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The Landscape of Peace Education Programs in Children’s and Youth Museums

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 1, 50 - 75, 30.11.2019



Taking on the role of educational community centers, some children’s and youth museums have offered activities designed to help solve social problems. Some museums offer peace education programs since conflict resolution may be the biggest challenge facing today’s multicultural, global society. For the purposes of this article, “peace education” is broadly defined as the process of developing empathy for others and for the planet through mutual respect and conflict resolution. This can only be achieved by a willingness to learn and embrace the attitudes, skills, and behaviors needed to live in harmony with oneself, with others and with natural environment. However, there has not been much research conducted about the peace education programs implemented thus far in museums. The aim of this study wasto examined the landscape of children's and young museums programs  interms of their peace education related goals, process and strategies.After reviewing the existing literature on the subject, we designed a survey and then interviewed museum professionals who have been involved in staging these programs.A total of 239 professionals working in education departments of children’sand youth museums were invited to complete an online survey; 77 responded. The findings suggest that children’sand youth museums are uniquely positioned to bring about meaningful social change by implementing peace education strategies.


  • ACM (Association of Children’s Museums). Case for children’s museums. Retrieved December 20, 2013, from
  • Ardizzone, L. (2003). Generating peace: A study of nonformal youth organizations. Peace & Change, 28(3), 420-445. DOI:10.1111/1468-0130.00269.
  • DCMS (Department for Culture, Media and Sport). (2000). Centres for Social Change: Museums, Galleries and Archives for All: Policy Guidance on Social Inclusion for DCMS Funded and Local Authority Museums, Galleries and Archives in England. Retrieved September, 09, 2011, from
  • Dewey, J. (1929). My pedagogic creed. Journal of the National Education Association, 18 (9), 291-295. Retrieved May, 20, 2014, from Duitz, M. (2007). Social affairs and their impact on (children’s) museums, community arts and education programs. Action, Interaction and Reflection Children’s Museums in the 21st Century. Akademie der Künste, Berlin, 6-9 November 2007. Retrieved May, 01, 2011, from
  • Eurydice. (2009). Arts and cultural education at school in Europe. Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency P9 Eurydice, Brussels. Retrieved December, 21, 2015, from
  • Flowers, N. (2010). Pusulacık: Çocuklar için insan haklari eğitimi kılavuzu. (Translated by Çulhaoğlu, M.). İstanbul: Bilgi University Press. Retrieved November, 09, 2011, from
  • Fountain, S. (1999). ) Peace education in UNICEF. New York: United Nations Children's Fund Programme Publications. Retrieved June, 15, 2011, from
  • Freire, P. (1991). Ezilenlerin Pedagojisi (Pedagogia do Oprimido). (Translated by Hattatoğlu, D.). İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınevi.
  • Gömleksiz, N. M. (2002). Modüler öğretime ilişkin bir tutum ölçeğinin geçerlik ve güvenirliği. Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 12(2), 275-285 Elazığ. quoted from Van de Ven, A. & Ferry, D. (1979). Measuring and Assessing Organization. New York.
  • Graham, J. A. (2009, April). Promoting empathy and diversity appreciation in an interactive children’s museum. Poster session presented at the biennial Society for Research in Child Development conference, Denver, CO.
  • Gurian, E. H. (1997) The Changing Paradigm. In M. Maher (Eds.), Collective vision: Starting and sustaining a children’s museum (pp. 20-24). Washington D.C.: Associations of Youth Museums.
  • Gurian, E. H. (1998) The molting of children’s museum. In Gurian, E. H. (2006). (Eds.). Civilizing the museum: the collected writings of Elaine Heumann Gurian, (pp. 19-32). Florance: Routledge Press. DOI:
  • ICOM (International Council of Museums). (1997). Museums and cultural diversity: policy statement - report of the working group on cross cultural issues of the international council of museums. Retrieved November, 09, 2011, from
  • ICOM (International Council of Museums). (2005). International Museum Day 2005 - "Museums bridging cultures" Paris. Retrieved December, 10, 2014, from
  • ICOM (International Council of Museums). (2010). Key concepts of museology. Desvallées A. & Mairesse (Eds.). Paris: Armand Colin Publishing. Retrieved November, 10, 2011, from
  • Kalessopoulou, D. (2002). Children’s museums in hospitals. In Sandell, R. (Eds.). Museums, Society, Inequality. London: Routledge Press.
  • Kamaraj, I, & E. A. Kerem, (2006). Erken çocukluk dönemi ‘bariş’ değerine evrensel bir bakiş I. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 1 (1), 87-96. Retrieved October, 09, 2011, from
  • Karadeniz, C. (2009). Dünyada çocuk müzeleri ile bilim, teknoloji ve keşif merkezlerinin incelenmesi ve türkiye için bir çocuk müzesi modeli oluşturulmasi (Unpublished Master Thesis). Ankara University Social Sciences Institude. Ankara.Karadeniz, C. (2010). Dünyada Çocuk Müzeleri ve Bilim Merkezleri. (Prepared by
  • Onur, B.). Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Çocuk Kültürü Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi & Ürün Yayınları.
  • Mayfield, M. I. (2005). Children’s museums: purposes, practices and play? Early Child Development and Care, 175. (2), 179-192. London: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. Ltd.
  • Nevo, B. & Iris B. (2002). Peace education programs and the evaluation of their effectiveness. In: Salomon G. & Nevo B. (Eds.). Peace education: the concept, principles, and practices around the world 271-282. New Jersey: Mahwah, Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Özdemir, T. Güvenilirlik analizi. Retrieved November, 20, 2013, from
  • Srinivasan, A. (2009). A Survey of civil society peace education programmes in South Asia. Education Policy Research Series, 1(2). Retrieved May, 01, 2011, from
  • Tapan, Ç. (2006). Bariş eğitimi programi’nin öğrencilerin çatişma çözme becerileri üzerindeki etkilerinin incelenmesi. (Unpublished Master Thesis). Dokuz Eylül University, Educational Sciences Institude, İzmir.
  • UN (United Nations). (1997). General assembly, proclamation of the year 2000 as the international year for the culture of peace. A/RES/52/15. 20 November 1997. Retrieved September, 09, 2011, from
  • UN (United Nations). (1998). General assembly, international decade for a culture of peace and non-violence for the children of the world (2001–2010)- un documents: gathering a body of global agreements. A/RES/53/25. 19 November 1998. Retrieved September, 09, 2011, from
  • UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). (1989). Yamoussoukro declaration on peace in the minds of men. International Congress on Peace in the Minds of Men. Yamoussoukro, Côte d'Ivoire: 26 June - 1 July. Retrieved November, 09, 2011, from
  • UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). (2000). Records of the general conference reports programme commissions administrative commission legal committee. session 30th. Paris: 26 October - 17 November 1999. Retrieved November, 01, 2011, from
  • UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund). (2011). Peace Education. Retrieved December, 10, 2014, from
  • Yamane, K. (1996). A peace museum as a center for peace education – What do Japanese students think of peace museums? In: Burns, R. J. & Aspeslagh, R. (Eds.). Three decades of peace education around the world – An anthology. New York: Garland Publishing.
  • Zwaka, P. (2007). Between community and museum, children’s and youth museums need to set their goals. Action, Interaction and Reflection Children’s Museums in the 21st Century Akademie der Künste, Berlin, 6-9 November 2007. Retrieved May, 01, 2011, from

The Landscape of Peace Education Programs in Children’s and Youth Museums

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 1, 50 - 75, 30.11.2019


Taking on the role of educational community centers, some children’s and youth museums have offered activities designed to help solve social problems. Some museums offer peace education programs since conflict resolution may be the biggest challenge facing today’s multicultural, global society. For the purposes of this article, “peace education” is broadly defined as the process of developing empathy for others and for the planet through mutual respect and conflict resolution. This can only be achieved by a willingness to learn and embrace the attitudes, skills, and behaviors needed to live in harmony with oneself, with others and with natural environment. However, there has not been much research conducted about the peace education programs implemented thus far in museums. The aim of this study wasto examined the landscape of children's and young museums programs  interms of their peace education related goals, process and strategies.After reviewing the existing literature on the subject, we designed a survey and then interviewed museum professionals who have been involved in staging these programs.A total of 239 professionals working in education departments of children’sand youth museums were invited to complete an online survey; 77 responded. The findings suggest that children’sand youth museums are uniquely positioned to bring about meaningful social change by implementing peace education strategies.


  • ACM (Association of Children’s Museums). Case for children’s museums. Retrieved December 20, 2013, from
  • Ardizzone, L. (2003). Generating peace: A study of nonformal youth organizations. Peace & Change, 28(3), 420-445. DOI:10.1111/1468-0130.00269.
  • DCMS (Department for Culture, Media and Sport). (2000). Centres for Social Change: Museums, Galleries and Archives for All: Policy Guidance on Social Inclusion for DCMS Funded and Local Authority Museums, Galleries and Archives in England. Retrieved September, 09, 2011, from
  • Dewey, J. (1929). My pedagogic creed. Journal of the National Education Association, 18 (9), 291-295. Retrieved May, 20, 2014, from Duitz, M. (2007). Social affairs and their impact on (children’s) museums, community arts and education programs. Action, Interaction and Reflection Children’s Museums in the 21st Century. Akademie der Künste, Berlin, 6-9 November 2007. Retrieved May, 01, 2011, from
  • Eurydice. (2009). Arts and cultural education at school in Europe. Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency P9 Eurydice, Brussels. Retrieved December, 21, 2015, from
  • Flowers, N. (2010). Pusulacık: Çocuklar için insan haklari eğitimi kılavuzu. (Translated by Çulhaoğlu, M.). İstanbul: Bilgi University Press. Retrieved November, 09, 2011, from
  • Fountain, S. (1999). ) Peace education in UNICEF. New York: United Nations Children's Fund Programme Publications. Retrieved June, 15, 2011, from
  • Freire, P. (1991). Ezilenlerin Pedagojisi (Pedagogia do Oprimido). (Translated by Hattatoğlu, D.). İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınevi.
  • Gömleksiz, N. M. (2002). Modüler öğretime ilişkin bir tutum ölçeğinin geçerlik ve güvenirliği. Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 12(2), 275-285 Elazığ. quoted from Van de Ven, A. & Ferry, D. (1979). Measuring and Assessing Organization. New York.
  • Graham, J. A. (2009, April). Promoting empathy and diversity appreciation in an interactive children’s museum. Poster session presented at the biennial Society for Research in Child Development conference, Denver, CO.
  • Gurian, E. H. (1997) The Changing Paradigm. In M. Maher (Eds.), Collective vision: Starting and sustaining a children’s museum (pp. 20-24). Washington D.C.: Associations of Youth Museums.
  • Gurian, E. H. (1998) The molting of children’s museum. In Gurian, E. H. (2006). (Eds.). Civilizing the museum: the collected writings of Elaine Heumann Gurian, (pp. 19-32). Florance: Routledge Press. DOI:
  • ICOM (International Council of Museums). (1997). Museums and cultural diversity: policy statement - report of the working group on cross cultural issues of the international council of museums. Retrieved November, 09, 2011, from
  • ICOM (International Council of Museums). (2005). International Museum Day 2005 - "Museums bridging cultures" Paris. Retrieved December, 10, 2014, from
  • ICOM (International Council of Museums). (2010). Key concepts of museology. Desvallées A. & Mairesse (Eds.). Paris: Armand Colin Publishing. Retrieved November, 10, 2011, from
  • Kalessopoulou, D. (2002). Children’s museums in hospitals. In Sandell, R. (Eds.). Museums, Society, Inequality. London: Routledge Press.
  • Kamaraj, I, & E. A. Kerem, (2006). Erken çocukluk dönemi ‘bariş’ değerine evrensel bir bakiş I. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 1 (1), 87-96. Retrieved October, 09, 2011, from
  • Karadeniz, C. (2009). Dünyada çocuk müzeleri ile bilim, teknoloji ve keşif merkezlerinin incelenmesi ve türkiye için bir çocuk müzesi modeli oluşturulmasi (Unpublished Master Thesis). Ankara University Social Sciences Institude. Ankara.Karadeniz, C. (2010). Dünyada Çocuk Müzeleri ve Bilim Merkezleri. (Prepared by
  • Onur, B.). Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Çocuk Kültürü Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi & Ürün Yayınları.
  • Mayfield, M. I. (2005). Children’s museums: purposes, practices and play? Early Child Development and Care, 175. (2), 179-192. London: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. Ltd.
  • Nevo, B. & Iris B. (2002). Peace education programs and the evaluation of their effectiveness. In: Salomon G. & Nevo B. (Eds.). Peace education: the concept, principles, and practices around the world 271-282. New Jersey: Mahwah, Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Özdemir, T. Güvenilirlik analizi. Retrieved November, 20, 2013, from
  • Srinivasan, A. (2009). A Survey of civil society peace education programmes in South Asia. Education Policy Research Series, 1(2). Retrieved May, 01, 2011, from
  • Tapan, Ç. (2006). Bariş eğitimi programi’nin öğrencilerin çatişma çözme becerileri üzerindeki etkilerinin incelenmesi. (Unpublished Master Thesis). Dokuz Eylül University, Educational Sciences Institude, İzmir.
  • UN (United Nations). (1997). General assembly, proclamation of the year 2000 as the international year for the culture of peace. A/RES/52/15. 20 November 1997. Retrieved September, 09, 2011, from
  • UN (United Nations). (1998). General assembly, international decade for a culture of peace and non-violence for the children of the world (2001–2010)- un documents: gathering a body of global agreements. A/RES/53/25. 19 November 1998. Retrieved September, 09, 2011, from
  • UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). (1989). Yamoussoukro declaration on peace in the minds of men. International Congress on Peace in the Minds of Men. Yamoussoukro, Côte d'Ivoire: 26 June - 1 July. Retrieved November, 09, 2011, from
  • UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). (2000). Records of the general conference reports programme commissions administrative commission legal committee. session 30th. Paris: 26 October - 17 November 1999. Retrieved November, 01, 2011, from
  • UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund). (2011). Peace Education. Retrieved December, 10, 2014, from
  • Yamane, K. (1996). A peace museum as a center for peace education – What do Japanese students think of peace museums? In: Burns, R. J. & Aspeslagh, R. (Eds.). Three decades of peace education around the world – An anthology. New York: Garland Publishing.
  • Zwaka, P. (2007). Between community and museum, children’s and youth museums need to set their goals. Action, Interaction and Reflection Children’s Museums in the 21st Century Akademie der Künste, Berlin, 6-9 November 2007. Retrieved May, 01, 2011, from
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Ferhat Koray Sağlam Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-3042-2795

Kadriye Tezcan Akmehmet 0000-0002-3042-2795

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Kasım 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Ekim 2019
Kabul Tarihi 4 Aralık 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Sağlam, F. K., & Tezcan Akmehmet, K. (2019). The Landscape of Peace Education Programs in Children’s and Youth Museums. Journal of International Museum Education, 1(1), 50-75.

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