Taking into account the behavior of connection in analysis and design of steel frames is important due to presenting the actual behavior of frames. So, the behavior of the connections should be well known. The connections form various moment-rotation curves according to the type of connection, the elements of connection and the shape of placement. These curves are visual expressions of the actual behavior that has been obtained from experiments. The experiments of some connections have been obtained partially and has been formed the databank. It has been done the classi cation and formed models by this databank to express the behavior of connection. To determine the behavior of the connection, the various connection experiments which are different from the connection with top and bottom angle in the literature are done in this thesis. The use of stiffeners in top and bottom angle and web of the connection with the top and bottom ange angle and different weld length in top and bottom angle is suggested.
Abdalla KM, Chen WF, 1995. Expanded database of semi-rigid steel connections. Computers & Structures, 56(4): 553–64.
Abidelah A, Bouchaï A, Kerdal DE, 2012. Experimental and analytical behavior of bolted end-plate connections with or without stiffeners. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 76: 13–27.
Aydın AC, Kılıç M, Maali M, Sağıroğlu M, 2015.Experimental Assessment of the Semi-rigid Connections Behavior with Angles and Stiffeners. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Volume 114: Pages 338–348.
Aydın AC, Maali M, Kılıç M, Sağıroğlu M, 2015. Experimental Investigation of Sinus Beams with End-Plate Connection. Journal of Thin Walled structures, 97:35-43.
Aggarwal AK., 1990. Behaviour of exible beam-to-column connections. The Institution of Engineers Australia Structural Engineering Conf, 462-467.
Azizinamini A, Bradbum JH, Radziminski JB, 1985. Static and cyclic behavior of semi-rigid steel beam-column connections. Dept. of Civ. Engrg., Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia, S.C.
Bailey JR, 1970. Strength and rigidity of bolted beam-to-column connections. Conf. on Joints in Structures, Univ. of Shef eld, Shef eld, England,1, 4.
Bell WG, Chesson E, Munse WH, 1958. Static tests of standard riveted and bolted beam-to-column connections. Univ. of Illinois Engrg. Experiment Station, Urbana, 111.
Bose B, 1981. Moment-rotation characteristic of semi-rigid joints in steel structures. J. Inst. Engrs. (India), Part CI, Civ. Engrg., Div, 62(2): 128-132.
Coelho AMG, Bijlaard FSK, 2007. Experimental behaviour of high strength steel end-plate connections. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 63(9): 1228–40.
Davison J, Kirby BP, Nethercot A, 1987. Rotational stiffness characteristics of steel beam-to column connections. J. construct. Steel Res, 8: 17-54.
Dews RJ, 1979. Experimental test results on experimental end- plate moment connections. Thesis presented to Vanderbilt University, at Nashville, Tenn., in partial ful llment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science.
European Committee for Standardization (CEN) 2005. Design of steel structures. Part 1.8: Design of joints”., Stage 49 draft, Brussels.
Goverdhan AV, 1984. A collection of experimental moment– rotation curves and valuation of prediction equations for semi-rigid connections. Master thesis. Nashville (TN), Vanderbilt University.
Grundy P, Thomas IR, Bennetts ID, 1980. Beam-to-column moment connections. J. Struct. Div., ASCE, 106(ST1): 313- 330.
Ioannides SA, 1978. Flange behavior in bolted end-plate moment connections. Thesis presented to Vanderbilt University, at Nashville, Tenn., in partial ful llment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
Jones SW, Kirby PA, Nethercot DA, 1980. Effect of semi- rigid connections on steel column strength. Journal of Construtional Steel Research, 1: 38–46.
Kishi N, Chen WF, 1986a. Steel connection data bank program. In: Structural engineering. 2nd ed. School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Report no. CE-STR86-18.
Kishi N, Chen WP, 1986b. Data base of steel beam-to-column connections. In: Structural engineering. School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, 1/2, Report no. CE-STR-86-26.
Lewitt CW, Chesson E, Munse WH, 1966. Restraint characteristics of exible riveted and bolted beam-to-column connections. Dept. of Civ. Engrg., Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, 111.
Limaa LRO, Andradea SAL, Vellascob PCG, Silvac LS, 2002. Experimental and mechanical model for predicting the behaviour of minor axis beam-to-column semi-rigid joints. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 44: 1047– 1065.
Maali M, Aydin AC, Sagiroglu M, Investigation of innovative steel runway beam in industrial building, Microsilica SADHANA Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences. in press.
Moore DB, Sims PAC, 1986. The in uence of backing plates on the behaviour of Extended end plate connections. Construct steel, 6: 95-122.
Nethercot DA., 1985a. Steel beam-to-column connections: a review of test data and its applicability to the evaluation of joint behaviour in the performance of steel frames. CIRIA report. 338.
Nethercot DA., 1985b. Utilization of experimentally obtained connection data in assessing the performance of steel frames. Chen WF, editor. Connection exibility and steel frames. Detroit: Proc. of a Session Sponsored by the ASCE Structural Division.
Ostrander JR, 1970. An experimental investigation of end- plate connections. Thesis presented to the University of Saskatchewan, at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, in partial ful llment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science.
Packer JA, Morris LJ, 1977. A limit state design method for the tension region of bolted beam-column connections. The Struct. Eng, 55(10): 446-458.
Philips J, Packet JA, 1986. The effect of plate thickness plate connections. J. construct. Steel Res., 6, 95-122.
Sagiroglu M, Aydin AC, Design and analysis of non-linear space frames with semi-rigid connections, Steel and Composite Structures, Int. J., Vol. 18: No. 6: June 2015.
Shi Y, Shi G, Wang Y, 2007. Experimental and theoretical analysis of themoment–rotation behaviour of stiffened extended end- plate connections. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 63(9): 1279–93.
Sommer WH, 1969. Behavior of welded-header-plate connections. Thesis presented to University of Toronto, at Toronto, Canada, in partial ful llment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Applied Science.
Zandonini R, Zanon P, 1988. Experimental analysis of end plate connections. In Connections in Steel Structures, Behaaior, Strength and Design (Edited by R. Biorhovde, J. Brozzetti and A. Colson), Eisevier Applied Science, London.41-51.
Alt ve Üst Korniyerlerli Yarı-Rijit Birleşimlerde Kaynak Boyu Etkisi
Çelik yapıların analiz ve dizaynında birleşim davranışının hesaba katılması, yapının gerçek davranışını
temsil edebilmesi açısından önemlidir. Dolayısıyla, birleşim davranışının iyi bilinmesi gerekir. Birleşimler, birleşim
tipine, yerleşim biçimlerine ve elemanlarına göre değişik moment-dönme eğrileri oluştururlar. Bu eğriler deneylerle
elde edilen gerçek davranışın mühendislik bakış açısıyla görsel anlatımıdır. Bazı birleşimler için bu deneyler
kısmen yapılmış, çeşitli veri bankaları oluşturulmuştur. Bu veri bankalarından yola çıkılarak birleşimin davranışını
analizde ifade edebilmek için sını andırmalar yapılmış ve modeller oluşturulmuştur. Bu araştırma kapsamında
literatürde olan mevcut alt-üst başlık korniyerli birleşimlerden farklı olarak alt-üst başlık korniyerlerinde ve kiriş
gövdesinde berkitme kullanımı önerilmiş ve alt üst korniyerlerde kullanılan berkitmelerdeki kaynak boyu etkisi
Abdalla KM, Chen WF, 1995. Expanded database of semi-rigid steel connections. Computers & Structures, 56(4): 553–64.
Abidelah A, Bouchaï A, Kerdal DE, 2012. Experimental and analytical behavior of bolted end-plate connections with or without stiffeners. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 76: 13–27.
Aydın AC, Kılıç M, Maali M, Sağıroğlu M, 2015.Experimental Assessment of the Semi-rigid Connections Behavior with Angles and Stiffeners. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Volume 114: Pages 338–348.
Aydın AC, Maali M, Kılıç M, Sağıroğlu M, 2015. Experimental Investigation of Sinus Beams with End-Plate Connection. Journal of Thin Walled structures, 97:35-43.
Aggarwal AK., 1990. Behaviour of exible beam-to-column connections. The Institution of Engineers Australia Structural Engineering Conf, 462-467.
Azizinamini A, Bradbum JH, Radziminski JB, 1985. Static and cyclic behavior of semi-rigid steel beam-column connections. Dept. of Civ. Engrg., Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia, S.C.
Bailey JR, 1970. Strength and rigidity of bolted beam-to-column connections. Conf. on Joints in Structures, Univ. of Shef eld, Shef eld, England,1, 4.
Bell WG, Chesson E, Munse WH, 1958. Static tests of standard riveted and bolted beam-to-column connections. Univ. of Illinois Engrg. Experiment Station, Urbana, 111.
Bose B, 1981. Moment-rotation characteristic of semi-rigid joints in steel structures. J. Inst. Engrs. (India), Part CI, Civ. Engrg., Div, 62(2): 128-132.
Coelho AMG, Bijlaard FSK, 2007. Experimental behaviour of high strength steel end-plate connections. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 63(9): 1228–40.
Davison J, Kirby BP, Nethercot A, 1987. Rotational stiffness characteristics of steel beam-to column connections. J. construct. Steel Res, 8: 17-54.
Dews RJ, 1979. Experimental test results on experimental end- plate moment connections. Thesis presented to Vanderbilt University, at Nashville, Tenn., in partial ful llment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science.
European Committee for Standardization (CEN) 2005. Design of steel structures. Part 1.8: Design of joints”., Stage 49 draft, Brussels.
Goverdhan AV, 1984. A collection of experimental moment– rotation curves and valuation of prediction equations for semi-rigid connections. Master thesis. Nashville (TN), Vanderbilt University.
Grundy P, Thomas IR, Bennetts ID, 1980. Beam-to-column moment connections. J. Struct. Div., ASCE, 106(ST1): 313- 330.
Ioannides SA, 1978. Flange behavior in bolted end-plate moment connections. Thesis presented to Vanderbilt University, at Nashville, Tenn., in partial ful llment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
Jones SW, Kirby PA, Nethercot DA, 1980. Effect of semi- rigid connections on steel column strength. Journal of Construtional Steel Research, 1: 38–46.
Kishi N, Chen WF, 1986a. Steel connection data bank program. In: Structural engineering. 2nd ed. School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Report no. CE-STR86-18.
Kishi N, Chen WP, 1986b. Data base of steel beam-to-column connections. In: Structural engineering. School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, 1/2, Report no. CE-STR-86-26.
Lewitt CW, Chesson E, Munse WH, 1966. Restraint characteristics of exible riveted and bolted beam-to-column connections. Dept. of Civ. Engrg., Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, 111.
Limaa LRO, Andradea SAL, Vellascob PCG, Silvac LS, 2002. Experimental and mechanical model for predicting the behaviour of minor axis beam-to-column semi-rigid joints. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 44: 1047– 1065.
Maali M, Aydin AC, Sagiroglu M, Investigation of innovative steel runway beam in industrial building, Microsilica SADHANA Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences. in press.
Moore DB, Sims PAC, 1986. The in uence of backing plates on the behaviour of Extended end plate connections. Construct steel, 6: 95-122.
Nethercot DA., 1985a. Steel beam-to-column connections: a review of test data and its applicability to the evaluation of joint behaviour in the performance of steel frames. CIRIA report. 338.
Nethercot DA., 1985b. Utilization of experimentally obtained connection data in assessing the performance of steel frames. Chen WF, editor. Connection exibility and steel frames. Detroit: Proc. of a Session Sponsored by the ASCE Structural Division.
Ostrander JR, 1970. An experimental investigation of end- plate connections. Thesis presented to the University of Saskatchewan, at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, in partial ful llment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science.
Packer JA, Morris LJ, 1977. A limit state design method for the tension region of bolted beam-column connections. The Struct. Eng, 55(10): 446-458.
Philips J, Packet JA, 1986. The effect of plate thickness plate connections. J. construct. Steel Res., 6, 95-122.
Sagiroglu M, Aydin AC, Design and analysis of non-linear space frames with semi-rigid connections, Steel and Composite Structures, Int. J., Vol. 18: No. 6: June 2015.
Shi Y, Shi G, Wang Y, 2007. Experimental and theoretical analysis of themoment–rotation behaviour of stiffened extended end- plate connections. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 63(9): 1279–93.
Sommer WH, 1969. Behavior of welded-header-plate connections. Thesis presented to University of Toronto, at Toronto, Canada, in partial ful llment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Applied Science.
Zandonini R, Zanon P, 1988. Experimental analysis of end plate connections. In Connections in Steel Structures, Behaaior, Strength and Design (Edited by R. Biorhovde, J. Brozzetti and A. Colson), Eisevier Applied Science, London.41-51.
Aydın, A. C., Kılıç M., Maalı, M., Sağıroğlu M. (2015). The Effect of Welding Length of Semi-Rigid Connections With Top and Seat Angles. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 5(4), 41-50.
Aydın AC, Kılıç M, Maalı M, Sağıroğlu M. The Effect of Welding Length of Semi-Rigid Connections With Top and Seat Angles. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. Aralık 2015;5(4):41-50.
Aydın Abdulkadir Cüneyt, Kılıç Mahmut, Mahyar Maalı, ve Sağıroğlu Merve. “The Effect of Welding Length of Semi-Rigid Connections With Top and Seat Angles”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 5, sy. 4 (Aralık 2015): 41-50.
Aydın AC, Kılıç M, Maalı M, Sağıroğlu M (01 Aralık 2015) The Effect of Welding Length of Semi-Rigid Connections With Top and Seat Angles. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 5 4 41–50.
A. C. Aydın, Kılıç M., M. Maalı, ve Sağıroğlu M., “The Effect of Welding Length of Semi-Rigid Connections With Top and Seat Angles”, Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der., c. 5, sy. 4, ss. 41–50, 2015.
Aydın Abdulkadir Cüneyt vd. “The Effect of Welding Length of Semi-Rigid Connections With Top and Seat Angles”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 5/4 (Aralık 2015), 41-50.
Aydın AC, Kılıç M, Maalı M, Sağıroğlu M. The Effect of Welding Length of Semi-Rigid Connections With Top and Seat Angles. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2015;5:41–50.
Aydın Abdulkadir Cüneyt vd. “The Effect of Welding Length of Semi-Rigid Connections With Top and Seat Angles”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, c. 5, sy. 4, 2015, ss. 41-50.
Aydın AC, Kılıç M, Maalı M, Sağıroğlu M. The Effect of Welding Length of Semi-Rigid Connections With Top and Seat Angles. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2015;5(4):41-50.