Abstract In this study, LAS pollution of Sea of Marmara, Golden Horn and Istanbul Strait (Bosphorus) was reported for different depths including the surface and the deep during 2004-2007. Highest LAS pollution for the years were: 243.99 in January 2004 in the Sea of Marmara, 204.86 in Golden Horn in February 2005, 271.40 in January 2006 and 164.64 in February 2007 (g/l). As a result of this study, it is shown that, waste water discharged into the deep water of Sea of Marmara (Mediterranean Sea water) cannot totally reach to the Black Sea. This problem must be solved. In our opinion the wastewater of Istanbul City should be collected to one station and discharged directly into the deep waters of the Black Sea.
Akıncı, S., Güven, K.C. (1997) A new determination method of anionic detergent in the sea water based on metachromasy and correlation between Azur
A and methylene blue assays. Turkish J. Mar. Sci. 3: 191-198. Bektaş, A., Güven, K.C. (2004) Determination of LAS by metachromatic method in seawater and reservoir water. Acta Pharm. Turc. 46: 83-94.
Ceglarek, U., Efer, J., Schreiber, A., Zwanziger, E., Engewald, W. (1999)
Determination of linear alkylbenzenesulfonates in communal wastewater by means of solid phase microextraction coupled with API-MS and HPLC-FLD. Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 365: 674-681. Crips, P.T., Eckert, J.M., Gibson, A. (1978) The determination of anionic detergents at p.p.b. levels by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Anal. Chim. Acta 87: 97-101.
Çetintürk, K., Güven, K. C. (2009) The effect of sodium chloride concentration on the assay of LAS in seawater by MBAS methods. J. Black Sea/
Mediterranean Environment 15 (2): 33-45. Eganhouse, R.P., Ruth, E.C., Kaplan, I.R. (1983) Determination of long-chain alkylbenzenes in environmental samples by argentation thin-layer chromatography/high-resolution gas chromatography and gas chromatography
/mass spectrometry. Anal. Chem. 55: 2120-2126.
Gezgin, T., Güven, K. C. (2012) unpublished.
Gonzàlez-Mazo, E., Gòmez-Parra, A. (1996) Monitoring anionic surfactants
(LAS) and their intermediate degradation products in the marine environment. Analytical Chemistry 15 (8): 375-380. Güven, K.C., Cumalı, S. (2007) The influence of salinity of seawater on the determination of LAS by MBAS methods. Acta Pharm. Sci. 49: 161-166.
Güven, K. C., Gürakın, N., Akıncı, S., Bektaş, A., Öz, V. (1994) Metachromatic method for the assay of LAS in town and sea water. Acta Pharm. Turc. 36: 136
Güven, K. C., Nesimigil, F., Cumalı, S., Yalçın, A., Gazioğlu, C., Çoban, B. (2010) Anionic detergent LAS pollution and discharged amount from Turkish coasts to the Black Sea during 2004-2007. J. Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment 16 (1): 5-24.
Guven, K., Topcuoglu, S., Nesimigil, F., Cumali, S. (2007) Marine risk assesment: linear alkylbenzenesulponates (LAS) in Black Sea, Bosphorus and Marmara Sea. Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Medit. 38: 267.
Güven, K. C., Yalçın, A., Çiftçi, P. S. (2008) The loss of LAS during the storage in water and seawater. Acta Pharm. Sci. 50: 5-10.
He, Y., Jiang, T., Dang, Y (1993) Determination of anionic surfactants in dyeing wastewater with double Standard addition method. Huanjing Kexue 14: 74-78.
Hellman, H. (1979) Analytische Bestimmung von Aniontensiden in Schweb- und Sinktoffen sowie Klarschlammen. Analytische Chemie 295: 393-397.
Hon-Nami, H., Hanya, T. (1978) Gas liquid chromatographic mass spectrometric determination of alkylbenzenesulphanates in river water. J. Chromatography 161: 202-205.
Hon-Nami, H., Hanya, T. (1980) Linear alkylbenzene sulfonates in river, estuary and bay water. Water Research 14 (9): 1251-1256.
Koç, H., Güven, K.C., Gezgin, T. (2002) Degradation of LAS in distilled, tap and sea water. Turkish J. Mar. Sci. 8: 91-102.
Marcomini, A., Giger, W. (1987) Simultaneous determination of linear alkylbenzene sulphonates, alkylphenol polyethoxylates and nonyl phenol by high performance liquid chromatography. Anal. Chem. 59: 1709-1715.
Moldovan, Z., Avram, V., Marincas, O., Petrov, P., Ternes, T. (2011) The determination of the linear alkylbenzene sulfonate isomers in water samples by gas-chromatography/mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. A. 1218 (2): 343-349.
Standard Methods (1995) American Public Health Assoc. New York.
Swicher, R.D. (1963) Biodegradation of ABS in relation to chemical structure.
J. Wat. Pollut. Control. Fed. 35: 877-892. Qin, Y., Han, X., Xia, H. (1991) Treatment of synthetic detergent wastewater with biological contact oxidation method. Huanjing Baohu 12: 14-16.
Raymundo, C.C., Preston, M.R. (1992) The distribution of linear alkylbenzenes in coastal and estuarine sediments of the western North sea. Mar. Poll. Bull. 24: 138
Rico-Rico, A., Temara, A., Behrends, T., Hermens, J. L. (2009) Effect of sediment properties on the sorption of C12-2-LAS in marine and estuarine sediments. Environ. Pollut. 157 (2): 377-383.
Terzic, S., Hršak, D., Ahel, M. (1992) Enrichment and isolation of linear alkylbenzenesulphonate (LAS) degrading bacteria from estuarine and coastal waters. Mar. Poll. Bull. 24: 199-204.
Wangkarn, S., Soisungnoen, P., Rayanakorn, M., Grudpan, K. (2005)
Determination of linear alkylbenzene sulfonates in water samples by liquid chromatography-UV detection and confirmation by liquid chromatography- mass spectrometry. Talanta 67 (4): 686-695.
Bu çalışmada, İstanbul Boğazı, Haliç ve Marmara Denizi’nde 26 istasyonda deterjan (LAS) kirliliği ölçümlerinin sonuçları yüzeyden dipe kadar değişik derinliklerde tayinleri bildirilmiştir. İstasyonlarda yıllara gore görülen en yüksek LAS miktarları aşağıda sıralanmıştır. İstanbul Boğazı: K0: 107.37 Ocak 2004, BL: 133.49 Şubat 2005, BL: 231.44 Haziran 2006, BL: 128.50 Mart 2007. Haliç: VS: 164.50 Kasım 2004, ES: 204.86 Şubat 2005, ADA: 271.40 Ocak 2006, GK: 164.64 Şubat 2007. Marmara Denizi: MK: 43.99 Ocak 2004, MK: 143.29 Şubat 2005, MBC: 198.19 Eylül 2006, MBC: 113.38 Aralık 2007. Bu çalışma göstermiştir ki, LAS miktarları verilen istasyonlarda dipten yüzeye kadar homojen bir dağılım göstermemiştir. Bu sonuçlara gore İstanbul şehrinden dip (Akdeniz suyu) suyuna verilen atık sular Karadeniz’e ulaşmadan yüzeye istasyonlara göre değişik oranlarda çıkmaktadır. Bu sebepten Marmara Denizi’ni atık suya bağlı kirlilikten korumak için bir çözüm bulunması gereklidir. Bize gore en uygun yol Marmara’ya verilen atık suların değişik istasyonlardan değil, bir istasyonda birleştirilerek Karadeniz’in derin suyuna verilmesi gereklidir
Akıncı, S., Güven, K.C. (1997) A new determination method of anionic detergent in the sea water based on metachromasy and correlation between Azur
A and methylene blue assays. Turkish J. Mar. Sci. 3: 191-198. Bektaş, A., Güven, K.C. (2004) Determination of LAS by metachromatic method in seawater and reservoir water. Acta Pharm. Turc. 46: 83-94.
Ceglarek, U., Efer, J., Schreiber, A., Zwanziger, E., Engewald, W. (1999)
Determination of linear alkylbenzenesulfonates in communal wastewater by means of solid phase microextraction coupled with API-MS and HPLC-FLD. Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 365: 674-681. Crips, P.T., Eckert, J.M., Gibson, A. (1978) The determination of anionic detergents at p.p.b. levels by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Anal. Chim. Acta 87: 97-101.
Çetintürk, K., Güven, K. C. (2009) The effect of sodium chloride concentration on the assay of LAS in seawater by MBAS methods. J. Black Sea/
Mediterranean Environment 15 (2): 33-45. Eganhouse, R.P., Ruth, E.C., Kaplan, I.R. (1983) Determination of long-chain alkylbenzenes in environmental samples by argentation thin-layer chromatography/high-resolution gas chromatography and gas chromatography
/mass spectrometry. Anal. Chem. 55: 2120-2126.
Gezgin, T., Güven, K. C. (2012) unpublished.
Gonzàlez-Mazo, E., Gòmez-Parra, A. (1996) Monitoring anionic surfactants
(LAS) and their intermediate degradation products in the marine environment. Analytical Chemistry 15 (8): 375-380. Güven, K.C., Cumalı, S. (2007) The influence of salinity of seawater on the determination of LAS by MBAS methods. Acta Pharm. Sci. 49: 161-166.
Güven, K. C., Gürakın, N., Akıncı, S., Bektaş, A., Öz, V. (1994) Metachromatic method for the assay of LAS in town and sea water. Acta Pharm. Turc. 36: 136
Güven, K. C., Nesimigil, F., Cumalı, S., Yalçın, A., Gazioğlu, C., Çoban, B. (2010) Anionic detergent LAS pollution and discharged amount from Turkish coasts to the Black Sea during 2004-2007. J. Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment 16 (1): 5-24.
Guven, K., Topcuoglu, S., Nesimigil, F., Cumali, S. (2007) Marine risk assesment: linear alkylbenzenesulponates (LAS) in Black Sea, Bosphorus and Marmara Sea. Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Medit. 38: 267.
Güven, K. C., Yalçın, A., Çiftçi, P. S. (2008) The loss of LAS during the storage in water and seawater. Acta Pharm. Sci. 50: 5-10.
He, Y., Jiang, T., Dang, Y (1993) Determination of anionic surfactants in dyeing wastewater with double Standard addition method. Huanjing Kexue 14: 74-78.
Hellman, H. (1979) Analytische Bestimmung von Aniontensiden in Schweb- und Sinktoffen sowie Klarschlammen. Analytische Chemie 295: 393-397.
Hon-Nami, H., Hanya, T. (1978) Gas liquid chromatographic mass spectrometric determination of alkylbenzenesulphanates in river water. J. Chromatography 161: 202-205.
Hon-Nami, H., Hanya, T. (1980) Linear alkylbenzene sulfonates in river, estuary and bay water. Water Research 14 (9): 1251-1256.
Koç, H., Güven, K.C., Gezgin, T. (2002) Degradation of LAS in distilled, tap and sea water. Turkish J. Mar. Sci. 8: 91-102.
Marcomini, A., Giger, W. (1987) Simultaneous determination of linear alkylbenzene sulphonates, alkylphenol polyethoxylates and nonyl phenol by high performance liquid chromatography. Anal. Chem. 59: 1709-1715.
Moldovan, Z., Avram, V., Marincas, O., Petrov, P., Ternes, T. (2011) The determination of the linear alkylbenzene sulfonate isomers in water samples by gas-chromatography/mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. A. 1218 (2): 343-349.
Standard Methods (1995) American Public Health Assoc. New York.
Swicher, R.D. (1963) Biodegradation of ABS in relation to chemical structure.
J. Wat. Pollut. Control. Fed. 35: 877-892. Qin, Y., Han, X., Xia, H. (1991) Treatment of synthetic detergent wastewater with biological contact oxidation method. Huanjing Baohu 12: 14-16.
Raymundo, C.C., Preston, M.R. (1992) The distribution of linear alkylbenzenes in coastal and estuarine sediments of the western North sea. Mar. Poll. Bull. 24: 138
Rico-Rico, A., Temara, A., Behrends, T., Hermens, J. L. (2009) Effect of sediment properties on the sorption of C12-2-LAS in marine and estuarine sediments. Environ. Pollut. 157 (2): 377-383.
Terzic, S., Hršak, D., Ahel, M. (1992) Enrichment and isolation of linear alkylbenzenesulphonate (LAS) degrading bacteria from estuarine and coastal waters. Mar. Poll. Bull. 24: 199-204.
Wangkarn, S., Soisungnoen, P., Rayanakorn, M., Grudpan, K. (2005)
Determination of linear alkylbenzene sulfonates in water samples by liquid chromatography-UV detection and confirmation by liquid chromatography- mass spectrometry. Talanta 67 (4): 686-695.
Güven, K. C. ., & Coban, B. . (2013). LAS pollution of the Sea of Marmara, Golden Horn and Istanbul Strait (Bosphorus) during 2004-2007. Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment, 19(3), 331-353.
Güven KC, Coban B. LAS pollution of the Sea of Marmara, Golden Horn and Istanbul Strait (Bosphorus) during 2004-2007. Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment. Aralık 2013;19(3):331-353.
Güven, Kasım Cemal, ve Burak Coban. “LAS Pollution of the Sea of Marmara, Golden Horn and Istanbul Strait (Bosphorus) During 2004-2007”. Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment 19, sy. 3 (Aralık 2013): 331-53.
Güven KC, Coban B (01 Aralık 2013) LAS pollution of the Sea of Marmara, Golden Horn and Istanbul Strait (Bosphorus) during 2004-2007. Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment 19 3 331–353.
K. C. . Güven ve B. . Coban, “LAS pollution of the Sea of Marmara, Golden Horn and Istanbul Strait (Bosphorus) during 2004-2007”, Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment, c. 19, sy. 3, ss. 331–353, 2013.
Güven, Kasım Cemal - Coban, Burak. “LAS Pollution of the Sea of Marmara, Golden Horn and Istanbul Strait (Bosphorus) During 2004-2007”. Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment 19/3 (Aralık 2013), 331-353.
Güven KC, Coban B. LAS pollution of the Sea of Marmara, Golden Horn and Istanbul Strait (Bosphorus) during 2004-2007. Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment. 2013;19:331–353.
Güven, Kasım Cemal ve Burak Coban. “LAS Pollution of the Sea of Marmara, Golden Horn and Istanbul Strait (Bosphorus) During 2004-2007”. Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment, c. 19, sy. 3, 2013, ss. 331-53.
Güven KC, Coban B. LAS pollution of the Sea of Marmara, Golden Horn and Istanbul Strait (Bosphorus) during 2004-2007. Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment. 2013;19(3):331-53.