Yazım Kuralları

Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences is a double-blind peer reviewed, free (no article submission or processing charges) and open-access journal. 

All submitted papers will be pre-screened by the Editor to determine suitability for further review (e.g. correct format,  area of interest). Papers deemed suitable will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers. In case of delay on behalf of a viewer, the reviewer may be substituted by another. In case of excessive delay, the paper will be reviewed by members of the Editorial Board. Submitted articles cannot have been previously published, nor be forthcoming in an archival journal or book.

We use double-blind per reviewer system. Then please delete your names, emails etc before you send the manuscript.

Sample article link for example to paper format: Click (Do not use MathType, use Microsoft Equation)

Copyright Form

Each paper is checked for similarity (plagiarism) by Ithenticate system.

Suggestion  Reviewers

**Reviewers should be not co-author of the authors
**Reviewers should not work in the same university as authors
**Reviewers (minimum 5) should be at universities in different countries from the authors' countries
**There should be at least 10 suggested reviewers.

After acceptance, your paper has to be converted to the JETAS word format for the publication process. Even if the articles that are not arranged in accordance with the journal format are accepted, they will not be able to enter the publication process.

1.  Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences: An International Journal is a (double-blind) peer-reviewed journal which is published three times per year. Papers can be written in Turkish or English. Scientific and original articles in business and management areas are published in the journal.


2.    Articles which are sent to publish in the journal can be written in Turkish or English. Articles which will be published in the journal should be proper with writing and linguistic rules. Scientific and linguistic responsibilities of the articles published in this journal belong to the author(s).


3.    All articles should be sent via the web site of the journal (https://dergipark.org.tr/jetas). Author(s) should prepare their article proper to publication rules of the journal and ethical rules. Articles which are not proper to rules are not evaluated. Articles published or submitted for publication elsewhere are not evaluated.


4.    Articles sent to the journal are presented the evaluation of two referees by editorial board decision. Articles sent to the journal are published by editorial board decision after the referees’ positive opinion is taken.


5.    During the layout process is running, author(s) should reply the messages, which are about controlling and editing article, within the specified period. If author(s) don’t reply the messages within the specified period, their article is postponed to following issue.


6.    Articles that completed their evaluation process, are published considering their arrival date.


7.    More than one articles of one author are not published in same issue.