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Features Soil Mountain-Taiga Zone the Middle Urals

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 2 Ek:A Sayı: 2 Sp:A, 93 - 100, 30.06.2012


Feature of the mountain soil formation is that the soil on the mountain slopes are formed in different

bioclimatic and oro-geomorphologic condition and soil conditions are characterized by high contrast and variation.

The features of the morphological structure, a truncated profile (35-75 cm), weakly expression in the differentiation

of the soil profile into individual horizons, and a detritus (20-65 %), loamy fine layer, the signs of podzolization in

the soil profile is not found, despite the presence of spruce - fir forest’ acid litter. Perhaps the high content of total

iron is the cause of the lack of morphological demonstration of the podzolic process. The coefficient of the eluvialilluvial

migration of Al2O3 and Fe2O3 (R2O3) shows the lack of trend, a weak decrease in the genetic component of

the horizon relative to the class. Soils are characterized by a very acidic environment and high hydrolytic acidity,

which was affected by exchange aluminum. The soils of mountain-taiga zone are enriched in organic matter, and

humus profile characterized by prolixity, which is a feature of mountain soils. The investigated soils were specific,

as they can find closer to the brown forest and podzolic type of soils. These soils were unique in terms of soil formation.


  • Alexandrova, L.N. 1986. Laboratory and practical training in soil science / L.N. Alexandrova, O. Naydenova - 4th ed., Revised. and dop.-L.: Agropromizdat Leningrad. Branch, 295 p.
  • Brooks P.D., Schmidt S.K., Williams M.W. 1997. Winter production of CO2 and N2O from alpine tundra: environmental controls and relationship to inter-system C and N fiuxes // Oecologia. Vol.110. No.3. P. 403-413.
  • Chikishev A.G. 1968. Natural zoning “Ural and Priuralie” / Nauka, Moscow. P. 15.
  • Dmitriev E.A., Samsonova V. 1979. Quasiperiodicity to change some properties of sod-podzolic soil under spruce / / Biol. Science. Number 4. P. 92-97.
  • Farley R.A., Fitter A.H. 1999. Temporal and spatial variation in soil resources in a deciduous woodland // Journal of Ecology. Vol. 87. №4. P. 688-696.
  • Fromm H., Winter K., Fisser J., Hantschel R., Beese F. 1993. The influence of soil type and cultivation system on the spatial distributions of the soil fauna and microorganisms and their interactions // Geoderma. Vol.60. No. 1-4. P. 109-118.
  • Ganzhara, N.F. 2002. Workshop on Soil / N.F. Ganzhara, B.A. Borisov, R.F. Baibekov. - M.: Agrokonsalt, 280 p.
  • Gorchakovskiy P.L. 1975. The flora of mountainous Urals. Moscow, “Nauka”. P. 13-67.
  • GOST 26 212-91. 1991. Soils. Determination of acidity by the method of Kappen / / Soil. Methods of analysis. - Moscow: Publishing House of Standards. P. 46-50.
  • GOST 26 213-91. 1991. Soils. Determination of humus by the method of Tyurin / / Soil. Methods of analysis. - Moscow: Publishing House of Standards. P. 51-56.
  • GOST 26 483-85. 1985. Soils. Determination of pH of salt extract, exchangeable acidity, exchangeable cations / / Soil. Methods of analysis. - Moscow: Publishing House of Standards. P. 4550.
  • GOST 46-47-76. 1989. Soils. Determining the amount of exchangeable bases by the method of kappa-Gilkovitsa / / Soil. Methods of analysis. - Moscow: Publishing House of Standards. P. 38-40.
  • Grime J.P. 2001. Plant strategies, vegetation processes, and ecosystem properties. 2тв Edition.Chichester: John Wiley and Sons. 417 p.
  • Jackson R.B., Caldwell M.M. 1993. The scale of nutrient heterogeneity around individual plants and its quantification with geostatistics // Ecology. Vol. 74. No.2. P. 612-614.
  • Kleb H.R., Wilson S.D. 1997. Vegetation effects on soil resource heterogeneity in prairie and forest // American Naturalist. Vol.150. No.3. P. 283-298.
  • Laboratory and practical training in soil science: a tutorial. 2009. / M.V. Novitsky, I.N. Donskih and others - St. Petersburg.: Avenue of Science. 320 p.
  • Larionova E.A. 2004. Heavy metals in the mountain taiga landscapes (for example, nature reserves, “Basegi” and “Visherskii”): Dissertation for the degree of candidate of geographical sciences. Perm, 24 p.
  • Loskutova N.M. 2003. Basegi - reserve country. - Perm: Publisher “Italic”. 180 p.
  • Mikhailova R.P. 1977. Brown raw humus unsaturated soils of the Urals / R.P. Mikhailova // Proc. The soil. Inst. V.V. Dokuchaev. P. 87-142.
  • Molchanov E.N. 1991. The problem of soil-geographical zoning of the mountainous part of the Northern Caucasus / E.N. Molchanov / / Soil Science. № 5. P. 5-18.
  • Molchanov E.N. 2009. Alpine meadow-steppe soils / E.N. Molchanov // Soil Science.№ 6. P. 638-647.
  • Molchanov E.N. 2010. Mountain-meadow soils of the Western Caucasus / E.N. Molchanov // Soil Science. № 12. P. 1433-1448.
  • Onipchenko V.G. 2011. The role of soil in the formation and preservation of plant diversity / / The role of soil in the formation and preservation of biological diversity. GV Dobrowolski (eds.). Moscow: KMK Scientific Publications Association. P. 86-155.
  • Onipchenko V.G., Cherednichenko O.V., Zakharov A.A. 2004. Structure and dynamics of closed alpine communities. Spatial structure // Alpine ecosystems in the Northwest Caucasus. V.G. Onipchenko (ed.). Dordrecht e.a.: Kluwer Academic Publishers. P. 99-125.
  • Orlov D.S. 2005. Chemistry of soil / D.S. Orlov, L.K. Sadovnikova, N.I. Sukhanov. M.:Higher. wk., 558 p.
  • Samofalova I.A. 2010a. Features of the morphological and physicochemical properties of soils of mountain-forest zone of the Western Slope of the Middle Urals (for example, range Basegi) / I.A. Samofalova, L.V. Kul’kova, O.A. Luzyanina, A.V. Kojeva // Modern problems of soil classification and their regional adaptation: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, September 5-12, 2010, Vladivostok, Russia. P. 201-205.
  • Samofalova I.A. 2010b. Properties of bald mountain soils and mountain-forest zone of the Middle Urals (for example, reserve “Basegi”) / I.A. Samofalova, O.A. Luzyanina, L.V. Kul’kova // In Sat: Proceedings of the Conference “Biosphere function of soil cover,” Pushchino, Academy of Sciences, November 8-12. P. 272-274.
  • Schlesinger W.H., Raikes J.A., Hartley A.E., Cross A.E. 1996. On the spatial pattern of soil nutrients in desert ecjsystems // Ecology. Vol. 77. No.2. P. 364-374.
  • Sofronitsky P.A. 1967. Geological sketch // Proceedings of the fifth meeting of the chemical treatment and hydrogeochemistry of Geography of the Perm region. PGU, Perm Division of the USSR Geographical Society, Institute of Karst and Speleology. - Vol. 4 (5). – Perm. P. 26-41.
  • Stevens M.H., CarsonW.P. 1999. Plant density determines species richness along an experimental fertility gradient // Ecology. Vol. 80. No. 2. P. 455-465.
  • Theory and practice of chemical analysis of soils. 2006. / Ed. L.A. Vorobevoy.-M.: GEOS, 2006. 344 p.
  • Tilman D. 1982. Resource competition and community structure. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press. 297 p.
  • Urusevskay I.S. 2007. Types of zoning and soil - the geographical zoning of mountain systems of Russia / I.S. Urusevskay // Soil Science. № 11. P. 1285-1297.
  • Urushadze T.F. 1979. Some aspects of soil formation in the mountain regions / T.F. Urushadze // Soil Science. № 1. P. 131-143.
  • Urushadze T.F.1987. Soils of the mountain forests of Georgia / T.F. Urushadze. Tbilisi Mentsiereba, 243 p.
  • Voronchihina, E.A. 2003. The experience of studying the effects of heavy metals in phytopathogenic processes in nature reserves (for example, the Reserve “Basegi”)/E.A. Voronchihina E.A. Larionov // Geoenvironmental problems of environmental pollution by heavy metals. 1st International Geoecological Conference (Tula, October 30-31, 2003). – Tula. P. 383-388.
  • Voronov G.A. 1988. Reserve “Basegi” / G.A. Voronov, V.F. Nikulin, V.A. Akimov, S. Balandin / / Preserves the European part of RSFSR. Part 1. - M. P. 248-264.
  • Voskresensky S.S. 1980. Geomorphological regionalization of the USSR and adjacent areas: a training manual / SS Resurrection, D.C. Leontiev, A.I. Spiridonov, etc. - M.: Higher School. 343 p.
  • Wilson S.D., Kleb H.R. 1996. The influence of prairie and forest vegetation on soil moisture and available nitrogen // The American Midland Naturalist. Vol.136. No.2. P. 222-231.http://
  • Workshop on soil science 1986. / Ed. I.S. Kaurichev, 4th ed., Revised. and dop.M.:Agropromizdat, 336 p.

Orta Urallarda Tayga Dağ Bölgesinin Toprak Özellikleri

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 2 Ek:A Sayı: 2 Sp:A, 93 - 100, 30.06.2012


Bir dağın toprak yapısının özelliği gereği dağ yamaçlarındaki toprak farklı biyoiklimsel ve orogeomorfolojik
şartlar altında şekillenir ve dağlık bölgelerde toprak şartları yüksek kontrast ve varyasyonla tanımlanır. Bu araştırmanın
amacı Orta Ural’da dağlık tayga bölgesindeki toprağın özellikleri üzerine çalışmaktır. Kuzey Basegi dağındaki
“Basegi” reservinde 2009-2010’da çalışmalar gerçekleştirilmiştir. Morfolojik yapı özellikleri: trunkat profil
(35-75 cm), tekil horizonlarda toprak profilinde nadiren farklılaşma, detritus (20-65 %), killi ince toprak, ve asit
kumlu adi ladin ormanlarının görülmesine rağmen toprak profilinde podzollaşma belirtilerinin olmamasıdır. Bu
toprakta, alüminyum ve demir içerikleri arasındaki oran tayga orman bölgesinin podzolik tür düzlük bölümündeki
topraktakinden daha azdır. Belki de podzolik süreçte morfolojik belirtilerin olmayışının nedeni yüksek oranda demir
içeriğinin bulunmasıdır. Al2O3 ve Fe2O3 (R2O3) yıkanma-birikme hareketi katsayısı, soya bağlı genetik horizon
içeriğinde hafif bir düşüş ve yelpazelerin olmadığını gösterir. Topraklar, alüminyum değişimi sebebiyle çok
asitli bir ortam ve yüksek hidrolitik asitlik ile tanımlanır. Tayga Dağ bölgesinin toprağı, dağ topraklarının bir özelliği
olarak organik madde ve humus profili bakımından zengindir. Humuslu dağ-orman kuşağı grup kompozisyonu
organik maddenin taşınması açısından zayıftır. Aşırı nemlilik, düşük sıcaklık, asidik reaksiyon ortam, bitki artıklarından
asit dönüşüm ürünleri, kalsiyum ve magnezyum profilinden süzülen yüksek değiştirilebilir alüminyum
içeriği humusun (hidrolize edilemeyen artık) sabit kısmındaki organik maddenin muhafaza edilmesine katkı sağlar.
g.Severny Basegi örneğindeki dağ-orman kuşağının belirlenen toprak özellikleri bu toprakları kahverengi ormanlar
olarak tanımlamamızı sağlamaz. İncelenen topraklar spesifiktir, çünkü kahverengi orman toprakları ve podzolik
tür topraklarla benzer yönleri bulunabilir.


  • Alexandrova, L.N. 1986. Laboratory and practical training in soil science / L.N. Alexandrova, O. Naydenova - 4th ed., Revised. and dop.-L.: Agropromizdat Leningrad. Branch, 295 p.
  • Brooks P.D., Schmidt S.K., Williams M.W. 1997. Winter production of CO2 and N2O from alpine tundra: environmental controls and relationship to inter-system C and N fiuxes // Oecologia. Vol.110. No.3. P. 403-413.
  • Chikishev A.G. 1968. Natural zoning “Ural and Priuralie” / Nauka, Moscow. P. 15.
  • Dmitriev E.A., Samsonova V. 1979. Quasiperiodicity to change some properties of sod-podzolic soil under spruce / / Biol. Science. Number 4. P. 92-97.
  • Farley R.A., Fitter A.H. 1999. Temporal and spatial variation in soil resources in a deciduous woodland // Journal of Ecology. Vol. 87. №4. P. 688-696.
  • Fromm H., Winter K., Fisser J., Hantschel R., Beese F. 1993. The influence of soil type and cultivation system on the spatial distributions of the soil fauna and microorganisms and their interactions // Geoderma. Vol.60. No. 1-4. P. 109-118.
  • Ganzhara, N.F. 2002. Workshop on Soil / N.F. Ganzhara, B.A. Borisov, R.F. Baibekov. - M.: Agrokonsalt, 280 p.
  • Gorchakovskiy P.L. 1975. The flora of mountainous Urals. Moscow, “Nauka”. P. 13-67.
  • GOST 26 212-91. 1991. Soils. Determination of acidity by the method of Kappen / / Soil. Methods of analysis. - Moscow: Publishing House of Standards. P. 46-50.
  • GOST 26 213-91. 1991. Soils. Determination of humus by the method of Tyurin / / Soil. Methods of analysis. - Moscow: Publishing House of Standards. P. 51-56.
  • GOST 26 483-85. 1985. Soils. Determination of pH of salt extract, exchangeable acidity, exchangeable cations / / Soil. Methods of analysis. - Moscow: Publishing House of Standards. P. 4550.
  • GOST 46-47-76. 1989. Soils. Determining the amount of exchangeable bases by the method of kappa-Gilkovitsa / / Soil. Methods of analysis. - Moscow: Publishing House of Standards. P. 38-40.
  • Grime J.P. 2001. Plant strategies, vegetation processes, and ecosystem properties. 2тв Edition.Chichester: John Wiley and Sons. 417 p.
  • Jackson R.B., Caldwell M.M. 1993. The scale of nutrient heterogeneity around individual plants and its quantification with geostatistics // Ecology. Vol. 74. No.2. P. 612-614.
  • Kleb H.R., Wilson S.D. 1997. Vegetation effects on soil resource heterogeneity in prairie and forest // American Naturalist. Vol.150. No.3. P. 283-298.
  • Laboratory and practical training in soil science: a tutorial. 2009. / M.V. Novitsky, I.N. Donskih and others - St. Petersburg.: Avenue of Science. 320 p.
  • Larionova E.A. 2004. Heavy metals in the mountain taiga landscapes (for example, nature reserves, “Basegi” and “Visherskii”): Dissertation for the degree of candidate of geographical sciences. Perm, 24 p.
  • Loskutova N.M. 2003. Basegi - reserve country. - Perm: Publisher “Italic”. 180 p.
  • Mikhailova R.P. 1977. Brown raw humus unsaturated soils of the Urals / R.P. Mikhailova // Proc. The soil. Inst. V.V. Dokuchaev. P. 87-142.
  • Molchanov E.N. 1991. The problem of soil-geographical zoning of the mountainous part of the Northern Caucasus / E.N. Molchanov / / Soil Science. № 5. P. 5-18.
  • Molchanov E.N. 2009. Alpine meadow-steppe soils / E.N. Molchanov // Soil Science.№ 6. P. 638-647.
  • Molchanov E.N. 2010. Mountain-meadow soils of the Western Caucasus / E.N. Molchanov // Soil Science. № 12. P. 1433-1448.
  • Onipchenko V.G. 2011. The role of soil in the formation and preservation of plant diversity / / The role of soil in the formation and preservation of biological diversity. GV Dobrowolski (eds.). Moscow: KMK Scientific Publications Association. P. 86-155.
  • Onipchenko V.G., Cherednichenko O.V., Zakharov A.A. 2004. Structure and dynamics of closed alpine communities. Spatial structure // Alpine ecosystems in the Northwest Caucasus. V.G. Onipchenko (ed.). Dordrecht e.a.: Kluwer Academic Publishers. P. 99-125.
  • Orlov D.S. 2005. Chemistry of soil / D.S. Orlov, L.K. Sadovnikova, N.I. Sukhanov. M.:Higher. wk., 558 p.
  • Samofalova I.A. 2010a. Features of the morphological and physicochemical properties of soils of mountain-forest zone of the Western Slope of the Middle Urals (for example, range Basegi) / I.A. Samofalova, L.V. Kul’kova, O.A. Luzyanina, A.V. Kojeva // Modern problems of soil classification and their regional adaptation: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, September 5-12, 2010, Vladivostok, Russia. P. 201-205.
  • Samofalova I.A. 2010b. Properties of bald mountain soils and mountain-forest zone of the Middle Urals (for example, reserve “Basegi”) / I.A. Samofalova, O.A. Luzyanina, L.V. Kul’kova // In Sat: Proceedings of the Conference “Biosphere function of soil cover,” Pushchino, Academy of Sciences, November 8-12. P. 272-274.
  • Schlesinger W.H., Raikes J.A., Hartley A.E., Cross A.E. 1996. On the spatial pattern of soil nutrients in desert ecjsystems // Ecology. Vol. 77. No.2. P. 364-374.
  • Sofronitsky P.A. 1967. Geological sketch // Proceedings of the fifth meeting of the chemical treatment and hydrogeochemistry of Geography of the Perm region. PGU, Perm Division of the USSR Geographical Society, Institute of Karst and Speleology. - Vol. 4 (5). – Perm. P. 26-41.
  • Stevens M.H., CarsonW.P. 1999. Plant density determines species richness along an experimental fertility gradient // Ecology. Vol. 80. No. 2. P. 455-465.
  • Theory and practice of chemical analysis of soils. 2006. / Ed. L.A. Vorobevoy.-M.: GEOS, 2006. 344 p.
  • Tilman D. 1982. Resource competition and community structure. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press. 297 p.
  • Urusevskay I.S. 2007. Types of zoning and soil - the geographical zoning of mountain systems of Russia / I.S. Urusevskay // Soil Science. № 11. P. 1285-1297.
  • Urushadze T.F. 1979. Some aspects of soil formation in the mountain regions / T.F. Urushadze // Soil Science. № 1. P. 131-143.
  • Urushadze T.F.1987. Soils of the mountain forests of Georgia / T.F. Urushadze. Tbilisi Mentsiereba, 243 p.
  • Voronchihina, E.A. 2003. The experience of studying the effects of heavy metals in phytopathogenic processes in nature reserves (for example, the Reserve “Basegi”)/E.A. Voronchihina E.A. Larionov // Geoenvironmental problems of environmental pollution by heavy metals. 1st International Geoecological Conference (Tula, October 30-31, 2003). – Tula. P. 383-388.
  • Voronov G.A. 1988. Reserve “Basegi” / G.A. Voronov, V.F. Nikulin, V.A. Akimov, S. Balandin / / Preserves the European part of RSFSR. Part 1. - M. P. 248-264.
  • Voskresensky S.S. 1980. Geomorphological regionalization of the USSR and adjacent areas: a training manual / SS Resurrection, D.C. Leontiev, A.I. Spiridonov, etc. - M.: Higher School. 343 p.
  • Wilson S.D., Kleb H.R. 1996. The influence of prairie and forest vegetation on soil moisture and available nitrogen // The American Midland Naturalist. Vol.136. No.2. P. 222-231.http://
  • Workshop on soil science 1986. / Ed. I.S. Kaurichev, 4th ed., Revised. and dop.M.:Agropromizdat, 336 p.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki Besleme / Soil Science and Plant Nutrition

İraida Samofalova Bu kişi benim

Oksana Luzyanina Bu kişi benim

Evgeniya Maulina Bu kişi benim

Lidiya Kulkova Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2012
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Aralık 2011
Kabul Tarihi 16 Nisan 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 2 Ek:A Sayı: 2 Sp:A

Kaynak Göster

APA Samofalova, İ., Luzyanina, O., Maulina, E., Kulkova, L. (2012). Orta Urallarda Tayga Dağ Bölgesinin Toprak Özellikleri. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 2 Ek:A(2 Sp:A), 93-100.
AMA Samofalova İ, Luzyanina O, Maulina E, Kulkova L. Orta Urallarda Tayga Dağ Bölgesinin Toprak Özellikleri. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. Eylül 2012;2 Ek:A(2 Sp:A):93-100.
Chicago Samofalova, İraida, Oksana Luzyanina, Evgeniya Maulina, ve Lidiya Kulkova. “Orta Urallarda Tayga Dağ Bölgesinin Toprak Özellikleri”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 2 Ek:A, sy. 2 Sp:A (Eylül 2012): 93-100.
EndNote Samofalova İ, Luzyanina O, Maulina E, Kulkova L (01 Eylül 2012) Orta Urallarda Tayga Dağ Bölgesinin Toprak Özellikleri. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 2 Ek:A 2 Sp:A 93–100.
IEEE İ. Samofalova, O. Luzyanina, E. Maulina, ve L. Kulkova, “Orta Urallarda Tayga Dağ Bölgesinin Toprak Özellikleri”, Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der., c. 2 Ek:A, sy. 2 Sp:A, ss. 93–100, 2012.
ISNAD Samofalova, İraida vd. “Orta Urallarda Tayga Dağ Bölgesinin Toprak Özellikleri”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 2 EK:A/2 Sp:A (Eylül 2012), 93-100.
JAMA Samofalova İ, Luzyanina O, Maulina E, Kulkova L. Orta Urallarda Tayga Dağ Bölgesinin Toprak Özellikleri. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2012;2 Ek:A:93–100.
MLA Samofalova, İraida vd. “Orta Urallarda Tayga Dağ Bölgesinin Toprak Özellikleri”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, c. 2 Ek:A, sy. 2 Sp:A, 2012, ss. 93-100.
Vancouver Samofalova İ, Luzyanina O, Maulina E, Kulkova L. Orta Urallarda Tayga Dağ Bölgesinin Toprak Özellikleri. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2012;2 Ek:A(2 Sp:A):93-100.