Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2023, , 242 - 250, 25.07.2023



  • Akoğlu, B. & Fidan, Y. (2020). Dünyada Hava Kargo Taşımacılığı ve Türkiye'nin Yeri. Ekonomi İşletme ve Yönetim Dergisi, 4(1), 30-51.
  • Alshurideh, M., Alsharari, N. M. & Al Kurdi, B. (2019). Supply Chain Integration and Customer Relationship Management in the Airline Logistics. Theoretical Economics Letters, 9(02), 392.
  • Ayçin, E. (2019). Çok Kriterli Karar Verme: Bilgisayar Uygulamalı Çözümler. Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi.
  • Aytekin, A. (2022). Çok Kriterli Karar Analizi. Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi.
  • Bailey, D., Goonetilleke, A. & Campbell, D. (2003). A New Fuzzy Multicriteria Evaluation Method for Group Site Selection in GIS. Journal of Multi‐Criteria Decision Analysis, 12(6), 337-347.
  • Ballis, A. (2003). Airport Site Selection Based on Multicriteria Analysis: The Case Study of The Island of Samothraki. Operational Research, 3, 261-279.
  • Bircan, H. (2020). ÇKKV Problemlerinde Kriter Ağırlıklandırma Yöntemleri. Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi.
  • Bottani, E., & Rizzi, A. (2006). A Fuzzy Topsis Methodology to Support Outsourcing of Logistics Services. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 11(4), 294-308.
  • Brooks, R., M. (1990). Ocean Carrier Selection Criteria in a New Environment. Logistics and Transportation Review, 26(4), 339-355.
  • Chen, C. J., Huang, J. W. & Hsiao, Y. C. (2010). Knowledge Management and Innovativeness: The Role of Organizational Climate and Structure. International journal of Manpower.
  • Degraeve, Z., Labro, E. & Roodhooft, F. (2004). Total Cost of Ownership Purchasing of a Service: The Case of Airline Selection at Alcatel Bell. European Journal of Operational Research, 156(1), 23-40.
  • Dehdasht, G., Mohamad Zin, R., Ferwati, M.S., Mohammed Abdullahi, M., Keyvanfar, A. & McCaffer, R. (2017). “Dematel-Anp Risk Assessment in Oil and Gas Construction Projects”, Sustainability, 9(8), 1420.
  • Demir, G., Özyalçın, A.T. ve Bircan, H. (2021). Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Yöntemleri ve ÇKKV Yazılımı ile Problem Çözüm. Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi.
  • Demirbilek, A., Sabri, Ö. Z. & Fidan, Y. (2018). Lojistik Performans Endeksi ve Havayolu Kargo Taşimaciliği Ilişkisi: 2007-2016 Türkiye Örneği. Ekonomi İşletme ve Yönetim Dergisi, 2(1), 1-24.
  • DHMİ. (2023, January 24)
  • Doğan, A. (2013). “Hava Kargo Taşımacılığının Türkiye Ekonomisindeki Yeri” Ankara Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İktisat Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi, 2013.
  • Dožić, S., Lutovac, T. & Kalić, M. (2018). Fuzzy AHP Approach to Passenger Aircraft Type Selection. Journal of air transport management, 68, 165-175.
  • Durak, M. Ş., & Yılmaz, A. K. (2016). Airline Selection Criteria at Air Cargo Transportation Industry. Transport & Logistics, 16(40), 10-18.
  • Elmas, B. ve Özkan, T. (2021). Ulaştırma ve Depolama Sektörü İşletmelerinin Finansal Performanslarının Swara- Ocra Modeli ile Değerlendirilmesi. İşletme Akademisi Dergisi, 2(3), 240-253.
  • Ergin, A. (2011) Tedarik Zinciri Yönetiminde Konteyner Taşıyıı Firma Seçimi ve Türkiye’deki Uygulaması. İstanbul Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, 2011.
  • Gani, A. (2017). The Logistics Performance Effect in International Trade. The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics, 33(4), 279-288.
  • Ghorabaee, M. K., Zavadskas, E. K., Turskis, Z. & Antucheviciene, J. (2016). A New Combinative Distance-Based Assessment (CODAS) Method for Multi-Criteria Decision-making. Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, 3(50), 25-44.
  • Gomes, L. F. A. M., De Mattos Fernandes, J. E. & De Mello, J. C. C. S. (2014). A Fuzzy Stochastic Approach to the Multicriteria Selection of an Aircraft for Regional Chartering. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 48(3), 223- 237.
  • Ho, T. C., Chiu, R. H., Chung, C. C., & Lee, H. S. (2017). Key Influence Factors for Ocean Freight Forwarders Selecting Container Shipping Lines Using the Revised Dematel Approach. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 25(3), 6.
  • Jharkharia, S. & Shankar, R. (2007). Selection of Logistics Service Provider: An Analytic Network Process (ANP) Approach. Omega, 35(3), 274-289.
  • Kabak, M. (Editor), & Çınar, Y. (Editor), (2020). Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Yöntemleri: MS Excel® Çözümlü Uygulamalar. Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi.
  • Kannan, V., Bose, S. K., & Kannan, N. G. (2011). An Evaluation of Ocean Container Carrier Selection Criteria: an Indian Shipper's Perspective. Management Research Review.
  • Kent, J. L., & Stephen Parker, R. (1999). International Containership Carrier Selection Criteria: Shippers/Carriers Differences. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 29(6), 398-408.
  • Keršuliene, V., Zavadskas, E.K., & Turskis, Z. (2010). Selection of Rational Dispute Resolution Method by Applying New Step-Wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA). Journal of Business Economics and Management, 11(2), 243-258.
  • Klaus, P. (2009). Logistics Research: a 50 Years’ March of Ideas. Logistics Research, 1(1), 53-65.
  • Liao, Z., & Rittscher, J. (2007). Integration of Supplier Selection, Procurement Lot Sizing and Carrier Selection Under Dynamic Demand Conditions. International Journal of Production Economics, 107(2), 502-510.
  • Liou, J. J. & Chuang, M. L. (2010). Evaluating Corporate Image and Reputation Using Fuzzy MCDM Approach in Airline Market. Quality & Quantity, 44, 1079-1091.
  • Maharani, T. & Wahyuni, S. (2021). The Effect of Service Quality and Brand Image in the Air Cargo Industry on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty of PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero). In International Conference on Business and Engineering Management (ICONBEM 2021) (pp. 71-83). Atlantis Press.
  • McIvor, R., O'Reilly, D. & Ponsonby, S. (2003). The Impact of Internet Technologies on the Airline Industry: Current Strategies and Future Developments. Strategic Change, 12(1), 31-47.
  • Murphy R., P., Daley M., J. & Hall, P., H. (1997). Carrier Selection: Do Shippers and Carriers Agree or Not? Logistic and Transportation Review, 33(1), 67-72.
  • Niosi, J. & Zhegu, M. (2005). Aerospace clusters: local or global knowledge spillovers? Industry & Innovation, 12(1), 5-29.
  • Öztürk, D. & Onurlubaş, E. (2019). Havayolu Taşımacılığında Hizmet Kalitesinin AHP ve TOPSİS Yöntemleri ile Değerlendirilmesi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10, 81-97.
  • Punnakitikashem, P., Buavaraporn, N. & Chen, L. (2013). An Investigation of Factors Affecting Lean Implementation success of Thai Logistics Companies. In 24th POMS Annual Conference (pp. 1-10).
  • Rajkarnikar, P. R. (2010). Adequacy and Effectiveness of Logistic Services in Nepal: Implication for Export Performance.
  • Sarioğlan, M. & Yabacı, F. (2018). A Study on the Role of Food and Beverage Service Quality in the Preference of Air Transport Companies. Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 399, 418.
  • Şeker, Ö. & Korkmaz, O. Kahramanmaraş İlindeki Dondurma Üreticilerinin Soğuk Zincir Taşıyıcı Seçiminde Kullanmış Oldukları Kriterler ve Bu Kriterlerin Önem Derecelerinin AHP Yöntemi İle Belirlenmesi. Finans Ekonomi ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 6(4), 860-877.
  • Seristo, H. (1996). The Executive View on the Cost Problem of European Airlines. European Business Review, 96(4), 14-17.
  • Simpson, P. M., Siguaw, J. A. & White, S. C. (2002). Measuring the Performance of Suppliers: an Analysis of Evaluation Processes. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 38(4), 29-41.
  • Statisca. (2023, January 24) /statistics/564668/worldwide-air-cargo-traffic/
  • Suresh, H. (2016, October). An Unsupervised Fuzzy Clustering Method for Twitter Sentiment Analysis. In 2016 International Conference on Computation System and Information Technology for Sustainable Solutions (CSITSS) (pp. 80-85). IEEE.
  • Suzuki, K. National Aviation and Space Collection about army MO-6 and old photo album; Kokuritsu Kagaku Hakubutsukan shozo no koku uchu shiryo. Moshiki 6 gata to furui shashincho kara. Japan.
  • Tan, K. C. (2002). Supply Chain Management: Practices, Concerns, and Performance Issues. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 38(4), 42-53.
  • Taneja, N. K. (2017). Simpli-Flying: Optimizing the Airline Business Model. Routledge.
  • Üstünışık, N., Z. (2007). ‘’Türkiye’deki İller ve Bölgeler Bazında Sosyo Ekonomik Gelişmişlik Sıralaması Araştırması: Gri İlişkisel Analiz Yöntemi ve Uygulaması’’. Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2007
  • UTKİAD, 2023, January 25)
  • Wen, C., H. & Shan, C., L. (2010) Latent Class Models of International Air Carrier Choice. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 46 (2), 211-221.
  • Wen, K.L. (2004). Grey Systems: Modeling and Prediction. Yan’s Scientific Research Institute, USA.
  • Yaseen, A., Yaseen, F., Noor, H., Raza, H., Yousaf, I., Shehzad, H. & Toor, J. (2022). The Impact of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction in Aviation. DASC Research Center, 1(2).
  • Yıldırım, F.B. (Editor) & Önder, E. (Editor), (2020). Operasyonel, Yönetsel ve Stratejik Problemlerin Çözümünde Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Yöntemleri. Bursa: Dora Yayınları.
  • Yimga, J. (2017). Airline On-Time Performance and Its Effects on Consumer Choice Behavior. Research in Transportation Economics, 66, 12-25.
  • Yücenur, G.N. ve İpekçi, A. (2021). Swara/Waspas Methods for a Marine Current Energy Plant Location Selection Problem. Renewable Energy, 63, 1287-1298.
  • Yurttaş, B. (2007). Havayolu Ulaştırmasında Yolcuların Seçim Ölçütleri Üzerine Bir Uygulama (Doctoral Dissertation, DEÜ Sosyal Bilimleri Enstitüsü).

Air Cargo Carrier Selection: The Case of Turkey

Yıl 2023, , 242 - 250, 25.07.2023


In this study, 5 companies operating in Turkey and carrying out the most air cargo shipments in 2021 (Turkish Cargo, MNG Airlines and Transportation, ACT Air Cargo, ULS Airlines Cargo Transportation and Sunexpress Cargo Transportation.) were investigated The aim is to evaluate and analyze them according to different criteria. These are 12 different criteria: Breadth of the network, the productivity of employees, adequacy of equipments, flexibility, undamaged delivery, image, cost, customer information systems, handling customer requests and complaints, special cargo handling capabilities, flight frequency, and punctuality. In the research design, using the Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) method, the opinions of 9 different experienced and active experts in the sector were used to evaluate the relevant criteria. A scale of 1 to 5 was used in the evaluation of the companies, with a value of 5 representing the maximum benefit for this criterion. As a result of the research, it was found that the most significant criteria in selecting air cargo companies are undamaged delivery, costs, and on-time delivery. In addition, (1) image, (2) flexibility, and (3) special cargo handling capabilities are among the results of the research, which are the least significant criteria. Another important result of this research is that Turkish Cargo is ranked first and MNG Airlines and Transportation is ranked second.


  • Akoğlu, B. & Fidan, Y. (2020). Dünyada Hava Kargo Taşımacılığı ve Türkiye'nin Yeri. Ekonomi İşletme ve Yönetim Dergisi, 4(1), 30-51.
  • Alshurideh, M., Alsharari, N. M. & Al Kurdi, B. (2019). Supply Chain Integration and Customer Relationship Management in the Airline Logistics. Theoretical Economics Letters, 9(02), 392.
  • Ayçin, E. (2019). Çok Kriterli Karar Verme: Bilgisayar Uygulamalı Çözümler. Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi.
  • Aytekin, A. (2022). Çok Kriterli Karar Analizi. Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi.
  • Bailey, D., Goonetilleke, A. & Campbell, D. (2003). A New Fuzzy Multicriteria Evaluation Method for Group Site Selection in GIS. Journal of Multi‐Criteria Decision Analysis, 12(6), 337-347.
  • Ballis, A. (2003). Airport Site Selection Based on Multicriteria Analysis: The Case Study of The Island of Samothraki. Operational Research, 3, 261-279.
  • Bircan, H. (2020). ÇKKV Problemlerinde Kriter Ağırlıklandırma Yöntemleri. Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi.
  • Bottani, E., & Rizzi, A. (2006). A Fuzzy Topsis Methodology to Support Outsourcing of Logistics Services. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 11(4), 294-308.
  • Brooks, R., M. (1990). Ocean Carrier Selection Criteria in a New Environment. Logistics and Transportation Review, 26(4), 339-355.
  • Chen, C. J., Huang, J. W. & Hsiao, Y. C. (2010). Knowledge Management and Innovativeness: The Role of Organizational Climate and Structure. International journal of Manpower.
  • Degraeve, Z., Labro, E. & Roodhooft, F. (2004). Total Cost of Ownership Purchasing of a Service: The Case of Airline Selection at Alcatel Bell. European Journal of Operational Research, 156(1), 23-40.
  • Dehdasht, G., Mohamad Zin, R., Ferwati, M.S., Mohammed Abdullahi, M., Keyvanfar, A. & McCaffer, R. (2017). “Dematel-Anp Risk Assessment in Oil and Gas Construction Projects”, Sustainability, 9(8), 1420.
  • Demir, G., Özyalçın, A.T. ve Bircan, H. (2021). Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Yöntemleri ve ÇKKV Yazılımı ile Problem Çözüm. Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi.
  • Demirbilek, A., Sabri, Ö. Z. & Fidan, Y. (2018). Lojistik Performans Endeksi ve Havayolu Kargo Taşimaciliği Ilişkisi: 2007-2016 Türkiye Örneği. Ekonomi İşletme ve Yönetim Dergisi, 2(1), 1-24.
  • DHMİ. (2023, January 24)
  • Doğan, A. (2013). “Hava Kargo Taşımacılığının Türkiye Ekonomisindeki Yeri” Ankara Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İktisat Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi, 2013.
  • Dožić, S., Lutovac, T. & Kalić, M. (2018). Fuzzy AHP Approach to Passenger Aircraft Type Selection. Journal of air transport management, 68, 165-175.
  • Durak, M. Ş., & Yılmaz, A. K. (2016). Airline Selection Criteria at Air Cargo Transportation Industry. Transport & Logistics, 16(40), 10-18.
  • Elmas, B. ve Özkan, T. (2021). Ulaştırma ve Depolama Sektörü İşletmelerinin Finansal Performanslarının Swara- Ocra Modeli ile Değerlendirilmesi. İşletme Akademisi Dergisi, 2(3), 240-253.
  • Ergin, A. (2011) Tedarik Zinciri Yönetiminde Konteyner Taşıyıı Firma Seçimi ve Türkiye’deki Uygulaması. İstanbul Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, 2011.
  • Gani, A. (2017). The Logistics Performance Effect in International Trade. The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics, 33(4), 279-288.
  • Ghorabaee, M. K., Zavadskas, E. K., Turskis, Z. & Antucheviciene, J. (2016). A New Combinative Distance-Based Assessment (CODAS) Method for Multi-Criteria Decision-making. Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, 3(50), 25-44.
  • Gomes, L. F. A. M., De Mattos Fernandes, J. E. & De Mello, J. C. C. S. (2014). A Fuzzy Stochastic Approach to the Multicriteria Selection of an Aircraft for Regional Chartering. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 48(3), 223- 237.
  • Ho, T. C., Chiu, R. H., Chung, C. C., & Lee, H. S. (2017). Key Influence Factors for Ocean Freight Forwarders Selecting Container Shipping Lines Using the Revised Dematel Approach. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 25(3), 6.
  • Jharkharia, S. & Shankar, R. (2007). Selection of Logistics Service Provider: An Analytic Network Process (ANP) Approach. Omega, 35(3), 274-289.
  • Kabak, M. (Editor), & Çınar, Y. (Editor), (2020). Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Yöntemleri: MS Excel® Çözümlü Uygulamalar. Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi.
  • Kannan, V., Bose, S. K., & Kannan, N. G. (2011). An Evaluation of Ocean Container Carrier Selection Criteria: an Indian Shipper's Perspective. Management Research Review.
  • Kent, J. L., & Stephen Parker, R. (1999). International Containership Carrier Selection Criteria: Shippers/Carriers Differences. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 29(6), 398-408.
  • Keršuliene, V., Zavadskas, E.K., & Turskis, Z. (2010). Selection of Rational Dispute Resolution Method by Applying New Step-Wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA). Journal of Business Economics and Management, 11(2), 243-258.
  • Klaus, P. (2009). Logistics Research: a 50 Years’ March of Ideas. Logistics Research, 1(1), 53-65.
  • Liao, Z., & Rittscher, J. (2007). Integration of Supplier Selection, Procurement Lot Sizing and Carrier Selection Under Dynamic Demand Conditions. International Journal of Production Economics, 107(2), 502-510.
  • Liou, J. J. & Chuang, M. L. (2010). Evaluating Corporate Image and Reputation Using Fuzzy MCDM Approach in Airline Market. Quality & Quantity, 44, 1079-1091.
  • Maharani, T. & Wahyuni, S. (2021). The Effect of Service Quality and Brand Image in the Air Cargo Industry on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty of PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero). In International Conference on Business and Engineering Management (ICONBEM 2021) (pp. 71-83). Atlantis Press.
  • McIvor, R., O'Reilly, D. & Ponsonby, S. (2003). The Impact of Internet Technologies on the Airline Industry: Current Strategies and Future Developments. Strategic Change, 12(1), 31-47.
  • Murphy R., P., Daley M., J. & Hall, P., H. (1997). Carrier Selection: Do Shippers and Carriers Agree or Not? Logistic and Transportation Review, 33(1), 67-72.
  • Niosi, J. & Zhegu, M. (2005). Aerospace clusters: local or global knowledge spillovers? Industry & Innovation, 12(1), 5-29.
  • Öztürk, D. & Onurlubaş, E. (2019). Havayolu Taşımacılığında Hizmet Kalitesinin AHP ve TOPSİS Yöntemleri ile Değerlendirilmesi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10, 81-97.
  • Punnakitikashem, P., Buavaraporn, N. & Chen, L. (2013). An Investigation of Factors Affecting Lean Implementation success of Thai Logistics Companies. In 24th POMS Annual Conference (pp. 1-10).
  • Rajkarnikar, P. R. (2010). Adequacy and Effectiveness of Logistic Services in Nepal: Implication for Export Performance.
  • Sarioğlan, M. & Yabacı, F. (2018). A Study on the Role of Food and Beverage Service Quality in the Preference of Air Transport Companies. Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 399, 418.
  • Şeker, Ö. & Korkmaz, O. Kahramanmaraş İlindeki Dondurma Üreticilerinin Soğuk Zincir Taşıyıcı Seçiminde Kullanmış Oldukları Kriterler ve Bu Kriterlerin Önem Derecelerinin AHP Yöntemi İle Belirlenmesi. Finans Ekonomi ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 6(4), 860-877.
  • Seristo, H. (1996). The Executive View on the Cost Problem of European Airlines. European Business Review, 96(4), 14-17.
  • Simpson, P. M., Siguaw, J. A. & White, S. C. (2002). Measuring the Performance of Suppliers: an Analysis of Evaluation Processes. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 38(4), 29-41.
  • Statisca. (2023, January 24) /statistics/564668/worldwide-air-cargo-traffic/
  • Suresh, H. (2016, October). An Unsupervised Fuzzy Clustering Method for Twitter Sentiment Analysis. In 2016 International Conference on Computation System and Information Technology for Sustainable Solutions (CSITSS) (pp. 80-85). IEEE.
  • Suzuki, K. National Aviation and Space Collection about army MO-6 and old photo album; Kokuritsu Kagaku Hakubutsukan shozo no koku uchu shiryo. Moshiki 6 gata to furui shashincho kara. Japan.
  • Tan, K. C. (2002). Supply Chain Management: Practices, Concerns, and Performance Issues. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 38(4), 42-53.
  • Taneja, N. K. (2017). Simpli-Flying: Optimizing the Airline Business Model. Routledge.
  • Üstünışık, N., Z. (2007). ‘’Türkiye’deki İller ve Bölgeler Bazında Sosyo Ekonomik Gelişmişlik Sıralaması Araştırması: Gri İlişkisel Analiz Yöntemi ve Uygulaması’’. Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2007
  • UTKİAD, 2023, January 25)
  • Wen, C., H. & Shan, C., L. (2010) Latent Class Models of International Air Carrier Choice. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 46 (2), 211-221.
  • Wen, K.L. (2004). Grey Systems: Modeling and Prediction. Yan’s Scientific Research Institute, USA.
  • Yaseen, A., Yaseen, F., Noor, H., Raza, H., Yousaf, I., Shehzad, H. & Toor, J. (2022). The Impact of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction in Aviation. DASC Research Center, 1(2).
  • Yıldırım, F.B. (Editor) & Önder, E. (Editor), (2020). Operasyonel, Yönetsel ve Stratejik Problemlerin Çözümünde Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Yöntemleri. Bursa: Dora Yayınları.
  • Yimga, J. (2017). Airline On-Time Performance and Its Effects on Consumer Choice Behavior. Research in Transportation Economics, 66, 12-25.
  • Yücenur, G.N. ve İpekçi, A. (2021). Swara/Waspas Methods for a Marine Current Energy Plant Location Selection Problem. Renewable Energy, 63, 1287-1298.
  • Yurttaş, B. (2007). Havayolu Ulaştırmasında Yolcuların Seçim Ölçütleri Üzerine Bir Uygulama (Doctoral Dissertation, DEÜ Sosyal Bilimleri Enstitüsü).
Toplam 57 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Hava Taşımacılığı ve Nakliye Hizmetleri
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Serdar Alnıpak 0000-0002-5722-9960

Yusuf Can Tunaboylu 0000-0001-8681-589X

Sefa Ceyhan 0000-0002-3788-0756

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 9 Temmuz 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Temmuz 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Şubat 2023
Kabul Tarihi 5 Nisan 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Alnıpak, S., Tunaboylu, Y. C., & Ceyhan, S. (2023). Air Cargo Carrier Selection: The Case of Turkey. Journal of Aviation, 7(2), 242-250.

Journal of Aviation - JAV -

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