Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2025, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 306 - 324, 20.03.2025


One of the most important hazards in the foundry core production process is dimethylethylamine gas. DMEA (Dimethylethylamine) is an extremely volatile compound used in core hardening and has been reported to cause cancer and eye damage. It also risks process safety. In order to prevent this, the amount of DMEA injected into the core should be reduced without negatively affecting the core quality. The way to do this is to adjust the machine parameters used during core production to optimum values and to obtain the desired core hardness with the minimum amount of DMEA. In this article, it is aimed to obtain the optimization of the parameters affecting the core hardness in order to reduce the amount of DMEA by experimental research using the factorial design of experiments. For this purpose, 32 core production recipes were created with two levels of 10 core production parameters in the core production department of a foundry. The indentation hardness of the produced cores was measured and recorded. The results were analyzed with the Minitab 22 package program. The regression equation of the hardness output depending on the factors was obtained. One of the most important findings was that the amount of DMEA used could be reduced by increasing the gas temperature and reducing the gassing time without adversely affecting the desired core hardness. In addition, in terms of operational efficiency, reducing the gassing time will increase the number of cores produced per unit time. Less use of amine gas will also have positive effects on the quality of the casting part.

Etik Beyan

No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.


We would like to thank Döktaş Dökümcülük Orhangazi facilities for their support in conducting the experiments for this study.


  • Antony, J., 2003. Design of Experiments for Engineers and Scientists, Second Edition, ISBN 978-0-7506-4709-0
  • Bargaouia, H., Azzouza, F., Thibault, D., Cailletaud, G., 2017. Thermomechanical behavior of resin bonded foundry sand coresduring casting, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 246, 30–41.
  • Barot, R.,S., Patel, H., Devmurari, R., Shah, K., Sharma, B., Shah, J., 2020. IoT Feasibility Aspects Of Mold Temperature Monitoring and Casting Simulation For Smart Foundry, Materials Today: Proceedings 28, 1732–1738.
  • Beeley, P.R., 1972. Foundry Technology, ISBN-100408703482.
  • Behara, N.,C., Jeet, S., Nayak, C.,K., Bagal, D.,K., Panda, S.,N., Barua, A., 2022. Parametric Appraisal of Strength & Hardness of Resin Compacted Sand Castings Using Hybrid Taguchi-WASPAS-Material Generation Algorithm, Materials Today: Proceedings 50, 1226–1233
  • Chaudhari, S.,S., Aloni, S.,N., 2022. Optimization Of Green Sand Process for Quality Improvement in Castings by Using Combination of Taguchi Techniques-GRA-PCA, Materials Today: Proceedings 62, 1115–1121.
  • Chate, G.,R., Bhat, R.,P., Chate, U,N., 2014. Process Parameter Settings For Core Shooter Machine by Taguchi Approach, Procedia Materials Science 5, 1976 – 1985.
  • Danko, R., Kmita, A., Holtzer, M., Danko, J., Lehmhus, D., Tapola, S., 2023. Development of Inorganic Binder Systems to Minimise Emissions in Ferrous Foundries, Sustainable Materials and Technologies 37 (2023) e00666.
  • Gyarmati, G., Budavari, I., Fegyverneki, G., Varga, L., 2021. The Effect of Sand Quality on The Bending Strength and Thermal Distortion of Chemically Bonded Sand Cores, Heliyon 7, e07624.
  • Hunter, J, S, Hunter, W,G, Box, G,E,P, 2005. Statistics for Experiments, Wiley Interscience
  • Kanicki, D.,1994. Metal Casting’s Versatility Offer Users a Competitive Edge. Designers & Buyers, Guide to Selecting Casting Processes I. Casting World/Modern Casting Publication. 5-10.
  • Krishnaraj, R., 2015. Contemporary And Futuristic Views Of Pollution Control Devices In Foundries, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 120, 130–135
  • Kumar,S., Prakash, J., (2015), Optimization of Casting Process Parameters Using Taguchi Analysis, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 5 No.1. 131-134.
  • Mirer, F., E., 1989. Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety,4th Edition-Part XIII, Metal Processing and Metal Working Industry, Erişim Tarihi:01 Şubat 2019.
  • Pandit, H., Deshpande, A., 2021. Theory of Combined Imbalance for Quality Improvement in Green Sand Molded Castings, Materials Today: Proceedings 47, 2315–2321.
  • Primafound, 2023. Cores Manufacturing Secrets and Strategies from Design to Production.
  • Rekab, K., Shaikh, M., 2005. Statistical Design of Experiments with Engineering Applications, International Standard Book Number-13: 978-1-4200-5631-0 (eBook - PDF)
  • Rodríguez, E., Pérez A., Mercado-Solis R. D., Abraham V., Jimenez O., Flores M., Gonzalez M.A., Ibarra J.(2019). China Foundry Research & Development, Erosion problem in tool steel using cold box core-making process, Vol. 16, No. 3, 204-210.
  • Saikaew, C., Wiengwiset, S., 2012. Optimization Of Molding Sand Composition for Quality Improvement of Iron Castings, Applied Clay Science 67–68, 26–31.
  • Schneider, M., Stevenson, R., 2012. Simulation of the Entire Core Production Process, American Foundry Society.
  • Schorn, T,J., 2020. Enkei America Inc. (Columbus, Indiana), Modern Casting, January 2020
  • SGK, Sosyal Güvenlik Kurumu İstatistikleri,, Erişim Tarihi:01.03.2022
  • Singh, H., Kumar, A., 2016. Minimization of the Casting Defects Using Taguchi’s Method, International Journal of Engineering Science Invention ISSN (Online): 2319 – 6734, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 6726 Volume 5 Issue 12, December 2016, PP. 06-10.
  • Stauder, B.,J., Kerber, H., Schumacher, P., 2016. Foundry Sand Core Property Assessment by 3-point Bending Test Evaluation, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 237,188–196.
  • Treyger, A., 2015. Overview of Foundry Processes and Technologies: Manufacturing Metal Castings, CED Engineering, Continuing Education and Development, Inc. 22 Stonewall Court Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07677.
  • Türk, S.C., 2022. Döküm Tesislerinde Boya Kullanımı Sebebiyle Ortaya Çıkan Uçucu Organik Bileşiklerin Ölçümü ve İş Güvenliği Açısından İncelenmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Üsküdar Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
  • Tong, L., Shen X., Zhou J., Yin Y., Ji X., 2019. Numerical Investigation of Turbulent Flow Behavior of Sand Particles in Core Shooting Process, 9th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing (ICPNS’2019), Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2017) 000–000.
  • Udayan N., Srinivasan M.V., Vignesh V R., Govindaraju M., 2021. Elimination of Casting Defects Induced by Cold Box Cores, Materials Today: Proceedings 46 ,5022–5026.
  • Upadhye, R.,A., Keswani I.,P., 2012. Optimization of Sand Casting Process Parameter Using Taguchi Method in Foundry, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) Vol. 1 Issue 7, September – 2012 ISSN: 2278-0181.
  • Zhang, M., Zheng, Y.,D., Du, X.,Y., Lu, Y., Li, W.,J., Qi, C., Wu, Z.,L., 2010. Silicosis in Automobile Foundry Workers: A 29-Year Cohort Study, Biomedical And Environmental Sciences 23, 121-129.


Yıl 2025, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 306 - 324, 20.03.2025


Dökümhane maça üretim sürecinde en önemli tehlikelerden biri dimetiletilamin gazıdır. DMEA (Dimetiletilamin) maça sertleştirmede kullanılan aşırı uçucu bir bileşik olup kansere ve göz hasarına sebep olduğu bildirilmiştir. Ayrıca proses güvenliğini riske sokmaktadır. Bunun önüne geçmek için DMEA miktarının maça kalitesine negatif etki yapmadan maçaya enjekte edilen miktarının azaltılması gerekir. Bunu yapabilmenin yolu da maça üretimi sırasında kullanılan makine parametrelerinin optimum değerlere ayarlanması ile minimum miktarda DMEA ile istenen maça sertliğinin elde edilmesidir. Bu makalede faktöriyel deney tasarımı metodu kullanılarak deneysel araştırma ile DMEA miktarının azaltılması için maça sertliğine etki eden parametrelerin optimizasyonu elde edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla bir dökümhanenin maça üretim bölümünde 10 adet maça üretim parametresinin iki seviyesi ile 32 adet maça üretim reçetesi oluşturulmuştur. Üretilen maçaların batma sertlikleri ölçülmüş ve kayıt edilmiştir. Ortaya çıkan sonuçların Minitab 22 paket program ile analizleri yapılmıştır. Sertlik çıktısının faktörlere bağlı regresyon eşitliği elde edilmiştir. En önemli bulgulardan biri istenen maça sertliğini olumsuz etkilemeden gaz sıcaklığının artırılması ve gazlama süresinin düşürülmesi ile kullanılan DMEA miktarının azaltılabileceği olmuştur. Ayrıca, işletme verimliliği açısından da gazlama süresinin düşürülmesi birim zamanda üretilen maça sayısını artıracaktır. Amin gazının daha az kullanılması ile de döküm parça kalitesine olumlu yansımalar olacaktır.

Etik Beyan

Yazarlar tarafından herhangi bir çıkar çatışması beyan edilmemiştir.


Bu çalışma için deneylerin yapılmasında destek olan Döktaş Dökümcülük A.Ş. Orhangazi tesislerine teşekkür ederiz.


  • Antony, J., 2003. Design of Experiments for Engineers and Scientists, Second Edition, ISBN 978-0-7506-4709-0
  • Bargaouia, H., Azzouza, F., Thibault, D., Cailletaud, G., 2017. Thermomechanical behavior of resin bonded foundry sand coresduring casting, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 246, 30–41.
  • Barot, R.,S., Patel, H., Devmurari, R., Shah, K., Sharma, B., Shah, J., 2020. IoT Feasibility Aspects Of Mold Temperature Monitoring and Casting Simulation For Smart Foundry, Materials Today: Proceedings 28, 1732–1738.
  • Beeley, P.R., 1972. Foundry Technology, ISBN-100408703482.
  • Behara, N.,C., Jeet, S., Nayak, C.,K., Bagal, D.,K., Panda, S.,N., Barua, A., 2022. Parametric Appraisal of Strength & Hardness of Resin Compacted Sand Castings Using Hybrid Taguchi-WASPAS-Material Generation Algorithm, Materials Today: Proceedings 50, 1226–1233
  • Chaudhari, S.,S., Aloni, S.,N., 2022. Optimization Of Green Sand Process for Quality Improvement in Castings by Using Combination of Taguchi Techniques-GRA-PCA, Materials Today: Proceedings 62, 1115–1121.
  • Chate, G.,R., Bhat, R.,P., Chate, U,N., 2014. Process Parameter Settings For Core Shooter Machine by Taguchi Approach, Procedia Materials Science 5, 1976 – 1985.
  • Danko, R., Kmita, A., Holtzer, M., Danko, J., Lehmhus, D., Tapola, S., 2023. Development of Inorganic Binder Systems to Minimise Emissions in Ferrous Foundries, Sustainable Materials and Technologies 37 (2023) e00666.
  • Gyarmati, G., Budavari, I., Fegyverneki, G., Varga, L., 2021. The Effect of Sand Quality on The Bending Strength and Thermal Distortion of Chemically Bonded Sand Cores, Heliyon 7, e07624.
  • Hunter, J, S, Hunter, W,G, Box, G,E,P, 2005. Statistics for Experiments, Wiley Interscience
  • Kanicki, D.,1994. Metal Casting’s Versatility Offer Users a Competitive Edge. Designers & Buyers, Guide to Selecting Casting Processes I. Casting World/Modern Casting Publication. 5-10.
  • Krishnaraj, R., 2015. Contemporary And Futuristic Views Of Pollution Control Devices In Foundries, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 120, 130–135
  • Kumar,S., Prakash, J., (2015), Optimization of Casting Process Parameters Using Taguchi Analysis, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 5 No.1. 131-134.
  • Mirer, F., E., 1989. Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety,4th Edition-Part XIII, Metal Processing and Metal Working Industry, Erişim Tarihi:01 Şubat 2019.
  • Pandit, H., Deshpande, A., 2021. Theory of Combined Imbalance for Quality Improvement in Green Sand Molded Castings, Materials Today: Proceedings 47, 2315–2321.
  • Primafound, 2023. Cores Manufacturing Secrets and Strategies from Design to Production.
  • Rekab, K., Shaikh, M., 2005. Statistical Design of Experiments with Engineering Applications, International Standard Book Number-13: 978-1-4200-5631-0 (eBook - PDF)
  • Rodríguez, E., Pérez A., Mercado-Solis R. D., Abraham V., Jimenez O., Flores M., Gonzalez M.A., Ibarra J.(2019). China Foundry Research & Development, Erosion problem in tool steel using cold box core-making process, Vol. 16, No. 3, 204-210.
  • Saikaew, C., Wiengwiset, S., 2012. Optimization Of Molding Sand Composition for Quality Improvement of Iron Castings, Applied Clay Science 67–68, 26–31.
  • Schneider, M., Stevenson, R., 2012. Simulation of the Entire Core Production Process, American Foundry Society.
  • Schorn, T,J., 2020. Enkei America Inc. (Columbus, Indiana), Modern Casting, January 2020
  • SGK, Sosyal Güvenlik Kurumu İstatistikleri,, Erişim Tarihi:01.03.2022
  • Singh, H., Kumar, A., 2016. Minimization of the Casting Defects Using Taguchi’s Method, International Journal of Engineering Science Invention ISSN (Online): 2319 – 6734, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 6726 Volume 5 Issue 12, December 2016, PP. 06-10.
  • Stauder, B.,J., Kerber, H., Schumacher, P., 2016. Foundry Sand Core Property Assessment by 3-point Bending Test Evaluation, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 237,188–196.
  • Treyger, A., 2015. Overview of Foundry Processes and Technologies: Manufacturing Metal Castings, CED Engineering, Continuing Education and Development, Inc. 22 Stonewall Court Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07677.
  • Türk, S.C., 2022. Döküm Tesislerinde Boya Kullanımı Sebebiyle Ortaya Çıkan Uçucu Organik Bileşiklerin Ölçümü ve İş Güvenliği Açısından İncelenmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Üsküdar Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
  • Tong, L., Shen X., Zhou J., Yin Y., Ji X., 2019. Numerical Investigation of Turbulent Flow Behavior of Sand Particles in Core Shooting Process, 9th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing (ICPNS’2019), Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2017) 000–000.
  • Udayan N., Srinivasan M.V., Vignesh V R., Govindaraju M., 2021. Elimination of Casting Defects Induced by Cold Box Cores, Materials Today: Proceedings 46 ,5022–5026.
  • Upadhye, R.,A., Keswani I.,P., 2012. Optimization of Sand Casting Process Parameter Using Taguchi Method in Foundry, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) Vol. 1 Issue 7, September – 2012 ISSN: 2278-0181.
  • Zhang, M., Zheng, Y.,D., Du, X.,Y., Lu, Y., Li, W.,J., Qi, C., Wu, Z.,L., 2010. Silicosis in Automobile Foundry Workers: A 29-Year Cohort Study, Biomedical And Environmental Sciences 23, 121-129.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Malzeme Mühendisliği (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri \ Research Articles

Onur Şahin 0000-0003-0712-2978

Müge Ensari Özay 0000-0002-4785-5503

Rüştü Uçan 0000-0003-2389-8231

Emine Can 0000-0003-1192-2994

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Mart 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 4 Ekim 2024
Kabul Tarihi 13 Mart 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Şahin, O., Ensari Özay, M., Uçan, R., Can, E. (2025). DÖKÜMHANE MAÇA ÜRETİM PROSESİNDE MAKİNE PARAMETRELERİ OPTİMİZASYONU İLE AMİN GAZI TÜKETİMİNİN AZALTILMASI. Mühendislik Bilimleri Ve Tasarım Dergisi, 13(1), 306-324.