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Bebek Mamalarındaki Katkı Maddeleri

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2, 60 - 65, 01.04.2012


Piyasadaki mama çeşitleri, bunların üretim aşamaları ve piyasaya verilişleri Codex Alimentarius’a göre standardi- ze edilmiştir. Ancak, içlerinde bulundurabilecekleri katkı maddeleri ve toksinler dikkate alınmalıdır. Anne sütü ile karşılaştırıldıklarında infeksiyon riskinde artış ve ileriki dönemde daha yüksek obesite görülmesi gibi sağlık zarar- larından da söz edilmelidir. Özellikle, “anne sütüne yakınlaştırılmış formül” adı altında eklenen maddeler yarardan çok zarar vermemelidir


  • 1. Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition. Consideration of the place of “Good Night” milk products in the diet of infants aged 6 months and above, November 2008. Department of Health, Scientific Review of the Welfare Food Scheme. No.51. London, 2002. TSO.
  • 2. Secretariat World Health Organization (24 November 2001). “Infant and Young Child Nutrition: Global strategy for infant and young child feeding”. World Health Organization. WHO Executive Board 109th Session provisional agenda item 3.8. (EB 109/12). 562218.pdf
  • 3. Vikhanski L. Fatal flaw in baby formula sparks reform in Israeli ministry. Nature Medicine 2004;10:7. PMid:14702612
  • 4. Bowen AB, Braden CR. Invasive enterobakter sakazakii disease in infants. Emerging Infect Dis 2006;12(8):1185-9. PMid:16965695 PMCid:3291213
  • 5. Lehner A, et al. Microbiological, epidemiological and food safety aspects of enterobacter sakazakii. J Food Prot 2004; 67-2850-7.
  • 6. Iversen C, et al. Isolation of enterobacter sakazakii and other enterobacteriaceae from powdered infant formula milk and related products. Food Microbiology 2004;21:771-6.
  • 7. Chap J, et al. International survey of cronobacter sakazakii and other cronobacter spp. in follow-up formulas and infant foods. International Journal of Food and Microbiology 2009;136:185-8. PMid:19729216
  • 8. FAO/WHO. Enterobacter Sakazakii and salmonella in powdered infant formula. Meeting Report. Joint FAO/WHO Technical meeting on Enterobacter sakazakii and Salmonella Powdered Infant Formula, Rome, Italy. 16-20 January 2006. [FAO/WHO] Microbiological Risk Assessment Series, No. 10.
  • 9. FAO/WHO. Safe Preparation, Storage and Handling of Powdered Infant Formula: Guidelines. foodsafety/publications/micro/pif2007/en
  • 10. Agestoni C, et al. Preparation and handling of powdered infant formula: A commentary by the ESPGHAN committee on nutrition. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2004;39(4):320-2. PMid:15448416
  • 11. Gossner CM, et al. The melamine incident: Implications for international food and feed safety. Environmental. Health Perspectives 2009:117;1803-8. PMid:20049196 PMCid:2799451
  • 12. Liu J, et al. “Urinary tract abnormalities in chinese rural children who consumed melamine-contaminated dairy products: a population-based screening and follow-up study”. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2010;182:439-43. PMid:20176755 PMCid:2842835
  • 13. WHO. Expert meeting to review toxicological aspects of melamine and cyanuric acid: Overall conclusions and recommendations. Ottowa (ON): Dec. 1-4, 2008. foodsafety/fs_management_recommendations.pdf
  • 14. Zhou W, et al. The characteristics of immune system changes in children who ingested melamine-contaminated powdered formula in China. International Journal of Environmental Health Research 2010:20(4)289-97. PMid:20645202
  • 15. Ingelfinger JR. Melamine and the global implications of food contamination. N Engl J Med 2008;359:2745-8. PMid:19109571
  • 16. Cockell KA, et al. Manganese content of soy or rice beverages is high in comparison to infant formulas. Journal of American College of Nutrition 2004;23:124-30. PMid:15047678
  • 17.
  • 18. Menezes-Filho, et al. Manganese exposure and the neuropsychological effect on children and adolescents: a review. Pan Am J Public Health 2009;26:541-8.
  • 19. Cao XL, et al. Bisphenol A in baby food products in glass jars with metal lids from Canadian markets. J Agric Food Chem 2009; 24;57(12):5345-51.
  • 20.
  • 21. Baydar T, et al. Aflatoxin B1, M1 and ochratoxin a levels in infant formulae and baby foods marketed in Ankara, Turkey. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis 2007;15:89-92.
  • 22. Meucci V, et al. Mycotoxin detection in infant formla milks in Italy. Food Addit Contam: Part A. Chem Anal Control Expo Risk Assess 2010;27(1):64-71.
  • 23. Her N, et al. Perchlorate in dairy milk and milk-based powdered infant formula in South Korea. Chemosphere 2010;81: 732-37. PMid:20692011
  • 24. Schier JG, et al. Perchlorate exposure from infant formula and comparisons with the perchlorate reference dose. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol.2010;20:281-7. PMid:19293845
  • 25. Eklund G, Oskarsson A. Exposure of cadmium from infant formulas and weaning foods. Food Additives and Contaminants 1999;16:509-19. PMid:10789373
  • 26. Ruiz E, et al. Determination of furan in jarred baby food purchased from the Spanish market by headspace gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-GC-MS)’. Food Additives and contaminants: Part A 2010;27(9):1208-14
  • 27. Lachenmeier, DW et al. ‘Occurrence of benzene as a heatinduces contaminant of carrot juice for abies in a general survey of beverages’. Food Additives and Contaminants: Part A. 2008;25(10)1216-24.
  • 28. Carvalho RS, et al. An update on pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition: A review of some recent advances. Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care 2008;204-28. PMid:18647667
  • 29.
  • 30. Carvalho RS, et al. An update on pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition: A review of some recent advances. Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care 2008;204-28. PMid:18647667
  • 31. Capeding R, et al. Lutein-fortified infant formula fed to healthy term infants: Evaluation of growth effects and safety. Nutrition Journal 2010;9:22. PMid:20492710 PMCid:2892426
  • 32. Simmer K, Patole S, Rao SC. Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation in infants born at term. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2008:23;(1)ÇCD000376.
  • 33. Shah D. Is there any benefit of supplementing infant milk formulae with long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids? Indian Pediatrics 2009;46:783-4. PMid:19812423
  • 34. pdf
  • 35.
  • 36. Bermann KE et al. Early determinants of childhood overweight and adiposity in a birth cohort study: Role of breastfeeding. Int J of Obesity 2003;27:162-72. PMid:12586995
  • 37. McNiel ME, et al. What are the risks associated with formula feeding? A re-analysis and review. Birth 2010;37(1):50-8. PMid:20402722

Additives in Infant Formulas

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2, 60 - 65, 01.04.2012


Types of baby formula, their production steps and distribu- tion are standardized according to the Codex Alimentarius. However, the additives and toxins they may contain must be taken into consideration. In their comparison with breast milk, increase in the risk of infections and future obesity should be mentioned. Especially the substances added to create the “formula closest to the mother’s milk” should not do harm rather than help


  • 1. Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition. Consideration of the place of “Good Night” milk products in the diet of infants aged 6 months and above, November 2008. Department of Health, Scientific Review of the Welfare Food Scheme. No.51. London, 2002. TSO.
  • 2. Secretariat World Health Organization (24 November 2001). “Infant and Young Child Nutrition: Global strategy for infant and young child feeding”. World Health Organization. WHO Executive Board 109th Session provisional agenda item 3.8. (EB 109/12). 562218.pdf
  • 3. Vikhanski L. Fatal flaw in baby formula sparks reform in Israeli ministry. Nature Medicine 2004;10:7. PMid:14702612
  • 4. Bowen AB, Braden CR. Invasive enterobakter sakazakii disease in infants. Emerging Infect Dis 2006;12(8):1185-9. PMid:16965695 PMCid:3291213
  • 5. Lehner A, et al. Microbiological, epidemiological and food safety aspects of enterobacter sakazakii. J Food Prot 2004; 67-2850-7.
  • 6. Iversen C, et al. Isolation of enterobacter sakazakii and other enterobacteriaceae from powdered infant formula milk and related products. Food Microbiology 2004;21:771-6.
  • 7. Chap J, et al. International survey of cronobacter sakazakii and other cronobacter spp. in follow-up formulas and infant foods. International Journal of Food and Microbiology 2009;136:185-8. PMid:19729216
  • 8. FAO/WHO. Enterobacter Sakazakii and salmonella in powdered infant formula. Meeting Report. Joint FAO/WHO Technical meeting on Enterobacter sakazakii and Salmonella Powdered Infant Formula, Rome, Italy. 16-20 January 2006. [FAO/WHO] Microbiological Risk Assessment Series, No. 10.
  • 9. FAO/WHO. Safe Preparation, Storage and Handling of Powdered Infant Formula: Guidelines. foodsafety/publications/micro/pif2007/en
  • 10. Agestoni C, et al. Preparation and handling of powdered infant formula: A commentary by the ESPGHAN committee on nutrition. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2004;39(4):320-2. PMid:15448416
  • 11. Gossner CM, et al. The melamine incident: Implications for international food and feed safety. Environmental. Health Perspectives 2009:117;1803-8. PMid:20049196 PMCid:2799451
  • 12. Liu J, et al. “Urinary tract abnormalities in chinese rural children who consumed melamine-contaminated dairy products: a population-based screening and follow-up study”. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2010;182:439-43. PMid:20176755 PMCid:2842835
  • 13. WHO. Expert meeting to review toxicological aspects of melamine and cyanuric acid: Overall conclusions and recommendations. Ottowa (ON): Dec. 1-4, 2008. foodsafety/fs_management_recommendations.pdf
  • 14. Zhou W, et al. The characteristics of immune system changes in children who ingested melamine-contaminated powdered formula in China. International Journal of Environmental Health Research 2010:20(4)289-97. PMid:20645202
  • 15. Ingelfinger JR. Melamine and the global implications of food contamination. N Engl J Med 2008;359:2745-8. PMid:19109571
  • 16. Cockell KA, et al. Manganese content of soy or rice beverages is high in comparison to infant formulas. Journal of American College of Nutrition 2004;23:124-30. PMid:15047678
  • 17.
  • 18. Menezes-Filho, et al. Manganese exposure and the neuropsychological effect on children and adolescents: a review. Pan Am J Public Health 2009;26:541-8.
  • 19. Cao XL, et al. Bisphenol A in baby food products in glass jars with metal lids from Canadian markets. J Agric Food Chem 2009; 24;57(12):5345-51.
  • 20.
  • 21. Baydar T, et al. Aflatoxin B1, M1 and ochratoxin a levels in infant formulae and baby foods marketed in Ankara, Turkey. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis 2007;15:89-92.
  • 22. Meucci V, et al. Mycotoxin detection in infant formla milks in Italy. Food Addit Contam: Part A. Chem Anal Control Expo Risk Assess 2010;27(1):64-71.
  • 23. Her N, et al. Perchlorate in dairy milk and milk-based powdered infant formula in South Korea. Chemosphere 2010;81: 732-37. PMid:20692011
  • 24. Schier JG, et al. Perchlorate exposure from infant formula and comparisons with the perchlorate reference dose. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol.2010;20:281-7. PMid:19293845
  • 25. Eklund G, Oskarsson A. Exposure of cadmium from infant formulas and weaning foods. Food Additives and Contaminants 1999;16:509-19. PMid:10789373
  • 26. Ruiz E, et al. Determination of furan in jarred baby food purchased from the Spanish market by headspace gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-GC-MS)’. Food Additives and contaminants: Part A 2010;27(9):1208-14
  • 27. Lachenmeier, DW et al. ‘Occurrence of benzene as a heatinduces contaminant of carrot juice for abies in a general survey of beverages’. Food Additives and Contaminants: Part A. 2008;25(10)1216-24.
  • 28. Carvalho RS, et al. An update on pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition: A review of some recent advances. Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care 2008;204-28. PMid:18647667
  • 29.
  • 30. Carvalho RS, et al. An update on pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition: A review of some recent advances. Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care 2008;204-28. PMid:18647667
  • 31. Capeding R, et al. Lutein-fortified infant formula fed to healthy term infants: Evaluation of growth effects and safety. Nutrition Journal 2010;9:22. PMid:20492710 PMCid:2892426
  • 32. Simmer K, Patole S, Rao SC. Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation in infants born at term. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2008:23;(1)ÇCD000376.
  • 33. Shah D. Is there any benefit of supplementing infant milk formulae with long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids? Indian Pediatrics 2009;46:783-4. PMid:19812423
  • 34. pdf
  • 35.
  • 36. Bermann KE et al. Early determinants of childhood overweight and adiposity in a birth cohort study: Role of breastfeeding. Int J of Obesity 2003;27:162-72. PMid:12586995
  • 37. McNiel ME, et al. What are the risks associated with formula feeding? A re-analysis and review. Birth 2010;37(1):50-8. PMid:20402722
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Gülbin Gökçay Bu kişi benim

Tijen Eren Bu kişi benim

Esra Devecioğlu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Gökçay, G., Eren, T., & Devecioğlu, E. (2012). Bebek Mamalarındaki Katkı Maddeleri. Journal of Child, 12(2), 60-65.
AMA Gökçay G, Eren T, Devecioğlu E. Bebek Mamalarındaki Katkı Maddeleri. Journal of Child. Nisan 2012;12(2):60-65. doi:10.5222/j.child.2012.060
Chicago Gökçay, Gülbin, Tijen Eren, ve Esra Devecioğlu. “Bebek Mamalarındaki Katkı Maddeleri”. Journal of Child 12, sy. 2 (Nisan 2012): 60-65.
EndNote Gökçay G, Eren T, Devecioğlu E (01 Nisan 2012) Bebek Mamalarındaki Katkı Maddeleri. Journal of Child 12 2 60–65.
IEEE G. Gökçay, T. Eren, ve E. Devecioğlu, “Bebek Mamalarındaki Katkı Maddeleri”, Journal of Child, c. 12, sy. 2, ss. 60–65, 2012, doi: 10.5222/j.child.2012.060.
ISNAD Gökçay, Gülbin vd. “Bebek Mamalarındaki Katkı Maddeleri”. Journal of Child 12/2 (Nisan 2012), 60-65.
JAMA Gökçay G, Eren T, Devecioğlu E. Bebek Mamalarındaki Katkı Maddeleri. Journal of Child. 2012;12:60–65.
MLA Gökçay, Gülbin vd. “Bebek Mamalarındaki Katkı Maddeleri”. Journal of Child, c. 12, sy. 2, 2012, ss. 60-65, doi:10.5222/j.child.2012.060.
Vancouver Gökçay G, Eren T, Devecioğlu E. Bebek Mamalarındaki Katkı Maddeleri. Journal of Child. 2012;12(2):60-5.