F., Samsun, N., Bilgin, S. & Samsun, O. (2007). Length-weight relationship of 10 fish species caught by bottom trawl and midwater trawl from the Middle Black Sea, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences,7, 33-36.
  • Kalaycı, F. & Yeşilçiçek, T. (2012). Investigation of the selectivity of trammel nets used in red mullet (Mullus barbatus) fishery in the Eastern Black Sea, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences, 12, 937-945.
  • King, M., (1995). Fisheries biology assessment and management. Oxford: Blackwell Science Ltd., Oxfort, UK, 341p.
  • Kjesbu, O.S., Thorsen, T. & Fonn, M. (2011). Quantification of primary and secondary oocyte production in Atlantic cod by simple oocyte packing density theory. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management & Ecosystem Science, 3, 92-105.
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Toplam 66 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Balık Biyolojisi, Balıkçılık Yönetimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Cemalettin Şahin 0000-0002-7924-3536

Muhammet Emanet 0000-0002-9970-1442

Yusuf Ceylan 0000-0002-7513-4957

Proje Numarası FYL-2018-868
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 16 Eylül 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Şubat 2024
Kabul Tarihi 12 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Şahin, C., Emanet, M., & Ceylan, Y. (2024). Reproductive Cycle, Sexual Maturity and Fecundity of Mullus barbatus (Linnaeus, 1758). Journal of Anatolian Environmental and Animal Sciences, 9(3), 348-358.

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