Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2020, , 703 - 711, 24.09.2020


Bu çalışma, Orta Anadolu bölgesine ait Serbest Hava Gravite verisindeki topoğrafik etkileri rejyonal ölçekte en aza indirgeyen atmosfer-kabuk ara yüzeyi kabuk yoğunluğu değerinin belirlenmesini amaçlamıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda bölgenin yükseklik verileri kullanılarak Serbest Hava Gravite verilerinin çeşitli kabuk yoğunluğu değerleri için topoğrafik etkilerinin indirgemesi yapılmış ve uygulanan her bir yoğunluk değerine ilişkin basit Bouguer Gravite anomalileri elde edilerek bunların Fraktal boyutları hesaplanmıştır. İndirgeme işlemlerinde kullanılan değişken kabuk yoğunluğu değerlerine karşılık elde edilen basit Bouguer Gravite anomalilerinin Fraktal boyutlarının grafiksel analizleri sonucunda Orta Anadolu bölgesi Serbest Hava Gravite verilerindeki topoğrafik etkiyi rejyonal ölçekte minimize eden atmosfer-kabuk ara yüzeyi kabuk yoğunluğu değeri 2.59 gr/cm3 olarak hesaplanmıştır.


  • Albora, A. M., Ucan, O. N., Aydoğan, A. 2007. Tectonic Modeling of Konya-Beysehir Region (Turkey) Using Cellular Neural Networks, Annals of Geophysics, 50, 5, 603-614.
  • Ates A., Kearey, P., Tufan S. 1999. New gravity and magnetic anomaly maps of Turkey. Geophys. J. Int., 136, 499-502.
  • Barton, C. C., LaPointe, P.R., Malinverno, A. 1991, Short course, notes: fractal geometry and its application to the petroleum industry. Am. Assoc. Petr. Geol. Ann. Mtg.
  • Candan, O., Cetinkaplan, M., Oberhansli, R., Rimmele, G., Akal, C. 2005. Alpine highpressure low-temperature metamorphism of the Afyon zone and implications for the metamorphic evolution of western Anatolia, Turkey. Lithos, 84 (1-2), 102-124.
  • Chapin, D.A. 1996. A Deterministic Approach Toward Isostatic Gravity Residuals - A Case Study from South America. Geophysics, 61(4,) 1022-1033.
  • Ekinci, Y.L., Yiğitbaş, E. 2015. Interpretation of gravity anomalies to delineate some structural features of Biga andGelibolu peninsulas, and their surroundings (north-west Turkey). Geodinamica Acta, 27 (4), 300–319.
  • Ekinci, Y.L., Balkaya, Ç., Göktürkler, G., Turan, S. 2016. Model parameter estimations from residual gravity anomaliesdue to simple-shaped sources using Differential Evolution Algorithm. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 129, 133–147.
  • Ercan, T. 1986. Orta Anadolu’daki Senozoyik Volkanizması. MTA Dergisi, 107, 119-140.
  • Fukao, Y., Yamamoto, A., Nozaki, K. 1981. A method of density determination for gravity correction. J. Phys. Earth, 29, 163-166.
  • Gibb, R.A., Thomas, M.D. 1980. Density determinations of basic volcanic rocks of the Yellowknife supergroup by gravity measurements in mine shafts-Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. Geophysics, 45(1), 18-31.
  • Hammer, S. 1950. Density determinations by underground gravity measurements. Geophysics, 15, 637-652.
  • Hinze W. J., Aiken C., Brozena J., Coakley B., Dater D., Flanagan G., Forsberg R., Hildebrand T., Keller G. R., Kellogg J., Kucks R., Li X., Mainville A., Morin R., Pilkington M., Plouff D., Ravat D., Roman D., Urrutia-Fucugauchi J., Veronneau M., Webring M, Winester D. 2005. New standards for reducing gravity data: The North American gravity database. Geophysics, 70, J25–J32.
  • Hisarlı, M., Orbay, N. 2001. Determination of Crustal Density at The Atmosphere-Crust Interface of Western Anatolia by Using The Fractal Method. Journal of The Balkan Geophysical Society, 5(1), 3-8.
  • Kaftan, İ., Şalk, M., Sarı, C. 2005. Application of the finite element method to gravity data case study: WesternTurkey. Journal of Geodynamics, 39, 431–443.
  • LaFehr, T.R. 1983. Rock densities from borehole gravity surveys. Geophysics, 48, 341-356.
  • LaFehr, T.R. 1991. Standardization in gravity reduction. Geophysics, 56, 1170–1178.
  • Lefebvre, C., Barnhoorn, A.,. Van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Kaymakci, N., Vissers, R. L.M. 2011. Late Cretaceous Extensional Denudation Along a Marble Detachment Fault Zone in the Kırsehir Massif Near Kaman, central Turkey. Journal of Structural Geology, 33, 1220-1236.
  • Mark, D. M., Aronson, P. B. 1984. Scale-dependent fractal dimensions of topographic surfaces: An empirical investigation, with applications in geomorphology and computer mapping, Math. Geol., 16, 671-683.
  • Matt, B. 1977. Fractal Pattern in Nature:
  • Moribayashi, S. 1990. A new method for variable density correction of gravity data. BUTSURI-TANSA (Geophys. Explor.), 43, 97-106 (in Japanese with English abstract).
  • Murata, Y. 1993. Estimation of optimum average surficial density from gravity data: An objective Bayesian approach. J. Geophys. Res., 98, 12097-12109.
  • Nettleton, L.L. 1942. Gravity and Magnetic Calculations. Geophysics, 7, 293-310.
  • Okay, A.I., Harris, N.B.W., Kelley, S.P. 1998. Exhumation of blueschists along a Tethyan suture in northwest Turkey. Tectonophysics, 285 (3-4), 275-299.
  • Oksum, E., Hisarlı Z.M. 2011. Estimation of the avarage crustal density and its contrast to the mantle in the Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Geophysical Research Abstracts 13, 355s EGU General Assembly 2011.
  • Oksum, E., Dolmaz, M.N., Pham, L.T. 2019. Inverting gravity anomalies over the Burdur sedimentary basin, SWTurkey. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica, 54, 445-460.
  • Oruç, B. 2014. Structural interpretation of southern part of western Anatolian using analytic signal of the secondorder gravity gradients and discrete wavelet transform analysis. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 103, 82-98.
  • Pasquare, G. 1966, Outlines of the Neogene and Quaternary Volcanism of Asia Minör: Accad. Naz. dei Linç., 40, 1077-1085.
  • Parasnis, D.S. 1952. A study of rock density in the English Midlands. Mon. Not. R. Astron.Soc. Geophys. Suppl., 6, 252-271.
  • Rikitake, T., Tajima, H., Izutuya, S., Hagiwara, Y., Kawada, K., Sasai, Y. 1965. Gravimetric and geomagnetic studies of Onikobe area. Bull. Earthquake Res. Inst., Tokyo Univ., 43, 241-267.
  • Rimbert, F., Erling, J.C., Lakshmanan, J. 1987. Variable density Bouguer processing of gravity data from Herault, First Break, 5(1), 9-13.
  • Sissons, B.A. 1981, Densities determined from surface and subsurface gravity measurements. Geophysics, 46(11), 1568-1571.
  • Thorarinsson, F., Magnusson, S.G., 1990. Bouguer density determination by fractal analysis. Geophysics, 55(7), 806-948.
  • Tontini, F.C., Graziano, F., Cocchi, L., Carmisciano, C., Stefanelli, P. 2007. Determining the optimal Bouguer density for a gravity data set: implications for the isostatic setting of the Mediterranean Sea. Geophys. J. Int., 169, 380–388.
  • Torge, W. 1989. Gravimetry, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York, 465s.
  • Turcotte, D.L. 1992. Fractal and Chaos in Geology and Geophysics, Cambridge University Press.
  • Yamamoto, A. 1999. Estimating the Optimum Reduction Density for Gravity Anomaly: A Theoretical Overview. Jour. Fac. Sci., Hokkaido Univ., Ser. VII. Geophysics, 11(3), 577-599.


Yıl 2020, , 703 - 711, 24.09.2020


This study aimed to determine the crustal density value at the atmosphere-crust interface that minimizes the topographic effects in the free air gravity data of the Central Anatolia region on a regional scale. For this purpose, using the elevation data of the region, topographic effects were reduced for various crustal density values of Free Air Gravity data and fractal dimensions were calculated of the simple Bouguer Gravity anomalies obtained for each density value. As a result of the graphical analysis of the fractal dimensions of the simple Bouguer Gravity anomalies obtained in response to the variable crustal density values used in the reduction processes, the crustal density value at the atmosphere-crust interface, which minimizes the topographic effect in the free air gravity data on a regional scale, was calculated as 2.59 gr/cm3 for the Central Anatolia region.


  • Albora, A. M., Ucan, O. N., Aydoğan, A. 2007. Tectonic Modeling of Konya-Beysehir Region (Turkey) Using Cellular Neural Networks, Annals of Geophysics, 50, 5, 603-614.
  • Ates A., Kearey, P., Tufan S. 1999. New gravity and magnetic anomaly maps of Turkey. Geophys. J. Int., 136, 499-502.
  • Barton, C. C., LaPointe, P.R., Malinverno, A. 1991, Short course, notes: fractal geometry and its application to the petroleum industry. Am. Assoc. Petr. Geol. Ann. Mtg.
  • Candan, O., Cetinkaplan, M., Oberhansli, R., Rimmele, G., Akal, C. 2005. Alpine highpressure low-temperature metamorphism of the Afyon zone and implications for the metamorphic evolution of western Anatolia, Turkey. Lithos, 84 (1-2), 102-124.
  • Chapin, D.A. 1996. A Deterministic Approach Toward Isostatic Gravity Residuals - A Case Study from South America. Geophysics, 61(4,) 1022-1033.
  • Ekinci, Y.L., Yiğitbaş, E. 2015. Interpretation of gravity anomalies to delineate some structural features of Biga andGelibolu peninsulas, and their surroundings (north-west Turkey). Geodinamica Acta, 27 (4), 300–319.
  • Ekinci, Y.L., Balkaya, Ç., Göktürkler, G., Turan, S. 2016. Model parameter estimations from residual gravity anomaliesdue to simple-shaped sources using Differential Evolution Algorithm. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 129, 133–147.
  • Ercan, T. 1986. Orta Anadolu’daki Senozoyik Volkanizması. MTA Dergisi, 107, 119-140.
  • Fukao, Y., Yamamoto, A., Nozaki, K. 1981. A method of density determination for gravity correction. J. Phys. Earth, 29, 163-166.
  • Gibb, R.A., Thomas, M.D. 1980. Density determinations of basic volcanic rocks of the Yellowknife supergroup by gravity measurements in mine shafts-Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. Geophysics, 45(1), 18-31.
  • Hammer, S. 1950. Density determinations by underground gravity measurements. Geophysics, 15, 637-652.
  • Hinze W. J., Aiken C., Brozena J., Coakley B., Dater D., Flanagan G., Forsberg R., Hildebrand T., Keller G. R., Kellogg J., Kucks R., Li X., Mainville A., Morin R., Pilkington M., Plouff D., Ravat D., Roman D., Urrutia-Fucugauchi J., Veronneau M., Webring M, Winester D. 2005. New standards for reducing gravity data: The North American gravity database. Geophysics, 70, J25–J32.
  • Hisarlı, M., Orbay, N. 2001. Determination of Crustal Density at The Atmosphere-Crust Interface of Western Anatolia by Using The Fractal Method. Journal of The Balkan Geophysical Society, 5(1), 3-8.
  • Kaftan, İ., Şalk, M., Sarı, C. 2005. Application of the finite element method to gravity data case study: WesternTurkey. Journal of Geodynamics, 39, 431–443.
  • LaFehr, T.R. 1983. Rock densities from borehole gravity surveys. Geophysics, 48, 341-356.
  • LaFehr, T.R. 1991. Standardization in gravity reduction. Geophysics, 56, 1170–1178.
  • Lefebvre, C., Barnhoorn, A.,. Van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Kaymakci, N., Vissers, R. L.M. 2011. Late Cretaceous Extensional Denudation Along a Marble Detachment Fault Zone in the Kırsehir Massif Near Kaman, central Turkey. Journal of Structural Geology, 33, 1220-1236.
  • Mark, D. M., Aronson, P. B. 1984. Scale-dependent fractal dimensions of topographic surfaces: An empirical investigation, with applications in geomorphology and computer mapping, Math. Geol., 16, 671-683.
  • Matt, B. 1977. Fractal Pattern in Nature:
  • Moribayashi, S. 1990. A new method for variable density correction of gravity data. BUTSURI-TANSA (Geophys. Explor.), 43, 97-106 (in Japanese with English abstract).
  • Murata, Y. 1993. Estimation of optimum average surficial density from gravity data: An objective Bayesian approach. J. Geophys. Res., 98, 12097-12109.
  • Nettleton, L.L. 1942. Gravity and Magnetic Calculations. Geophysics, 7, 293-310.
  • Okay, A.I., Harris, N.B.W., Kelley, S.P. 1998. Exhumation of blueschists along a Tethyan suture in northwest Turkey. Tectonophysics, 285 (3-4), 275-299.
  • Oksum, E., Hisarlı Z.M. 2011. Estimation of the avarage crustal density and its contrast to the mantle in the Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Geophysical Research Abstracts 13, 355s EGU General Assembly 2011.
  • Oksum, E., Dolmaz, M.N., Pham, L.T. 2019. Inverting gravity anomalies over the Burdur sedimentary basin, SWTurkey. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica, 54, 445-460.
  • Oruç, B. 2014. Structural interpretation of southern part of western Anatolian using analytic signal of the secondorder gravity gradients and discrete wavelet transform analysis. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 103, 82-98.
  • Pasquare, G. 1966, Outlines of the Neogene and Quaternary Volcanism of Asia Minör: Accad. Naz. dei Linç., 40, 1077-1085.
  • Parasnis, D.S. 1952. A study of rock density in the English Midlands. Mon. Not. R. Astron.Soc. Geophys. Suppl., 6, 252-271.
  • Rikitake, T., Tajima, H., Izutuya, S., Hagiwara, Y., Kawada, K., Sasai, Y. 1965. Gravimetric and geomagnetic studies of Onikobe area. Bull. Earthquake Res. Inst., Tokyo Univ., 43, 241-267.
  • Rimbert, F., Erling, J.C., Lakshmanan, J. 1987. Variable density Bouguer processing of gravity data from Herault, First Break, 5(1), 9-13.
  • Sissons, B.A. 1981, Densities determined from surface and subsurface gravity measurements. Geophysics, 46(11), 1568-1571.
  • Thorarinsson, F., Magnusson, S.G., 1990. Bouguer density determination by fractal analysis. Geophysics, 55(7), 806-948.
  • Tontini, F.C., Graziano, F., Cocchi, L., Carmisciano, C., Stefanelli, P. 2007. Determining the optimal Bouguer density for a gravity data set: implications for the isostatic setting of the Mediterranean Sea. Geophys. J. Int., 169, 380–388.
  • Torge, W. 1989. Gravimetry, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York, 465s.
  • Turcotte, D.L. 1992. Fractal and Chaos in Geology and Geophysics, Cambridge University Press.
  • Yamamoto, A. 1999. Estimating the Optimum Reduction Density for Gravity Anomaly: A Theoretical Overview. Jour. Fac. Sci., Hokkaido Univ., Ser. VII. Geophysics, 11(3), 577-599.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Yer Bilimleri ve Jeoloji Mühendisliği (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri \ Research Articles

Ezgi Erbek 0000-0003-4627-8932

Erdinç Öksüm Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-8386-9411

M.nuri Dolmaz 0000-0002-9185-9835

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Eylül 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Nisan 2020
Kabul Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Erbek, E., Öksüm, E., & Dolmaz, M. (2020). ORTA ANADOLU BÖLGESİ ATMOSFER-KABUK ARA YÜZEYİ KABUK YOĞUNLUĞUNUN FRAKTAL BOYUTLAR İLE BELİRLENMESİ. Mühendislik Bilimleri Ve Tasarım Dergisi, 8(3), 703-711.

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