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Comparison Of Tension Free Vaginal Tape Method And Transobturator Approaches In The Treatment Of Stress Urinary Incontinence

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 32 - 37, 01.01.2016


Stress urinary incontinence is defined as the complaint of involuntary urine leakage on effort or exertion or on sneezing or coughing without rise in detrusor pressure. Tension-free vaginal tape TVT is a standard minimally invasive procedure used to treat urinary stress incontinence since 1995. In2001, a new method of inserting the tape called transobturator tape TOT , which passes through the obturator foramen, thus theoretically avoiding some of the complications of TVT such as bladder perforation. In 2003 a modified technique, termed the tension-free vaginal tape obturator route TVT-O was defined. With the TVT-Otechnique, the needle is passed in a reverse route of TOT technique, i.e. in through vaginal incision and out through the obturator foramen inside–out . The aims of this study were to systematically review the existing literature comparing retropubic and transobturator approaches to midurethral slings for stress urinary incontinence, and to compare outcomes and complications.


  • Abrams P, Cardozo L, Fall M, Griffiths D, Rosier P, Ulmsten U, et al. The standardisation of terminology of lower urinary tract function: report from the Standardisation Sub-committee of the International Continence Society. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2002;187:6–26.
  • Ulmsten U, Petros P. Intravaginal slingplasty (IVS): an ambulatory surgi- cal procedure for treatment of female urinary incontinence. Scand J Urol Nephrol 1995;29:75–82.
  • Nilsson C.G, Kuuva N., Falconer C., Rezapour M., Ulmsten U., Long- term results of the tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) procedure for surgical treatment of female stress urinary incontinence, Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 2001;12:2:5–8.
  • Ward K.L., Hilton P. UK and Ireland TVT Trial Group, A prospective multi- center randomized trial of tension-free vaginal tape and colposuspension for primary urodynamic stress incontinence: two-year follow-up, Am J Obstet Gynecol 2004: 190; 324–331.
  • Morey A.F., Medendorp A.R., Noller M.W. et al., Transobturator versus transabdominal mid urethral slings: a multi-institutional comparison of obstructive voiding complications, J Urol 175 2006,1014–1017.
  • Ulmsten U. The basic understanding and clinical resultsof tension-free vaginal tape for stress urinary incontinence.Urologe A 2001;40:269–73.
  • deTayrac R, Deffieux X, Derupy S, Chauveaud-Lambling A, Calvanes L, Fernandez H. A prospective randomized trial comparing tension-free va- ginal tape and transobturator suburethral tape for surgical treatment of stress urinary incontinence. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2004;190:602–8.
  • Boustead C. The tension-free vaginal tape for treating female stress uri- nary incontinence. BJU Int 2002;89:687–93.
  • Delorme E. Transobturator urethral suspension: mini-invasive procedu- re in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence in women. Prog Urol 2001:1306–13.
  • de Leval J, Waltregny D. New surgical technique for treatment of stress urinary incontinence TVT-Obturator: new developments and results. Surg Technol Int 2005;14:212–21.
  • Neuman M. TVT and TVT-Obturator: comparison of two operative proce- dures. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2006; April 16
  • Latthe P, Patodi M, Constantine G. Transobturator tape procedure in stress urinary incontinence: UK experience of a district general hospital. J Obstet Gynaecol (in press).
  • Chene G, Amblard J, Tardieu AS, Escalona JR, Viallon A, Fatton B, Jacqu- etin B Long-term results of tension-free vaginaltape for the treatment of female urinary stress incontinence. Eur J Obstet Gynecol 2007;134:87– 94
  • Nillson CG, Falconer C, Reazapour M (2004) Seven-year followup of the tension free vaginal tape procedure for the treatment ofurinary inconti- nence. Obstet Gynecol 104:1259–1262.
  • Krauth JS, Rasoamiaramanana H, Barletta H, et al. Suburethral tape tre- atment of female urinary incontinence— morbidity assessment of the trans-obturator route and a new tape (I-STOPj): a multi-centre experi- ment involving 604 cases. Eur Urol 2005;47:102–7.
  • Riva D, Sacca V, Tonta A, Casolati E, Luerti M, Banfi G, et al. TVT versus TOT: a randomized study at 1 year follow up. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 2006;17: 93.
  • Enzelsberger H, Schalupny J, Heider R, Mayer G. TVT versus TOT – a prospective randomized study for the treatment of female stres uri- nary incontinence at a follow-up of 1 year. Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd 2005;65:5.
  • Mansoor A, Vedrine N, Darcq C. Surgery of female urinary incontinence using transobturator tape (TOT): a prospective randomised comparative study with TVT. Neurourol Urodyn 2003;22:488–9.
  • David-Montefiore E, Frobert JL, Grisard-Anaf M, Lienhart J, Bonnet K, Poncelet C, et al. Peri-operative complications and pain after the subu- rethral sling procedure for urinary stress incontinence: a French prospe- ctive randomised multicentre study comparing the retropubic and tran- sobturator routes. Eur Urol 2006;49:133–8.
  • Porena M, Kocjancic E, Costantini E, Cecchetti G, Bini V, Crivellaro S, et al. Tension free vaginal tape vs transobturator tape as surgery for stress urinary incontinence: results of a multicentre randomised trial). Neurourol Urodyn 2005;24:416–8.
  • Palma P, Riccetto C, Herrmann V, Dambros M, Thiel M, Bandiera S, Netto NR Jr. Transobturator SAFYRE sling is as effective as the transvaginal procedure. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct. 2005;16:487-91.
  • Fischer A, Fink Thomas, Zachmann S, Eickenbusch . Comparison of Retropubic and Outside-In Transoburator Sling Systems for the Cure of Female Genuine Stress Urinary Incontinence European Urology 2005;48:799–804
  • Mellier G, Benayed B, Bretones S, Pasquier J. C. Suburethral tape via the obturator route: is the TOT a simplification of the TVT? Int Urogynecol J 2004;15: 227–23.
  • Smith P, Oliveira L, Girao M, Sartori M, Castro R, Fonesca E, Prior E. Comparison of retropubic TVT, prepubic TVT and TVT transobturator in surgical treatment of women with stress urinary incontinence. Int Urogy- necol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 2006;17: 253.
  • Laurikainen EH, Valpas A, Kiilholma P, Takala T, Kivela A, Aukee P, et al. Aprospective randomized trial comparing TVTand TVT-Oprocedures fort- he treatment of SUI: immediate outcome and complications (abstract). Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 2006;17:104.
  • Zhu L, Lang J. A prospective randomized trial comparing TVT and TOT for surgical treatment of slight and moderate stress urinary incontinence (abstract). Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 2006; 17:307.
  • Meschia M, Pifarotti P, Bernasconi F, Bacchichet R, Magatti F, Cortese P, et al. Multicenter randomized trial of TVT and TVT-O for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence (abstract). Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Flor Dysfunct 2006;17:92–3.
  • Liapis A, Bakas P, Giner M, Creatsas G. Tension-free vaginal tape versus tension-free vaginal tape obturator in women with stress urinary inconti- nence. Gynecol Obstet Invest 2006;62:160–4.
  • Aniuliene R , Tension-free vaginal tape versus tension-free vaginal tape obturator (inside-outside) in the surgical treatment of female stress uri- nary incontinence. Medicina (Kaunas). 2009;45:639-43.
  • Schierlitz L, Dwyer PL, Rosamilia A, Murray C, Thomas E, De Souza A, Hiscock R, Three-year follow-up of tension-free vaginal tape compared with transobturator tape in women with stress urinary incontinence and intrinsic sphincter deficiency. Obstet Gynecol. 2012;119:321-7.
  • Muir TW, Tulikangas PK, Fidela Paraiso M, Walters MD. The relationship of tension-free vaginal tape insertion and the vascular anatomy. Obstet Gynecol 2003;101:933–936.
  • Cody J, Wyness L, Wallace S, et al. Systematic reviewof the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness oftension-free vaginal tape for tre- atment of urinary stressincontinence. Health Technol Assess 2003;7:1– 189
  • Brophy MM, Klutke JJ, Klutke CG. A review of the tension-free vaginal tape procedure: outcomes, complications, and theories. Curr Urol Rep 2001;2:364–369
  • Tommaselli GA, Formisano C, Di Carlo C, Fabozzi A, Nappi C, Effects of a modified technique for TVT-O positioning on postoperative pain: sing- le-blind randomized study. Int Urogynecol J. 2012;23:1293-9.
  • Geçit İ, Pirinççi N, Güneş M , Benli E, Şahin MA, Taken K, Ceylan K. Stres inkontinans tedavisinde transobturator tape (TOT) ile transvaginal tape (TVT)’in etkinliğinin ve komplikasyonlarının karşılatırılması. Van Tıp Dergisi 2011; 18 : 173-180.

Stres Üriner İnkontinans Tedavisinde Tensıon Free Vaginal Tape Yöntemi Ve Transobturator Yaklaşımların Karşılaştırılması

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 32 - 37, 01.01.2016


Stres ürinerin kontinans detrusor basıncında artış olmaksızın öksürme, hapşırma, egzersiz, eforla ile istemsiz idrar kaçırma yakınması olarak tanımlanır. Tension- free vaginal tape TVT yöntemi 1995 yılından beri üriner stresin kontinans tedavisinde kullanılan standart minimal invaziv bir yöntemdir. 2001 yılında TVT yönteminin mesane yaralanması gibi bazı komplikasyonlarından kaçınmak için yerleştirilen tape materyalinin obturator foramen yoluyla yerleştirildiği yeni bir yöntem olan transobturatortape TOT kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. 2003 yılında ise tension-free vaginal tape obturatorroute TVT-O olarak adlandırılan modifiye yöntem kullanılmaya başlandı. TVT-O yöntemi ile birlikte kullanılan iğne vajinal insizyondan doğru obturator foramenden geçecek şekilde TOT tekniğinin ters yönünde uygulanmaya başlandı iç – dış . Bu derlemenin amacı varolan yayınları sistematik olarak inceleyerek stres ürinerin kontinans için uygulanan midüretral sling operasyonlarından retropubic ve transobturator yaklaşımları sonuçları ve komplikasyonları açısından gözden geçirmektir.


  • Abrams P, Cardozo L, Fall M, Griffiths D, Rosier P, Ulmsten U, et al. The standardisation of terminology of lower urinary tract function: report from the Standardisation Sub-committee of the International Continence Society. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2002;187:6–26.
  • Ulmsten U, Petros P. Intravaginal slingplasty (IVS): an ambulatory surgi- cal procedure for treatment of female urinary incontinence. Scand J Urol Nephrol 1995;29:75–82.
  • Nilsson C.G, Kuuva N., Falconer C., Rezapour M., Ulmsten U., Long- term results of the tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) procedure for surgical treatment of female stress urinary incontinence, Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 2001;12:2:5–8.
  • Ward K.L., Hilton P. UK and Ireland TVT Trial Group, A prospective multi- center randomized trial of tension-free vaginal tape and colposuspension for primary urodynamic stress incontinence: two-year follow-up, Am J Obstet Gynecol 2004: 190; 324–331.
  • Morey A.F., Medendorp A.R., Noller M.W. et al., Transobturator versus transabdominal mid urethral slings: a multi-institutional comparison of obstructive voiding complications, J Urol 175 2006,1014–1017.
  • Ulmsten U. The basic understanding and clinical resultsof tension-free vaginal tape for stress urinary incontinence.Urologe A 2001;40:269–73.
  • deTayrac R, Deffieux X, Derupy S, Chauveaud-Lambling A, Calvanes L, Fernandez H. A prospective randomized trial comparing tension-free va- ginal tape and transobturator suburethral tape for surgical treatment of stress urinary incontinence. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2004;190:602–8.
  • Boustead C. The tension-free vaginal tape for treating female stress uri- nary incontinence. BJU Int 2002;89:687–93.
  • Delorme E. Transobturator urethral suspension: mini-invasive procedu- re in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence in women. Prog Urol 2001:1306–13.
  • de Leval J, Waltregny D. New surgical technique for treatment of stress urinary incontinence TVT-Obturator: new developments and results. Surg Technol Int 2005;14:212–21.
  • Neuman M. TVT and TVT-Obturator: comparison of two operative proce- dures. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2006; April 16
  • Latthe P, Patodi M, Constantine G. Transobturator tape procedure in stress urinary incontinence: UK experience of a district general hospital. J Obstet Gynaecol (in press).
  • Chene G, Amblard J, Tardieu AS, Escalona JR, Viallon A, Fatton B, Jacqu- etin B Long-term results of tension-free vaginaltape for the treatment of female urinary stress incontinence. Eur J Obstet Gynecol 2007;134:87– 94
  • Nillson CG, Falconer C, Reazapour M (2004) Seven-year followup of the tension free vaginal tape procedure for the treatment ofurinary inconti- nence. Obstet Gynecol 104:1259–1262.
  • Krauth JS, Rasoamiaramanana H, Barletta H, et al. Suburethral tape tre- atment of female urinary incontinence— morbidity assessment of the trans-obturator route and a new tape (I-STOPj): a multi-centre experi- ment involving 604 cases. Eur Urol 2005;47:102–7.
  • Riva D, Sacca V, Tonta A, Casolati E, Luerti M, Banfi G, et al. TVT versus TOT: a randomized study at 1 year follow up. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 2006;17: 93.
  • Enzelsberger H, Schalupny J, Heider R, Mayer G. TVT versus TOT – a prospective randomized study for the treatment of female stres uri- nary incontinence at a follow-up of 1 year. Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd 2005;65:5.
  • Mansoor A, Vedrine N, Darcq C. Surgery of female urinary incontinence using transobturator tape (TOT): a prospective randomised comparative study with TVT. Neurourol Urodyn 2003;22:488–9.
  • David-Montefiore E, Frobert JL, Grisard-Anaf M, Lienhart J, Bonnet K, Poncelet C, et al. Peri-operative complications and pain after the subu- rethral sling procedure for urinary stress incontinence: a French prospe- ctive randomised multicentre study comparing the retropubic and tran- sobturator routes. Eur Urol 2006;49:133–8.
  • Porena M, Kocjancic E, Costantini E, Cecchetti G, Bini V, Crivellaro S, et al. Tension free vaginal tape vs transobturator tape as surgery for stress urinary incontinence: results of a multicentre randomised trial). Neurourol Urodyn 2005;24:416–8.
  • Palma P, Riccetto C, Herrmann V, Dambros M, Thiel M, Bandiera S, Netto NR Jr. Transobturator SAFYRE sling is as effective as the transvaginal procedure. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct. 2005;16:487-91.
  • Fischer A, Fink Thomas, Zachmann S, Eickenbusch . Comparison of Retropubic and Outside-In Transoburator Sling Systems for the Cure of Female Genuine Stress Urinary Incontinence European Urology 2005;48:799–804
  • Mellier G, Benayed B, Bretones S, Pasquier J. C. Suburethral tape via the obturator route: is the TOT a simplification of the TVT? Int Urogynecol J 2004;15: 227–23.
  • Smith P, Oliveira L, Girao M, Sartori M, Castro R, Fonesca E, Prior E. Comparison of retropubic TVT, prepubic TVT and TVT transobturator in surgical treatment of women with stress urinary incontinence. Int Urogy- necol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 2006;17: 253.
  • Laurikainen EH, Valpas A, Kiilholma P, Takala T, Kivela A, Aukee P, et al. Aprospective randomized trial comparing TVTand TVT-Oprocedures fort- he treatment of SUI: immediate outcome and complications (abstract). Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 2006;17:104.
  • Zhu L, Lang J. A prospective randomized trial comparing TVT and TOT for surgical treatment of slight and moderate stress urinary incontinence (abstract). Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 2006; 17:307.
  • Meschia M, Pifarotti P, Bernasconi F, Bacchichet R, Magatti F, Cortese P, et al. Multicenter randomized trial of TVT and TVT-O for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence (abstract). Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Flor Dysfunct 2006;17:92–3.
  • Liapis A, Bakas P, Giner M, Creatsas G. Tension-free vaginal tape versus tension-free vaginal tape obturator in women with stress urinary inconti- nence. Gynecol Obstet Invest 2006;62:160–4.
  • Aniuliene R , Tension-free vaginal tape versus tension-free vaginal tape obturator (inside-outside) in the surgical treatment of female stress uri- nary incontinence. Medicina (Kaunas). 2009;45:639-43.
  • Schierlitz L, Dwyer PL, Rosamilia A, Murray C, Thomas E, De Souza A, Hiscock R, Three-year follow-up of tension-free vaginal tape compared with transobturator tape in women with stress urinary incontinence and intrinsic sphincter deficiency. Obstet Gynecol. 2012;119:321-7.
  • Muir TW, Tulikangas PK, Fidela Paraiso M, Walters MD. The relationship of tension-free vaginal tape insertion and the vascular anatomy. Obstet Gynecol 2003;101:933–936.
  • Cody J, Wyness L, Wallace S, et al. Systematic reviewof the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness oftension-free vaginal tape for tre- atment of urinary stressincontinence. Health Technol Assess 2003;7:1– 189
  • Brophy MM, Klutke JJ, Klutke CG. A review of the tension-free vaginal tape procedure: outcomes, complications, and theories. Curr Urol Rep 2001;2:364–369
  • Tommaselli GA, Formisano C, Di Carlo C, Fabozzi A, Nappi C, Effects of a modified technique for TVT-O positioning on postoperative pain: sing- le-blind randomized study. Int Urogynecol J. 2012;23:1293-9.
  • Geçit İ, Pirinççi N, Güneş M , Benli E, Şahin MA, Taken K, Ceylan K. Stres inkontinans tedavisinde transobturator tape (TOT) ile transvaginal tape (TVT)’in etkinliğinin ve komplikasyonlarının karşılatırılması. Van Tıp Dergisi 2011; 18 : 173-180.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Mehmet Sühha Bostancı Bu kişi benim

Kıvılcım Gören Bu kişi benim

Gökhan Karakoç Bu kişi benim

Aykan Yücel Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Bostancı MS, Gören K, Karakoç G, Yücel A. Stres Üriner İnkontinans Tedavisinde Tensıon Free Vaginal Tape Yöntemi Ve Transobturator Yaklaşımların Karşılaştırılması. JGON. 2016;13(1):32-7.