Cam tavan kavramı, temel olarak beyaz kadınlar için
oluşturulmuş bir tanımdır. Feminist kuramlar için de aynı sonuca ulaşmak
mümkündür. Cam tavan yazınında çoğunlukla beyaz kadınlar ve onların örgütte
yaşadığı sıkıntılar üzerinde durulmuş, beyaz tenli olmayan kadınların kariyer
basamaklarının analizi ihmal edilmiştir. Örgütlerde, çeşitlilik, hem örgütün
kendisine, hem de örgüt çalışanlarına çeşitli avantajlar sağlar. Sosyal adalet
kavramı da eşitliği sağlamak ile ortaya çıkar. Buna rağmen, örgütlerde halen
azınlık kadınlara ekstra ayrımcılık uygulanmaktadır. Azınlıkların, cam tavan
etkisini daha yoğun hissetmelerine ’’çift katmanlı cam tavan’’ veya ’’cam
duvar’’ şeklinde tanımlama getirilmektedir. Bu çalışmada Türkiye’de azınlık
durumunda olan ve olmayan kadınların cam tavan algılarını karşılaştırmak
suretiyle yazına katkı vermek amaçlanmıştır.
Aaltio, I. 2008. Entrepreneurship in organization-gender and social capital. I. Aaaltio, P. Kyro ve E. Sundin (Der.), Women entrepreneurship and social capital: A dialogue and construction: 22-38. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press. Aaltio, I., Kyro, P., ve Sundin, E. 2008. Women entrepreneurs-creators and creations of social capital. I. Aaaltio, P. Kyro ve E. Sundin (Der.), Women entrepreneurship and Social capital: A dialogue and construction: 13-22. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press. Adler, N. J. 1984. Expecting international success: female managers overseas. Columbia Journal of World Business, 19(3): 79-85.Adler, N. 1994. Competitive frontiers: Women managers in a global economy. Journal of Management Development, 13(2): 24-41. Aytaç, S. 2008. Çalışma yaşamında kadının kariyer sorunu. Ankara: TUHİS.Bartol, K. M. 1978. The sex structuring of organinations: a search for possible causes. Academy of Management Review, 3: 805-815.Baxter, J., ve Wright, E. O. 2000. The glass ceiling hypothesis: a comparative study of the United States, Sweden and Australia. Gender & Society, 14(2): 275-294.Brower, T. 2011. Twelve angry-and sometimes alienated men: The experiences and treatment of lesbians and gay men in jury service. Drake Law Review, 59: 669-706.Buzzanell, P. 1995. Reframing the glass ceiling as a socially constructed process. Communication Monographs, 62: 327–354.Byrd, M. 2009. Theorizing African American women’s leadership experiences: Socio-cultural theoretical alternatives. Advancing Women in Leadership Journal, 29(1): 2-19. Cannings, K. 1988. Managerial promotion: the effects of socialization, specialization and gender. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 42(1): 77-88.Collins L., ve Barnes S. L. 2014. Observing privilege: Examining race, class, and gender in health and human service organizations. Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology, 6: 61–83.Cook, A., ve Glass A. 2014. Above the glass ceiling: When are occupational minorities promoted to CEO?. Strategic Management Journal, 35 (7): 1080-1089.Dalkıranoğlu, T., ve Çetinel, F. G. 2008. Konaklama işletmelerinde kadın ve erkek yöneticilerin cinsiyet ayrımcılığına karşı tutumlarının karşılaştırılması. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 20: 277-297.Davis, D. R., ve Maldonado, D, C. 2015. Shattering the glass ceiling: The leadership development of African American women in higher education. Advancing Women in Leadership Journal, 35: 48-64. Elliot, J. R., ve Smith, R. A. 2004. Race, gender, and workplace power. American Sociological Review, 69(3): 365-286.Fenwick, T. 2003. Women Entrepreneurs: a critical review of the literature.19 Eylül 2010 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.Forster, N. 1999. Another glass ceiling?: The experiences of women professionals and managers on international assignments. Gender Work & Organization, 6(2): 79-90. Hayes,H. 2006. Women of color: Why they are finding the door instead of the glass ceiling. Perspectives, 15(1): 4-7. Holvino, E. 2001. Complicating gender: The simultaneity of race, gender, and class in organization change(ing).CGO Working Paper, 14:1-61. Holvino E. 2008. Intersections: The simultaneity of race, gender and class in organization studies. Gender, Work & Organization, 17(3): 248–277.Jackson, J. F. L., ve Callaghan, E. M. 2009. What do we know about glass ceiling effects? A taxonomy and critical review to inform higher education research. High Education Journal, 50: 460-482.Joshua-Gojer, A. 2011.Women expatriates: Why there are so few in the workplace?. 10th international conferance of the academy of HRD, December 3-6, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.Kline, P. 1994. An easy guide to factor analysis. New York: Routledge.Littrell, R.F., ve Nkomo, S.M. 2005. Gender and race differences in leader behaviour preferences in South Africa. Women in Management Review, 20(8): 562-580.Mainah, F., ve Perkins, V. 2015. Challenges facing female leaders of color in U.S. higher education. International Journal of African Development: 2(2): 1-13. Melamed, J. 1995. Career success: the moderating effect of gender. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 47: 35-60.Morrison, A. M., ve Von Glinow, M. A. 1990. Women and minorities in management. American Psychologist, 45: 200-208.Nino, L. 2006. Women: feminism, sexuality and equality in the workplace. Slovakia E-Leader Journal, 1: 1-9.Owen, C. L., ve Scherer, R. F. 2002. Doing business in Latin America: Managing cultural differences in perceptions of female expatriates. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 67(2): 37–47.Ragins, B.R., Singh, R., ve Cornwell, J.M. 2007. Making the invisible visible: Fear and disclosure of sexual orientation at work. Journal Of Applied Psychology, 92(4): 1103-18.Ragins, B. R. 2008. Disclosure disconnects: Antecedents and consequences of disclosing invisible stigmas across life domains. The Academy of Management Review, 33(1): 194-215.Report of the 5th Equal@work meeting: glass ceiling for ethnic minorities. 2014.11 Ekim 2017 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.Sanchez-Hucles, J. V., ve Davis, D. D. 2010. Women and women of color in leadership: Complexity, identity, and intersectionality. American Psychologist, 65(3): 171-181.Sharma, N. 2000. Race, class and gender and the making of difference: The social organization of migrant workers’ in Canada. Atlantis: A Women’s Studies Journal, 24(2): 5-15. Tharenou, P., Latiner, S., ve Conroy, D. 1994. How do you make it to the top? an examination of influences on women’s and men’s managerial advancement. Academy of Management Journal, 37(4): 899-931.Van Vianen, A. E. M., ve Fischer, A. H. 2002. Illuminating the glass ceiling: The role of organizational culture preferences. Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology, 75(3): 315-337.Yap M., ve Konrad A. M. 2009. Gender and racial differentials in promotions: Is there a sticky floor, a mid-level bottleneck, or a glass ceiling? Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations, 64: 593–619.Zeng, Z. 2011. "The myth of the glass ceiling. Evidence from a stock-flow analysis of authority attainment." Social Science Research, 40(1): 312-325.
Aaltio, I. 2008. Entrepreneurship in organization-gender and social capital. I. Aaaltio, P. Kyro ve E. Sundin (Der.), Women entrepreneurship and social capital: A dialogue and construction: 22-38. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press. Aaltio, I., Kyro, P., ve Sundin, E. 2008. Women entrepreneurs-creators and creations of social capital. I. Aaaltio, P. Kyro ve E. Sundin (Der.), Women entrepreneurship and Social capital: A dialogue and construction: 13-22. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press. Adler, N. J. 1984. Expecting international success: female managers overseas. Columbia Journal of World Business, 19(3): 79-85.Adler, N. 1994. Competitive frontiers: Women managers in a global economy. Journal of Management Development, 13(2): 24-41. Aytaç, S. 2008. Çalışma yaşamında kadının kariyer sorunu. Ankara: TUHİS.Bartol, K. M. 1978. The sex structuring of organinations: a search for possible causes. Academy of Management Review, 3: 805-815.Baxter, J., ve Wright, E. O. 2000. The glass ceiling hypothesis: a comparative study of the United States, Sweden and Australia. Gender & Society, 14(2): 275-294.Brower, T. 2011. Twelve angry-and sometimes alienated men: The experiences and treatment of lesbians and gay men in jury service. Drake Law Review, 59: 669-706.Buzzanell, P. 1995. Reframing the glass ceiling as a socially constructed process. Communication Monographs, 62: 327–354.Byrd, M. 2009. Theorizing African American women’s leadership experiences: Socio-cultural theoretical alternatives. Advancing Women in Leadership Journal, 29(1): 2-19. Cannings, K. 1988. Managerial promotion: the effects of socialization, specialization and gender. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 42(1): 77-88.Collins L., ve Barnes S. L. 2014. Observing privilege: Examining race, class, and gender in health and human service organizations. Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology, 6: 61–83.Cook, A., ve Glass A. 2014. Above the glass ceiling: When are occupational minorities promoted to CEO?. Strategic Management Journal, 35 (7): 1080-1089.Dalkıranoğlu, T., ve Çetinel, F. G. 2008. Konaklama işletmelerinde kadın ve erkek yöneticilerin cinsiyet ayrımcılığına karşı tutumlarının karşılaştırılması. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 20: 277-297.Davis, D. R., ve Maldonado, D, C. 2015. Shattering the glass ceiling: The leadership development of African American women in higher education. Advancing Women in Leadership Journal, 35: 48-64. Elliot, J. R., ve Smith, R. A. 2004. Race, gender, and workplace power. American Sociological Review, 69(3): 365-286.Fenwick, T. 2003. Women Entrepreneurs: a critical review of the literature.19 Eylül 2010 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.Forster, N. 1999. Another glass ceiling?: The experiences of women professionals and managers on international assignments. Gender Work & Organization, 6(2): 79-90. Hayes,H. 2006. Women of color: Why they are finding the door instead of the glass ceiling. Perspectives, 15(1): 4-7. Holvino, E. 2001. Complicating gender: The simultaneity of race, gender, and class in organization change(ing).CGO Working Paper, 14:1-61. Holvino E. 2008. Intersections: The simultaneity of race, gender and class in organization studies. Gender, Work & Organization, 17(3): 248–277.Jackson, J. F. L., ve Callaghan, E. M. 2009. What do we know about glass ceiling effects? A taxonomy and critical review to inform higher education research. High Education Journal, 50: 460-482.Joshua-Gojer, A. 2011.Women expatriates: Why there are so few in the workplace?. 10th international conferance of the academy of HRD, December 3-6, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.Kline, P. 1994. An easy guide to factor analysis. New York: Routledge.Littrell, R.F., ve Nkomo, S.M. 2005. Gender and race differences in leader behaviour preferences in South Africa. Women in Management Review, 20(8): 562-580.Mainah, F., ve Perkins, V. 2015. Challenges facing female leaders of color in U.S. higher education. International Journal of African Development: 2(2): 1-13. Melamed, J. 1995. Career success: the moderating effect of gender. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 47: 35-60.Morrison, A. M., ve Von Glinow, M. A. 1990. Women and minorities in management. American Psychologist, 45: 200-208.Nino, L. 2006. Women: feminism, sexuality and equality in the workplace. Slovakia E-Leader Journal, 1: 1-9.Owen, C. L., ve Scherer, R. F. 2002. Doing business in Latin America: Managing cultural differences in perceptions of female expatriates. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 67(2): 37–47.Ragins, B.R., Singh, R., ve Cornwell, J.M. 2007. Making the invisible visible: Fear and disclosure of sexual orientation at work. Journal Of Applied Psychology, 92(4): 1103-18.Ragins, B. R. 2008. Disclosure disconnects: Antecedents and consequences of disclosing invisible stigmas across life domains. The Academy of Management Review, 33(1): 194-215.Report of the 5th Equal@work meeting: glass ceiling for ethnic minorities. 2014.11 Ekim 2017 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.Sanchez-Hucles, J. V., ve Davis, D. D. 2010. Women and women of color in leadership: Complexity, identity, and intersectionality. American Psychologist, 65(3): 171-181.Sharma, N. 2000. Race, class and gender and the making of difference: The social organization of migrant workers’ in Canada. Atlantis: A Women’s Studies Journal, 24(2): 5-15. Tharenou, P., Latiner, S., ve Conroy, D. 1994. How do you make it to the top? an examination of influences on women’s and men’s managerial advancement. Academy of Management Journal, 37(4): 899-931.Van Vianen, A. E. M., ve Fischer, A. H. 2002. Illuminating the glass ceiling: The role of organizational culture preferences. Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology, 75(3): 315-337.Yap M., ve Konrad A. M. 2009. Gender and racial differentials in promotions: Is there a sticky floor, a mid-level bottleneck, or a glass ceiling? Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations, 64: 593–619.Zeng, Z. 2011. "The myth of the glass ceiling. Evidence from a stock-flow analysis of authority attainment." Social Science Research, 40(1): 312-325.
Aksoy, N. (2018). Cam Tavanın Ötesi: Akademisyen Azınlıklar-Ankara ve İstanbul Örneği. Başkent Üniversitesi Ticari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(2), 74-95.