In this study, the occurrence of the tapeworm Ligula cestoda was reported from the body cavity of Anatolian ghizani Ladigesocypris irideus collected from Ula pond, Aegean Region of Turkey in November 2018. Six infected fish were observed having eighteen parasites in total with minimum and maximum lengths of 40.23 mm and 51.79 mm, respectively. The prevalence, mean intensity and abundance of infection were assessed as 42.85%, 3 and 1.28 respectively. This study reports the first record of this endoparasite from Anatolian ghizani, a species endemic to South-Western Turkey. This is also the first record of this parasite from Aegean Region that is an evidence of increasing spread of this group in non-infected parts of Turkey mainly through the forced biological invasion.
Scientific Research Projects of Mugla Sıtkı Kocman University (BAP Project Number: 18/063
Proje Numarası
(BAP Project Number: 18/063)
We are grateful to Professor Robert Poulin (Department of Zoology, University of Otago) for his useful opinion of the identification of the parasite. We also thank Murat Senturk for assistance in the fieldwork. This study is a part of Ph.D. thesis and was supported by Scientific Research Projects of Mugla Sıtkı Kocman University (BAP Project Number: 18/063).
Akmirza A, 2007. Ligula intestinalis L. plerocercoidlerinin acı balığın (Rhodeus amarus Bloch, 1782) büyümesi üzerine etkisi. J. Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 13: 155–160.
Arme C, 1968. Effects of the plerocercoid larva of pseudophyllidean cestode, Ligula intestinalis, on the pituitary gland and gonads of its host. Biological Bulletin 134, 15–25.
Aydogan A, Innal D, Dolu H, 2018. Pathological Investigations in Tench (Tinca tinca (L., 1758)) Naturally Infected with Ligula intestinalis Plerocercoids Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Vol. 73
Aydoğdu A, Emence H, İnnal D, 2008. Gölbaşı Baraj Gölü (Bursa)’ndeki eğrez balıkları (Vimba vimba L. 1758)’nda görülen helmint parazitler. Türkiye Parazitol Derg, 32(1): 86–90.
Bogutskaya NG, 1997. Contribution to the knowledge of leuciscine fishes of Asia Minor. Part 2. An annotated check-list of leuciscine fishes (Leuciscinae, Cyprinidae) of Turkey with descriptions of a new species and two new species. Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia 94, 161–186.
Brown SP, Lootd G, Teriokhin A, Brunel A, Brunel C, Guégan JF, 2002. Host manipulation by Ligula intestinalis: a cause or consequence of parasite aggregation. International Journal for Parasitology 32, 817–824.
Bush AO, Lafferty KD, Lotz JM, Shostak AW, 1997. Parasitology meets ecology on its own terms: Margolis et. al., revisited. Journal of Parasitology 83, 575–583.
Cantoray R, Ozcan A, 1975. Elazığ ve çevresindeki tatlısu balıklarında Ligulose. F.U. Veteriner Fak. Dergisi 2(3), 288–301.
Cheng CT, 1973. General Parasitology. Academic Press Inc, London, p. 965.
Chubb JC, Pool DW, Weltkamp CJ, 1987. A key to species of cestodes (tapeworms) parasitic in British and Irish Freshwater fishes. Journal of Fish Biology 31, 517–543.
Cowx IG, Rollins D, Tumwebaze R, 2008. Effect of Ligula intestinalis on the reproductive capacity of Rastrineobola argentea in Lake Victoria. Journal of Fish Biology 73, 2249–2260.
Demirtaş M, 2011. Terkos Gölü’nde Yaşayan Kadife Balıklarının (Tinca tinca L. 1758) Helmint Parazitlerinin Mevsimsel Dağılımı ve Etkileri. Turkiye Parazitol. Derg. 2011; 35: 159-63
Ekingen G, 1983. Tatlısu Balık Parazitleri. Fırat Üniv. Su Ür. Yüksek Okulu Yay. No: 1, s. 253.
Freyhof J, 2014. Ladigesocypris irideus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2014: e.T61266A19009700. (date of access: 14 October 2019)
Fricke R, Bilecenoğlu M, Sarı HM, 2007. Annotated checklist of fish and lamprey species (Gnathostomata and Petromyzontomorphi) of Turkey, including a Red List of threatened and declining species. Stuttgarter Beitraege zur Naturkunde Serie A 706.
Gabagambi NP, Salvanes AGV, Midtoy F, Skorping A, 2019. The tapeworm Ligula intestinalis alters the behavior of the fish intermediate host Engraulicypris sardella, but only after it has become infective to the final host. Behavioural Processe, 158, 47–52.
Gholami Z, Akhlaghi M, Esmaeili HR, 2011. Infection of Aphanius dispar (Holly, 1929) with Ligula intestinalis plerocercoids in Mehran River, Hormuzgan province, south of Iran. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 10(2), 346–351.
Giannetto D, Tarkan AS, Akbaş F, Top N, Ağdamar S, Karakuş U, Pompei L, Lorenzoni M, 2015. Length-weight and length-length relationships for three endemic cyprinid species of the Aegean region (Turkey) with proposed standard weight equations. Turkish Journal of Zoology 39 (5), 925–932. DOI: 10.3906/zoo-1410-44
Güralp N, 1968. Yurdumuz baraj gölleri baliklarinda Ligulose. Turk Veteriner Hekimleri Dernegi Dergisi 3, 29–30.
Hoole D, 1994. Tapeworm infections in fish: past and future problems. Parasitic Diseases of Fish 119–140.
Hoole D, Carter V, Dufour S, 2010. Ligula intestinalis (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea): an ideal fish-metazoan parasite model. Parasitology 137, 425–438.
Innal D, Keskin N, Erkakan F, 2007. Distribution of Ligula intestinalis (L.) in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 7,19–22
Innal D, Erk’akan F, Keskin N, 2010. The Dynamics of the Ligula intestinalis (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) in Three Cyprinid Species [Alburnus escherichii Steindachner, 1897; Gobio gobio (Linnaeus, 1758) and Squalius cephalus (Linnaeus, 1758)] in Camkoru Pond (Ankara-Turkey) Hacettepe Journal of Biology And Chemistry. Hacettepe J. Biol. & Chem., 2010, 38 (4) 319-324
Keskin N, Erk’akan F, 1987. Ülkemiz tatlisu baliklarinda Ligulosis. Hacettepe Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 8: 57-70.
Kıraç CO, Ünal V, Veryeri NO, Güçlüsoy H, Yalçıner AC, 2012. Gökova’da Yürütülen Kıyı Alanları Yönetimi Temelli Projeler Envanteri ve Korumada Verimlilik. Türkiye’nin Kıyı ve Deniz Alanları IX. Ulusal Kongresi, Hatay, Antakya.
Kır İ, Ayvaz Y, Barlas M, Tekin-Özan S, 2004. Karacaören I Baraj Gölü’nde yaşayan sazan (Cyprinus carpio L., 1758)’lardaki parazitlerin mevsimsel dağılımları ve etkileri. Türkiye Parazitol Derg, 28 (1): 45–49.
Korkmaz AŞ, Zencir O, 2009. Annual dynamics of tape-worm, Ligula intestinalis parasitism in tench (Tinca tinca) from Beysehir Lake, Turkey. J Anim Vet Advances, 8 (9): 1790–1793.
Kurupınar E, Öztürk MO, 2009. Mevsimsel değişime ve boy büyüklüğüne bağlı olarak L. cephalus L.’un (Örenler Baraj Gölü, Afyonkarahisar) helmint faunası üzerine bir araştırma. Türkiye Parazitol Derg, 33 (3): 248–253.
Lagrue C, Presswell B, Dunckley N, Poulin R. 2018. The invasive cestode parasite Ligula from salmonids and bullies on the South Island. New Zealand Parasitology Research 117,151–156
Loot G, Brosse S, Lek S, Guegan JF. 2001. Behaviour of roach (Rutilus rutilus) altered by Ligula intestinalis (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea): a field demonstration. Freshwater Biology 46, 1219–1227.
Loot G, Aulagnier S, Lek S, Thomas F, Guégan JF. 2002. Experimental demonstration of a behavioural modification in a cyprinid fish, Rutilus rutilus (L.), induced by a parasite, Ligula intestinalis (L.). Canadian Journal of Zoology 80, 738–744.
Mehraban HR, Sayyadzadeh G, Malekzehi H, Ahmadi A. 2014. A first report of infection with the Tapeworm Ligula intestinalis (Linnaeus, 1758) plerocercoids in Persian bleak, Alburnus hohenackeri Kessler, 1870 in Southeastern. Iranian Journal of Ichthyology 1(1), 12–16.
Moravec F. 2006. Systematic status of Rhabdochona leucaspii Kritscher, 1979 (Nematoda: Rhabdochonidae). Folia parasitologica 53, 240, 2006
Özbek M, Öztürk MO, 2010. Kunduzlar Baraj Gölü (Kırka, Eskişehir)’nde Yaşayan Bazı Balıkların Ligula intestinalis Plerocercoid L., 1758 Enfeksiyonu Üzerine Araştırmalar. Türkiye Parazitol. Derg. 2010:34 (2): 112 – 117,
Saç G, Serezli E, Okgerman H, 2016. The Occurrence Of Ligula İntestinalis In Its Fısh Host Rutilus Rutilus (L.) And The Effects Of Parasıte On The Fısh Growth (Büyükçekmece Reservoır, Turkey) Journal Of Aquaculture Engıneerıng And Fısherıes Research E-Issn 2149-0236 2(3): 142-150 (2016) doi: 10.3153/JAEFR16016
Saşi H, Giannetto, D. 2016 First record of adult Nematomorpha Gordius sp. from western Anatolia (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Zoology 40 (3), 320-323.
Schmidt Gd, 1986. CRC Handbook of Tapeworm Identification. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
Stoumboudi M, Barbieri R, Mamuris Z, Corsini-Foka MJ, Economou AN, 2002. Threatened fishes of the world: Ladigesocypris ghigii (Gianferrari, 1927) (Cyprinidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes 65, 340.
Tarkan AS, Marr SM, Ekmekçi FG, 2015. Non-native and translocated freshwater fish species in Turkey. FiSHMED Fishes in Mediterranean Environments 2015.003: 28p
Tekin-Özan S, Kır İ, Ayvaz Y, Barlas M, 2006. Beyşehir Gölü kadife balığı (Tinca tinca L., 1758)’nın parazitleri üze-rine bir araştırma. Türkiye Parazitol Derg, 30(4): 333–338.
Top N, Tarkan AS, 2015. Yabanci tatlisu baliklarinin endemik bir tatli su baliği, ladigesocypris irideus (ladiges, 1960) üzerine etkileriyle ilgili bir araştirma. Su Ürünleri Mühendisleri Derneği Dergisi 58-61
Turgut E, Develi N, Yeşilayer N, Buhan E,2011. Seasonal Occurrence of Ligula intestinalis Infection in Cyprinids from Almus Dam Lake, Turkey KSÜ Doğa Bil. Derg., 14(3), 2011
Wootten R. 2012. The Parasitology of Teleosts. In:Fish Pathology. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
Yamagutı S, 1959. Systema Helminthum, Vol. II. The Cestodes of Vertebrates. Interscience Publishers Inc, New York and London.
Yıldız Y, Korkmaz H, Zencir O, 2003. The ınfection of tench (Tinca tinca) with Ligula intestinalis Plerocercoids in Lake Beysehir (Turkey). Bull Eur Ass Fish Path 23(5), 223–227.
Yılmaz F, Solak K, Alaş A, 1996, September. Yukarı Porsuk Havzasındaki Ligula intestinalis L. hakkında bir araştırma. XIII. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, İstanbul.
Yılmaz F, Öğretmen F, 2001. Growth and reproduction features of Ladigesocypris ghigii ghigii (Gianferrari, 1927). In: Proceeding of XI. National Fisheries Symposium, Hatay 2001 (pp. 288–295) (in Turkish).
Yılmaz F, Barlas M, Yorulmaz B, Özdemir N, 2006. Taxonomical Study on the Inland Water Fishes of Muğla. E.U. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 23 (1–2), 27–30.
Yılmaz F, Yorulmaz B, Giannetto, D, 2015. Threatened fıshes of the world: Ladigesocypris irideus (Ladiges, 1960) (Cyprinidae) Croatian Journal of Fisheries 177–180.
Akmirza A, 2007. Ligula intestinalis L. plerocercoidlerinin acı balığın (Rhodeus amarus Bloch, 1782) büyümesi üzerine etkisi. J. Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 13: 155–160.
Arme C, 1968. Effects of the plerocercoid larva of pseudophyllidean cestode, Ligula intestinalis, on the pituitary gland and gonads of its host. Biological Bulletin 134, 15–25.
Aydogan A, Innal D, Dolu H, 2018. Pathological Investigations in Tench (Tinca tinca (L., 1758)) Naturally Infected with Ligula intestinalis Plerocercoids Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Vol. 73
Aydoğdu A, Emence H, İnnal D, 2008. Gölbaşı Baraj Gölü (Bursa)’ndeki eğrez balıkları (Vimba vimba L. 1758)’nda görülen helmint parazitler. Türkiye Parazitol Derg, 32(1): 86–90.
Bogutskaya NG, 1997. Contribution to the knowledge of leuciscine fishes of Asia Minor. Part 2. An annotated check-list of leuciscine fishes (Leuciscinae, Cyprinidae) of Turkey with descriptions of a new species and two new species. Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia 94, 161–186.
Brown SP, Lootd G, Teriokhin A, Brunel A, Brunel C, Guégan JF, 2002. Host manipulation by Ligula intestinalis: a cause or consequence of parasite aggregation. International Journal for Parasitology 32, 817–824.
Bush AO, Lafferty KD, Lotz JM, Shostak AW, 1997. Parasitology meets ecology on its own terms: Margolis et. al., revisited. Journal of Parasitology 83, 575–583.
Cantoray R, Ozcan A, 1975. Elazığ ve çevresindeki tatlısu balıklarında Ligulose. F.U. Veteriner Fak. Dergisi 2(3), 288–301.
Cheng CT, 1973. General Parasitology. Academic Press Inc, London, p. 965.
Chubb JC, Pool DW, Weltkamp CJ, 1987. A key to species of cestodes (tapeworms) parasitic in British and Irish Freshwater fishes. Journal of Fish Biology 31, 517–543.
Cowx IG, Rollins D, Tumwebaze R, 2008. Effect of Ligula intestinalis on the reproductive capacity of Rastrineobola argentea in Lake Victoria. Journal of Fish Biology 73, 2249–2260.
Demirtaş M, 2011. Terkos Gölü’nde Yaşayan Kadife Balıklarının (Tinca tinca L. 1758) Helmint Parazitlerinin Mevsimsel Dağılımı ve Etkileri. Turkiye Parazitol. Derg. 2011; 35: 159-63
Ekingen G, 1983. Tatlısu Balık Parazitleri. Fırat Üniv. Su Ür. Yüksek Okulu Yay. No: 1, s. 253.
Freyhof J, 2014. Ladigesocypris irideus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2014: e.T61266A19009700. (date of access: 14 October 2019)
Fricke R, Bilecenoğlu M, Sarı HM, 2007. Annotated checklist of fish and lamprey species (Gnathostomata and Petromyzontomorphi) of Turkey, including a Red List of threatened and declining species. Stuttgarter Beitraege zur Naturkunde Serie A 706.
Gabagambi NP, Salvanes AGV, Midtoy F, Skorping A, 2019. The tapeworm Ligula intestinalis alters the behavior of the fish intermediate host Engraulicypris sardella, but only after it has become infective to the final host. Behavioural Processe, 158, 47–52.
Gholami Z, Akhlaghi M, Esmaeili HR, 2011. Infection of Aphanius dispar (Holly, 1929) with Ligula intestinalis plerocercoids in Mehran River, Hormuzgan province, south of Iran. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 10(2), 346–351.
Giannetto D, Tarkan AS, Akbaş F, Top N, Ağdamar S, Karakuş U, Pompei L, Lorenzoni M, 2015. Length-weight and length-length relationships for three endemic cyprinid species of the Aegean region (Turkey) with proposed standard weight equations. Turkish Journal of Zoology 39 (5), 925–932. DOI: 10.3906/zoo-1410-44
Güralp N, 1968. Yurdumuz baraj gölleri baliklarinda Ligulose. Turk Veteriner Hekimleri Dernegi Dergisi 3, 29–30.
Hoole D, 1994. Tapeworm infections in fish: past and future problems. Parasitic Diseases of Fish 119–140.
Hoole D, Carter V, Dufour S, 2010. Ligula intestinalis (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea): an ideal fish-metazoan parasite model. Parasitology 137, 425–438.
Innal D, Keskin N, Erkakan F, 2007. Distribution of Ligula intestinalis (L.) in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 7,19–22
Innal D, Erk’akan F, Keskin N, 2010. The Dynamics of the Ligula intestinalis (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) in Three Cyprinid Species [Alburnus escherichii Steindachner, 1897; Gobio gobio (Linnaeus, 1758) and Squalius cephalus (Linnaeus, 1758)] in Camkoru Pond (Ankara-Turkey) Hacettepe Journal of Biology And Chemistry. Hacettepe J. Biol. & Chem., 2010, 38 (4) 319-324
Keskin N, Erk’akan F, 1987. Ülkemiz tatlisu baliklarinda Ligulosis. Hacettepe Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 8: 57-70.
Kıraç CO, Ünal V, Veryeri NO, Güçlüsoy H, Yalçıner AC, 2012. Gökova’da Yürütülen Kıyı Alanları Yönetimi Temelli Projeler Envanteri ve Korumada Verimlilik. Türkiye’nin Kıyı ve Deniz Alanları IX. Ulusal Kongresi, Hatay, Antakya.
Kır İ, Ayvaz Y, Barlas M, Tekin-Özan S, 2004. Karacaören I Baraj Gölü’nde yaşayan sazan (Cyprinus carpio L., 1758)’lardaki parazitlerin mevsimsel dağılımları ve etkileri. Türkiye Parazitol Derg, 28 (1): 45–49.
Korkmaz AŞ, Zencir O, 2009. Annual dynamics of tape-worm, Ligula intestinalis parasitism in tench (Tinca tinca) from Beysehir Lake, Turkey. J Anim Vet Advances, 8 (9): 1790–1793.
Kurupınar E, Öztürk MO, 2009. Mevsimsel değişime ve boy büyüklüğüne bağlı olarak L. cephalus L.’un (Örenler Baraj Gölü, Afyonkarahisar) helmint faunası üzerine bir araştırma. Türkiye Parazitol Derg, 33 (3): 248–253.
Lagrue C, Presswell B, Dunckley N, Poulin R. 2018. The invasive cestode parasite Ligula from salmonids and bullies on the South Island. New Zealand Parasitology Research 117,151–156
Loot G, Brosse S, Lek S, Guegan JF. 2001. Behaviour of roach (Rutilus rutilus) altered by Ligula intestinalis (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea): a field demonstration. Freshwater Biology 46, 1219–1227.
Loot G, Aulagnier S, Lek S, Thomas F, Guégan JF. 2002. Experimental demonstration of a behavioural modification in a cyprinid fish, Rutilus rutilus (L.), induced by a parasite, Ligula intestinalis (L.). Canadian Journal of Zoology 80, 738–744.
Mehraban HR, Sayyadzadeh G, Malekzehi H, Ahmadi A. 2014. A first report of infection with the Tapeworm Ligula intestinalis (Linnaeus, 1758) plerocercoids in Persian bleak, Alburnus hohenackeri Kessler, 1870 in Southeastern. Iranian Journal of Ichthyology 1(1), 12–16.
Moravec F. 2006. Systematic status of Rhabdochona leucaspii Kritscher, 1979 (Nematoda: Rhabdochonidae). Folia parasitologica 53, 240, 2006
Özbek M, Öztürk MO, 2010. Kunduzlar Baraj Gölü (Kırka, Eskişehir)’nde Yaşayan Bazı Balıkların Ligula intestinalis Plerocercoid L., 1758 Enfeksiyonu Üzerine Araştırmalar. Türkiye Parazitol. Derg. 2010:34 (2): 112 – 117,
Saç G, Serezli E, Okgerman H, 2016. The Occurrence Of Ligula İntestinalis In Its Fısh Host Rutilus Rutilus (L.) And The Effects Of Parasıte On The Fısh Growth (Büyükçekmece Reservoır, Turkey) Journal Of Aquaculture Engıneerıng And Fısherıes Research E-Issn 2149-0236 2(3): 142-150 (2016) doi: 10.3153/JAEFR16016
Saşi H, Giannetto, D. 2016 First record of adult Nematomorpha Gordius sp. from western Anatolia (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Zoology 40 (3), 320-323.
Schmidt Gd, 1986. CRC Handbook of Tapeworm Identification. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
Stoumboudi M, Barbieri R, Mamuris Z, Corsini-Foka MJ, Economou AN, 2002. Threatened fishes of the world: Ladigesocypris ghigii (Gianferrari, 1927) (Cyprinidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes 65, 340.
Tarkan AS, Marr SM, Ekmekçi FG, 2015. Non-native and translocated freshwater fish species in Turkey. FiSHMED Fishes in Mediterranean Environments 2015.003: 28p
Tekin-Özan S, Kır İ, Ayvaz Y, Barlas M, 2006. Beyşehir Gölü kadife balığı (Tinca tinca L., 1758)’nın parazitleri üze-rine bir araştırma. Türkiye Parazitol Derg, 30(4): 333–338.
Top N, Tarkan AS, 2015. Yabanci tatlisu baliklarinin endemik bir tatli su baliği, ladigesocypris irideus (ladiges, 1960) üzerine etkileriyle ilgili bir araştirma. Su Ürünleri Mühendisleri Derneği Dergisi 58-61
Turgut E, Develi N, Yeşilayer N, Buhan E,2011. Seasonal Occurrence of Ligula intestinalis Infection in Cyprinids from Almus Dam Lake, Turkey KSÜ Doğa Bil. Derg., 14(3), 2011
Wootten R. 2012. The Parasitology of Teleosts. In:Fish Pathology. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
Yamagutı S, 1959. Systema Helminthum, Vol. II. The Cestodes of Vertebrates. Interscience Publishers Inc, New York and London.
Yıldız Y, Korkmaz H, Zencir O, 2003. The ınfection of tench (Tinca tinca) with Ligula intestinalis Plerocercoids in Lake Beysehir (Turkey). Bull Eur Ass Fish Path 23(5), 223–227.
Yılmaz F, Solak K, Alaş A, 1996, September. Yukarı Porsuk Havzasındaki Ligula intestinalis L. hakkında bir araştırma. XIII. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, İstanbul.
Yılmaz F, Öğretmen F, 2001. Growth and reproduction features of Ladigesocypris ghigii ghigii (Gianferrari, 1927). In: Proceeding of XI. National Fisheries Symposium, Hatay 2001 (pp. 288–295) (in Turkish).
Yılmaz F, Barlas M, Yorulmaz B, Özdemir N, 2006. Taxonomical Study on the Inland Water Fishes of Muğla. E.U. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 23 (1–2), 27–30.
Yılmaz F, Yorulmaz B, Giannetto, D, 2015. Threatened fıshes of the world: Ladigesocypris irideus (Ladiges, 1960) (Cyprinidae) Croatian Journal of Fisheries 177–180.
Doosti, S., & Yılmaz, F. (2020). Occurrence of Ligula sp. plerocercoids in Ladigesocypris irideus (Ladiges, 1960) from SouthWestern Turkey: new host and new locality records. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 10(4), 2416-2423.
Doosti S, Yılmaz F. Occurrence of Ligula sp. plerocercoids in Ladigesocypris irideus (Ladiges, 1960) from SouthWestern Turkey: new host and new locality records. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. Aralık 2020;10(4):2416-2423. doi:10.21597/jist.688296
Doosti, Somayeh, ve Fevzi Yılmaz. “Occurrence of Ligula Sp. Plerocercoids in Ladigesocypris Irideus (Ladiges, 1960) from SouthWestern Turkey: New Host and New Locality Records”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 10, sy. 4 (Aralık 2020): 2416-23.
Doosti S, Yılmaz F (01 Aralık 2020) Occurrence of Ligula sp. plerocercoids in Ladigesocypris irideus (Ladiges, 1960) from SouthWestern Turkey: new host and new locality records. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 10 4 2416–2423.
S. Doosti ve F. Yılmaz, “Occurrence of Ligula sp. plerocercoids in Ladigesocypris irideus (Ladiges, 1960) from SouthWestern Turkey: new host and new locality records”, Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der., c. 10, sy. 4, ss. 2416–2423, 2020, doi: 10.21597/jist.688296.
Doosti, Somayeh - Yılmaz, Fevzi. “Occurrence of Ligula Sp. Plerocercoids in Ladigesocypris Irideus (Ladiges, 1960) from SouthWestern Turkey: New Host and New Locality Records”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 10/4 (Aralık 2020), 2416-2423.
Doosti S, Yılmaz F. Occurrence of Ligula sp. plerocercoids in Ladigesocypris irideus (Ladiges, 1960) from SouthWestern Turkey: new host and new locality records. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2020;10:2416–2423.
Doosti, Somayeh ve Fevzi Yılmaz. “Occurrence of Ligula Sp. Plerocercoids in Ladigesocypris Irideus (Ladiges, 1960) from SouthWestern Turkey: New Host and New Locality Records”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, c. 10, sy. 4, 2020, ss. 2416-23, doi:10.21597/jist.688296.
Doosti S, Yılmaz F. Occurrence of Ligula sp. plerocercoids in Ladigesocypris irideus (Ladiges, 1960) from SouthWestern Turkey: new host and new locality records. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2020;10(4):2416-23.