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Sentetik Atıksuyun Dreissena polymorpha'da Antioksidan Savunma Sistemine Etkisi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3, 307 - 313


Sentetik atık suyun Dreissena polymorpha'da antioksidan savunma sistemi üzerine etkileri değerlendirildi. Bu amaçla ticari kitler kullanılarak dokulardaki SOD, CAT, GPX aktiviteleri ile TBARS ve GSH düzeyleri belirlendi. Sentetik grupta SOD ve CAT aktivitelerinin D. polymorpha'da 24 ve 96 saat boyunca kontrol grubuna göre daha düşük olduğu belirlendi (p<0.05). D. polymorpha örneklerinin hücrelerinin sentetik atık suya maruz bırakılmasından sonra, GSH seviyelerinde azalma ve ardından TBARS seviyelerinde artış gözlendi ve bu durum onların kararsız durumlarını yansıtıyordu. Çalışmadan elde edilen verilere göre izlenen biyobelirteçlerin kentsel atık suyun biyokimyasal mekanizmalarını erken uyarı göstergesi olarak değerlendirmede faydalı ve etkili olduğu sonucuna varılabilir.

Etik Beyan

Etik bir durum gerekmemektedir


  • Abdellah, M., Mustapha, D. & Abdelmalek, B. (2020). Ecotoxicity Assessment of Industrial Wastewater: Evolution of Catalase Activity as A Biomarker of Oxıdative Stress in The Mussels Mytilus Galloprovincialis and Perna Perna. Revue Agrobiologia, 10(1), 1770-86.
  • Belda, M.T., Guerrero, J.J.V., Betancor, M.K., Reyes, G.P., Pleiter, M.D., Leganes, F., Rosal, R. & Pinas, F.F. (2021). Understanding nanoplastic toxicity and their interaction with engineered cationic nanopolymers in microalgae by physiological and proteomic approaches. Environmental Science: Nano, 8, 2277-2296.
  • Bowman, M.F. & Bailey, R.C. (1998). Upper pH tolerance limit of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha). Canadian Journal of Zoology, 76(11), 2119-2123.
  • Cavenave, J., Bacchetta, C., Rossi, A., Ale, A., Campana, M. & Parma, M.J. (2013). Deleterious effects of wastewater on the health status of fish: a field caging study. Ecological Indicators, 38, 104-112.
  • Cruz, N., Oliva, L.M.G., Martinez, M.G., Figueroa, S.R., Flores, H.I., Medina, S.G., Vargas, J.M.J. & Reyes, N.S.J. (2015). Oxidative stress in Cyprinus carpio induced by hospital wastewater in Mexico Nadia. Ecotoxicology, 24, 181-193.
  • Dalzochio, T., Rodrigues, G.Z.P., Petry, I.E., Gehlen, G. & da Silva, L.B. (2016). The use of biomarkers to assess the health of aquatic ecosystems in Brazil: a review. International Aquatic Research 8, 283-298.
  • Deng, Y., Guo, C., Zhang, H., Yin, X., Wu, D. & Xu, J. (2020). Occurrence and removal of illicit drugs in different wastewater treatment plants with different treatment techniques. Environmental Sciences Europe, 32, 28.
  • Droge, W. (2002). Free radicals in the physiological control of cell function. Physiological Reviews, 82(1), 47-95.
  • Elshamy A.I., Abd-ElGawad A.M., El Gendy A.E.N. G. & Assaeed A.M. (2019). Chemical characterization of Euphorbia heterophylla L. essential oils and their antioxidant activity and allelopathic potential on Cenchrus echinatus L. Chemistry & Biodiversity, 16(5), e1900051.
  • Geba, E., Rioult, D., Palluel, O., Dedourge-Geffard, O., Betoulle, S., Aubert, D. & Bigot-Clivot, A. (2021). Resilience of Dreissena polymorpha in wastewater effluent: Use as a bioremediation tool?, Journal of Environmental Management, 278, 111513.
  • Goedkoop, W., Naddafi, R. & Grandin, U. (2011). Retention of N and P by zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha pallas) and its quantitative role in the nutrient budget of eutrophic Lake Ekoln, Sweden. Biological Invasions, 13(5), 1077-1086.
  • Gusti, A.M.T., Qusti, S.Y., Alshammari, E.M., Toraih, E.A. & Fawzy, M.S. (2021). Antioxidants- Related Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), Catalase (CAT), Glutathione Peroxidase (GPX), Glutathione-S-Transferase (GST), and Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS) Gene Variants Analysis in an Obese Population: A Preliminary Case-Control Study. Antioxidants (Basel), 13, 10(4), 595.
  • Gwoździński, L., Krawczyk, P., Dworniak, D., Kowalczyk, E. & Błaszczyk, J. (2010). Alterations in the erythrocyte plasma membranes in patients with alcohol-induced liver cirrhosis - preliminary results. Archives of Medical Science, 7(1), 87-91.
  • Hassan, H.M. & Scandalios, J.M. (1990). Superoxide dismutases in aerobic organisms. In: Alscher, R.G., Cumming, J.R. (Eds.), Stress Responses in Plants: Adaptation and Acclimatation Mechanisms. Wiley-Liss, New York, pp. 175- 199.
  • Karatayev, A.Y., Burlakova, L.E. & Padilla, D.K. (2002). Impacts of zebra mussels on aquatic communities and their role as ecosystem engineers. In: Invasive Aquatic Species of Europe. Distribution, Impacts and Management. Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht, pp. 433-446.
  • Krismastuti, F.S.H. & Hamim, N. (2019). Designing a formulation of synthetic wastewater as proficiency testing sample: a feasibility study on a laboratory scale. Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 24, 437-441.
  • Krishnamurthy, P. & Wadhwani, A. (2012). In Antioxidant Enzyme (Ed: El Missiry, M. A.). In Tech Science, Technology & Medicine, Vienna, Austria, Ch. 1, pp. 4-18.
  • Modesto, K.A. & Martinez, C.B.R. (2010). Roundup® causes oxidative stress in liver and inhibits acetylcholinesterase in muscle and brain of the fish Prochilodus lineatus. Chemosphere, 78(3), 294-299.
  • Oakes, K.D., McMaster, M.E. & van Der Kraak, G.J. (2004). Oxidative stress responses in longnose sucker (Catostomus catostomus) exposed to pulp and paper mill and municipal sewage effluents. Aquatic Toxicology, 67, 255-271.
  • Orozco, M.R., Hernandez-Saavedra, N.Y., Valle, F.A., Gonzalez, B.A. & Ochoa, J.L. (1998). Cell yield and superoxide dismutase activity of the marine yeast Debaryomyces hansenii under different culture conditions. Journal of Marine Biotechnology, 6(4), 255-259.
  • Parolini, M., Binelli, A., Cogni, D. & Provini, A. (2010). Multi-biomarker approach for the evaluation of the cyto-genotoxicity of paracetamol on the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha). Chemosphere, 79(5), 489-498.
  • Pastorino, P., Prearo, M., Anselmi, S., Menconi, V., Bertoli, M., Dondo, A., Pizzul, E. & Renzi, M. (2021). Use of the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha (Mollusca, Bivalvia) as a bioindicator of microplastics pollution in freshwater ecosystems: A case study from Lake Iseo (North Italy). Water, 13(4), 434.
  • Radi, A.A.R., Hai, D.Q., Matkovics, B. & Gabrielak, T. (1985). Comparative antioxidant enzyme study in fresh water fish with different types of feeding behaviour. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 81(2), 395-399.
  • Rajasulochana, P. & Preethy, V. (2016). Comparison on efficiency of various techniques in treatment of waste and sewage water: A comprehensive review. Resource-Efficient Technologies, 2(4), 175-184.
  • Ross, D. (1988). Glutathione, free radicals and chemotherapeutic agents. Mechanisms of free radical induced toxicity and glutathione- dependent protection. Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 37(2), 231-249.
  • Samanta, P., Im, H., Yoo, J., Lee, H., Kim, N.Y., Kim, W., Hwangc, S.J., Kim, K.W. & Jung, J. (2018). Comparative assessment of the adverse outcome of wastewater effluents by integrating oxidative stress and histopathological alterations in endemic fish. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 35(344), 81-89.
  • Sarwar, U., Ahmed, T., Saeed, S., Abdullah, S., Javed, M., Abbas, K. & Zia, M.A. (2014). Purification and partial characterization of liver catalase enzyme from controlled and Pb + Cd metal mixture stressed grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). 34 th Pakistan Congress of Zoology, 25- 27 February 2014, Bahauddin Zakria University, Multan.
  • Serdar, O., Aydin, R. & Soylemez, H. (2021). Effect of Beta-Cyfluthrin Pesticide on Zebra Mussel (Dressienna polymorpha). International Journal of Pure and Applied Scirnce, 7(3), 462-471.
  • Sheng, Y., Abreu, I.A., Cabelli, D.E., Maroney, M.J., Miller, A.F., Teixeira, M. & Valentina, J.S. (2014). Superoxide Dismutases and Superoxide Reductases. Chemical Reviews, 9, 114(7).
  • Singh, D.V., Upadhyay, A.K., Singh, R. & Singh, D.P. (2022). Implication of municipal wastewater on growth kinetics, biochemical profile, and defense system of Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus vacuolatus. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 26, 102334.
  • Tabrez, S. & Ahmad, M. (2009). Effect of wastewater intake on antioxidant and marker enzymes of tissue damage in rat tissues: Implications for the use of biochemical markers. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 47(10), 2465-2478.
  • Tatar, S., Cikcikoglu Yildirim, N., Serdar, O., Yildirim, N. & Ogedey, A. (2018). The using of Gammarus pulex as a biomonitor in ecological risk assessment of secondary effluent from municipal wastewater treatment plant in Tunceli, Turkey. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 24(3), 819-829.
  • Tatar, S.Y., Obek, E. & Yildirim, N.C. (2017). Antioxidant Response in Duckweed After Exposure to Secondary Effluent from Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant, Elazig, Turkey. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 99(3),
  • Tetreault, G.R., Kleywegt, S., Marjan, P., Bragg, L.M., Arlos, M., Fuzzen, M., Smith, B., Moon, T., Massarsky, A., Metcalfe, C., Oakes, K.D., Mcmaster, M.E. & Servos, M. (2021). Biological responses fish exposed to municipal wastewater treatment plant effluent in situ. Water Quality Research Journal, 56(2), 83-99.
  • Upadhyay, A.K., Singh, R., Singh D.V., Singh, L. & Singh, D.P. (2021). Microalgal consortia technology: A novel and sustainable approach of resource reutilization, waste management and lipid production. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 23, 101600.
  • Van der Oost, R., Beyer, J. & Vermeulen, N.P.E. (2003). Fish bioaccumulation and biomarkers in environmental risk assessment: a review. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 13(2), 57-149.
  • Verlecar, X.N., Jena, K.B. & Chainy, G.B.N. (2008). Modulation of antioxidant defences in digestive gland of Perna viridis, on mercury exposures. Chemosphere, 71(10), 1977-1985. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2007.12.014
  • Yildirim, N.C., Aksu, O., Tatar, S. & Yildirim, N. (2020). The Use of Astacus leptodactylus (Eschscholtz, 1823) as a Test Species for Toxicity Evaluation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluents. Pollution, 6(1), 35-41.
  • Zama, D., Meraihi, Z., Tebibel, S., Benayssa, W. & Benayache, F. (2007). Chlorpyrifos-Induced Oxidative Stress and Tissue Damage in the Liver Protective Role of the Butanolic Extract of Paronychia argentea L. Indian Journal of Pharmacology, 39(3), 145-150.

Effect of Synthetic Wastewater on Antioxidant Defence System in Dreissena polymorpha

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3, 307 - 313


The effects of the synthetic wastewater on antioxidant defence system in Dreissena polymorpha evaluated. For this purpose, SOD, CAT, GPX activities and TBARS and GSH levels in tissues were determined by using commercial kits. The activities of SOD and CAT were in sythtetic group were determined lower than the control group in D. polymorpha during 24 and 96 h (p<0.05). After exposure of the cells of D. polymorpha samples to synthetic wastewater, depletion in GSH levels and subsequent increase in TBARS levels were observed, reflecting their unstable state. According to the data obtained from the study, it can be concluded that the biomarkers monitored are useful and effective in evaluating the biochemical mechanisms of urban wastewater as early warning indicators.

Etik Beyan

There is no need for ethical statement.


  • Abdellah, M., Mustapha, D. & Abdelmalek, B. (2020). Ecotoxicity Assessment of Industrial Wastewater: Evolution of Catalase Activity as A Biomarker of Oxıdative Stress in The Mussels Mytilus Galloprovincialis and Perna Perna. Revue Agrobiologia, 10(1), 1770-86.
  • Belda, M.T., Guerrero, J.J.V., Betancor, M.K., Reyes, G.P., Pleiter, M.D., Leganes, F., Rosal, R. & Pinas, F.F. (2021). Understanding nanoplastic toxicity and their interaction with engineered cationic nanopolymers in microalgae by physiological and proteomic approaches. Environmental Science: Nano, 8, 2277-2296.
  • Bowman, M.F. & Bailey, R.C. (1998). Upper pH tolerance limit of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha). Canadian Journal of Zoology, 76(11), 2119-2123.
  • Cavenave, J., Bacchetta, C., Rossi, A., Ale, A., Campana, M. & Parma, M.J. (2013). Deleterious effects of wastewater on the health status of fish: a field caging study. Ecological Indicators, 38, 104-112.
  • Cruz, N., Oliva, L.M.G., Martinez, M.G., Figueroa, S.R., Flores, H.I., Medina, S.G., Vargas, J.M.J. & Reyes, N.S.J. (2015). Oxidative stress in Cyprinus carpio induced by hospital wastewater in Mexico Nadia. Ecotoxicology, 24, 181-193.
  • Dalzochio, T., Rodrigues, G.Z.P., Petry, I.E., Gehlen, G. & da Silva, L.B. (2016). The use of biomarkers to assess the health of aquatic ecosystems in Brazil: a review. International Aquatic Research 8, 283-298.
  • Deng, Y., Guo, C., Zhang, H., Yin, X., Wu, D. & Xu, J. (2020). Occurrence and removal of illicit drugs in different wastewater treatment plants with different treatment techniques. Environmental Sciences Europe, 32, 28.
  • Droge, W. (2002). Free radicals in the physiological control of cell function. Physiological Reviews, 82(1), 47-95.
  • Elshamy A.I., Abd-ElGawad A.M., El Gendy A.E.N. G. & Assaeed A.M. (2019). Chemical characterization of Euphorbia heterophylla L. essential oils and their antioxidant activity and allelopathic potential on Cenchrus echinatus L. Chemistry & Biodiversity, 16(5), e1900051.
  • Geba, E., Rioult, D., Palluel, O., Dedourge-Geffard, O., Betoulle, S., Aubert, D. & Bigot-Clivot, A. (2021). Resilience of Dreissena polymorpha in wastewater effluent: Use as a bioremediation tool?, Journal of Environmental Management, 278, 111513.
  • Goedkoop, W., Naddafi, R. & Grandin, U. (2011). Retention of N and P by zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha pallas) and its quantitative role in the nutrient budget of eutrophic Lake Ekoln, Sweden. Biological Invasions, 13(5), 1077-1086.
  • Gusti, A.M.T., Qusti, S.Y., Alshammari, E.M., Toraih, E.A. & Fawzy, M.S. (2021). Antioxidants- Related Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), Catalase (CAT), Glutathione Peroxidase (GPX), Glutathione-S-Transferase (GST), and Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS) Gene Variants Analysis in an Obese Population: A Preliminary Case-Control Study. Antioxidants (Basel), 13, 10(4), 595.
  • Gwoździński, L., Krawczyk, P., Dworniak, D., Kowalczyk, E. & Błaszczyk, J. (2010). Alterations in the erythrocyte plasma membranes in patients with alcohol-induced liver cirrhosis - preliminary results. Archives of Medical Science, 7(1), 87-91.
  • Hassan, H.M. & Scandalios, J.M. (1990). Superoxide dismutases in aerobic organisms. In: Alscher, R.G., Cumming, J.R. (Eds.), Stress Responses in Plants: Adaptation and Acclimatation Mechanisms. Wiley-Liss, New York, pp. 175- 199.
  • Karatayev, A.Y., Burlakova, L.E. & Padilla, D.K. (2002). Impacts of zebra mussels on aquatic communities and their role as ecosystem engineers. In: Invasive Aquatic Species of Europe. Distribution, Impacts and Management. Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht, pp. 433-446.
  • Krismastuti, F.S.H. & Hamim, N. (2019). Designing a formulation of synthetic wastewater as proficiency testing sample: a feasibility study on a laboratory scale. Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 24, 437-441.
  • Krishnamurthy, P. & Wadhwani, A. (2012). In Antioxidant Enzyme (Ed: El Missiry, M. A.). In Tech Science, Technology & Medicine, Vienna, Austria, Ch. 1, pp. 4-18.
  • Modesto, K.A. & Martinez, C.B.R. (2010). Roundup® causes oxidative stress in liver and inhibits acetylcholinesterase in muscle and brain of the fish Prochilodus lineatus. Chemosphere, 78(3), 294-299.
  • Oakes, K.D., McMaster, M.E. & van Der Kraak, G.J. (2004). Oxidative stress responses in longnose sucker (Catostomus catostomus) exposed to pulp and paper mill and municipal sewage effluents. Aquatic Toxicology, 67, 255-271.
  • Orozco, M.R., Hernandez-Saavedra, N.Y., Valle, F.A., Gonzalez, B.A. & Ochoa, J.L. (1998). Cell yield and superoxide dismutase activity of the marine yeast Debaryomyces hansenii under different culture conditions. Journal of Marine Biotechnology, 6(4), 255-259.
  • Parolini, M., Binelli, A., Cogni, D. & Provini, A. (2010). Multi-biomarker approach for the evaluation of the cyto-genotoxicity of paracetamol on the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha). Chemosphere, 79(5), 489-498.
  • Pastorino, P., Prearo, M., Anselmi, S., Menconi, V., Bertoli, M., Dondo, A., Pizzul, E. & Renzi, M. (2021). Use of the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha (Mollusca, Bivalvia) as a bioindicator of microplastics pollution in freshwater ecosystems: A case study from Lake Iseo (North Italy). Water, 13(4), 434.
  • Radi, A.A.R., Hai, D.Q., Matkovics, B. & Gabrielak, T. (1985). Comparative antioxidant enzyme study in fresh water fish with different types of feeding behaviour. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 81(2), 395-399.
  • Rajasulochana, P. & Preethy, V. (2016). Comparison on efficiency of various techniques in treatment of waste and sewage water: A comprehensive review. Resource-Efficient Technologies, 2(4), 175-184.
  • Ross, D. (1988). Glutathione, free radicals and chemotherapeutic agents. Mechanisms of free radical induced toxicity and glutathione- dependent protection. Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 37(2), 231-249.
  • Samanta, P., Im, H., Yoo, J., Lee, H., Kim, N.Y., Kim, W., Hwangc, S.J., Kim, K.W. & Jung, J. (2018). Comparative assessment of the adverse outcome of wastewater effluents by integrating oxidative stress and histopathological alterations in endemic fish. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 35(344), 81-89.
  • Sarwar, U., Ahmed, T., Saeed, S., Abdullah, S., Javed, M., Abbas, K. & Zia, M.A. (2014). Purification and partial characterization of liver catalase enzyme from controlled and Pb + Cd metal mixture stressed grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). 34 th Pakistan Congress of Zoology, 25- 27 February 2014, Bahauddin Zakria University, Multan.
  • Serdar, O., Aydin, R. & Soylemez, H. (2021). Effect of Beta-Cyfluthrin Pesticide on Zebra Mussel (Dressienna polymorpha). International Journal of Pure and Applied Scirnce, 7(3), 462-471.
  • Sheng, Y., Abreu, I.A., Cabelli, D.E., Maroney, M.J., Miller, A.F., Teixeira, M. & Valentina, J.S. (2014). Superoxide Dismutases and Superoxide Reductases. Chemical Reviews, 9, 114(7).
  • Singh, D.V., Upadhyay, A.K., Singh, R. & Singh, D.P. (2022). Implication of municipal wastewater on growth kinetics, biochemical profile, and defense system of Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus vacuolatus. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 26, 102334.
  • Tabrez, S. & Ahmad, M. (2009). Effect of wastewater intake on antioxidant and marker enzymes of tissue damage in rat tissues: Implications for the use of biochemical markers. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 47(10), 2465-2478.
  • Tatar, S., Cikcikoglu Yildirim, N., Serdar, O., Yildirim, N. & Ogedey, A. (2018). The using of Gammarus pulex as a biomonitor in ecological risk assessment of secondary effluent from municipal wastewater treatment plant in Tunceli, Turkey. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 24(3), 819-829.
  • Tatar, S.Y., Obek, E. & Yildirim, N.C. (2017). Antioxidant Response in Duckweed After Exposure to Secondary Effluent from Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant, Elazig, Turkey. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 99(3),
  • Tetreault, G.R., Kleywegt, S., Marjan, P., Bragg, L.M., Arlos, M., Fuzzen, M., Smith, B., Moon, T., Massarsky, A., Metcalfe, C., Oakes, K.D., Mcmaster, M.E. & Servos, M. (2021). Biological responses fish exposed to municipal wastewater treatment plant effluent in situ. Water Quality Research Journal, 56(2), 83-99.
  • Upadhyay, A.K., Singh, R., Singh D.V., Singh, L. & Singh, D.P. (2021). Microalgal consortia technology: A novel and sustainable approach of resource reutilization, waste management and lipid production. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 23, 101600.
  • Van der Oost, R., Beyer, J. & Vermeulen, N.P.E. (2003). Fish bioaccumulation and biomarkers in environmental risk assessment: a review. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 13(2), 57-149.
  • Verlecar, X.N., Jena, K.B. & Chainy, G.B.N. (2008). Modulation of antioxidant defences in digestive gland of Perna viridis, on mercury exposures. Chemosphere, 71(10), 1977-1985. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2007.12.014
  • Yildirim, N.C., Aksu, O., Tatar, S. & Yildirim, N. (2020). The Use of Astacus leptodactylus (Eschscholtz, 1823) as a Test Species for Toxicity Evaluation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluents. Pollution, 6(1), 35-41.
  • Zama, D., Meraihi, Z., Tebibel, S., Benayssa, W. & Benayache, F. (2007). Chlorpyrifos-Induced Oxidative Stress and Tissue Damage in the Liver Protective Role of the Butanolic Extract of Paronychia argentea L. Indian Journal of Pharmacology, 39(3), 145-150.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Kirlilik ve Kontaminasyon (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Nuran Cikcikoglu Yildirim 0000-0003-3975-6705

Osman Serdar 0000-0003-1744-8883

Gökhan Önder Ergüven 0000-0003-1573-080X

Gozde Ergul 0000-0003-3426-6301

Numan Yıldırım 0000-0003-2022-6851

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 16 Eylül 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi
Gönderilme Tarihi 22 Nisan 2024
Kabul Tarihi 20 Haziran 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Cikcikoglu Yildirim, N., Serdar, O., Ergüven, G. Ö., Ergul, G., vd. (2024). Effect of Synthetic Wastewater on Antioxidant Defence System in Dreissena polymorpha. Journal of Anatolian Environmental and Animal Sciences, 9(3), 307-313.

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