Social entrepreneurs are those who bring forward various resources and exploit the opportunities innovatively in solving social problems and thus, create social change. In recent years, social entrepreneurship that has become a focus of interest in scholarly debates has rarely been discussed from the perspective of diversity management, equality, social exclusion and network diversity. In order to fill this void, Çöp m adam as one of the most successful examples of social enterprises in Turkey was examined in-depth qualitatively as a case study method and in the light of findings it was discussed how social entrepreneurs can manage such diverse difficulties, challenges, competing and contradicting interests arising from their internal and external environment to transform them into an opportunity.
Bassett-Jones, N. (2005). The paradox of diversity management, creativity and innovation. Creativity and Innovation Management. 14(2): 169–75.
Benschop (2001). Pride, prejudice and performance: Relations between HRM, diversity and performance. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 12(7): 166–81.
Bridgstock, R., Lettice, F., Ozbilgin, M.F. ve Tatli, A. (2010). Diversity management for innovation in social enterprises in the UK. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development. 22 (5): 1–18.
Brüderl, J., ve Preisendörfer, P. (1998). Network support and the success of newly founded business. Small Business Economics, 10 (3): 213-225.
Chell, E. (2007). Social enterprise and entrepreneurship: Towards a convergent theory of the entrepreneurial process. International Small Business Journal, 25(5): 5–26.
Çöp(m)adam (2016). “Çöp(m)adam: Bilinçlendirme iş fırsatı”, http://alumni., (Erişim: 10.02.2016).
Cukier, W., Trenholm, S., Carl, D. ve Gekas, G. (2011). Social entrepreneurship: a content analysis, Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability, 7(1): 99-119.
Dacin, P., Dacin, M. ve Matear, M. (2010). Social entrepreneurship: why we don’t need a new theory and how we move forward from here, Academy of Management Perspectives, 24(3): 37-57.
Datta, P. B. ve Gailey, R. (2012). Empowering Women Through Social Entrepreneurship: Case Study of a Women’s Cooperative in India. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 36: 569–587.
Gökbulut Özdemir, Ö. (2013). Entrepreneurial marketing and social value creation in Turkish art industry: An ambidextrous perspective. Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, 15 (1): 39-60.
Kümbül Güler, B. (2011). Yoksullukla Mücadelede Sosyal Girişimcilik: Ashoka Üyelerinden Sosyal Yenilikçi Örnek Uygulamalar. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 13 (3): 79-111.
Kotler, P. ve Lee, N. R. (2009). Yoksulluğa karşı sosyal pazarlama. MediaCat, İstanbul.
Kümbül Güler, B. (2010). Sosyal Girişimcilik. Efil Yayınevi, Ankara.
Leadbeater, C. (1997). The Rise of the Social Entrepreneur, Demos, London.
Lettice, F. ve Parekh, M. (2010). The Social Innovation Process: Themes, Challenges and Implications for Practice. International Journal of Technology Management. 51 (1): 139-158.
Light, P. (2005). Serching for Social Entrepreneurship: Who might they be, where they might be found, what they do? Paper presented at the Association for Research on Nonprofit and Voluntary Associations.
Mair, J. ve Marti I. (2006). Social Entrepreneurship Research: A Source of Explanation, Prediction and Delight, Journal of World Business. 41: 36-44.
Marshall, R.S. (2011). Conceptualizing the International For-Profit Social Entrepreneur, Journal of Business Ethics. 98: 183-198.
Nicholls, A. ve Huybrechts, B. (2013). The role of legitimacy in social enterprisecorporate collaboration. Social Enterprise Journal, 9, 2, 130-146.
Noon, M. (2007). The fatal flaws of diversity and the business case for ethnic minorities. Work, Employment and Society. 21: 773–84.
Noruzi, R. M., Westover, H. J. ve Rahimi, R. G. (2010). An Exploration of Social Entrepreneurship in the Entrepreneurship Era, Asian Social Science, 6(6): Østergaard, C. R., Timmermans , B. ve Kristinsson, K. (2011). Does a different view create something new? The effect of employee diversity on innovation. Research Policy. 40 (3):500–509.
Özbilgin, M. ve Tatli, A. (2011). Mapping out the field of equality and diversity: Rise of individualism and voluntarism. Human Relations. 64 (9):1229-1253.
Özsöz, M. (2016), “Çöp(m)adam Hakkında”, node/889, (Erişim: 05.02.2016).
Parkinson, C. ve Howorth, C. (2008). The language of social entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. 20 (3): 285-309.
Sanje, G. ve Dinç, Y.E. 2012. “Çöp(m)adam: Ev hanımlarına çöpten istihdam yaratmak”, Dikmener, G. ve Sanje, G. (ed.). Büyüyen Kapsayıcı Piyasalar: Türkiye’de Sosyal Girişimcilik Vakaları, İstanbul Bilgi Yayınları, İstanbul, 37-60.
Seanor, P. ve Meaton, J. (2008). Learning from failure, ambiguity and trust in social enterprise, Social Enterprise Journal. 4 (1): 24 – 40.
Shaw, E., ve S. Carter. (2007). Social entrepreneurship: Theoretical antecedents and empirical analysis of entrepreneurial processes and outcomes. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. 14 (3): 418–34.
Spear, R. (2006). Social entrepreneurship: a different model, International Journal of Social Economics, 33 (5): 399 – 410.
Tan, W. L., Williams, J. ve Tan, T. M. (2005). Defining the ‘Social’in ‘Social Entrepreneurship’: Alturism and Entrepreneurship, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 1: 353-365.
Thompson, J. L. (2002). The World of the Social Entrepreneur, The International Journal of Public Sector Management. 15: 412–431.
Tomlinson, F. ve Schwabenland, C. (2010). Reconciling Competing Discourses of Diversity? The UK Non-Profit Sector Between Social Justice and the Business Case. Organization. 17 (1): 101-121.
Weerawardena, J. ve Mort G. S. (2006). Investigating Social Entrepreneurship: A Multidimensional Model, Journal of World Business. 41: 21-35.
Witt, P., Schroeter, A. ve Merz, C. (2008). Entrepreneurial resource acquisition via personal networks: an empirical study of German start-ups. The Service Industries Journal, 28 (7): 953-971.
Witt, P. (2004). Entrepreneurs’ networks and the success of start-ups. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 16 (5): 391-412.
Woodhams, C., ve Lupton, B. (2006a). Gender-based equal opportunities policy and practice in small firms: The impact of HR professionals. Human Resource Management Journal. 16 (1): 74–97.
Woodhams, C., ve Lupton, B. (2006b). Does size matter? Gender-based equal opportunity in UK small and medium enterprises. Women in Management Review, 21 (2): 143–69.
Zahra, S.A., Gedajlovic, E., Neubaum, D.O., Shulman, J.M. (2009). A typology of social entrepreneurs: Motives, search processes and ethical challenges, Journal of Business Venturing, 24 (5): 519–532.
Zahra, S., Rawhouser, H.N., Bhawe, N., Neubaum, D.O. ve Hayton, J.C., (2008). Globalization of social entrepreneurship, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. 2 (2): 117–131.
Zanoni, P. ve Janssens, M. (2003). Deconstructing Difference: The Rhetoric of Human Resource Managers’ Diversity Discourses, Organization Studies. 25 (1): 55– 74.
Zanoni, P. ve Janssens, M. (2007). Minority Employees Engaging with (Diversity) Management: An Analysis of Control, Agency and Micro-Emancipation, Journal of Management Studies. 44 (8): 1371–97.
Zanoni, P. (2011). Diversity in the lean automobile factory: doing class through gender, disability and age, Organization. 18(1): 105-127.
Sosyal Girişimcilikte İnovasyon ve Farklılıkları Yönetmek: Çöp m adam Örneği
Sosyal girişimci, sosyal problemlerin çözümünde farklı kaynakları bir araya getirerek fırsatları yenilikçi bir biçimde değerlendiren ve bu sayede sosyal değişim yaratan bireylerdir. Son dönemde akademik tartışmaların ilgi odağı haline gelmeye başlayan sosyal girişimciliğin farklılıkların yönetimi, eşitlik ve kapsayıcılık, sosyal içerme, ağ çeşitliliği perspektiflerinden yazında nadiren inceleme konusu yapıldığı görülmüştür. Çalışmamızda bu boşluğu doldurmak üzere Türkiye’de başarılı uygulamalarıyla öne çıkan sosyal girişimci bir örgüt olan Çöp m adam, nitel araştırma tasarımı kapsamında örnek olay yöntemi izlenerek derinlemesine incelenmiş ve buradan elde edilen veriler ışığında sosyal girişimcilerin iç ve dış çevresinde karşılaştığı çeşitli zorluk, tehdit ve birbiriyle rekabet eden, çelişen talep ve istekler karşısında bu çeşitliliği nasıl yöneterek yenilik yapma yönünde bir fırsata dönüştürebildiği tartışılmıştır.
Bassett-Jones, N. (2005). The paradox of diversity management, creativity and innovation. Creativity and Innovation Management. 14(2): 169–75.
Benschop (2001). Pride, prejudice and performance: Relations between HRM, diversity and performance. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 12(7): 166–81.
Bridgstock, R., Lettice, F., Ozbilgin, M.F. ve Tatli, A. (2010). Diversity management for innovation in social enterprises in the UK. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development. 22 (5): 1–18.
Brüderl, J., ve Preisendörfer, P. (1998). Network support and the success of newly founded business. Small Business Economics, 10 (3): 213-225.
Chell, E. (2007). Social enterprise and entrepreneurship: Towards a convergent theory of the entrepreneurial process. International Small Business Journal, 25(5): 5–26.
Çöp(m)adam (2016). “Çöp(m)adam: Bilinçlendirme iş fırsatı”, http://alumni., (Erişim: 10.02.2016).
Cukier, W., Trenholm, S., Carl, D. ve Gekas, G. (2011). Social entrepreneurship: a content analysis, Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability, 7(1): 99-119.
Dacin, P., Dacin, M. ve Matear, M. (2010). Social entrepreneurship: why we don’t need a new theory and how we move forward from here, Academy of Management Perspectives, 24(3): 37-57.
Datta, P. B. ve Gailey, R. (2012). Empowering Women Through Social Entrepreneurship: Case Study of a Women’s Cooperative in India. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 36: 569–587.
Gökbulut Özdemir, Ö. (2013). Entrepreneurial marketing and social value creation in Turkish art industry: An ambidextrous perspective. Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, 15 (1): 39-60.
Kümbül Güler, B. (2011). Yoksullukla Mücadelede Sosyal Girişimcilik: Ashoka Üyelerinden Sosyal Yenilikçi Örnek Uygulamalar. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 13 (3): 79-111.
Kotler, P. ve Lee, N. R. (2009). Yoksulluğa karşı sosyal pazarlama. MediaCat, İstanbul.
Kümbül Güler, B. (2010). Sosyal Girişimcilik. Efil Yayınevi, Ankara.
Leadbeater, C. (1997). The Rise of the Social Entrepreneur, Demos, London.
Lettice, F. ve Parekh, M. (2010). The Social Innovation Process: Themes, Challenges and Implications for Practice. International Journal of Technology Management. 51 (1): 139-158.
Light, P. (2005). Serching for Social Entrepreneurship: Who might they be, where they might be found, what they do? Paper presented at the Association for Research on Nonprofit and Voluntary Associations.
Mair, J. ve Marti I. (2006). Social Entrepreneurship Research: A Source of Explanation, Prediction and Delight, Journal of World Business. 41: 36-44.
Marshall, R.S. (2011). Conceptualizing the International For-Profit Social Entrepreneur, Journal of Business Ethics. 98: 183-198.
Nicholls, A. ve Huybrechts, B. (2013). The role of legitimacy in social enterprisecorporate collaboration. Social Enterprise Journal, 9, 2, 130-146.
Noon, M. (2007). The fatal flaws of diversity and the business case for ethnic minorities. Work, Employment and Society. 21: 773–84.
Noruzi, R. M., Westover, H. J. ve Rahimi, R. G. (2010). An Exploration of Social Entrepreneurship in the Entrepreneurship Era, Asian Social Science, 6(6): Østergaard, C. R., Timmermans , B. ve Kristinsson, K. (2011). Does a different view create something new? The effect of employee diversity on innovation. Research Policy. 40 (3):500–509.
Özbilgin, M. ve Tatli, A. (2011). Mapping out the field of equality and diversity: Rise of individualism and voluntarism. Human Relations. 64 (9):1229-1253.
Özsöz, M. (2016), “Çöp(m)adam Hakkında”, node/889, (Erişim: 05.02.2016).
Parkinson, C. ve Howorth, C. (2008). The language of social entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. 20 (3): 285-309.
Sanje, G. ve Dinç, Y.E. 2012. “Çöp(m)adam: Ev hanımlarına çöpten istihdam yaratmak”, Dikmener, G. ve Sanje, G. (ed.). Büyüyen Kapsayıcı Piyasalar: Türkiye’de Sosyal Girişimcilik Vakaları, İstanbul Bilgi Yayınları, İstanbul, 37-60.
Seanor, P. ve Meaton, J. (2008). Learning from failure, ambiguity and trust in social enterprise, Social Enterprise Journal. 4 (1): 24 – 40.
Shaw, E., ve S. Carter. (2007). Social entrepreneurship: Theoretical antecedents and empirical analysis of entrepreneurial processes and outcomes. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. 14 (3): 418–34.
Spear, R. (2006). Social entrepreneurship: a different model, International Journal of Social Economics, 33 (5): 399 – 410.
Tan, W. L., Williams, J. ve Tan, T. M. (2005). Defining the ‘Social’in ‘Social Entrepreneurship’: Alturism and Entrepreneurship, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 1: 353-365.
Thompson, J. L. (2002). The World of the Social Entrepreneur, The International Journal of Public Sector Management. 15: 412–431.
Tomlinson, F. ve Schwabenland, C. (2010). Reconciling Competing Discourses of Diversity? The UK Non-Profit Sector Between Social Justice and the Business Case. Organization. 17 (1): 101-121.
Weerawardena, J. ve Mort G. S. (2006). Investigating Social Entrepreneurship: A Multidimensional Model, Journal of World Business. 41: 21-35.
Witt, P., Schroeter, A. ve Merz, C. (2008). Entrepreneurial resource acquisition via personal networks: an empirical study of German start-ups. The Service Industries Journal, 28 (7): 953-971.
Witt, P. (2004). Entrepreneurs’ networks and the success of start-ups. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 16 (5): 391-412.
Woodhams, C., ve Lupton, B. (2006a). Gender-based equal opportunities policy and practice in small firms: The impact of HR professionals. Human Resource Management Journal. 16 (1): 74–97.
Woodhams, C., ve Lupton, B. (2006b). Does size matter? Gender-based equal opportunity in UK small and medium enterprises. Women in Management Review, 21 (2): 143–69.
Zahra, S.A., Gedajlovic, E., Neubaum, D.O., Shulman, J.M. (2009). A typology of social entrepreneurs: Motives, search processes and ethical challenges, Journal of Business Venturing, 24 (5): 519–532.
Zahra, S., Rawhouser, H.N., Bhawe, N., Neubaum, D.O. ve Hayton, J.C., (2008). Globalization of social entrepreneurship, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. 2 (2): 117–131.
Zanoni, P. ve Janssens, M. (2003). Deconstructing Difference: The Rhetoric of Human Resource Managers’ Diversity Discourses, Organization Studies. 25 (1): 55– 74.
Zanoni, P. ve Janssens, M. (2007). Minority Employees Engaging with (Diversity) Management: An Analysis of Control, Agency and Micro-Emancipation, Journal of Management Studies. 44 (8): 1371–97.
Zanoni, P. (2011). Diversity in the lean automobile factory: doing class through gender, disability and age, Organization. 18(1): 105-127.
Özeren, E., & Saatçioğlu, Ö. Y. (2016). Sosyal Girişimcilikte İnovasyon ve Farklılıkları Yönetmek: Çöp m adam Örneği. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 5(1), 71-96.