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New Strategies in Control of Plant Viruses: Resistance Development to Virus Infections and Their Vectors

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 4, 19 - 28, 31.12.2012


Virus diseases, which decrease quality and quantity of crop yield, have importance because of the

difficulties in control. The most efficient methods to control virus diseases are use of virus-free plant material,

breeding resistant varieties to viruses or vectors, controlling vector organisms to prevent the viral diseases. Recently,

development of resistant varieties became one of the prevalent methods. Besides the naturally resistant

varieties, it can be obtained by classically crossing of varieties containing natural resistance genes with commercial

varieties or by genetic engineering methods in two decades. There are three main trans-gene sources to obtain resistant

transgenic plants against virus infections. Naturally resistance genes, pathogen derived resistance genes and

various genes are obtained from the other sources. Pathogen derived resistance is commonly used comparing to the

others. These methods are based on understanding of molecular interactions in pathogenesis and interference of

these interactions against plant pathogens. The most commonly used methods are transfer coat protein (CP) gene

of target virus and gene silencing (Post Transcriptional Gene Silencing). In this review, the methods for making

resistant plants against viruses and vectors are summarized.


  • Agrios, G.N., 2005. Plant pathology, 5th Edition. Elsevier, Acade- mic Press.
  • Anonymous, 2012a. Interference with vector transmission. http:// EG5_report.pdf (Erişim tarihi:12.01.2012).
  • Anonymous, 2012b. Mechanisms and Sources of Resistance. http:// EG2_report.pdf (Erişim tarihi: 12.01.2012).
  • Beachy, R.N., Abel, P., Oliver, M.J., 1986. Potential for applying genetic information to studies of virus pathogenesis and cross- protection. Biotechnology in Plant Science: Relevance to Ag- riculture in the Eighties (Editors: M. Zaitlin, P. Day, A. Holla- ender), Academic Press, Orlando, pp. 265-275.
  • Bevan, M.W., Mason, S.E, Goelet, P., 1985. Expression of tobacco mosaic virus coat protein by a cauliflower mosaic virus pro- moter in plants transformed by Agrobacterium. European Mo- lecular Biology Organization Journal, 4: 1921-1926.
  • Buck, K.W., 1991. Virus-resistant plants. Plant Genetic Engineering (Editor: D. Grierson), Blackie and Son Ltd, London, pp.136- 177.
  • Cuozzo, M., O’Connel, K.M., Kaniewski, W., Fang, R.X., Chua, N.H., Tumer, N.E., 1988. Viral protection in transgenic tobac- co plants expressing the cucumber mosaic virus coat protein or its antisense RNA. Bio/technology, 6: 549-57.
  • Ergül, A., Aras, S., Erayman, M., Özcan, S., 2001. Virüslere daya- nıklı transgenik bitkilerin geliştirilmesi. Bitki Biyoteknoloji- si II-Genetik Mühendisliği ve Uygulamaları (Editörler: S. Öz- can, E. Gürel, M. Babaoğlu), Selçuk Üniversitesi Basımevi s. 239-260.
  • Fraser, R.S.S., 1998. Biochemistry of resistance to plant viruses. Breeding for resistance to plant viruses. Plant Virus Disease Control, (Editor: A. Hadidi, R.K. Khetarpal, H. Koganezawa), APS Press, St. Paul, pp. 56-64.
  • Gerlach, W.L., Llewellyn, D., Haselhoff, J., 1987. Construction of a plant disease resistance gene from the satellite RNA of tobac- co ringspot virus. Nature, 328: 802-805.
  • Goldbach, R., Bucher, E., Prins, M., 2003. Resistance mechanisms to plant viruses: an overview. Virus Research, 92: 207-212.
  • Golemboski, D.B., Lomonossoff, G.P., Zaitlin, M., 1990. Plants transformed with a tobacco mosaic virus nonstructural gene sequence are resistant to the virus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 87: 6311-6315.
  • Goodwin, J., Chapman, K., Swaney, S., Parks, T.D., Wernsman, F.A., Dougherty, W.G., 1996. Genetic and biochemical dissec- tion of transgenic RNA-mediated virus resistance. Plant Cell, 8: 95-105.
  • Horn, R., Brahm, L., Friedt, W., 1996. Recombination: Novel gene and genome combinations for resistance breeding by interspe- sific hybridization a genetic transformation. Progress in Bo- tany, 57: 177-196.
  • Hull, R., 2002. Matthews’ plant virology, 4th Edition. Academic Press.
  • Jones, A.T., 1998. Control of virus infection in crops through bree- ding plants for vector resistance. . Plant Virus Disease Cont- rol (Editor: A. Hadidi, R.K. Khetarpal, H. Koganezawa), APS Press, St. Paul.
  • Lapidot, M., Gafny, R., Ding, B., Wolf, S., Lucas, W.J., Beachy, R.N., 1993. A dysfunctional movement protein of tobacco mo- saic virus that partially modifies the plasmodesmata and li- mits virus spread in transgenic plants. The Plant Journal, 4: 959-970.
  • Lecoq, H., Moury, B., Desbiez, C., Palloix, A., Pitrat, M., 2004. Du- rable virus resistance in plants through conventional approac- hes: a challenge. Virus Research, 100: 31-39.
  • Loesch-Fries, L.S., Merlo, D., Zinnen, T., Burhop, L., Hill, K., Krahn, K., Jarvis, N., Nelson, S., Halk, E., 1987. Expression of alfalfa mosaic virus RNA 4 in transgenic plants confers vi- rus resistance. European Molecular Biology Organization Jo- urnal, 6: 1845-51.
  • Lindbo, J.A., Dougherty, W.G., 1992. Untranslatable transcripts of the tobacco etch virus coat protein gene sequence can interfe- re with tobacco etch virus in transgenic plants and protoplasts. Virology, 189: 725-733.
  • Maule, A.J., Caranta, C., Boulton, M.I., 2007. Sources of natural re- sistance to plant viruses: status and prospects. Molecular Plant Pathology, 8(2): 223-231.
  • McGrath, P.F., Vincent, J.R., Lei, C.H., Pawlowski W.P., Torbert K.A., Gu W., Kaeppler, H.F., Wan, Y., Lemaux, P.G., Rines, H.R., Somers, D.A., Larkins, B.A., Lister, R.M., 1997. Coat protein-mediated resistance to isolates of barley yellow dwarf in oats and barley. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 103: 695-710.
  • Murphy, J.F., 2006. Applied aspects of induced resistance to plant virus infection. Natural Resistance Mechanisms of Plants to Viruses (Editors: G. Loebenstein, J.P. Carr), Springer, pp. 1-11.
  • Nelson, R.S., Powell Abel, P., Beachy, R.N., 1987. Lesions and vi- rus accumulation in inoculated transgenic tobacco plants exp- ressing the coat protein gene of tobacco mosaic virus. Viro- logy, 158: 126-132.
  • Powell-Abel, P., Nelson, R.S., De, N., Hoffmann, N., Rogers, S.G., Fraley, R.T., Beachy, R.N., 1986. Delay of disease develop- ment in transgenic plants that express tobacco mosaic virus coat protein gene. Science, 232: 738-43.
  • Reavy, B., Mayo, M.A., 1992. Genetic engineering of virus resis- tance. Plant Genetic Manipulation for Crop Protection (Edi- tors: A.M.R. Gatehouse, V.A. Hilder, D. Boulter), CAB Inter- national, Oxon, UK, pp.183-214.
  • Ritzenthaler, C., 2005. Resistance to plant viruses: old issue, news answers? Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 16: 118-122.
  • Sanford, J.C., Johnson, S.A., 1985. The concept of parasite-derived resistance: deriving resistance genes from the parasites own genome. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 115: 395-405.
  • Tenllado, F., Llave C., Diaz-Ruiz, J.R., 2004. RNA interference as a new biotechnological tool for the control of virus diseases in plants. Virus Research, 102: 85-96.
  • Timmerman, G.M., 1993. Genetic engineering for resistance to vi- ruses. Biotechnology in Agriculture, No: 4, Advanced Met- hods in Plant Breeding and Biotechnology (Editor: D.R. Mur- ray), CAB International, Wallingford Oxon, UK, Redwood Press Ltd. Melksham, UK.
  • Tör, M., 1998. Bitkilerde moleküler konukçu-patojen ilişkilerinde son gelişmeler. Turkish Journal of Biology, 22: 271-285.
  • Van der Krol, A.R., Mur, L.A., Beld, M., Mol, J.N., Stuitje, A.R., 1990. Flavonoid genes in petunia: addition of a limited num- ber of gene copies may lead to a suppression of gene expressi- on. Plant Cell, 2: 291-299.
  • Van Dun, C.M.P, Bol, J.F., Van Vloten-Doting, L., 1987. Expression of alfalfa mosaic virus coat protein genes in transgenic tobac- co plants. Virology, 159: 299-305.

Bitki Virüsleriyle Mücadelede Yeni Stratejiler: Virüs Enfeksiyonlarına ve Vektörlerine Karşı Dayanıklılığın Geliştirilmesi

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 4, 19 - 28, 31.12.2012


Kültür bitkilerinde kalite ve verim azalışına sebep olan virüs hastalıkları mücadele zorluğu açısından ayrı
bir önem taşımaktadır. Virüsten ari (virüssüz) üretim materyali kullanmak, virüse ve vektör organizmaya dayanıklılık
ıslahı ve vektör organizmalarla mücadele ederek hastalığın bulaşmasını engellemek viral hastalık etmenleriyle
mücadelede en etkili yöntemlerdir. Üzerinde en fazla çalışılan yöntem virüslere karşı dayanıklı bitki genotiplerinin
geliştirilmesidir. Virüslere dayanıklı çeşitler, hem doğal dayanıklılık genleri içeren hatlarla ekonomik değeri
olan çeşitlerin tozlaştırılması şeklinde klasik ıslah metotlarıyla hem de son yıllarda, genetik mühendisliği yöntemleri
kullanılarak transgenik olarak elde edilebilmektedir. Bitkileri virüslere karşı dayanıklı hale getirmek için üç temel
transgen kaynağından faydalanılmaktadır. Bunlar doğal dayanıklılık genleri, viral sekanslardan türetilen genler
(Patojen kaynaklı dayanıklılık) ve diğer kaynaklardan elde edilen ve hedef virüsü engelleyici çeşitli genlerdir.
Patojen kaynaklı dayanıklılık (PDR) uygulamalarının temeli, patojenezdeki moleküler etkileşimlerin anlaşılması
ve bunların patojen aleyhine bozulmasıdır. Hedef virüsün kılıf proteini (CP) geninin aktarılması ve transkripsiyon
sonrası gen susturulması (Post Transcriptional Gene Silencing) patojen kaynaklı dayanıklılıkta son yıllarda en çok
üzerinde durulan uygulamalardır. Bu derlemede bitki patojeni virüslerle mücadelede özellikle virüslere ve vektörlerine
karşı kültür bitkilerini dayanıklı hale getirme yöntemleri özetlenmektedir.


  • Agrios, G.N., 2005. Plant pathology, 5th Edition. Elsevier, Acade- mic Press.
  • Anonymous, 2012a. Interference with vector transmission. http:// EG5_report.pdf (Erişim tarihi:12.01.2012).
  • Anonymous, 2012b. Mechanisms and Sources of Resistance. http:// EG2_report.pdf (Erişim tarihi: 12.01.2012).
  • Beachy, R.N., Abel, P., Oliver, M.J., 1986. Potential for applying genetic information to studies of virus pathogenesis and cross- protection. Biotechnology in Plant Science: Relevance to Ag- riculture in the Eighties (Editors: M. Zaitlin, P. Day, A. Holla- ender), Academic Press, Orlando, pp. 265-275.
  • Bevan, M.W., Mason, S.E, Goelet, P., 1985. Expression of tobacco mosaic virus coat protein by a cauliflower mosaic virus pro- moter in plants transformed by Agrobacterium. European Mo- lecular Biology Organization Journal, 4: 1921-1926.
  • Buck, K.W., 1991. Virus-resistant plants. Plant Genetic Engineering (Editor: D. Grierson), Blackie and Son Ltd, London, pp.136- 177.
  • Cuozzo, M., O’Connel, K.M., Kaniewski, W., Fang, R.X., Chua, N.H., Tumer, N.E., 1988. Viral protection in transgenic tobac- co plants expressing the cucumber mosaic virus coat protein or its antisense RNA. Bio/technology, 6: 549-57.
  • Ergül, A., Aras, S., Erayman, M., Özcan, S., 2001. Virüslere daya- nıklı transgenik bitkilerin geliştirilmesi. Bitki Biyoteknoloji- si II-Genetik Mühendisliği ve Uygulamaları (Editörler: S. Öz- can, E. Gürel, M. Babaoğlu), Selçuk Üniversitesi Basımevi s. 239-260.
  • Fraser, R.S.S., 1998. Biochemistry of resistance to plant viruses. Breeding for resistance to plant viruses. Plant Virus Disease Control, (Editor: A. Hadidi, R.K. Khetarpal, H. Koganezawa), APS Press, St. Paul, pp. 56-64.
  • Gerlach, W.L., Llewellyn, D., Haselhoff, J., 1987. Construction of a plant disease resistance gene from the satellite RNA of tobac- co ringspot virus. Nature, 328: 802-805.
  • Goldbach, R., Bucher, E., Prins, M., 2003. Resistance mechanisms to plant viruses: an overview. Virus Research, 92: 207-212.
  • Golemboski, D.B., Lomonossoff, G.P., Zaitlin, M., 1990. Plants transformed with a tobacco mosaic virus nonstructural gene sequence are resistant to the virus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 87: 6311-6315.
  • Goodwin, J., Chapman, K., Swaney, S., Parks, T.D., Wernsman, F.A., Dougherty, W.G., 1996. Genetic and biochemical dissec- tion of transgenic RNA-mediated virus resistance. Plant Cell, 8: 95-105.
  • Horn, R., Brahm, L., Friedt, W., 1996. Recombination: Novel gene and genome combinations for resistance breeding by interspe- sific hybridization a genetic transformation. Progress in Bo- tany, 57: 177-196.
  • Hull, R., 2002. Matthews’ plant virology, 4th Edition. Academic Press.
  • Jones, A.T., 1998. Control of virus infection in crops through bree- ding plants for vector resistance. . Plant Virus Disease Cont- rol (Editor: A. Hadidi, R.K. Khetarpal, H. Koganezawa), APS Press, St. Paul.
  • Lapidot, M., Gafny, R., Ding, B., Wolf, S., Lucas, W.J., Beachy, R.N., 1993. A dysfunctional movement protein of tobacco mo- saic virus that partially modifies the plasmodesmata and li- mits virus spread in transgenic plants. The Plant Journal, 4: 959-970.
  • Lecoq, H., Moury, B., Desbiez, C., Palloix, A., Pitrat, M., 2004. Du- rable virus resistance in plants through conventional approac- hes: a challenge. Virus Research, 100: 31-39.
  • Loesch-Fries, L.S., Merlo, D., Zinnen, T., Burhop, L., Hill, K., Krahn, K., Jarvis, N., Nelson, S., Halk, E., 1987. Expression of alfalfa mosaic virus RNA 4 in transgenic plants confers vi- rus resistance. European Molecular Biology Organization Jo- urnal, 6: 1845-51.
  • Lindbo, J.A., Dougherty, W.G., 1992. Untranslatable transcripts of the tobacco etch virus coat protein gene sequence can interfe- re with tobacco etch virus in transgenic plants and protoplasts. Virology, 189: 725-733.
  • Maule, A.J., Caranta, C., Boulton, M.I., 2007. Sources of natural re- sistance to plant viruses: status and prospects. Molecular Plant Pathology, 8(2): 223-231.
  • McGrath, P.F., Vincent, J.R., Lei, C.H., Pawlowski W.P., Torbert K.A., Gu W., Kaeppler, H.F., Wan, Y., Lemaux, P.G., Rines, H.R., Somers, D.A., Larkins, B.A., Lister, R.M., 1997. Coat protein-mediated resistance to isolates of barley yellow dwarf in oats and barley. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 103: 695-710.
  • Murphy, J.F., 2006. Applied aspects of induced resistance to plant virus infection. Natural Resistance Mechanisms of Plants to Viruses (Editors: G. Loebenstein, J.P. Carr), Springer, pp. 1-11.
  • Nelson, R.S., Powell Abel, P., Beachy, R.N., 1987. Lesions and vi- rus accumulation in inoculated transgenic tobacco plants exp- ressing the coat protein gene of tobacco mosaic virus. Viro- logy, 158: 126-132.
  • Powell-Abel, P., Nelson, R.S., De, N., Hoffmann, N., Rogers, S.G., Fraley, R.T., Beachy, R.N., 1986. Delay of disease develop- ment in transgenic plants that express tobacco mosaic virus coat protein gene. Science, 232: 738-43.
  • Reavy, B., Mayo, M.A., 1992. Genetic engineering of virus resis- tance. Plant Genetic Manipulation for Crop Protection (Edi- tors: A.M.R. Gatehouse, V.A. Hilder, D. Boulter), CAB Inter- national, Oxon, UK, pp.183-214.
  • Ritzenthaler, C., 2005. Resistance to plant viruses: old issue, news answers? Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 16: 118-122.
  • Sanford, J.C., Johnson, S.A., 1985. The concept of parasite-derived resistance: deriving resistance genes from the parasites own genome. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 115: 395-405.
  • Tenllado, F., Llave C., Diaz-Ruiz, J.R., 2004. RNA interference as a new biotechnological tool for the control of virus diseases in plants. Virus Research, 102: 85-96.
  • Timmerman, G.M., 1993. Genetic engineering for resistance to vi- ruses. Biotechnology in Agriculture, No: 4, Advanced Met- hods in Plant Breeding and Biotechnology (Editor: D.R. Mur- ray), CAB International, Wallingford Oxon, UK, Redwood Press Ltd. Melksham, UK.
  • Tör, M., 1998. Bitkilerde moleküler konukçu-patojen ilişkilerinde son gelişmeler. Turkish Journal of Biology, 22: 271-285.
  • Van der Krol, A.R., Mur, L.A., Beld, M., Mol, J.N., Stuitje, A.R., 1990. Flavonoid genes in petunia: addition of a limited num- ber of gene copies may lead to a suppression of gene expressi- on. Plant Cell, 2: 291-299.
  • Van Dun, C.M.P, Bol, J.F., Van Vloten-Doting, L., 1987. Expression of alfalfa mosaic virus coat protein genes in transgenic tobac- co plants. Virology, 159: 299-305.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Bitki Koruma / Plant Protection

Serkan Yeşil

Filiz Ertunç Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2012
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Mart 2012
Kabul Tarihi 19 Ekim 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Yeşil, S., & Ertunç, F. (2012). Bitki Virüsleriyle Mücadelede Yeni Stratejiler: Virüs Enfeksiyonlarına ve Vektörlerine Karşı Dayanıklılığın Geliştirilmesi. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 2(4), 19-28.
AMA Yeşil S, Ertunç F. Bitki Virüsleriyle Mücadelede Yeni Stratejiler: Virüs Enfeksiyonlarına ve Vektörlerine Karşı Dayanıklılığın Geliştirilmesi. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. Aralık 2012;2(4):19-28.
Chicago Yeşil, Serkan, ve Filiz Ertunç. “Bitki Virüsleriyle Mücadelede Yeni Stratejiler: Virüs Enfeksiyonlarına Ve Vektörlerine Karşı Dayanıklılığın Geliştirilmesi”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 2, sy. 4 (Aralık 2012): 19-28.
EndNote Yeşil S, Ertunç F (01 Aralık 2012) Bitki Virüsleriyle Mücadelede Yeni Stratejiler: Virüs Enfeksiyonlarına ve Vektörlerine Karşı Dayanıklılığın Geliştirilmesi. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 2 4 19–28.
IEEE S. Yeşil ve F. Ertunç, “Bitki Virüsleriyle Mücadelede Yeni Stratejiler: Virüs Enfeksiyonlarına ve Vektörlerine Karşı Dayanıklılığın Geliştirilmesi”, Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der., c. 2, sy. 4, ss. 19–28, 2012.
ISNAD Yeşil, Serkan - Ertunç, Filiz. “Bitki Virüsleriyle Mücadelede Yeni Stratejiler: Virüs Enfeksiyonlarına Ve Vektörlerine Karşı Dayanıklılığın Geliştirilmesi”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 2/4 (Aralık 2012), 19-28.
JAMA Yeşil S, Ertunç F. Bitki Virüsleriyle Mücadelede Yeni Stratejiler: Virüs Enfeksiyonlarına ve Vektörlerine Karşı Dayanıklılığın Geliştirilmesi. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2012;2:19–28.
MLA Yeşil, Serkan ve Filiz Ertunç. “Bitki Virüsleriyle Mücadelede Yeni Stratejiler: Virüs Enfeksiyonlarına Ve Vektörlerine Karşı Dayanıklılığın Geliştirilmesi”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, c. 2, sy. 4, 2012, ss. 19-28.
Vancouver Yeşil S, Ertunç F. Bitki Virüsleriyle Mücadelede Yeni Stratejiler: Virüs Enfeksiyonlarına ve Vektörlerine Karşı Dayanıklılığın Geliştirilmesi. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2012;2(4):19-28.