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Kavramsal Olarak Diaspora, Ermeni Diasporası Ve Lübnan Ermeni Diasporası

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 3, 321 - 341, 23.12.2017



Diaspora, anavatan ve milliyetçilik birbiriyle çakışan,
çelişkili ve tartışmalı kavramlar olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır.  Buradaki ana etken bu kavramların Ermeni
Diasporası algısında neyi çağrıştırdığıdır. 
Her biri kavramsal netlik içeren bu tanımlamalar, çalışmamamızda
işlenecek tema analizleri için belirgin önem arz etmektedir.  Tarihi faktörler hesaba katılarak Ermeni
sorunu, Ermeni milleti, anavatanı ve Diasporası "klasik"
unsurlarından zamanla evrimleşerek ve modernitenin koşullarına kendini
uyarlamıştır.  Dolayısıyla Diaspora,
fikri olarak birinci nesil göçmenlerin ve vatanın dışında doğmuş bir sonraki
nesil torunlarını ifade emektedir.  Bu
noktada da kavramsal olarak merkeze aldığımız Lübnan Ermeni Diasporası ortaya
çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmada; Diaspora, Ermeni Diasporası ve Lübnan Ermeni
Diasporası kavramsal olarak incelenecektir.


  • Abramson, S. (2013). “Lebanese Armenians; A Distinctive Community In The Armenian Diaspora And In Lebanese Society”. The Levantine Review 2 (2), 188-216.
  • Alfred, M.V. (2015). “Diaspora, Migration, and Globalization: Expanding the Discourse of Adult Education”. New Dırectıons For Adult And Contınuıng Educatıon, 87-97.
  • Baibourtian, A. (2009). “The Emergence of the Armenian Diaspora and Genesis of the Indo-Armenian Community”. Diaspora Studies, 2(1), 93-108.
  • Björklund, U. (2003). “Armenians of Athens and Istanbul: the Armenian diaspora and the ‘transnational’ nation”. Global Networks 3, 337–354.
  • Brubaker, R. (2005). “The ‘Diaspora’ Diaspora”. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 28(1), 1–19.
  • Brınkerhoff, J. M. (2011). “David And Goliath: Diaspora Organizations As Partners In The Development Industry”. Public Administration And Development Public Admin, 31 (1), 37–49.
  • Cavoukian, K. (2013). "Soviet mentality?" The role of shared political culture in relations between the Armenian state and Russia's Armenian diaspora”. Nationalities Papers, 41 (5), 709-729.
  • Cohen, R. (2008). Global Dıasporas. New York: Routledge.
  • Gallo, E. (2010). “Diaspora by Design? Multiple Allegiances and Belonging in Contemporary Global Catholicism”. Diaspora, 19(1), 51–73.
  • Ghoukassian, K. D. (2009). “Lebanon in my mind. The civil war and the centrality of th Lebanese-Armenian community in the making of the Armenian Diaspora nationalism”. A. Boudjikanian (Eds.), Armenıans Of Lebanon: From Past Princesses and Refugees to Present-Day Community, Beirut: Haigazian University, pp. 411-430.
  • Laycock, J.(2012) “Armenian Homelands And Homecomings, 1945–9”. Cultual And Social History, 9 (1), pp.103-123. Kasbarıan, S. (2013). “Diasporic Voices from the Peripheries – Armenian Experiences on the Edges of Community in Cyprus and Lebanon”. The Cyprus Revıew, 25 (1) , 81-110.
  • Koinova, M.(2011) “Diasporas and secessionist conflicts: the mobilization of the Armenian, Albanian and Chechen diasporas”. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 34(2), 333-356.
  • Kotchikian, A. (2009). “ Between (Home)land Lebanese- Armenians and the Republic of Armenia”. Armenıans Of Lebanon: From Past Princesses and Refugees to Present-Day Community, A. Boudjikanian (Eds.) Armenıans Of Lebanon: From Past Princesses and Refugees to Present-Day Community, Beirut: Haigazian University, pp. 463-476.
  • Krıkorıan, M. R. (2007). Almost Home: Perceptions Of Home And Homeland Among The Armenian Diaspora In Lebanon, Unpublished Master’s Thesis, American Unıversity Of Beirut, Beirut.
  • Messerlian, Z. M. (1963). Armenian Representation In The Lebanese Parliament, Unpublished Master’s Thesis, American University of Beirut, Lebanon.
  • McKittrick, K. (2009). “Diaspora”. R. Kıtchın N. Thrıft (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Canada: Elsevier, pp.156-161.
  • Policy Forum Armenia. (2010). Armenia-Diaspora Relations: 20 Years Since Independence. Armenia: A publication of Policy Forum Armenia.
  • Rana, Mohammad B., Elo, M. (2017). “Transnational Diaspora and Civil Society Actors Driving MNE Internationalisation: The Case of Grameenphone in Bangladesh”. Journal of International Management, 23(1), 87–106
  • Singh, M., Singh A.(2008). “Diaspora, Political Action, and Identity: A Case Study of Canada's Indian Diaspora”. Diaspora, 17 (2), 149-171.
  • Schahgaldian, N. B.(1979). The Political Integration of an Immigrant Community Into A Composite Society: The Armenians In Lebanon 1920-1974. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Columbia University, Columbia.
  • Sheffer, G. (2010). Diaspora Politics At Home Abroad. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Skulte-Ouaiss, J., Tabar, T. (2014). “Strong in Their Weakness or Weak in Their Strength? The Case of Lebanese Diaspora Engagement with Lebanon, Immigrants & Minorities Historical Studies in Ethnicity”. Migration and Diaspora, 33(2), 141-164.
  • Ter-Matevosyan, V., Danielyan, H., Sisserian SV., . Kankanyan N., and Shorjian, N. (2017). “Institutions and identity politics in the Armenian diaspora: the cases of Russia and Lebanon”. Diaspora Studies, 10 (1), 64-80.
  • Yamashiro, J. H. (2013). “Working towards conceptual consistency in discussing ‘diaspora’ and ‘diaspora strategies’: Ethnicity and affinity in the case of Japan”. Geoforum 59, 178-186.
  • Yousefıan, S.N. (2014). “Picnics for Patriots: The Transnational Activism of an Armenian Hometown Association”. Journal of American Ethnic History, 34 ( 1), 31-52.

Conceptually Diaspora, Armenian Diaspora and Lebanon Armenian Diaspora

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 3, 321 - 341, 23.12.2017


The concept of diaspora has been proposed as an alternative to the theological and nation-state conception of immigration and assimilation of diasporan by way of definition, classification and current activity point. However, there is no clear conceptual concept for diaspora.  From this point on, diaspora emerged as a controversial concept in terms of definition. It is clear that there is a transition from classical to contemporary, from local to global, or from modal to primitive. Armenian Diaspora; The Armenian question positively reveals this point because the Armenian nation evolved from the “classical” elements of the motherland over time and adapted itself to the conditions of modernity. In addition, the frequency, intensity and diaspora’s autonomy of Lebanon’s State of Lebanon’s participation in all areas of Lebanese life (politics, economy, society, etc.) This principle distinguishes the Lebanese Armenian Diasporas from other diaspora communities. Diaspora, motherland and nationalism are emerging as conflicting, contradictory and controversial concepts. The most important point here is; what these concepts evoke in the perception of the Armenian Diaspora. These definitions, each of which is conceptual clarity, are of particular significance for the concepts to be studied in our work. In this study; Diaspora, Armenian Diaspora and Lebanese Armenian Diaspora will be conceptually examined. 


  • Abramson, S. (2013). “Lebanese Armenians; A Distinctive Community In The Armenian Diaspora And In Lebanese Society”. The Levantine Review 2 (2), 188-216.
  • Alfred, M.V. (2015). “Diaspora, Migration, and Globalization: Expanding the Discourse of Adult Education”. New Dırectıons For Adult And Contınuıng Educatıon, 87-97.
  • Baibourtian, A. (2009). “The Emergence of the Armenian Diaspora and Genesis of the Indo-Armenian Community”. Diaspora Studies, 2(1), 93-108.
  • Björklund, U. (2003). “Armenians of Athens and Istanbul: the Armenian diaspora and the ‘transnational’ nation”. Global Networks 3, 337–354.
  • Brubaker, R. (2005). “The ‘Diaspora’ Diaspora”. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 28(1), 1–19.
  • Brınkerhoff, J. M. (2011). “David And Goliath: Diaspora Organizations As Partners In The Development Industry”. Public Administration And Development Public Admin, 31 (1), 37–49.
  • Cavoukian, K. (2013). "Soviet mentality?" The role of shared political culture in relations between the Armenian state and Russia's Armenian diaspora”. Nationalities Papers, 41 (5), 709-729.
  • Cohen, R. (2008). Global Dıasporas. New York: Routledge.
  • Gallo, E. (2010). “Diaspora by Design? Multiple Allegiances and Belonging in Contemporary Global Catholicism”. Diaspora, 19(1), 51–73.
  • Ghoukassian, K. D. (2009). “Lebanon in my mind. The civil war and the centrality of th Lebanese-Armenian community in the making of the Armenian Diaspora nationalism”. A. Boudjikanian (Eds.), Armenıans Of Lebanon: From Past Princesses and Refugees to Present-Day Community, Beirut: Haigazian University, pp. 411-430.
  • Laycock, J.(2012) “Armenian Homelands And Homecomings, 1945–9”. Cultual And Social History, 9 (1), pp.103-123. Kasbarıan, S. (2013). “Diasporic Voices from the Peripheries – Armenian Experiences on the Edges of Community in Cyprus and Lebanon”. The Cyprus Revıew, 25 (1) , 81-110.
  • Koinova, M.(2011) “Diasporas and secessionist conflicts: the mobilization of the Armenian, Albanian and Chechen diasporas”. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 34(2), 333-356.
  • Kotchikian, A. (2009). “ Between (Home)land Lebanese- Armenians and the Republic of Armenia”. Armenıans Of Lebanon: From Past Princesses and Refugees to Present-Day Community, A. Boudjikanian (Eds.) Armenıans Of Lebanon: From Past Princesses and Refugees to Present-Day Community, Beirut: Haigazian University, pp. 463-476.
  • Krıkorıan, M. R. (2007). Almost Home: Perceptions Of Home And Homeland Among The Armenian Diaspora In Lebanon, Unpublished Master’s Thesis, American Unıversity Of Beirut, Beirut.
  • Messerlian, Z. M. (1963). Armenian Representation In The Lebanese Parliament, Unpublished Master’s Thesis, American University of Beirut, Lebanon.
  • McKittrick, K. (2009). “Diaspora”. R. Kıtchın N. Thrıft (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Canada: Elsevier, pp.156-161.
  • Policy Forum Armenia. (2010). Armenia-Diaspora Relations: 20 Years Since Independence. Armenia: A publication of Policy Forum Armenia.
  • Rana, Mohammad B., Elo, M. (2017). “Transnational Diaspora and Civil Society Actors Driving MNE Internationalisation: The Case of Grameenphone in Bangladesh”. Journal of International Management, 23(1), 87–106
  • Singh, M., Singh A.(2008). “Diaspora, Political Action, and Identity: A Case Study of Canada's Indian Diaspora”. Diaspora, 17 (2), 149-171.
  • Schahgaldian, N. B.(1979). The Political Integration of an Immigrant Community Into A Composite Society: The Armenians In Lebanon 1920-1974. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Columbia University, Columbia.
  • Sheffer, G. (2010). Diaspora Politics At Home Abroad. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Skulte-Ouaiss, J., Tabar, T. (2014). “Strong in Their Weakness or Weak in Their Strength? The Case of Lebanese Diaspora Engagement with Lebanon, Immigrants & Minorities Historical Studies in Ethnicity”. Migration and Diaspora, 33(2), 141-164.
  • Ter-Matevosyan, V., Danielyan, H., Sisserian SV., . Kankanyan N., and Shorjian, N. (2017). “Institutions and identity politics in the Armenian diaspora: the cases of Russia and Lebanon”. Diaspora Studies, 10 (1), 64-80.
  • Yamashiro, J. H. (2013). “Working towards conceptual consistency in discussing ‘diaspora’ and ‘diaspora strategies’: Ethnicity and affinity in the case of Japan”. Geoforum 59, 178-186.
  • Yousefıan, S.N. (2014). “Picnics for Patriots: The Transnational Activism of an Armenian Hometown Association”. Journal of American Ethnic History, 34 ( 1), 31-52.
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Mehmet Çelik

Yayımlanma Tarihi 23 Aralık 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Çelik, Mehmet. “Kavramsal Olarak Diaspora, Ermeni Diasporası Ve Lübnan Ermeni Diasporası”. Tarih Ve Gelecek Dergisi 3, sy. 3 (Aralık 2017): 321-41.

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