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Enhancing Healthcare Provider Awareness and Early Detection of Adolescent Eating Disorder

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 24 Sayı: 1, 53 - 60, 07.05.2024


Eating disorders are mental health conditions characterized by abnormal eating or weight control behaviors, which can result in severe health complications and hinder overall wellbeing or social functioning. These disorders are acknowledged to stem from a combination of individual, genetic, and environmental factors, alongside societal pressure to maintain a thin physique. Research indicates that some young individuals with eating disorders may postpone seeking specialized care by concealing their symptoms due to a lack of awareness among healthcare providers and feelings of shame or stigma. Screening measures have been devised to mitigate the risk of underdiagnosing and inadequately treating eating disorders. Nevertheless, the prevalence of these disorders has doubled in recent years. Consequently, it is crucial to enhance healthcare providers’ awareness of this issue, implement screening protocols in high-risk populations, and conduct annual assessments of adolescents’ eating behaviors, body image perception, exercise habits, as part of psychosocial evaluations, alongside measurements of weight, height, and body mass index measurements during physical examinations, to facilitate early identification and intervention for adolescent eating disorders.


  • Treasure J, Duarte TA, Schmidt U. Eating disorders. Lancet. 2020;395(10227):899-911. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30059-3PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref google scholar
  • American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-5-TR), Washington, DC 2022. google scholar
  • Chesney E, Goodwin GM, Fazel S. Risks of all-cause and suicide mortality in mental disorders: a meta-review. World Psychiatry. 2014;13(2):153-160. doi:10.1002/wps.20128PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref google scholar
  • Forrest LN, Smith AR, Swanson SA. Characteristics of seeking treatment among U.S. adolescents with eating disorders. Int J Eat Disord. 2017;50(7):826-833. doi:10.1002/eat.22702PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref google scholar
  • Galmiche M, Dechelotte P, Lambert G, Tavolacci MP. Prevalance of eating disorders over the 2000-2018 period: a systematic literatüre review. Am J Clin Nutr 2019; 109:1402. google scholar
  • Silen Y, Keski-Rahkonen A. Worldwide prevalence of DSM-5 eating disorders among young people. Current opinion in Psychiatry 2022 Nov 1;35(6):362-371. doi: 10.1097/YCO.0000000000000818. Epub 2022 Sep 13.PMID: 36125216 google scholar
  • Stice E, Marti CN, Rohde P. Prevalence, incidence, impairment, and course of the proposed DSM-5 eating disorder diagnoses in an 8-year prospective community study of young women. J Abnorm Psychol. 2013;122(2):445-457. doi:10.1037/ a0030679PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref google scholar
  • Lopez-Gil JF, Garda-Hermoso A, Smith L, Firth J, Trott M, Mesas AE, et al. Global Proportion of Disordered Eating in Children and AdolescentsA Systematic Review and Meta-analysis JAMA Pediatr. 2023;177(4):363-372. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2022.5848 google scholar
  • Angela Guarda, MD Eating Disorders: Overview of epidemiology, clinical features and diagnosis UpToDate May 1, 2023 google scholar
  • Bulik CM, Thornton LM, Root TL, Pietsky EM, Lichtenstein P, Pederson NL. Understanding the relation between anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa in a Swedish national twin sample. Biol Psychiatry 2010; 67:71. google scholar
  • Molendik ML, Hoek HW, Brewerton TD, Elzinga BM. Childhood maltreatment and eating disorder pathology: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis. Psychol Med 2017;47:1402 google scholar
  • Attia E, Guardo AS. Prevention and Early Identification of Eating Disorders. JAMA 2022; 327:1029. google scholar
  • Davidson KW, Barry MJ, Mangione CM, Cabana M, Chelmow D, Coker TM, et al. Screening for Eating Disorders in Adolescents and Adults: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement. JAMA 2022; 327:1061. google scholar
  • Feltner C, Peat C, Reddy S, Riley S, Berkman N, Middleton JC, et al. Screening for Eating Disorders in Adolescents and Adults: Evidence Report and Systematic Review for the US Preventive Services Task Force. JAMA 2022; 327:1068 google scholar
  • Kutz AM, Marsh AG, Gunderson CG, Maguen S, Masheb RM. Eating Disorder Screening: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Diagnostic Test Characteristics of the SCOFF J Gen Intern Med. 2020;35(3):885-893. doi: 10.1007/s11606-019-05478-6 google scholar
  • Hill LS, Reid F, Morgan JF, Lacey JH. SCOFF, the development of an eating disorder screening questionnaire. Int J Eat Disord 2010;43:344 google scholar
  • National Institute for Clinical Excellence. Eating disorders: recognition and treatment. Full guideline. NICE guideline [NG69]. December 2020. (Accessed on July 18, 2023). google scholar
  • Nagata JM, Golden NH. New US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendations on Screening for Eating Disorders. JAMA Intern Med 2022; 182:471. google scholar
  • The Eating Attitudes Test: validation with DSM-IV eating disorder criteria J Pers Assess . 2000 Jun;74(3):489-503. doi: 10.1207/ S15327752JPA7403_11 google scholar
  • Maloney MJ, McGuire JB, Daniels SR. Reliability testing of a children’s version of the Eating Attitude Test. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1988; 27:541. google scholar
  • Spitzer RL, Kroenke K, Williams JB. Validation and utility of a self-report version of PRIME- MD: the PHQ primary care study. Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders. Patient Health Questionnaire. JAMA 1999; 282:1737. google scholar
  • Peterson K, Fuller R, Anorexia nervosa in adolescents: an overview. Nursing. 2019 Oct:49(10):24-30. Doi:10.1097/01. NURSE.0000580640.43071.15. google scholar
  • Udo T, Grilo CM. Prevalence and Correlates of DSM-5- Defined Eating Disorders in a Nationally Representative Sample of U.S. Adults. Biol Psychiatry 2018;84:345. google scholar
  • Duncan L, Yilmaz Z, Gaspar H, Walters R, Goldstein J, Anttila V, et al. Significant Locus and Metabolic Genetic Correlations Revealed in Genome-Wide Association Study of Anorexia Nervosa Am J Psychiatry 2017; 174:850. google scholar
  • Watson HJ, Yilmaz Z, Thornton LM, Hübel C, Coleman JRI, Gaspa HA, et al. Genome-wide association study identifies eight risk loci and implicates metabo-psychiatric origins for anorexia nervosa. Nat Genet 2019; 51:1207. google scholar
  • Steinhausen HC, Jakopsen H, Helenius D, Munk-J0rgensen P, Strober M. A nation-wide study of the family aggregation and risk factors in anorexia nervosa over three generations. Int J Eat Disord 2015; 48:1. google scholar
  • Watson HJ, Palmos AB, Hunjan A, Baker JH, Yilmaz Z, Davies HL. Genetics of eating disorders in the genome-wide era. Psychol Med 2021; 51:2287. google scholar
  • Hilbert A, Pike KM, Golsschmidt AB, Wilfley DE, Fairburn CG, Dohm FA, et al. Risk factors across the eating disorders. Psychiatry Res 2014; 220:500. google scholar
  • Stice E, Gau JM, Rohde P, Shaw H. Risk factors that predict future onset of each DSM-5 eating disorder: Predictive specificity in high-risk adolescent females. Abnorm Psychol 2017; 126:38 google scholar
  • Monteleone AM, Castellini G, Volpe U, Ricca V, Lelli L, Monteleone P, et al. Neuroendocrinology and brain imaging of reward in eating disorders: A possible key to the treatment of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 2018; 80:132. google scholar
  • Phillipou A, Rossell SL, Castle DJ. The neurobiology of anorexia nervosa: a systematic review. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 2014; 48:128. google scholar
  • Patricia Westmoreland, Mori Krantz, Philip S Mehler. Medical Complications of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Am J Med. 2016 Jan; 129(1):30-7. doi: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2015.06.031. Epub 2015 Jul 10. google scholar
  • Hanachi M , Dicembre M , Rives-Lange C, Ropers J, Pauline Bemer P, Jean-Fabien Zazzo JF, et al. Micronutrients Deficiencies in 374 Severely Malnourished Anorexia Nervosa Inpatients Nutrients. 2019 Apr; 11(4): 792. Published online 2019 Apr5. doi: 10.3390/ nu11040792 google scholar
  • Skowronska A, Sojta K, Strzelecki D. Refeeding syndrome as a treatment complication of anorexia nervosa Psychiatr Pol 2019 Oct 30;53(5):1113-1123. doi: 10.12740/PP/OnlineFirst/90275. Epub 2019 Oct 30. google scholar
  • D M McLoughlin , E Spargo, W S Wassif, D J Newham, T J Peters, P L Lantos, et al. Structural and functional changes in skeletal muscle in anorexia nervosa Acta Neuropathol.1998 Jun;95(6):632-40. doi:10.1007/s004010050850. google scholar
  • Bourne L, Bryant-Waugh R, Cook J, Mandy W. Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder: A systematic scoping review of the current literature. Psychiatry Res 2020; 288:112961. google scholar
  • Norris ML, Robinson A, Obeid N, Harrison M, Spettigue W, Henderson K. Exploring avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder in eating disordered patients: a descriptive study. Int J Eat Disord 2014; 47:495. google scholar
  • Katzman DK, Norris ML, Zucker N. Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder. Psychiatr Clin North Am 2019; 42:45. google scholar
  • Duncan AE, Ziobrowski HN, Nicol G. The Prevalence of Past 12-Month and Lifetime DSM-IV Eating Disorders by BMI Category in US Men and Women. Eur Eat Disord Rev 2017; 25:165. google scholar
  • Schafer A, Vaitl D, Schienle A. Regional gray matter volume abnormalities in bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder. Neuroimage 2010; 50:639. google scholar
  • Dingemans A, Danner U, Parks M. Emotion Regulation in Binge Eating Disorder: A Review. Nutrients 2017; 9. google scholar
  • Udo T, Grilo CM. Psychiatric and medical correlates of DSM-5 eating disorders in a nationally representative sample of adults in the United States. Int J Eat Disord 2019; 52:42. google scholar
  • Donnelly B, Touyz S, Hay P, Burton A, Russell J, Caterson I. Neuroimaging in bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder: a systematic review. J Eat Disord 2018; 6:3. google scholar
  • Eating Disorders: Core Interventions in the Treatment of and Management of Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa and Related Eating Disorders. National Institute for Clinical Excellence, Clinical Guideline 9. (Accessed on December 04, 2023). google scholar
  • World Health Organization. International Classification of Diseases 11th Revision. Mental, behavioral or neurodevelopmental disorders. (Accessed on July 21, 2023). google scholar
  • Murray HB, Thomas JJ, Hinz A, Munsch S, Hilbert A. Prevalence in primary school youth of pica and rumination behavior: The understudied feeding disorders. Int J Eat Disord. 2018 Aug;51(8):994-998. doi: 10.1002/eat.22898. Epub 2018 Sep 2. google scholar
  • Nicholas J. Talley. Rumination Syndrome. Gastroenterol Hepatol (NY). 2011 Feb;7(2):117-118 PMCID:PMC3061016 PMID:21475419 google scholar
  • Garber AK, Cheng J, Accurso EC, Adams SH, Buckelew SM, Kapphahn CJ et al. Weight Loss and Illness Severity in Adolescents With Atypical Anorexia Nervosa. Pediatrics 2019; 144. google scholar
Yıl 2024, Cilt: 24 Sayı: 1, 53 - 60, 07.05.2024



  • Treasure J, Duarte TA, Schmidt U. Eating disorders. Lancet. 2020;395(10227):899-911. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30059-3PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref google scholar
  • American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-5-TR), Washington, DC 2022. google scholar
  • Chesney E, Goodwin GM, Fazel S. Risks of all-cause and suicide mortality in mental disorders: a meta-review. World Psychiatry. 2014;13(2):153-160. doi:10.1002/wps.20128PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref google scholar
  • Forrest LN, Smith AR, Swanson SA. Characteristics of seeking treatment among U.S. adolescents with eating disorders. Int J Eat Disord. 2017;50(7):826-833. doi:10.1002/eat.22702PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref google scholar
  • Galmiche M, Dechelotte P, Lambert G, Tavolacci MP. Prevalance of eating disorders over the 2000-2018 period: a systematic literatüre review. Am J Clin Nutr 2019; 109:1402. google scholar
  • Silen Y, Keski-Rahkonen A. Worldwide prevalence of DSM-5 eating disorders among young people. Current opinion in Psychiatry 2022 Nov 1;35(6):362-371. doi: 10.1097/YCO.0000000000000818. Epub 2022 Sep 13.PMID: 36125216 google scholar
  • Stice E, Marti CN, Rohde P. Prevalence, incidence, impairment, and course of the proposed DSM-5 eating disorder diagnoses in an 8-year prospective community study of young women. J Abnorm Psychol. 2013;122(2):445-457. doi:10.1037/ a0030679PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref google scholar
  • Lopez-Gil JF, Garda-Hermoso A, Smith L, Firth J, Trott M, Mesas AE, et al. Global Proportion of Disordered Eating in Children and AdolescentsA Systematic Review and Meta-analysis JAMA Pediatr. 2023;177(4):363-372. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2022.5848 google scholar
  • Angela Guarda, MD Eating Disorders: Overview of epidemiology, clinical features and diagnosis UpToDate May 1, 2023 google scholar
  • Bulik CM, Thornton LM, Root TL, Pietsky EM, Lichtenstein P, Pederson NL. Understanding the relation between anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa in a Swedish national twin sample. Biol Psychiatry 2010; 67:71. google scholar
  • Molendik ML, Hoek HW, Brewerton TD, Elzinga BM. Childhood maltreatment and eating disorder pathology: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis. Psychol Med 2017;47:1402 google scholar
  • Attia E, Guardo AS. Prevention and Early Identification of Eating Disorders. JAMA 2022; 327:1029. google scholar
  • Davidson KW, Barry MJ, Mangione CM, Cabana M, Chelmow D, Coker TM, et al. Screening for Eating Disorders in Adolescents and Adults: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement. JAMA 2022; 327:1061. google scholar
  • Feltner C, Peat C, Reddy S, Riley S, Berkman N, Middleton JC, et al. Screening for Eating Disorders in Adolescents and Adults: Evidence Report and Systematic Review for the US Preventive Services Task Force. JAMA 2022; 327:1068 google scholar
  • Kutz AM, Marsh AG, Gunderson CG, Maguen S, Masheb RM. Eating Disorder Screening: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Diagnostic Test Characteristics of the SCOFF J Gen Intern Med. 2020;35(3):885-893. doi: 10.1007/s11606-019-05478-6 google scholar
  • Hill LS, Reid F, Morgan JF, Lacey JH. SCOFF, the development of an eating disorder screening questionnaire. Int J Eat Disord 2010;43:344 google scholar
  • National Institute for Clinical Excellence. Eating disorders: recognition and treatment. Full guideline. NICE guideline [NG69]. December 2020. (Accessed on July 18, 2023). google scholar
  • Nagata JM, Golden NH. New US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendations on Screening for Eating Disorders. JAMA Intern Med 2022; 182:471. google scholar
  • The Eating Attitudes Test: validation with DSM-IV eating disorder criteria J Pers Assess . 2000 Jun;74(3):489-503. doi: 10.1207/ S15327752JPA7403_11 google scholar
  • Maloney MJ, McGuire JB, Daniels SR. Reliability testing of a children’s version of the Eating Attitude Test. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1988; 27:541. google scholar
  • Spitzer RL, Kroenke K, Williams JB. Validation and utility of a self-report version of PRIME- MD: the PHQ primary care study. Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders. Patient Health Questionnaire. JAMA 1999; 282:1737. google scholar
  • Peterson K, Fuller R, Anorexia nervosa in adolescents: an overview. Nursing. 2019 Oct:49(10):24-30. Doi:10.1097/01. NURSE.0000580640.43071.15. google scholar
  • Udo T, Grilo CM. Prevalence and Correlates of DSM-5- Defined Eating Disorders in a Nationally Representative Sample of U.S. Adults. Biol Psychiatry 2018;84:345. google scholar
  • Duncan L, Yilmaz Z, Gaspar H, Walters R, Goldstein J, Anttila V, et al. Significant Locus and Metabolic Genetic Correlations Revealed in Genome-Wide Association Study of Anorexia Nervosa Am J Psychiatry 2017; 174:850. google scholar
  • Watson HJ, Yilmaz Z, Thornton LM, Hübel C, Coleman JRI, Gaspa HA, et al. Genome-wide association study identifies eight risk loci and implicates metabo-psychiatric origins for anorexia nervosa. Nat Genet 2019; 51:1207. google scholar
  • Steinhausen HC, Jakopsen H, Helenius D, Munk-J0rgensen P, Strober M. A nation-wide study of the family aggregation and risk factors in anorexia nervosa over three generations. Int J Eat Disord 2015; 48:1. google scholar
  • Watson HJ, Palmos AB, Hunjan A, Baker JH, Yilmaz Z, Davies HL. Genetics of eating disorders in the genome-wide era. Psychol Med 2021; 51:2287. google scholar
  • Hilbert A, Pike KM, Golsschmidt AB, Wilfley DE, Fairburn CG, Dohm FA, et al. Risk factors across the eating disorders. Psychiatry Res 2014; 220:500. google scholar
  • Stice E, Gau JM, Rohde P, Shaw H. Risk factors that predict future onset of each DSM-5 eating disorder: Predictive specificity in high-risk adolescent females. Abnorm Psychol 2017; 126:38 google scholar
  • Monteleone AM, Castellini G, Volpe U, Ricca V, Lelli L, Monteleone P, et al. Neuroendocrinology and brain imaging of reward in eating disorders: A possible key to the treatment of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 2018; 80:132. google scholar
  • Phillipou A, Rossell SL, Castle DJ. The neurobiology of anorexia nervosa: a systematic review. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 2014; 48:128. google scholar
  • Patricia Westmoreland, Mori Krantz, Philip S Mehler. Medical Complications of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Am J Med. 2016 Jan; 129(1):30-7. doi: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2015.06.031. Epub 2015 Jul 10. google scholar
  • Hanachi M , Dicembre M , Rives-Lange C, Ropers J, Pauline Bemer P, Jean-Fabien Zazzo JF, et al. Micronutrients Deficiencies in 374 Severely Malnourished Anorexia Nervosa Inpatients Nutrients. 2019 Apr; 11(4): 792. Published online 2019 Apr5. doi: 10.3390/ nu11040792 google scholar
  • Skowronska A, Sojta K, Strzelecki D. Refeeding syndrome as a treatment complication of anorexia nervosa Psychiatr Pol 2019 Oct 30;53(5):1113-1123. doi: 10.12740/PP/OnlineFirst/90275. Epub 2019 Oct 30. google scholar
  • D M McLoughlin , E Spargo, W S Wassif, D J Newham, T J Peters, P L Lantos, et al. Structural and functional changes in skeletal muscle in anorexia nervosa Acta Neuropathol.1998 Jun;95(6):632-40. doi:10.1007/s004010050850. google scholar
  • Bourne L, Bryant-Waugh R, Cook J, Mandy W. Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder: A systematic scoping review of the current literature. Psychiatry Res 2020; 288:112961. google scholar
  • Norris ML, Robinson A, Obeid N, Harrison M, Spettigue W, Henderson K. Exploring avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder in eating disordered patients: a descriptive study. Int J Eat Disord 2014; 47:495. google scholar
  • Katzman DK, Norris ML, Zucker N. Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder. Psychiatr Clin North Am 2019; 42:45. google scholar
  • Duncan AE, Ziobrowski HN, Nicol G. The Prevalence of Past 12-Month and Lifetime DSM-IV Eating Disorders by BMI Category in US Men and Women. Eur Eat Disord Rev 2017; 25:165. google scholar
  • Schafer A, Vaitl D, Schienle A. Regional gray matter volume abnormalities in bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder. Neuroimage 2010; 50:639. google scholar
  • Dingemans A, Danner U, Parks M. Emotion Regulation in Binge Eating Disorder: A Review. Nutrients 2017; 9. google scholar
  • Udo T, Grilo CM. Psychiatric and medical correlates of DSM-5 eating disorders in a nationally representative sample of adults in the United States. Int J Eat Disord 2019; 52:42. google scholar
  • Donnelly B, Touyz S, Hay P, Burton A, Russell J, Caterson I. Neuroimaging in bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder: a systematic review. J Eat Disord 2018; 6:3. google scholar
  • Eating Disorders: Core Interventions in the Treatment of and Management of Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa and Related Eating Disorders. National Institute for Clinical Excellence, Clinical Guideline 9. (Accessed on December 04, 2023). google scholar
  • World Health Organization. International Classification of Diseases 11th Revision. Mental, behavioral or neurodevelopmental disorders. (Accessed on July 21, 2023). google scholar
  • Murray HB, Thomas JJ, Hinz A, Munsch S, Hilbert A. Prevalence in primary school youth of pica and rumination behavior: The understudied feeding disorders. Int J Eat Disord. 2018 Aug;51(8):994-998. doi: 10.1002/eat.22898. Epub 2018 Sep 2. google scholar
  • Nicholas J. Talley. Rumination Syndrome. Gastroenterol Hepatol (NY). 2011 Feb;7(2):117-118 PMCID:PMC3061016 PMID:21475419 google scholar
  • Garber AK, Cheng J, Accurso EC, Adams SH, Buckelew SM, Kapphahn CJ et al. Weight Loss and Illness Severity in Adolescents With Atypical Anorexia Nervosa. Pediatrics 2019; 144. google scholar
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri (Diğer)
Bölüm Derlemeler

Mücahit Fidan 0009-0004-1041-1193

Aylin Yetim Şahin 0000-0002-4059-1760

Yayımlanma Tarihi 7 Mayıs 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 22 Ocak 2024
Kabul Tarihi 8 Şubat 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 24 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Fidan, M., & Yetim Şahin, A. (2024). Enhancing Healthcare Provider Awareness and Early Detection of Adolescent Eating Disorder. Çocuk Dergisi, 24(1), 53-60.
AMA Fidan M, Yetim Şahin A. Enhancing Healthcare Provider Awareness and Early Detection of Adolescent Eating Disorder. Çocuk Dergisi. Mayıs 2024;24(1):53-60. doi:10.26650/jchild.2024.1423409
Chicago Fidan, Mücahit, ve Aylin Yetim Şahin. “Enhancing Healthcare Provider Awareness and Early Detection of Adolescent Eating Disorder”. Çocuk Dergisi 24, sy. 1 (Mayıs 2024): 53-60.
EndNote Fidan M, Yetim Şahin A (01 Mayıs 2024) Enhancing Healthcare Provider Awareness and Early Detection of Adolescent Eating Disorder. Çocuk Dergisi 24 1 53–60.
IEEE M. Fidan ve A. Yetim Şahin, “Enhancing Healthcare Provider Awareness and Early Detection of Adolescent Eating Disorder”, Çocuk Dergisi, c. 24, sy. 1, ss. 53–60, 2024, doi: 10.26650/jchild.2024.1423409.
ISNAD Fidan, Mücahit - Yetim Şahin, Aylin. “Enhancing Healthcare Provider Awareness and Early Detection of Adolescent Eating Disorder”. Çocuk Dergisi 24/1 (Mayıs 2024), 53-60.
JAMA Fidan M, Yetim Şahin A. Enhancing Healthcare Provider Awareness and Early Detection of Adolescent Eating Disorder. Çocuk Dergisi. 2024;24:53–60.
MLA Fidan, Mücahit ve Aylin Yetim Şahin. “Enhancing Healthcare Provider Awareness and Early Detection of Adolescent Eating Disorder”. Çocuk Dergisi, c. 24, sy. 1, 2024, ss. 53-60, doi:10.26650/jchild.2024.1423409.
Vancouver Fidan M, Yetim Şahin A. Enhancing Healthcare Provider Awareness and Early Detection of Adolescent Eating Disorder. Çocuk Dergisi. 2024;24(1):53-60.