Noise pollution is counted to be among the most serious environmental problems. Such a problem is
observed to carry higher level of signi cance in the parks located in city centres since the parks are among the areas
sensitive to noise just as schools and hospitals are. The study area, Yakutiye Park, is one of the most important parks
in Erzurum city centre. The Park was founded on the Cumhuriyet Street, which may be accepted to be the central
business area of the city and is under the effect of a dense motor vehicle traf c. It was found from the measurement
conducted at 8 stations in the morning at noon and in the evening that the noise values did not exceed the limits
allowed by Noise Control Regulation. The highest noise value was measured to be 64.29 dB(A) at the Station 3 in
the evening. Mean noise level in the Park was calculated to be 60.07 dB(A), which was found to be interesting in
contrast to the expected results. In the present study, reasons for such an interesting result are evaluated and some
leading suggestions are offered for also other parks. In addition, statistically no signi cant differences were found
to be present between the measurement times (P<0.0).
Anonim 2014a. Erzurum nüfus. , asp. (Erişim 25 Eylül 2014).
Anonim 2014b. Mevzuat.
Metin Aspx?MevzuatKod=7.5.14012&MevzuatIliski= 0&sourceXmlSearch= (Erişim 10 Kasım 2014).
Aktürk N, Akdemir O, Üzkurt İ. 2003. Tra k Işık Sürelerinin Neden Olduğu Çevresel Taşıt Gürültüsü. Gazi Üniv. Müh. Mim. Fak. Der. 18 (1): 71-87.
Ali SA, 2004. Investigation of The Dose Response Relationship For Road Traf c Noise In Assiut, Egypt. Applied Acoustics, 65(11): 1113-1120.
Brown AL, Bullen RB, 2003. Road Traf c Noise Exposure In Australian Capital Cities. Acoustics Australia. 31 (1): 11-16.
Bayramoğlu E, Özdemir Işık B, Demirel, 2014. Gürültü Kirliliğinin Kent Parklarına Etkisi ve Çözüm Önerileri: Trabzon Kenti Örneği. İnönü Üniversitesi Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi. 4 (9): 35-42.
Cohen P, Potchter O, Schneve I, 2014. The Impact of An Urban Park On Air Pollutionand Noise Levels in The Mediterranean City of Tel-Aviv, Israel. Environmental Pollution 195: 73-83.
Erdoğan E, Yazgan ME, 2007. Kentlerde Tra k Gürültüsü Sorununu Azaltmada Peyzaj Mimarlığı.Çalışmaları: Ankara Örneği. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi. 4 (2): 201-210.
Hunashal RB, Patil Y, 2012. Assessment of Noise Pollution Indices In The City of Kolhapur, India. Procedia - Socialand Behavioral Sciences. 37: 448 – 457.
Li B, Tao S, Dawson RW, 2002. Evaluation and Analysis of Traf c Noise From The Main Urban Roads in Beijing. Applied Acoustics. 63(10): 1137-1142.
Morillas JMB, Escobar VG, Sierra JAM, Gómez RV, Carmona JT, 2002. An Environmental Noise Study In The City of Cáceres, Spain. Applied Acoustics. 63(10): 1061-1070.
Köyağasıoğlu L, Çalış G, 1988. Gürültü ile mücadele. Çevre 88. Dördüncü Bilimsel ve Teknik Çevre Kongresi, 5-9 Haziran, 8-13.
Lee J,GuJ,ParkH,YunH, KimS, LeeW,HanJ,ChaJS,2014. Estimation of Populations Exposedto Road Traf c Noise in Districts of Seoul Metropolitan Area of Korea. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2014, 11(3): 2729-2740.
Merchan IC, Balteiro LD, 2013. Noise Pollution Mapping Approach and Accuracy on Landscape Scales. Science of The Total Environment. 449: 115-125.
Rajiv B H, Yogesh PB, 2012. Assessment of Noise Pollution Indices in The City Of Kolhapur, India. International Conference On Emerging Economies - Prospectsand Challenges, Book Series: Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. 37: 448-457.
Piccolo A, Plutino D, Cannistraro G, 2005. Evaluation and Analysis of The Environmental Noise of Messina, Italy. Applied Acoustics. 66(4): 447-465.
Özyonar F, Peker İ, 2008. Sivas Kent Merkezindeki Çevresel Gürültü. Kirliliğinin Araştırılması. Ekoloji. 18(69): 75-80.
Szeremeta B, Zanin HPT, 2009. Analysis and Evaluation of Soundscapes in Public Parks Through Interviewsand Measurement of Noise. Science of the Total Environment. 407: 6143-6149.
Ozer S, Irmak MA, Yılmaz H, 2008. Determination of Roadside Noise Reduction Effectiveness of Pinus sylvestris L. and Populus nigra L. In Erzurum, Turkey. Environmental Monitoring Assessment. 144: 191-197.
Ozer S, Yılmaz H, Yeşil M, Yeşil P, 2009. Evaluation of Noise Pollution Caused by Vehicle In The City of Tokat, Turkey. Scienti c Research and Essay. 4(11): 1205-1212.
Pathak V, Tripathi BD, 2008. Evaluation of Traf c Noise Pollution and Attitudes of Exposed Individuals In Working Place. Atmospheric Environment. 42: 3892–3898.
Yılmaz H, Ozer S, 2004. A Studyon Noise Pollution In Turkey: In Case of Erzurum City. International Journal of Environment and Pollution (Ijep), 23 (4): 438-448.
Valentin P, Sorin B, 2013. Research on Noise Pollutıon in Densely Populated Urban Areas. Environmental Engineerıngand Management. 12 (2): 409-415.
WHO, 1999. World Health Organization (WHO). In: Berglund B, Lindvall T, Schwela DH, editors. Guidelines for Community Noise. Geneva.
Kent Merkezlerindeki Parklarda Gürültü Düzeyi: Yakutiye Parkı Örneğinde
Gürültü kirliliği kentlerimizin en önemli çevre sorunlarından birisidir. Kent merkezindeki parklarda,
gürültü sorunu daha da önemli olmaktadır. Çünkü parklar, okul ve hastanene gibi gürültüye hassas alanlardan
birisidir. Çalışma alanı olan Yakutiye Parkı Erzurum kent merkezindeki parkların en önemlilerinden birisidir. Park
kentin merkezi sayılan Cumhuriyet Caddesi’nde bulunmaktadır. Yakutiye Parkı yoğun bir araç tra ğinin etkisi
altında bulunmaktadır. Parkta yapılan sabah öğle ve akşam ölçümlerde 8 istasyonun hiçbirinde gürültü değerleri
Gürültü Kontrol Yönetmeliği’nin izin verdiği sınırların üzerine çıkmamıştır. En yüksek gürültü değeri parkın akşam
vaktinde 3. istasyonda 64,29 dB(A) çıkmıştır. Yakutiye Parkı’nın genel gürültü değeri ise 60,07 dB(A) olarak
belirlenmiştir. Bu sonuç beklentilerin dışında şaşırtıcı bir sonuçtur. Bu çalışma ile bunun sebepleri incelenerek
gürültü sorunu olan diğer parklar için bir yol gösterici öneriler verilmiştir. Ayrıca istatistiki olarak parkın gün
bölümleri arasında önemli bir sonuç çıkmamıştır (P<0.01).
Anonim 2014a. Erzurum nüfus. , asp. (Erişim 25 Eylül 2014).
Anonim 2014b. Mevzuat.
Metin Aspx?MevzuatKod=7.5.14012&MevzuatIliski= 0&sourceXmlSearch= (Erişim 10 Kasım 2014).
Aktürk N, Akdemir O, Üzkurt İ. 2003. Tra k Işık Sürelerinin Neden Olduğu Çevresel Taşıt Gürültüsü. Gazi Üniv. Müh. Mim. Fak. Der. 18 (1): 71-87.
Ali SA, 2004. Investigation of The Dose Response Relationship For Road Traf c Noise In Assiut, Egypt. Applied Acoustics, 65(11): 1113-1120.
Brown AL, Bullen RB, 2003. Road Traf c Noise Exposure In Australian Capital Cities. Acoustics Australia. 31 (1): 11-16.
Bayramoğlu E, Özdemir Işık B, Demirel, 2014. Gürültü Kirliliğinin Kent Parklarına Etkisi ve Çözüm Önerileri: Trabzon Kenti Örneği. İnönü Üniversitesi Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi. 4 (9): 35-42.
Cohen P, Potchter O, Schneve I, 2014. The Impact of An Urban Park On Air Pollutionand Noise Levels in The Mediterranean City of Tel-Aviv, Israel. Environmental Pollution 195: 73-83.
Erdoğan E, Yazgan ME, 2007. Kentlerde Tra k Gürültüsü Sorununu Azaltmada Peyzaj Mimarlığı.Çalışmaları: Ankara Örneği. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi. 4 (2): 201-210.
Hunashal RB, Patil Y, 2012. Assessment of Noise Pollution Indices In The City of Kolhapur, India. Procedia - Socialand Behavioral Sciences. 37: 448 – 457.
Li B, Tao S, Dawson RW, 2002. Evaluation and Analysis of Traf c Noise From The Main Urban Roads in Beijing. Applied Acoustics. 63(10): 1137-1142.
Morillas JMB, Escobar VG, Sierra JAM, Gómez RV, Carmona JT, 2002. An Environmental Noise Study In The City of Cáceres, Spain. Applied Acoustics. 63(10): 1061-1070.
Köyağasıoğlu L, Çalış G, 1988. Gürültü ile mücadele. Çevre 88. Dördüncü Bilimsel ve Teknik Çevre Kongresi, 5-9 Haziran, 8-13.
Lee J,GuJ,ParkH,YunH, KimS, LeeW,HanJ,ChaJS,2014. Estimation of Populations Exposedto Road Traf c Noise in Districts of Seoul Metropolitan Area of Korea. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2014, 11(3): 2729-2740.
Merchan IC, Balteiro LD, 2013. Noise Pollution Mapping Approach and Accuracy on Landscape Scales. Science of The Total Environment. 449: 115-125.
Rajiv B H, Yogesh PB, 2012. Assessment of Noise Pollution Indices in The City Of Kolhapur, India. International Conference On Emerging Economies - Prospectsand Challenges, Book Series: Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. 37: 448-457.
Piccolo A, Plutino D, Cannistraro G, 2005. Evaluation and Analysis of The Environmental Noise of Messina, Italy. Applied Acoustics. 66(4): 447-465.
Özyonar F, Peker İ, 2008. Sivas Kent Merkezindeki Çevresel Gürültü. Kirliliğinin Araştırılması. Ekoloji. 18(69): 75-80.
Szeremeta B, Zanin HPT, 2009. Analysis and Evaluation of Soundscapes in Public Parks Through Interviewsand Measurement of Noise. Science of the Total Environment. 407: 6143-6149.
Ozer S, Irmak MA, Yılmaz H, 2008. Determination of Roadside Noise Reduction Effectiveness of Pinus sylvestris L. and Populus nigra L. In Erzurum, Turkey. Environmental Monitoring Assessment. 144: 191-197.
Ozer S, Yılmaz H, Yeşil M, Yeşil P, 2009. Evaluation of Noise Pollution Caused by Vehicle In The City of Tokat, Turkey. Scienti c Research and Essay. 4(11): 1205-1212.
Pathak V, Tripathi BD, 2008. Evaluation of Traf c Noise Pollution and Attitudes of Exposed Individuals In Working Place. Atmospheric Environment. 42: 3892–3898.
Yılmaz H, Ozer S, 2004. A Studyon Noise Pollution In Turkey: In Case of Erzurum City. International Journal of Environment and Pollution (Ijep), 23 (4): 438-448.
Valentin P, Sorin B, 2013. Research on Noise Pollutıon in Densely Populated Urban Areas. Environmental Engineerıngand Management. 12 (2): 409-415.
WHO, 1999. World Health Organization (WHO). In: Berglund B, Lindvall T, Schwela DH, editors. Guidelines for Community Noise. Geneva.
Özer, S. (2015). Noise Level in The Parks in The City Centres; The Sample of Yakutiye Park. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 5(3), 43-48.
Özer S. Noise Level in The Parks in The City Centres; The Sample of Yakutiye Park. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. Eylül 2015;5(3):43-48.
Özer, Serkan. “Noise Level in The Parks in The City Centres; The Sample of Yakutiye Park”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 5, sy. 3 (Eylül 2015): 43-48.
Özer S (01 Eylül 2015) Noise Level in The Parks in The City Centres; The Sample of Yakutiye Park. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 5 3 43–48.
S. Özer, “Noise Level in The Parks in The City Centres; The Sample of Yakutiye Park”, Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der., c. 5, sy. 3, ss. 43–48, 2015.
Özer, Serkan. “Noise Level in The Parks in The City Centres; The Sample of Yakutiye Park”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 5/3 (Eylül 2015), 43-48.
Özer S. Noise Level in The Parks in The City Centres; The Sample of Yakutiye Park. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2015;5:43–48.
Özer, Serkan. “Noise Level in The Parks in The City Centres; The Sample of Yakutiye Park”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, c. 5, sy. 3, 2015, ss. 43-48.
Özer S. Noise Level in The Parks in The City Centres; The Sample of Yakutiye Park. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2015;5(3):43-8.