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Discussion on the Concept of Visual Culture at Museum within Postmodern Art Education

Yıl 2015, Sayı: 8, 67 - 84, 24.07.2015


In this study, it is aimed to reveal the practicability of using museums for educational purposes within the concept of postmodern art education. The study analyses visual culture which come to prominence in the newest researches on postmodern art and education studies. In this study, present a theoretical analaysis of the conception of the most topical discourses. This study is necessary in order to propound the functionality of visual culture approach at museums instead of traditional art education; and it creates the problem of the study. The main goal of this study is to determine how the concept of visual culture is handled at museums within the context of postmodernism and to discuss museums within visual culture and art education. It is in a survey model structured by using qualitative research method and techniques. In this respect, both postmodern art education approach and museum education are studied within the limitations of such a study. The shift of art education researches in the recent decade is evident, varying and dynamic, starting with interest social aspects, multicultural education, manifestation of the media arts, new technologies and  finally passing on to the development of visual culture, which expands the limits of the traditional understanding of art education. In the study, there are views on the fact that visual culture approach which is considered within postmodern art education should be handled at museums. In this regard, there are determinations about activating museums in art education and how to include visual culture in educational studies of museums.

Keywords: art, art education, postmodernism, visual culture, museum


  • Adams, G. (1984). Museums & Galleries: A Teachers’ Handbook (2nd Ed.), pp. 5, London: Hutchinson.
  • Ballengee-Morris, C. & Stuhr, P.L. (2001). Multicultural art and visual cultural education in a changing world. Art Education, 54(4), 6-13.
  • Bowe, A., J. (2009). Intercultural dialogue and the british museum: a “museum of the world”, In museum as places for intercultural dialogue: Selected practices from Europe (pp.14), MAP for ID Group.
  • Çıldır, Z., & Karadeniz, C. (2014). Museum, Education and Visual Culture Practices: Museums in Turkey. American Journal of Educational Research, 2(7), 543-551. Acces:
  • Delaney C. & Kaspin, D. (2011). Investigating Culture, 2nd Edition, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Djakovic, B. & Rakovic, S. A (2009). Museum of discomfort, in migration in museums: narratives of diversity in Europe (ed. Rainer Ohliger), Edition Network Migration in Europe, Berlin.
  • Duncum, P. (2009). Visual culture in Art Education. Circa 2009, Visual Arts Research, 35(1), 65.
  • Duncum, P. (2006). Challenges to art education from visual culture studies”, Art Education Postmodern World, pp.99, UK: Cromwell.
  • Duncum, P. (2002). Visual culture art education: Why, what and how?, International Journal of Art & Design Education, 21, 14-23.
  • Duncum, P. (2001).The theories and practices of visual culture in art education, Arts Education Policy Review, 105(2), 19-25.
  • Dobbs, S. (1998). A guide to discipline-based art education: Learning in and through art. The Getty Education Institute of the Arts, pp.9, Los Angeles.
  • Foley, M. & McPherson, G. (2000). Museums as leisure, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 6(2), 161-174.
  • France, L. B. P. (1999). A morning experience in a brazilian art museum, Insea News, 6, pp.8-9.
  • Freedman, K. (2003). Teaching visual culture: Curriculum, aesthetics and the social life of art, (Teachers Collage, Columbia University New York and London-National Art Education Association), pp. xi, London.
  • Freedman, K. (2001). Context as part of visual culture. Journal of Multicultural and Cross-Cultural Research in Art Education, 18, pp. 41.
  • Freedman, K. (2000). Context as a part of visual culture. Journal of Multi-cultural and Cross-Cultural Research in Art Education, 3, 41- 44.
  • Garoian, C. R. (2001). Performing the museum. Studies in Art Education, 42 (3), 235-241.
  • Greenhill, H., E. (2007). Museums and education, Purpose, pedagogy, performance. London: Routledge.
  • Hooper Greenhill, E., (2002). Museums and the interpretation of visual culture. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Greenhill, H. E. (2000). Museums and the interpretation of visual culture New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Garoian C. & Gaudelius, Y., (2004). The spectacle of visual culture. Studies in Art Education, 45(4), 298–313.
  • Huyssen, A. (1994). Postmodernin Haritasını Yapmak, (Trans. Mehmet Küçük), Modernite.
  • Versus Postmodernite (Gleaned by Mehmet Küçük), pp. 108, Ankara: Vadi.
  • Irwin, R. (1999/2000). Facing oneself: An embodied pedagogy. Art and Learning Research Journal, 16, 82–86.
  • İpşiroğlu, N. (1994). Duyu Algılarının Eğitimi, Çağdaş Eğitimde Sanat, pp.13-20. İstanbul: Çağdaş Yaşamı Destekleme Derneği.
  • Jameson, F. (2008). Postmodernizm ya da Geç Kapitalizmin Kültürel Mantığı, pp.31, Ankara: Nirengikitap.
  • Karasar, N. (2003). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi, pp.77, Ankara: Nobel.
  • Kellner, D. & Best, S. (1998). Postmodern teori. (Trans. Mehmet Küçük) İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Kırışoğlu, O. (2009). Sanat kültür yaratıcılık. In, Görsel Sanatlar ve Kültür Eğitimi, pp.44-48, Ankara: Pegem.
  • Lyotard, J. F. (1994). Postmodern Durum. (Trans. Ahmet Çiğdem), İstanbul: Vadi.
  • Macdonald, S.W. (2006). Post-it Culture: Postmodernism and Art and Design Education, pp. 46, Edited by Tom Hardy, UK.
  • Mirzoeff, N. (1999). An introduction to visual culture, New York: Routledge.
  • Mirzoeff, N. (1998). What is the visual culture?, In N. Mirzoeff (Ed.), Visaul culture reader, pp. 3-14, London and New York: Routledge.
  • Mitchell, W. J. T. (2002). Showing seeing: a critique of visual culture, in the visual culture reader, (Ed. Nicholas Mirzoeff), pp. 86-102, London and New York: Routledge.
  • Morin, E. (2013). Geleceğin eğitimi için gerekli yedi bilgi. (Trans. Hüsnü Dilli) İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi.
  • Musneckine E. (2009). Visual culture discourses ın the context of art education. Kürybos Erdves, Nr. 10, Lithhuania.
  • Nuzzaci, A. (2006). General education and museum education: between singularity and Plurality, Revista Complutense de Education, 17 (1), 66.
  • Onur, B. (2012). Çağdaş müze, eğitim, gelişim: müze psikolojisine giriş, Ankara: İmge.
  • Onur, B. (2003). Müze Eğitimi: Temel İlkeler ve Politikalar; Müze Eğitimi Seminerleri(I): Akdeniz Bölgesi Müzeleri. (10-11 Ekim 2002, Antalya.)
  • Pearce, S. (1992). Objects of knowledge (Ed.), London: Athone Press.
  • San, İ. (2006). Yaratıcı drama,1985-1998 yazılar, Ankara: Naturel.
  • Smith Shank, D. L. [1999/2000]. Mirror, mirror on the wall: Searching for the semiotic self. Art and Learning Research Journal, 16, pp.93–96.
  • Şaylan, G. (2002). Postmodenizm, pp. 47. Ankara: İmge Kitapevi.
  • Tavin, K. (2005). Hauntological Shifts: Fear and loathing of popular (visual) culture. Studies in Art Education, 46 (2), 101-117.
  • Tavin, K. (2004). If you see something, say something: visual events at the visual culture Gathering. Visual Arts Research, 32 (2), 2-6.
  • Tavin, K. (2003). A Critical pedagogy of visual culture as art education: toward a erformative inter / hypertextual practice, (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Pennsylvania State University. Retrieved 30 September, 2005 from
  • Tavin, K. (2001). Swimming up-stream in the jean pool: Developing a pedagogy towards critical citizenship in visual culture. Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, 21, 153.
  • Tillander, M. (2011). Creativity, tecnology, art and pedagogical practices. Art Education, 64 (1), 40-46.
  • Vallance, E. (2008). Visual culture and art museums: A continuum from the ordinary,Visual Arts Research, 34 (2), 45-54.
  • Weil, S. (1990). Rethinking the museum(Ed.). Washington: Smithsonian Inst.
  • Yıldırım, A. & Şimşek, H. (2006). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma, Ankara: Seçkin.
  • Yıldırım C. (1966). Eğitimde araştırma metotları, Ankara: Akyıldız.

Discussion on the Concept of Visual Culture at Museum within Postmodern Art Education

Yıl 2015, Sayı: 8, 67 - 84, 24.07.2015


Bu araştırmada, postmodern sanat eğitimi bağlamında müzenin eğitim amacıyla kullanımının uygulanabilirliği ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Araştırma, çağdaş sanat kültürü, sanat çalışmaları ve eğitim çalışmaları hakkındaki en yeni çalışmalarda göze çarpan görsel kültürünün güncel söylemlerini incelemektedir. Bu araştırma, en güncel söylemlerin algılanışıyla ilgili teorik bir analiz ortaya koymaktadır. Geleneksel sanat eğitimi yerine, müzede görsel kültür yaklaşımının işlerliğinin ortaya çıkarılması araştırmanın yapılmasını gerekli kılmakta ve araştırmanın problemini oluşturmaktadır. Bu araştırmanın temel amacı, postmodernizm bağlamında görsel kültür kavramının müzede nasıl ele alındığını belirleyerek müzeleri görsel kültür ve sanat eğitimi bağlamında ele almaktır. Nitel araştırma yöntem ve teknikleri kullanılarak yapılandırılmış tarama modelinde bir çalışmadır. Bu bakımdan gerek postmodern sanat eğitimi yaklaşımı gerekse de müze eğitimi bu kapsamda bir çalışmanın sınırlılıklarının elverdiği ölçüde irdelenmiştir. Sosyal konular, kültürlerarası eğitim, medya sanatları ve yeni teknolojilerin ortaya çıkışına karşı ilgiyle başlayan ve nihayetinde geleneksel sanat eğitimi anlayışının sınırlarını aşan görsel kültürün gelişimine doğru yönelen, son on yılda görülen sanat eğitimindeki yön değişimi apaçık, değişken ve dinamiktir. Çalışmada postmodern sanat eğitimi bağlamında değerlendirilen görsel kültür yaklaşımının müzede ele alınmasına yönelik görüşler ortaya koyulmuştur. Bu bağlamda, sanat eğitiminde müzeyi etkin kılmak için müze eğitimi çalışmalarında görsel kültüre nasıl yer vereceğine ilişkin saptamalara yer verilmiştir


  • Adams, G. (1984). Museums & Galleries: A Teachers’ Handbook (2nd Ed.), pp. 5, London: Hutchinson.
  • Ballengee-Morris, C. & Stuhr, P.L. (2001). Multicultural art and visual cultural education in a changing world. Art Education, 54(4), 6-13.
  • Bowe, A., J. (2009). Intercultural dialogue and the british museum: a “museum of the world”, In museum as places for intercultural dialogue: Selected practices from Europe (pp.14), MAP for ID Group.
  • Çıldır, Z., & Karadeniz, C. (2014). Museum, Education and Visual Culture Practices: Museums in Turkey. American Journal of Educational Research, 2(7), 543-551. Acces:
  • Delaney C. & Kaspin, D. (2011). Investigating Culture, 2nd Edition, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Djakovic, B. & Rakovic, S. A (2009). Museum of discomfort, in migration in museums: narratives of diversity in Europe (ed. Rainer Ohliger), Edition Network Migration in Europe, Berlin.
  • Duncum, P. (2009). Visual culture in Art Education. Circa 2009, Visual Arts Research, 35(1), 65.
  • Duncum, P. (2006). Challenges to art education from visual culture studies”, Art Education Postmodern World, pp.99, UK: Cromwell.
  • Duncum, P. (2002). Visual culture art education: Why, what and how?, International Journal of Art & Design Education, 21, 14-23.
  • Duncum, P. (2001).The theories and practices of visual culture in art education, Arts Education Policy Review, 105(2), 19-25.
  • Dobbs, S. (1998). A guide to discipline-based art education: Learning in and through art. The Getty Education Institute of the Arts, pp.9, Los Angeles.
  • Foley, M. & McPherson, G. (2000). Museums as leisure, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 6(2), 161-174.
  • France, L. B. P. (1999). A morning experience in a brazilian art museum, Insea News, 6, pp.8-9.
  • Freedman, K. (2003). Teaching visual culture: Curriculum, aesthetics and the social life of art, (Teachers Collage, Columbia University New York and London-National Art Education Association), pp. xi, London.
  • Freedman, K. (2001). Context as part of visual culture. Journal of Multicultural and Cross-Cultural Research in Art Education, 18, pp. 41.
  • Freedman, K. (2000). Context as a part of visual culture. Journal of Multi-cultural and Cross-Cultural Research in Art Education, 3, 41- 44.
  • Garoian, C. R. (2001). Performing the museum. Studies in Art Education, 42 (3), 235-241.
  • Greenhill, H., E. (2007). Museums and education, Purpose, pedagogy, performance. London: Routledge.
  • Hooper Greenhill, E., (2002). Museums and the interpretation of visual culture. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Greenhill, H. E. (2000). Museums and the interpretation of visual culture New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Garoian C. & Gaudelius, Y., (2004). The spectacle of visual culture. Studies in Art Education, 45(4), 298–313.
  • Huyssen, A. (1994). Postmodernin Haritasını Yapmak, (Trans. Mehmet Küçük), Modernite.
  • Versus Postmodernite (Gleaned by Mehmet Küçük), pp. 108, Ankara: Vadi.
  • Irwin, R. (1999/2000). Facing oneself: An embodied pedagogy. Art and Learning Research Journal, 16, 82–86.
  • İpşiroğlu, N. (1994). Duyu Algılarının Eğitimi, Çağdaş Eğitimde Sanat, pp.13-20. İstanbul: Çağdaş Yaşamı Destekleme Derneği.
  • Jameson, F. (2008). Postmodernizm ya da Geç Kapitalizmin Kültürel Mantığı, pp.31, Ankara: Nirengikitap.
  • Karasar, N. (2003). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi, pp.77, Ankara: Nobel.
  • Kellner, D. & Best, S. (1998). Postmodern teori. (Trans. Mehmet Küçük) İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Kırışoğlu, O. (2009). Sanat kültür yaratıcılık. In, Görsel Sanatlar ve Kültür Eğitimi, pp.44-48, Ankara: Pegem.
  • Lyotard, J. F. (1994). Postmodern Durum. (Trans. Ahmet Çiğdem), İstanbul: Vadi.
  • Macdonald, S.W. (2006). Post-it Culture: Postmodernism and Art and Design Education, pp. 46, Edited by Tom Hardy, UK.
  • Mirzoeff, N. (1999). An introduction to visual culture, New York: Routledge.
  • Mirzoeff, N. (1998). What is the visual culture?, In N. Mirzoeff (Ed.), Visaul culture reader, pp. 3-14, London and New York: Routledge.
  • Mitchell, W. J. T. (2002). Showing seeing: a critique of visual culture, in the visual culture reader, (Ed. Nicholas Mirzoeff), pp. 86-102, London and New York: Routledge.
  • Morin, E. (2013). Geleceğin eğitimi için gerekli yedi bilgi. (Trans. Hüsnü Dilli) İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi.
  • Musneckine E. (2009). Visual culture discourses ın the context of art education. Kürybos Erdves, Nr. 10, Lithhuania.
  • Nuzzaci, A. (2006). General education and museum education: between singularity and Plurality, Revista Complutense de Education, 17 (1), 66.
  • Onur, B. (2012). Çağdaş müze, eğitim, gelişim: müze psikolojisine giriş, Ankara: İmge.
  • Onur, B. (2003). Müze Eğitimi: Temel İlkeler ve Politikalar; Müze Eğitimi Seminerleri(I): Akdeniz Bölgesi Müzeleri. (10-11 Ekim 2002, Antalya.)
  • Pearce, S. (1992). Objects of knowledge (Ed.), London: Athone Press.
  • San, İ. (2006). Yaratıcı drama,1985-1998 yazılar, Ankara: Naturel.
  • Smith Shank, D. L. [1999/2000]. Mirror, mirror on the wall: Searching for the semiotic self. Art and Learning Research Journal, 16, pp.93–96.
  • Şaylan, G. (2002). Postmodenizm, pp. 47. Ankara: İmge Kitapevi.
  • Tavin, K. (2005). Hauntological Shifts: Fear and loathing of popular (visual) culture. Studies in Art Education, 46 (2), 101-117.
  • Tavin, K. (2004). If you see something, say something: visual events at the visual culture Gathering. Visual Arts Research, 32 (2), 2-6.
  • Tavin, K. (2003). A Critical pedagogy of visual culture as art education: toward a erformative inter / hypertextual practice, (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Pennsylvania State University. Retrieved 30 September, 2005 from
  • Tavin, K. (2001). Swimming up-stream in the jean pool: Developing a pedagogy towards critical citizenship in visual culture. Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, 21, 153.
  • Tillander, M. (2011). Creativity, tecnology, art and pedagogical practices. Art Education, 64 (1), 40-46.
  • Vallance, E. (2008). Visual culture and art museums: A continuum from the ordinary,Visual Arts Research, 34 (2), 45-54.
  • Weil, S. (1990). Rethinking the museum(Ed.). Washington: Smithsonian Inst.
  • Yıldırım, A. & Şimşek, H. (2006). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma, Ankara: Seçkin.
  • Yıldırım C. (1966). Eğitimde araştırma metotları, Ankara: Akyıldız.
Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Zekiye Çıldır

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Temmuz 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Sayı: 8

Kaynak Göster

APA Çıldır, Z. (2015). Discussion on the Concept of Visual Culture at Museum within Postmodern Art Education. Journal of Education and Future(8), 67-84.
AMA Çıldır Z. Discussion on the Concept of Visual Culture at Museum within Postmodern Art Education. JEF. Ağustos 2015;(8):67-84.
Chicago Çıldır, Zekiye. “Discussion on the Concept of Visual Culture at Museum Within Postmodern Art Education”. Journal of Education and Future, sy. 8 (Ağustos 2015): 67-84.
EndNote Çıldır Z (01 Ağustos 2015) Discussion on the Concept of Visual Culture at Museum within Postmodern Art Education. Journal of Education and Future 8 67–84.
IEEE Z. Çıldır, “Discussion on the Concept of Visual Culture at Museum within Postmodern Art Education”, JEF, sy. 8, ss. 67–84, Ağustos 2015.
ISNAD Çıldır, Zekiye. “Discussion on the Concept of Visual Culture at Museum Within Postmodern Art Education”. Journal of Education and Future 8 (Ağustos 2015), 67-84.
JAMA Çıldır Z. Discussion on the Concept of Visual Culture at Museum within Postmodern Art Education. JEF. 2015;:67–84.
MLA Çıldır, Zekiye. “Discussion on the Concept of Visual Culture at Museum Within Postmodern Art Education”. Journal of Education and Future, sy. 8, 2015, ss. 67-84.
Vancouver Çıldır Z. Discussion on the Concept of Visual Culture at Museum within Postmodern Art Education. JEF. 2015(8):67-84.
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