Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster


Yıl 2020, , 597 - 604, 25.06.2020


Airway is one of the widely preferred transportation in Turkey since investment in the sector in the last decade. Increase in interest to airway causes more energy consumption and emissions. Thus evaluation of air transportation induced emissions draws attention of researchers. In this framework the current paper discusses environmental and economic evaluation of emissions from aircraft in Isparta Süleyman Demirel Airport in 2018. At the end of the study March month of the year is determined to be the period that environmental impact and environmental cost reach peak point. 

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası





  • Altuntas, O., 2014. Calculation of domestic flight-caused global warming potential from aircraft emissions in Turkish airports. International Journal of Global Warming, 6 (4), 367-379.
  • Chilongola, F. D., Ahyudanari, E., 2019. Aviation and Aircraft Engine Emissions at Juanda IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 645, 012022.
  • Ekici, S., Yalin, G., Altuntas, O., Karakoc, T. H., 2013. Calculation of HC, CO and NOx from civil aviation in Turkey in 2012. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 53 (3-4), 232-244.
  • Elbir, T., 2008. Estimation of engine emissions from commercial aircraft at a midsized Turkish airport. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 134 (3), 210-215.
  • Evertse, C., Visser, H. G., 2017. Real-time airport surface movement planning: Minimizing aircraft emissions. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 79, 224-241.
  • General Directorate of State Airports Authority, 2020. Aircraft, passenger, load series and forecasts. (Accessed on March 02, 2020).
  • ICAO, 2019. Annual Report of the Council-2018. (Accessed on March 04, 2020).
  • IPCC, 2019. Global Warming of 1. 5°C.An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty. Switzerland: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
  • Konuralp, E., 2020. Between neoliberal appetence and environmentalist reservations: The political economy of sustainable aviation. International Journal of Sustainable Aviation, In press.
  • Koudis, G. S., Hu, S. J., Majumdar, A., Jones, R., Stettler, M. E., 2017. Airport emissions reductions from reduced thrust takeoff operations. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 52, 15-28.
  • Kumas, K., Inan, O., Akyuz, A. Ö., Gungor, A., 2019. Muğla Dalaman Havalimanı Uçaklardan Kaynaklanan Karbon Ayak İzinin Belirlenmesi. Academic Platform Journal of Engineering and Science, 7 (2), 291-297.
  • Kuzu, S. L., 2018. Estimation and dispersion modeling of landing and take-off (LTO) cycle emissions from Atatürk International Airport. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 11 (2), 153-161.
  • Lee, D., Fahey, D., Forster, P., Newton, P., Wit, R., Lim, L, Owen, B., Sausen, R., 2009. Aviation and global climate change in the 21st century. Atmospheric Environment, 43 (22-23), 3520-3537.
  • Li, N., Sun, Y., Yu, J., Li, J. C., Zhang, H. F., Tsai, S., 2019. An Empirical Study on Low Emission Taxiing Path Optimization of Aircrafts on Airport Surfaces from the Perspective of Reducing Carbon Emissions. Energies, 12 (9), 1649.
  • Makridis, M., Lazaridis, M., 2019. Dispersion modeling of gaseous and particulate matter emissions from aircraft activity at Chania Airport, Greece. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 12 (8), 933-943.
  • Meyer, L., Tsatsaronis, G., Buchgeister, J. and Schebek, L., 2009. Exergoenvironmental analysis for evaluation of the environmental impact of energy conversion systems. Energy, 34 (1), 75-89.
  • Miyoshi, C., Mason, K. J., 2013. The damage cost of carbon dioxide emissions produced by passengers on airport surface access: the case of Manchester Airport. Journal of Transport Geography, 28, 137-143.
  • Ozgunoglu, K., Uygur, N., 2017. Kahramanmaraş Havalimanı İçin Uçaklardan Kaynaklanan Emisyonların Belirlenmesi. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 20 (3), 24-30.
  • Taghizadeh, S. A., Shafabakhsh, G. H., Aghayan, I., 2019. Evaluation of aircraft emission at Imam Khomeini International Airport and Mehrabad International Airport. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 16 (11), 6587-6598.
  • Terrenoire, E., Hauglustaine, D. A., Gasser, T., Penanhoat, O., 2019. The contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from the aviation sector to future climate change. Environmental Research Letters, 14 (8), 084019.
  • Thanjangreeda, W., Chuersuwanb, N., 2020. Commercial Aircraft Emission Estimates with 1 km x 1 km Resolution: A Case of Departure Flights at Suvarnabhumi Airport. Environment Asia, 13, 10-17.
  • TSI, 2019. Total Passenger and Freight Traffic at Airports. on March 20, 2020).
  • Unal, I., Türkoğlu, F., Doğan, B., 2014. Nevşehir Kapadokya Havalimanının Emisyon ve Gürültü Açısından Değerlendirilmesi. Mühendis ve Makina, 55 (654), 24-29.
  • Vogtlander, J., 2019. Data on Eco-Costs. Netherlands: Delft University of Technology.
  • Xu, H., Fu, Q., Yu, Y., Liu, Q., Pan, J., Cheng, J., Wang, Z., Liu, L., 2020. Quantifying aircraft emissions of Shanghai Pudong International Airport with aircraft ground operational data. Environmental Pollution, 261, 114115.
  • Xu, H., Xiao, K., Cheng, J., Yu, Y., Liu, Q., Pan, J., Chen, J., Chen, F., Fu, Q., 2020. Characterizing aircraft engine fuel and emission parameters of taxi phase for Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport with aircraft operational data. Science of The Total Environment, 720, 137431.
  • Yang, X., Cheng, S., Lang, J., Xu, R., Lv, Z., 2018. Characterization of aircraft emissions and air quality impacts of an international airport. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 72, 198-207.
  • Yilmaz, I., 2017. Emissions from passenger aircraft at Kayseri Airport, Turkey. Journal of Air Transport Management, 58, 176-182.
  • Yilmaz, I., Ilbas, M., 2012. Gaz türbinli uçak motorlarında kirletici emisyonların incelenmesi. Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 27 (2), 343-351.
  • Zhang, M., Huang, Q., Liu, S., Li, H., 2019. Assessment Method of Fuel Consumption and Emissions of Aircraft during Taxiing on Airport Surface under Given Meteorological Conditions. Sustainability, 11 (21), 6110.
  • Zhou, Y., Jiao, Y., Lang, J., Chen, D., Huang, C., Wei, P., Li, S., Cheng, S., 2019. Improved estimation of air pollutant emissions from landing and takeoff cycles of civil aircraft in China. Environmental Pollution, 249, 463-471.


Yıl 2020, , 597 - 604, 25.06.2020


Son yıllardaki havacılık alanına yapılan yatırımlar nedeniyle Türkiye’de havayolu yaygın olarak tercih edilen ulaşım yollarından birisidir. Havayoluna olan ilginin artışı daha fazla enerji tüketimi ve emisyonların oluşmasına sebep olmaktadır. Bu nedenle hava taşımacılığından kaynaklı emisyonların incelenmesi araştırmacıların dikkatini ve ilgisini çekmektedir. Bu çerçevede bu çalışma 2018 yılında Isparta Süleyman Demirel Havaalanı’nda uçaklardan kaynaklanan emisyonların çevresel ve ekonomik değerlendirmesini ele almaktadır. Çalışma sonucunda Mart ayı çevresel etki ve çevresel maliyetlerin en üst noktaya ulaştığı dönem olarak belirlenmiştir.

Proje Numarası



  • Altuntas, O., 2014. Calculation of domestic flight-caused global warming potential from aircraft emissions in Turkish airports. International Journal of Global Warming, 6 (4), 367-379.
  • Chilongola, F. D., Ahyudanari, E., 2019. Aviation and Aircraft Engine Emissions at Juanda IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 645, 012022.
  • Ekici, S., Yalin, G., Altuntas, O., Karakoc, T. H., 2013. Calculation of HC, CO and NOx from civil aviation in Turkey in 2012. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 53 (3-4), 232-244.
  • Elbir, T., 2008. Estimation of engine emissions from commercial aircraft at a midsized Turkish airport. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 134 (3), 210-215.
  • Evertse, C., Visser, H. G., 2017. Real-time airport surface movement planning: Minimizing aircraft emissions. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 79, 224-241.
  • General Directorate of State Airports Authority, 2020. Aircraft, passenger, load series and forecasts. (Accessed on March 02, 2020).
  • ICAO, 2019. Annual Report of the Council-2018. (Accessed on March 04, 2020).
  • IPCC, 2019. Global Warming of 1. 5°C.An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty. Switzerland: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
  • Konuralp, E., 2020. Between neoliberal appetence and environmentalist reservations: The political economy of sustainable aviation. International Journal of Sustainable Aviation, In press.
  • Koudis, G. S., Hu, S. J., Majumdar, A., Jones, R., Stettler, M. E., 2017. Airport emissions reductions from reduced thrust takeoff operations. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 52, 15-28.
  • Kumas, K., Inan, O., Akyuz, A. Ö., Gungor, A., 2019. Muğla Dalaman Havalimanı Uçaklardan Kaynaklanan Karbon Ayak İzinin Belirlenmesi. Academic Platform Journal of Engineering and Science, 7 (2), 291-297.
  • Kuzu, S. L., 2018. Estimation and dispersion modeling of landing and take-off (LTO) cycle emissions from Atatürk International Airport. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 11 (2), 153-161.
  • Lee, D., Fahey, D., Forster, P., Newton, P., Wit, R., Lim, L, Owen, B., Sausen, R., 2009. Aviation and global climate change in the 21st century. Atmospheric Environment, 43 (22-23), 3520-3537.
  • Li, N., Sun, Y., Yu, J., Li, J. C., Zhang, H. F., Tsai, S., 2019. An Empirical Study on Low Emission Taxiing Path Optimization of Aircrafts on Airport Surfaces from the Perspective of Reducing Carbon Emissions. Energies, 12 (9), 1649.
  • Makridis, M., Lazaridis, M., 2019. Dispersion modeling of gaseous and particulate matter emissions from aircraft activity at Chania Airport, Greece. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 12 (8), 933-943.
  • Meyer, L., Tsatsaronis, G., Buchgeister, J. and Schebek, L., 2009. Exergoenvironmental analysis for evaluation of the environmental impact of energy conversion systems. Energy, 34 (1), 75-89.
  • Miyoshi, C., Mason, K. J., 2013. The damage cost of carbon dioxide emissions produced by passengers on airport surface access: the case of Manchester Airport. Journal of Transport Geography, 28, 137-143.
  • Ozgunoglu, K., Uygur, N., 2017. Kahramanmaraş Havalimanı İçin Uçaklardan Kaynaklanan Emisyonların Belirlenmesi. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 20 (3), 24-30.
  • Taghizadeh, S. A., Shafabakhsh, G. H., Aghayan, I., 2019. Evaluation of aircraft emission at Imam Khomeini International Airport and Mehrabad International Airport. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 16 (11), 6587-6598.
  • Terrenoire, E., Hauglustaine, D. A., Gasser, T., Penanhoat, O., 2019. The contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from the aviation sector to future climate change. Environmental Research Letters, 14 (8), 084019.
  • Thanjangreeda, W., Chuersuwanb, N., 2020. Commercial Aircraft Emission Estimates with 1 km x 1 km Resolution: A Case of Departure Flights at Suvarnabhumi Airport. Environment Asia, 13, 10-17.
  • TSI, 2019. Total Passenger and Freight Traffic at Airports. on March 20, 2020).
  • Unal, I., Türkoğlu, F., Doğan, B., 2014. Nevşehir Kapadokya Havalimanının Emisyon ve Gürültü Açısından Değerlendirilmesi. Mühendis ve Makina, 55 (654), 24-29.
  • Vogtlander, J., 2019. Data on Eco-Costs. Netherlands: Delft University of Technology.
  • Xu, H., Fu, Q., Yu, Y., Liu, Q., Pan, J., Cheng, J., Wang, Z., Liu, L., 2020. Quantifying aircraft emissions of Shanghai Pudong International Airport with aircraft ground operational data. Environmental Pollution, 261, 114115.
  • Xu, H., Xiao, K., Cheng, J., Yu, Y., Liu, Q., Pan, J., Chen, J., Chen, F., Fu, Q., 2020. Characterizing aircraft engine fuel and emission parameters of taxi phase for Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport with aircraft operational data. Science of The Total Environment, 720, 137431.
  • Yang, X., Cheng, S., Lang, J., Xu, R., Lv, Z., 2018. Characterization of aircraft emissions and air quality impacts of an international airport. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 72, 198-207.
  • Yilmaz, I., 2017. Emissions from passenger aircraft at Kayseri Airport, Turkey. Journal of Air Transport Management, 58, 176-182.
  • Yilmaz, I., Ilbas, M., 2012. Gaz türbinli uçak motorlarında kirletici emisyonların incelenmesi. Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 27 (2), 343-351.
  • Zhang, M., Huang, Q., Liu, S., Li, H., 2019. Assessment Method of Fuel Consumption and Emissions of Aircraft during Taxiing on Airport Surface under Given Meteorological Conditions. Sustainability, 11 (21), 6110.
  • Zhou, Y., Jiao, Y., Lang, J., Chen, D., Huang, C., Wei, P., Li, S., Cheng, S., 2019. Improved estimation of air pollutant emissions from landing and takeoff cycles of civil aircraft in China. Environmental Pollution, 249, 463-471.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Makine Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri \ Research Articles

Selcuk Ekici 0000-0002-7090-3243

Yasin Şöhret 0000-0002-6821-3366

Proje Numarası -
Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Haziran 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 26 Mart 2020
Kabul Tarihi 17 Mayıs 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster


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