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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 3, 1 - 12, 07.12.2018


personality traits emerge as dominant variables in the comprehensive of the conceptual dimension of entrepreneurial
intention and interventional behavior. Approaches to personal traits
development of entrepreneurs have an essential and dominant significance for
modeling enterprise intent and desire on an individual scale. In essence, the
growth, profitability and sustainability dimensions of business ventures depend
on the personal traits of entrepreneurs. In addition to the big five personality traits (openness to experience,
conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, neuroticism) perspective; locus
of control, need for achievement, risk-taking tendency, creativity and other
wide range of personality traits have a
direct and mostly very positive effect on all processes of the
entrepreneurship. Personality traits also influence individual's tendency to enter and leave an entrepreneurial
activity, as well as in the process of running
and developing entrepreneurial ventures. Findings of this qualitative paper’s
explicitly pointed out how these entrepreneurial traits impact entrepreneurial
success. The predictable dimension of entrepreneurial traits has shown that the implications uttered here provide critically and antecedent inputs for parents and educators. 


  • Al-Damen, R. A. (2015). The impact of entrepreneurs’ characteristics on small business success at medical instruments supplies organizations in Jordan. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 6(8).
  • Ariyanto, A. A., Muluk, H., Newcombe, P., Piercy, F. P., Poerwandari, E. K., & Suradijono, S. H. R. (2017). Diversity in Unity: Perspectives from Psychology and Behavioral Sciences. CRC Press.
  • Baum, J. R., Bird, B. J., & Singh, S. (2011). The practical intelligence of entrepreneurs: Antecedents and a link with new venture growth. Personnel Psychology, 64(2), 397-425.
  • Braunerhjelm, P. (2010). Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Growth-past experience, current knowledge and policy implications. Working Paper Series in Economics and Institutions of Innovation 224, Royal Institute of Technology, CESIS - Centre of Excellence for Science and Innovation Studies.
  • Collins, C. J., Hanges, P. J., & Locke, E. A. (2004). The relationship of achievement motivation to entrepreneurial behavior: A meta-analysis. Human performance, 17(1), 95-117.
  • Dakung, R. J., Munene, J. C., & Balunywa, W. (2016). Robustness of personal initiative in moderating entrepreneurial intentions and actions of disabled students. Cogent Business & Management, 3(1), 1169575.
  • Farrington, M. (2012). Does personality matter for small business success?. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, 15(4), 381-401.
  • Frese, M., & Gielnik, M. M. (2014). The psychology of entrepreneurship. Annu. Rev. Organ. Psychol. Organ. Behav., 1(1), 413-438.
  • Gartner, W. B. (1988). “Who is an entrepreneur?” is the wrong question. American journal of small business, 12(4), 11-32
  • Ireland, R. D., Hitt, M. A., & Sirmon, D. G. (2003). A model of strategic entrepreneurship: The construct and its dimensions. Journal of management, 29(6), 963-989.
  • Ismail, I., Rahim, N. A., Kamal, M. H. M., Mat, R. C., & Husin, N. (2015). Investigating the Needs for Achievement, Risk Taking and Tolerance for Ambiguity toward Entrepreneurial Passion among Single Mother Entrepreneur in Malaysia. Procedia Economics and Finance, 31, 110-116.
  • Kerr, S. P., Kerr, W. R., & Xu, T. (2017). Personality traits of entrepreneurs: a review of recent literature. Harward Business School Working Paper (No. W18-047)
  • Koe, W. L., Sa’ari, J. R., Majid, I. A., & Ismail, K. (2012). Determinants of entrepreneurial intention among millennial generation. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 40, 197-208.
  • Krueger Jr, N. F., Reilly, M. D., & Carsrud, A. L. (2000). Competing models of entrepreneurial intentions. Journal of Business Venturing, 15(5-6), 411-432.
  • Leutner, F., Ahmetoglu, G., Akhtar, R., & Chamorro-Premuzic, T. (2014). The relationship between the entrepreneurial personality and the Big Five personality traits. Personality and individual differences, 63, 58-63.
  • Lopera, M., & Marchand, S. (2017). Peer Effects and Risk-Taking Among Entrepreneurs: Lab-in-the-Field Evidence. Retrieved from https://www.crrep.ca/sites/crrep.ca/files/fichier_publications/crrep-2017-03.pdf
  • Murugesan, R., & Jayavelu, R. (2017). The Influence of Big Five Personality Traits and Self-efficacy on Entrepreneurial Intention: The Role of Gender. Journal of entrepreneurship and innovation in emerging economies, 3(1), 41-61.
  • Navis, C., & Ozbek, O. V. (2016). The right people in the wrong places: The paradox of entrepreneurial entry and successful opportunity realization. Academy of Management Review, 41(1), 109-129.
  • Orobia, L., Munene, J. C., & Balunywa, W. (2017). The role of entrepreneurship education in shaping entrepreneurial action of disabled students in Nigeria. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 29(4), 293-311.
  • Ozaralli, N., & Rivenburgh, N. K. (2016). Entrepreneurial intention: antecedents to entrepreneurial behavior in the USA and Turkey. Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research, 6(1), 3.
  • Öztaş, M., Kasımoğlu, M., & Şirin, E. F. (2017). The effect of entrepreneurial personality traits of undergraduates in the area of education of physical education and sports on the entrepreneurship tendency. Journal of Human Sciences, 14(4), 4365-4382
  • Power, R. A., & Pluess, M. (2015). Heritability estimates of the Big Five personality traits based on common genetic variants. Translational psychiatry, 5(7), e604.
  • Scherer, R. F., Brodzinski, J. D., & Wiebe, F. (1991). Examining the relationship between personality and entrepreneurial career preference. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 3(2), 195-206.
  • Sharma, P., & Chrisman, S. J. J. (2007). Toward a reconciliation of the definitional issues in the field of corporate entrepreneurship. In Entrepreneurship (pp. 83-103). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • Siddiqui, M. (2016). Entrepreneurial Passion as Mediator of the Entrepreneurial Self Efficacy and Entrepreneurial Performance, Relationship: An Empirical Study in Small Medium Businesses. Journal Of Entrepreneurship & Organization Management, 5(3).
  • Storey, D. J., & Greene, F. J. (2010). Small business and entrepreneurship. Financial Times/Prentice Hall.
  • Walter, S. G., & Heinrichs, S. (2015). Who becomes an entrepreneur? A 30-years-review of individual-level research. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 22(2), 225-248.
  • Xie, C. (2014). Why do some people choose to become entrepreneurs? An integrative approach. Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 15(1), 25.
  • Yurtkoru, E. S., Acar, P., & Teraman, B. S. (2014). Willingness to take risk and entrepreneurial intention of university students: An empirical study comparing private and state universities. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 150, 834-840.
  • Zhou, J. (2008). New look at creativity in the entrepreneurial process. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 2(1), 1-5.


Yıl 2018, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 3, 1 - 12, 07.12.2018


kişilik özellikleri, girişimcilik eğilimi (niyeti) ve girişimsel davranışların
kavramsal boyutlarını anlamada baskın değişkenler olarak ortaya çıkar. Girişimcilerin
kişisel özelliklerinin geliştirilmesine yönelik yaklaşımlar, girişim niyetinin
ve arzusunun bireysel ölçekte modellenebilmesi için temel ve belirleyici bir
öneme sahiptir. Özünde, iş girişimlerinin büyüme, kârlılık ve sürdürülebilirlik
boyutları girişimcilerin karakter özelliklerine bağlıdır. Büyük beşli kişisel
özellik (deneyime açıklık, kendini bilme, dışa dönüklük, uzlaşılabilirlik,
kaygı durumu) perspektifine ek olarak; kontrol odağı, başarı ihtiyacı, risk
alma eğilimi, yaratıcılık gibi geniş yelpazedeki kişilik özellikleri de
girişimin tüm süreçlerine doğrudan ve çok büyük ölçüde olumlu anlamda etki
ederler. Kişilik özellikleri ayrıca, kişinin girişimcilik faaliyetlerine girme
ve bırakma eğilimleri üzerinde etki sahibi olduğu gibi, girişimleri sürdürme ve
geliştirme sürecinde de belirleyici unsurlardır. Bu çalışmada nitel araştırma
yaklaşımı kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın bulguları, adı geçen girişimci
özelliklerinin girişimci başarısını nasıl etkilediğini ortaya çıkarmıştır.
Ayrıca, girişimcilik kişilik özelliklerinin öngörülebilir boyutu, burada ortaya
konulmuş çıkarımların ebeveynler ve eğitimciler için kritik ve öncül veriler
sağladığını göstermiştir.


  • Al-Damen, R. A. (2015). The impact of entrepreneurs’ characteristics on small business success at medical instruments supplies organizations in Jordan. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 6(8).
  • Ariyanto, A. A., Muluk, H., Newcombe, P., Piercy, F. P., Poerwandari, E. K., & Suradijono, S. H. R. (2017). Diversity in Unity: Perspectives from Psychology and Behavioral Sciences. CRC Press.
  • Baum, J. R., Bird, B. J., & Singh, S. (2011). The practical intelligence of entrepreneurs: Antecedents and a link with new venture growth. Personnel Psychology, 64(2), 397-425.
  • Braunerhjelm, P. (2010). Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Growth-past experience, current knowledge and policy implications. Working Paper Series in Economics and Institutions of Innovation 224, Royal Institute of Technology, CESIS - Centre of Excellence for Science and Innovation Studies.
  • Collins, C. J., Hanges, P. J., & Locke, E. A. (2004). The relationship of achievement motivation to entrepreneurial behavior: A meta-analysis. Human performance, 17(1), 95-117.
  • Dakung, R. J., Munene, J. C., & Balunywa, W. (2016). Robustness of personal initiative in moderating entrepreneurial intentions and actions of disabled students. Cogent Business & Management, 3(1), 1169575.
  • Farrington, M. (2012). Does personality matter for small business success?. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, 15(4), 381-401.
  • Frese, M., & Gielnik, M. M. (2014). The psychology of entrepreneurship. Annu. Rev. Organ. Psychol. Organ. Behav., 1(1), 413-438.
  • Gartner, W. B. (1988). “Who is an entrepreneur?” is the wrong question. American journal of small business, 12(4), 11-32
  • Ireland, R. D., Hitt, M. A., & Sirmon, D. G. (2003). A model of strategic entrepreneurship: The construct and its dimensions. Journal of management, 29(6), 963-989.
  • Ismail, I., Rahim, N. A., Kamal, M. H. M., Mat, R. C., & Husin, N. (2015). Investigating the Needs for Achievement, Risk Taking and Tolerance for Ambiguity toward Entrepreneurial Passion among Single Mother Entrepreneur in Malaysia. Procedia Economics and Finance, 31, 110-116.
  • Kerr, S. P., Kerr, W. R., & Xu, T. (2017). Personality traits of entrepreneurs: a review of recent literature. Harward Business School Working Paper (No. W18-047)
  • Koe, W. L., Sa’ari, J. R., Majid, I. A., & Ismail, K. (2012). Determinants of entrepreneurial intention among millennial generation. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 40, 197-208.
  • Krueger Jr, N. F., Reilly, M. D., & Carsrud, A. L. (2000). Competing models of entrepreneurial intentions. Journal of Business Venturing, 15(5-6), 411-432.
  • Leutner, F., Ahmetoglu, G., Akhtar, R., & Chamorro-Premuzic, T. (2014). The relationship between the entrepreneurial personality and the Big Five personality traits. Personality and individual differences, 63, 58-63.
  • Lopera, M., & Marchand, S. (2017). Peer Effects and Risk-Taking Among Entrepreneurs: Lab-in-the-Field Evidence. Retrieved from https://www.crrep.ca/sites/crrep.ca/files/fichier_publications/crrep-2017-03.pdf
  • Murugesan, R., & Jayavelu, R. (2017). The Influence of Big Five Personality Traits and Self-efficacy on Entrepreneurial Intention: The Role of Gender. Journal of entrepreneurship and innovation in emerging economies, 3(1), 41-61.
  • Navis, C., & Ozbek, O. V. (2016). The right people in the wrong places: The paradox of entrepreneurial entry and successful opportunity realization. Academy of Management Review, 41(1), 109-129.
  • Orobia, L., Munene, J. C., & Balunywa, W. (2017). The role of entrepreneurship education in shaping entrepreneurial action of disabled students in Nigeria. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 29(4), 293-311.
  • Ozaralli, N., & Rivenburgh, N. K. (2016). Entrepreneurial intention: antecedents to entrepreneurial behavior in the USA and Turkey. Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research, 6(1), 3.
  • Öztaş, M., Kasımoğlu, M., & Şirin, E. F. (2017). The effect of entrepreneurial personality traits of undergraduates in the area of education of physical education and sports on the entrepreneurship tendency. Journal of Human Sciences, 14(4), 4365-4382
  • Power, R. A., & Pluess, M. (2015). Heritability estimates of the Big Five personality traits based on common genetic variants. Translational psychiatry, 5(7), e604.
  • Scherer, R. F., Brodzinski, J. D., & Wiebe, F. (1991). Examining the relationship between personality and entrepreneurial career preference. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 3(2), 195-206.
  • Sharma, P., & Chrisman, S. J. J. (2007). Toward a reconciliation of the definitional issues in the field of corporate entrepreneurship. In Entrepreneurship (pp. 83-103). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • Siddiqui, M. (2016). Entrepreneurial Passion as Mediator of the Entrepreneurial Self Efficacy and Entrepreneurial Performance, Relationship: An Empirical Study in Small Medium Businesses. Journal Of Entrepreneurship & Organization Management, 5(3).
  • Storey, D. J., & Greene, F. J. (2010). Small business and entrepreneurship. Financial Times/Prentice Hall.
  • Walter, S. G., & Heinrichs, S. (2015). Who becomes an entrepreneur? A 30-years-review of individual-level research. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 22(2), 225-248.
  • Xie, C. (2014). Why do some people choose to become entrepreneurs? An integrative approach. Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 15(1), 25.
  • Yurtkoru, E. S., Acar, P., & Teraman, B. S. (2014). Willingness to take risk and entrepreneurial intention of university students: An empirical study comparing private and state universities. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 150, 834-840.
  • Zhou, J. (2008). New look at creativity in the entrepreneurial process. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 2(1), 1-5.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Makaleler

Ömer Faruk Derindağ 0000-0002-6693-0628

Yayımlanma Tarihi 7 Aralık 2018
Kabul Tarihi 20 Kasım 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Derindağ, Ö. F. (2018). GİRİŞİMCİLİK BAŞARISINI ETKİLEYEN UNSURLAR: KİŞİLİK ÖZELLİKLERİ BAĞLAMINDA BİR ANALİZ. Journal of International Management Educational and Economics Perspectives, 6(3), 1-12.
AMA Derindağ ÖF. GİRİŞİMCİLİK BAŞARISINI ETKİLEYEN UNSURLAR: KİŞİLİK ÖZELLİKLERİ BAĞLAMINDA BİR ANALİZ. Journal of International Management Educational and Economics Perspectives. Aralık 2018;6(3):1-12.
Chicago Derindağ, Ömer Faruk. “GİRİŞİMCİLİK BAŞARISINI ETKİLEYEN UNSURLAR: KİŞİLİK ÖZELLİKLERİ BAĞLAMINDA BİR ANALİZ”. Journal of International Management Educational and Economics Perspectives 6, sy. 3 (Aralık 2018): 1-12.
EndNote Derindağ ÖF (01 Aralık 2018) GİRİŞİMCİLİK BAŞARISINI ETKİLEYEN UNSURLAR: KİŞİLİK ÖZELLİKLERİ BAĞLAMINDA BİR ANALİZ. Journal of International Management Educational and Economics Perspectives 6 3 1–12.
IEEE Ö. F. Derindağ, “GİRİŞİMCİLİK BAŞARISINI ETKİLEYEN UNSURLAR: KİŞİLİK ÖZELLİKLERİ BAĞLAMINDA BİR ANALİZ”, Journal of International Management Educational and Economics Perspectives, c. 6, sy. 3, ss. 1–12, 2018.
ISNAD Derindağ, Ömer Faruk. “GİRİŞİMCİLİK BAŞARISINI ETKİLEYEN UNSURLAR: KİŞİLİK ÖZELLİKLERİ BAĞLAMINDA BİR ANALİZ”. Journal of International Management Educational and Economics Perspectives 6/3 (Aralık 2018), 1-12.
JAMA Derindağ ÖF. GİRİŞİMCİLİK BAŞARISINI ETKİLEYEN UNSURLAR: KİŞİLİK ÖZELLİKLERİ BAĞLAMINDA BİR ANALİZ. Journal of International Management Educational and Economics Perspectives. 2018;6:1–12.
MLA Derindağ, Ömer Faruk. “GİRİŞİMCİLİK BAŞARISINI ETKİLEYEN UNSURLAR: KİŞİLİK ÖZELLİKLERİ BAĞLAMINDA BİR ANALİZ”. Journal of International Management Educational and Economics Perspectives, c. 6, sy. 3, 2018, ss. 1-12.
Vancouver Derindağ ÖF. GİRİŞİMCİLİK BAŞARISINI ETKİLEYEN UNSURLAR: KİŞİLİK ÖZELLİKLERİ BAĞLAMINDA BİR ANALİZ. Journal of International Management Educational and Economics Perspectives. 2018;6(3):1-12.