Bütün üretim biçimi dönüşümlerinde gözlemlendiği gibi, diğerlerine göre daha hızlı ve karmaşık bir şekilde gelen finans kapitalizmi de insanın doğayla ve insanla kurduğu ilişkinin mahiyetinde ciddi değişiklikler getirmiştir. Enformasyon toplumu teknolojiyi yalnızca bir araç olarak işlevselleştirmekle kalmayıp onu hem maddi hem düşünsel anlamda belirleyici bir çerçeve haline getirmektedir. Hayatın her alanı bu dönüşümden etkilenmekte, özellikle doğaları itibarıyla teknolojik anlamda sürekli kendisini yenilemek zorunda olan ve hayati nitelikte işler yapan hekimlik ve pilotluk gibi meslekler, bu dönüşümü izleyebileceğimiz bir yol haritası olarak işlevselleşmektedir. Teknolojik yeniliklerin git gide daha fazla otomasyona dayanması ve ayrıntılı tanılamayı mümkün kılması, eğitim-pratik-deneyimden kaynaklanan bir edinim olan ustalığın, aşamalı bir şekilde alan kaybetmesine neden olmaktadır. Teknolojikleşmenin sonuçlarını doğrudan hisseden pilotluk ve hekimlikte mesleğin toplumsal anlamının, ustalık, beceri gibi mesleğe içkin değerlerin ve mesleğin doğasının teknoloji-merkezli bir yaklaşımda ne şekilde dönüştüğünü çözümleyebilmek için 2015 - 2017 yılları arasında, 25 hekim ve 27 pilotla yarı-yapılandırılmış mülakat tekniği kullanılarak bir saha çalışması gerçekleştirdik. Makalemiz, bu araştırmanın bulgularından yola çıkarak, mesleklerin teknoloji karşısındaki konumunu ve mesleğin icrası ile ustalık edimlerinin anlamındaki dönüşüm üzerinden daha geniş çaplı toplumsal dönüşümleri anlamamıza yardımcı olacak bir kavramsallaştırma ve savlama yapmayı hedeflemektedir.
Adorno, T. (2005). Minima Moralia, reflections on a damaged life. Londra, New York: Verso.
Bainbridge, L. (1983). Ironies of automation. Automatica, 19(6), 775–779.
Bauman, Z. (2010). L’amour liquide, de la fragilité des liens entre les hommes. Paris: Librairie Arthème Fayard / Pluriel. Bourdieu, P. (1987). Choses dites. Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit.
Bozkurt, V. (2000). Püritanizmden Hedonizme Yeni Çalışma Etiği, Bursa: Alesta.
Cavestro, W. (1990). Beyond the deskilling controversy. Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 3(1), 38–46.
Childe, G. (1983). Tarihte neler oldu. Ankara: Alan Yayıncılık.
Doueihi, M. (2008). La grande conversion numérique. Paris: Éditions du Seuil.
Duff, E., Miller, L., ve Bruce, J. (2016). Online virtual simulation and diagnostic reasoning: A scoping review. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 12, 377–384.
Ehrenberg, A. (1991). Le culte de la performance. Paris: Hachette Littératures.
Ellul, J. (1988). Le bluff technologique. Paris: Hachette Littératures.
Ergur, A. (1998). Nergis harikalar diyarında: sanal gerçekliğin ideolojik bağlamı. Toplum ve Bilim, 79, 138–161.
Green, B., Parry, D., Oeppen, R.S., Plint, S., Dale, T., ve Brennan, P.A. (2017). Situational awareness - what it means for clinicians, its recognition and importance for patient safety. Oral Diseases, 23, 721–725.
Guraya, S. (2016). The usage of social networking sites by medical students for educational purposes: A mataanalysis and systematic review. North American Journal of Medical Sciences, 8(7), 268–278.
Habermas, J. (1997). İdeoloji olarak teknik ve bilim. İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları.
Harris, M. (2017). Solitude, In Pursuit of a Singular Life in a Crowded World. Londra: Random House Books.
Haslbeck, A. ve Zhang, B. (2017). I spy with my little eye: Analysis of airline pilots’ gaze patterns in a manual instrument flight scenario. Applied Ergonomics, 63, 62–71.
Holtman, M. C. (2011). Paradoxes in professionalism and error in complex systems. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 44, 395–401.
Hughes, E. (1960). The professions in society. The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, 26(1), 54–61.
Jeffries, M., Phipps, D., Howard, R.L., Avery, A., Rodgers, S,. ve Ashcroft, D. (2017). Understanding the implementation and adoption of an information technology intervention to support medicine optimisation in primary care: qualitative study using strong structuration theory. BMJ Open, 7, 1–11.
Kraus, D. C. ve Gramopadhye, A. K. (2001). Effect of team training on aircraft maintenance technicians: computerbased training versus instructor-based training. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 27, 141–157.
Lipovetsky, G. (2004). Les temps hypermodernes. Paris: Grasset. Lu, J. (2016). Will medical technology deskill doctors?. International Education Studies, 9(7), 130–134.
Patel, N., Ngo, E., Paterick, T. E., Chandrasekaran, K., ve Tajik, J. (2016). Should doctors still examine patients?, International Journal of Cardiology, 221, 55–57.
Reed, K., Kotchetkovka, I., ve Withby, E. (2016). Visualising uncertainty: Examining women’s views on the role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in late pregnancy. Social Science & Medicine,164, 19–26.
Rooney, D.M., Tai, B.L., Sagher, O., Shih, A. J., Wilkinson, D.A., ve Savastano, L.E. (2016). Simulator and 2 tools: Validation of performance measures from a novel neurosurgery simulation model the current Standards framework. Surgery, 160(3), 571–579.
Sagalowsky Tuysuzoglu S., Wynter, S., Auerbach, M., Pusic, M.V., ve Kessler, D.O. (2016). Simulation-based procedural skills training in pediatric emergency medicine. Clinical Emergency Pedaitric Medicine, 17(3), 169–178.
Sauvageot, A. (2003). L’épreuve des sens, De l’action sociale à la réalité virtuelle. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. Sennett, R. (1998). The corrosion of character, The personal consequences of work in the new capitalism. New York, London: W.W. Norton & Company.
Simondon, Gilbert (1989). Du mode d’existence des objets techniques. Paris: Aubier.
Sutton, J. E., Buset, M., ve Keller, M. (2014). Navigation experience and mental representations of the environment: Do pilots build better cognitive maps?. PLoS ONE, 9(3), e90058. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0090058, 1–6.
Terashita, T., Tamura, N., Kisa, K., Kawanata, H., ve Ogasawara, K. (2016). Problem-based learning for radiological technologists: a comparison of student attitudes toward plain radiography. BMC Medical Education, 16: 236, 1–7.
Timisi, N. (2003). Yeni iletişim teknolojileri ve demokrasi. Ankara: Dost Kitabevi.
Vaas, S. (2009). L’enfer du virtuel, La communication naturelle pour sortir de l’isolement technologique. Lausanne: Éditions L’Age d’Homme.
Vattanavanit, V., Kawla-ied, J., ve Bhurayanontachai, R. (2017). High-fidelity medical simulation training improves medical student’s knowledge and confidence levels in septic shock resuscitation. Open Access Emergency Medicine, 9, 1–7.
Virilio, P. (2001). Cybermonde, la politique du pire. Paris: Les éditions Textuel.
Wauben, L., Goosens, R., ve Lange, J. F. (2012). Learning from aviation to improve safety in the operating room - A systematic literature review. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 3(3), 375–390.
The Mastery-Technology Articulation: Ability, Experience, Certainty
Yıl 2020,
Sayı: Özel Sayı 1 / Supplement 1, 95 - 115, 11.09.2020
Finance capitalism, which comes to existence more rapidly and in a more complex way than other modes of production, has brought about significant changes in the nature of the relationship between human beings and nature. Our information society not only functionalizes technology as an instrument, but also renders it a determinant framework in both material and intellectual terms. Professions such as medicine and aviation, which deal with vital issues and are obliged to adapt themselves to technological innovations by their very nature, function as a road map enabling us to track this transformation. We conducted a field study between 2015 and 2017 and we interviewed 25 physicians and 27 pilots using a semi-structured interview technique. We conducted this field study to comprehend how this technology-centered approach transforms pilotage and medicine, two professions that are directly influenced by the results of technological invasion, in terms of their social meaning and professional values such as mastery and skill inherent to them. Based on the findings of this research, our article aims to develop a conceptualization that has the potential to help us better understand social transformations starting from the position of professions vis-à-vis technology and the transformation that they underwent in terms of their performance and mastery practice.
Adorno, T. (2005). Minima Moralia, reflections on a damaged life. Londra, New York: Verso.
Bainbridge, L. (1983). Ironies of automation. Automatica, 19(6), 775–779.
Bauman, Z. (2010). L’amour liquide, de la fragilité des liens entre les hommes. Paris: Librairie Arthème Fayard / Pluriel. Bourdieu, P. (1987). Choses dites. Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit.
Bozkurt, V. (2000). Püritanizmden Hedonizme Yeni Çalışma Etiği, Bursa: Alesta.
Cavestro, W. (1990). Beyond the deskilling controversy. Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 3(1), 38–46.
Childe, G. (1983). Tarihte neler oldu. Ankara: Alan Yayıncılık.
Doueihi, M. (2008). La grande conversion numérique. Paris: Éditions du Seuil.
Duff, E., Miller, L., ve Bruce, J. (2016). Online virtual simulation and diagnostic reasoning: A scoping review. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 12, 377–384.
Ehrenberg, A. (1991). Le culte de la performance. Paris: Hachette Littératures.
Ellul, J. (1988). Le bluff technologique. Paris: Hachette Littératures.
Ergur, A. (1998). Nergis harikalar diyarında: sanal gerçekliğin ideolojik bağlamı. Toplum ve Bilim, 79, 138–161.
Green, B., Parry, D., Oeppen, R.S., Plint, S., Dale, T., ve Brennan, P.A. (2017). Situational awareness - what it means for clinicians, its recognition and importance for patient safety. Oral Diseases, 23, 721–725.
Guraya, S. (2016). The usage of social networking sites by medical students for educational purposes: A mataanalysis and systematic review. North American Journal of Medical Sciences, 8(7), 268–278.
Habermas, J. (1997). İdeoloji olarak teknik ve bilim. İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları.
Harris, M. (2017). Solitude, In Pursuit of a Singular Life in a Crowded World. Londra: Random House Books.
Haslbeck, A. ve Zhang, B. (2017). I spy with my little eye: Analysis of airline pilots’ gaze patterns in a manual instrument flight scenario. Applied Ergonomics, 63, 62–71.
Holtman, M. C. (2011). Paradoxes in professionalism and error in complex systems. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 44, 395–401.
Hughes, E. (1960). The professions in society. The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, 26(1), 54–61.
Jeffries, M., Phipps, D., Howard, R.L., Avery, A., Rodgers, S,. ve Ashcroft, D. (2017). Understanding the implementation and adoption of an information technology intervention to support medicine optimisation in primary care: qualitative study using strong structuration theory. BMJ Open, 7, 1–11.
Kraus, D. C. ve Gramopadhye, A. K. (2001). Effect of team training on aircraft maintenance technicians: computerbased training versus instructor-based training. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 27, 141–157.
Lipovetsky, G. (2004). Les temps hypermodernes. Paris: Grasset. Lu, J. (2016). Will medical technology deskill doctors?. International Education Studies, 9(7), 130–134.
Patel, N., Ngo, E., Paterick, T. E., Chandrasekaran, K., ve Tajik, J. (2016). Should doctors still examine patients?, International Journal of Cardiology, 221, 55–57.
Reed, K., Kotchetkovka, I., ve Withby, E. (2016). Visualising uncertainty: Examining women’s views on the role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in late pregnancy. Social Science & Medicine,164, 19–26.
Rooney, D.M., Tai, B.L., Sagher, O., Shih, A. J., Wilkinson, D.A., ve Savastano, L.E. (2016). Simulator and 2 tools: Validation of performance measures from a novel neurosurgery simulation model the current Standards framework. Surgery, 160(3), 571–579.
Sagalowsky Tuysuzoglu S., Wynter, S., Auerbach, M., Pusic, M.V., ve Kessler, D.O. (2016). Simulation-based procedural skills training in pediatric emergency medicine. Clinical Emergency Pedaitric Medicine, 17(3), 169–178.
Sauvageot, A. (2003). L’épreuve des sens, De l’action sociale à la réalité virtuelle. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. Sennett, R. (1998). The corrosion of character, The personal consequences of work in the new capitalism. New York, London: W.W. Norton & Company.
Simondon, Gilbert (1989). Du mode d’existence des objets techniques. Paris: Aubier.
Sutton, J. E., Buset, M., ve Keller, M. (2014). Navigation experience and mental representations of the environment: Do pilots build better cognitive maps?. PLoS ONE, 9(3), e90058. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0090058, 1–6.
Terashita, T., Tamura, N., Kisa, K., Kawanata, H., ve Ogasawara, K. (2016). Problem-based learning for radiological technologists: a comparison of student attitudes toward plain radiography. BMC Medical Education, 16: 236, 1–7.
Timisi, N. (2003). Yeni iletişim teknolojileri ve demokrasi. Ankara: Dost Kitabevi.
Vaas, S. (2009). L’enfer du virtuel, La communication naturelle pour sortir de l’isolement technologique. Lausanne: Éditions L’Age d’Homme.
Vattanavanit, V., Kawla-ied, J., ve Bhurayanontachai, R. (2017). High-fidelity medical simulation training improves medical student’s knowledge and confidence levels in septic shock resuscitation. Open Access Emergency Medicine, 9, 1–7.
Virilio, P. (2001). Cybermonde, la politique du pire. Paris: Les éditions Textuel.
Wauben, L., Goosens, R., ve Lange, J. F. (2012). Learning from aviation to improve safety in the operating room - A systematic literature review. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 3(3), 375–390.
Ergur, A. (2020). Ustalık ve Teknoloji Eklemlenmesi: Beceri, Deneyim, Kesinlik. Journal of Economy Culture and Society(Özel Sayı 1 / Supplement 1), 95-115. https://doi.org/10.26650/JECS2019-0103
Ergur A. Ustalık ve Teknoloji Eklemlenmesi: Beceri, Deneyim, Kesinlik. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. Eylül 2020;(Özel Sayı 1 / Supplement 1):95-115. doi:10.26650/JECS2019-0103
Ergur, Ali. “Ustalık Ve Teknoloji Eklemlenmesi: Beceri, Deneyim, Kesinlik”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, sy. Özel Sayı 1 / Supplement 1 (Eylül 2020): 95-115. https://doi.org/10.26650/JECS2019-0103.
Ergur A (01 Eylül 2020) Ustalık ve Teknoloji Eklemlenmesi: Beceri, Deneyim, Kesinlik. Journal of Economy Culture and Society Özel Sayı 1 / Supplement 1 95–115.
A. Ergur, “Ustalık ve Teknoloji Eklemlenmesi: Beceri, Deneyim, Kesinlik”, Journal of Economy Culture and Society, sy. Özel Sayı 1 / Supplement 1, ss. 95–115, Eylül 2020, doi: 10.26650/JECS2019-0103.
Ergur, Ali. “Ustalık Ve Teknoloji Eklemlenmesi: Beceri, Deneyim, Kesinlik”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society Özel Sayı 1 / Supplement 1 (Eylül 2020), 95-115. https://doi.org/10.26650/JECS2019-0103.
Ergur A. Ustalık ve Teknoloji Eklemlenmesi: Beceri, Deneyim, Kesinlik. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. 2020;:95–115.
Ergur, Ali. “Ustalık Ve Teknoloji Eklemlenmesi: Beceri, Deneyim, Kesinlik”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, sy. Özel Sayı 1 / Supplement 1, 2020, ss. 95-115, doi:10.26650/JECS2019-0103.
Ergur A. Ustalık ve Teknoloji Eklemlenmesi: Beceri, Deneyim, Kesinlik. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. 2020(Özel Sayı 1 / Supplement 1):95-115.