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A Comparative Leaf Anatomy in The Genus Cistus L. (Cistaceae) Distributed in Turkey

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 41 - 48, 30.06.2016


The genus Cistus L. (Cistaceae), generally growing in the Mediterranean region, is represented by
fve species in Turkey:
C. creticus L., C. parviflorus Lam., C. laurifolius L., C. salviifolius L. ve C. monspeliensis L.
In this study, it is intended to contribute to the systematics of
Cistus genus by conducting a comparative anatomical
study upon its species distributed in Turkey. The superfcial and cross-sections were taken by hand from the lamina
and petiyole, and photographs were taken after staining with phloroglucinol + HCl solution and examining under
the light microscope. The leaf anatomy of
Cistus genus shows the general characteristics of Cistaceae family. As
a result of the analysis, it has emerged that facilitate the identifcation of
Cistus species as signifcant characters,
such as the existence / absence of trichomes, types of glandular trichomes, the lateral veins in the mesophyll layer
whether to project in the direction of the abaxial epidermis, the lateral edges whether or not cambered, and the
presence of stomata on the leaf surface. A diagnostic key has been offered in the last part of the study, based on the
anatomical characters.


  • Abu-Assab MS, Cantino PD, 1987. Phylogenetic implications of leaf anatomy in subtribe Melittidinae (Labiatae) and related taxa. J. Arnold Arbor, 68: 1-34.
  • Agueda B, Parladé J, de Miguel AM, Martínez-Peña F, 2006. Characterization and identifcation of feld ectomycorrhizae of Boletus edulis and Cistus ladanifer. Mycologia, 98(1): 23-30.
  • Arıtuluk ZC, Ezer N, 2012. Halk arasında diyabete karşı kullanılan bitkiler (Türkiye)-II. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi Dergisi, 32(2): 179-208.
  • Arrington JM, Kubitzki K, 2003. Cistaceae. In: Kubitzki K, Bayer C, (Eds.) Kubitzki’s The Families and Genera of vascular plants 5. Springer, Berlin & Heidelberg & New York, pp. 62–70.
  • Barrajón-Catalán E, Fernández-Arroyo S, Roldán C, Guillén E, Saura D, Segura-Carretero A, Micol V. 2011. A systematic study of the polyphenolic composition of aqueous extracts deriving from several Cistus genus species: evolutionary relationship. Phytochemical Analysis, 22(4): 303-312.
  • Baytop T, 1999. Türkiye’de Bitkiler ile Tedavi (Geçmişte ve Bugün). İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri. Ankara, 480 s.
  • Behnke HD, 1984. Plant Trichomes - Structure and Ultrastructure; General Terminology, Taxonomic Applications, and Aspects richome-Bacteria Interaction in Leaf Tips of Dioscorea. In: Rodriguez E, Healey PL, Mehta I, (eds). Biology and chemistry of plant trichomes, pp. Plenum Press, New York. 1-21.
  • Cantino PD, 1990. The phylogenetic signifcance of stomata and trichomes in the Labiatae and Verbenaceae. J. Arnold Arbor, 71: 323-370.
  • Coode MJE, 1965. Cistaceae. P. Davis (Ed.). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands vol 1, Edinburgh UniversityPress. Edinburgh, UK. 506p.
  • Coode MJE, 1988. Cistaceae. P Davis, Mill R, Tan K, (Ed.). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. vol. 10, Edinburgh University Press. Edinburgh, UK. 61p.
  • Comandini O, Contu M, Rinaldi AC, 2006. An overview of Cistus ectomycorrhizal fungi. Mycorrhiza, 16(6): 381-395.
  • De Andres AI, Gomez-Serranillos MP, Iglesias I, Villar AM, 1999. Effects of extract of Cistus populifolius L. on the central nervous system. Phytotherapy Research, 13(7): 575-579.
  • Deniz L, Serteser A, Kargıoğlu M, 2010. Uşak Üniversitesi ve yakın çevresindeki bazı bitkilerin mahalli adları ve etnobotanik özellikleri. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(1): 57-72.
  • Dimas K, Demetzos C, Mitaku S, Vaos B, Marselos M, Tzavaras T, Kokkinopoulos D, 1999. Cytotoxic activity and antiproliferative effects of a new semi-synthetic derivative of ent-3 beta-hydroxy-13-epi-manoyl oxide on human leukemic cell lines. Anticancer Research, 19(5B): 4065-4072.
  • Faheed F, Mazen A, Elmohsen SA, 2013. Physiological and ultrastructural studies on calcium oxalate crystal formation in some plants. Turkish Journal of Botany, 37: 139-152.
  • Kalpoutzakis E, Chinou I, Mitaku S, Skaltsounis AL, Harvala C, 1998. Antibacterial labdane-type diterpenes from the resin “ladano” of Cistus creticus subsp. creticus. Natural Product Letters, 11(3): 173-179.
  • Metcalfe CR, Chalk L, 1950. Anatomy of the Dicotyledons. Vol. 2. Clarendon Press, Oxford. 724 p.
  • Metcalfe CR, Chalk L, 1957. Anatomy of The Dicotyledons (Leaves, Stem and Wood in Relation to Taxonomy with Notes on Economic Uses), Vol. 1, Oxford University Press, Amen House, London. 79-87.
  • Mun˜oz F, Navarro C, eds. 1993. Cistaceae. In: , Castroviejo Bolivar S, ed. Flora Ibe´rica. Volu´men III. Madrid, Espan˜a: Real Jardı´n Bota´nico, CSIC. p. 318–436.
  • Nikolaos S, Christodoulakis MG, Costas F, 2014. Leaf Structure of Cistus creticus L. (Rock Rose), a Medicinal Plant Widely Used in Folk Remedies Since Ancient Times, Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants, 20(2): 103-114.
  • Polat R, Satil F, 2012. An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants in Edremit Gulf (Balıkesir–Turkey). Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 139(2): 626-641.
  • Sargın SA, Akçicek E, Selvi S, 2013. An ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants used by the local people of Alaşehir (Manisa) in Turkey. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 150(3): 860-874.
  • Sargın SA, Selvi S, Acar M, 2014. Türkiye’ de Yayılış Gösteren Cistus L. (Cistaceae) Cinsi Üzerinde Taksonomik ve Morfolojik Araştırmalar. Ulusal Botanik/Bitki Bilimi Kongresi, 25-28 Ekim 2014, Antalya.
  • Sargın SA, Selvi S, López V, 2015. Ethnomedicinal plants of Sarigöl district (Manisa), Turkey. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 171: 64-84.
  • Somoza B, deRojas VRS, Ortega T, Villar AM, 1996. Vasodilator effects of the extract of the leaves of Cistus populifolius on rat thoracic aorta. Phytotherapy Research, 10(4): 304-308.
  • Uysal İ, Onar S, Karabacak E, & Çelik S, 2010). Ethnobotanical aspects of Kapıdağ Peninsula (Turkey). Biological Diversity and Conservation, 3(3), 15-22.
  • Vogt T, Proksch P, Gülz PG, 1987. Epicuticular flavonoid aglycones in the genus Cistus, Cistaceae. Journal of plant physiology, 131(1): 25-36.
  • Yakar-Tan N, 1982. Bitki Mikroskopisi Klavuz Kitabı. İstanbul Universitesi, Fen Fakültesi Yayınları, İstanbul, 166 s.
  • Yesilada E, Gurbuz I, Ergun E, 1997. Effects of Cistus laurifolius L. flowers on gastric and duodenal lesions. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 55(3): 201-211.

Türkiye’de Yayılış Gösteren Cistus L. (Cistaceae) Cinsinin Karşılaştırmalı Yaprak Anatomisi

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 41 - 48, 30.06.2016


Genel olarak Akdeniz bölgesinde yayılış gösteren Cistus L. cinsi, Türkiye’de; C. creticus L., C. parviflorus
Lam., C. laurifolius L., C. salviifolius L. ve C. monspeliensis L. olmak üzere beş türle temsil edilmektedir:
Bu çalışmada, ülkemizdeki
Cistus türlerinin yaprak anatomik yapıları incelenerek, cinsin sistematiğine katkı
sağlanması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada yaprakların, lamina ve petiyollerden enine ve yüzeysel kesitler alınmış ve
Floroglusinol+HCL solsyonu ile boyandıktan sonra Işık mikroskobunda incelenmiş ve fotoğrafları çekilmiştir.
Cistus cinsinin yaprak anatomisi Cistaceae familyasının genel karakteristik özelliklerini gösterdiği görülmüştür.
Gözlem sonucunda; trikom tipleri, mezofl tabakasındaki lateral damarların abaksiyal epidermise doğru çıkıntı
oluşturup oluşturmaması, petiyol lateral kenarlarının bombeli olup olmaması ve stomaların yaprak yüzeyinde
bulunup bulunmaması,
Cistus türlerinin teşhisini kolaylaştıran önemli karakterler olarak ortaya çıkmıştır.
Çalışmanın son kısmında; bu anatomik karakterler esas alınarak bir teşhis anahtarı sunulmuştur


  • Abu-Assab MS, Cantino PD, 1987. Phylogenetic implications of leaf anatomy in subtribe Melittidinae (Labiatae) and related taxa. J. Arnold Arbor, 68: 1-34.
  • Agueda B, Parladé J, de Miguel AM, Martínez-Peña F, 2006. Characterization and identifcation of feld ectomycorrhizae of Boletus edulis and Cistus ladanifer. Mycologia, 98(1): 23-30.
  • Arıtuluk ZC, Ezer N, 2012. Halk arasında diyabete karşı kullanılan bitkiler (Türkiye)-II. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi Dergisi, 32(2): 179-208.
  • Arrington JM, Kubitzki K, 2003. Cistaceae. In: Kubitzki K, Bayer C, (Eds.) Kubitzki’s The Families and Genera of vascular plants 5. Springer, Berlin & Heidelberg & New York, pp. 62–70.
  • Barrajón-Catalán E, Fernández-Arroyo S, Roldán C, Guillén E, Saura D, Segura-Carretero A, Micol V. 2011. A systematic study of the polyphenolic composition of aqueous extracts deriving from several Cistus genus species: evolutionary relationship. Phytochemical Analysis, 22(4): 303-312.
  • Baytop T, 1999. Türkiye’de Bitkiler ile Tedavi (Geçmişte ve Bugün). İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri. Ankara, 480 s.
  • Behnke HD, 1984. Plant Trichomes - Structure and Ultrastructure; General Terminology, Taxonomic Applications, and Aspects richome-Bacteria Interaction in Leaf Tips of Dioscorea. In: Rodriguez E, Healey PL, Mehta I, (eds). Biology and chemistry of plant trichomes, pp. Plenum Press, New York. 1-21.
  • Cantino PD, 1990. The phylogenetic signifcance of stomata and trichomes in the Labiatae and Verbenaceae. J. Arnold Arbor, 71: 323-370.
  • Coode MJE, 1965. Cistaceae. P. Davis (Ed.). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands vol 1, Edinburgh UniversityPress. Edinburgh, UK. 506p.
  • Coode MJE, 1988. Cistaceae. P Davis, Mill R, Tan K, (Ed.). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. vol. 10, Edinburgh University Press. Edinburgh, UK. 61p.
  • Comandini O, Contu M, Rinaldi AC, 2006. An overview of Cistus ectomycorrhizal fungi. Mycorrhiza, 16(6): 381-395.
  • De Andres AI, Gomez-Serranillos MP, Iglesias I, Villar AM, 1999. Effects of extract of Cistus populifolius L. on the central nervous system. Phytotherapy Research, 13(7): 575-579.
  • Deniz L, Serteser A, Kargıoğlu M, 2010. Uşak Üniversitesi ve yakın çevresindeki bazı bitkilerin mahalli adları ve etnobotanik özellikleri. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(1): 57-72.
  • Dimas K, Demetzos C, Mitaku S, Vaos B, Marselos M, Tzavaras T, Kokkinopoulos D, 1999. Cytotoxic activity and antiproliferative effects of a new semi-synthetic derivative of ent-3 beta-hydroxy-13-epi-manoyl oxide on human leukemic cell lines. Anticancer Research, 19(5B): 4065-4072.
  • Faheed F, Mazen A, Elmohsen SA, 2013. Physiological and ultrastructural studies on calcium oxalate crystal formation in some plants. Turkish Journal of Botany, 37: 139-152.
  • Kalpoutzakis E, Chinou I, Mitaku S, Skaltsounis AL, Harvala C, 1998. Antibacterial labdane-type diterpenes from the resin “ladano” of Cistus creticus subsp. creticus. Natural Product Letters, 11(3): 173-179.
  • Metcalfe CR, Chalk L, 1950. Anatomy of the Dicotyledons. Vol. 2. Clarendon Press, Oxford. 724 p.
  • Metcalfe CR, Chalk L, 1957. Anatomy of The Dicotyledons (Leaves, Stem and Wood in Relation to Taxonomy with Notes on Economic Uses), Vol. 1, Oxford University Press, Amen House, London. 79-87.
  • Mun˜oz F, Navarro C, eds. 1993. Cistaceae. In: , Castroviejo Bolivar S, ed. Flora Ibe´rica. Volu´men III. Madrid, Espan˜a: Real Jardı´n Bota´nico, CSIC. p. 318–436.
  • Nikolaos S, Christodoulakis MG, Costas F, 2014. Leaf Structure of Cistus creticus L. (Rock Rose), a Medicinal Plant Widely Used in Folk Remedies Since Ancient Times, Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants, 20(2): 103-114.
  • Polat R, Satil F, 2012. An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants in Edremit Gulf (Balıkesir–Turkey). Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 139(2): 626-641.
  • Sargın SA, Akçicek E, Selvi S, 2013. An ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants used by the local people of Alaşehir (Manisa) in Turkey. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 150(3): 860-874.
  • Sargın SA, Selvi S, Acar M, 2014. Türkiye’ de Yayılış Gösteren Cistus L. (Cistaceae) Cinsi Üzerinde Taksonomik ve Morfolojik Araştırmalar. Ulusal Botanik/Bitki Bilimi Kongresi, 25-28 Ekim 2014, Antalya.
  • Sargın SA, Selvi S, López V, 2015. Ethnomedicinal plants of Sarigöl district (Manisa), Turkey. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 171: 64-84.
  • Somoza B, deRojas VRS, Ortega T, Villar AM, 1996. Vasodilator effects of the extract of the leaves of Cistus populifolius on rat thoracic aorta. Phytotherapy Research, 10(4): 304-308.
  • Uysal İ, Onar S, Karabacak E, & Çelik S, 2010). Ethnobotanical aspects of Kapıdağ Peninsula (Turkey). Biological Diversity and Conservation, 3(3), 15-22.
  • Vogt T, Proksch P, Gülz PG, 1987. Epicuticular flavonoid aglycones in the genus Cistus, Cistaceae. Journal of plant physiology, 131(1): 25-36.
  • Yakar-Tan N, 1982. Bitki Mikroskopisi Klavuz Kitabı. İstanbul Universitesi, Fen Fakültesi Yayınları, İstanbul, 166 s.
  • Yesilada E, Gurbuz I, Ergun E, 1997. Effects of Cistus laurifolius L. flowers on gastric and duodenal lesions. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 55(3): 201-211.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Biyoloji / Biology

Seyid Ahmet Sargın

Selami Selvi Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2016
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Şubat 2016
Kabul Tarihi 23 Mart 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Sargın, S. A., & Selvi, S. (2016). A Comparative Leaf Anatomy in The Genus Cistus L. (Cistaceae) Distributed in Turkey. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 6(2), 41-48.
AMA Sargın SA, Selvi S. A Comparative Leaf Anatomy in The Genus Cistus L. (Cistaceae) Distributed in Turkey. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. Haziran 2016;6(2):41-48.
Chicago Sargın, Seyid Ahmet, ve Selami Selvi. “A Comparative Leaf Anatomy in The Genus Cistus L. (Cistaceae) Distributed in Turkey”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 6, sy. 2 (Haziran 2016): 41-48.
EndNote Sargın SA, Selvi S (01 Haziran 2016) A Comparative Leaf Anatomy in The Genus Cistus L. (Cistaceae) Distributed in Turkey. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 6 2 41–48.
IEEE S. A. Sargın ve S. Selvi, “A Comparative Leaf Anatomy in The Genus Cistus L. (Cistaceae) Distributed in Turkey”, Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der., c. 6, sy. 2, ss. 41–48, 2016.
ISNAD Sargın, Seyid Ahmet - Selvi, Selami. “A Comparative Leaf Anatomy in The Genus Cistus L. (Cistaceae) Distributed in Turkey”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 6/2 (Haziran 2016), 41-48.
JAMA Sargın SA, Selvi S. A Comparative Leaf Anatomy in The Genus Cistus L. (Cistaceae) Distributed in Turkey. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2016;6:41–48.
MLA Sargın, Seyid Ahmet ve Selami Selvi. “A Comparative Leaf Anatomy in The Genus Cistus L. (Cistaceae) Distributed in Turkey”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, c. 6, sy. 2, 2016, ss. 41-48.
Vancouver Sargın SA, Selvi S. A Comparative Leaf Anatomy in The Genus Cistus L. (Cistaceae) Distributed in Turkey. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2016;6(2):41-8.