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Evaluation of the Duration of Peripheral Venous Catheter in Vein in Hospitalized Children

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 5, 610 - 616, 17.09.2021


Aim:This study was conducted to evaluate the duration of the peripheral venous catheter in vein, which is widely employed in the treatment of children who are hospitalized in pediatric clinics.
Materials and Methods: The study was conducted as a prospective and observational-descriptive study. The sampling of the study consisted of the parents/children (N=249), who were admitted to the pediatric clinic, who underwent peripheral venous catheter insertion, and who agreed to participate in the study. Institution and ethics committee permission was obtained for the study. The data were collected with the “Peripheral Venous Catheter Monitoring Form” and “Phlebitis Scale”, which were prepared according to the literature by the research nurse.
Results: It was determined that a total of 57.8% of the children who were included in the study were 1-36 months old, 42.2% were older than 37 months and 60.6% were male. It was also determined that the duration of the catheter in children was 58.76±28.07 hours and catheter was inserted 3,61±1,68 times during hospitalization. The negative correlation between “durations of peripheral ıntravenous catheters in veins" and "number of peripheral ıntravenous catheters inserted from hospitalization to discharge” was found to be statistically significant. It was determined that 73.5% of the catheters were removed because of the obstruction.
Conclusion: As a result of the present study, it was determined that the peripheral venous catheter in children under three years of age had a shorter duration of remaining in the veins, and these children were subjected to repeated peripheral venous catheter attempts because of obstructions before their treatments were completed.


  • 1-Alexandrou E. Ray‐Barruel G. Frost S, et al. Prevalence of the Use of PIVCs. J. Hosp. Med 2015;8:530-533.
  • 2-Alexandrou E, Ray-Barruel G, Carr PJ, et al. Use of short peripheral intravenous catheters: characteristics, management, and outcomes worldwide. J Hosp Med 2018;13(5):E1-E7.
  • 3- Keogh S, Flynn J, Marsh N, et al. Nursing and midwifery practice for maintenance of vascular access device patency. A cross-sectional survey. Int J Nurs Stud 2015;52(11):1678-1685.
  • 4-Rickard CM, Marsh N, Webster J, et al. Dressings and securements for the prevention of peripheral intravenous catheter failure in adults (SAVE): a pragmatic, randomised controlled, superiority trial. The Lancet 2018;392(10145): 419-430.
  • 5-Çavuşoğlu H. Çocuk Sağlığı Hemşireliği. Ankara, Sistem Ofset Basımevi, 2019.
  • 6-Cihan Erdoğan B, Denat Y. Phlebitis that is among peripheric intravenous catheter complications and the nursing care. J Hum Rhythm 2016;2(1):6-12.
  • 7-O'grady NP, Alexander M, Burns LA, et al. Guidelines for the prevention of intravascular catheter-related infections. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2011;52(9):e162-e193.
  • 8-Webster J, Osborne S, Rickard CM, New K. Clinically-indicated replacement versus routine replacement of peripheral venous catheters. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015;14;(8):CD007798.
  • 9-Rickard CM, Webster J, Wallis MC, et al. Routine versus clinically indicated replacement of peripheral intravenous catheters: a randomised controlled equivalence trial. The Lancet 2012;380(9847):1066-1074.
  • 10-Abdelaziz RB, Hafsi H, Hajji H, et al. Peripheral venous catheter complications in children: predisposing factors in a multicenter prospective cohort study. BMC Pediatrics 2017;17(1):208.
  • 11-Suliman M, Saleh W, Al-shiekh H, Taan W, AlBashtawy M. The incidence of peripheral intravenous catheter phlebitis and risk factors among pediatric patients. Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2020;50:89-93.
  • 12-Kassab M, Alhassan AA, Alzoubi KH, Khader YS. Number and frequency of routinely applied painful procedures in University Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Clinical Nursing Research 2019;28(4):488-501. 13-Wu Z, McGoogan JM. Characteristics of and important lessons from the coronavirüs disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in China: summary of a report of 72314 cases from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. JAMA 2020;323(13):1239–1242.
  • 14-Bai Y, Yao L, Wei T, et al. Presumed asymptomatic carrier transmission of COVID-19. JAMA 2020;323(14):1406-1407.
  • 15-Rainbow JG, Drake DA, Steege LM. Nurse health, work environment, presenteeism and patient safety. Western Journal of Nursing Research 2019;42(5):332-339.
  • 16-Kahraman A, Özalp Gerçeker G, Yardımcı F, et al. The effect of a nurse education program on ınfiltration and extravasation in pediatric patients at a university hospital. J Pediatr Res 2020;7(4):309-15.
  • 17-Lv L, Zhang J. The incidence and risk of infusion phlebitis with peripheral intravenous catheters: A meta-analysis. The Journal of Vascular Access 2020;21(3):342-349.
  • 18-Büyükyılmaz F, Şahiner NC, Cağlar S, Eren H. Effectiveness of an intravenous protection device in pediatric patients on catheter dwell time and phlebitis score. Asian Nursing Research 2019;13(4): 236-241.
  • 19-Törüner E, Büyükgönenç L. Çocuk Sağlığı. Ankara, Ankara Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri, 2017.
  • 20-Gallant P, Schultz A. Evaluation of a visual infusion phlebitis scale for determining appropriated is continuation of peripheral intravenous catheters. Journal of Infusion Nursing 2006;29(6):338-345.
  • 21-Kuş B, Büyükyılmaz B. Visual infusion phlebitis assessment scale: study of ındependent ınter-observer compliance. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing 2018;26(3): 179-186.
  • 22-Hawthorn A, Bulmer AC, Mosawy S, Keogh S. (2019). Implications for maintaining vascular access device patency and performance: Application of science to practice. The Journal of Vascular Access 2019; 20(5): 461-470.
  • 23-Jeong IS, Jeon GR, Lee MS, et al. Intravenous infiltration risk by catheter dwell time among hospitalized children. J Pediatr Nurs 2017;32: 47-51
  • 24-Abusafia BM, Boztepe H. Evaluation of peripheral ıntravenous catheter-ınduced local complications in pediatrics. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2017; doi:10.1111/jocn.13730
  • 25-Laudenbach N, Braun C, Klaverkamp L, Hedman-Dennis S. Peripheral IV stabilization and the rate of complications in children: An exploratory study. Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2014;29: 348-353.
  • 26-Lim EYP, Wong CYW, Kek LK, Suhairi SSBM, Yip WK. Improving the visibility of intravenous (IV) site in pediatric patients to reduce IV site related complications–An evidence-based utilization project. Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2018;41:e39-e45.

Hastaneye Yatan Çocuklarda Periferik Venöz Kateterin Vende Kalma Süresinin Değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 5, 610 - 616, 17.09.2021


Amaç: Bu araştırma, pediatri kliniklerinde yatan çocukların tedavisinde oldukça yaygın olarak kullanılan periferik venöz kateterin vende kalma süresini değerlendirmek amacıyla yapılmıştır.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışma, prospektif ve gözlemsel-tanımlayıcı olarak yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini, pediatri kliniğinde yatan, periferik venöz kateter uygulanan ve araştırmaya katılmayı kabul eden ebeveyn/çocuklar (N=249) oluşturmuştur. Araştırma için etik kurul ve kurum izinleri alınmıştır. Veriler, literatüre göre hazırlanmış olan “Periferik Venöz Kateter İzlem Formu” ve “Flebit Ölçeği” ile araştırmacı hemşire tarafından toplanmıştır.
Bulgular: Araştırma kapsamına alınan çocukların %57,8’i 1-36 aylık, %42,2’si 37 aydan büyük, %60,6’sı erkektir. Çocuklara uygulanan kateterin vende kalma süresinin 58,76±28,07 saat ve yatış süresince kateter uygulama sayısının ortalama 3,61±1,68 olduğu saptanmıştır. “Periferik venöz kateterin vende kalma süresi” ve “çocuğun yatışından çıkışına kadar takılan kateter sayısı” arasında istatistiksel olarak negatif yönde ilişki olduğu belirlenmiştir (p<0,05). Periferik vevöz kateterlerin %73,5’inin tıkanma nedeniyle çıkarıldığı bulunmuştur.
Sonuç: Bu çalışma sonucunda üç yaş altı çocuklarda periferik venöz kateterin vende kalma süresinin daha kısa olduğu ve henüz tedavileri sonlanmadan özellikle tıkanma nedeniyle tekrarlı periferal venöz kateter girişimlerine maruz kaldıkları bulunmuştur.


  • 1-Alexandrou E. Ray‐Barruel G. Frost S, et al. Prevalence of the Use of PIVCs. J. Hosp. Med 2015;8:530-533.
  • 2-Alexandrou E, Ray-Barruel G, Carr PJ, et al. Use of short peripheral intravenous catheters: characteristics, management, and outcomes worldwide. J Hosp Med 2018;13(5):E1-E7.
  • 3- Keogh S, Flynn J, Marsh N, et al. Nursing and midwifery practice for maintenance of vascular access device patency. A cross-sectional survey. Int J Nurs Stud 2015;52(11):1678-1685.
  • 4-Rickard CM, Marsh N, Webster J, et al. Dressings and securements for the prevention of peripheral intravenous catheter failure in adults (SAVE): a pragmatic, randomised controlled, superiority trial. The Lancet 2018;392(10145): 419-430.
  • 5-Çavuşoğlu H. Çocuk Sağlığı Hemşireliği. Ankara, Sistem Ofset Basımevi, 2019.
  • 6-Cihan Erdoğan B, Denat Y. Phlebitis that is among peripheric intravenous catheter complications and the nursing care. J Hum Rhythm 2016;2(1):6-12.
  • 7-O'grady NP, Alexander M, Burns LA, et al. Guidelines for the prevention of intravascular catheter-related infections. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2011;52(9):e162-e193.
  • 8-Webster J, Osborne S, Rickard CM, New K. Clinically-indicated replacement versus routine replacement of peripheral venous catheters. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015;14;(8):CD007798.
  • 9-Rickard CM, Webster J, Wallis MC, et al. Routine versus clinically indicated replacement of peripheral intravenous catheters: a randomised controlled equivalence trial. The Lancet 2012;380(9847):1066-1074.
  • 10-Abdelaziz RB, Hafsi H, Hajji H, et al. Peripheral venous catheter complications in children: predisposing factors in a multicenter prospective cohort study. BMC Pediatrics 2017;17(1):208.
  • 11-Suliman M, Saleh W, Al-shiekh H, Taan W, AlBashtawy M. The incidence of peripheral intravenous catheter phlebitis and risk factors among pediatric patients. Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2020;50:89-93.
  • 12-Kassab M, Alhassan AA, Alzoubi KH, Khader YS. Number and frequency of routinely applied painful procedures in University Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Clinical Nursing Research 2019;28(4):488-501. 13-Wu Z, McGoogan JM. Characteristics of and important lessons from the coronavirüs disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in China: summary of a report of 72314 cases from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. JAMA 2020;323(13):1239–1242.
  • 14-Bai Y, Yao L, Wei T, et al. Presumed asymptomatic carrier transmission of COVID-19. JAMA 2020;323(14):1406-1407.
  • 15-Rainbow JG, Drake DA, Steege LM. Nurse health, work environment, presenteeism and patient safety. Western Journal of Nursing Research 2019;42(5):332-339.
  • 16-Kahraman A, Özalp Gerçeker G, Yardımcı F, et al. The effect of a nurse education program on ınfiltration and extravasation in pediatric patients at a university hospital. J Pediatr Res 2020;7(4):309-15.
  • 17-Lv L, Zhang J. The incidence and risk of infusion phlebitis with peripheral intravenous catheters: A meta-analysis. The Journal of Vascular Access 2020;21(3):342-349.
  • 18-Büyükyılmaz F, Şahiner NC, Cağlar S, Eren H. Effectiveness of an intravenous protection device in pediatric patients on catheter dwell time and phlebitis score. Asian Nursing Research 2019;13(4): 236-241.
  • 19-Törüner E, Büyükgönenç L. Çocuk Sağlığı. Ankara, Ankara Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri, 2017.
  • 20-Gallant P, Schultz A. Evaluation of a visual infusion phlebitis scale for determining appropriated is continuation of peripheral intravenous catheters. Journal of Infusion Nursing 2006;29(6):338-345.
  • 21-Kuş B, Büyükyılmaz B. Visual infusion phlebitis assessment scale: study of ındependent ınter-observer compliance. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing 2018;26(3): 179-186.
  • 22-Hawthorn A, Bulmer AC, Mosawy S, Keogh S. (2019). Implications for maintaining vascular access device patency and performance: Application of science to practice. The Journal of Vascular Access 2019; 20(5): 461-470.
  • 23-Jeong IS, Jeon GR, Lee MS, et al. Intravenous infiltration risk by catheter dwell time among hospitalized children. J Pediatr Nurs 2017;32: 47-51
  • 24-Abusafia BM, Boztepe H. Evaluation of peripheral ıntravenous catheter-ınduced local complications in pediatrics. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2017; doi:10.1111/jocn.13730
  • 25-Laudenbach N, Braun C, Klaverkamp L, Hedman-Dennis S. Peripheral IV stabilization and the rate of complications in children: An exploratory study. Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2014;29: 348-353.
  • 26-Lim EYP, Wong CYW, Kek LK, Suhairi SSBM, Yip WK. Improving the visibility of intravenous (IV) site in pediatric patients to reduce IV site related complications–An evidence-based utilization project. Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2018;41:e39-e45.
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Orjinal Araştırma

Mukaddes Demir Acar 0000-0002-6376-2171

Ümran Çevik Güner

Gülçin Yılmaz Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-7754-8195

Yayımlanma Tarihi 17 Eylül 2021
Kabul Tarihi 17 Nisan 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 5

Kaynak Göster

AMA Demir Acar M, Çevik Güner Ü, Yılmaz G. Evaluation of the Duration of Peripheral Venous Catheter in Vein in Hospitalized Children. J Contemp Med. Eylül 2021;11(5):610-616. doi:10.16899/jcm.855374