Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2024, , 7 - 14, 26.02.2024



  • Airbus, Global Market Forecast 2019-2038. Technical report, Airbus, 2019. Available online: (accessed on 12.10.2020).
  • Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM) of Airbus A320, Flight Data Recording Parameter Library (FDRPL), Airbus, (2004).
  • Aircraft Maintenance Manual 737-300/400/500. - Seattle, Washington, USA: Boeing Commercial Airplanes group, (1999).
  • Altuntas, O. and Karakoc, T.H. Investigation of the environmental concern in aircraft selection for domestic flights in some Turkish airports. Journal of Aeronautics and Space Technologies 2011, 5(1), 11-18.
  • Altuntas, O. Calculation of domestic flight-caused global warming potential from aircraft emissions in Turkish airports. International Journal of Global Warming 2014, 6(4), 367-379.
  • Altuntas, O. Lead emissions from the use of leaded avgas in Turkey. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, 2021, 93(3), 493-501.
  • Altuntas, O., Karakoc, T.H. and Hepbaşlı, A. Investigation of environmental impact caused by aircraft engines. International Journal of Global Warming 2013, 5(3), 282-295.
  • Altuntas, O., Sohret, Y. and Karakoc, T.H. Fundamentals of Sustainability. In Sustainable Aviation, 1st ed.; Karakoc, T.H., Colpan, C.O., Altuntas, O., Sohret, Y.; Springer: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2019; ISBN: 978-3- 030-14195-0. pp.3-5.
  • Atak, A. and Kingma, S. Safety culture in an Aircraft Maintenance Organization: A View from the Inside. Safety Science 2011, 49, 268-278.
  • Boeing, Commercial Market Outlook, 2019-2038. Technical report, Boeing, 2019. Available online: (accessed on 23.10.2020).
  • Ceruti, A., Marzocca, P., Liverani, A., and Bil, C. (2019), Maintenance in aeronautics in an Industry 4.0 context: The role of Augmented Reality and Additive Manufacturing, Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, Vol. 6 No.4, pp.516-526.
  • Cleveland, C.J. Encyclopedia of Energy, Elsevier Academic Press, USA, 2004.
  • Crocker, D., Dictionary of Aviation, A & C Black, London, 2007.
  • Dekker, R. and Scarf, P. A. On the impact of optimization models in maintenance decision making: the state of the art. Reliability Engineering & System Safety 1998, 60(2), 111-119.
  • Dijkstra, M. C., Kroon, L. G., Salomon, M., van Nunen, J. A. and van Wassenhove, L. N. Planning the Size and Organization of KLM's Aircraft Maintenance Personnel. Interfaces 1994, 24(6), 47-58.
  • Ezhilarasu, C. M., Skaf, Z., and Jennions, I. K. (2019), The application of reasoning to aerospace Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM): Challenges and opportunities, Progress in Aerospace Sciences, Vol. 105, pp.60-73.
  • Fang, L. and Zhaodong, H. System Dynamics Based Simulation Approach on Corrective Maintenance Cost of Aviation Equipments. Procedia Engineering 2015, 99, 150-155.
  • Fedotova, A., Taratoukhine, V., Ovsyannikov, M., and Becker, J. (2013), Implementation of constraints satisfaction problems methods for solving the periodic maintenance processes scheduling, IFAC Proceedings Volumes, Vol. 46 No. 9, pp.341-346.
  • Friend, C. H. Aircraft Maintenance Management. Longman Group UK. Ltd., United Kingdom, 1992.
  • Goedkoop, M. and Spriensma, R. The Eco-indicator 99—a damage-oriented method for life cycle assessment. Methodology Report, PRé Consultants B.V, 2000.
  • Gopalan, R. The Aircraft Maintenance Base Location Problem. European Journal of Operational Research 2014, 236, 634-642.
  • Gray, D. A. Airworthy: Decision Support for Aircraft Overhaul Maintenance Planning, OR/MS Today 1992, 24-29.
  • Iwata, C., and Mavris, D. (2013), Object-oriented discrete event simulation modeling environment for aerospace vehicle maintenance and logistics process, Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 16, pp.187-196.
  • Kafali, H. and Altuntas, O. The analysis of emission values from commercial flights at Dalaman international airport Turkey, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology 2020, 92-10,1451-1457
  • Kafalı, H. and Tunca, E. Importance of Maintenance Planning in Aircraft Maintenance. International Engineering and Natural Sciences Conference (IENSC 2019), Dicle University, Diyarbakır, Turkey, 6-8 November 2019.
  • Kala, M., Lalis, A. and Vojtech, T. Analyzing Aircraft Maintenance Findings with Natural Language Processing, Transportation Research Procedia, 2022, 65, 238-245.
  • Keivanpour S. and Kadi, D.A. A Sustainable Approach to Aircraft Engine Maintenance. International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) 2015, 48-3, 977-982.
  • Kinnison- H. A. and Siddiqui, T. Aviation Maintenance Management, McGraw-Hill Companies Inc., USA, 2013.
  • Knotts, R.M.H.., Civil aircraft maintenance and support fault diagnosis from a business perspective. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering 1999, 5- 4, 335-348.
  • Lestiani, M.E., Yudoko, G. and Purboyo, Y. Developing a Conceptual Model of Organiztional Safety Risk: Case Studies of Aircraft Maintenance Organizations in Indonesia. Transportation Research Procedia 2017, 25, 136- 148.
  • Lin, L., Lou, B. and Zhong, S. Development and Application of Maintenance Decision Making Support System for Aircraft Fleet. Advances in Engineering Software, 2017, 000, 1-16.
  • Ma, H.L., Sun, Y., Chung, S.H., and Chan, H.K. (2022), Tackling uncertainties in aircraft maintenance routing: A review of emerging Technologies, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol. 164, pp.102805.
  • Mascle, C., Baptiste, P., Sainte Beuve, D., and Camelot, A. (2015). Process for advanced management and technologies of aircraft EOL. Procedia CIRP, 26, 299-304.
  • Muchiri, K.A. Maintenance Planning Optimization for the Boeing 737 Next Generation, M.Sc. thesis, Delft University of Technology, Delft, NL, 2002.
  • Papakoustas, N., Papachatakis, P., Xanthakis, V., Mourtzis, D. and Chryssolouris, G. An Approach to Operational Aircraft Maintenance Planning. Decision Support Systems 2010, 48,604-612.
  • Pintelon, L. and Muchiri, P.N. Safety and Maintenance, In Handbook of Maintenance Management and Engineering, Ben-Daya, M., Duffuaa, S.O., Raouf, A., Knezevic, J., Ait-Kadi, D., Springer-Verlag London Limited: UK, 2009; pp. 613-646.
  • PRéConsultant (2019). SimaPro Software, version 7.3, PRé Consultants, (
  • Saltzman, R. M., and Stern, H. I. (2022), The multi-day aircraft maintenance routing problem, Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 102, pp.102224.
  • Sanderson, D., Turner, A., Shires, E., Chaplin, J.C., and Ratchev, S. (2020), Implementing large-scale aerospace assembly 4.0 demonstration systems, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 53 No.2, pp.10267-10274.
  • Saranga, H. and Kumar, U. D. Optimization of Aircraft Maintenance/Support Infrastructure Using Genetic Algorithms Level of Repair Analysis. Annals of Operations Research 2006, 143(1), 91-106.
  • Shanmugam, A. and Robert, T.P. Ranking of Aircraft Maintence Organization Based on Human Factor Performance, Computer and Industrial Engineering 2015, 88, 410-416.
  • Shaukat, S., Katscher, M., Wu, C.L., Delgado, F., and Larrain, H. (2020), Aircraft line maintenance scheduling and optimisation, Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 89, pp. 101914.
  • Sürekli Uçuşa Elverişlilik ve Bakım Sorumluluğu Talimatı (SHT-M Rev.03), Ankara: Directiorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), 2018.
  • Tanaka, Y., Nagai, S., Ushida, M. and Usui, T. Large Engine Maintenance Technique to Support Flight Operation for Commercial Airlines. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Technical Review 2003, 40(2), 5-6.
  • US Environmental Protection Agency, EPA Office of Compliance Sector Notebook Project: Air Transportation Industry, 1998. Available online:
  • van Rijn, C. F. H., van Aken, J. A., Smit, A. C. J. M. Emma, A Maintenance Manning Assessment Tool. In Proceedings 3rd. EsReDa Seminar on Equipment Ageing and Maintenance 1992, 1, 14-15.
  • Verhoeff, M., Verhagen, W.J.C., and Curran, R. (2015), Maximizing operational readiness in military aviation by optimizing flight and maintenance planning, Transportation Research Procedia, Vol. 10, pp.941-950.
  • Wang, Y., Gogu, C., Binaud, N., Bes, C., Haftka, T.T. and Kim, N.H. A Cost Driven Predictive Maintenance Policy for Structural Airframe Maintenance. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 2017, 30, 1242-1257.
  • Wen, X., Sun, X., Ma, H. and Sun, Y. A Column Generation Approach for Operational Flight Scheduling and Aircraft Maintenance Routing, Journal of Air Transport Management 2022, 105, 1-11.
  • Witteman, M., Deng, Q., and Santos, B. F. (2021). A bin packing approach to solve the aircraft maintenance task allocation problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 294(1), 365-376.
  • Yadav, D.K. Licensing and Recognition of the Aircraft Maintenance Engineers – A Comparative Study. Journal of Air Transport Management 2010, 16, 272-278.
  • Yang, Z. and Yang, G.; Optimization of Aircraft Maintenance Plan Based on Genetic Algorithm. Physics Procedia 2012, 33, 580-586.
  • Yu, J. and Gulliver, S. Improving aircraft maintenance, repair, and overhaul: A novel text mining approach. International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems, Guangzhou, China, 2011.
  • Yu, T., Zhu, C., Chang, Q., and Wang, J. (2019), Imperfect corrective maintenance scheduling for energy efficient manufacturing systems through online task allocation method, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 53, pp.282-290.

Assessing the Environmental Impact of Aircraft Maintenance

Yıl 2024, , 7 - 14, 26.02.2024


This study intends to investigate the maintenance of the sample aircraft under C-check with the environmental impact approach. With this research, maintenance of both aircraft types is divided into related subsystems and total process hours are determined in man-hours. Thus, it is aimed to show that environmental impacts should be taken into consideration in maintenance planning. The environmental effects that occur during aircraft maintenance operations are analysed. Environmental impact analysis, a basic life cycle analysis, is conducted under ISO 14044. Impacts (Impact on Human Health, Impact on Ecosystem Quality Impact and Resources Impact) have been calculated according to the Eco-Indicator99 database using SimaPro, which is the Life Cycle Analysis program. In the light of all results, it is seen that the C-check for Boeing 737 has a significant negative impact on the resources, ecosystem quality, and human health especially in all ATA100 categories.


  • Airbus, Global Market Forecast 2019-2038. Technical report, Airbus, 2019. Available online: (accessed on 12.10.2020).
  • Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM) of Airbus A320, Flight Data Recording Parameter Library (FDRPL), Airbus, (2004).
  • Aircraft Maintenance Manual 737-300/400/500. - Seattle, Washington, USA: Boeing Commercial Airplanes group, (1999).
  • Altuntas, O. and Karakoc, T.H. Investigation of the environmental concern in aircraft selection for domestic flights in some Turkish airports. Journal of Aeronautics and Space Technologies 2011, 5(1), 11-18.
  • Altuntas, O. Calculation of domestic flight-caused global warming potential from aircraft emissions in Turkish airports. International Journal of Global Warming 2014, 6(4), 367-379.
  • Altuntas, O. Lead emissions from the use of leaded avgas in Turkey. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, 2021, 93(3), 493-501.
  • Altuntas, O., Karakoc, T.H. and Hepbaşlı, A. Investigation of environmental impact caused by aircraft engines. International Journal of Global Warming 2013, 5(3), 282-295.
  • Altuntas, O., Sohret, Y. and Karakoc, T.H. Fundamentals of Sustainability. In Sustainable Aviation, 1st ed.; Karakoc, T.H., Colpan, C.O., Altuntas, O., Sohret, Y.; Springer: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2019; ISBN: 978-3- 030-14195-0. pp.3-5.
  • Atak, A. and Kingma, S. Safety culture in an Aircraft Maintenance Organization: A View from the Inside. Safety Science 2011, 49, 268-278.
  • Boeing, Commercial Market Outlook, 2019-2038. Technical report, Boeing, 2019. Available online: (accessed on 23.10.2020).
  • Ceruti, A., Marzocca, P., Liverani, A., and Bil, C. (2019), Maintenance in aeronautics in an Industry 4.0 context: The role of Augmented Reality and Additive Manufacturing, Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, Vol. 6 No.4, pp.516-526.
  • Cleveland, C.J. Encyclopedia of Energy, Elsevier Academic Press, USA, 2004.
  • Crocker, D., Dictionary of Aviation, A & C Black, London, 2007.
  • Dekker, R. and Scarf, P. A. On the impact of optimization models in maintenance decision making: the state of the art. Reliability Engineering & System Safety 1998, 60(2), 111-119.
  • Dijkstra, M. C., Kroon, L. G., Salomon, M., van Nunen, J. A. and van Wassenhove, L. N. Planning the Size and Organization of KLM's Aircraft Maintenance Personnel. Interfaces 1994, 24(6), 47-58.
  • Ezhilarasu, C. M., Skaf, Z., and Jennions, I. K. (2019), The application of reasoning to aerospace Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM): Challenges and opportunities, Progress in Aerospace Sciences, Vol. 105, pp.60-73.
  • Fang, L. and Zhaodong, H. System Dynamics Based Simulation Approach on Corrective Maintenance Cost of Aviation Equipments. Procedia Engineering 2015, 99, 150-155.
  • Fedotova, A., Taratoukhine, V., Ovsyannikov, M., and Becker, J. (2013), Implementation of constraints satisfaction problems methods for solving the periodic maintenance processes scheduling, IFAC Proceedings Volumes, Vol. 46 No. 9, pp.341-346.
  • Friend, C. H. Aircraft Maintenance Management. Longman Group UK. Ltd., United Kingdom, 1992.
  • Goedkoop, M. and Spriensma, R. The Eco-indicator 99—a damage-oriented method for life cycle assessment. Methodology Report, PRé Consultants B.V, 2000.
  • Gopalan, R. The Aircraft Maintenance Base Location Problem. European Journal of Operational Research 2014, 236, 634-642.
  • Gray, D. A. Airworthy: Decision Support for Aircraft Overhaul Maintenance Planning, OR/MS Today 1992, 24-29.
  • Iwata, C., and Mavris, D. (2013), Object-oriented discrete event simulation modeling environment for aerospace vehicle maintenance and logistics process, Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 16, pp.187-196.
  • Kafali, H. and Altuntas, O. The analysis of emission values from commercial flights at Dalaman international airport Turkey, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology 2020, 92-10,1451-1457
  • Kafalı, H. and Tunca, E. Importance of Maintenance Planning in Aircraft Maintenance. International Engineering and Natural Sciences Conference (IENSC 2019), Dicle University, Diyarbakır, Turkey, 6-8 November 2019.
  • Kala, M., Lalis, A. and Vojtech, T. Analyzing Aircraft Maintenance Findings with Natural Language Processing, Transportation Research Procedia, 2022, 65, 238-245.
  • Keivanpour S. and Kadi, D.A. A Sustainable Approach to Aircraft Engine Maintenance. International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) 2015, 48-3, 977-982.
  • Kinnison- H. A. and Siddiqui, T. Aviation Maintenance Management, McGraw-Hill Companies Inc., USA, 2013.
  • Knotts, R.M.H.., Civil aircraft maintenance and support fault diagnosis from a business perspective. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering 1999, 5- 4, 335-348.
  • Lestiani, M.E., Yudoko, G. and Purboyo, Y. Developing a Conceptual Model of Organiztional Safety Risk: Case Studies of Aircraft Maintenance Organizations in Indonesia. Transportation Research Procedia 2017, 25, 136- 148.
  • Lin, L., Lou, B. and Zhong, S. Development and Application of Maintenance Decision Making Support System for Aircraft Fleet. Advances in Engineering Software, 2017, 000, 1-16.
  • Ma, H.L., Sun, Y., Chung, S.H., and Chan, H.K. (2022), Tackling uncertainties in aircraft maintenance routing: A review of emerging Technologies, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol. 164, pp.102805.
  • Mascle, C., Baptiste, P., Sainte Beuve, D., and Camelot, A. (2015). Process for advanced management and technologies of aircraft EOL. Procedia CIRP, 26, 299-304.
  • Muchiri, K.A. Maintenance Planning Optimization for the Boeing 737 Next Generation, M.Sc. thesis, Delft University of Technology, Delft, NL, 2002.
  • Papakoustas, N., Papachatakis, P., Xanthakis, V., Mourtzis, D. and Chryssolouris, G. An Approach to Operational Aircraft Maintenance Planning. Decision Support Systems 2010, 48,604-612.
  • Pintelon, L. and Muchiri, P.N. Safety and Maintenance, In Handbook of Maintenance Management and Engineering, Ben-Daya, M., Duffuaa, S.O., Raouf, A., Knezevic, J., Ait-Kadi, D., Springer-Verlag London Limited: UK, 2009; pp. 613-646.
  • PRéConsultant (2019). SimaPro Software, version 7.3, PRé Consultants, (
  • Saltzman, R. M., and Stern, H. I. (2022), The multi-day aircraft maintenance routing problem, Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 102, pp.102224.
  • Sanderson, D., Turner, A., Shires, E., Chaplin, J.C., and Ratchev, S. (2020), Implementing large-scale aerospace assembly 4.0 demonstration systems, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 53 No.2, pp.10267-10274.
  • Saranga, H. and Kumar, U. D. Optimization of Aircraft Maintenance/Support Infrastructure Using Genetic Algorithms Level of Repair Analysis. Annals of Operations Research 2006, 143(1), 91-106.
  • Shanmugam, A. and Robert, T.P. Ranking of Aircraft Maintence Organization Based on Human Factor Performance, Computer and Industrial Engineering 2015, 88, 410-416.
  • Shaukat, S., Katscher, M., Wu, C.L., Delgado, F., and Larrain, H. (2020), Aircraft line maintenance scheduling and optimisation, Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 89, pp. 101914.
  • Sürekli Uçuşa Elverişlilik ve Bakım Sorumluluğu Talimatı (SHT-M Rev.03), Ankara: Directiorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), 2018.
  • Tanaka, Y., Nagai, S., Ushida, M. and Usui, T. Large Engine Maintenance Technique to Support Flight Operation for Commercial Airlines. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Technical Review 2003, 40(2), 5-6.
  • US Environmental Protection Agency, EPA Office of Compliance Sector Notebook Project: Air Transportation Industry, 1998. Available online:
  • van Rijn, C. F. H., van Aken, J. A., Smit, A. C. J. M. Emma, A Maintenance Manning Assessment Tool. In Proceedings 3rd. EsReDa Seminar on Equipment Ageing and Maintenance 1992, 1, 14-15.
  • Verhoeff, M., Verhagen, W.J.C., and Curran, R. (2015), Maximizing operational readiness in military aviation by optimizing flight and maintenance planning, Transportation Research Procedia, Vol. 10, pp.941-950.
  • Wang, Y., Gogu, C., Binaud, N., Bes, C., Haftka, T.T. and Kim, N.H. A Cost Driven Predictive Maintenance Policy for Structural Airframe Maintenance. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 2017, 30, 1242-1257.
  • Wen, X., Sun, X., Ma, H. and Sun, Y. A Column Generation Approach for Operational Flight Scheduling and Aircraft Maintenance Routing, Journal of Air Transport Management 2022, 105, 1-11.
  • Witteman, M., Deng, Q., and Santos, B. F. (2021). A bin packing approach to solve the aircraft maintenance task allocation problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 294(1), 365-376.
  • Yadav, D.K. Licensing and Recognition of the Aircraft Maintenance Engineers – A Comparative Study. Journal of Air Transport Management 2010, 16, 272-278.
  • Yang, Z. and Yang, G.; Optimization of Aircraft Maintenance Plan Based on Genetic Algorithm. Physics Procedia 2012, 33, 580-586.
  • Yu, J. and Gulliver, S. Improving aircraft maintenance, repair, and overhaul: A novel text mining approach. International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems, Guangzhou, China, 2011.
  • Yu, T., Zhu, C., Chang, Q., and Wang, J. (2019), Imperfect corrective maintenance scheduling for energy efficient manufacturing systems through online task allocation method, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 53, pp.282-290.
Toplam 54 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Hava-Uzay Ulaşımı
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Haşim Kafalı 0000-0002-7740-202X

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 22 Şubat 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Şubat 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 11 Aralık 2023
Kabul Tarihi 8 Şubat 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Kafalı, H. (2024). Assessing the Environmental Impact of Aircraft Maintenance. Journal of Aviation, 8(1), 7-14.

Journal of Aviation - JAV -

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