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Morkaraman ve İvesi Erkek Kuzularında Bazı Et Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Olgunlaştırma Süresi ve Irkın Etkisi

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 4, 3292 - 3299, 15.12.2021


Bu çalışmanın amacı, Morkaraman ve İvesi erkek toklularında bazı et kalite özellikleri üzerine olgunlaştırma süresi ve ırkın etkisini incelemektir. Çalışma Erzurum ili Atatürk Üniversitesi Gıda ve Hayvancılık Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Koyunculuk Şubesinde yetiştirilen ve ortalama 7.5 aylıkken kesime gönderilen on baş Morkaraman ve İvesi kuzularından alınan m. longissimus dorsi (MLD) kasında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Et kalite özelliklerinin belirlenmesi için 12 gün boyunca +4 °C'de tutulan MLD kasında kesimden sonraki 24. saat, 2., 4., 7. ve 12. günlerde renk (L*, a*, b*, C, ve H), pH, sızıntı su kaybı ve TBA değerleri belirlenmiştir. Et kalitesi parametreleri üzerine L*, pH ve sızıntı su kaybı dışında ırkın etkisi olmazken, olgunlaştırma süresine bağlı olarak incelenen tüm et kalite parametrelerinde değişimler olduğu gözlenmiştir. Olgunlaşma esnasında proteolitik enzimler tarafından kasın yapısal bozulmasına bağlı olarak etin renk, pH, sululuk ve TBA gibi özelliklerinde önemli gelişmeler ortaya çıkmıştır. Fakat olgunlaştırma süresinin ilerleyişine bağlı olarak a* değerinin düştüğü, sızıntı su kaybı ve TBA değerlerinin ise yükseldiği gözlenmiştir.


  • Aurand LW, Woods AE, Well MR, 1987. Food Composition and Analysis. An Avi Book, New York, USA.
  • Behrands JM, Mikel WB, Armstrong CL, Newman MC, 2003. Color stability of semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and biceps femoris steaks packaged in a high-oxygen modified atmosphere. Journal of Animal Science. 81: 2230-2238.
  • Bertelsen G, Skipsted LH, 1987. Photooxidation of oxymyoglobin. Wavelength dependence of quantum yields in relation to light discoloration of meat. Meat Science, 19: 243-251.
  • Brewer MS, Jensen J, Prestat LG, Zhu LG, Mckeith FK, 2002. Visual acceptability and consumer purchase intent of enhanced pork loin roasts. Journal of Muscle Foods, 13: 53-68.
  • Buckley DJ, Morrissey PA, Gray JI, 1995. Influence of dietary vitamin E on the oxidative stability and quality of pig meat. Journal of Animal Science, 73: 3122-3130.
  • Burke JM, Apple JK, 2007. Growth performance and carcass traits of forage- fed hair sheep wethers. Small Ruminant Research, 67: 264- 270.
  • Den-Hertog-Meischke MJA, van Laack RJLM, Smulders FJM, 1997. The water holding capacity of fresh meat. Veterinary Quarterly, 19: 175-181.
  • Epley RJ, 1992. Aging beef. https://conservancy.umn.edu/bitstream/handle/11299/51510/05968.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y (Erişim tarihi: 28.07.2021)
  • Ergezer H, Serdaroğlu M, 2008. Et ve Et Ürünlerinde Su Tutma Kapasitesi ve Ölçüm Yöntemleri. Türkiye 10. Gıda Kongresi, 21–23 Mayıs 2008, Erzurum.
  • Esenbuga N, Macit M, Karaoglu M, Aksakal V, Aksu Mİ, Yörük MA, Gül M, 2009. Effect of breed on fattening performance, slaughter and meat quality characteristics of Awassi and Morkaraman lambs. Livestock Science, 123: 255-260.
  • Faustman C, Cassens RG, 1990. The biochemical basis for discoloration in fresh meat: a review. Journal of Muscle Foods. 1: 217-243.
  • Faustman C, Sun Q, Mancini R, Suman SP, 2010. Myoglobin and lipid oxidation interactions: Mechanistic bases and control. Meat Science, 86: 86-94.
  • Gokalp HY, Kaya M, Tülek Y, Zorba O, 2001. Guide for Quality Control and Laboratory Application of Meat Products, 4th Press, Ataturk Univ. Publication, No. 751.
  • Grunert KG, Bredahl L, Brunso K, 2004. Consumer perception of meat quality and implications for product development in the meat sector - A review. Meat Science. 66: 259-272.
  • Gül M, Yörük MA, Macit M, Esenbuga N, Karaoğlu M, Aksakal V, Aksu MI, 2005. The effects of diets containing different levels of common vetch seed (Vicia sativa) on fattening performance, carcass and meat quality characteristics of Awassi male lambs. Journal of the Science Food Agriculture, 85: 1439-1443.
  • Honikel KO, Kim CJ, Hamm R, Roncales P, 1986. Sarcomere shortening of prerigor muscles and its influence on drip loss. Meat Science, 16: 267-282.
  • Hood DE, Riordan EB,1973. Discolouration in pre-packaged beef: measurement by reflectance spectrophotometry and shopper discrimination. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 8: 333-343.
  • Huff-Lonergan E, Zhang W, Lonergan SM, 2010. Biochemistry of postmortem muscle — Lessons on mechanisms of meat tenderization. Meat Science, 86: 184-195.
  • Hunt M, King A, Barbut S, Clause J, Cornforth D, Hanson D, Mohan A, 2012. AMSA Meat Color Measurement Guidelines. American Meat Science Association, Champaign, Illinois USA, pp. 1-135.
  • Hutchings JB, 2003. Expectantions and the Food Industry. The Impact of Color and Appearance. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York.
  • Jacob RH, Thomson KL, 2012. The importance of chill rate when characterising colour change of lamb meat during retail display. Meat Science, 90: 478-484.
  • Jakobsen M, Bertelsen G, 2000. Colour stability and lipid oxidation of fresh beef. Development of a response surface model for predicting the effects of temperature, storage time, and modified atmosphere composition. Meat Science, 54: 49-57.
  • Kahraman HA, Gürbüz Ü, 2018. Aging Applications on Beef Meat Sığır Etlerinde Dinlendirme Uygulamaları. Manas Journal of Engineering, 6: 7-13.
  • Kılıç B, Richards MP, 2003. Lipid Oxidation in Poultry Döner Kebab: Pro-oxidative and Anti-oxidative Factors. Journal of Food Science, 68: 686-689.
  • Koohmaraie M, Geesink GH, 2006. Contribution of postmortem muscle biochemistry to the delivery of consistent meat quality with particular focus on the clapain system. Meat Science, 74: 34- 43.
  • Lemon DW, 1975. An Improved TBA Test for Rancidity. New Series Circular No. 51. Halifax Laboratory, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
  • Macit M, Aksakal V, Emsen E, Esenbuga N, Aksu Mİ, 2003a. Effects of vitamin E supplementation on fattening performance, non-carcass components and retail cut percentages, and meat quality traits of Awassi lambs. Meat Science, 64: 1-6.
  • Macit M, Aksakal V, Emsen E, Esenbuga N, Aksu Mİ 2003b. Effects of vitamin E supplementation on performance and meat quality traits of Morkaraman male lambs. Meat Science, 63: 51-55.
  • Mancini RA, Hunt MC, 2005. Current research in meat color. Meat Science, 71: 100-121.
  • Mckenna D, 2008. The color of meat. Meat Science Section Department of Animal Science, Texas A&M University, 2471 TAMU.
  • Muchenje V, Dzama K, Chimonyo M, Strydom PE, Hugo A, Raats JG, 2009. Some biochemical aspects pertaining to beef eating quality and consumer health: A review. Food Chemistry. 112: 279-289.
  • O’Grady MN, Monahan FJ, Burke RM, Allen P, 2000. The effect of oxygen level and exogenous α-tocopherol on the oxidative stability of minced beef in modified atmosphere packs. Meat Science. 55: 39-45.
  • Öztan A, 2005. Et Bilimi ve Teknolojisi, TMMOB Gıda Mühendisleri Odası Yayınları Kitaplar Serisi Yayın No: 1, ISBN: 975- 395- 632- 0, Ankara.
  • Pikul J, Leszczynski DE, Bechtel PJ, Kummerow FA, 1984. Effects of frozen storage and cooking on lipid oxidation in chicken meat. Jornal of Food Science, 49: 838-843.
  • Renerre M, Mazuel JP, 1985. Relationships between instrumental and sensorial measurements methods of meat color. Sciences des Aliments, 5: 541-558.
  • Ripoll G, Albertí P, Casasús I, Blanco M, 2013. Instrumental meat quality of veal calves reared under three management systems and color evolution of meat stored in three packaging systems. Meat Science, 93: 336-343.
  • Rödel W, 1992. Measurement magnitudes and transportable measuring instruments for in factory quality control. Fleischwirtsch, 72: 995-1001.
  • Sanudo C, Sanchez A, Alfonso M, 1998. Small ruminant production systems and factors affecting lamb meat quality. Meat Science, 49: 29- 64.
  • Savell JW, Mueller SL, Baird BE, 2005. The chilling of carcasses. Meat Science, 70: 449-459.
  • Sen AR, Muthukumar M, Naveena BM, Ramanna DBV, 2012. Effects on colour characteristics of buffalo meat during blooming, retail display and using vitamin C during refrigerated storage. Journal of Food and Technology, 51: 3515-3519.
  • Serra X, Ruiz-Ramiraz J, Arnau J, Gou P, 2005. Texture parameters of dry-cured ham m. biceps femoris samples dried at different levels as a function of water activity and water content. Meat Science, 69: 249-254.
  • Smith RD, Nicholson KL, Nicholson JDW, Harris KB, Miller RK, Griffin DB, Savell JW, 2008. Dry versus wet aging of beef: Retail cutting yields and consumer palatability evaluations of steaks from US Choice and US Select short loins. Meat Science, 79: 631-639.
  • Steele KS, Weber MJ, Boyle EAE, Hunt MC, Lobaton-Sulabo AS, Cundith C, Hiebert YH, Abrolat KA, Attey JM, Clark SD, Johnson DE, Roenbaugh TL, 2016. Shelf life of fresh meat products under LED or fluorescent lighting. Meat Science, 117:75-84.
  • Şireli HD, 2018. Karkaslarda et kalitesinin belirlenmesinde kullanılan geleneksel yöntemler ve yeni teknikler. Dicle Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 7: 126-132.
  • Uğurlu M, Ekiz B, Teke B, Salman Akdağ M, Kaya İ, 2017. Meat quality traits of male Herik lambs raised under an intensive fattening system. Turk J Vet Anim Sci. 41: 425-430
  • Vergara H, Molina A, Gallego L, 1999. Influence of sex and slaughter weight on carcass and meat quality in light and medium weight lambs producted in intensive systems. Meat Science, 52: 221- 226.
  • Wang A, Kang D, Zhang W, Zhang C, Zou Y, Zhou G, 2018. Changes in calpain activity, protein degradation and microstructure of beef M. semitendinosus by the application of ultrasound. Food Chemistry, 15: 724-730.
  • Williams GW, 1991. Assessment of Marketing Strategies to Enhance Returns to Lamb Producers. Texas Agricultural Market Research Center Commodity Market Research Report No. CM-1-91. Texas A&M University, College Station.
  • Yakan A, 2008. Bafra (Sakız x Karayaka G1) Kuzularında Farklı Kesim Ağırlıklarında Besi Performansı, Kesim, Karkas ve Bazı Et Kalitesi. Ankara Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi.
  • Zayas JF, 1997. Solubility of Proteins. In: Functionality of Proteins in Food. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • Zerby HN, Belk KE, Sofos JN, McDowell LR, Smith GC, 1999. Case life of seven retail products from beef cattle supplemented with Alpha-tocopheryl acetate. Journal of Animal Science, 77: 2458-2463.

The Effect of Aging Time and Breed on Some Meat Quality Traits in Morkaraman and Awassi Ram Lambs

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 4, 3292 - 3299, 15.12.2021


The aim of this study was to examine the effects of aging time and breed on some meat quality parameters in Morkaraman and Awassi male rams. The study was carried out in Sheep Breeding Branch, Food and Livestock Application and Research Center, Atatürk University, Erzurum. Meat quality characteristics were determined from m. longissimus dorsi (MLD) muscles taken from ten Morkaraman and Awassi lambs sent to slaughter at an average age of 7.5 months. Meat quality such as color (L*, a*, b*, C, and H), pH, drip loss and TBA was determined on the MLD muscle. The MLD muscles were maintained at 4 °C for up to 12 days. While there was no effect of breed on meat quality parameters except L, pH and drip loss, it was observed that there were changes in all meat quality parameters examined depending on the aging time. Due to the structural deterioration of the muscle by proteolytic enzymes during aging, significant improvements have occurred in the properties of meat such as color, pH, juiciness and TBA. However, it was observed that a* value decreased, drip loss and TBA value increased depending on the progress of aging time.


  • Aurand LW, Woods AE, Well MR, 1987. Food Composition and Analysis. An Avi Book, New York, USA.
  • Behrands JM, Mikel WB, Armstrong CL, Newman MC, 2003. Color stability of semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and biceps femoris steaks packaged in a high-oxygen modified atmosphere. Journal of Animal Science. 81: 2230-2238.
  • Bertelsen G, Skipsted LH, 1987. Photooxidation of oxymyoglobin. Wavelength dependence of quantum yields in relation to light discoloration of meat. Meat Science, 19: 243-251.
  • Brewer MS, Jensen J, Prestat LG, Zhu LG, Mckeith FK, 2002. Visual acceptability and consumer purchase intent of enhanced pork loin roasts. Journal of Muscle Foods, 13: 53-68.
  • Buckley DJ, Morrissey PA, Gray JI, 1995. Influence of dietary vitamin E on the oxidative stability and quality of pig meat. Journal of Animal Science, 73: 3122-3130.
  • Burke JM, Apple JK, 2007. Growth performance and carcass traits of forage- fed hair sheep wethers. Small Ruminant Research, 67: 264- 270.
  • Den-Hertog-Meischke MJA, van Laack RJLM, Smulders FJM, 1997. The water holding capacity of fresh meat. Veterinary Quarterly, 19: 175-181.
  • Epley RJ, 1992. Aging beef. https://conservancy.umn.edu/bitstream/handle/11299/51510/05968.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y (Erişim tarihi: 28.07.2021)
  • Ergezer H, Serdaroğlu M, 2008. Et ve Et Ürünlerinde Su Tutma Kapasitesi ve Ölçüm Yöntemleri. Türkiye 10. Gıda Kongresi, 21–23 Mayıs 2008, Erzurum.
  • Esenbuga N, Macit M, Karaoglu M, Aksakal V, Aksu Mİ, Yörük MA, Gül M, 2009. Effect of breed on fattening performance, slaughter and meat quality characteristics of Awassi and Morkaraman lambs. Livestock Science, 123: 255-260.
  • Faustman C, Cassens RG, 1990. The biochemical basis for discoloration in fresh meat: a review. Journal of Muscle Foods. 1: 217-243.
  • Faustman C, Sun Q, Mancini R, Suman SP, 2010. Myoglobin and lipid oxidation interactions: Mechanistic bases and control. Meat Science, 86: 86-94.
  • Gokalp HY, Kaya M, Tülek Y, Zorba O, 2001. Guide for Quality Control and Laboratory Application of Meat Products, 4th Press, Ataturk Univ. Publication, No. 751.
  • Grunert KG, Bredahl L, Brunso K, 2004. Consumer perception of meat quality and implications for product development in the meat sector - A review. Meat Science. 66: 259-272.
  • Gül M, Yörük MA, Macit M, Esenbuga N, Karaoğlu M, Aksakal V, Aksu MI, 2005. The effects of diets containing different levels of common vetch seed (Vicia sativa) on fattening performance, carcass and meat quality characteristics of Awassi male lambs. Journal of the Science Food Agriculture, 85: 1439-1443.
  • Honikel KO, Kim CJ, Hamm R, Roncales P, 1986. Sarcomere shortening of prerigor muscles and its influence on drip loss. Meat Science, 16: 267-282.
  • Hood DE, Riordan EB,1973. Discolouration in pre-packaged beef: measurement by reflectance spectrophotometry and shopper discrimination. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 8: 333-343.
  • Huff-Lonergan E, Zhang W, Lonergan SM, 2010. Biochemistry of postmortem muscle — Lessons on mechanisms of meat tenderization. Meat Science, 86: 184-195.
  • Hunt M, King A, Barbut S, Clause J, Cornforth D, Hanson D, Mohan A, 2012. AMSA Meat Color Measurement Guidelines. American Meat Science Association, Champaign, Illinois USA, pp. 1-135.
  • Hutchings JB, 2003. Expectantions and the Food Industry. The Impact of Color and Appearance. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York.
  • Jacob RH, Thomson KL, 2012. The importance of chill rate when characterising colour change of lamb meat during retail display. Meat Science, 90: 478-484.
  • Jakobsen M, Bertelsen G, 2000. Colour stability and lipid oxidation of fresh beef. Development of a response surface model for predicting the effects of temperature, storage time, and modified atmosphere composition. Meat Science, 54: 49-57.
  • Kahraman HA, Gürbüz Ü, 2018. Aging Applications on Beef Meat Sığır Etlerinde Dinlendirme Uygulamaları. Manas Journal of Engineering, 6: 7-13.
  • Kılıç B, Richards MP, 2003. Lipid Oxidation in Poultry Döner Kebab: Pro-oxidative and Anti-oxidative Factors. Journal of Food Science, 68: 686-689.
  • Koohmaraie M, Geesink GH, 2006. Contribution of postmortem muscle biochemistry to the delivery of consistent meat quality with particular focus on the clapain system. Meat Science, 74: 34- 43.
  • Lemon DW, 1975. An Improved TBA Test for Rancidity. New Series Circular No. 51. Halifax Laboratory, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
  • Macit M, Aksakal V, Emsen E, Esenbuga N, Aksu Mİ, 2003a. Effects of vitamin E supplementation on fattening performance, non-carcass components and retail cut percentages, and meat quality traits of Awassi lambs. Meat Science, 64: 1-6.
  • Macit M, Aksakal V, Emsen E, Esenbuga N, Aksu Mİ 2003b. Effects of vitamin E supplementation on performance and meat quality traits of Morkaraman male lambs. Meat Science, 63: 51-55.
  • Mancini RA, Hunt MC, 2005. Current research in meat color. Meat Science, 71: 100-121.
  • Mckenna D, 2008. The color of meat. Meat Science Section Department of Animal Science, Texas A&M University, 2471 TAMU.
  • Muchenje V, Dzama K, Chimonyo M, Strydom PE, Hugo A, Raats JG, 2009. Some biochemical aspects pertaining to beef eating quality and consumer health: A review. Food Chemistry. 112: 279-289.
  • O’Grady MN, Monahan FJ, Burke RM, Allen P, 2000. The effect of oxygen level and exogenous α-tocopherol on the oxidative stability of minced beef in modified atmosphere packs. Meat Science. 55: 39-45.
  • Öztan A, 2005. Et Bilimi ve Teknolojisi, TMMOB Gıda Mühendisleri Odası Yayınları Kitaplar Serisi Yayın No: 1, ISBN: 975- 395- 632- 0, Ankara.
  • Pikul J, Leszczynski DE, Bechtel PJ, Kummerow FA, 1984. Effects of frozen storage and cooking on lipid oxidation in chicken meat. Jornal of Food Science, 49: 838-843.
  • Renerre M, Mazuel JP, 1985. Relationships between instrumental and sensorial measurements methods of meat color. Sciences des Aliments, 5: 541-558.
  • Ripoll G, Albertí P, Casasús I, Blanco M, 2013. Instrumental meat quality of veal calves reared under three management systems and color evolution of meat stored in three packaging systems. Meat Science, 93: 336-343.
  • Rödel W, 1992. Measurement magnitudes and transportable measuring instruments for in factory quality control. Fleischwirtsch, 72: 995-1001.
  • Sanudo C, Sanchez A, Alfonso M, 1998. Small ruminant production systems and factors affecting lamb meat quality. Meat Science, 49: 29- 64.
  • Savell JW, Mueller SL, Baird BE, 2005. The chilling of carcasses. Meat Science, 70: 449-459.
  • Sen AR, Muthukumar M, Naveena BM, Ramanna DBV, 2012. Effects on colour characteristics of buffalo meat during blooming, retail display and using vitamin C during refrigerated storage. Journal of Food and Technology, 51: 3515-3519.
  • Serra X, Ruiz-Ramiraz J, Arnau J, Gou P, 2005. Texture parameters of dry-cured ham m. biceps femoris samples dried at different levels as a function of water activity and water content. Meat Science, 69: 249-254.
  • Smith RD, Nicholson KL, Nicholson JDW, Harris KB, Miller RK, Griffin DB, Savell JW, 2008. Dry versus wet aging of beef: Retail cutting yields and consumer palatability evaluations of steaks from US Choice and US Select short loins. Meat Science, 79: 631-639.
  • Steele KS, Weber MJ, Boyle EAE, Hunt MC, Lobaton-Sulabo AS, Cundith C, Hiebert YH, Abrolat KA, Attey JM, Clark SD, Johnson DE, Roenbaugh TL, 2016. Shelf life of fresh meat products under LED or fluorescent lighting. Meat Science, 117:75-84.
  • Şireli HD, 2018. Karkaslarda et kalitesinin belirlenmesinde kullanılan geleneksel yöntemler ve yeni teknikler. Dicle Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 7: 126-132.
  • Uğurlu M, Ekiz B, Teke B, Salman Akdağ M, Kaya İ, 2017. Meat quality traits of male Herik lambs raised under an intensive fattening system. Turk J Vet Anim Sci. 41: 425-430
  • Vergara H, Molina A, Gallego L, 1999. Influence of sex and slaughter weight on carcass and meat quality in light and medium weight lambs producted in intensive systems. Meat Science, 52: 221- 226.
  • Wang A, Kang D, Zhang W, Zhang C, Zou Y, Zhou G, 2018. Changes in calpain activity, protein degradation and microstructure of beef M. semitendinosus by the application of ultrasound. Food Chemistry, 15: 724-730.
  • Williams GW, 1991. Assessment of Marketing Strategies to Enhance Returns to Lamb Producers. Texas Agricultural Market Research Center Commodity Market Research Report No. CM-1-91. Texas A&M University, College Station.
  • Yakan A, 2008. Bafra (Sakız x Karayaka G1) Kuzularında Farklı Kesim Ağırlıklarında Besi Performansı, Kesim, Karkas ve Bazı Et Kalitesi. Ankara Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi.
  • Zayas JF, 1997. Solubility of Proteins. In: Functionality of Proteins in Food. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • Zerby HN, Belk KE, Sofos JN, McDowell LR, Smith GC, 1999. Case life of seven retail products from beef cattle supplemented with Alpha-tocopheryl acetate. Journal of Animal Science, 77: 2458-2463.
Toplam 51 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Hayvansal Üretim (Diğer)
Bölüm Zootekni / Animal Science

Doğan Türkyılmaz 0000-0001-6293-3787

Şeyma Şişik Oğraş 0000-0002-9051-5555

Ülkü Dağdelen Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-5167-8255

Mustafa Yaprak 0000-0002-6791-7273

Nurinisa Esenbuğa 0000-0002-2036-8369

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Aralık 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 3 Ağustos 2021
Kabul Tarihi 21 Eylül 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Türkyılmaz, D., Şişik Oğraş, Ş., Dağdelen, Ü., Yaprak, M., vd. (2021). Morkaraman ve İvesi Erkek Kuzularında Bazı Et Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Olgunlaştırma Süresi ve Irkın Etkisi. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 11(4), 3292-3299. https://doi.org/10.21597/jist.977755
AMA Türkyılmaz D, Şişik Oğraş Ş, Dağdelen Ü, Yaprak M, Esenbuğa N. Morkaraman ve İvesi Erkek Kuzularında Bazı Et Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Olgunlaştırma Süresi ve Irkın Etkisi. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. Aralık 2021;11(4):3292-3299. doi:10.21597/jist.977755
Chicago Türkyılmaz, Doğan, Şeyma Şişik Oğraş, Ülkü Dağdelen, Mustafa Yaprak, ve Nurinisa Esenbuğa. “Morkaraman Ve İvesi Erkek Kuzularında Bazı Et Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Olgunlaştırma Süresi Ve Irkın Etkisi”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 11, sy. 4 (Aralık 2021): 3292-99. https://doi.org/10.21597/jist.977755.
EndNote Türkyılmaz D, Şişik Oğraş Ş, Dağdelen Ü, Yaprak M, Esenbuğa N (01 Aralık 2021) Morkaraman ve İvesi Erkek Kuzularında Bazı Et Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Olgunlaştırma Süresi ve Irkın Etkisi. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 11 4 3292–3299.
IEEE D. Türkyılmaz, Ş. Şişik Oğraş, Ü. Dağdelen, M. Yaprak, ve N. Esenbuğa, “Morkaraman ve İvesi Erkek Kuzularında Bazı Et Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Olgunlaştırma Süresi ve Irkın Etkisi”, Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der., c. 11, sy. 4, ss. 3292–3299, 2021, doi: 10.21597/jist.977755.
ISNAD Türkyılmaz, Doğan vd. “Morkaraman Ve İvesi Erkek Kuzularında Bazı Et Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Olgunlaştırma Süresi Ve Irkın Etkisi”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 11/4 (Aralık 2021), 3292-3299. https://doi.org/10.21597/jist.977755.
JAMA Türkyılmaz D, Şişik Oğraş Ş, Dağdelen Ü, Yaprak M, Esenbuğa N. Morkaraman ve İvesi Erkek Kuzularında Bazı Et Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Olgunlaştırma Süresi ve Irkın Etkisi. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2021;11:3292–3299.
MLA Türkyılmaz, Doğan vd. “Morkaraman Ve İvesi Erkek Kuzularında Bazı Et Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Olgunlaştırma Süresi Ve Irkın Etkisi”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, c. 11, sy. 4, 2021, ss. 3292-9, doi:10.21597/jist.977755.
Vancouver Türkyılmaz D, Şişik Oğraş Ş, Dağdelen Ü, Yaprak M, Esenbuğa N. Morkaraman ve İvesi Erkek Kuzularında Bazı Et Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Olgunlaştırma Süresi ve Irkın Etkisi. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2021;11(4):3292-9.