Endemik Tür Geranium ibericum subsp. jubatum'un Farklı Kısımlarının Toplam Fenolik İçerikleri ve Antioksidan Aktivitelerinin Karşılaştırılması
Yıl 2020,
, 378 - 385, 01.03.2020
Emriye Ay
Erhan Seyhan Gezen
Rena Hüseyinoğlu
Bu çalışma, endemik tür Geranium ibericum subsp. jubatum’un fenolik içeriği ve antioksidan kapasitesi üzerine yapılmış ilk çalışmanın sonuçlarını içermektedir. Çalışmada, Türkiye için endemik tür olan G.ibericum subsp. jubatum’un farklı kısımlarının (yaprak, gövde, çiçek ve kök) metanol özütlerinin toplam fenolik içerikleri ve toplam antioksidan aktiviteleri belirlenmiş ve karşılaştırma yapılmıştır. G. ibericum subsp. jubatum’un farklı kısımlarına ait metanol özütlerinin antioksidan kapasiteleri sentetik bir antioksidan olan BHT ve doğal bir antioksidan olan α-tokoferol ile karşılaştırılmış ve sonuçlar değerlendirilmiştir. Toplam fenolik içerik ile toplam antioksidan kapasiteleri arasında pozitif bir ilişki bulunmaktadır. En yüksek fenolik içerik ve antioksidan kapasitesinin kök kısmının metanol özütüne ait olduğu bulunmuştur. Yapılan istatiksel değerlendirilmeler sonucunda G. ibericum subsp. jubatum’un farklı kısımları arasında toplam fenolik içerik ve toplam antioksidan aktiviteleri (DPPH, ABTS) yönünden önemli farklılıklar görülmüştür (p<0.05).
- Aedo C, Garcia MA, Alarcon ML, Aldasoro JJ, Navarro C, 2005. Taxonomic Revision of Geranium subsect Mediterranea (Geraniaceae). Systematic Botany, 32(1): pp. 93–128.
- Ahmed E, Arshad M, Khan MZ, Amjad MS, Sadaf HM, Riaz I, Sabir S, Nabila A and Sabaoon, 2017. Secondary Metabolites and Their Multidimensional Prospective in Plant Life. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 6(2): 205-214.
- Akar Z, Küçük M, Doğan H, 2017. A new colorimetric DPPH• scavenging activity method with no need for a spectrophotometer applied on synthetic and natural antioxidants and medicinal herbs. Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry, Vol.32, No.1, 640-647.
- Aksoy L, Kolay E, Ağılönü Y, Arslan Z, Kargıoğlu M, 2013. Free Radical Scavenging Activity, Total Phenolic Content, Total Antioxidant Status, and Total Oxidant Status of Endemic Thermopsis turcica. King Saud University Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 20: 235–239.
- Aliyu BA, İbrahim AM, Musa MA, Musa OA, Kiplimo JJ. and Oyevale OA, 2013. Free Radical Scavenging and Total Antioxidant Capacity of Root Extracts of Anchomanes difformis Engl.(Araceae). Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica-Drug Research, Vol. 70 No.1 pp. 115-121.
- Arumugam R, Kirkan B, Sarikurkcu C, 2019. Phenolic Profile, Antioxidant and Enzyme Inhibitory Potential of Methanolic Extracts From Different Parts of Astragalus ponticus Pall. South African Journal of Botany, 120: 268-273.
- Azwanida NN, 2015. A Review on the Extraction Methods Use in Medicinal Plants, Principle, Strength and Limitation. Medicinal & Aromatic Plants, Volume 4, Issue 3, 1000196.
- Chou H-J, Kuo J-T, and Lin E-S, 2009. Comparative Antioxidant Properties of Water Extracts from Different Parts of Beefsteak Plant (Perilla frutescens). Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, Vol. 17, No. 6, Pages 489-496.
- Dai J, and Mumper JR, 2010. Plant Phenolics: Extraction, Analysis and Their Antioxidant and Anticancer Properties. Molecules, 15: 7313-7352.
- Do DQ, Angkawijaya EA, Tran-Nguyen PL, Huynh HL, Soetaredjo EF, Ismadji S, Ju YH, 2014. Effect of extraction solvent on total phenol content, total flavonoid content, and antioxidant activity of Limnophila aromatica. Journal of food and drug analysis, 22: 296-302.
- Dores GR R, Guimarães SF, Braga TV, Fonseca CM M, Martins PM, Ferreira TC, 2014. Phenolic compounds, flavonoids and antioxidant activity of leaves, flowers and roots of white-weed. Horticultura Brasileira, v. 32, n. 4, 486-490.
- El-Hashash MM, Abdel-Gawad MM, El-Sayed MM, Sabry AW, Abdel-Hameed ESS, Abdel-Lateef EES, 2010. Antioxidant properties of methanolic extracts of the leaves of seven Egyptian Cassia species. Acta Pharmaceutica, 60, 361–367.
- Erkan N, Ayrancı G, Ayrancı E, 2008. Antioxidant activities of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) extract, blackseed (Nigella sativa L.) essential oil, carnosic acid, rosmarinic acid and sesamol. Food Chemistry, 110: 76–82.
- Gezen SE, 2018. Determination of Antioxidant Capacities Of Some Endemic Species which spread in Alpine Region of Giresun Mountains, Giresun University, Institute of Science, Master Thesis (Printed).
- Harborne JB, Williams CA, 2002. Phytochemistry of the genus Geranium, in: Lis-Balchin, M. (Ed.), Geranium and Pelargonium - The genera Geranium and Pelargonium. Taylor & Francis, pp. 20–29, London-England.
- Hüseyinoğlu R, Yalçın E, Macar O, 2017. Flora of Alpine Grasslands of The Eğribel Pass in the Giresun Mountains (Turkey). Biological Diversity and Conservation, 10-1, 6-17.
- IBM Corp. 2013. Released: IBM Statistics for Windows, Version 22, Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.
- Kähkönen MP, Hopia AI, Heikki JV, Rauha JP, Pihlaja K, Kujala TS, Heinonen M, 1999. Antioxidant Activity of Plant Extracts Containing Phenolic Compounds. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 47: 3954–3962.
- Kahriman N, Tosun G, Genç H, Yaylı N, 2010. Comparative essential oil analysis of Geranium sylvaticum extracted by hydrodistillation and microwave distillation. Turkish Journal of Chemistry, 34, 969-976.
- Kasangana BP, Haddad SP, Stevanovic T, 2015. Study of Polyphenol Content and Antioxidant Capacity of Myrianthus arboreus (Cecropiaceae) Root Bark Extracts. Antioxidants, 4: 410-426.
- Kulisic T, Radonic A, Katalinic V, Milosa M, 2004. Use of different methods for testing antioxidative activity of oregano essential oil, analytical, nutritional and clinical methods. Food Chemistry, 85, 633–640.
- Kumar S, 2011. Free Radicals and Antioxidants: Human and Food System. Advance in Applied Science Research, 2 (1):129-135.
- Leucuta S, Vlase L, Gocan S, Radu L, Fodorea C, 2005. Determination of Phenolic Compounds from Geranium sanguineum by HPLC. Journal of Liquid Chromatography&Related Technologies. 28: 3109–3117.
- Mahdi-Pour B, Jothy L S, Latha YL, Chen Y, Sasidharan S, 2012. Antioxidant Activity of Methanol Extracts of Different Parts of Lantana camara. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 2(12): 960-965.
- Martz F, Jaakola L, Julkunen-Tiitto R, Stark S, 2010. Phenolic composition and antioxidant capacity of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) leaves in northern Europe following foliar development and along environmental gradients. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 36, 9: 1017-1028.
- Mojzer BE, Maša HK, Škerget M, Knez Ž, and Bren U, 2016. Polyphenols: Extraction Methods, Antioxidative Action, Bioavailability and Anticarcinogenic Effects. Molecules, 21: 901.
- Proestos C, Lytoudi K, Mavromelanidou KO, Zoumpoulakis P, Sinanoglou JV, 2013. Antioxidant Capacity of Selected Plant Extracts and Their Essential Oils. Antioxidants, 2: 11-22.
- Sakihama Y, Cohen MF, Grace SC, Yamasaki H, 2002. Plant phenolic antioxidant and prooxidant activities: phenolics-induced oxidative damage mediated by metals in plants. Toxicology, 177: 67-80.
- Savcı G, 2015. Anatomical, morphological and palynological characteristics of some Geranium l. (Geraniaceae) species which spread in Hatay, Mustafa Kemal University, Institue of Science, Master Thesis (Printed).
- Serkedjieva J, 1996. A polyphenolic extract from Geranium sanguineum L. inhibits influenza virus protein expression. Phytotherapy Research, 10: 441-443.
- Shalaby AE, and Shanab MMS, 2013. Comparision of DPPH and ABTS Assays for Determining Antioxidant Potential of water and methanol extracts of Spirulna platensis. Indian Journal Geo-Marine Sciences, Vol. 42(5): 556-564.
- Siddiqui WM, Prasad K, Bansal V, 2017. Plant Secondary Metabolites, Three-Volume Set. CRC Press, chapter 7.
- Taremi F, Rowshan V, Shirzadi MH, 2015. Effects of altitude on total phenolic and polyphenol content of Marrubium astracanicum L. Extracts. International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences, Vol., 9 (1), 113-116.
- Wang X, Pengfei L, Wang F, Fu B, He F, Zhao M, 2017. Influence of altitudinal and latitudinal variation on the composition and antioxidant activity of polyphenols in Nicotiana tabacum L. Leaf. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 29(5): 359-366.
- Zeljkovića Ć, Tanb K, Siljak-Yakovlevc S, and Maksimovićd M, 2017. Essential Oil Profile, Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Activity of Geranium kikianum. Natural Product Communications, Vol. 12 (2), 273-276.
- Zhang Z, Liao L, Moore J, Wu T, Wang Z, 2009. Antioxidant Phenolic Compounds From Walnut Kernels (Juglans regia L.). Food Chemistry, 113: 160-165.
Comparison of Total Phenolic Contents and Antioxidant Activities of Different Parts of the Endemic Plant Geranium ibericum subsp. jubatum
Yıl 2020,
, 378 - 385, 01.03.2020
Emriye Ay
Erhan Seyhan Gezen
Rena Hüseyinoğlu
This paper includes the results of the first study on the phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of endemic species Geranium ibericum subsp. jubatum found in Turkey. In this study, the methanol extracts of different parts (leaf, stem, flower, and root) of the Geranium ibericum subsp. jubatum exhibited different free radical scavenging activity, total phenolic content, and antioxidant activity. The synthetic antioxidant BHT and the natural antioxidant α-tocopherol were evaluated as a positive control and compared with methanol extracts of the plant parts. There was a positive correlation between the total phenolic content and the free radical scavenging activity in different parts of Geranium ibericum. It has been found that the highest phenolic content and antioxidant activity were found in the roots. The total phenolic content and antioxidant activity (ABTS, DPPH) showed statistically significant differences among the different parts of the G. ibericum subsp. jubatum (p<0.05).
- Aedo C, Garcia MA, Alarcon ML, Aldasoro JJ, Navarro C, 2005. Taxonomic Revision of Geranium subsect Mediterranea (Geraniaceae). Systematic Botany, 32(1): pp. 93–128.
- Ahmed E, Arshad M, Khan MZ, Amjad MS, Sadaf HM, Riaz I, Sabir S, Nabila A and Sabaoon, 2017. Secondary Metabolites and Their Multidimensional Prospective in Plant Life. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 6(2): 205-214.
- Akar Z, Küçük M, Doğan H, 2017. A new colorimetric DPPH• scavenging activity method with no need for a spectrophotometer applied on synthetic and natural antioxidants and medicinal herbs. Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry, Vol.32, No.1, 640-647.
- Aksoy L, Kolay E, Ağılönü Y, Arslan Z, Kargıoğlu M, 2013. Free Radical Scavenging Activity, Total Phenolic Content, Total Antioxidant Status, and Total Oxidant Status of Endemic Thermopsis turcica. King Saud University Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 20: 235–239.
- Aliyu BA, İbrahim AM, Musa MA, Musa OA, Kiplimo JJ. and Oyevale OA, 2013. Free Radical Scavenging and Total Antioxidant Capacity of Root Extracts of Anchomanes difformis Engl.(Araceae). Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica-Drug Research, Vol. 70 No.1 pp. 115-121.
- Arumugam R, Kirkan B, Sarikurkcu C, 2019. Phenolic Profile, Antioxidant and Enzyme Inhibitory Potential of Methanolic Extracts From Different Parts of Astragalus ponticus Pall. South African Journal of Botany, 120: 268-273.
- Azwanida NN, 2015. A Review on the Extraction Methods Use in Medicinal Plants, Principle, Strength and Limitation. Medicinal & Aromatic Plants, Volume 4, Issue 3, 1000196.
- Chou H-J, Kuo J-T, and Lin E-S, 2009. Comparative Antioxidant Properties of Water Extracts from Different Parts of Beefsteak Plant (Perilla frutescens). Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, Vol. 17, No. 6, Pages 489-496.
- Dai J, and Mumper JR, 2010. Plant Phenolics: Extraction, Analysis and Their Antioxidant and Anticancer Properties. Molecules, 15: 7313-7352.
- Do DQ, Angkawijaya EA, Tran-Nguyen PL, Huynh HL, Soetaredjo EF, Ismadji S, Ju YH, 2014. Effect of extraction solvent on total phenol content, total flavonoid content, and antioxidant activity of Limnophila aromatica. Journal of food and drug analysis, 22: 296-302.
- Dores GR R, Guimarães SF, Braga TV, Fonseca CM M, Martins PM, Ferreira TC, 2014. Phenolic compounds, flavonoids and antioxidant activity of leaves, flowers and roots of white-weed. Horticultura Brasileira, v. 32, n. 4, 486-490.
- El-Hashash MM, Abdel-Gawad MM, El-Sayed MM, Sabry AW, Abdel-Hameed ESS, Abdel-Lateef EES, 2010. Antioxidant properties of methanolic extracts of the leaves of seven Egyptian Cassia species. Acta Pharmaceutica, 60, 361–367.
- Erkan N, Ayrancı G, Ayrancı E, 2008. Antioxidant activities of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) extract, blackseed (Nigella sativa L.) essential oil, carnosic acid, rosmarinic acid and sesamol. Food Chemistry, 110: 76–82.
- Gezen SE, 2018. Determination of Antioxidant Capacities Of Some Endemic Species which spread in Alpine Region of Giresun Mountains, Giresun University, Institute of Science, Master Thesis (Printed).
- Harborne JB, Williams CA, 2002. Phytochemistry of the genus Geranium, in: Lis-Balchin, M. (Ed.), Geranium and Pelargonium - The genera Geranium and Pelargonium. Taylor & Francis, pp. 20–29, London-England.
- Hüseyinoğlu R, Yalçın E, Macar O, 2017. Flora of Alpine Grasslands of The Eğribel Pass in the Giresun Mountains (Turkey). Biological Diversity and Conservation, 10-1, 6-17.
- IBM Corp. 2013. Released: IBM Statistics for Windows, Version 22, Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.
- Kähkönen MP, Hopia AI, Heikki JV, Rauha JP, Pihlaja K, Kujala TS, Heinonen M, 1999. Antioxidant Activity of Plant Extracts Containing Phenolic Compounds. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 47: 3954–3962.
- Kahriman N, Tosun G, Genç H, Yaylı N, 2010. Comparative essential oil analysis of Geranium sylvaticum extracted by hydrodistillation and microwave distillation. Turkish Journal of Chemistry, 34, 969-976.
- Kasangana BP, Haddad SP, Stevanovic T, 2015. Study of Polyphenol Content and Antioxidant Capacity of Myrianthus arboreus (Cecropiaceae) Root Bark Extracts. Antioxidants, 4: 410-426.
- Kulisic T, Radonic A, Katalinic V, Milosa M, 2004. Use of different methods for testing antioxidative activity of oregano essential oil, analytical, nutritional and clinical methods. Food Chemistry, 85, 633–640.
- Kumar S, 2011. Free Radicals and Antioxidants: Human and Food System. Advance in Applied Science Research, 2 (1):129-135.
- Leucuta S, Vlase L, Gocan S, Radu L, Fodorea C, 2005. Determination of Phenolic Compounds from Geranium sanguineum by HPLC. Journal of Liquid Chromatography&Related Technologies. 28: 3109–3117.
- Mahdi-Pour B, Jothy L S, Latha YL, Chen Y, Sasidharan S, 2012. Antioxidant Activity of Methanol Extracts of Different Parts of Lantana camara. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 2(12): 960-965.
- Martz F, Jaakola L, Julkunen-Tiitto R, Stark S, 2010. Phenolic composition and antioxidant capacity of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) leaves in northern Europe following foliar development and along environmental gradients. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 36, 9: 1017-1028.
- Mojzer BE, Maša HK, Škerget M, Knez Ž, and Bren U, 2016. Polyphenols: Extraction Methods, Antioxidative Action, Bioavailability and Anticarcinogenic Effects. Molecules, 21: 901.
- Proestos C, Lytoudi K, Mavromelanidou KO, Zoumpoulakis P, Sinanoglou JV, 2013. Antioxidant Capacity of Selected Plant Extracts and Their Essential Oils. Antioxidants, 2: 11-22.
- Sakihama Y, Cohen MF, Grace SC, Yamasaki H, 2002. Plant phenolic antioxidant and prooxidant activities: phenolics-induced oxidative damage mediated by metals in plants. Toxicology, 177: 67-80.
- Savcı G, 2015. Anatomical, morphological and palynological characteristics of some Geranium l. (Geraniaceae) species which spread in Hatay, Mustafa Kemal University, Institue of Science, Master Thesis (Printed).
- Serkedjieva J, 1996. A polyphenolic extract from Geranium sanguineum L. inhibits influenza virus protein expression. Phytotherapy Research, 10: 441-443.
- Shalaby AE, and Shanab MMS, 2013. Comparision of DPPH and ABTS Assays for Determining Antioxidant Potential of water and methanol extracts of Spirulna platensis. Indian Journal Geo-Marine Sciences, Vol. 42(5): 556-564.
- Siddiqui WM, Prasad K, Bansal V, 2017. Plant Secondary Metabolites, Three-Volume Set. CRC Press, chapter 7.
- Taremi F, Rowshan V, Shirzadi MH, 2015. Effects of altitude on total phenolic and polyphenol content of Marrubium astracanicum L. Extracts. International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences, Vol., 9 (1), 113-116.
- Wang X, Pengfei L, Wang F, Fu B, He F, Zhao M, 2017. Influence of altitudinal and latitudinal variation on the composition and antioxidant activity of polyphenols in Nicotiana tabacum L. Leaf. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 29(5): 359-366.
- Zeljkovića Ć, Tanb K, Siljak-Yakovlevc S, and Maksimovićd M, 2017. Essential Oil Profile, Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Activity of Geranium kikianum. Natural Product Communications, Vol. 12 (2), 273-276.
- Zhang Z, Liao L, Moore J, Wu T, Wang Z, 2009. Antioxidant Phenolic Compounds From Walnut Kernels (Juglans regia L.). Food Chemistry, 113: 160-165.