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Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Bitkilerin Böceklere Etkileri

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 4, 29 - 36, 31.12.2012


Son yıllarda, tarımsal üretimde dünyanın en çok ilgilendiği konuların başında genetiği değiştirilmiş bitkilerin kullanımı gelmektedir. Genetiği değiştirilmiş bitkilerin çevre üzerindeki etkileri, özellikle hibritleşme ve yatay gen transferi konusu halen yoğun bir şekilde tartışılmaktadır. Hibritleşme ve gen transferi üzerine olan etkilerinin yanında aynı zamanda böceklere olan etkileri de dikkat çekmektedir. Genetiği değiştirilmiş bitkilerin, besin zincirindeki ekolojik etkileri de son yıllarda üzerinde durulan konular arasında yer almaktadır. Bu besin zincirinde ise böcekler herbivor, carnivor ve çürükçül olarak “anahtar organizma” rolündedir. Bu derlemede, genetiği değiştirilmiş bitkilerin; böcek dayanıklılığına, yeni zararlıların ortaya çıkmasına, biyolojik çeşitliliğe, insektisit kullanımına ve doğal düşmanlara olan etkileri üzerinde durulmuştur


  • Ali, S., Zafar, Y., Xianyin, Z., Ali, G. M., Jumin,T., 2008. Transge- nic crops: Current challenges and future perspectives. African Journal of Biotechnology, 7(25): 4667-4676.
  • Ammann, K., 2005. Effects of biotechnology on biodiversity: Herbicide-tolerant and insect-resistant GM Crops. Trends in Biotechnology, 23(8): 388-394.
  • Anonymous, 2006. Ecological impacts of genetically modifi- ed crops. Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon Research Station ART, Zurich.
  • Anonymous, 2008. Who benefits from GM crops? The rise in pesti- cide use. Friends of the Earth International 112.
  • Anonymous, 2009a. Genetiği değiştirilmiş organizmalara (GDO) dair yönetmelikle ilgili basın açıklaması. http://www.tarim.,haber_Detayli_Gosterim.html?NewsID=607 (Erişim tarihi: 01.05.2010).
  • Anonymous, 2009b. Focus on environmental impacts- Biotech crops-evidence, Outcomes and Impacts 1996-2007. http:// (Erişim tarihi: 26.04.2010).
  • Anonymous, 2010a. Agro-biotechnology: New plant pest caused by genetically engineered corn. Testbiotech Institute for In- dependent Impact Assessment in Biotechnology, München , Germany.
  • Anonymous, 2010b. Biyogüvenlik Kanunu. Resmî Gazete, Sayı: 27533.
  • Anonymous, 2010c. Who benefits from GM crops? Friends of the Earth International. Benefits/who_ benefits_full_report_2010.pdf (Erişim tarihi: 25.04.2010).
  • Bates, S.L., Zhao, J.Z., Roush, R.T., Shelton, A.M., 2005. Insect Re- sistance Management in GM Crops: Past, Present and Future. Nature Biotechnology, 23(1): 57-62.
  • Batie, S.S., 2003. The environmental impacts of genetically modi- fied plants: Challenges to decision making. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 85(5): 1107-1111.
  • Benbrook, C., 2001. Do Gm crops mean less pesticide use? Pestici- de Outlook, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 204-207.
  • Cannon, R.J.C., 2000. Bt transgenic crops: Risks and benefits. In- tegrated Pest Management Reviews, 5: 151-173.
  • Catangui, M.A., Berg, R.K., 2006. Western Bean Cutworm, Stri- acosta albicosta (Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), as a po- tential pest of transgenic Cry1Ab Bacillus thuringiensis Corn Hybrids in South Dakota. Environmental Entomology, 35(5): 1439-1452.
  • Chen, M., Zhao, J.Z., Collins, H.L., Earle, E.D., Cao, J., Shelton, A.M., 2008. A critical assessment of the effects of bt transge- nic plants on parasitoids. PLoS ONE, 3(5): 1-7.
  • Christou, P., Capell, T., Kohli, A., Gatehouse, J.A., Gatehouse, A.M.R., 2006. Recent developments and future prospects in insect pest control in transgenic crops. TRENDS in Plant Sci- ence, 11(6): 302-308.
  • Conner, A.J., Glare, T.R., Nap, J.P., 2003. The release of geneti- cally modified crops into the environment. The Plant Jour- nal,33: 19–46.
  • Çelik, V., Balık, D.T., 2007. Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Organizmalar (GDO). Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergi- si, 23(1-2): 13-23.
  • Demir, A., Seyis, F., Kurt, O., 2006. Genetik yapısı değiştirilmiş or- ganizmalar: I. Bitkiler. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Ziraat Fa- kültesi Dergisi, 21(2): 249-260.
  • Eichenseer, H., Strohbehn, R., Burks, J.C., 2008. Frequency and se- verity of Western Bean Cutworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) ear damage in transgenic corn hybrids expressing different Bacillus thuringiensis cry toxins. Journal of Economic Ento- mology, 101(2): 555-563.
  • Ferry, N., Gatehouse, A.M.R., 2009. Environmental impact of gene- tically modified crops. UK.
  • Fontes, E.M.G., Pires, C.S.S., Sujii, E.R., Panizzi, A.R., 2002. The environmental effects of genetically modified crops resistant to insects. Neotropical Entomology, 31(4): 497-513.
  • Glare, T.R., O’Callaghan, M., Malone, L.A., Burgess, E.P.J., 2001. Summary of current scientific awareness of the effect of gene- tically modified organisms on the natural environment. Report for The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, AgResearch.
  • Hagvar, E., Aasen, S., 2004. Possible effects of genetically modifi- ed plants on insects in the plant food web. Latvijas Entomo- logs, 41: 111-117.
  • Harwood, J.D., Wallin, W.G., Obrycki, J.J., 2005. Uptake of Bt en- dotoxins by nontarget herbivores and higher order arthropod predators: molecular evidence from a transgenic corn agroe- cosystem. Molecular Ecology, 14: 2815-2823.
  • Head, G., Moar, W., Eubanks, M., Freeman, B., Ruberson, J., Ha- gerty, A., Turnipseed, S., 2005. A multiyear, large-scale com- parison of arthropod populations on commercially managed Bt and non-Bt cotton fields. Environ. Entomology, 34(5): 1257-1266.
  • Head, G., 2005. Assessing the influence of Bt crops on natural ene- mies. Second International Symposium on Biological Control of Arthropods, Davos, Switzerland, 12-16 September.
  • Hilbeck, A., 2001. Implications of transgenic, ınsecticidal plants for ınsect and plant biodiversity. Urban & Fischer Verlag, 4(1): 43–61.
  • James, C., 2010. Global status of commercialized biotech/GM crops: 2010, ISAAA Brief 42: Executive Summary.http:// summary/pdf/Brief%2042%20-20Executive%20Summary %20-%20English.pdf (Erişim tarihi: 25.01.2012).
  • James, C., 2010. 2009 yılında üretilen transgenik ürünlerin (GDO) global durumunun özeti. ISAAA Özet41.http://www.isaaa. org/resources/publications/briefs/41/highlights/pdf/Brief%20 41%20-%20Highlights%20-%20Turkish.pdf (Erişim tarihi: 05.05.2010).
  • James, C., 2010. Pazara sunulan Biyoteknoloji/GDO Ürünlerin Global Durumu: 2010. cations/ briefs/42/highlights/pdf/Brief%2042%20-%20High- lights %20-%20Turkish.pdf (Erişim tarihi:25.01.2012).
  • Kaynar, P., 2010. Genetik olarak değiştirilmiş organizmalar (GDO)’a genel bir bakış. Türk Hijyen ve Deneysel Biyolo- ji Dergisi, 66(4): 177-186.
  • Lelley,T., Balázs, E., Tepfer, M., 2002. Ecological impact of GMO dissemination in Agro-Ecosystems. Austria, p. 218.
  • Lövei, G.L., 2001. Ecological risks and benefits of transgenic plants. New Zealand Plant Protection, 54: 93-100.
  • Lövei,G. L., Andow, D.A., Arpaia, S., 2009. Transgenic insecticidal crops and natural enemies: A detailed review of laboratory stu- dies. Environmental Entomology, 38(2): 293-306
  • MacIntosh,S. C., 2009. Managing the risk of insect resistance to transgenic insect control traits: Practical approaches in local environments. Pest Management Science, 65: 100-106.
  • Men, X., Ge, F., Liu, X., Yardım, E.N., 2003. 25. Diversity of art- hropod communities in transgenic Bt cotton and nontrans- genic cotton agroecosystems. Environmental Entomology, 32(2): 270-275.
  • Naranjo, S.E., Ellsworth, P.C., Chu, C.C., Henneberry, T.J., 2002. Conservation of predatory arthropods in cotton: role of action thresholds for Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). Jo- urnal of Economic Entomology, 95(4): 682-691.
  • Naranjo, S. E., 2009. Impacts of Bt crops on non-target invertebra- tes and insecticide use patterns. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Re- sources, 4(11): 1-23.
  • National Research Council. 2000. Genetically modified pest- protected plants: Science and Regulation, Washington, D.C.
  • Özcan, S., Gürel, E., Babaoğlu, M., 2001. Bitki Biyoteknolojisi II. s. 456.
  • Phipps , R.H., Park, J.R., 2002. Environmental benefits of gene- tically modified crops: Global and European perspectives on their ability to reduce pesticide use. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 11: 1-18.
  • Reed, G.L., Jensen, A.S., Riebe J., Head, G., Duan, J.J., 2001. Transgenic Bt potato and conventional ınsecticides for Co- lorado potato beetle management: Comparative efficacy and non-target impacts. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applica- ta,100: 89-100.
  • Romeis, J., Meissle, M., Bigler, F., 2006. Transgenic crops expres- sing Bacillus thuringiensis toxins and biological control. Na- ture Biotechnology, 24(1): 63-71.
  • Romeis, J., Shelton, A.M., Kennedy, G.G., 2008. Integration of insect-resistant genetically modified crops within IPM prog- rams. USA
  • Sayyed, A.H., Cerda, H., Wright, D.J., 2003. Could Bt transgenic crops have nutritionally favourable effects on resistant in- sects?. Ecology Letters, 6: 167-169.
  • Schuler,T.H., Poppy, G.M., Kerry, B.R., Denholm, I., 1999 Poten- tial side effects of insect-resistant transgenic plants on arthro- pod natural enemies. TIBTECH, 17: 210-216.
  • Stewart, C.N., 2004. Genetically modified planet,environmental ım- pacts of genetically engineered plants. New York,
  • Tabashnik, B.E., Gassmann, A J., Crowder, D.W., Carrière, Y., 2008. Insect resistance to Bt crops: Evidence versus theory. Nature Biotechnology, 26(2): 199-202.

The Effects of Genetically Modified Plants on Insects

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 4, 29 - 36, 31.12.2012


In recent years, in agriculture production one of the most emphasized subject of the world is the use

of genetically modified plants. The effects of genetically modified plants on the environment, especially hybridization

and horizontal gene transfer have already been discussed. Not only hybridization and horizontal gene transfer,

but also effects on insects have taken attention. The ecological effect of genetically modified plants in the food web

is one of the other subjects that have been emphasized on during the last years. In the food web, insects are “key organisms”

with herbivores, carnivores and decomposers. In this review, we focus on the effects of genetically modified

plants on; insect resistance, new plant pests emerging, biological diversity, insecticide use and natural enemies.


  • Ali, S., Zafar, Y., Xianyin, Z., Ali, G. M., Jumin,T., 2008. Transge- nic crops: Current challenges and future perspectives. African Journal of Biotechnology, 7(25): 4667-4676.
  • Ammann, K., 2005. Effects of biotechnology on biodiversity: Herbicide-tolerant and insect-resistant GM Crops. Trends in Biotechnology, 23(8): 388-394.
  • Anonymous, 2006. Ecological impacts of genetically modifi- ed crops. Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon Research Station ART, Zurich.
  • Anonymous, 2008. Who benefits from GM crops? The rise in pesti- cide use. Friends of the Earth International 112.
  • Anonymous, 2009a. Genetiği değiştirilmiş organizmalara (GDO) dair yönetmelikle ilgili basın açıklaması. http://www.tarim.,haber_Detayli_Gosterim.html?NewsID=607 (Erişim tarihi: 01.05.2010).
  • Anonymous, 2009b. Focus on environmental impacts- Biotech crops-evidence, Outcomes and Impacts 1996-2007. http:// (Erişim tarihi: 26.04.2010).
  • Anonymous, 2010a. Agro-biotechnology: New plant pest caused by genetically engineered corn. Testbiotech Institute for In- dependent Impact Assessment in Biotechnology, München , Germany.
  • Anonymous, 2010b. Biyogüvenlik Kanunu. Resmî Gazete, Sayı: 27533.
  • Anonymous, 2010c. Who benefits from GM crops? Friends of the Earth International. Benefits/who_ benefits_full_report_2010.pdf (Erişim tarihi: 25.04.2010).
  • Bates, S.L., Zhao, J.Z., Roush, R.T., Shelton, A.M., 2005. Insect Re- sistance Management in GM Crops: Past, Present and Future. Nature Biotechnology, 23(1): 57-62.
  • Batie, S.S., 2003. The environmental impacts of genetically modi- fied plants: Challenges to decision making. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 85(5): 1107-1111.
  • Benbrook, C., 2001. Do Gm crops mean less pesticide use? Pestici- de Outlook, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 204-207.
  • Cannon, R.J.C., 2000. Bt transgenic crops: Risks and benefits. In- tegrated Pest Management Reviews, 5: 151-173.
  • Catangui, M.A., Berg, R.K., 2006. Western Bean Cutworm, Stri- acosta albicosta (Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), as a po- tential pest of transgenic Cry1Ab Bacillus thuringiensis Corn Hybrids in South Dakota. Environmental Entomology, 35(5): 1439-1452.
  • Chen, M., Zhao, J.Z., Collins, H.L., Earle, E.D., Cao, J., Shelton, A.M., 2008. A critical assessment of the effects of bt transge- nic plants on parasitoids. PLoS ONE, 3(5): 1-7.
  • Christou, P., Capell, T., Kohli, A., Gatehouse, J.A., Gatehouse, A.M.R., 2006. Recent developments and future prospects in insect pest control in transgenic crops. TRENDS in Plant Sci- ence, 11(6): 302-308.
  • Conner, A.J., Glare, T.R., Nap, J.P., 2003. The release of geneti- cally modified crops into the environment. The Plant Jour- nal,33: 19–46.
  • Çelik, V., Balık, D.T., 2007. Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Organizmalar (GDO). Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergi- si, 23(1-2): 13-23.
  • Demir, A., Seyis, F., Kurt, O., 2006. Genetik yapısı değiştirilmiş or- ganizmalar: I. Bitkiler. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Ziraat Fa- kültesi Dergisi, 21(2): 249-260.
  • Eichenseer, H., Strohbehn, R., Burks, J.C., 2008. Frequency and se- verity of Western Bean Cutworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) ear damage in transgenic corn hybrids expressing different Bacillus thuringiensis cry toxins. Journal of Economic Ento- mology, 101(2): 555-563.
  • Ferry, N., Gatehouse, A.M.R., 2009. Environmental impact of gene- tically modified crops. UK.
  • Fontes, E.M.G., Pires, C.S.S., Sujii, E.R., Panizzi, A.R., 2002. The environmental effects of genetically modified crops resistant to insects. Neotropical Entomology, 31(4): 497-513.
  • Glare, T.R., O’Callaghan, M., Malone, L.A., Burgess, E.P.J., 2001. Summary of current scientific awareness of the effect of gene- tically modified organisms on the natural environment. Report for The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, AgResearch.
  • Hagvar, E., Aasen, S., 2004. Possible effects of genetically modifi- ed plants on insects in the plant food web. Latvijas Entomo- logs, 41: 111-117.
  • Harwood, J.D., Wallin, W.G., Obrycki, J.J., 2005. Uptake of Bt en- dotoxins by nontarget herbivores and higher order arthropod predators: molecular evidence from a transgenic corn agroe- cosystem. Molecular Ecology, 14: 2815-2823.
  • Head, G., Moar, W., Eubanks, M., Freeman, B., Ruberson, J., Ha- gerty, A., Turnipseed, S., 2005. A multiyear, large-scale com- parison of arthropod populations on commercially managed Bt and non-Bt cotton fields. Environ. Entomology, 34(5): 1257-1266.
  • Head, G., 2005. Assessing the influence of Bt crops on natural ene- mies. Second International Symposium on Biological Control of Arthropods, Davos, Switzerland, 12-16 September.
  • Hilbeck, A., 2001. Implications of transgenic, ınsecticidal plants for ınsect and plant biodiversity. Urban & Fischer Verlag, 4(1): 43–61.
  • James, C., 2010. Global status of commercialized biotech/GM crops: 2010, ISAAA Brief 42: Executive Summary.http:// summary/pdf/Brief%2042%20-20Executive%20Summary %20-%20English.pdf (Erişim tarihi: 25.01.2012).
  • James, C., 2010. 2009 yılında üretilen transgenik ürünlerin (GDO) global durumunun özeti. ISAAA Özet41.http://www.isaaa. org/resources/publications/briefs/41/highlights/pdf/Brief%20 41%20-%20Highlights%20-%20Turkish.pdf (Erişim tarihi: 05.05.2010).
  • James, C., 2010. Pazara sunulan Biyoteknoloji/GDO Ürünlerin Global Durumu: 2010. cations/ briefs/42/highlights/pdf/Brief%2042%20-%20High- lights %20-%20Turkish.pdf (Erişim tarihi:25.01.2012).
  • Kaynar, P., 2010. Genetik olarak değiştirilmiş organizmalar (GDO)’a genel bir bakış. Türk Hijyen ve Deneysel Biyolo- ji Dergisi, 66(4): 177-186.
  • Lelley,T., Balázs, E., Tepfer, M., 2002. Ecological impact of GMO dissemination in Agro-Ecosystems. Austria, p. 218.
  • Lövei, G.L., 2001. Ecological risks and benefits of transgenic plants. New Zealand Plant Protection, 54: 93-100.
  • Lövei,G. L., Andow, D.A., Arpaia, S., 2009. Transgenic insecticidal crops and natural enemies: A detailed review of laboratory stu- dies. Environmental Entomology, 38(2): 293-306
  • MacIntosh,S. C., 2009. Managing the risk of insect resistance to transgenic insect control traits: Practical approaches in local environments. Pest Management Science, 65: 100-106.
  • Men, X., Ge, F., Liu, X., Yardım, E.N., 2003. 25. Diversity of art- hropod communities in transgenic Bt cotton and nontrans- genic cotton agroecosystems. Environmental Entomology, 32(2): 270-275.
  • Naranjo, S.E., Ellsworth, P.C., Chu, C.C., Henneberry, T.J., 2002. Conservation of predatory arthropods in cotton: role of action thresholds for Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). Jo- urnal of Economic Entomology, 95(4): 682-691.
  • Naranjo, S. E., 2009. Impacts of Bt crops on non-target invertebra- tes and insecticide use patterns. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Re- sources, 4(11): 1-23.
  • National Research Council. 2000. Genetically modified pest- protected plants: Science and Regulation, Washington, D.C.
  • Özcan, S., Gürel, E., Babaoğlu, M., 2001. Bitki Biyoteknolojisi II. s. 456.
  • Phipps , R.H., Park, J.R., 2002. Environmental benefits of gene- tically modified crops: Global and European perspectives on their ability to reduce pesticide use. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 11: 1-18.
  • Reed, G.L., Jensen, A.S., Riebe J., Head, G., Duan, J.J., 2001. Transgenic Bt potato and conventional ınsecticides for Co- lorado potato beetle management: Comparative efficacy and non-target impacts. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applica- ta,100: 89-100.
  • Romeis, J., Meissle, M., Bigler, F., 2006. Transgenic crops expres- sing Bacillus thuringiensis toxins and biological control. Na- ture Biotechnology, 24(1): 63-71.
  • Romeis, J., Shelton, A.M., Kennedy, G.G., 2008. Integration of insect-resistant genetically modified crops within IPM prog- rams. USA
  • Sayyed, A.H., Cerda, H., Wright, D.J., 2003. Could Bt transgenic crops have nutritionally favourable effects on resistant in- sects?. Ecology Letters, 6: 167-169.
  • Schuler,T.H., Poppy, G.M., Kerry, B.R., Denholm, I., 1999 Poten- tial side effects of insect-resistant transgenic plants on arthro- pod natural enemies. TIBTECH, 17: 210-216.
  • Stewart, C.N., 2004. Genetically modified planet,environmental ım- pacts of genetically engineered plants. New York,
  • Tabashnik, B.E., Gassmann, A J., Crowder, D.W., Carrière, Y., 2008. Insect resistance to Bt crops: Evidence versus theory. Nature Biotechnology, 26(2): 199-202.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Bitki Koruma / Plant Protection

Ekrem Ögür

Celal Tuncer Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2012
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Mart 2012
Kabul Tarihi 19 Ekim 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Ögür, E., & Tuncer, C. (2012). Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Bitkilerin Böceklere Etkileri. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 2(4), 29-36.
AMA Ögür E, Tuncer C. Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Bitkilerin Böceklere Etkileri. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. Aralık 2012;2(4):29-36.
Chicago Ögür, Ekrem, ve Celal Tuncer. “Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Bitkilerin Böceklere Etkileri”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 2, sy. 4 (Aralık 2012): 29-36.
EndNote Ögür E, Tuncer C (01 Aralık 2012) Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Bitkilerin Böceklere Etkileri. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 2 4 29–36.
IEEE E. Ögür ve C. Tuncer, “Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Bitkilerin Böceklere Etkileri”, Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der., c. 2, sy. 4, ss. 29–36, 2012.
ISNAD Ögür, Ekrem - Tuncer, Celal. “Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Bitkilerin Böceklere Etkileri”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 2/4 (Aralık 2012), 29-36.
JAMA Ögür E, Tuncer C. Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Bitkilerin Böceklere Etkileri. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2012;2:29–36.
MLA Ögür, Ekrem ve Celal Tuncer. “Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Bitkilerin Böceklere Etkileri”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, c. 2, sy. 4, 2012, ss. 29-36.
Vancouver Ögür E, Tuncer C. Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Bitkilerin Böceklere Etkileri. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2012;2(4):29-36.