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The Disruptive Nature of 3D Printing Technology on Mass Customization and Supply Chain In The Context of Environment and Economy

Yıl 2023, , 54 - 65, 30.03.2023


Today's production paradigm is shaped by mass production, where production processes and tools are standardized, expertise is not taken much into account, and the same products are produced either in batches or massively in small varieties. Production is carried out in factories in certain centers, and the products produced are often distributed all over the world. There is a need for a multi-agent supply chain network and supply chain management with the stages of delivering the products to the final consumer, starting from the pre-production stage. It has become clear that the need for a complex supply chain network by producing products from a single center is no longer economical and environmentally friendly. In recent years, consumers have started to think about the harmful effects of the products they buy. Changing customer needs and demands have also made companies consider the mass customization production model. Recently, three-dimensional printing technologies, also defined as additive manufacturing technology, have emerged as a new production technology. With this disruptive technology, production models and supply chain networks are subject to change and transformation. In this study, the environmental and economic benefits of 3D printing technology are analyzed in the context of mass customization production model and supply chains.

Destekleyen Kurum

Marmara University Scientific Research Coordination Unit (BAPKO)

Proje Numarası



This study was supported by Marmara University Scientific Research Coordination Unit (BAPKO) with FEN-C-DRP-120417-0180 Project number.


  • Berman, B., (2020). Managing the Disruptive Effects of 3D Printing. Rutgers Business Review 5 (3).
  • Corsini, L., Aranda-Jan, C.B., & Moultrie, J., (2020). The impact of 3D printing on the humanitarian supply chain. Production Planning & Control, 33:6-7, 692-704, DOI: 10.1080/09537287.2020.1834130.
  • Çetiner, B.G., & Gündoğan, M. (2014). Defying Planned Obsolescence: Paradigm Change for Macro Level Sustainability of Supply Chain Management Systems, CIE44 & IMSS’14 Proceedings, p. 809-814.
  • Efendioğlu, D., Bayram, G., & Çetiner, B.G. (2016). The impact of miscellaneous industrial areas to Turkey’s growth rate point of paradigms of mass production and mass customization. Üretim Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, İstanbul, Türkiye. Fang, C., & Zhang, J., (2018). Performance of green supply chain management: A systematic review and meta analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production 183, 1064-1081.
  • Feng, Y., Lai, K., & Zhu, Q., (2022). Green supply chain innovation: Emergence, adoption, and challenges. Int. J. Production Economics 248, 108497. Gündoğan, M., & Çetiner, B.G., (2014). Debt Based Monetary System. CIE44 & IMSS’14 Proceedings, p. 2315-2323.
  • IIlich, I., (1977). Toward a history of need. Heyday Books, Berkeley, United States of America, p. 110-143.
  • Jordan, J.M., (2019). Additive manufacturing (“3D printing”) and the future of organizational design: some early notes from the field. Journal of Organization Design, 8:5
  • Melchels, F.P.W., Domingos, M.A.N., Klein, T.J., Malda, J., Bartolo, P.J., & Hutmacher, D.W., (2014). Additive manufacturing of tissues and organs. Progress in Polymer Science, 37, 1079-1104.
  • Pirjan, A., & Petroşanu, D.M., (2013). The impact of 3D printing technology on the society and economy. Journal of Information Sytems & Operations Management. 360-370.
  • Ryan, M.J., Eyers, D.R., Potter, A.T., Purvis, L., & Gosling, J., (2017). 3D printing the future: scenarios for supply chains reviewed. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 47 (10) 992-1014 Emerald Publishing Limited 0960-0035 DOI 10.1108/IJPDLM-12-2016-0359.
  • Shree, M.V., Dhinakaran, V., Rajkumar, V., Bupathi Ram, P.M., Vijayakumar, M.D., & Sathish, T., (2019). Effect of 3D printing on supply chain management. Materials Today: Proceedings 21 958–963.
  • Silva, J.V.L., & Rezende, R.A., (2013). Additive Manufacturing and its future impact in logistics. 6th IFAC Conference on Management and Control of Production and Logistics. The International Federation of Automatic Control September 11-13. Fortaleza, Brazil.
  • Sun, H., Zheng, H., Sun, X., & Li, W., (2022). Customized Investment Decisions for New and Remanufactured Products Supply Chain Based on 3D Printing Technology. Sustainability, 14, 2502. su14052502.
  • Toğay, A., & Sağıroğlu, Ö., (2019). 3 boyutlu baskı teknolojilerinin mimarlık ve inşaat alanında kullanımında mevcut durum değerlendirmesi. 4th International Congress on 3D Printing (Additive Manufacturing) Technology and Digital Industry.
  • Ukobitz, D., & Faullant, R., (2021). Leveraging 3D Printing Technologies: The Case of Mexico’s Footwear Industry. Research-Technology Management, 64:2, 20-30, DOI: 10.1080/08956308.2021.1864919.
  • Wittbrodt, B.T., Glover, A.G., Laureto, J., Anzalone, G.C., Oppliger, D., Irwin, J.L., & Pearce, J.M. (2013). Optimization Approaches and Applications in Supply Chain Management. (2013). Life-cycle economic analysis of distributed manufacturing with open-source 3-D printers. Mechatronics 23, 713-726.
  • Yılmaz, D., (2003). Tedarik Zinciri Yönetiminde En İyileme Yaklaşımları ve Uygulamaları. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Uludağ Üniversitesi, Türkiye, s. 4

3D Baskı Teknolojisinin Çevre ve Ekonomi Bağlamında Kitlesel Özelleştirme ve Tedarik Zinciri Üzerindeki Yıkıcı Doğası

Yıl 2023, , 54 - 65, 30.03.2023


Günümüz üretim paradigması, üretim süreçlerinin ve araçlarının standart hale getirildiği, uzmanlığın pek dikkate alınmadığı, aynı ürünlerin partiler halinde ya da kitlesel olarak küçük çeşitler halinde üretildiği seri üretim ile şekillenmektedir. Belirli merkezlerdeki fabrikalarda üretim yapılmakta ve üretilen ürünler çoğu zaman tüm dünyaya dağıtılmaktadır. Ürünlerin üretim öncesi aşamadan başlayarak nihai tüketiciye ulaştırılması aşamaları ile çok etmenli bir tedarik zinciri ağına ve tedarik zinciri yönetimine ihtiyaç vardır. Tek bir merkezden ürün üreterek karmaşık bir tedarik zinciri ağına duyulan ihtiyacın artık ekonomik ve çevre dostu olmadığı ortaya çıkmıştır. Son yıllarda tüketiciler satın aldıkları ürünlerin zararlı etkilerini düşünmeye başladılar. Değişen müşteri ihtiyaç ve talepleri de firmaları kitlesel bireyselleştirme üretim modelini düşünmeye sevk etmiştir. Son zamanlarda, eklemeli imalat teknolojisi olarak da adlandırılan üç boyutlu baskı teknolojileri, yeni bir üretim teknolojisi olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu yıkıcı teknoloji ile üretim modelleri ve tedarik zinciri ağları değişime ve dönüşüme tabidir. Bu çalışmada, 3D baskı teknolojisinin çevresel ve ekonomik faydaları, kitlesel bireyselleştirme üretim modeli ve tedarik zincirleri bağlamında analiz edilmektedir.

Proje Numarası



  • Berman, B., (2020). Managing the Disruptive Effects of 3D Printing. Rutgers Business Review 5 (3).
  • Corsini, L., Aranda-Jan, C.B., & Moultrie, J., (2020). The impact of 3D printing on the humanitarian supply chain. Production Planning & Control, 33:6-7, 692-704, DOI: 10.1080/09537287.2020.1834130.
  • Çetiner, B.G., & Gündoğan, M. (2014). Defying Planned Obsolescence: Paradigm Change for Macro Level Sustainability of Supply Chain Management Systems, CIE44 & IMSS’14 Proceedings, p. 809-814.
  • Efendioğlu, D., Bayram, G., & Çetiner, B.G. (2016). The impact of miscellaneous industrial areas to Turkey’s growth rate point of paradigms of mass production and mass customization. Üretim Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, İstanbul, Türkiye. Fang, C., & Zhang, J., (2018). Performance of green supply chain management: A systematic review and meta analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production 183, 1064-1081.
  • Feng, Y., Lai, K., & Zhu, Q., (2022). Green supply chain innovation: Emergence, adoption, and challenges. Int. J. Production Economics 248, 108497. Gündoğan, M., & Çetiner, B.G., (2014). Debt Based Monetary System. CIE44 & IMSS’14 Proceedings, p. 2315-2323.
  • IIlich, I., (1977). Toward a history of need. Heyday Books, Berkeley, United States of America, p. 110-143.
  • Jordan, J.M., (2019). Additive manufacturing (“3D printing”) and the future of organizational design: some early notes from the field. Journal of Organization Design, 8:5
  • Melchels, F.P.W., Domingos, M.A.N., Klein, T.J., Malda, J., Bartolo, P.J., & Hutmacher, D.W., (2014). Additive manufacturing of tissues and organs. Progress in Polymer Science, 37, 1079-1104.
  • Pirjan, A., & Petroşanu, D.M., (2013). The impact of 3D printing technology on the society and economy. Journal of Information Sytems & Operations Management. 360-370.
  • Ryan, M.J., Eyers, D.R., Potter, A.T., Purvis, L., & Gosling, J., (2017). 3D printing the future: scenarios for supply chains reviewed. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 47 (10) 992-1014 Emerald Publishing Limited 0960-0035 DOI 10.1108/IJPDLM-12-2016-0359.
  • Shree, M.V., Dhinakaran, V., Rajkumar, V., Bupathi Ram, P.M., Vijayakumar, M.D., & Sathish, T., (2019). Effect of 3D printing on supply chain management. Materials Today: Proceedings 21 958–963.
  • Silva, J.V.L., & Rezende, R.A., (2013). Additive Manufacturing and its future impact in logistics. 6th IFAC Conference on Management and Control of Production and Logistics. The International Federation of Automatic Control September 11-13. Fortaleza, Brazil.
  • Sun, H., Zheng, H., Sun, X., & Li, W., (2022). Customized Investment Decisions for New and Remanufactured Products Supply Chain Based on 3D Printing Technology. Sustainability, 14, 2502. su14052502.
  • Toğay, A., & Sağıroğlu, Ö., (2019). 3 boyutlu baskı teknolojilerinin mimarlık ve inşaat alanında kullanımında mevcut durum değerlendirmesi. 4th International Congress on 3D Printing (Additive Manufacturing) Technology and Digital Industry.
  • Ukobitz, D., & Faullant, R., (2021). Leveraging 3D Printing Technologies: The Case of Mexico’s Footwear Industry. Research-Technology Management, 64:2, 20-30, DOI: 10.1080/08956308.2021.1864919.
  • Wittbrodt, B.T., Glover, A.G., Laureto, J., Anzalone, G.C., Oppliger, D., Irwin, J.L., & Pearce, J.M. (2013). Optimization Approaches and Applications in Supply Chain Management. (2013). Life-cycle economic analysis of distributed manufacturing with open-source 3-D printers. Mechatronics 23, 713-726.
  • Yılmaz, D., (2003). Tedarik Zinciri Yönetiminde En İyileme Yaklaşımları ve Uygulamaları. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Uludağ Üniversitesi, Türkiye, s. 4
Toplam 17 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Derleme

Gökçen Bayram 0000-0001-8892-1020

B. Gültekin Çetiner 0000-0001-7932-1023

Proje Numarası FEN-C-DRP-120417-0180
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Mart 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Bayram, G., & Çetiner, B. G. (2023). The Disruptive Nature of 3D Printing Technology on Mass Customization and Supply Chain In The Context of Environment and Economy. International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Pure Sciences, 35(1), 54-65.
AMA Bayram G, Çetiner BG. The Disruptive Nature of 3D Printing Technology on Mass Customization and Supply Chain In The Context of Environment and Economy. JEPS. Mart 2023;35(1):54-65. doi:10.7240/jeps.1196646
Chicago Bayram, Gökçen, ve B. Gültekin Çetiner. “The Disruptive Nature of 3D Printing Technology on Mass Customization and Supply Chain In The Context of Environment and Economy”. International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Pure Sciences 35, sy. 1 (Mart 2023): 54-65.
EndNote Bayram G, Çetiner BG (01 Mart 2023) The Disruptive Nature of 3D Printing Technology on Mass Customization and Supply Chain In The Context of Environment and Economy. International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Pure Sciences 35 1 54–65.
IEEE G. Bayram ve B. G. Çetiner, “The Disruptive Nature of 3D Printing Technology on Mass Customization and Supply Chain In The Context of Environment and Economy”, JEPS, c. 35, sy. 1, ss. 54–65, 2023, doi: 10.7240/jeps.1196646.
ISNAD Bayram, Gökçen - Çetiner, B. Gültekin. “The Disruptive Nature of 3D Printing Technology on Mass Customization and Supply Chain In The Context of Environment and Economy”. International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Pure Sciences 35/1 (Mart 2023), 54-65.
JAMA Bayram G, Çetiner BG. The Disruptive Nature of 3D Printing Technology on Mass Customization and Supply Chain In The Context of Environment and Economy. JEPS. 2023;35:54–65.
MLA Bayram, Gökçen ve B. Gültekin Çetiner. “The Disruptive Nature of 3D Printing Technology on Mass Customization and Supply Chain In The Context of Environment and Economy”. International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Pure Sciences, c. 35, sy. 1, 2023, ss. 54-65, doi:10.7240/jeps.1196646.
Vancouver Bayram G, Çetiner BG. The Disruptive Nature of 3D Printing Technology on Mass Customization and Supply Chain In The Context of Environment and Economy. JEPS. 2023;35(1):54-65.