
Journal of Diplomatic Research
(E – Journal / ISSN: 2687_590X)

Call for Papers

Journal of Diplomatic Research (JDR) is an international peer-reviewed, academic journal published electronically on a biannual basis by the Association for Research on Diplomacy (DARD). JDR is open to all original studies on international relations, political science as well as theoretical, historical and methodological studies on diplomacy.
JDR aims to strengthen relations between scholars and practitioners analyzing the phenomenon of diplomacy from all perspectives and to create a primary forum for scientists in the field of Social Sciences. The journal covers all studies on diplomatic history, diplomacy theories, diplomacy studies with quantitative, qualitative and integrated research methods, military diplomacy as well as other interdisciplinary diplomatic research and book reviews.
For its next issue which will be published in July 2021, JDR welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. For this purpose, we would like to ask you to contribute your excellent papers in relevant fields.
The journal is free from charge.
You can submit your manuscript by Dergipark system in MS Word format.
Last date of submission of paper: 20 May 2021
Date of publication: 30 July 2021
For more detail log on to:

Kind Regards,
JDR Editorial Team