Objective: The Career Planning Course introduced by the Presidency of Republic of Türkiye Human Resources Office in 2021, intends to create and raise an awareness on prospective career goals of higher education students. The aim of this study was to analyse future career goals of first and second year Turkish dental students attended on Career Planning Course.
Material and Method: All students enrolled to the course (n=141) were evaluated by eligibility and non-Turkish students and unsubmitted evaluation forms were excluded, finally 135 evaluation forms were reviewed by study year, gender, language proficiencies and self-stated practice plans (Public/ Private/Abroad/Academic/Specialty).
Results: The highest attendance rates to the Career-related module of the course were observed in overall dental students (n=111; 81,0%) which had significant impact on a stating a specific career plan in homeland (OR 7.90 (2.90-21.50); p<0.001). Findings demonstrated high preference of private practice (54,3%); however nearly one third of the first (28,6%) and second year (36,2%) students had no decisive statement regarding practice plan in homeland. Most were indicated a specialty plan (n=109; 80,7%).
Conclusion: Attendance to Career Planning Course had significant impact on having specific career plan. We recommend adding profession-oriented modules for attenuating absent statements.
1. Adams, T. L. (1998). Gender and women's employment in the male-dominated profession of dentistry: 1867-1917. The Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 35(1), 21+.
2. Alamoudi, W.A., Alhelo, A.F., Almazrooa, S.A. et al. Why do students skip classroom lectures: A single dental school report. BMC Med Educ 21, 388 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-021-02824-3
3. Che Musa, M. F., Bernabé, E., & Gallagher, J. E. (2016). Career expectations and influences among dental students in Malaysia. International dental journal, 66(4), 229–236.
4. Cinaroglu, S. (2021). Distribution of Health Human Resources in Turkey in Provincial Level and a Need for More Effective Policy. Hacettepe Journal of Health Administration, 24(2): 235-254
5. den Boer, J., van den Bosch, L. J., van Dam, B., & Bruers, J. (2021). Work situation and prospects of recently graduated dentists in the Netherlands. European journal of dental education : Official Journal of the Association for Dental Education in Europe, 25(4), 837–845.
6. Dussault, G., & Dubois, C. A. (2003). Human resources for health policies: a critical component in health policies. Human resources for health, 1(1), 1.
7. Gallagher, J. E., & Scambler, S. (2021). Reaching A Female Majority: A Silent Transition for Dentistry in the United Kingdom. Primary Dental Journal, 10(2), 41–46.
8. Gallagher, J. E., Patel, R., & Wilson, N. H. (2009). The emerging dental workforce: long-term career expectations and influences. A quantitative study of final year dental students' views on their long-term career from one London Dental School. BMC Oral Health, 9, 35.
9. Halawany, H.S., Binassfour, A.S., AlHassan, W.K., et al. (2017) Dental specialty, career preferences and their influencing factors among final year dental students in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Dent J, 29, 15-23.
10. Hogarth, J. (1975). Glossary of Health Care Terminology. WHO, Copenhagen, 4:476
11. Khami, M. R., Murtomaa, H., Jafarian, M., Vehkalahti, M. M., & Virtanen, J. I. (2008). Study motives and career choices of Iranian dental students. Medical principles and practice : international journal of the Kuwait University, Health Science Centre, 17(3), 221–226.
12. Mawardi, H., Alharbi, W., Alamoudi, W., Felemban, O., Almazrooa, S., & Alhadlag, E. (2021). Does Dental Students’ Attendance In Classroom Lectures Depend on The Mode of Attendance Tracking? Advanced Education, 8(18), 70–78.
13. Nashleanas, B. M., McKernan, S. C., Kuthy, R. A., & Qian, F. (2014). Career influences among final year dental students who plan to enter private practice. BMC oral health, 14, 18.
14. Oshima, K., Kodama, T., Ida, Y., & Miura, H. (2021). Gender Differences in Work Status during Early Career of Dentists: An Analysis of National Survey Cohort Data of 10 Years in Japan. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(5), 2335.
15. Rashid, H. H., Ghotane, S. G., Abufanas, S. H., & Gallagher, J. E. (2013). Short and long-term career plans of final year dental students in the United Arab Emirates. BMC oral health, 13, 39.
16. Rouhiainen, V., Karaharju-Suvanto, T., & Waltimo-Sirén, J. (2022). The impact of orthodontic treatment on choosing a career in dentistry. European journal of dental education : official journal of the Association for Dental Education in Europe, 26(1), 166–173.
17. Shaker, R. E., & Babgi, A. A. (2009). Women in dentistry: A perspective on major universities in Saudi Arabia. Part 1: Historical background. The Saudi dental journal, 21(3), 103–106.
18. Stewart, F. M., & Drummond, J. R. (2000). Women and the world of dentistry. British dental journal, 188(1), 7–8.
19. Szabó, R. M., Davis, J. M., & Antal, M. (2020). Introducing career skills for dental students as an undergraduate course at the University of Szeged, Hungary. BMC medical education, 20(1), 68.
20. Tanalp, J., Ilguy, D., Dikbas, I., & Oktay, I. (2012). Demographic profile and future expectations of students enrolled in a Turkish private dental school. Journal of dental education, 76(6), 800–809.
21. Turkish Dental Association. (2022). Manpower Planning in Dentistry. (in Turkish). https://tdb.org.tr/tdb/v2/ekler/Dishekimliginde_Insangucu_Planlamasi.pdf
22. Vahid Dastjerdi, M., Mahdian, M., Vahid Dastjerdi, E., & Namdari, M. (2012). Study motives and career choices of Iranian medical and dental students. Acta Medica Iranica, 50(6), 417–424.
Kariyer Planlama Dersine katılan Türk Diş Hekimliği Öğrencilerinin Kariyer Hedefleri
Amaç: T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı İnsan Kaynakları Ofisi tarafından 2021 yılında tanıtılan Kariyer Planlama Dersi, yükseköğretim öğrencilerinin gelecekteki kariyer hedefleri konusunda farkındalık yaratmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Kariyer Planlama Dersi’ne katılan birinci ve ikinci sınıf Türk diş hekimliği öğrencilerinin gelecekteki kariyer hedeflerini analiz etmektir.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Derse kayıtlı tüm öğrenciler (n=141) uygunluk kriterlerine göre değerlendirildi: T.C. vatandaşı olmayan öğrenciler ve eksik değerlendirme formları hariç tutuldu, son olarak 135 değerlendirme formu eğitim yılı, cinsiyet, dil yeterlilikleri ve hedeflenen çalışma alanlarına (Kamu/ Özel Sektör/Yurtdışı/Akademik/Uzmanlık) göre değerlendirildi.
Bulgular: Modüller arasında, en yüksek ders katılımının “Kariyerle ilgili Modul #2” olduğu (n=111; %81,0) ve derslere katılımın öğrencilerin yurtiçinde belirli bir kariyer planının belirtmesinde önemli etkisi olduğu (OR 7,90 (2,90-21.50); p<0.001) gözlemlendi. Öğrencilerin çoğunlukla (%54,3) özel muayenehane tercihinde bulunduğu; ancak birinci sınıf öğrencilerinin (%28,6) ve ikinci sınıf öğrencilerinin (%36,2) yaklaşık üçte birinin spesifik bir hedef belirtmediği görülmüştür. Ayrıca öğrencilerin büyük çoğunluğu (n=109; %80,7) uzmanlık tercihinde bulunmuştur.
Sonuç: Kariyer Planlama Dersine katılımın belirli bir kariyer planına sahip olmada önemli etkisi olmuştur. Hedeflerin kesin sınırlarla belirlenmesinde Kariyer Planlama Dersi kapsamında mesleğe yönelik modüller eklenmesi faydalı olabilir.
1. Adams, T. L. (1998). Gender and women's employment in the male-dominated profession of dentistry: 1867-1917. The Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 35(1), 21+.
2. Alamoudi, W.A., Alhelo, A.F., Almazrooa, S.A. et al. Why do students skip classroom lectures: A single dental school report. BMC Med Educ 21, 388 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-021-02824-3
3. Che Musa, M. F., Bernabé, E., & Gallagher, J. E. (2016). Career expectations and influences among dental students in Malaysia. International dental journal, 66(4), 229–236.
4. Cinaroglu, S. (2021). Distribution of Health Human Resources in Turkey in Provincial Level and a Need for More Effective Policy. Hacettepe Journal of Health Administration, 24(2): 235-254
5. den Boer, J., van den Bosch, L. J., van Dam, B., & Bruers, J. (2021). Work situation and prospects of recently graduated dentists in the Netherlands. European journal of dental education : Official Journal of the Association for Dental Education in Europe, 25(4), 837–845.
6. Dussault, G., & Dubois, C. A. (2003). Human resources for health policies: a critical component in health policies. Human resources for health, 1(1), 1.
7. Gallagher, J. E., & Scambler, S. (2021). Reaching A Female Majority: A Silent Transition for Dentistry in the United Kingdom. Primary Dental Journal, 10(2), 41–46.
8. Gallagher, J. E., Patel, R., & Wilson, N. H. (2009). The emerging dental workforce: long-term career expectations and influences. A quantitative study of final year dental students' views on their long-term career from one London Dental School. BMC Oral Health, 9, 35.
9. Halawany, H.S., Binassfour, A.S., AlHassan, W.K., et al. (2017) Dental specialty, career preferences and their influencing factors among final year dental students in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Dent J, 29, 15-23.
10. Hogarth, J. (1975). Glossary of Health Care Terminology. WHO, Copenhagen, 4:476
11. Khami, M. R., Murtomaa, H., Jafarian, M., Vehkalahti, M. M., & Virtanen, J. I. (2008). Study motives and career choices of Iranian dental students. Medical principles and practice : international journal of the Kuwait University, Health Science Centre, 17(3), 221–226.
12. Mawardi, H., Alharbi, W., Alamoudi, W., Felemban, O., Almazrooa, S., & Alhadlag, E. (2021). Does Dental Students’ Attendance In Classroom Lectures Depend on The Mode of Attendance Tracking? Advanced Education, 8(18), 70–78.
13. Nashleanas, B. M., McKernan, S. C., Kuthy, R. A., & Qian, F. (2014). Career influences among final year dental students who plan to enter private practice. BMC oral health, 14, 18.
14. Oshima, K., Kodama, T., Ida, Y., & Miura, H. (2021). Gender Differences in Work Status during Early Career of Dentists: An Analysis of National Survey Cohort Data of 10 Years in Japan. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(5), 2335.
15. Rashid, H. H., Ghotane, S. G., Abufanas, S. H., & Gallagher, J. E. (2013). Short and long-term career plans of final year dental students in the United Arab Emirates. BMC oral health, 13, 39.
16. Rouhiainen, V., Karaharju-Suvanto, T., & Waltimo-Sirén, J. (2022). The impact of orthodontic treatment on choosing a career in dentistry. European journal of dental education : official journal of the Association for Dental Education in Europe, 26(1), 166–173.
17. Shaker, R. E., & Babgi, A. A. (2009). Women in dentistry: A perspective on major universities in Saudi Arabia. Part 1: Historical background. The Saudi dental journal, 21(3), 103–106.
18. Stewart, F. M., & Drummond, J. R. (2000). Women and the world of dentistry. British dental journal, 188(1), 7–8.
19. Szabó, R. M., Davis, J. M., & Antal, M. (2020). Introducing career skills for dental students as an undergraduate course at the University of Szeged, Hungary. BMC medical education, 20(1), 68.
20. Tanalp, J., Ilguy, D., Dikbas, I., & Oktay, I. (2012). Demographic profile and future expectations of students enrolled in a Turkish private dental school. Journal of dental education, 76(6), 800–809.
21. Turkish Dental Association. (2022). Manpower Planning in Dentistry. (in Turkish). https://tdb.org.tr/tdb/v2/ekler/Dishekimliginde_Insangucu_Planlamasi.pdf
22. Vahid Dastjerdi, M., Mahdian, M., Vahid Dastjerdi, E., & Namdari, M. (2012). Study motives and career choices of Iranian medical and dental students. Acta Medica Iranica, 50(6), 417–424.
Çelik, Z. C., Baydaş, B., & Elbek Çubukçu, Ç. (2022). Future Career Goals of Turkish Dental Students Attended to Newly Implemented Nationwide Career Planning Course. Sağlık Bilimlerinde Eğitim Dergisi, 5(1), 14-20.