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Yıl 2022, , 619 - 650, 29.05.2022


Amaç: Behçet Hastalığı (BH), nükslerle seyreden, oral aft, genital ülser, deri lezyonları ve oküler lezyonlar olmak üzere dört majör bulgu ve eklem tutulumu, gastrointestinal ülserler, epididimit, vasküler lezyonlar ve nörolojik tutulum dahil olmak üzere beş minör bulguyla karakterize multisistemik inflamatuar bir hastalıktır. BH' de tedavi hastalığın başladığı yaşa, cinsiyete, tutulan organlara ve hastalığın klinik seyrine göre değişir; bu nedenle tedavi kişiye ve semptomlara göre yapılmalıdır. BH' nin ampirik tedavisi halen devam ederken; son zamanlarda altta yatan hastalığın patogenezinin daha iyi tanımlanması nedeniyle etkili protokoller uygulanmış ve tedavi için birçok geniş spektrumlu terapötik ajan sunulmuştur. Bu derleme, hastalığın progresyonu döneminde uygulanan spesifik tedavi prosedürlerini bir araya getirme hedefiyle ortaya koyulmuştur.
Sonuç ve Tartışma: Lokal ve sistemik tutulumlar ile karakterize inflamatuar bir hastalık olan BH’nin belirli bir tedavi stratejisi olmamakla beraber; tutulumlara yönelik tedavi, semptomların tipi ve şiddetine göre belirlenen lokal kortikosteroidlerden monoklonal antikorlara kadar değişir. BH’ de görülen vasküler ve gastrointestinal sistemi etkileyen tutulumlar üzerinde halen çalışmalar devam etmektedir. BH tedavisinde kortikosteroidler, kolşisin ve azatiyoprin ve siklosporin dahil olmak üzere geleneksel immünosupresif ajanlar kullanılmaktadır. Son zamanlarda, tümör nekroz faktörü (TNF) inhibitörleri, çeşitli romatizmal hastalıklar için kullanılabilir hale gelmiş ve yayınlanmış veriler, TNF inhibitörlerinin, ciddi ve dirençli hastalığı olan hastaların yanı sıra bu tedavilere karşı kontrendikasyonları veya intoleransı olan hastalar için önemli bir terapötik ilerlemeyi temsil ettiğini göstermektedir.


  • Referans1. Greco, A., A. De Virgilio, M. Ralli, A. Ciofalo, P. Mancini, G. Attanasio, M. de Vincentiis, and A. Lambiase. (2018). Behçet's disease: new insights into pathophysiology, clinical features and treatment options. J Autoimmunity reviews, 17(6), 567-575. [CrossRef]
  • Referans2. Bulur, I. and M. Onder. (2017). Behçet disease: new aspects. J Clinics in dermatology, 35(5), 421-434. [CrossRef]
  • Referans3. Sakane, T., M. Takeno, N. Suzuki, and G. Inaba. (1999). Behçet's disease. J New England Journal of Medicine, 341(17), 1284-1291. [CrossRef]
  • Referans4. Esatoglu, S.N. and G. Hatemi. (2019). Update on the treatment of Behçet’s syndrome. J Internal emergency medicine, 14(5), 661-675. [CrossRef]
  • Referans5. Quax, R., J. van Laar, R. Van Heerebeek, K. Greiner, E. Ben-Chetrit, M. Stanford, G. Wallace, F. Fortune, M. Ghabra, and M. Soylu. (2012). Glucocorticoid sensitivity in Behçet's disease. J Endocrine connections, 1(2), 103-111. [CrossRef]
  • Referans6. Merashli, M., R. El Eid, and I. Uthman. (2018). A review of current management of vasculo-Behcet's. J Current opinion in rheumatology, 30(1), 50-56. [CrossRef] Referans7. Leung, Y.Y., L.L.Y. Hui, and V.B. Kraus. (2015). Colchicine—update on mechanisms of action and therapeutic uses. Seminars in arthritis and rheumatism, 45(3), 341-350. [CrossRef]
  • Referans8. Slobodnick, A., B. Shah, M.H. Pillinger, and S.J.T.A.j.o.m. Krasnokutsky. (2015). Colchicine: old and new. 128(5), 461-470. [CrossRef]
  • Referans9. Marques‐da‐Silva, C., M. Chaves, N. Castro, R. Coutinho‐Silva, and M.J.B.j.o.p. Guimaraes. (2011). Colchicine inhibits cationic dye uptake induced by ATP in P2X2 and P2X7 receptor‐expressing cells: implications for its therapeutic action. 163(5), 912-926. [CrossRef]
  • Referans10. Yazici, H., E. Seyahi, G. Hatemi, and Y. Yazici. (2018). Behçet syndrome: a contemporary view. J Nature Reviews Rheumatology, 14(2), 107-119. [CrossRef]
  • Referans11. Yurdakul, S., C. Mat, Y. Tüzün, Y. Özyazgan, V. Hamuryudan, Ö. Uysal, M. Şenocak, and H. Yazici. (2001). A double‐blind trial of colchicine in Behçet's syndrome. J Arthritis Rheumatism, 44(11), 2686-2692. [CrossRef]
  • Referans12. Hatemi, G., R. Christensen, D. Bang, B. Bodaghi, A.F. Celik, F. Fortune, J. Gaudric, A. Gul, I. Kötter, and P.J.A.o.t.r.d. Leccese. (2018). 2018 update of the EULAR recommendations for the management of Behçet’s syndrome. 77(6), 808-818. [CrossRef]
  • Referans13. Takeno, M. (2020). Positioning of apremilast in treatment of Behçet’s disease. J Modern rheumatology, 30(2), 219-224. [CrossRef]
  • Referans14. Broen, J.C. and J.M. van Laar. (2020). Mycophenolate mofetil, azathioprine and tacrolimus: mechanisms in rheumatology. J Nature Reviews Rheumatology, 16(3), 167-178. [CrossRef]
  • Referans15. Davatchi, F., F. Shahram, H. Chams, and M. Akbarian. (1999). Pulse Cyclophosphamide (Pcp) For Ocular Lesions Of Behcet's Disease: Double Blind Crossover Study. J Arthritis Rheumatism, 42(9). [CrossRef]
  • Referans16. Ziccheddu, G., E. Proietti, and F. Moschella. (2013). The Janus face of cyclophosphamide: a sterile inflammatory response that potentiates cancer immunotherapy. J Oncoimmunology, 2(9), e25789. [CrossRef]
  • Referans17. Alpsoy, E. and A. Akman. (2006). Treatment of Behcet's disease. J Clinical Practice, 3(1), 139.
  • Referans18. Hamuryudan, V., Y. Ozyazgan, Y. Fresko, C. Mat, S. Yurdakul, and H. Yazici. (2002). Interferon alfa combined with azathioprine for the uveitis of Behcet's disease: an open study. J The Israel Medical Association journal: IMAJ, 4(11 Suppl), 928-930. [CrossRef]
  • Referans19. Greiner, K. and A. Dick. (2016). Tacrolimus. In Intraocular Inflammation (pp. 379-384). [CrossRef]
  • Referans20. Kurien, G., R.T. Jamil, and C.V. Preuss. (2020). Dapsone. J StatPearls. [CrossRef]
  • Referans21. Saleh, Z. and T. Arayssi. (2014). Update on the therapy of Behçet disease. J Therapeutic advances in chronic disease, 5(3), 112-134. [CrossRef]
  • Referans22. Cronstein, B.N. and T.M. Aune. (2020). Methotrexate and its mechanisms of action in inflammatory arthritis. J Nature reviews Rheumatology, 16(3), 145-154. [CrossRef]
  • Referans23. Chan, E.S. and B.N. Cronstein. (2010). Methotrexate—how does it really work? J Nature Reviews Rheumatology, 6(3), 175-178. [CrossRef]
  • Referans24. Pipitone, N., I. Olivieri, F. Cantini, G. Triolo, and C.J.C.o.i.r. Salvarani. (2006). New approaches in the treatment of Adamantiades-Behçet's disease. 18(1), 3-9. [CrossRef]
  • Referans25. Markomichelakis, N., E. Delicha, S. Masselos, K. Fragiadaki, P. Kaklamanis, and P.P. Sfikakis. (2011). A single infliximab infusion vs corticosteroids for acute panuveitis attacks in Behçet’s disease: a comparative 4-week study. J Rheumatology, 50(3), 593-597. [CrossRef]
  • Referans26. Iwata, S., K. Saito, K. Yamaoka, S. Tsujimura, M. Nawata, K. Suzuki, and Y. Tanaka. (2009). Effects of anti-TNF-α antibody infliximab in refractory entero-Behçet's disease. J Rheumatology, 48(8), 1012-1013. [CrossRef]
  • Referans27. Sfikakis, P., P. Kaklamanis, A. Elezoglou, N. Katsilambros, P. Theodossiadis, S. Papaefthimiou, and N. Markomichelakis. (2004). Infliximab for recurrent, sight-threatening ocular inflammation in Adamantiades–Behcet disease. J Annals of Internal Medicine, 140(5), 404-406. [CrossRef]
  • Referans28. Köse, O. (2012). Development of immunopathogenesis strategies to treat Behçet's disease. J Pathology research international, 2012. [CrossRef]
  • Referans29. Mendes, D., M. Correia, M. Barbedo, T. Vaio, M. Mota, O. Gonçalves, and J. Valente. (2009). Behçet's disease–a contemporary review. J Journal of autoimmunity, 32(3-4), 178-188. [CrossRef]
  • Referans30. Murray, P. and R. Sivaraj. (2005). Anti-TNF-α therapy for uveitis: Behcet and beyond. J Eye, 19(8), 831-833. [CrossRef]
  • Referans31. Emmi, G., A. Vitale, E. Silvestri, M. Boddi, M. Becatti, C. Fiorillo, C. Fabiani, B. Frediani, L. Emmi, and G. Di Scala. (2018). Adalimumab‐Based Treatment Versus Disease‐Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs for Venous Thrombosis in Behçet's Syndrome: A Retrospective Study of Seventy Patients With Vascular Involvement. J Arthritis Rheumatology, 70(9), 1500-1507. [CrossRef]
  • Referans32. Hirano, T., N. Ohguro, S. Hohki, K. Hagihara, Y. Shima, M. Narazaki, A. Ogata, K. Yoshizaki, A. Kumanogoh, and T.J.M.r. Kishimoto. (2012). A case of Behçet’s disease treated with a humanized anti-interleukin-6 receptor antibody, tocilizumab. 22(2), 298-302. [CrossRef]
  • Referans33. Hamuryudan, V., I. Kötter, and H. Tüzün. (2020). Disease Management. In Behçet Syndrome (pp. 279-305). Springer. [CrossRef]
  • Referans34. Blauvelt, A. (2016). Safety of secukinumab in the treatment of psoriasis. J Expert opinion on drug safety, 15(10), 1413-1420. [CrossRef]
  • Referans35. Cavalli, G. and C.A. Dinarello. (2018). Anakinra therapy for non-cancer inflammatory diseases. J Frontiers in pharmacology, 9, 1157. [CrossRef]
  • Referans36. Dinarello, C.A. and J.W. van der Meer. (2013). Treating inflammation by blocking interleukin-1 in humans. Seminars in immunology, 25(6), 469-484. [CrossRef]
  • Referans37. Tridente, G. (2014). Canakinumab. In G. Tridente (Ed.), Adverse Events with Biomedicines: Prevention Through Understanding. (pp. 135-142), Springer Milan. [CrossRef]
  • Referans38. Tracey, D., L. Klareskog, E.H. Sasso, J.G. Salfeld, P.P.J.P. Tak, and therapeutics. (2008). Tumor necrosis factor antagonist mechanisms of action: a comprehensive review. 117(2), 244-279. [CrossRef]
  • Referans39. Santos-Gómez, M., V. Calvo-Río, R. Blanco, E. Beltrán, M. Mesquida, A. Adán, M. Cordero-Coma, and A.J.C.E.R. García-Aparicio. (2016). The effect of biologic therapy different from infliximab or adalimumab in patients with refractory uveitis due to Behçet’s disease: results of a multicentre open-label study. 34(6 Suppl 102), S34-S40. [CrossRef]
  • Referans40. Blick, S.K. and M.P. Curran. (2007). Certolizumab pegol. J BioDrugs, 21(3), 195-201. [CrossRef]
  • Referans41. Nia JK, L.M. (2016). Chapter 11 - Ustekinumab. In F.S. Wu JJ, Lebwohl MG, (Ed.), Therapy for Severe Psoriasis: (pp. 127-37.). Elsevier. [CrossRef]
  • Referans42. Ritchlin, C., S. Haas-Smith, D. Hicks, J. Cappuccio, C. Osterland, and R. Looney. (1998). Patterns of cytokine production in psoriatic synovium. J The Journal of rheumatology, 25(8), 1544-1552. [CrossRef]
  • Referans43. Matsuda, T., S. Ohno, S. Hirohata, Y. Miyanaga, H. Ujihara, G. Inaba, S. Nakamura, S.-i. Tanaka, M. Kogure, and Y. Mizushima. (2003). Efficacy of rebamipide as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of recurrent oral aphthous ulcers in patients with Behcet’s disease. J Drugs in R&D, 4(1), 19-28. [CrossRef]
  • Referans44. Kudur, M.H. and M. Hulmani. (2013). Rebamipide: A novel agent in the treatment of recurrent aphthous ulcer and Behcet's syndrome. J Indian journal of dermatology, 58(5), 352. [CrossRef]
  • Referans45. Gupta, M. (2016). Levamisole: A multi-faceted drug in dermatology. J Indian journal of dermatology, venereology leprology, 82(2). [CrossRef]
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Yıl 2022, , 619 - 650, 29.05.2022


Objective: Behçet's Disease (BD) is a multisystemic inflammatory disease which courses with relapses and characterized by four major symptoms of oral aphthous ulcers, genital ulcers, skin lesions and ocular lesions; and five minor symptoms including joint involvement, gastrointestinal ulcers, epididymitis, vascular lesions and neurological involvement. Treatment in BD varies according to the clinical course of age at which the disease begins, gender, the organs involved and the clinical course of the disease; therefore, it should be performed according to the person and the symptoms. While empirical treatment of BD is still continuing; recently, effective protocols have been implemented due to the pathogenesis of the underlying disease that is better defined and many broad-spectrum therapeutic agents have been presented for the treatment. This review is presented to bring together the specific treatment procedures applied during the progression of the disease.
Result and Discussion: Although there is no specific treatment strategy for BD, which is an inflammatory disease characterized by local and systemic involvements, treatment procedures range from local corticosteroids to monoclonal antibodies, determined by the type and severity of symptoms. Studies are still continuing on diseases affecting the vascular and gastrointestinal system in BD. Conventional immunosuppressive agents, including corticosteroids, colchicine and azathioprine, and cyclosporine are used in the treatment of BD. Recently, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors have become available for a variety of rheumatic diseases, and published data indicate that TNF inhibitors represent a significant therapeutic advance for patients with severe and resistant disease as well as those with contraindications or intolerance to these therapies.


  • Referans1. Greco, A., A. De Virgilio, M. Ralli, A. Ciofalo, P. Mancini, G. Attanasio, M. de Vincentiis, and A. Lambiase. (2018). Behçet's disease: new insights into pathophysiology, clinical features and treatment options. J Autoimmunity reviews, 17(6), 567-575. [CrossRef]
  • Referans2. Bulur, I. and M. Onder. (2017). Behçet disease: new aspects. J Clinics in dermatology, 35(5), 421-434. [CrossRef]
  • Referans3. Sakane, T., M. Takeno, N. Suzuki, and G. Inaba. (1999). Behçet's disease. J New England Journal of Medicine, 341(17), 1284-1291. [CrossRef]
  • Referans4. Esatoglu, S.N. and G. Hatemi. (2019). Update on the treatment of Behçet’s syndrome. J Internal emergency medicine, 14(5), 661-675. [CrossRef]
  • Referans5. Quax, R., J. van Laar, R. Van Heerebeek, K. Greiner, E. Ben-Chetrit, M. Stanford, G. Wallace, F. Fortune, M. Ghabra, and M. Soylu. (2012). Glucocorticoid sensitivity in Behçet's disease. J Endocrine connections, 1(2), 103-111. [CrossRef]
  • Referans6. Merashli, M., R. El Eid, and I. Uthman. (2018). A review of current management of vasculo-Behcet's. J Current opinion in rheumatology, 30(1), 50-56. [CrossRef] Referans7. Leung, Y.Y., L.L.Y. Hui, and V.B. Kraus. (2015). Colchicine—update on mechanisms of action and therapeutic uses. Seminars in arthritis and rheumatism, 45(3), 341-350. [CrossRef]
  • Referans8. Slobodnick, A., B. Shah, M.H. Pillinger, and S.J.T.A.j.o.m. Krasnokutsky. (2015). Colchicine: old and new. 128(5), 461-470. [CrossRef]
  • Referans9. Marques‐da‐Silva, C., M. Chaves, N. Castro, R. Coutinho‐Silva, and M.J.B.j.o.p. Guimaraes. (2011). Colchicine inhibits cationic dye uptake induced by ATP in P2X2 and P2X7 receptor‐expressing cells: implications for its therapeutic action. 163(5), 912-926. [CrossRef]
  • Referans10. Yazici, H., E. Seyahi, G. Hatemi, and Y. Yazici. (2018). Behçet syndrome: a contemporary view. J Nature Reviews Rheumatology, 14(2), 107-119. [CrossRef]
  • Referans11. Yurdakul, S., C. Mat, Y. Tüzün, Y. Özyazgan, V. Hamuryudan, Ö. Uysal, M. Şenocak, and H. Yazici. (2001). A double‐blind trial of colchicine in Behçet's syndrome. J Arthritis Rheumatism, 44(11), 2686-2692. [CrossRef]
  • Referans12. Hatemi, G., R. Christensen, D. Bang, B. Bodaghi, A.F. Celik, F. Fortune, J. Gaudric, A. Gul, I. Kötter, and P.J.A.o.t.r.d. Leccese. (2018). 2018 update of the EULAR recommendations for the management of Behçet’s syndrome. 77(6), 808-818. [CrossRef]
  • Referans13. Takeno, M. (2020). Positioning of apremilast in treatment of Behçet’s disease. J Modern rheumatology, 30(2), 219-224. [CrossRef]
  • Referans14. Broen, J.C. and J.M. van Laar. (2020). Mycophenolate mofetil, azathioprine and tacrolimus: mechanisms in rheumatology. J Nature Reviews Rheumatology, 16(3), 167-178. [CrossRef]
  • Referans15. Davatchi, F., F. Shahram, H. Chams, and M. Akbarian. (1999). Pulse Cyclophosphamide (Pcp) For Ocular Lesions Of Behcet's Disease: Double Blind Crossover Study. J Arthritis Rheumatism, 42(9). [CrossRef]
  • Referans16. Ziccheddu, G., E. Proietti, and F. Moschella. (2013). The Janus face of cyclophosphamide: a sterile inflammatory response that potentiates cancer immunotherapy. J Oncoimmunology, 2(9), e25789. [CrossRef]
  • Referans17. Alpsoy, E. and A. Akman. (2006). Treatment of Behcet's disease. J Clinical Practice, 3(1), 139.
  • Referans18. Hamuryudan, V., Y. Ozyazgan, Y. Fresko, C. Mat, S. Yurdakul, and H. Yazici. (2002). Interferon alfa combined with azathioprine for the uveitis of Behcet's disease: an open study. J The Israel Medical Association journal: IMAJ, 4(11 Suppl), 928-930. [CrossRef]
  • Referans19. Greiner, K. and A. Dick. (2016). Tacrolimus. In Intraocular Inflammation (pp. 379-384). [CrossRef]
  • Referans20. Kurien, G., R.T. Jamil, and C.V. Preuss. (2020). Dapsone. J StatPearls. [CrossRef]
  • Referans21. Saleh, Z. and T. Arayssi. (2014). Update on the therapy of Behçet disease. J Therapeutic advances in chronic disease, 5(3), 112-134. [CrossRef]
  • Referans22. Cronstein, B.N. and T.M. Aune. (2020). Methotrexate and its mechanisms of action in inflammatory arthritis. J Nature reviews Rheumatology, 16(3), 145-154. [CrossRef]
  • Referans23. Chan, E.S. and B.N. Cronstein. (2010). Methotrexate—how does it really work? J Nature Reviews Rheumatology, 6(3), 175-178. [CrossRef]
  • Referans24. Pipitone, N., I. Olivieri, F. Cantini, G. Triolo, and C.J.C.o.i.r. Salvarani. (2006). New approaches in the treatment of Adamantiades-Behçet's disease. 18(1), 3-9. [CrossRef]
  • Referans25. Markomichelakis, N., E. Delicha, S. Masselos, K. Fragiadaki, P. Kaklamanis, and P.P. Sfikakis. (2011). A single infliximab infusion vs corticosteroids for acute panuveitis attacks in Behçet’s disease: a comparative 4-week study. J Rheumatology, 50(3), 593-597. [CrossRef]
  • Referans26. Iwata, S., K. Saito, K. Yamaoka, S. Tsujimura, M. Nawata, K. Suzuki, and Y. Tanaka. (2009). Effects of anti-TNF-α antibody infliximab in refractory entero-Behçet's disease. J Rheumatology, 48(8), 1012-1013. [CrossRef]
  • Referans27. Sfikakis, P., P. Kaklamanis, A. Elezoglou, N. Katsilambros, P. Theodossiadis, S. Papaefthimiou, and N. Markomichelakis. (2004). Infliximab for recurrent, sight-threatening ocular inflammation in Adamantiades–Behcet disease. J Annals of Internal Medicine, 140(5), 404-406. [CrossRef]
  • Referans28. Köse, O. (2012). Development of immunopathogenesis strategies to treat Behçet's disease. J Pathology research international, 2012. [CrossRef]
  • Referans29. Mendes, D., M. Correia, M. Barbedo, T. Vaio, M. Mota, O. Gonçalves, and J. Valente. (2009). Behçet's disease–a contemporary review. J Journal of autoimmunity, 32(3-4), 178-188. [CrossRef]
  • Referans30. Murray, P. and R. Sivaraj. (2005). Anti-TNF-α therapy for uveitis: Behcet and beyond. J Eye, 19(8), 831-833. [CrossRef]
  • Referans31. Emmi, G., A. Vitale, E. Silvestri, M. Boddi, M. Becatti, C. Fiorillo, C. Fabiani, B. Frediani, L. Emmi, and G. Di Scala. (2018). Adalimumab‐Based Treatment Versus Disease‐Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs for Venous Thrombosis in Behçet's Syndrome: A Retrospective Study of Seventy Patients With Vascular Involvement. J Arthritis Rheumatology, 70(9), 1500-1507. [CrossRef]
  • Referans32. Hirano, T., N. Ohguro, S. Hohki, K. Hagihara, Y. Shima, M. Narazaki, A. Ogata, K. Yoshizaki, A. Kumanogoh, and T.J.M.r. Kishimoto. (2012). A case of Behçet’s disease treated with a humanized anti-interleukin-6 receptor antibody, tocilizumab. 22(2), 298-302. [CrossRef]
  • Referans33. Hamuryudan, V., I. Kötter, and H. Tüzün. (2020). Disease Management. In Behçet Syndrome (pp. 279-305). Springer. [CrossRef]
  • Referans34. Blauvelt, A. (2016). Safety of secukinumab in the treatment of psoriasis. J Expert opinion on drug safety, 15(10), 1413-1420. [CrossRef]
  • Referans35. Cavalli, G. and C.A. Dinarello. (2018). Anakinra therapy for non-cancer inflammatory diseases. J Frontiers in pharmacology, 9, 1157. [CrossRef]
  • Referans36. Dinarello, C.A. and J.W. van der Meer. (2013). Treating inflammation by blocking interleukin-1 in humans. Seminars in immunology, 25(6), 469-484. [CrossRef]
  • Referans37. Tridente, G. (2014). Canakinumab. In G. Tridente (Ed.), Adverse Events with Biomedicines: Prevention Through Understanding. (pp. 135-142), Springer Milan. [CrossRef]
  • Referans38. Tracey, D., L. Klareskog, E.H. Sasso, J.G. Salfeld, P.P.J.P. Tak, and therapeutics. (2008). Tumor necrosis factor antagonist mechanisms of action: a comprehensive review. 117(2), 244-279. [CrossRef]
  • Referans39. Santos-Gómez, M., V. Calvo-Río, R. Blanco, E. Beltrán, M. Mesquida, A. Adán, M. Cordero-Coma, and A.J.C.E.R. García-Aparicio. (2016). The effect of biologic therapy different from infliximab or adalimumab in patients with refractory uveitis due to Behçet’s disease: results of a multicentre open-label study. 34(6 Suppl 102), S34-S40. [CrossRef]
  • Referans40. Blick, S.K. and M.P. Curran. (2007). Certolizumab pegol. J BioDrugs, 21(3), 195-201. [CrossRef]
  • Referans41. Nia JK, L.M. (2016). Chapter 11 - Ustekinumab. In F.S. Wu JJ, Lebwohl MG, (Ed.), Therapy for Severe Psoriasis: (pp. 127-37.). Elsevier. [CrossRef]
  • Referans42. Ritchlin, C., S. Haas-Smith, D. Hicks, J. Cappuccio, C. Osterland, and R. Looney. (1998). Patterns of cytokine production in psoriatic synovium. J The Journal of rheumatology, 25(8), 1544-1552. [CrossRef]
  • Referans43. Matsuda, T., S. Ohno, S. Hirohata, Y. Miyanaga, H. Ujihara, G. Inaba, S. Nakamura, S.-i. Tanaka, M. Kogure, and Y. Mizushima. (2003). Efficacy of rebamipide as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of recurrent oral aphthous ulcers in patients with Behcet’s disease. J Drugs in R&D, 4(1), 19-28. [CrossRef]
  • Referans44. Kudur, M.H. and M. Hulmani. (2013). Rebamipide: A novel agent in the treatment of recurrent aphthous ulcer and Behcet's syndrome. J Indian journal of dermatology, 58(5), 352. [CrossRef]
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Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Eczacılık ve İlaç Bilimleri
Bölüm Derleme

Gözde Yenice Çakmak 0000-0002-7632-0997

Ahmet Özer Şehirli 0000-0002-5175-9290

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Mayıs 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Aralık 2021
Kabul Tarihi 29 Nisan 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Yenice Çakmak, G., & Şehirli, A. Ö. (2022). TREATMENT OF BEHÇET’S DISEASE AND CURRENT APPROACHES. Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Ankara University, 46(2), 619-650.
AMA Yenice Çakmak G, Şehirli AÖ. TREATMENT OF BEHÇET’S DISEASE AND CURRENT APPROACHES. Ankara Ecz. Fak. Derg. Mayıs 2022;46(2):619-650. doi:10.33483/jfpau.1036803
Chicago Yenice Çakmak, Gözde, ve Ahmet Özer Şehirli. “TREATMENT OF BEHÇET’S DISEASE AND CURRENT APPROACHES”. Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Ankara University 46, sy. 2 (Mayıs 2022): 619-50.
EndNote Yenice Çakmak G, Şehirli AÖ (01 Mayıs 2022) TREATMENT OF BEHÇET’S DISEASE AND CURRENT APPROACHES. Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Ankara University 46 2 619–650.
IEEE G. Yenice Çakmak ve A. Ö. Şehirli, “TREATMENT OF BEHÇET’S DISEASE AND CURRENT APPROACHES”, Ankara Ecz. Fak. Derg., c. 46, sy. 2, ss. 619–650, 2022, doi: 10.33483/jfpau.1036803.
ISNAD Yenice Çakmak, Gözde - Şehirli, Ahmet Özer. “TREATMENT OF BEHÇET’S DISEASE AND CURRENT APPROACHES”. Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Ankara University 46/2 (Mayıs 2022), 619-650.
JAMA Yenice Çakmak G, Şehirli AÖ. TREATMENT OF BEHÇET’S DISEASE AND CURRENT APPROACHES. Ankara Ecz. Fak. Derg. 2022;46:619–650.
MLA Yenice Çakmak, Gözde ve Ahmet Özer Şehirli. “TREATMENT OF BEHÇET’S DISEASE AND CURRENT APPROACHES”. Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Ankara University, c. 46, sy. 2, 2022, ss. 619-50, doi:10.33483/jfpau.1036803.
Vancouver Yenice Çakmak G, Şehirli AÖ. TREATMENT OF BEHÇET’S DISEASE AND CURRENT APPROACHES. Ankara Ecz. Fak. Derg. 2022;46(2):619-50.

Kapsam ve Amaç

Ankara Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi Dergisi, açık erişim, hakemli bir dergi olup Türkçe veya İngilizce olarak farmasötik bilimler alanındaki önemli gelişmeleri içeren orijinal araştırmalar, derlemeler ve kısa bildiriler için uluslararası bir yayım ortamıdır. Bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan bildiriler supleman özel sayısı olarak dergide yayımlanabilir. Ayrıca, tüm farmasötik alandaki gelecek ve önceki ulusal ve uluslararası bilimsel toplantılar ile sosyal aktiviteleri içerir.