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Yeşil Kampüs Girişimleri: Yükseköğretim Kurumlarında Sürdürülebilir Uygulamaların Etkisi ve Gerekliliğin Değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 15 - 24, 31.01.2025


Bu çalışma, üç üniversitede sürdürülebilir uygulamaların hayata geçirilmesini ve etkilerini incelemektedir: Kopenhag Üniversitesi, Nottingham Üniversitesi ve Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi. Nicel veri analizi ve nitel belge incelemesini birleştiren karma yöntem yaklaşımını kullanan araştırma, altı temel ölçütü değerlendirmektedir: Enerji verimliliği, yeşil alanlar, atık yönetimi, çevre eğitimi, karbon ayak izinin azaltılması ve sürdürülebilir ulaşım. Bulgular, enerji verimliliği ve karbon emisyonlarının azaltılmasında kayda değer başarılarla birlikte, çevresel etkinin azaltılmasında tüm kurumlarda önemli ilerleme kaydedildiğini göstermektedir. Yaklaşımlar yerel bağlamlara göre değişmekle birlikte, tüm üniversiteler sürdürülebilirliği müfredata ve kampüs operasyonlarına dâhil etme konusunda kararlılık göstermektedir. Çalışma, sürdürülebilir kampüs uygulamalarının çevrenin korunmasına olumlu katkıda bulunduğunu, potansiyel olarak öğrencilerin refahını artırdığını ve çevre bilincini teşvik ettiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Bununla birlikte, uzun vadeli planlama ve kaynak tahsisi ihtiyacı da dâhil olmak üzere zorluklar devam etmektedir. Araştırma, sürdürülebilirlik stratejilerinin belirli kurumsal ve kültürel bağlamlara göre uyarlanmasının önemini vurgulamaktadır. Araştırma, üniversitelerin sadece kendi kampüslerinde değil, aynı zamanda sürdürülebilir kalkınmaya yönelik daha geniş toplumsal geçişlerde de sürdürülebilirlik çabalarını yönlendirmede çok önemli bir rol oynadığı sonucuna varmaktadır. Çalışma, öğrenci davranışları ve toplumsal sonuçlar üzerindeki uzun vadeli etkileri değerlendirmek için daha fazla boylamsal araştırma yapılmasını önermektedir.


  • Abo-Khalil, A.G. (2024). Integrating sustainability into higher education challenges and opportunities for universities worldwide. Heliyon, 10(9), e29946.
  • Amaral, A.R., Rodrigues, E., Gaspar, A.R. & Gomes, Á. (2020). A review of empirical data of sustainability initiatives in university campus operations. Journal of Cleaner Production, 250, 119558.
  • Balsas, C.J.L. (2003). Sustainable transportation planning on college campuses. Transport Policy, 10(1), 35-49.
  • Bowen, G.A. (2009). Document analysis as a qualitative research method. Qualitative Research Journal, 9(2), 27-40.
  • Browning, M. & Rigolon, A. (2019). School green space and its impact on academic performance: A systematic literature review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16(3), 1- 22.
  • Brundiers, K., Barth, M., Cebrián, G., Cohen, M., Diaz, L., Doucette‑Remington, S., . . . Zint, M. (2021). Key competencies in sustainability in higher education- toward an agreed‑upon reference framework. Sustainability Science, 16, 13-29.
  • Denmark Climate & Clean Air Coalition. (n.d.). (2024). Retrieved from =Denmark%20has%20ensured%20ambitious%20clim ate,by%202050%20at%20the%20latest.
  • Dlouhá, J., Henderson, L., Kapitulčinová, D. & Mader, C. (2018). Sustainability-oriented higher education networks: Characteristics and achievements in the context of the UN DESD. Journal of Cleaner Production, 172, 4263-4276.
  • Ebrahimi, K. & North, L. (2017). Effective strategies for enhancing waste management at university campuses. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 18(7), 1123-1141.
  • Esser, F. & Vliegenthart, R. (2017). Comparative research methods, In: Matthes C. S. D. & Potter R. F. (Eds.), The international encyclopaedia of communication research methods, 1-22p, Wiley-Blackwell, USA.
  • Ferrer-Balas, D., Lozano, R., Huisingh, D., Buckland, H., Ysern, P. & Zilahy, G. (2010). Going beyond the rhetoric: system-wide changes in universities for sustainable societies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 18, 607-610.
  • Findler, F., Schönherr, N., Lozano, R., Reider, D. & Martinuzzi, A. (2019). The impacts of higher education institutions on sustainable development: A review and conceptualization. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 20(1), 23-38.
  • Fors, H., Hagemann, F.A., Sang, Å.O. & Randrup, T.B. (2021). Striving for inclusion-a systematic review of long-term participation in strategic management of urban green spaces. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 3, 1-27.
  • Giesenbauer, B. & Müller-Christ, G. (2020). University 4.0: Promoting the transformation of higher education institutions toward sustainable development. Sustainability, 12(8), 1-27, 3371.
  • Greenmetrics SUSTAINABLE CAMPUS. (2024). Retrieved from Kiraz, M. (2018). Sustainable water and stormwater management for Metu campus. (Master's Degree). Institute of Science and Technology. Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Türkiye, 248s.
  • Krippendorff, K. (2019). Content analysis: An introduction to its methodology 4th ed., SAGE Publications, 472p.
  • Leal Filho, W., Wall, T., Rayman-Bacchus, L., Mifsud, M., Pritchard, D. J., Lovren, V. O., . . . Balogun, A. L. (2021). Impacts of COVID-19 and social isolation on academic staff and students at universities: A cross- sectional study. BMC Public Health, 21(1), 1213.
  • Leal Filho, W., Wall, T., Salvia, A. L., Frankenberger, F., Hindley, A., Mifsud, M., . . . Will, M. (2021). Trends in scientific publishing on sustainability in higher education. Journal of Cleaner Production, 296, 126569.
  • Pandya, C., Prajapati, S., & Gupta, R. (2022). Sustainable energy efficient green campuses: A systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1084(1), 012016.
  • Poulsen, T. R., Olsen, R. L., Korsgaard, P., & Kongsted, L. H. (2023). University of Copenhagen climate account 2022. Retrieved from _Account_2022.pdf, 33p.
  • Republic of Turkey Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs. (2023). National Strategy and Action Plan to Combat Desertification. Retrieved from Ankara: eylem-bros-ing-20211108095837.pdf
  • Sonetti, G., Barioglio, C. & Campobenedetto, D. (2020). Education for sustainability in practice: A review of current strategies within Italian universities. Sustainability, 12(13), 1-23.
  • Trencher, G., Bai, X., Evans, J., McCormick, K. & Yarime, M. (2014). University partnerships for co-designing and co-producing urban sustainability. Global Environmental Change, 28, 153-165.
  • UI Green Metric. (2022). Retrieved from University of Nottingham. (2022). Towards a fairer world. Retrieved from United Kingdom: development-goals/documents/university-of- nottingham-un-sustainable-development-goals- report.pdf, 37p.
  • Yin, R. K. (2018). Case study research and applications: Design and methods 6th ed., United States: Cosmos Corporation, 352p.

Green Campus Initiatives: Assessing the Impact and Necessity of Sustainable Practises in Higher Education Institutions

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 15 - 24, 31.01.2025


This study examines the implementation and impact of sustainable practises at three universities: University of Copenhagen, University of Nottingham, and Middle East Technical University. Using a mixed-methods approach combining quantitative data analysis and qualitative document review, the research evaluates six key criteria: Energy efficiency, green spaces, waste management, environmental education, carbon footprint reduction, and sustainable transportation. The findings demonstrate significant progress across all institutions in reducing environmental impact, with notable achievements in energy efficiency and carbon emissions reduction. While approaches vary based on local contexts, all universities show a commitment to integrating sustainability into curricula and campus operations. The study reveals that sustainable campus practises contribute positively to environmental conservation, potentially enhance student well-being, and foster environmental consciousness. However, challenges remain, including the need for long-term planning and resource allocation. The research underscores the importance of tailoring sustainability strategies to specific institutional and cultural contexts. It concludes that universities play a crucial role in driving sustainability efforts, not only within their campuses but also in broader societal transitions towards sustainable development. The study recommends further longitudinal research to assess long-term impacts on student behaviour and societal outcomes.


  • Abo-Khalil, A.G. (2024). Integrating sustainability into higher education challenges and opportunities for universities worldwide. Heliyon, 10(9), e29946.
  • Amaral, A.R., Rodrigues, E., Gaspar, A.R. & Gomes, Á. (2020). A review of empirical data of sustainability initiatives in university campus operations. Journal of Cleaner Production, 250, 119558.
  • Balsas, C.J.L. (2003). Sustainable transportation planning on college campuses. Transport Policy, 10(1), 35-49.
  • Bowen, G.A. (2009). Document analysis as a qualitative research method. Qualitative Research Journal, 9(2), 27-40.
  • Browning, M. & Rigolon, A. (2019). School green space and its impact on academic performance: A systematic literature review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16(3), 1- 22.
  • Brundiers, K., Barth, M., Cebrián, G., Cohen, M., Diaz, L., Doucette‑Remington, S., . . . Zint, M. (2021). Key competencies in sustainability in higher education- toward an agreed‑upon reference framework. Sustainability Science, 16, 13-29.
  • Denmark Climate & Clean Air Coalition. (n.d.). (2024). Retrieved from =Denmark%20has%20ensured%20ambitious%20clim ate,by%202050%20at%20the%20latest.
  • Dlouhá, J., Henderson, L., Kapitulčinová, D. & Mader, C. (2018). Sustainability-oriented higher education networks: Characteristics and achievements in the context of the UN DESD. Journal of Cleaner Production, 172, 4263-4276.
  • Ebrahimi, K. & North, L. (2017). Effective strategies for enhancing waste management at university campuses. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 18(7), 1123-1141.
  • Esser, F. & Vliegenthart, R. (2017). Comparative research methods, In: Matthes C. S. D. & Potter R. F. (Eds.), The international encyclopaedia of communication research methods, 1-22p, Wiley-Blackwell, USA.
  • Ferrer-Balas, D., Lozano, R., Huisingh, D., Buckland, H., Ysern, P. & Zilahy, G. (2010). Going beyond the rhetoric: system-wide changes in universities for sustainable societies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 18, 607-610.
  • Findler, F., Schönherr, N., Lozano, R., Reider, D. & Martinuzzi, A. (2019). The impacts of higher education institutions on sustainable development: A review and conceptualization. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 20(1), 23-38.
  • Fors, H., Hagemann, F.A., Sang, Å.O. & Randrup, T.B. (2021). Striving for inclusion-a systematic review of long-term participation in strategic management of urban green spaces. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 3, 1-27.
  • Giesenbauer, B. & Müller-Christ, G. (2020). University 4.0: Promoting the transformation of higher education institutions toward sustainable development. Sustainability, 12(8), 1-27, 3371.
  • Greenmetrics SUSTAINABLE CAMPUS. (2024). Retrieved from Kiraz, M. (2018). Sustainable water and stormwater management for Metu campus. (Master's Degree). Institute of Science and Technology. Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Türkiye, 248s.
  • Krippendorff, K. (2019). Content analysis: An introduction to its methodology 4th ed., SAGE Publications, 472p.
  • Leal Filho, W., Wall, T., Rayman-Bacchus, L., Mifsud, M., Pritchard, D. J., Lovren, V. O., . . . Balogun, A. L. (2021). Impacts of COVID-19 and social isolation on academic staff and students at universities: A cross- sectional study. BMC Public Health, 21(1), 1213.
  • Leal Filho, W., Wall, T., Salvia, A. L., Frankenberger, F., Hindley, A., Mifsud, M., . . . Will, M. (2021). Trends in scientific publishing on sustainability in higher education. Journal of Cleaner Production, 296, 126569.
  • Pandya, C., Prajapati, S., & Gupta, R. (2022). Sustainable energy efficient green campuses: A systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1084(1), 012016.
  • Poulsen, T. R., Olsen, R. L., Korsgaard, P., & Kongsted, L. H. (2023). University of Copenhagen climate account 2022. Retrieved from _Account_2022.pdf, 33p.
  • Republic of Turkey Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs. (2023). National Strategy and Action Plan to Combat Desertification. Retrieved from Ankara: eylem-bros-ing-20211108095837.pdf
  • Sonetti, G., Barioglio, C. & Campobenedetto, D. (2020). Education for sustainability in practice: A review of current strategies within Italian universities. Sustainability, 12(13), 1-23.
  • Trencher, G., Bai, X., Evans, J., McCormick, K. & Yarime, M. (2014). University partnerships for co-designing and co-producing urban sustainability. Global Environmental Change, 28, 153-165.
  • UI Green Metric. (2022). Retrieved from University of Nottingham. (2022). Towards a fairer world. Retrieved from United Kingdom: development-goals/documents/university-of- nottingham-un-sustainable-development-goals- report.pdf, 37p.
  • Yin, R. K. (2018). Case study research and applications: Design and methods 6th ed., United States: Cosmos Corporation, 352p.
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Doğal Kaynak Yönetimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Huriye Simten Sütünç 0000-0002-0149-9953

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 23 Ocak 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Ağustos 2024
Kabul Tarihi 30 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Sütünç, H. S. (2025). Green Campus Initiatives: Assessing the Impact and Necessity of Sustainable Practises in Higher Education Institutions. Journal of Anatolian Environmental and Animal Sciences, 10(1), 15-24.

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