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Effectiveness of motor imagery training on functionality and quality of life in chronic neck pain: a randomized controlled trial

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 1 - 9, 12.04.2019


Purpose: The present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of motor imagery training on pain, disability, motor imagery, and quality of life in young adults with chronic non-specific neck pain.

Methods: Forty young adults with non-specific neck pain were randomly allocated into exercise groups (N=20) and motor imagery training+ exercise groups (N=20). Patient assessment form, Visual Analog Scale (pain), Neck Disability Index (disability level), Motor Imagery Questionnaire-3 (motor imagery ability), and Short Form-36 Health Survey (SF-36) (quality of life) were used for evaluation before and after the treatment. The exercise program included dynamic isometric neck exercises and deep neck muscle training exercises. The exercise program was executed for 5 days a week for 4 weeks for both groups. For motor imagery training+exercise groups, motor imagery training was applied in addition to exercise.

Results: Pain and disability values significantly decreased for both groups after the treatment (p<0.05). For motor imagery ability, kinesthetic and internal visual imagery increased for both groups after the treatment (p<0.05). Physical function, social function, and mental health sub-parameters of Short Form-36 Health Survey were increased for motor imagery training+exercise groups after the treatment (p<0.05). However, all assessment values showed no statistically significant difference between the groups (p>0.05).

Conclusion: The effects of the exercise program were taken into account; motor imagery training did not seem to add any additional contribution to the treatment of non-specific chronic neck pain in young adults.


  • 1. Mokdad AH, Forouzanfar MH, Daoud F, et al. Global burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors for young people's health during 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet 2016;387:2383-2401.
  • 2. Booth J, Moseley GL, Schiltenwolf M, et al. Exercise for chronic musculoskeletal pain: a biopsychosocial approach. Musculoskeletal Care 2017;15:413-421.
  • 3. Monticone M, Ambrosini E, Rocca B, et al. Group-based multimodal exercises integrated with cognitive-behavioural therapy improve disability, pain and quality of life of subjects with chronic neck pain: a randomized controlled trial with one-year follow-up. Clin Rehabil. 2017;31:742-752.
  • 4. Blanpied PR, Gross AR, Elliott JM, et al. Neck pain: revision 2017: clinical practice guidelines linked to the international classification of functioning, disability and health from the orthopaedic section of the American Physical Therapy Association. J Orthop Sport Phys. 2017;47:1-83.
  • 5. Beinert K, Preiss S, Huber M, Taube W. Cervical joint position sense in neck pain. Immediate effects of muscle vibration versus mental training interventions: a RCT. Eur J Phys Rehab Med. 2015;51:825-832.
  • 6. Hoyek N, Di Rienzo F, Collet C, et al. The therapeutic role of motor imagery on the functional rehabilitation of a stage II shoulder impingement syndrome. Disabil Rehabil. 2014;36:1113-1119.
  • 7. Paolucci T, Zangr F, Allemanini V, et al. Low Back Pain Rehabilitation Using Motor Imagery. General Medicine 2013;1:119 doi: 10.4172/2327-5146.1000119.
  • 8. Kilintari M, Narayana S, Babajani-Feremi A, et al. Brain activation profiles during kinesthetic and visual imagery: An fMRI study. Brain Res. 2016;1646:249-261.
  • 9. Malouin F, Richards CL. Mental practice for relearning locomotor skills. Phys Ther. 2010;90:240-251.
  • 10. Mahmoud N; Razzano MA Jr, Tischler K. The Efficacy of Motor Imagery Training on Range of Motion, Pain and Function of Patients After Total Knee Replacement, New York: City University of New York, 2016:1-12.
  • 11. Coppieters I, De Pauw R, Caeyenberghs K, et al. Differences in white matter structure and cortical thickness between patients with traumatic and idiopathic chronic neck pain: Associations with cognition and pain modulation? Hum Brain Mapp. 2018;39:1721-1742.
  • 12. Flor H, Braun C, Elbert T, et al. Extensive reorganization of primary somatosensory cortex in chronic back pain patients. Neurosci Lett. 1997;224:5-8.
  • 13. Flor H. Cortical reorganisation and chronic pain: implications for rehabilitation. J Rehabil Med.2003;35:66-72.
  • 14. Moseley GL, Flor H. Targeting cortical representations in the treatment of chronic pain: a review. Neurorehab Neural Re. 2012;26:646-652.
  • 15. Guillot A, Collet C, Nguyen VA, et al. Functional neuroanatomical networks associated with expertise in motor imagery. Neuroimage. 2008;41:1471-1483.
  • 16. Mulder T. Motor imagery and action observation: cognitive tools for rehabilitation. J Neural Transm. 2007;114:1265-1278.
  • 17. Peters ML, Patijn JP, Lamé I. Pain assessment in younger and older pain patients: psychometric properties and patient preference of five commonly used measures of pain intensity. Pain Med.2007;8:601–610.
  • 18. Aslan E, Karaduman A, Yakut Y, et al. The cultural adaptation, reliability and validity of neck disability index in patients with neck pain: a Turkish version study. Spine 2008;33:362-365.
  • 19. Dilek B, Ayhan C, Yakut Y. The Turkish version of the Movement Imagery Questionnaire-3: Its cultural adaptation and psychometric properties. Eurohand 2017-22nd FESSH Congress.
  • 20. Kocyigit H, Aydemir O, Fisek G, et al. Validity and reliability of Turkish version of Short form 36: A study of a patients with romatoid disorder. Drugs Ther Perspect. 1999;12:102-106.
  • 21. Lebon F, Guillot A, Collet C. Increased muscle activation following motor imagery during the rehabilitation of the anterior cruciate ligament. Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback. 2012;37:45-51.
  • 22. Fairweather M, Sideway B. Ideokinetic imagery as a postural development technique. Res Q Exerc Sport. 1993;6484:385-392.
  • 23. Tsakitzidis G, Remmen R, Dankaerts, W, et al. Non-specific neck pain and evidence-based practice. European Scientific Journal 2013;9:1-19.
  • 24. Bertozzi L, Gardenghi I, Turoni F, et al. Effect of therapeutic exercise on pain and disability in the management of chronic nonspecific neck pain: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials. Phys Ther. 2013;93:1026-1036 .
  • 25. Burgmer M, Gaubitz M, Konrad C, et al. Decreased gray matter volumes in the cingulo-frontal cortex and the amygdala in patients with fibromyalgia. Psychosom Med. 2009;71:566-573.
  • 26. Thapa T, Graven-Nielsen T, Chipchase LS, et al. Disruption of cortical synaptic homeostasis in individuals with chronic low back pain. Clin Neurophysiol. 2018;129:1090-1096.
  • 27. Bowering KJ, Butler DS, Fulton IJ, et al. Motor imagery in people with a history of back pain, current back pain, both, or neither. Clın J Pain. 2014;30:1070-1075.
  • 28. Guillot A, Collet C. Construction of the motor imagery integrative model in sport: A review and theoretical investigation of motor imagery use. Int Rev Sport Exerc Psychol. 2008;1:31-44.

Kronik boyun ağrısında motor imgeleme eğitiminin fonksiyonellik ve yaşam kalitesi üzerine etkisi: randomize kontrollü çalışma

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 1 - 9, 12.04.2019


Amaç: Amacımız, non-spesifik kronik boyun ağrılı genç yetişkinlerde motor imgeleme eğitiminin ağrı, özürlülük, motor imgeleme ve yaşam kalitesi üzerine etkisini incelemekti.

Yöntem: Non-spesifik boyun ağrısı olan 40 genç yetişkin, randomize olarak egzersiz grubu (N=20) ve motor imgeleme eğitimi+egzersiz grubu (N=20) olarak ikiye ayrıldı. Değerlendirme için; hasta bilgi formu, Vizüel Analog Skalası (ağrı), Boyun Özür Göstergesi (özür düzeyi), Hareket İmgeleme Anketi-3 (motor imgeleme yeteneği) ve Kısa Form-36 (KF-36) yaşam kalitesi formu (yaşam kalitesi) tedaviden önce ve sonra kullanıldı. Egzersiz programı, boyun dinamik izometrik egzersizleri ve derin servikal kas eğitimi egzersizlerini içermekteydi. Egzersiz programı iki gruba da haftada 5 gün 4 hafta uygulandı.Motor imgeleme eğitimi+egzersiz grubunda,egzersizlere ek olarak motor imgeleme eğitimi uygulandı.

Bulgular: Tedaviden sonra her iki grupta ağrı ve özür düzeyleri azaldı (p<0,05).Hareket imgeleme yeteneği açısından, kinestetik ve iç görsel imgeleme düzeyi her iki grupta tedaviden sonra arttı (p<0,05). Tedaviden sonra motor imgeleme eğitimi+egzersiz grubunda, yaşam kalitesi alt parametrelerinden fiziksel fonksiyon, sosyal fonksiyon ve mental sağlık arttı (p<0,05). Gruplar arasında yapılan tüm istatistiksel değerlendirmelerde fark bulunmadı (p>0,05).

Tartışma: Egzersiz eğitiminin etkileri göz önüne alındığında, motor imgeleme eğitiminin non-spesifik kronik boyun ağrılı genç yetişkin bireylerde tedaviye ek herhangi bir katkısının olmadığı görülmektedir.


  • 1. Mokdad AH, Forouzanfar MH, Daoud F, et al. Global burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors for young people's health during 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet 2016;387:2383-2401.
  • 2. Booth J, Moseley GL, Schiltenwolf M, et al. Exercise for chronic musculoskeletal pain: a biopsychosocial approach. Musculoskeletal Care 2017;15:413-421.
  • 3. Monticone M, Ambrosini E, Rocca B, et al. Group-based multimodal exercises integrated with cognitive-behavioural therapy improve disability, pain and quality of life of subjects with chronic neck pain: a randomized controlled trial with one-year follow-up. Clin Rehabil. 2017;31:742-752.
  • 4. Blanpied PR, Gross AR, Elliott JM, et al. Neck pain: revision 2017: clinical practice guidelines linked to the international classification of functioning, disability and health from the orthopaedic section of the American Physical Therapy Association. J Orthop Sport Phys. 2017;47:1-83.
  • 5. Beinert K, Preiss S, Huber M, Taube W. Cervical joint position sense in neck pain. Immediate effects of muscle vibration versus mental training interventions: a RCT. Eur J Phys Rehab Med. 2015;51:825-832.
  • 6. Hoyek N, Di Rienzo F, Collet C, et al. The therapeutic role of motor imagery on the functional rehabilitation of a stage II shoulder impingement syndrome. Disabil Rehabil. 2014;36:1113-1119.
  • 7. Paolucci T, Zangr F, Allemanini V, et al. Low Back Pain Rehabilitation Using Motor Imagery. General Medicine 2013;1:119 doi: 10.4172/2327-5146.1000119.
  • 8. Kilintari M, Narayana S, Babajani-Feremi A, et al. Brain activation profiles during kinesthetic and visual imagery: An fMRI study. Brain Res. 2016;1646:249-261.
  • 9. Malouin F, Richards CL. Mental practice for relearning locomotor skills. Phys Ther. 2010;90:240-251.
  • 10. Mahmoud N; Razzano MA Jr, Tischler K. The Efficacy of Motor Imagery Training on Range of Motion, Pain and Function of Patients After Total Knee Replacement, New York: City University of New York, 2016:1-12.
  • 11. Coppieters I, De Pauw R, Caeyenberghs K, et al. Differences in white matter structure and cortical thickness between patients with traumatic and idiopathic chronic neck pain: Associations with cognition and pain modulation? Hum Brain Mapp. 2018;39:1721-1742.
  • 12. Flor H, Braun C, Elbert T, et al. Extensive reorganization of primary somatosensory cortex in chronic back pain patients. Neurosci Lett. 1997;224:5-8.
  • 13. Flor H. Cortical reorganisation and chronic pain: implications for rehabilitation. J Rehabil Med.2003;35:66-72.
  • 14. Moseley GL, Flor H. Targeting cortical representations in the treatment of chronic pain: a review. Neurorehab Neural Re. 2012;26:646-652.
  • 15. Guillot A, Collet C, Nguyen VA, et al. Functional neuroanatomical networks associated with expertise in motor imagery. Neuroimage. 2008;41:1471-1483.
  • 16. Mulder T. Motor imagery and action observation: cognitive tools for rehabilitation. J Neural Transm. 2007;114:1265-1278.
  • 17. Peters ML, Patijn JP, Lamé I. Pain assessment in younger and older pain patients: psychometric properties and patient preference of five commonly used measures of pain intensity. Pain Med.2007;8:601–610.
  • 18. Aslan E, Karaduman A, Yakut Y, et al. The cultural adaptation, reliability and validity of neck disability index in patients with neck pain: a Turkish version study. Spine 2008;33:362-365.
  • 19. Dilek B, Ayhan C, Yakut Y. The Turkish version of the Movement Imagery Questionnaire-3: Its cultural adaptation and psychometric properties. Eurohand 2017-22nd FESSH Congress.
  • 20. Kocyigit H, Aydemir O, Fisek G, et al. Validity and reliability of Turkish version of Short form 36: A study of a patients with romatoid disorder. Drugs Ther Perspect. 1999;12:102-106.
  • 21. Lebon F, Guillot A, Collet C. Increased muscle activation following motor imagery during the rehabilitation of the anterior cruciate ligament. Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback. 2012;37:45-51.
  • 22. Fairweather M, Sideway B. Ideokinetic imagery as a postural development technique. Res Q Exerc Sport. 1993;6484:385-392.
  • 23. Tsakitzidis G, Remmen R, Dankaerts, W, et al. Non-specific neck pain and evidence-based practice. European Scientific Journal 2013;9:1-19.
  • 24. Bertozzi L, Gardenghi I, Turoni F, et al. Effect of therapeutic exercise on pain and disability in the management of chronic nonspecific neck pain: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials. Phys Ther. 2013;93:1026-1036 .
  • 25. Burgmer M, Gaubitz M, Konrad C, et al. Decreased gray matter volumes in the cingulo-frontal cortex and the amygdala in patients with fibromyalgia. Psychosom Med. 2009;71:566-573.
  • 26. Thapa T, Graven-Nielsen T, Chipchase LS, et al. Disruption of cortical synaptic homeostasis in individuals with chronic low back pain. Clin Neurophysiol. 2018;129:1090-1096.
  • 27. Bowering KJ, Butler DS, Fulton IJ, et al. Motor imagery in people with a history of back pain, current back pain, both, or neither. Clın J Pain. 2014;30:1070-1075.
  • 28. Guillot A, Collet C. Construction of the motor imagery integrative model in sport: A review and theoretical investigation of motor imagery use. Int Rev Sport Exerc Psychol. 2008;1:31-44.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Özlem Özcan 0000-0003-3860-9308

Hayriye Kul Karaali Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-1535-3012

Duygu Ilgın Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-2469-4986

Özgül Soysal Gündüz 0000-0002-8149-9311

Bilge Kara Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-4503-5074

Yayımlanma Tarihi 12 Nisan 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Haziran 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Özcan Ö, Kul Karaali H, Ilgın D, Soysal Gündüz Ö, Kara B. Effectiveness of motor imagery training on functionality and quality of life in chronic neck pain: a randomized controlled trial. JETR. 2019;6(1):1-9.