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Innovation Entrepreneurship at Universities in the Emerging Innovation Systems

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 83 - 106, 01.06.2015


The study aims to analyze the transformation of Russian universities into the innovation actors. We described the concepts of university role in modern society and adapted them to the Russian reality. The paper identifies the main features of Russian universities as innovation actors. We described the state support to Russian universities relating to their innovation activity, in particular, the Federal Act of the Russian Federation № 217 on the establishing small innovation enterprises at public universities. The results of this Act implemented are shown; the obstacles to the creation of small innovation enterprises at Russian public universities are identified. We developed the model of organizational structure of small innovation enterprises at Russian public universities.


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  • Bell D. The Coming of Post-Industrial Society. A Venture in Social Forecasting. N.Y., 1976. P.483.
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  • Castells, M. The Rise of the Network Society. Malden (Ma.)–Oxford. 1996.
  • Caraça, J., Heitor, M., Santos, F. On the Evolution of the University’s Organization and Management. / 1st International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation. Macao, 1997.
  • Competitive Regional Clusters: National Policy Approaches. URL http://www.
  • Conceicao, P. and Heitor, M. On the role of the university in the knowledge economy. Science and Public Policy. V. 26. N 1. February 1999.
  • Dosi, G., Freeman, C., Nelson, R., Silverberg, G., and Soete, L. (eds) Technical Change and Economic Theory. London. Pinter. 1988.
  • Drucker P.F. Post-Capitalist Society. N.Y. 1995.
  • Duderstadt, J.J. New Roles for the 21-st Century University. Issues in Science and Technology on-line. Winter 1999.
  • Dyker, D. and Radosevic, S. Building the knowledge-based economy in countries in transition – from concepts to policies. SPRU. Electronic Working Paper Series. Paper N 36. March 1999.
  • Etzkowitz, H. & Leydesdorff L. A Triple Helix of university-industry-government relations: “Mode 2” and the Globalization of “National” Systems of Innovation. 2001.
  • Etzkowitz, H. & Leydesdorff L. The dynamics of innovation: from National Systems and “Mode 2” to a Triple Helix of university-industry-government relations. Research Policy 29 (February 2000) 109-123.
  • Etzkowitz, H. and Martin, B. The Origin and Evolution of the University Species. SPRU. Electronic Working Paper Series. Paper N 59. December 2000.
  • Etzkowitz, H., Webster, A., Gebhardt, C. and Branka Regina Cantisano-Terra. The future of the university and the university of the future: evolution of ivory tower to entrepreneurial paradigm. Research Policy 29 (February 2000) 313-330.
  • Florida, R. The Role of the University: Leveraging Talent, Not Technology. Issues in Science and Technology on-line, Summer 1999.
  • Freeman, C. and Soete, L. New Explorations in the Economics of Technological Change. Pinter. London. 1990.
  • Frodeman R. and Mitcham C. Beyond the social contract myth, Issues in Science and Technology on-line, Summer 2000.
  • Gibbons, M., Limoges, C., Nowotny, H., et al. The New Production of Knowledge. London, 1994.
  • Godin B. and Gingras Y. The place of universities in the system of knowledge production // Research Policy. Volume 29, Issue 2. February 2000. Pp.273-278.
  • Goldstein H. Contributions of universities to regional economic development: a quasi-experimental approach / H. Goldstein, C. Renault // Regional studies. – 2004. – Vol. 38, iss.7. – P. 733-746.
  • Guston, D. Retiring the Social Contract for Science. Issues in Science and Technology on-line. Summer 2000.
  • Innovation policy: updating the Union’s approach in the context of the Lisbon strategy. Communication from the Comission // Innovation & Technology Transfer. Special Edition. April 2003.
  • Kaukonen, E. and Nieminen, M. The changing role of universities in research and innovation systems: the case of Finland / 4th International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovations “Lear ning and Knowledge Networks for Development”. Mexico. Curitiba. 2000.
  • Knowledge management in the learning society, OECD, 2000
  • Lundvall, B.-A. National Systems of Innovation. Pinter, London, 1992.
  • Lundvall, B.-A. The Learning Economy: Some Implications for the Knowledge Base of Health and Education System / Knowledge Management in the Learning Society. Paris. OECD. 2000.
  • Nelson, R. National Innovation Systems. A Comparative Analysis. Oxford, 1993. Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development. Surveys. URL http://
  • Perez C. The Financial Crisis and the Future of Innovation: a View of Technical Change with the Aid of History. Working Papers in Technology Governance and Economic Dynamics no. 28. The other canon foundation, Norway. Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn. February, 2010.
  • Ranga M. & Etzkowitz H. (2012): Great Expectations: An Innovation Solution to the Contemporary Economic Crisis. European Planning Studies, 20:9, 1429-1438. 2012.
  • Regional Innovation Monitor: Innovation Patterns and Innovation Policy in European Regions - Trends, Challenges and Perspectives. 2010 Annual Report. 20 April 2011. URL
  • Rodrigues and Melo. The Triple Helix Model as an instrument of local response to the economic crisis”. European Planning Studies, 20:9. 2012.
  • Russia in 2005. Russia in 2008. Russia in 2010. Russia in 2012. Handbooks of Russian State Statistic Service. Moscow, 2006, 2009, 2011, 2013.
  • Smith, K. Interactions in Knowledge systems: foundations, policy implications and empirical methods. STI Review. N 16. OECD. 1995.
  • Smith, K. What is the “knowledge-based economy”? Knowledge-intensive industries and distributed knowledge bases. DRUID Summer Conference on The Learning Economy – Firms, Regions and Nation Specific Institutions. June 15-17 2000. P.3.
  • Systems of Innovation: Technologies, Institutions and Organizations. Edited by C. Edquist. Pinter. London. 1997.
  • Universities and the Global Knowledge Economy: A Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government Relations. Edited by H.Etzkowitz & L.Leydesdorff. London, Pinter, 1997.
  • University-industry R&D collaboration in the United States, The United Kingdom, and Japan. By D.Rahm, J.Kirkland, and B.Bozeman. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.
  • Глазьев С.Ю. Уроки очередной российской революции: крах либеральной утопии и шанс на «экономическое чудо». – М.: Изд. дом «Экономическая газета», 2011. – 576 с.
  • (Glazyev, S.Yu. Lessons of Recurrent Russian Revolution: Crash of Liberal Utopia and Chance on “Economic Miracle”. Moscow, 2011.)
  • Дулепин Ю.А., Казакова Н.В. Трансфер и коммерциализация инноваций в экономике знаний: монография. – Саратов: Издательство «КУБиК», 2012. - 235 с. (13,65 п.л.). (Dulepin, Yu.A., Kazakova, N.V. Transfer and Commercialization of Innovations in Knowledge Economy. Saratov, 2012)
  • Казакова Н.В. Исследование инновационных систем в период глобальной рецессии / Направления развития инновационной экономики России: монография; под общей ред. проф. О.Ю.Гoрдашниковой. – Саратов: Издательство «КУБиК», 2011. - 252 с. - С. 101-118. (Kazakova, N.V. Innovation Systems Research during Global Recession. In: Ways of Russian Innovation Economy Development: Monograph. Saratov, 2011).
  • Казакова Н.В. Университеты и экономика, основанная на знаниях. Саратов: Сарат. гос. техн. ун-т, 2002. (Kazakova, N.V. Universities and Knowledge-Based Economy. Saratov, 2002).
  • Казакова Н.В. Экономика и знания. – Саратов: Сарат. гос. техн. ун-т, 2002. (Kazakova, N.V. Economy and Knowledge. Saratov, 2002).
  • Казьменков Д.А. Малые инновационные предприятия при вузах Белгородской области как часть инновационной системы региона // «Интеллектуально-инновационное развитие региона». 2012, N 2. (Kazmenkov, D.A. Small Innovation Enterprises under Belgorod Universities as a Part Regional Innovation System. Intellectual and Innovation Development of Region, 2012, N 2)
  • Казьменков, Д. Малые инновационные предприятия при вузах России: проблемы развития / Д. Казьменков, В. Московкин ; НИУ БелГУ // Ректор вуза. - 2013. - №1.-C. 60-66. (Kazmenkov, D.A., Moskovkin, V. Small Innovation Enterprises under Russian Universities: Problems of Development. University Rector. 2013. N 1).
  • Трансформация российских университетов в учебно-научно-инновационные комплексы / В.Р.Атоян, Ю.В.Чеботаревский, Н.В.Казакова и др. Под общей ред. В.Р.Атояна. Саратов. СГТУ. 2001. (Atoyan, V.R., Tchebotarevsky, Yu.V., Kazakova, N.V. Transformation of Russian Universities into Education-Research-Innovative Universities. Saratov, 2001).

Innovation Entrepreneurship at Universities in the Emerging Innovation Systems

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 83 - 106, 01.06.2015



  • Atoyan V., Slepoukhin A., Tchebotarevsky Yu., Kazakova N. The Role of Universities in the Development of an Innovative Economy in Russia, 2003, in: Supporting the Development of R&D and the Innovation Potential of Post-Socialist Countries; Edited by W.Filho, IOS Press, NATO Science Series, Series V: Science and Technology Policy – Vol.42, p.109-116. (in English)
  • Bell D. The Coming of Post-Industrial Society. A Venture in Social Forecasting. N.Y., 1976. P.483.
  • Benneworth P. University spin-off policies and economic development in less successful regions: learning from two decades of policy practice / P. Benneworth, D. Charles // European Planning Studies. – 2005. – Vol. 13, iss. 4. – P. 537-557.
  • Castells, M. The Rise of the Network Society. Malden (Ma.)–Oxford. 1996.
  • Caraça, J., Heitor, M., Santos, F. On the Evolution of the University’s Organization and Management. / 1st International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation. Macao, 1997.
  • Competitive Regional Clusters: National Policy Approaches. URL http://www.
  • Conceicao, P. and Heitor, M. On the role of the university in the knowledge economy. Science and Public Policy. V. 26. N 1. February 1999.
  • Dosi, G., Freeman, C., Nelson, R., Silverberg, G., and Soete, L. (eds) Technical Change and Economic Theory. London. Pinter. 1988.
  • Drucker P.F. Post-Capitalist Society. N.Y. 1995.
  • Duderstadt, J.J. New Roles for the 21-st Century University. Issues in Science and Technology on-line. Winter 1999.
  • Dyker, D. and Radosevic, S. Building the knowledge-based economy in countries in transition – from concepts to policies. SPRU. Electronic Working Paper Series. Paper N 36. March 1999.
  • Etzkowitz, H. & Leydesdorff L. A Triple Helix of university-industry-government relations: “Mode 2” and the Globalization of “National” Systems of Innovation. 2001.
  • Etzkowitz, H. & Leydesdorff L. The dynamics of innovation: from National Systems and “Mode 2” to a Triple Helix of university-industry-government relations. Research Policy 29 (February 2000) 109-123.
  • Etzkowitz, H. and Martin, B. The Origin and Evolution of the University Species. SPRU. Electronic Working Paper Series. Paper N 59. December 2000.
  • Etzkowitz, H., Webster, A., Gebhardt, C. and Branka Regina Cantisano-Terra. The future of the university and the university of the future: evolution of ivory tower to entrepreneurial paradigm. Research Policy 29 (February 2000) 313-330.
  • Florida, R. The Role of the University: Leveraging Talent, Not Technology. Issues in Science and Technology on-line, Summer 1999.
  • Freeman, C. and Soete, L. New Explorations in the Economics of Technological Change. Pinter. London. 1990.
  • Frodeman R. and Mitcham C. Beyond the social contract myth, Issues in Science and Technology on-line, Summer 2000.
  • Gibbons, M., Limoges, C., Nowotny, H., et al. The New Production of Knowledge. London, 1994.
  • Godin B. and Gingras Y. The place of universities in the system of knowledge production // Research Policy. Volume 29, Issue 2. February 2000. Pp.273-278.
  • Goldstein H. Contributions of universities to regional economic development: a quasi-experimental approach / H. Goldstein, C. Renault // Regional studies. – 2004. – Vol. 38, iss.7. – P. 733-746.
  • Guston, D. Retiring the Social Contract for Science. Issues in Science and Technology on-line. Summer 2000.
  • Innovation policy: updating the Union’s approach in the context of the Lisbon strategy. Communication from the Comission // Innovation & Technology Transfer. Special Edition. April 2003.
  • Kaukonen, E. and Nieminen, M. The changing role of universities in research and innovation systems: the case of Finland / 4th International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovations “Lear ning and Knowledge Networks for Development”. Mexico. Curitiba. 2000.
  • Knowledge management in the learning society, OECD, 2000
  • Lundvall, B.-A. National Systems of Innovation. Pinter, London, 1992.
  • Lundvall, B.-A. The Learning Economy: Some Implications for the Knowledge Base of Health and Education System / Knowledge Management in the Learning Society. Paris. OECD. 2000.
  • Nelson, R. National Innovation Systems. A Comparative Analysis. Oxford, 1993. Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development. Surveys. URL http://
  • Perez C. The Financial Crisis and the Future of Innovation: a View of Technical Change with the Aid of History. Working Papers in Technology Governance and Economic Dynamics no. 28. The other canon foundation, Norway. Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn. February, 2010.
  • Ranga M. & Etzkowitz H. (2012): Great Expectations: An Innovation Solution to the Contemporary Economic Crisis. European Planning Studies, 20:9, 1429-1438. 2012.
  • Regional Innovation Monitor: Innovation Patterns and Innovation Policy in European Regions - Trends, Challenges and Perspectives. 2010 Annual Report. 20 April 2011. URL
  • Rodrigues and Melo. The Triple Helix Model as an instrument of local response to the economic crisis”. European Planning Studies, 20:9. 2012.
  • Russia in 2005. Russia in 2008. Russia in 2010. Russia in 2012. Handbooks of Russian State Statistic Service. Moscow, 2006, 2009, 2011, 2013.
  • Smith, K. Interactions in Knowledge systems: foundations, policy implications and empirical methods. STI Review. N 16. OECD. 1995.
  • Smith, K. What is the “knowledge-based economy”? Knowledge-intensive industries and distributed knowledge bases. DRUID Summer Conference on The Learning Economy – Firms, Regions and Nation Specific Institutions. June 15-17 2000. P.3.
  • Systems of Innovation: Technologies, Institutions and Organizations. Edited by C. Edquist. Pinter. London. 1997.
  • Universities and the Global Knowledge Economy: A Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government Relations. Edited by H.Etzkowitz & L.Leydesdorff. London, Pinter, 1997.
  • University-industry R&D collaboration in the United States, The United Kingdom, and Japan. By D.Rahm, J.Kirkland, and B.Bozeman. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.
  • Глазьев С.Ю. Уроки очередной российской революции: крах либеральной утопии и шанс на «экономическое чудо». – М.: Изд. дом «Экономическая газета», 2011. – 576 с.
  • (Glazyev, S.Yu. Lessons of Recurrent Russian Revolution: Crash of Liberal Utopia and Chance on “Economic Miracle”. Moscow, 2011.)
  • Дулепин Ю.А., Казакова Н.В. Трансфер и коммерциализация инноваций в экономике знаний: монография. – Саратов: Издательство «КУБиК», 2012. - 235 с. (13,65 п.л.). (Dulepin, Yu.A., Kazakova, N.V. Transfer and Commercialization of Innovations in Knowledge Economy. Saratov, 2012)
  • Казакова Н.В. Исследование инновационных систем в период глобальной рецессии / Направления развития инновационной экономики России: монография; под общей ред. проф. О.Ю.Гoрдашниковой. – Саратов: Издательство «КУБиК», 2011. - 252 с. - С. 101-118. (Kazakova, N.V. Innovation Systems Research during Global Recession. In: Ways of Russian Innovation Economy Development: Monograph. Saratov, 2011).
  • Казакова Н.В. Университеты и экономика, основанная на знаниях. Саратов: Сарат. гос. техн. ун-т, 2002. (Kazakova, N.V. Universities and Knowledge-Based Economy. Saratov, 2002).
  • Казакова Н.В. Экономика и знания. – Саратов: Сарат. гос. техн. ун-т, 2002. (Kazakova, N.V. Economy and Knowledge. Saratov, 2002).
  • Казьменков Д.А. Малые инновационные предприятия при вузах Белгородской области как часть инновационной системы региона // «Интеллектуально-инновационное развитие региона». 2012, N 2. (Kazmenkov, D.A. Small Innovation Enterprises under Belgorod Universities as a Part Regional Innovation System. Intellectual and Innovation Development of Region, 2012, N 2)
  • Казьменков, Д. Малые инновационные предприятия при вузах России: проблемы развития / Д. Казьменков, В. Московкин ; НИУ БелГУ // Ректор вуза. - 2013. - №1.-C. 60-66. (Kazmenkov, D.A., Moskovkin, V. Small Innovation Enterprises under Russian Universities: Problems of Development. University Rector. 2013. N 1).
  • Трансформация российских университетов в учебно-научно-инновационные комплексы / В.Р.Атоян, Ю.В.Чеботаревский, Н.В.Казакова и др. Под общей ред. В.Р.Атояна. Саратов. СГТУ. 2001. (Atoyan, V.R., Tchebotarevsky, Yu.V., Kazakova, N.V. Transformation of Russian Universities into Education-Research-Innovative Universities. Saratov, 2001).
Toplam 47 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Research Article

Nina Kazakova Bu kişi benim

Olga Sysoyeva Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Kazakova, N., & Sysoyeva, O. (2015). Innovation Entrepreneurship at Universities in the Emerging Innovation Systems. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 4(1), 83-106.