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Avrupa Üzerinde Hava Savaşı: Luftwaffe Deneyiminin Keşfi

Yıl 2024, , 25 - 52, 28.02.2024


Birinci Dünya Savaşı’na dikenli teller, tüfekler, makineli tüfekler ve obüslerden oluşan entegre savunma sistemini piyade hücumlarının delme şansı bulamadığı siper savaşı hakim olmuştu. Onları destek amacıyla karada tanklar ve kimyasal silahlar, havada ise uçaklar gibi yeni savaş makineleri devreye sokuldu. Uçak hızla zorunluluk haline geldi ve İkinci Dünya Savaşı'nda savaşa hâkim olacak şekilde yükselmeye başladı. Bu makalede, birinci bölümde teorik gelişmelerden bahsedildikten sonra, İkinci Dünya Savaşı'ndaki hava savaşı, Alman hava gücünün yükseliş ve düşüşüne göre ele alınmıştır. İkinci bölümde erken harekâtlarda Alman hava faaliyetleri anlatılmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde hava savaşındaki değişimin savaşın uzaması ve yayılmasının Alman hava gücünü nasıl etkilediğine değinilmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde Almanya'nın havacılık teknolojisindeki tutumunun stratejik sonuçları ele alınmıştır. Bu makalede güçlü bir iddiada bulunulmamaktadır; ancak konunun yorumlanması daha sonraki araştırmalara zemin oluşturmayı amaçlamaktadır.


  • "Mustang”, Air Force Magazine, March 1964, 80-86, p. 85.
  • Astor, G. (1998). The Mighty Eighth. New York: Dell Publishing.
  • Banks, A. (1998). A Military Atlas of the First World War. Barnsley: Leo Cooper.
  • Bekker, C. (1975). 4.000 Metreden Hücum (S. Tiryakioğlu, Translator). İstanbul: Baskan Yayınları.
  • Budden, M. J. (1996). Defending the Indefensible? The Air Defence of Malta, 1936-1940, War in History, 6(4), pp. 447-467.
  • Burdick, C. & Jacobsen, H-A. (1988). The Halder War Diary 1939-1942. Novato: Presidio.
  • Coldwell, D. & Muller, R. (2007). The Luftwaffe over Germany Defense of the Reich. Barnsley: Frontline Books.
  • Correll, John T. (2021). “Billy Mitchell and the Battleships”, Air&Space Forces Magazine, July 21,
  • (February 12, 2024).
  • Gilmour, C. (2012). “What was the Primary Reason for the Collapse of the French Air Force in 1940”, The Royal
  • Canadian Air Force Magazine, 1(2) Spring, pp. 22-29.
  • Corum, J. S. (1977). Luftwaffe Creating the Operational Air War, 1918-1940. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas.
  • Creveld, M. v. (1991). Technology and War. Oxford: Brassey’s.
  • Cunningham, B. (1978). “Galland”, Code One, 2(3), p. 19.
  • Ellis, (1993). J. The World War II Databook. Manchester: Aurum Press.
  • Galland, A. (1990). The First and the Last (M. Savill, Translator). New York: Buccaneer Books.
  • Grant, R. (2004). Air Force Magazine, February, pp. 76-80,
  • (February 10, 2024).
  • Gunston, B. (1990). The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft of World War II. London: Tiger Books.
  • Hammel, E. (1994). Air War Europa Chronology 1942-1945. Pacifica: Pacifica Press.
  • Hayward, Joel S. A. (1997). “Stalingrad An Examination of Hitler’s Decision to Airlift”, Airpower Journal, XI(1) Spring, pp. 21-38. , (February 10, 2024).
  • Heaton, C. D. (1997). “Luftwaffe General Adolf Galland”, World War II Magazine, January, pp. 46-52.
  • Held, W. (1990). Battle Over The Third Reich. New Malden Surrey: Air Researh Publications.
  • Hess, W. N. (1996). German Jets versus the U.S. Army Air Force. North Branch: Specialty Press.
  • Higham R. & Harris, S. J. (Eds.). (2006). Why Air Forces Fail The Anatomy of Defeat. İçinde Corum, J. S.. Defeat of the Luftwaffe, 1935-1945, pp. 203-226. Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky.
  • Hooton, E. R. (1999). Phoenix Triumphant The Rise and Rise of the Luftwaffe. London: Brockhampton Press.
  • Levine, A. J. (1992). The Strategic Bombing of Germany, 1940-1945. London: Praeger.
  • Lord President of the Council Stanley Baldwin’s speech, “A Fear for Future”; HC Deb 10 November 1932 vol 270 cc630-640, , (09.10.2020).
  • Lucas, J. (1987). World War Two Through German Eyes. London: Arms & Armour Press.
  • Macksey, K. (1978). Kesselring The Making of the Luftwaffe. Barnsley: Frontline Books.
  • Macksey, K. (1993). Military Errors of World War Two. London: Arms and Armour.
  • Mandel, E. (1986). The Meaning of the Second World War. London: Verso.
  • Meilinger, P. S. (Ed.). (2020). “The Paths of Heaven: The Evolution of Airpower Theory”. P. S. Meilinger, Giulio Douhet and the Origins of Airpower Theory (pp. 1-40). Maxwell Air Force Base: Air University Press. (February 08, 2024).
  • Mitcham Jr, S. W. (1997). Eagles of the Third Reich. Novato, Presidio.
  • Murray, W. (1989). Luftwaffe. Baltimore: Nautical & Aviation Publishing.
  • Neillands, R. (2003). The Bomber War. New York: The Overlook Press.
  • Öndeş, O. (1976). 2. Dünya Savaşı. İstanbul: Altın Kitaplar. Orville to C. M. Hitchcock, June 21, 1917, (19.10.2020).
  • Overy, R. J. (1981). The Air War 1939-1945. New York: Stein and Day.
  • Pape, R. A. (1996). Bombing to Win. Ithaca: Cornwell University Press.
  • Peterson, E. N. (1995a). An Analytical History of World War II Volume 1. New York: Peter Lang.
  • Peterson, E. N. (1995b). An Analytical History of World War II Volume 2. New York: Peter Lang.
  • Price, A. (1995). “The Messerschmitt 262 White Hope of the Luftwaffe”, Air International, June, pp. 348-356.
  • Price, A. (1997). The Luftwaffe Data Book, London: Greenhill Books.
  • Ross, Jr, B. (1992). The Battle Of Crete and its Implications for Modern Contingency Operations, Fort Leavenworth: School of Advanced Military Studies United States Army Command and General Staff College.
  • Seversky, A. P. d. (1978). Hava Kuvveti İle Zafer (A. Kut Translator). İstanbul: Harp Akademileri Basımevi.
  • Sutherland, J. & Canwell D. (2011). Vichy Air Force at War. Barnsley: Pen & Sword. German Report Series, The German Campaign in the Balkans – Spring (1941). (2006). Uckfield: The Naval & Military Press Ltd.
  • Vat, D. V. der. (1997). The Good Nazi. London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson. Webster, C. & Frankland, N. (1994). The Strategic Bombing of Germany 1939-1945 Volume III Victory. London: Imperial War Museum.
  • Wright, G. (1968). The Ordeal of Total War. New York: Harper Torchbox.
  • Ziegler, M. (2004). Hitler’s Jet Plane The Me 262 Story. London: Greenhill Books.

Air Warfare Over Europe: An Exploration of The Luftwaffe Experience

Yıl 2024, , 25 - 52, 28.02.2024


The First World War was characterized by trench warfare, rendering infantry charges ineffective against integrated defence systems comprising barbed wires, rifles, machine guns, and howitzers. The introduction of new war machines, such as tanks and chemical weapons on the ground and aircraft in the air, reshaped the nature of warfare. Aircraft became imperative swiftly, and in the Second World War, it began to dominate warfare. In this article, the air war in the Second World War was discussed according to the rise and fall of the German air power after the theoretical developments mentioned in the first part. In the second part, the German air activities in early operations were explained. The third part was particularized to how the change in the air war on the extension and expansion of the war affected the German air power. The fourth part was on the strategic outcomes of the German attitude toward aviation technology. There are not strong claims made in this article; however, the interpretation of the subject aims to form the basis for further research.


  • "Mustang”, Air Force Magazine, March 1964, 80-86, p. 85.
  • Astor, G. (1998). The Mighty Eighth. New York: Dell Publishing.
  • Banks, A. (1998). A Military Atlas of the First World War. Barnsley: Leo Cooper.
  • Bekker, C. (1975). 4.000 Metreden Hücum (S. Tiryakioğlu, Translator). İstanbul: Baskan Yayınları.
  • Budden, M. J. (1996). Defending the Indefensible? The Air Defence of Malta, 1936-1940, War in History, 6(4), pp. 447-467.
  • Burdick, C. & Jacobsen, H-A. (1988). The Halder War Diary 1939-1942. Novato: Presidio.
  • Coldwell, D. & Muller, R. (2007). The Luftwaffe over Germany Defense of the Reich. Barnsley: Frontline Books.
  • Correll, John T. (2021). “Billy Mitchell and the Battleships”, Air&Space Forces Magazine, July 21,
  • (February 12, 2024).
  • Gilmour, C. (2012). “What was the Primary Reason for the Collapse of the French Air Force in 1940”, The Royal
  • Canadian Air Force Magazine, 1(2) Spring, pp. 22-29.
  • Corum, J. S. (1977). Luftwaffe Creating the Operational Air War, 1918-1940. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas.
  • Creveld, M. v. (1991). Technology and War. Oxford: Brassey’s.
  • Cunningham, B. (1978). “Galland”, Code One, 2(3), p. 19.
  • Ellis, (1993). J. The World War II Databook. Manchester: Aurum Press.
  • Galland, A. (1990). The First and the Last (M. Savill, Translator). New York: Buccaneer Books.
  • Grant, R. (2004). Air Force Magazine, February, pp. 76-80,
  • (February 10, 2024).
  • Gunston, B. (1990). The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft of World War II. London: Tiger Books.
  • Hammel, E. (1994). Air War Europa Chronology 1942-1945. Pacifica: Pacifica Press.
  • Hayward, Joel S. A. (1997). “Stalingrad An Examination of Hitler’s Decision to Airlift”, Airpower Journal, XI(1) Spring, pp. 21-38. , (February 10, 2024).
  • Heaton, C. D. (1997). “Luftwaffe General Adolf Galland”, World War II Magazine, January, pp. 46-52.
  • Held, W. (1990). Battle Over The Third Reich. New Malden Surrey: Air Researh Publications.
  • Hess, W. N. (1996). German Jets versus the U.S. Army Air Force. North Branch: Specialty Press.
  • Higham R. & Harris, S. J. (Eds.). (2006). Why Air Forces Fail The Anatomy of Defeat. İçinde Corum, J. S.. Defeat of the Luftwaffe, 1935-1945, pp. 203-226. Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky.
  • Hooton, E. R. (1999). Phoenix Triumphant The Rise and Rise of the Luftwaffe. London: Brockhampton Press.
  • Levine, A. J. (1992). The Strategic Bombing of Germany, 1940-1945. London: Praeger.
  • Lord President of the Council Stanley Baldwin’s speech, “A Fear for Future”; HC Deb 10 November 1932 vol 270 cc630-640, , (09.10.2020).
  • Lucas, J. (1987). World War Two Through German Eyes. London: Arms & Armour Press.
  • Macksey, K. (1978). Kesselring The Making of the Luftwaffe. Barnsley: Frontline Books.
  • Macksey, K. (1993). Military Errors of World War Two. London: Arms and Armour.
  • Mandel, E. (1986). The Meaning of the Second World War. London: Verso.
  • Meilinger, P. S. (Ed.). (2020). “The Paths of Heaven: The Evolution of Airpower Theory”. P. S. Meilinger, Giulio Douhet and the Origins of Airpower Theory (pp. 1-40). Maxwell Air Force Base: Air University Press. (February 08, 2024).
  • Mitcham Jr, S. W. (1997). Eagles of the Third Reich. Novato, Presidio.
  • Murray, W. (1989). Luftwaffe. Baltimore: Nautical & Aviation Publishing.
  • Neillands, R. (2003). The Bomber War. New York: The Overlook Press.
  • Öndeş, O. (1976). 2. Dünya Savaşı. İstanbul: Altın Kitaplar. Orville to C. M. Hitchcock, June 21, 1917, (19.10.2020).
  • Overy, R. J. (1981). The Air War 1939-1945. New York: Stein and Day.
  • Pape, R. A. (1996). Bombing to Win. Ithaca: Cornwell University Press.
  • Peterson, E. N. (1995a). An Analytical History of World War II Volume 1. New York: Peter Lang.
  • Peterson, E. N. (1995b). An Analytical History of World War II Volume 2. New York: Peter Lang.
  • Price, A. (1995). “The Messerschmitt 262 White Hope of the Luftwaffe”, Air International, June, pp. 348-356.
  • Price, A. (1997). The Luftwaffe Data Book, London: Greenhill Books.
  • Ross, Jr, B. (1992). The Battle Of Crete and its Implications for Modern Contingency Operations, Fort Leavenworth: School of Advanced Military Studies United States Army Command and General Staff College.
  • Seversky, A. P. d. (1978). Hava Kuvveti İle Zafer (A. Kut Translator). İstanbul: Harp Akademileri Basımevi.
  • Sutherland, J. & Canwell D. (2011). Vichy Air Force at War. Barnsley: Pen & Sword. German Report Series, The German Campaign in the Balkans – Spring (1941). (2006). Uckfield: The Naval & Military Press Ltd.
  • Vat, D. V. der. (1997). The Good Nazi. London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson. Webster, C. & Frankland, N. (1994). The Strategic Bombing of Germany 1939-1945 Volume III Victory. London: Imperial War Museum.
  • Wright, G. (1968). The Ordeal of Total War. New York: Harper Torchbox.
  • Ziegler, M. (2004). Hitler’s Jet Plane The Me 262 Story. London: Greenhill Books.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Savunma Çalışmaları
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Burak Çınar 0000-0002-6171-0802

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Şubat 2024
Kabul Tarihi 17 Şubat 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Çınar, B. (2024). Air Warfare Over Europe: An Exploration of The Luftwaffe Experience. Journal of Aviation Research, 6(1), 25-52.


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