Aim: The aim of this study was to identify trends in the literature on hysteroscopy and female infertility and to quantitatively evaluate them using various bibliometric parameters.
Material and Methods: The study data was taken from the Web of Science electronic database for this bibliometric network analysis. The network analysis and bibliometric analysis were carried out by using the Biblioshiny and VosViewer bibliometric tools.
Results: A total of 1,023 documents were included in the study. The first article was published in 1977. Until 1990, the annual number of articles was irregular. The quantity of publications published annually significantly increased after 2005, peaking in 2020 and 2021 (68 and 67 articles, respectively). The included articles were published in 67 countries. Among these countries, China (n=299), the USA (n=237), Italy (n=235), and Turkey (n=156) had the highest number of publications. Especially after 2012, there has been a significant increase in Chinese publications. In addition, 10.07% of the documents had co-authors from other countries. The keywords 'hysteroscopy (frequency 422), hysterosalpingography office (frequency 65), hysteroscopy (frequency 49), and chronic endometritis (frequency 45') topped the trending topic list.
Conclusion: It is notable that among international publications, Chinese publications have increased significantly, especially in the last decade. Funding support from Chinese institutions may be responsible for this
1. WHO. Global prevalence of infertility, infecundity and childlessness. World Health Organization, 2015. [cited 1 Aug 2023]. Available from:
2. Larsen U. Research on infertility: which definition should we use? Fertil Steril 2005; 83:846–52.
3. VanderBorght M, Wyns C. Fertility and infertility: Definition and epidemiology. ClinBiochem 2018; 62:2-10.
4. NikHazlina NH, Norhayati MN, ShaifulBahari I et al. Worldwide prevalence, risk factors and psychological impact of infertility among women: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open 2022;12(3): e057132. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-057132
5. Boivin J, Bunting L, Collins JA et al. International estimates of infertility prevalence and treatment-seeking: potential need and demand for infertility medical care. Hum Reprod 2007;22(6):1506-12. doi: 10.1093/humrep/dem046. Erratum in: Hum Reprod 2007;22(10):2800.
6. Stamenov GS, Vitale SG, DellaCorte L et al. Hysteroscopy and female infertility: a fresh look to a busy corner. Hum Fertil (Camb) 2022;25(3):430-46.
7. Chen C, Song M. Visualizing a field of research: A methodology of systematic scientometric reviews. PLoSOne. 2019;14(10): e0223994. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0223994
8. Hirsch JE. An index to quantify an individual's scientific research output. ProcNatlAcadSci U S A. 2005;102(46):16569-72.
10. Kuyubaşı SN, Demirkıran ND, Kozlu S, Öner SK et al. Global Analysis of Chronic Osteomyelitis Publications with a Bibliometric Approach. Cyprus J Med Sci 2023;8(1):8-12.
11. Şevik AE. Bibliometric and visual analysis of the literature on electroconvulsive therapy in psychiatry between 2000-2023. J Contemp Med 2023; 13(4): 639-47.
12. Üzümcügil A, Kurt M, Yılmaz S. Bibliometric Approach to Total Hip Arthroplasty Literature Originating from Turkey. J Contemp Med. 2023; 13(4): 711-9.
13. Çelik M, Ceylan MR, Arslan Y et al. Bibliometric analysis of publications on Hepatitis D virus published in 1984–2022. Cent Asian J Med Hypotheses Ethics. 2023; 4(1):22-33.
14. Alkan S, Evlive O. Bibliometric analysis of global gonorrhea research. Infect Dis Tropical Med 2022;8: e876. doi:10.32113/idtm_20226_876
15. Zhu D, Xiao Y, Zhong G et al. A Bibliometric Analysis of Acupuncture Therapy in the Treatment of Primary Dysmenorrhea from 2001 to 2021. J Pain Res 2022; 15:3043-57.
16. Gu P, Li W, Zhao X et al. The Top 100 Most Cited Articles on Intrauterine Adhesion: a Bibliometric Analysis. Reprod Sci 2022;29(2):460-74.
17. Ding DD, Zuo MZ, Zhou Q et al. Visual Analysis of Uterine Adhesion Research Based on CiteSpace: Bibliometric Analysis From 2006 to 2021. Front Reprod Health 2022; 4:757143.
18. Altıntaşoğlu F. Bibliometric Analysis On Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Technique in Obstetrics And Gynecology Research Area. J Contemp Med 2023; 13(3): 396-400.
19. Arruda H, Silva ER, Lessa M et al. VOS viewer and Bibliometrix. J Med Libr Assoc 2022;110(3):392-5.
20. vanEck NJ, Waltman L. Software survey: VOSviewer, a computer program forbibliometricmapping. Scientometrics 2010;84(2):523-38.
21. Aria M, Cuccurullo C. bibliometrix: An R-tool for comprehensive science mapping analysis. Journal of Informetrics 2017;11(4): 959-75.
22. AlRyalat SAS, Malkawi LW, Momani SM. Comparing Bibliometric Analysis Using PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science Databases. J Vis Exp 2019;(152). doi:10.3791/58494
23. Khan MQ, Shahid A, Uddin MI et al. Impact analysis of keyword extraction using contextual word embedding. PeerJ Comput Sci. 2022;8: e967. doi: 10.7717/peerj-cs.967
24. Baik HU, Seo BK, Kim GR et al. A Keyword Analysis Study on Postpartum Obesity Using Big Data. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(16):8807.
25. Şahin S, Alkan S. Contribution of Turkey in Heart Transplant Research: A Web of Science Database Search. Exp Clin Transplant 2023;21(2):150-7.
26. Gürbüz E, Çelik M, Alkan S et al. A bibliometric analysis study on Chlamydia trachomatis. J J Clin Med Kaz 2023;20(3):26-31.
27. Öntürk H, Dindar Demiray EK, Alkan S. Network analysis of nursing publications in the COVID 19 era. J Clin Med Kaz 2021;18(4):27-31.
Global Histeroskopi ve Kadın İnfertilitesi Araştırmalarının Mevcut Durumu: Web of Science Tabanlı Bibliyometrik Analiz Çalışması
Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı histeroskopi ve kadın infertilitesi ile ilgili literatürün eğilimlerini belirlemek ve çeşitli bibliyometrik parametreler kullanarak niceliksel olarak değerlendirmektir.
Materyal ve Metod: Bu bibliyometrik ağ analizi için çalışma verileri Web of Science elektronik veri tabanından alınmıştır. Ağ analizi ve bibliyometrik analiz Biblioshiny ve VosViewer bibliyometrik araçları kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Bulgular: Çalışmaya toplam 1.023 belge dahil edilmiştir. İlk makale 1977 yılında yayımlanmıştır. 1990 yılına kadar yıllık makale sayısı düzensizdi. Her yıl yayınlanan yayınların sayısı 2005'ten sonra önemli ölçüde artarak 2020 ve 2021'de zirve yapmıştır (sırasıyla 68 ve 67 makale). Dahil edilen makaleler 67 ülkede yayınlanmıştır. Bu ülkeler arasında Çin (n=299), ABD (n=237), İtalya (n=235) ve Türkiye (n=156) en fazla yayına sahip ülkelerdir. Özellikle 2012 yılından sonra Çin yayınlarında önemli bir artış olmuştur. Ayrıca, dokümanların %10,07'sinin diğer ülkelerden ortak yazarları bulunmaktadır. 'Histeroskopi (frekans 422), histerosalpingografi ofisi (frekans 65), histeroskopi (frekans 49) ve kronik endometrit (frekans 45') anahtar kelimeleri trend konu listesinin başında yer almıştır.
Sonuçlar: Uluslararası yayınlar arasında Çin menşeyli yayınlarının özellikle son on yılda önemli ölçüde artmış olması dikkat çekicidir. Çin'deki kurumlarca verilen fon desteği bundan sorumlu olabilir.
1. WHO. Global prevalence of infertility, infecundity and childlessness. World Health Organization, 2015. [cited 1 Aug 2023]. Available from:
2. Larsen U. Research on infertility: which definition should we use? Fertil Steril 2005; 83:846–52.
3. VanderBorght M, Wyns C. Fertility and infertility: Definition and epidemiology. ClinBiochem 2018; 62:2-10.
4. NikHazlina NH, Norhayati MN, ShaifulBahari I et al. Worldwide prevalence, risk factors and psychological impact of infertility among women: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open 2022;12(3): e057132. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-057132
5. Boivin J, Bunting L, Collins JA et al. International estimates of infertility prevalence and treatment-seeking: potential need and demand for infertility medical care. Hum Reprod 2007;22(6):1506-12. doi: 10.1093/humrep/dem046. Erratum in: Hum Reprod 2007;22(10):2800.
6. Stamenov GS, Vitale SG, DellaCorte L et al. Hysteroscopy and female infertility: a fresh look to a busy corner. Hum Fertil (Camb) 2022;25(3):430-46.
7. Chen C, Song M. Visualizing a field of research: A methodology of systematic scientometric reviews. PLoSOne. 2019;14(10): e0223994. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0223994
8. Hirsch JE. An index to quantify an individual's scientific research output. ProcNatlAcadSci U S A. 2005;102(46):16569-72.
10. Kuyubaşı SN, Demirkıran ND, Kozlu S, Öner SK et al. Global Analysis of Chronic Osteomyelitis Publications with a Bibliometric Approach. Cyprus J Med Sci 2023;8(1):8-12.
11. Şevik AE. Bibliometric and visual analysis of the literature on electroconvulsive therapy in psychiatry between 2000-2023. J Contemp Med 2023; 13(4): 639-47.
12. Üzümcügil A, Kurt M, Yılmaz S. Bibliometric Approach to Total Hip Arthroplasty Literature Originating from Turkey. J Contemp Med. 2023; 13(4): 711-9.
13. Çelik M, Ceylan MR, Arslan Y et al. Bibliometric analysis of publications on Hepatitis D virus published in 1984–2022. Cent Asian J Med Hypotheses Ethics. 2023; 4(1):22-33.
14. Alkan S, Evlive O. Bibliometric analysis of global gonorrhea research. Infect Dis Tropical Med 2022;8: e876. doi:10.32113/idtm_20226_876
15. Zhu D, Xiao Y, Zhong G et al. A Bibliometric Analysis of Acupuncture Therapy in the Treatment of Primary Dysmenorrhea from 2001 to 2021. J Pain Res 2022; 15:3043-57.
16. Gu P, Li W, Zhao X et al. The Top 100 Most Cited Articles on Intrauterine Adhesion: a Bibliometric Analysis. Reprod Sci 2022;29(2):460-74.
17. Ding DD, Zuo MZ, Zhou Q et al. Visual Analysis of Uterine Adhesion Research Based on CiteSpace: Bibliometric Analysis From 2006 to 2021. Front Reprod Health 2022; 4:757143.
18. Altıntaşoğlu F. Bibliometric Analysis On Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Technique in Obstetrics And Gynecology Research Area. J Contemp Med 2023; 13(3): 396-400.
19. Arruda H, Silva ER, Lessa M et al. VOS viewer and Bibliometrix. J Med Libr Assoc 2022;110(3):392-5.
20. vanEck NJ, Waltman L. Software survey: VOSviewer, a computer program forbibliometricmapping. Scientometrics 2010;84(2):523-38.
21. Aria M, Cuccurullo C. bibliometrix: An R-tool for comprehensive science mapping analysis. Journal of Informetrics 2017;11(4): 959-75.
22. AlRyalat SAS, Malkawi LW, Momani SM. Comparing Bibliometric Analysis Using PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science Databases. J Vis Exp 2019;(152). doi:10.3791/58494
23. Khan MQ, Shahid A, Uddin MI et al. Impact analysis of keyword extraction using contextual word embedding. PeerJ Comput Sci. 2022;8: e967. doi: 10.7717/peerj-cs.967
24. Baik HU, Seo BK, Kim GR et al. A Keyword Analysis Study on Postpartum Obesity Using Big Data. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(16):8807.
25. Şahin S, Alkan S. Contribution of Turkey in Heart Transplant Research: A Web of Science Database Search. Exp Clin Transplant 2023;21(2):150-7.
26. Gürbüz E, Çelik M, Alkan S et al. A bibliometric analysis study on Chlamydia trachomatis. J J Clin Med Kaz 2023;20(3):26-31.
27. Öntürk H, Dindar Demiray EK, Alkan S. Network analysis of nursing publications in the COVID 19 era. J Clin Med Kaz 2021;18(4):27-31.
Şahin Ö. Current Status of Global Hysteroscopy and Female Infertility Research: A Web of Science Based Bibliometric Analysis Study. J Contemp Med. Eylül 2023;13(5):885-890. doi:10.16899/jcm.1343842