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Doğal Bebek Bezi Pişiği (Bebek Bezi Dermatidi) Krem Formülasyonlarının Geliştirilmesi ve Mikrobiyolojik Değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2024, , 1 - 11, 30.04.2024


Amaç: Gül ürünleri üretim tesislerinde atık olarak çevreye salınan Rosa damascena Mill, antioksidan, antimikrobiyal ve antiseptik fenolik bileşenler içermektedir. Gül posasının antimikrobiyal özelliklerinden yararlanılarak ve doğal bileşenler (çinko oksit ZnO, doğal yağlar ve balmumu) eklenerek bebek pişikleri için etkili bir doğal krem formülasyonunun geliştirilmesidir.

Gereç ve Yöntem: Pişik kremi formülasyonlarını hazırlamak için emülsifikasyon yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Formülasyonların reolojik davranışını incelemek için rotasyonel tip viskozite tayini yapılmıştır. Optimum formülasyonun seçiminde pH, viskozite, hidrofilik-lipofilik denge ve ürünün fiziksel görünümü dikkate alınmıştır. Stabilite özelliklerini incelemek için, ICH direktifleri doğrultusunda üç farklı ortamda 6 ay boyunca stabilitesi incelenmiştir. Optimum DR-C-7 formülasyonu fizikokimyasal ve stabilite testlerine tabi tutulmuştur.

Bulgular: Reolojik özellikler açısından DR-C-7 formülasyonunun 9,820 ile 26,130 (Pa.s) arasında bir viskoziteye sahip olduğu gözlenmiştir. Zorlama testi sonucunda herhangi bir mikrobiyolojik birime rastlanmamıştır. Farklı koşullar altında yapılan 6 aylık stabilite çalışması sonunda tüm özelliklerini koruduğu gözlenmiştir.

Sonuç: Feniletil alkol, flavonoidler ve terpenoidler gibi önemli fenolik içeriklere sahip olan R. damascena pulpunun antioksidan antimikrobiyal özellikleri ile pişik kremi gibi kalın ürünlerde kullanılabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Keskin E, Didisen NA. The Valıdıty And Relıabılıty Study Of The Turkısh Versıon Of The Scale For Assessıng The Severıty Of Uncomplıcated Dıaper Dermatıtıs In Infants. J Basic Clin Health Sci. 2023; 7: 21-29. 9.
  • Bante A, Girma M, Ahmed M, Aschalew Z. Diaper dermatitis and associated factors among 1–24 months children visiting public health facilities of Arba Minch town, Gamo zone, southern Ethiopia. Heliyon. 2023; 10 (9): e20785.
  • Akram M, Ritz M., Munir N, Akhter N, Zafar S, Jabeen F, Ali Shariati M, Akhtar N, Riaz Z, Altaf SH, Daniyal, M, Zahid R, Said Khan F. Chemical constituents, experimental and clinical pharmacology of Rosa damascena: A literature review. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2020; 72(2): 161-174.
  • Baydar H, Baydar N G. Yağ Gülü (Rosa damascena Mill.)’nde Distilasyon Ürünlerinin Uçucu Yağ ve Fenolik Madde İçerikleri ile Antiradikal ve Antioksidan Aktiviteleri. 2017; 23:1-9. Journal of Agricultural Sciences
  • Petek TH, Petek M, Petek T, Varda NM. Emerging Links between Microbiome Composition and Skin Immunology in Diaper Dermatitis: A Narrative Review. Children (Basel). 2022; 9(1): 112.
  • Yildiz I, Kizilca O, Haksayar A, Demirkale ZH. Pediatricians’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Therapeutic Approaches Regarding Diaper Dermatitis: A Common Condition with Many Different Practices. Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology 2023:16 901–910.
  • Bashir A, Lambert P. Microbiological study of used cosmetic products: highlighting possible impact on consumer health, Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2019; 128(2), 598-605.
  • Rybczyńska-Tkaczyk K, Grenda A, Jakubczyk A, Kiersnowska K, Bik-Małodzińska M.Natural Compounds with Antimicrobial Properties in Cosmetics. Pathogens. 2023; 12(2): 320.
  • Hoang HT, Moon JY, Lee YC. Natural antioxidants from plant extracts in skincare cosmetics: Recent applications, challenges and perspectives. Cosmetics. 2021;8(4).
  • Moser CL, Meyer BK. Comparison of compendial antimicrobial effectiveness tests: A review. AAPS PharmSciTech. 2011;12(1):222-226.
  • Yazıcı EK, Eryilmaz M. Investıgatıon of The Mıcrobıologıcal Contamınatıon Of Used Lıpstıcks And Mascaras. Ankara Universitesi Eczacilik Fakultesi Dergisi. 2023;47(1):269-276.
  • Martin A, Busmante P, Chun AHC. ‘Coarse Dispersions’. Phyisical Pharmacy. Philedalphia. 1993. s.477-511.
  • Lasseuguette E, Roux D, Nishiyama Y. Rheological properties of microfibrillar suspension of TEMPO-oxidized pulp. Cellulose. 2008; 15, 425-433.
  • Amaral Sobral PJ, Gebremariam G, Drudi F, Saldanha Pinheiro AA, Romani S, Rocculi P. Rheological and Viscoelastic Properties of Chitosan Solutions Prepared with Different Chitosan or Acetic Acid Concentrations. Foods. 2022; 11, 2692.
  • Lebsing S, Chaiyarit J, Techasatian L. Diaper rashes can indicate systemic conditions other than diaper dermatitis. BMC Dermatology. 2020; 20(1):7.
  • Pawar KS, Singh PN, Singh SK. Fungal alkaline proteases and their potential applications in different industries. Front. Microbiol. 2023; 14:1138401.
  • Wesner E, Vassantachart JM, Jacob SE. Art of prevention: The importance of proper diapering practices. Int J Womens Dermatol. 2019; 5(4): 233–234.
  • Türkı̇ye İlaç ve Tıbbı̇ Cı̇haz Kurumu Kozmetı̇k Ürünlerde Güvenlı̇lı̇k Değerlendı̇rmesı̇ne İlı̇şkı̇n Kılavuz Sürüm 3.0 (2020). From
  • Angelopoulou P, Giaouris E, Gardikis K.Applications and Prospects of Nanotechnology in Food and Cosmetics Preservation. Nanomaterials (Basel). 2022; 12(7): 1196.
  • Kurt, A. A., Aslan, I., & Duman, G. (2021). Next-Generation Natural Baby Barrier Cream Formulations: Physicochemical Analysis and Safety Assessment. Journal of Cosmetic Science, 72(2).
  • Hebert AA. A new therapeutic horizon in diaper dermatitis: Novel agents with novel action. Int J Womens Dermatol. 2021 Sep; 7(4): 466–470.
  • Tain Y, Zhou J, He C, He L, Li X, Sui H. The Formation, Stabilization and Separation of Oil–Water Emulsions: A Review. Processes 2022; 10, 738.

Development and Microbiological Evaluation of Natural Diaper Rash (Diaper Dermatitis) Cream Formulations

Yıl 2024, , 1 - 11, 30.04.2024


Backround: Rosa damascena Mill, released into the environment as waste in rose products production facilities, contains antioxidant, antimicrobial, and antiseptic phenolic components. It is the development of an effective natural cream formulation for baby diaper rash by taking advantage of the antimicrobial properties of rose pulp and adding natural ingredients (zinc oxide ZnO, natural oils, and beeswax).

Material and Methods: The emulsification method was used to prepare diaper rash cream formulations. Rotational type viscosity determination was performed to examine the rheological behavior of the formulations. In selecting the optimum formulation, pH, viscosity, hydrophilic-lipophilic balance, and physical appearance of the product were considered. To examine its stability properties, its stability was examined in three different environments in line with ICH directives for 6months. The optimum DR-C-7 formulation was subjected to physicochemical and stability tests.

Results: It was observed that the DR-C-7 formulation had a viscosity between 9,820 and 26,130 (Pa.s) in terms of rheological properties. As a result of the challenge test, no microbiological units were found. At the end of a 6-month stability study under different conditions, it was observed that it retained all its features.

Conclusion: It was concluded that R. damascena pulp, which has important phenolic contents such as phenylethyl alcohol, flavonoids, and terpenoids, can be used for thick products such as diaper rash cream with its antioxidant antimicrobial properties.

Etik Beyan

No Aplicabile

Destekleyen Kurum



I would like to thank Dr Bashar IBRAHIM for her support in the study.


  • Keskin E, Didisen NA. The Valıdıty And Relıabılıty Study Of The Turkısh Versıon Of The Scale For Assessıng The Severıty Of Uncomplıcated Dıaper Dermatıtıs In Infants. J Basic Clin Health Sci. 2023; 7: 21-29. 9.
  • Bante A, Girma M, Ahmed M, Aschalew Z. Diaper dermatitis and associated factors among 1–24 months children visiting public health facilities of Arba Minch town, Gamo zone, southern Ethiopia. Heliyon. 2023; 10 (9): e20785.
  • Akram M, Ritz M., Munir N, Akhter N, Zafar S, Jabeen F, Ali Shariati M, Akhtar N, Riaz Z, Altaf SH, Daniyal, M, Zahid R, Said Khan F. Chemical constituents, experimental and clinical pharmacology of Rosa damascena: A literature review. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2020; 72(2): 161-174.
  • Baydar H, Baydar N G. Yağ Gülü (Rosa damascena Mill.)’nde Distilasyon Ürünlerinin Uçucu Yağ ve Fenolik Madde İçerikleri ile Antiradikal ve Antioksidan Aktiviteleri. 2017; 23:1-9. Journal of Agricultural Sciences
  • Petek TH, Petek M, Petek T, Varda NM. Emerging Links between Microbiome Composition and Skin Immunology in Diaper Dermatitis: A Narrative Review. Children (Basel). 2022; 9(1): 112.
  • Yildiz I, Kizilca O, Haksayar A, Demirkale ZH. Pediatricians’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Therapeutic Approaches Regarding Diaper Dermatitis: A Common Condition with Many Different Practices. Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology 2023:16 901–910.
  • Bashir A, Lambert P. Microbiological study of used cosmetic products: highlighting possible impact on consumer health, Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2019; 128(2), 598-605.
  • Rybczyńska-Tkaczyk K, Grenda A, Jakubczyk A, Kiersnowska K, Bik-Małodzińska M.Natural Compounds with Antimicrobial Properties in Cosmetics. Pathogens. 2023; 12(2): 320.
  • Hoang HT, Moon JY, Lee YC. Natural antioxidants from plant extracts in skincare cosmetics: Recent applications, challenges and perspectives. Cosmetics. 2021;8(4).
  • Moser CL, Meyer BK. Comparison of compendial antimicrobial effectiveness tests: A review. AAPS PharmSciTech. 2011;12(1):222-226.
  • Yazıcı EK, Eryilmaz M. Investıgatıon of The Mıcrobıologıcal Contamınatıon Of Used Lıpstıcks And Mascaras. Ankara Universitesi Eczacilik Fakultesi Dergisi. 2023;47(1):269-276.
  • Martin A, Busmante P, Chun AHC. ‘Coarse Dispersions’. Phyisical Pharmacy. Philedalphia. 1993. s.477-511.
  • Lasseuguette E, Roux D, Nishiyama Y. Rheological properties of microfibrillar suspension of TEMPO-oxidized pulp. Cellulose. 2008; 15, 425-433.
  • Amaral Sobral PJ, Gebremariam G, Drudi F, Saldanha Pinheiro AA, Romani S, Rocculi P. Rheological and Viscoelastic Properties of Chitosan Solutions Prepared with Different Chitosan or Acetic Acid Concentrations. Foods. 2022; 11, 2692.
  • Lebsing S, Chaiyarit J, Techasatian L. Diaper rashes can indicate systemic conditions other than diaper dermatitis. BMC Dermatology. 2020; 20(1):7.
  • Pawar KS, Singh PN, Singh SK. Fungal alkaline proteases and their potential applications in different industries. Front. Microbiol. 2023; 14:1138401.
  • Wesner E, Vassantachart JM, Jacob SE. Art of prevention: The importance of proper diapering practices. Int J Womens Dermatol. 2019; 5(4): 233–234.
  • Türkı̇ye İlaç ve Tıbbı̇ Cı̇haz Kurumu Kozmetı̇k Ürünlerde Güvenlı̇lı̇k Değerlendı̇rmesı̇ne İlı̇şkı̇n Kılavuz Sürüm 3.0 (2020). From
  • Angelopoulou P, Giaouris E, Gardikis K.Applications and Prospects of Nanotechnology in Food and Cosmetics Preservation. Nanomaterials (Basel). 2022; 12(7): 1196.
  • Kurt, A. A., Aslan, I., & Duman, G. (2021). Next-Generation Natural Baby Barrier Cream Formulations: Physicochemical Analysis and Safety Assessment. Journal of Cosmetic Science, 72(2).
  • Hebert AA. A new therapeutic horizon in diaper dermatitis: Novel agents with novel action. Int J Womens Dermatol. 2021 Sep; 7(4): 466–470.
  • Tain Y, Zhou J, He C, He L, Li X, Sui H. The Formation, Stabilization and Separation of Oil–Water Emulsions: A Review. Processes 2022; 10, 738.
Toplam 22 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Ahmet Arif Kurt 0000-0002-3490-0192

Bashar Ibrahım 0000-0003-3086-0995

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Aralık 2023
Kabul Tarihi 24 Nisan 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Kurt, A. A., & Ibrahım, B. (2024). Development and Microbiological Evaluation of Natural Diaper Rash (Diaper Dermatitis) Cream Formulations. Journal of Immunology and Clinical Microbiology, 9(1), 1-11.
AMA Kurt AA, Ibrahım B. Development and Microbiological Evaluation of Natural Diaper Rash (Diaper Dermatitis) Cream Formulations. J Immunol Clin Microbiol. Nisan 2024;9(1):1-11. doi:10.58854/jicm.1402773
Chicago Kurt, Ahmet Arif, ve Bashar Ibrahım. “Development and Microbiological Evaluation of Natural Diaper Rash (Diaper Dermatitis) Cream Formulations”. Journal of Immunology and Clinical Microbiology 9, sy. 1 (Nisan 2024): 1-11.
EndNote Kurt AA, Ibrahım B (01 Nisan 2024) Development and Microbiological Evaluation of Natural Diaper Rash (Diaper Dermatitis) Cream Formulations. Journal of Immunology and Clinical Microbiology 9 1 1–11.
IEEE A. A. Kurt ve B. Ibrahım, “Development and Microbiological Evaluation of Natural Diaper Rash (Diaper Dermatitis) Cream Formulations”, J Immunol Clin Microbiol, c. 9, sy. 1, ss. 1–11, 2024, doi: 10.58854/jicm.1402773.
ISNAD Kurt, Ahmet Arif - Ibrahım, Bashar. “Development and Microbiological Evaluation of Natural Diaper Rash (Diaper Dermatitis) Cream Formulations”. Journal of Immunology and Clinical Microbiology 9/1 (Nisan 2024), 1-11.
JAMA Kurt AA, Ibrahım B. Development and Microbiological Evaluation of Natural Diaper Rash (Diaper Dermatitis) Cream Formulations. J Immunol Clin Microbiol. 2024;9:1–11.
MLA Kurt, Ahmet Arif ve Bashar Ibrahım. “Development and Microbiological Evaluation of Natural Diaper Rash (Diaper Dermatitis) Cream Formulations”. Journal of Immunology and Clinical Microbiology, c. 9, sy. 1, 2024, ss. 1-11, doi:10.58854/jicm.1402773.
Vancouver Kurt AA, Ibrahım B. Development and Microbiological Evaluation of Natural Diaper Rash (Diaper Dermatitis) Cream Formulations. J Immunol Clin Microbiol. 2024;9(1):1-11.


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