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Efficacy of minimally invasive percutaneous treatment techniques in hydatid cyst of the spleen

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3, 403 - 407, 30.09.2020


The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term results of percutaneous treatment methods in the treatment of splenic hydatid cyst.
Between June 2015 and January 2020, records of patients who underwent percutaneous treatment were retrospectively reviewed. Before the treatment, ultrasonography reports were reviewed and cyst type, cyst size and localization were listed. Percutaneous treatment type, complications, duration of hospitalization were listed. Follow-up ultrasonography reports were evaluated and the follow-up period, the size of the cyst at the last follow-up, were recorded.
Data of nine patients with CE1, CE3a and CE3b splenic hydatid cyst treated with PAIR and standard catheterization were included in the study. No periprocedural complication was observed. The mean duration of hospitalization was 1.67 (± 1.73) days. The mean pretreatment cyst size was 8.11 (± 3.55) cm. The final follow-up cyst size was 6.46 (± 3.57) cm and there was a significant decrease in size compared to the initial size (p = 0.050). The mean follow-up period was 9.56 (± 11.08) months. Recurrence occurred in two patients during the follow-up period. Only one patient required surgical treatment due to the second relapse.
Percutaneous treatment methods are an effective and safe method in the treatment of splenic hydatid cyst.


  • Akgün S, Sayıner H, Karslıgil T . Kistik Ekinokokoz’un serolojik tanısında Indirekt Hemaglütinasyon, İndirekt Floresan Antikor ve Enzim İmmuno Assay testlerinin etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi. Çağdaş Tıp Dergisi 2018; 8(1):14-9. DOI: 10.16899/gopctd.305543
  • Sayek I, Tirnaksiz MB and Dogan R. Cystic hydatid disease: current trends in diagnosis and management. Surg Today 2004; 34: 987–996. doi:10.1007/s00595-004-2830-5
  • Altintas N. Past to present: echinococcosis in Turkey. Acta Tropica 2003;85:105-12.
  • Kazancı N . Karın ağrısı ile seyreden sol akciğer alt lob kist hidatiği. Çağdaş Tıp Dergisi 2013;3(1)
  • Öztürk E, Özyılmaz İ, Kıplapınar N, Ergül Y, Ödemiş E. Çarpıntı Şikayetiyle Başvuran Çocukta Multiorgan Tutulumlu Kardiyak Kist Hidatik. Med Bull Haseki 2013;51:125-7.
  • McManus DP, Zhang W, Li J, Bartley PB. Echinococcosis. Lancet 2003;362:1295–304.
  • Sachar S, Goyal S, Goyal S, Sangwan S. Uncommon locations and presentations of hydatid cyst. Ann Med Health Sci Re. 2014;4(3):447–52. doi:10.4103/2141-9248.133476
  • Kouskos E, Chatziantoniou J, Chrissafis I, Anitsakis C, Zamtrakis S. Uncommon locations of hydatid cysts. Singapore Med . 2007;48(4):e119–e121
  • Durgun V, Kapan S, Kapan M, Karabicak I, Aydogan F, Goksoy E. Primary splenic hydatidosis. Dig Sur. 2003;20:38–41.
  • Ustunsoz B, Akhan O, Kamiloglu MA, Somuncu I, Ugurel S, Cetiner S. Percutaneous tratment of hydatid cysts of the liver: long-term results. Am J Roentgenol 1999;172:91–6.
  • Manouras AJ, Nikolaou CC, Katergiannakis VA, Apostolidis NS, Golematis BC. Spleen-sparing surgical treatment for echinococcosis of the spleen. Br J Sur. 1997;84:1162.
  • Ormeci N, Soykan I, Palabiyikog˘lu M, Idilman R, Erdem H, Bektas¸ A, et al. A new therapeutic approach for treatment of hydatid cysts of the spleen. Dig Dis Sc. 2002;47:2037–44.
  • Zerem E, Nuhanovic A, Caluk J. Modified PAIR technique for treatment of hydatid cysts in the spleen. Bosn J Basic Med Sc. 2005;5:74–8.
  • Yazıcı P, Aydın Ü, Ersin S, Kaplan H. Splenic Hydatid Cyst: Clinical Study. Eurasian J Med 2007; 39: 25-27.
  • Demiral G, Küçük B, Aksoy F, Yener O, Ekinci Ö, Erengül C. İzole dalak kist hidatiği. Göztepe Tıp Dergisi 24(2):101-4, 2009 Özsoy M, Özsan İ, Celep B, Arıkan Y. Primary Splenic Hydatid Cyst; Two Different Cases - Two Different Clinic Presentations. SCI. 2014;25(3):235-8 doi: 10.5505/jkartaltr.2014.78736
  • Dar MA, Shah OJ, Wani NA, Khan FA, Shah P. Surgical management of splenic hydatidosis. Surg Toda. 2002;32:224–9.
  • Uriarte C, Pomares N, Martin M, Conde A, Alonso N, Bueno MG. Splenic hydatidosis. Am J Trop Med Hy. 1991;44:420–3.
  • Eris C, Akbulut S, Yildiz MK et al. Surgical approach to splenic hydatid cyst: single center experience. Int Sur. 2013;98:346–53.
  • Akbulut S, Söğütçü N, Eris C. Hydatid Disease of the Spleen: Sin¬gle-Center Experience and a Brief Literature Review. J Gastrointest Surg 2013; 17: 1784-95.
  • Arıkanoğlu Z, Taşkesen F, Gümüş H, et al. Selecting a Surgi¬cal Modality to Treat a Splenic Hydatid Cyst: Total Splenectomy or Spleen-Saving Surgery? J Gastrointest Surg 2012; 16: 1189-93.
  • Ramia-Ángel, José Manuel et al. “Hidatidosis of the spleen.” Polski przeglad chirurgiczny 83 5 (2011): 271-5 .DOI: 10.2478 / v10035-011-0042-4
  • Vasilescu C, Tudor S, Popa M, Tiron A, Lupescu I. Robotic Partial Splenectomy for Hydatid Cyst of the Spleen. Langenbecks Arch Surg 2010; 395: 1169-74.
  • Polat FR. Hydatid Cyst: Open or Laparoscopic Approach? A Ret¬rospective Analysis. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech 2012; 22: 264-6.
  • Ran B, Shao Y, Yimiti Y, et al. Spleen-Preserving Surgery is Effec¬tive for the Treatment of Spleen Cystic Echinococcosis. Int J Infect Dis 2014; 29: 181-3.
  • Rodríguez-Leal GA, Morán-Villota S, Milke-García Mdel P. Splenic hydatidosis: A rare differential diagnosis in a cystic lesion of the spleen. Rev Gastroenterol Mex 2007; 72: 122–5.
  • Karakaya K. Nadir Görülen Primer Dalak Kist Hidatiği:iki Olgu Sunumu. Trakya Univ Tip Fak Derg 2007; 24(3):256-8
  • Karaman N, Yılmaz K. B, Doğan L, Atalay C, Özaslan C, Altınok M. Dalağın hidatik kist hastalığı: 5 olgu değerlendirmesi. Ulusal Cerrahi Dergisi 2009; 25(1): 21-3
  • Costi R, Ruiz CC, Bian AZ, Scerrati D, Santi C, Violi V. Spleen Hy¬datidosis Treated by Hemi-Splenectomy: A Low-Morbidity, Cost-Ef¬fective Management by a Recently Improved Surgical Technique. Int J Surg 2015; 20: 41-5.
  • Shatz DV, Romero-Steiner S, Elie CM, Holder PF, Carlone GM. Antibody responses in postsplenectomy trauma patients receiving the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine at 14 versus 28 days postoperatively. J Trauma 2002;53:1037-42.
  • Holdsworth RJ, Irving AD, Cushieri A. Postsplenectomy sepsis and its mortality rate : actual versus perceived risks. Br J Surg 1991;78:1031-8.
  • Temiz A, Albayrak Y, Er S, Albayrak A, Aslan OB. Primer dalak hidatik kist hastaliği: Olgu serisi. Arch Clin Exp Med. 2017;2(2):31-4.

Dalak yerleşimli kist hidatik tedavisinde minimal invaziv perkütan tedavi tekniklerinin etkinliği

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3, 403 - 407, 30.09.2020


Bu çalışmanın amacı dalak kist hidatiği tedavisinde uygulanan perkütan tedavi yöntemlerinin uzun dönem sonuçlarını değerlendirmektir.
Haziran 2015 ve Ocak 2020 tarihleri arasında, perkütan tedavi uygulanmış olan hastaların dosya kayıtları geriye dönük olarak tarandı. Tedavi öncesi uygulanan ultrasonografi raporları incelendi ve kist tipi, kist boyutu ve lokalizasyonu listelendi. Perkütan tedavi türü, komplikasyonlar, hastanede yatış süresi listelendi. Takip ultrasonografi raporları değerlendirildi, takip süresi ve kistin son kontroldeki boyutu kayıt edildi.
PAİR ve standart kateterizasyon yöntemi ile tedavi edilen dokuz CE1 ,CE3a ve CE3b dalak kist hidatik hastasının verileri çalışmaya dahil edildi. Periprosedüral komplikasyon izlenmedi. Hastaların hastanede yatış süresi ortalama 1.67(±1.73) gün oldu. Tedavi öncesindeki ortalama kist boyutu 8.11(±3.55) cm olmuştur. Son takip kist boyutu 6.46 (±3.57) cm olup ilk boyutuna kıyasla anlamlı olarak boyut azalması oldu (p=0.050). Ortalama takip süresi 9.56 (±11.08) ay olmuştur. Takip süresince iki hastada nüks oldu. Sadece bir hastada ikinci nüks nedeni ile cerrahi tedavi ihtiyacı olmuştur.
Perkütan tedavi yöntemleri dalak kist hidatik tedavisinde etkin ve güvenli bir yöntemdir.


  • Akgün S, Sayıner H, Karslıgil T . Kistik Ekinokokoz’un serolojik tanısında Indirekt Hemaglütinasyon, İndirekt Floresan Antikor ve Enzim İmmuno Assay testlerinin etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi. Çağdaş Tıp Dergisi 2018; 8(1):14-9. DOI: 10.16899/gopctd.305543
  • Sayek I, Tirnaksiz MB and Dogan R. Cystic hydatid disease: current trends in diagnosis and management. Surg Today 2004; 34: 987–996. doi:10.1007/s00595-004-2830-5
  • Altintas N. Past to present: echinococcosis in Turkey. Acta Tropica 2003;85:105-12.
  • Kazancı N . Karın ağrısı ile seyreden sol akciğer alt lob kist hidatiği. Çağdaş Tıp Dergisi 2013;3(1)
  • Öztürk E, Özyılmaz İ, Kıplapınar N, Ergül Y, Ödemiş E. Çarpıntı Şikayetiyle Başvuran Çocukta Multiorgan Tutulumlu Kardiyak Kist Hidatik. Med Bull Haseki 2013;51:125-7.
  • McManus DP, Zhang W, Li J, Bartley PB. Echinococcosis. Lancet 2003;362:1295–304.
  • Sachar S, Goyal S, Goyal S, Sangwan S. Uncommon locations and presentations of hydatid cyst. Ann Med Health Sci Re. 2014;4(3):447–52. doi:10.4103/2141-9248.133476
  • Kouskos E, Chatziantoniou J, Chrissafis I, Anitsakis C, Zamtrakis S. Uncommon locations of hydatid cysts. Singapore Med . 2007;48(4):e119–e121
  • Durgun V, Kapan S, Kapan M, Karabicak I, Aydogan F, Goksoy E. Primary splenic hydatidosis. Dig Sur. 2003;20:38–41.
  • Ustunsoz B, Akhan O, Kamiloglu MA, Somuncu I, Ugurel S, Cetiner S. Percutaneous tratment of hydatid cysts of the liver: long-term results. Am J Roentgenol 1999;172:91–6.
  • Manouras AJ, Nikolaou CC, Katergiannakis VA, Apostolidis NS, Golematis BC. Spleen-sparing surgical treatment for echinococcosis of the spleen. Br J Sur. 1997;84:1162.
  • Ormeci N, Soykan I, Palabiyikog˘lu M, Idilman R, Erdem H, Bektas¸ A, et al. A new therapeutic approach for treatment of hydatid cysts of the spleen. Dig Dis Sc. 2002;47:2037–44.
  • Zerem E, Nuhanovic A, Caluk J. Modified PAIR technique for treatment of hydatid cysts in the spleen. Bosn J Basic Med Sc. 2005;5:74–8.
  • Yazıcı P, Aydın Ü, Ersin S, Kaplan H. Splenic Hydatid Cyst: Clinical Study. Eurasian J Med 2007; 39: 25-27.
  • Demiral G, Küçük B, Aksoy F, Yener O, Ekinci Ö, Erengül C. İzole dalak kist hidatiği. Göztepe Tıp Dergisi 24(2):101-4, 2009 Özsoy M, Özsan İ, Celep B, Arıkan Y. Primary Splenic Hydatid Cyst; Two Different Cases - Two Different Clinic Presentations. SCI. 2014;25(3):235-8 doi: 10.5505/jkartaltr.2014.78736
  • Dar MA, Shah OJ, Wani NA, Khan FA, Shah P. Surgical management of splenic hydatidosis. Surg Toda. 2002;32:224–9.
  • Uriarte C, Pomares N, Martin M, Conde A, Alonso N, Bueno MG. Splenic hydatidosis. Am J Trop Med Hy. 1991;44:420–3.
  • Eris C, Akbulut S, Yildiz MK et al. Surgical approach to splenic hydatid cyst: single center experience. Int Sur. 2013;98:346–53.
  • Akbulut S, Söğütçü N, Eris C. Hydatid Disease of the Spleen: Sin¬gle-Center Experience and a Brief Literature Review. J Gastrointest Surg 2013; 17: 1784-95.
  • Arıkanoğlu Z, Taşkesen F, Gümüş H, et al. Selecting a Surgi¬cal Modality to Treat a Splenic Hydatid Cyst: Total Splenectomy or Spleen-Saving Surgery? J Gastrointest Surg 2012; 16: 1189-93.
  • Ramia-Ángel, José Manuel et al. “Hidatidosis of the spleen.” Polski przeglad chirurgiczny 83 5 (2011): 271-5 .DOI: 10.2478 / v10035-011-0042-4
  • Vasilescu C, Tudor S, Popa M, Tiron A, Lupescu I. Robotic Partial Splenectomy for Hydatid Cyst of the Spleen. Langenbecks Arch Surg 2010; 395: 1169-74.
  • Polat FR. Hydatid Cyst: Open or Laparoscopic Approach? A Ret¬rospective Analysis. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech 2012; 22: 264-6.
  • Ran B, Shao Y, Yimiti Y, et al. Spleen-Preserving Surgery is Effec¬tive for the Treatment of Spleen Cystic Echinococcosis. Int J Infect Dis 2014; 29: 181-3.
  • Rodríguez-Leal GA, Morán-Villota S, Milke-García Mdel P. Splenic hydatidosis: A rare differential diagnosis in a cystic lesion of the spleen. Rev Gastroenterol Mex 2007; 72: 122–5.
  • Karakaya K. Nadir Görülen Primer Dalak Kist Hidatiği:iki Olgu Sunumu. Trakya Univ Tip Fak Derg 2007; 24(3):256-8
  • Karaman N, Yılmaz K. B, Doğan L, Atalay C, Özaslan C, Altınok M. Dalağın hidatik kist hastalığı: 5 olgu değerlendirmesi. Ulusal Cerrahi Dergisi 2009; 25(1): 21-3
  • Costi R, Ruiz CC, Bian AZ, Scerrati D, Santi C, Violi V. Spleen Hy¬datidosis Treated by Hemi-Splenectomy: A Low-Morbidity, Cost-Ef¬fective Management by a Recently Improved Surgical Technique. Int J Surg 2015; 20: 41-5.
  • Shatz DV, Romero-Steiner S, Elie CM, Holder PF, Carlone GM. Antibody responses in postsplenectomy trauma patients receiving the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine at 14 versus 28 days postoperatively. J Trauma 2002;53:1037-42.
  • Holdsworth RJ, Irving AD, Cushieri A. Postsplenectomy sepsis and its mortality rate : actual versus perceived risks. Br J Surg 1991;78:1031-8.
  • Temiz A, Albayrak Y, Er S, Albayrak A, Aslan OB. Primer dalak hidatik kist hastaliği: Olgu serisi. Arch Clin Exp Med. 2017;2(2):31-4.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Orjinal Araştırma

Bekir Turgut 0000-0001-8276-9996

Fatih Öncü 0000-0003-1673-7253

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2020
Kabul Tarihi 13 Mayıs 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

AMA Turgut B, Öncü F. Dalak yerleşimli kist hidatik tedavisinde minimal invaziv perkütan tedavi tekniklerinin etkinliği. J Contemp Med. Eylül 2020;10(3):403-407. doi:10.16899/jcm.710857