Organik Ürünlerin Sosyal Değeri Var Mıdır? Türkiye Üzerine Nitel Bir Araştırma
Yıl 2022,
Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 1 - 22, 30.06.2022
Mehmet Zahid Ecevit
Türker Baş
Mehmet Yaman Öztek
Bu çalışmanın amacı organik ürünlerin sosyal değerinin olup olmadığını, şayet varsa tüketiciler tarafından gösteriş yapmak ve statü kazanmak amacıyla kullanılıp kullanılmadığını araştırmaktır. Bu kapsamda nitel bir araştırma ile organik ürün kullanıcıları ile yüz yüze derinlemesine görüşme yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonucuna göre organik ürün kullanıcılarının farklı bir zümre olarak görüldüğünü, organik ürün kullanmak için ekstra çaba gerektiğini, organik ürün kullananların yakın çevrelerinde bilindiğini ve bu konuda konuşulduğunu, bu nedenlerle Türkiye’de organik ürünlerin sosyal değerinin olduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Ancak yine de organik ürünlere şüpheyle yaklaşıldığı için organik ürün kullananların kandırıldığına dair bir algı da bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca organik ürünlerin sosyal değeri olduğu sonucu çıkarılsa da kullanıcıların gösteriş amacıyla değil sağlık kaygısı ile bunu yatıkları düşünülmektedir.
- Aertsens, J.W., Verbeke, K., Mondelaers, G. ve Van Huylenbroeck, G., (2009), “Personal determinants of organic food consumption: a review.”, British Food Journal, 111, 1140–1167.
- Baker, S., Thompson, K.E., Engelken, J. ve Huntley, K., (2004), “Mapping the values driving organic food choice: Germany versus the UK.”, European Journal of Marketing, 38, 995–1012.
- Barrena Figueroa, R., & Sánchez García, M. (2010). Frequency of consumption and changing determinants of purchase decision: from attributes to values in the organic food market. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 2010, 8 (2), 251-272.
- Bartels, J. ve Reinders, M.J. (2010), “Social identification, social representations, and consumer innovativeness in an organic food context: a cross-national comparison.” Food Quality and Preference, 21, 347–352.
- Bearden, W. O., Netemeyer, R. G., ve Teel, J. E. (1989). Measurement of consumer susceptibility to interpersonal influence. Journal of consumer research, 15(4), 473-481.
- Costa Sandrine, Lydia Zepeda ve Lucie Sirieix, (2014), “Exploring the social value of organic food: a qualitative study in France”, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 38, 228–237
- Finch, J. E. (2006). The impact of personal consumption values and beliefs on organic food purchase behavior. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 11(4), 63-76.
- Gotschi Elisabeth, (2010), “The Role of Knowledge, Social Norms, and Attitudes Toward Organic Products and Shopping Behavior: Survey Results from High School Students in Vienna”, The Journal Of Environmental Education, 41 (2), 88–100
- Griskevicius, V., Tybur, J.M. ve Van den Bergh, B. (2010) Going green to be seen: status, reputation, and conspicuous conservation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 98, 392–404.
- Honkanen, P., Verplanken, B. ve Olsen, S.O., (2006), “Ethical values and motives driving food choice.”, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 5, 420–430.
- Hoogland, C.T., de Boer, J. ve Boersema, J.J. (2007), “Food and sustainability: do consumers recognize, understand and value on-package information on production standards?” Appetite, 49, 47–57.
- Kim, H., Lee, E.J. ve Hur, W.M. (2012), “The mediating role of norms in the relationship between green identity and purchase intention of ecofriendly products.”, Human Ecology Review, 19, 125–135.
- Lockie, S., Lyons, K., Lawrence, G., ve Mummery, K. (2002). Eating ‘green’: motivations behind organic food consumption in Australia. Sociologia ruralis, 42(1), 23-40.
- Lusk, J., (2011), “External validity of the food values scale.” Food Quality and Preference, 22, 452–462.
- Mueller, S., Sirieix, L. ve Remaud, H. (2011), “Are Personal Values Related to Sustainable Attribute Choice?”, 6th AWBR International Conference, 9–10 June 2011, Bordeaux Management School – BEM – France.
- Muposhi, A., ve Dhurup, M. (2016). A qualitative inquiry of generation Y consumers’ selection attributes in the case of organic products. International Business & Economics Research Journal (IBER), 15(1), 1-14.
- Padel, S., ve Foster, C. (2005). Exploring the gap between attitudes and behaviour: Understanding why consumers buy or do not buy organic food. British food journal.
- Pino, G., Peluso, A.M. ve Guido, G. (2012), “Determinants of regular and occasional consumers’ intentions to buy organic food.”, Journal of Consumer Affairs, Spring, 157–169.
- Salazar, H., Oerlemans, L. ve van Stroe-Biezen, S. (2013, ”Social influence on sustainable consumption: evidence from a behavioural experiment.”, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 37, 172–180.
- Seegebarth, B., Behrens, S. H., Klarmann, C., Hennigs, N., ve Scribner, L. L. (2016). Customer value perception of organic food: cultural differences and cross-national segments. British Food Journal.
- Vermeir, I. ve Verbeke, W. (2006), “Sustainable food consumption: exploring the consumer ‘attitude-behavioural intention’ gap.”, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 19, 169–194.
- Vermeir, I. ve Verbeke, W. (2008). Sustainable food consumption among young adults in Belgium: Theory of planned behaviour and the role of confidence and values. Ecological economics, 64(3), 542-553.
- Welsch, H. ve Kühling, J. (2009), “Determinants of pro-environmental consumption: the role of reference groups and routine behaviour.” Ecological Economics, 69, 166–176.
Do Organic Products Have Social Value? A Qualitative Research on Turkey
Yıl 2022,
Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 1 - 22, 30.06.2022
Mehmet Zahid Ecevit
Türker Baş
Mehmet Yaman Öztek
- Aertsens, J.W., Verbeke, K., Mondelaers, G. ve Van Huylenbroeck, G., (2009), “Personal determinants of organic food consumption: a review.”, British Food Journal, 111, 1140–1167.
- Baker, S., Thompson, K.E., Engelken, J. ve Huntley, K., (2004), “Mapping the values driving organic food choice: Germany versus the UK.”, European Journal of Marketing, 38, 995–1012.
- Barrena Figueroa, R., & Sánchez García, M. (2010). Frequency of consumption and changing determinants of purchase decision: from attributes to values in the organic food market. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 2010, 8 (2), 251-272.
- Bartels, J. ve Reinders, M.J. (2010), “Social identification, social representations, and consumer innovativeness in an organic food context: a cross-national comparison.” Food Quality and Preference, 21, 347–352.
- Bearden, W. O., Netemeyer, R. G., ve Teel, J. E. (1989). Measurement of consumer susceptibility to interpersonal influence. Journal of consumer research, 15(4), 473-481.
- Costa Sandrine, Lydia Zepeda ve Lucie Sirieix, (2014), “Exploring the social value of organic food: a qualitative study in France”, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 38, 228–237
- Finch, J. E. (2006). The impact of personal consumption values and beliefs on organic food purchase behavior. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 11(4), 63-76.
- Gotschi Elisabeth, (2010), “The Role of Knowledge, Social Norms, and Attitudes Toward Organic Products and Shopping Behavior: Survey Results from High School Students in Vienna”, The Journal Of Environmental Education, 41 (2), 88–100
- Griskevicius, V., Tybur, J.M. ve Van den Bergh, B. (2010) Going green to be seen: status, reputation, and conspicuous conservation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 98, 392–404.
- Honkanen, P., Verplanken, B. ve Olsen, S.O., (2006), “Ethical values and motives driving food choice.”, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 5, 420–430.
- Hoogland, C.T., de Boer, J. ve Boersema, J.J. (2007), “Food and sustainability: do consumers recognize, understand and value on-package information on production standards?” Appetite, 49, 47–57.
- Kim, H., Lee, E.J. ve Hur, W.M. (2012), “The mediating role of norms in the relationship between green identity and purchase intention of ecofriendly products.”, Human Ecology Review, 19, 125–135.
- Lockie, S., Lyons, K., Lawrence, G., ve Mummery, K. (2002). Eating ‘green’: motivations behind organic food consumption in Australia. Sociologia ruralis, 42(1), 23-40.
- Lusk, J., (2011), “External validity of the food values scale.” Food Quality and Preference, 22, 452–462.
- Mueller, S., Sirieix, L. ve Remaud, H. (2011), “Are Personal Values Related to Sustainable Attribute Choice?”, 6th AWBR International Conference, 9–10 June 2011, Bordeaux Management School – BEM – France.
- Muposhi, A., ve Dhurup, M. (2016). A qualitative inquiry of generation Y consumers’ selection attributes in the case of organic products. International Business & Economics Research Journal (IBER), 15(1), 1-14.
- Padel, S., ve Foster, C. (2005). Exploring the gap between attitudes and behaviour: Understanding why consumers buy or do not buy organic food. British food journal.
- Pino, G., Peluso, A.M. ve Guido, G. (2012), “Determinants of regular and occasional consumers’ intentions to buy organic food.”, Journal of Consumer Affairs, Spring, 157–169.
- Salazar, H., Oerlemans, L. ve van Stroe-Biezen, S. (2013, ”Social influence on sustainable consumption: evidence from a behavioural experiment.”, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 37, 172–180.
- Seegebarth, B., Behrens, S. H., Klarmann, C., Hennigs, N., ve Scribner, L. L. (2016). Customer value perception of organic food: cultural differences and cross-national segments. British Food Journal.
- Vermeir, I. ve Verbeke, W. (2006), “Sustainable food consumption: exploring the consumer ‘attitude-behavioural intention’ gap.”, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 19, 169–194.
- Vermeir, I. ve Verbeke, W. (2008). Sustainable food consumption among young adults in Belgium: Theory of planned behaviour and the role of confidence and values. Ecological economics, 64(3), 542-553.
- Welsch, H. ve Kühling, J. (2009), “Determinants of pro-environmental consumption: the role of reference groups and routine behaviour.” Ecological Economics, 69, 166–176.