Yapay Zekayı İç Mimarlık Eğitimine Entegre Etmek: Konsept Geliştirme
Yıl 2024,
, 31 - 60, 31.03.2024
Mehmet Uğur Kahraman
Yaren Şekerci
Müge Develier
Ferhat Koyuncu
Bu makale, iç mimarlık eğitiminde bir tasarım aracı olarak yapay zekanın (AI)
entegrasyonunu keşfetmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Araştırma, öğrencilerin mekan
tasarım stüdyosu proje çıktılarını, kavramsal görüntülerin oluşturulmasında yapay
zeka kullanımı ve yapay zeka tarafından oluşturulan konseptin genel alana
uygulanması üzerinden incelemektedir. Araştırmada, öğrencilerin projeleri "Yapay
Zeka tarafından oluşturulan" kavramsal görseller için yeterli veya yetersiz istemlere
göre beşer kişilik iki gruba ayrılmıştır. Değerlendirme için Barnard'ın (1992) CAIDC
(Consensual Assessment of Interior Design Creativity) ölçeği kullanıldı. Sonuçlar için
Mann-Whitney U Testi yapılmıştır. Barnard'ın (1992) tasarım değerlerine göre, iç
mimari projelerinin konsept geliştirme aşamasında yeterli veya yetersiz bilgi istemi
yazmak arasında önemli bir fark olmadığını anlıyoruz. Bu konuda etkili olan ana
faktörün, yapay zeka ile oluşturulan konsepti belirlenen proje alanlarına uyarlamak
için uygun bir "kavram analizi" ihtiyacı olduğu teyit edilmiştir. Çalışma, özellikle
belirli ipuçlarına dayalı mekansal kavram resimleri oluşturmada AI araçlarının iç
mimarların yerine geçmek yerine yardımcılar olarak hizmet ettiğini, tasarımcı
yorumlama ve uyarlama becerilerinin önemini vurgulayarak sonuçlanmıştır. Ayrıca,
iç mimarlık eğitimine AI'nin entegrasyonunu önererek öğrencilere temel 21. yüzyıl
becerilerini kazandırma ihtiyacını vurgularken, gelecekteki araştırmaların hibrit AI
metodolojilerini ve AI'nin meslekteki evrilen rolünü keşfetmesi gerektiğini öne
- Aggarwal, K., Mijwil, M. M., Sonia, Al-Misterahi, A., Alamori, S., Gök, N.,
Alaabdin, A. M. Z., Abdulrhman, A. H. (2022). Has the future started?
The current growth of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and
deep learning. Iraqi Journal for Computer Science and Mathematics,
3(1), 115-123. https://doi.org/10.52866/ijcsm.2022.01.01.013
- Allen, P. S., Jones, L. M. & Stimpson, M. F. (2004). Beginnings of Interior
Environments. NJ: Pearson.
- Amabile, T. M. (1982). Social psychology of creativity: A consensual assessment
technique. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 43(5), 997–
1013. https://doi.org/10.1037/0022-3514.43.5.997
- Amabile, T. M. (1983). The social psychology of creativity: A componential
conceptualization. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
45(2), 357-376. https://doi.org/10.1037/0022-3514.45.2.357
- Amritkar, C. & Jabade. V. S. (2018). Image Caption Generation Using Deep
Learning Technique, International Conference on Computing
Communication Control and Automation (pp. 1-4). Pune, India,
- Barnard, S. M. (1992). Interior design creativity: The development and testing
of a methodology for the consensual assessment of projects [Doctoral
dissertations, Faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
University, Blacksburg, Virginia].
- Borglund, C. (2022). Artificial Intelligence in architecture and its impact on
design creativity: A Study on how Artificial Intelligence Affect
Creativity in the Design Process [Degree project in The Build
Environment, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden].
- Botti-Salitsky, R. M. (2005). Evaluation of a virtual design studio for interior
design education [Doctoral dissertation, Capella University,
Minneapolis, USA]. https://www.learntechlib.org/p/118415/
- Christiaans, H. (2002) Creativity as a design criterion. Creativity Research
Journal, 14(1), 41-54. https://doi.org/10.1207/S15326934CRJ1401_4
- Chymis, A. (2020). Should we fear Artificial Intelligence. In A. W. Amann & A.
Stachowicz-Stanusch (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on
Business (pp.39-53). NC: 2020 Information Age Publishing Inc.
- Coupé, T. (2019.) Automation, job characteristics and job insecurity.
International Journal of Manpower, 40(7), 1288–1304.
- Çelik, T., & Sağlam, B. (2023). Mimarlık ve ütopya: Yapay zeka ile üretken
tasarım denemeleri. Mimarlık 429, (January-February 2023), 59-64.
Darke, J. (1979). The primary generator and the design process. Design Studies,
1(1), 36–44. https://doi.org/10.1016/0142-694x(79)90027-9
- Dozois, P. S. M. (2001). Construction through critique: The dialogic form of
design studio teaching and learning [Master's thesis, The University
of Manitoba, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Kanada].
- Dutton, T. A. (1991). The hidden curriculum and the design studio; toward a
critical studio pedagogy. In T. A. Dutton (Eds.), Voices in architectural
education: Culture politics and pedagogy, Bergin & Garvey.
- Eskicioğlu, S., & Öztürk, Ö. B. (2020). Tasarlama eyleminin iç mekan tasarımı
özelinde algoritmalar ile ilişkisi ve yapay zekalı iç mekan
tasarlayıcılarının var edilme süreci. Turkish Online Journal of Design
Art and Communication, 10(4), 546-554.
- Eurostat Statistics Explained (2021). Use of artificial intelligence in enterprises.
- Finke, R. A. (1996). Imagery, creativity, and emergent structure. Consciousness
and Cognition: An International Journal, 5(3), 381–393.
- Golin, M. & Christopher R. (2022). The impact of fear of automation.
Cambridge working papers in economics.
- Greenhill, V. (2010). 21st century knowledge and skills in educator
preparation. S. Petroff (Eds.), AACTE.
- Gül, Ö. (2016). Türkiye’de iç mimarlık lisans eğitiminde tasarım stüdyosu
derslerinin yürütülmesine yönelik geliştirme modeli önerisi [Doctoral
dissertation, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University. İstanbul, Türkiye].
- Haykin, S. (1998). Neural Networks: A comprehensive foundation (The 2nd ed.).
Prentice Hall.
- Hasırcı, D., Küçükkaya, İ. B., Tatari, M. H., Rolla, S., Çalışkanelli, M., & Kabaçam,
G. (2022). Concept and scale focus in interior design education: An
adaptive reuse museum project. Journal of Architectural Sciences and
Applications, 7(2), 652-673.
- Howells, K. (2018). The future of education and skills: Education 2030: The
Future We Want. OECD Publishing. http://create.canterbury.ac.uk/17331/
- Huang, L., Yu, J., Ji, T. & Xu, J. (2022). A study on the application and analysis of
Artificial Intelligence processing technology in interior design. In 2022
6th International Conference on Wireless Communications and
Applications (pp. 231-233). ICWCAPP. Kaikou, China.
- Johnson, B. R. (2000). Sustaining studio culture: How well do internet tools
meet the needs of virtual design studios? 18th eCAADe Conference
Proceedings (pp. 15-22), ISBN: 0-9523687-6-5. Weimar.
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of the use of figural and formal language during music listening
[Doctoral dissertation, University of Colorado. Boulder. U.S. Access
Address (04.08.2023):
- Kahvecioğlu, N. P. (2007). Architectural design studio organization and
creativity. JCoDe: Journal of Computational Design, 4(2), 6-26. Access
Address (04.08.2023): https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-
- Kahraman, M. U., Şekerci, Y., & Develier, M. (2023). Integrating artificial
intelligence into interior design education: a case study on creating
office spaces for" Avrupa Yakası" TV series characters. Interaction
Design and Architecture(s) Journal - IxD&A, 59(1), pp. 95 – 116.
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9(11), e48. Access Address (04.08.2023):
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Classification Techniques. Informatica Journal (Lithuanian Academy
of Sciences), 31(3), 249-268. Access Address (04.08.2023):
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systematic literature review. SAGE Open, 10(1), 1-14. Access Address
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Integrating Artificial Intelligence in Interior Design Education: Concept Development
Yıl 2024,
, 31 - 60, 31.03.2024
Mehmet Uğur Kahraman
Yaren Şekerci
Müge Develier
Ferhat Koyuncu
This article aims to explore the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) as a design tool in interior design education. The research examines the students' interior design studio project outcomes over the usage of AI in creating conceptual images, and the implementation of the AI-created concept to the overall space. In the research, students' projects are divided into two groups of 5 according to sufficient or insufficient prompts for the "AI generated" conceptual images. Barnard's (1992) CAIDC (Consensual Assessment of Interior Design Creativity) scale was used for the assessment. Mann-Whitney U Test was conducted for the results. We understand that there is no significant difference between writing sufficient or insufficient prompts in the concept development phase of interior design projects according to the Barnard (1992)’s design merits. It has been confirmed that the main factor that influences this regard is the need for an appropriate "concept analysis" to adapt the concept generated with AI to the specified project spaces.
- Aggarwal, K., Mijwil, M. M., Sonia, Al-Misterahi, A., Alamori, S., Gök, N.,
Alaabdin, A. M. Z., Abdulrhman, A. H. (2022). Has the future started?
The current growth of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and
deep learning. Iraqi Journal for Computer Science and Mathematics,
3(1), 115-123. https://doi.org/10.52866/ijcsm.2022.01.01.013
- Allen, P. S., Jones, L. M. & Stimpson, M. F. (2004). Beginnings of Interior
Environments. NJ: Pearson.
- Amabile, T. M. (1982). Social psychology of creativity: A consensual assessment
technique. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 43(5), 997–
1013. https://doi.org/10.1037/0022-3514.43.5.997
- Amabile, T. M. (1983). The social psychology of creativity: A componential
conceptualization. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
45(2), 357-376. https://doi.org/10.1037/0022-3514.45.2.357
- Amritkar, C. & Jabade. V. S. (2018). Image Caption Generation Using Deep
Learning Technique, International Conference on Computing
Communication Control and Automation (pp. 1-4). Pune, India,
- Barnard, S. M. (1992). Interior design creativity: The development and testing
of a methodology for the consensual assessment of projects [Doctoral
dissertations, Faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
University, Blacksburg, Virginia].
- Borglund, C. (2022). Artificial Intelligence in architecture and its impact on
design creativity: A Study on how Artificial Intelligence Affect
Creativity in the Design Process [Degree project in The Build
Environment, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden].
- Botti-Salitsky, R. M. (2005). Evaluation of a virtual design studio for interior
design education [Doctoral dissertation, Capella University,
Minneapolis, USA]. https://www.learntechlib.org/p/118415/
- Christiaans, H. (2002) Creativity as a design criterion. Creativity Research
Journal, 14(1), 41-54. https://doi.org/10.1207/S15326934CRJ1401_4
- Chymis, A. (2020). Should we fear Artificial Intelligence. In A. W. Amann & A.
Stachowicz-Stanusch (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on
Business (pp.39-53). NC: 2020 Information Age Publishing Inc.
- Coupé, T. (2019.) Automation, job characteristics and job insecurity.
International Journal of Manpower, 40(7), 1288–1304.
- Çelik, T., & Sağlam, B. (2023). Mimarlık ve ütopya: Yapay zeka ile üretken
tasarım denemeleri. Mimarlık 429, (January-February 2023), 59-64.
Darke, J. (1979). The primary generator and the design process. Design Studies,
1(1), 36–44. https://doi.org/10.1016/0142-694x(79)90027-9
- Dozois, P. S. M. (2001). Construction through critique: The dialogic form of
design studio teaching and learning [Master's thesis, The University
of Manitoba, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Kanada].
- Dutton, T. A. (1991). The hidden curriculum and the design studio; toward a
critical studio pedagogy. In T. A. Dutton (Eds.), Voices in architectural
education: Culture politics and pedagogy, Bergin & Garvey.
- Eskicioğlu, S., & Öztürk, Ö. B. (2020). Tasarlama eyleminin iç mekan tasarımı
özelinde algoritmalar ile ilişkisi ve yapay zekalı iç mekan
tasarlayıcılarının var edilme süreci. Turkish Online Journal of Design
Art and Communication, 10(4), 546-554.
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- Finke, R. A. (1996). Imagery, creativity, and emergent structure. Consciousness
and Cognition: An International Journal, 5(3), 381–393.
- Golin, M. & Christopher R. (2022). The impact of fear of automation.
Cambridge working papers in economics.
- Greenhill, V. (2010). 21st century knowledge and skills in educator
preparation. S. Petroff (Eds.), AACTE.
- Gül, Ö. (2016). Türkiye’de iç mimarlık lisans eğitiminde tasarım stüdyosu
derslerinin yürütülmesine yönelik geliştirme modeli önerisi [Doctoral
dissertation, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University. İstanbul, Türkiye].
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Prentice Hall.
- Hasırcı, D., Küçükkaya, İ. B., Tatari, M. H., Rolla, S., Çalışkanelli, M., & Kabaçam,
G. (2022). Concept and scale focus in interior design education: An
adaptive reuse museum project. Journal of Architectural Sciences and
Applications, 7(2), 652-673.
- Howells, K. (2018). The future of education and skills: Education 2030: The
Future We Want. OECD Publishing. http://create.canterbury.ac.uk/17331/
- Huang, L., Yu, J., Ji, T. & Xu, J. (2022). A study on the application and analysis of
Artificial Intelligence processing technology in interior design. In 2022
6th International Conference on Wireless Communications and
Applications (pp. 231-233). ICWCAPP. Kaikou, China.
- Johnson, B. R. (2000). Sustaining studio culture: How well do internet tools
meet the needs of virtual design studios? 18th eCAADe Conference
Proceedings (pp. 15-22), ISBN: 0-9523687-6-5. Weimar.
- Johnson, M. J. (1994). Holistic thinking by eighth graders: A descriptive study
of the use of figural and formal language during music listening
[Doctoral dissertation, University of Colorado. Boulder. U.S. Access
Address (04.08.2023):
- Kahvecioğlu, N. P. (2007). Architectural design studio organization and
creativity. JCoDe: Journal of Computational Design, 4(2), 6-26. Access
Address (04.08.2023): https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-
- Kahraman, M. U., Şekerci, Y., & Develier, M. (2023). Integrating artificial
intelligence into interior design education: a case study on creating
office spaces for" Avrupa Yakası" TV series characters. Interaction
Design and Architecture(s) Journal - IxD&A, 59(1), pp. 95 – 116.
- King, M. (2022). Harmful biases in artificial intelligence. The Lancet Psychiatry,
9(11), e48. Access Address (04.08.2023):
- Kotsiantis, S. B. (2007). Supervised Machine Learning: A Review of
Classification Techniques. Informatica Journal (Lithuanian Academy
of Sciences), 31(3), 249-268. Access Address (04.08.2023):
- Laar, E., Deursen, A. J. A M., Dijk, J. A. G. M. & Haan, J. (2020). Determinants of
21st-century skills and 21st-century digital skills for workers: A
systematic literature review. SAGE Open, 10(1), 1-14. Access Address
(05.08.2023): https://doi.org/10.1177/2158244019900176
- Li, J & Huang, J. S. (2020). Dimensions of artificial intelligence anxiety based on
the integrated fear acquisition theory. Technology in Society, 63,
101410. Access Address (04.08.2023):
- Liang, Y. & Lee, S. C. (2017). Fear of autonomous robots and Artificial
Intelligence: Evidence from national representative data with
probability sampling. International Journal of Social Robotics, 9(3),
379-384. Access Address (04.08.2023):
- Liu, Q. & Wu, Y. (2012). Supervised Learning. Seel, N.M. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of
the Sciences of Learning. Springer EBooks, Boston, MA. (s. 3243-3245). ISBN: 978-1-4419-1428-6. Access Address (04.08.2023):https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-1428-6_451
- Mansur, S. (2018). Mind and artificial intelligence. City University of New York.
LaGuardia Community College.
- Marcus, G., Davis, E. & Aaronson, S. (2022). A very preliminary analysis of Dall-
E 2. ArXiv (Cornell University). Access Address (04.08.2023):
- Maslej, N., Fattorini, L., Brynjolfsson, E., Etchemendy, J., Ligett, K., Lyons, T., ...
& Perrault, R. (2023). The AI index 2023 annual report. AI Index
Steering Committee, Institute for Human-Centered AI, Stanford
University, Stanford, CA. Access Address (04.08.2023):
- McCarthy, J. (2007). What is Artificial Intelligence? Basic Questions. Computer
Science Department Stanford University, Stanford, CA. Access Address (04.08.2023): http://www-
- Mirbabaie, M., Brünker, F., Möllmann, N. R. J. & Stieglitz, S. (2022). The rise of
artificial intelligence–understanding the AI identity threat at the
workplace. Electronic Markets, 32(1), 73-99. Access Address
(04.08.2023): https://doi.org/10.1007/s12525-021-00496-x.
- Mishkin P., Ahmad, L., Brundage, M., Krueger, G. & Sastry, G. (2022). Dall-E 2
Preview – Risks and Limitations. Access Address (04.08.2023):
- Mitton, M. (2004). Interior design visual presentation; A guide to graphics,
models and presentation techniques (2nd ed.). New Jersey: John
Wiley & Sons.
- Morikawa, M. (2017). Who are afraid of losing their jobs to artificial
intelligence and robots? Evidence from a survey (No. 71). GLO
Discussion Paper.
- Murphy, K. P. (2012). Machine learning: A probabilistic perspective. England:
MIT press. ISBN: 978-0-262-01802-9.
- Natale, S., Ballatore, A. (2017). Imagining the thinking machine: Technological
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