Yıl 2025,
Cilt: 49 Sayı: 1, 103 - 108, 20.01.2025
Fatıma Doğanç
Ali Hakan Göker
Objective: Indazole scaffold have two interconvertible tautomeric forms. Based on our previous studies, regioisomeric N-alkylation of some indazole analogs was synthesized in this study and their structures were elucidated by 2D NMR methods.
Material and Method: Regioisomers were resolved for N-benzylations and alkylation of some non-substituted and substituted indazoles, under basic conditions (K2CO3) in DMF.
Result and Discussion: It was observed that, their occurrence ratios of N1 : N2 is almost equal (50%). Their structures were established by combination of 1H-1H NOE (Nuclear Overhauser Effect Spectroscopy, NOESY) and HMBC (Heteronuclear Multiple Bond Correlation) NMR methods.
Central Laboratory of Pharmacy, Faculty of Ankara University provided support for acquisition of NMR and mass spectrometer used in this work.
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- 5. Alkorta, I., Elguero, J. (2005). Theoretical estimation of the annular tautomerism of indazoles. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, 18, 719-724. [CrossRef]
- 6. Doganc, F., Göker, H. (2024). Differentiation of regioisomeric N-alkylation of some indazoles and pyrazolopyridines by advanced NMR techniques. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 62, 765-774. [CrossRef]
- 7. Doganc, F., Aydin, A.S., Şahin, E., Göker, H. (2020). Regioselective N-alkylation of some 2 or 6-chlorinated purine analogues. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1272, 134200. [CrossRef]
- 8. Puskullu, M.O., Doganc, F., Ozden, S., Sahin, E., Celik, I., Göker, H. (2021). Synthesis, NMR, X-ray crystallography and DFT studies of some regioisomers possessing imidazole heterocycles. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1243, 130811. [CrossRef]
- 9. Karaaslan, C., Doganc, F., Alp, M., Koc, A., Karabay, A.Z., Göker, H. (2020). Regioselective N-alkylation of some imidazole-containing heterocycles and their in vitro anticancer evaluation. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1205, 127673. [CrossRef]
- 10. Göker, H., Özden, S. (2019). Regioselective N-alkylation of 2-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)imidazo[4,5-b] and [4,5-c]pyridine oxide derivatives: Synthesis and structure elucidation by NMR. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1197, 183-195. [CrossRef]
- 11. Bulygina, L.A., Khrushcheva, N.S., Klemenkova, Z.S., Lyssenko, K.A., Peregudov, A.S., Solokov, V.I. (2018). Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 867, 391-397. [CrossRef]
Yıl 2025,
Cilt: 49 Sayı: 1, 103 - 108, 20.01.2025
Fatıma Doğanç
Ali Hakan Göker
Amaç: İndazol halkası iki tautomerik forma sahiptir. Önceki çalışmalarımızda yola çıkarak, bu çalışmada bazı indazol analoglarının regioizomerik N-alkilasyonu sentezlendi ve yapıları 2D NMR yöntemleriyle aydınlatıldı.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Bazı non-sübstitüe ve sübstitüe indazollerin, DMF içinde bazik koşullar (K2CO3) altında N-alkilasyonu yoluyla regioizomerik N-alkilasyon türevleri elde edildi.
Sonuç ve Tartışma: N1 : N2 oluşum oranlarının neredeyse eşit olduğu (%50) gözlemlendi. Moleküllerin yapıları, 1H-1H NOE (Nuclear Overhauser Effect Spectroscopy, NOESY) ve HMBC (Heteronuclear Multiple Bond Correlation) NMR yöntemleri ile aydınlatıldı.
- 1. Gaikwad, D.D., Chapolikar, A.D., Devkate, C.G., Warad, K.D., Tayade, A.P., Pawar, R.P., Domb, A.J. (2015) Synthesis of indazole motifs and their medicinal importance: An overview. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 90, 707-731. [CrossRef]
- 2. Alam, R.M., Keating, J.J. (2021). Regioselective N-alkylation of the 1H-indazole scaffold; ring substituent and N-alkylating reagent effects on regioisomeric distribution. Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry. 17, 1939-1951. [CrossRef]
- 3. Uriarte, I., Reviriego, F., Calabrese, C., Elguero, J., Kisiel, Z., Alkorta, I.E., Cocinero, E.J. (2019). Bond length alternation observed experimentally: The case of 1H-indazole. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 25, 10172. [CrossRef]
- 4. Hunt, K.W., Moreno, D.A., Suiter, N., Clark, C.T., Kim, G. (2009). Selective synthesis of 1-functionalized-alkyl-1H-indazoles. Organic Letters 11(21), 5054-5057. [CrossRef]
- 5. Alkorta, I., Elguero, J. (2005). Theoretical estimation of the annular tautomerism of indazoles. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, 18, 719-724. [CrossRef]
- 6. Doganc, F., Göker, H. (2024). Differentiation of regioisomeric N-alkylation of some indazoles and pyrazolopyridines by advanced NMR techniques. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 62, 765-774. [CrossRef]
- 7. Doganc, F., Aydin, A.S., Şahin, E., Göker, H. (2020). Regioselective N-alkylation of some 2 or 6-chlorinated purine analogues. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1272, 134200. [CrossRef]
- 8. Puskullu, M.O., Doganc, F., Ozden, S., Sahin, E., Celik, I., Göker, H. (2021). Synthesis, NMR, X-ray crystallography and DFT studies of some regioisomers possessing imidazole heterocycles. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1243, 130811. [CrossRef]
- 9. Karaaslan, C., Doganc, F., Alp, M., Koc, A., Karabay, A.Z., Göker, H. (2020). Regioselective N-alkylation of some imidazole-containing heterocycles and their in vitro anticancer evaluation. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1205, 127673. [CrossRef]
- 10. Göker, H., Özden, S. (2019). Regioselective N-alkylation of 2-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)imidazo[4,5-b] and [4,5-c]pyridine oxide derivatives: Synthesis and structure elucidation by NMR. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1197, 183-195. [CrossRef]
- 11. Bulygina, L.A., Khrushcheva, N.S., Klemenkova, Z.S., Lyssenko, K.A., Peregudov, A.S., Solokov, V.I. (2018). Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 867, 391-397. [CrossRef]